#include "pch.h"
#include "compress.h"
DWORD _cdecl wmain(DWORD argc, LPCWSTR argv[] ) /*++
Routine Description : This is the main routine which calls other routines for processing the options and finding the files.
[ IN ] argc : A DWORD variable having the argument count.
[ IN ] argv : An array of constant strings of command line options.
Return Value : DWORD Returns successfully if function is success otherwise return failure.
--*/ { TARRAY FileArr; TARRAY OutFileArr; DWORD dwStatus = 0; DWORD dwCount = 0; DWORD dwLoop = 0; BOOL bStatus = FALSE; BOOL bRename = FALSE; BOOL bNoLogo = FALSE; BOOL bUpdate = FALSE; BOOL bZx = FALSE; BOOL bZ = FALSE; BOOL bUsage = FALSE; WCHAR *wszPattern = NULL; DWORD dw = 0; BOOL bFound = FALSE; BOOL bTarget = FALSE;
if( argc<=1 ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString( IDS_INVALID_SYNTAX ) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString( IDS_HELP_MESSAGE) ); return( EXIT_FAILURE); }
dwStatus = ProcessOptions( argc, argv, &bRename, &bNoLogo, &bUpdate, &bZ, &bZx, &FileArr, &bUsage); if( EXIT_FAILURE == dwStatus ) { DestroyDynamicArray( &FileArr); ReleaseGlobals(); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
if( TRUE == bUsage ) { DisplayHelpUsage(); DestroyDynamicArray( &FileArr); ReleaseGlobals(); return(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
OutFileArr = CreateDynamicArray(); if( NULL == OutFileArr ) { SetLastError( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); swprintf( szBuffer, L"%s %s", GetResString(IDS_TAG_ERROR), GetReason() ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, _X(szBuffer) ); DestroyDynamicArray( &FileArr); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
dwStatus = CheckArguments( bRename, FileArr, &OutFileArr, &bTarget ); if( EXIT_FAILURE == dwStatus ) { DestroyDynamicArray( &OutFileArr); DestroyDynamicArray( &FileArr); ReleaseGlobals(); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
dwCount = DynArrayGetCount( OutFileArr );
//the input file list not neccessary, destroy it
DestroyDynamicArray(&FileArr );
dwStatus = DoCompress( OutFileArr, bRename, bUpdate, bNoLogo, bZx, bZ, bTarget);
ReleaseGlobals(); DestroyDynamicArray( &OutFileArr);
return( dwStatus );
DWORD CheckArguments( IN BOOL bRename, IN TARRAY FileArr, OUT PTARRAY OutFileArr, OUT PBOOL bTarget ) /*++
Routine Description: Checks the validity of input files and returns full path names of files and target file specification. Arguments :
[ IN ] bRename : A boolean variable specified whether rename option is specified or not.
[ IN ] FileArr : A dynamic array of list of files specified at command prompt.
[ OUT ] OutFileArr: A dynamic array consists of complete file paths to be compressed.
[ OUT ] bTarget : A boolean variable represents whether target file is specified or not.
Return Value : DWORD Returns EXIT_SUCCESS if syntax of files is correct, returns EXIT_FAILURE otherwise.
--*/ { WIN32_FIND_DATA fData; HANDLE hFData; DWORD dwCount = 0; DWORD dw = 0; DWORD dwAttr = 0; LPWSTR szTempFile = NULL; LPWSTR szTemp = NULL; WCHAR* szTemp1 = NULL; WCHAR* szTemp2 = NULL; WCHAR* szFileName1 = NULL; WCHAR* szDirectory = NULL; WCHAR szFileName[MAX_RES_STRING] = NULL_STRING; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_RES_STRING] = NULL_STRING; BOOL bFound = FALSE; DWORD cb = 0;
//get the count of files
dwCount = DynArrayGetCount( FileArr );
//check if destination is not specified without rename specification
if( 1 == dwCount && FALSE == bRename) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString( IDS_NO_DESTINATION_SPECIFIED ) ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
//convert the source file names into full path names
for( dw=0; dw<=dwCount-1; dw++ ) { szTempFile = (LPWSTR)DynArrayItemAsString( FileArr, dw ); if( NULL == szTempFile ) continue;
lstrcpy( szFileName, szTempFile );
//if the filename is a pattern, then find the matched files
if( (szTemp=wcsstr(szFileName, L"?")) != NULL || (szTemp = wcsstr( szFileName, L"*" )) != NULL ) { //get the directory path from given file pattern
if( (szTemp = wcsstr(szFileName, L"\\")) != NULL ) { szDirectory = malloc( lstrlen(szFileName)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); if( NULL == szDirectory ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString(IDS_TAG_ERROR) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, EMPTY_SPACE ); SetLastError( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetReason() ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } lstrcpy( szDirectory, szFileName ); szTemp1 = wcsrchr( szDirectory, L'\\'); szTemp1++; *szTemp1 = 0;
} hFData = FindFirstFileEx( szFileName, FindExInfoStandard, &fData, FindExSearchNameMatch, NULL, 0);
//if no file found insert File Not Found code
if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFData ) break;
do { if( lstrcmp(fData.cFileName, L".")!=0 && lstrcmp(fData.cFileName, L"..") != 0 && !(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY & fData.dwFileAttributes) ) { //copy the file into temporary file and get the full path for that file
if( szDirectory != NULL ) szFileName1 = malloc( (lstrlen(szDirectory)+lstrlen(fData.cFileName)+10)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); else szFileName1 = malloc( (lstrlen(fData.cFileName)+10)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); if(NULL == szFileName1 ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString(IDS_TAG_ERROR) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, EMPTY_SPACE ); SetLastError( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetReason() ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if( szDirectory != NULL ) swprintf( szFileName1, L"%s%s", szDirectory, fData.cFileName ); else lstrcpy( szFileName1, fData.cFileName );
DynArrayAppendString( *OutFileArr, szFileName1, lstrlen(szFileName1) ); SAFE_FREE( szFileName1 ); bFound = TRUE; }
}while(FindNextFile(hFData, &fData)); FindClose(hFData);
//if not found insert file not found into array
if( !bFound ) DynArrayAppendString( *OutFileArr, FILE_NOT_FOUND, lstrlen(FILE_NOT_FOUND) ); SAFE_FREE( szDirectory ); } else { //append the file
DynArrayAppendString( *OutFileArr, szFileName, lstrlen(szFileName) ); }
//check if more than two source files specified and destination is a directory or not
//get count
dwCount = DynArrayGetCount( *OutFileArr );
if( dwCount<=1 && FALSE == bRename ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString( IDS_NO_DESTINATION_SPECIFIED ) ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
*bTarget = FALSE;
if( 2==dwCount ) { //get the target file
szTempFile = (LPWSTR)DynArrayItemAsString( *OutFileArr, dwCount-1 ); if ( NULL == szTempFile ) { //No need to break here..continue..
dwAttr = GetFileAttributes( szTempFile );
if( -1 == dwAttr ) { if( FALSE == bRename ) *bTarget = TRUE; } else if( (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) *bTarget = TRUE; else if( FALSE == bRename ) *bTarget = TRUE; }
//if multiple source files specified
if( dwCount > 2 ) { //get the target file
szTempFile = (LPWSTR)DynArrayItemAsString( *OutFileArr, dwCount-1 ); if ( NULL == szTempFile ) { //No need to break here..continue
dwAttr = GetFileAttributes( szTempFile );
//check for nonexisting file
if( -1 == dwAttr && FALSE == bRename ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString( IDS_DIRECTORY_NOTFOUND) ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
//if target name is not directory and bRename is not specified
if( !(dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && FALSE == bRename ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString( IDS_INVALID_DIRECTORY ) ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
if( (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) *bTarget = TRUE;
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
DWORD DoCompress( IN TARRAY FileArr, IN BOOL bRename, IN BOOL bUpdate, IN BOOL bNoLogo, IN BOOL bZx, IN BOOL bZ, IN BOOL bTarget ) /*++
Routine Description : This routine compresses the specified files into target files.
[ IN ] FileArr : A list of source and target files for compression.
[ IN ] bRename : A boolean varaible specifies whether output file is a rename of source file or not.
[ IN ] bUpdate : A boolean varaible specifies compress if outof date.
[ IN ] bUpdate : A boolean varaible specifies if copy right info display or not.
[ IN ] bZx : A boolean varaible specifies LZX compression apply or not.
[ IN ] bZ : A boolean varaible specifies ZIP compression apply or not.
[ IN ] dwZq : A varaible specifies level of Quantom compression to apply if specified.
[ IN ] bTarget : A boolean varaible tells whether target file is specified or not.
Return Value :
EXIT_SUCCESS if succefully compressed all the files, return EXIT_FAILURE otherwise.
--*/ { TARRAY OutFileArr; PLZINFO pLZI; TCOMP Level; TCOMP Mem;
DWORD dwStatus = 0; DWORD dwCount = 0; DWORD dwLoop = 0; DWORD dw = 0; DWORD dwAttr = 0; BOOL bFound = FALSE; WCHAR wchTemp = 0; LPWSTR szLastfile = NULL; LPWSTR szSourcefile = NULL; WCHAR* szTargetfile = NULL; WCHAR* szOutfile = NULL; CHAR* szSourcefiletmp = NULL; CHAR* szOutfiletmp = NULL; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH] = NULL_STRING; DWORD fError = 0; float cblTotInSize = 0.0; float cblTotOutSize = 0.0; float cblAdjInSize = 0; float cblAdjOutSize = 0; DWORD dwFilesCount = 0; int cb = 0;
dwCount = dwLoop = DynArrayGetCount( FileArr );
//take the last file as target file
if( bTarget ) { szLastfile = (LPWSTR)DynArrayItemAsString( FileArr, dwCount-1 ); if ( NULL == szLastfile ) { //No need to break here..continue..
dwLoop--; }
//intialize the global buffers
pLZI = InitGlobalBuffersEx(); if (!pLZI) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, L"Unable to initialize\n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if( bZx ) { // LZX. Also set memory.
//Mem = (TCOMP)atoi("");
Mem = (TCOMP)0;
if((Mem < (tcompLZX_WINDOW_LO >> tcompSHIFT_LZX_WINDOW)) || (Mem > (tcompLZX_WINDOW_HI >> tcompSHIFT_LZX_WINDOW))) {
Mem = (tcompLZX_WINDOW_LO >> tcompSHIFT_LZX_WINDOW); }
byteAlgorithm = LZX_ALG; DiamondCompressionType = TCOMPfromLZXWindow( Mem ); } else if( bZ ) { DiamondCompressionType = tcompTYPE_MSZIP; byteAlgorithm = MSZIP_ALG; } else { DiamondCompressionType = 0; byteAlgorithm = DEFAULT_ALG; }
/* no quantom support for this shipment
if(dwZq != 0 ) { //
// Quantum. Also set level.
Level = (TCOMP)dwZq;
//not supported yet, keep this for the time sake
//Mem = (p = strchr(argv[i]+3,',')) ? (TCOMP)atoi(p+1) : 0;
Mem = 0;
if((Level < (tcompQUANTUM_LEVEL_LO >> tcompSHIFT_QUANTUM_LEVEL)) || (Level > (tcompQUANTUM_LEVEL_HI >> tcompSHIFT_QUANTUM_LEVEL))) {
Level = ((tcompQUANTUM_LEVEL_HI - tcompQUANTUM_LEVEL_LO) / 2) + tcompQUANTUM_LEVEL_LO;
Level >>= tcompSHIFT_QUANTUM_LEVEL; }
if((Mem < (tcompQUANTUM_MEM_LO >> tcompSHIFT_QUANTUM_MEM)) || (Mem > (tcompQUANTUM_MEM_HI >> tcompSHIFT_QUANTUM_MEM))) {
Mem = ((tcompQUANTUM_MEM_HI - tcompQUANTUM_MEM_LO) / 2) + tcompQUANTUM_MEM_LO;
Mem >>= tcompSHIFT_QUANTUM_MEM; }
byteAlgorithm = QUANTUM_ALG; DiamondCompressionType = TCOMPfromTypeLevelMemory( tcompTYPE_QUANTUM, Level, Mem ); }
*/ //display one blank line
if( !bNoLogo ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stdout, GetResString( IDS_BANNER_TEXT ) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stdout, GetResString( IDS_VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STR ) ); }
//now compress the source files one by one
for( dw=0; dw<dwLoop; dw++ ) { //get the source file
szSourcefile = (LPWSTR)DynArrayItemAsString( FileArr, dw ); if( NULL == szSourcefile ) continue;
if( lstrcmp( szSourcefile, FILE_NOT_FOUND) == 0 ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString( IDS_FILE_NOTFOUND ) ); continue; }
//get file attributes
dwAttr = GetFileAttributes( szSourcefile );
//check if file exist or not
if( -1 == dwAttr ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE1( stderr, szBuffer, GetResString( IDS_NO_SOURCEFILE ), szSourcefile ); continue; }
//skip if it is a direcotry
if( dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) continue;
//make the target file
//check if it is a directory
if( bTarget ) { dwAttr = GetFileAttributes( szLastfile );
if( -1 != dwAttr && (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { szTargetfile = malloc( (lstrlen(szLastfile)+lstrlen(szSourcefile)+10)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); if(NULL == szTargetfile ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString(IDS_TAG_ERROR) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, EMPTY_SPACE ); SetLastError( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetReason() ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } swprintf( szTargetfile, L"%s\\%s", szLastfile, szSourcefile ); } else { szTargetfile = malloc( (lstrlen(szLastfile)+10)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); if(NULL == szTargetfile ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString(IDS_TAG_ERROR) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, EMPTY_SPACE ); SetLastError( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetReason() ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } swprintf( szTargetfile, L"%s", szLastfile ); }
} else { //obviously rename has specified, copy source file into target file
szTargetfile = malloc( (lstrlen(szSourcefile)+10)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); if(NULL == szTargetfile ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString(IDS_TAG_ERROR) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, EMPTY_SPACE ); SetLastError( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetReason() ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } lstrcpy( szTargetfile, szSourcefile); }
//allocate memory for szOutfile
szOutfile = malloc( (lstrlen(szTargetfile)+10)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); if(NULL == szTargetfile ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString(IDS_TAG_ERROR) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, EMPTY_SPACE ); SetLastError( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetReason() ); SAFE_FREE( szTargetfile ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } lstrcpy( szOutfile, szTargetfile );
if( bRename ) MakeCompressedNameW( szTargetfile );
if (( !bUpdate ) || ( FileTimeIsNewer( szSourcefile, szTargetfile ))) {
//if the diamond compression type is given
if(DiamondCompressionType) { //convert source file and target file names from wide char string to char strings
//this is because the API in lib is written for char strings only
cb = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, szSourcefile, lstrlen( szSourcefile ), szSourcefiletmp, 0, NULL, NULL );
szSourcefiletmp = malloc( (cb+10)*sizeof(char) ); if(NULL == szTargetfile ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString(IDS_TAG_ERROR) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, EMPTY_SPACE ); SetLastError( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetReason() ); SAFE_FREE( szTargetfile ); SAFE_FREE( szOutfile ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
cb = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, szOutfile, lstrlen( szOutfile ), szOutfiletmp, 0, NULL, NULL ); szOutfiletmp = malloc( (cb+10)*sizeof(char) ); if(NULL == szTargetfile ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString(IDS_TAG_ERROR) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, EMPTY_SPACE ); SetLastError( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetReason() ); SAFE_FREE( szTargetfile ); SAFE_FREE( szOutfile ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
ZeroMemory(szSourcefiletmp, lstrlen(szSourcefile)+10 ); ZeroMemory(szOutfiletmp, lstrlen(szOutfile)+10);
if( FALSE == WideCharToMultiByte( CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, szSourcefile, lstrlen( szSourcefile ), szSourcefiletmp, cb+10, NULL, NULL ) ) { SaveLastError(); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString(IDS_TAG_ERROR) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, EMPTY_SPACE ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetReason() ); SAFE_FREE( szTargetfile ); SAFE_FREE( szOutfile ); SAFE_FREE( szSourcefiletmp ); SAFE_FREE( szOutfiletmp ); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
if( FALSE == WideCharToMultiByte( CP_THREAD_ACP, 0, szOutfile, lstrlen( szOutfile ), szOutfiletmp, cb+10, NULL, NULL ) ) { SaveLastError(); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString(IDS_TAG_ERROR) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, EMPTY_SPACE ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetReason() ); SAFE_FREE( szTargetfile ); SAFE_FREE( szOutfile ); SAFE_FREE( szSourcefiletmp ); SAFE_FREE( szOutfiletmp ); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
fError = DiamondCompressFile(ProcessNotification, szSourcefiletmp, szOutfiletmp,bRename,pLZI); } else { fError = Compress(ProcessNotification, szSourcefile, szOutfile, byteAlgorithm, bRename, pLZI); }
if(fError == TRUE) { bFound = TRUE; dwFilesCount++;
if (pLZI && pLZI->cblInSize && pLZI->cblOutSize) {
// Keep track of cumulative statistics.
cblTotInSize += pLZI->cblInSize; cblTotOutSize += pLZI->cblOutSize;
// Display report for each file.
fwprintf(stdout, GetResString( IDS_FILE_REPORT ),szSourcefile, pLZI->cblInSize, pLZI->cblOutSize, (INT)(100 - ((100 * (LONGLONG) pLZI->cblOutSize) / pLZI->cblInSize)));
} else { fwprintf( stderr, GetResString( IDS_EMPTY_FILE_REPORT ), 0,0 );
} // Separate individual file processing message blocks by a blank line.
} } else { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stdout, GetResString( IDS_FILE_ALREADY_UPDATED ) ); FreeGlobalBuffers(pLZI); SAFE_FREE( szTargetfile ); SAFE_FREE( szOutfile ); SAFE_FREE( szSourcefiletmp ); SAFE_FREE( szOutfiletmp ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); }
SAFE_FREE( szTargetfile ); SAFE_FREE( szOutfile ); SAFE_FREE( szSourcefiletmp ); SAFE_FREE( szOutfiletmp );
// Free memory used by ring buffer and I/O buffers.
// Display cumulative report for multiple files.
if (dwFilesCount >= 1 && bFound) {
cblAdjInSize = cblTotInSize; cblAdjOutSize = cblTotOutSize;
while (cblAdjInSize > 100000) { cblAdjInSize /= 2; cblAdjOutSize /= 2; }
cblAdjOutSize += (cblAdjInSize / 200); // round off (+0.5%)
if (cblAdjOutSize < 0) { cblAdjOutSize = 0; }
fwprintf(stdout, GetResString( IDS_TOTAL_REPORT ), dwFilesCount, (DWORD)cblTotInSize, (DWORD)cblTotOutSize, (INT)(100 - 100 * cblAdjOutSize / cblAdjInSize)); }
SAFE_FREE( szTargetfile ); SAFE_FREE( szOutfile ); SAFE_FREE( szSourcefiletmp ); SAFE_FREE( szOutfiletmp );
if( bFound ) return EXIT_SUCCESS; else return EXIT_FAILURE; }
DWORD ProcessOptions( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCWSTR argv[], OUT PBOOL pbRename, OUT PBOOL pbNoLogo, OUT PBOOL pbUpdate, OUT PBOOL pbZ, OUT PBOOL pbZx, OUT PTARRAY pArrVal, OUT PBOOL pbUsage ) /*++
Routine Description : Function used to process the main options
Arguments: [ in ] argc : Number of command line arguments [ in ] argv : Array containing command line arguments [ out ] pbRename : A pointer to boolean variable returns TRUE if Rename option is specified. [ out ] pbNoLogo : A pointer to boolean variable returns TRUE if Suppress option is specified. [ out ] pbUpdate : A pointer to boolean variable returns TRUE if Update option is specified. [ out ] pbZx : A pointer to boolean variable returns TRUE if Zx option is specified. [ out ] pbZ : A pointer to boolean variable returns TRUE if Z option is specified. [ out ] dwZq : A pointer to a DWORD variable returns value for quantom compression. [ out ] pArrVal : A pointer to dynamic array returns file names specified as default options. [ out ] pbUsage : A pointer to boolean variable returns TRUE if Usage option is specified.
Return Type : DWORD A Integer value indicating EXIT_SUCCESS on successful parsing of command line else EXIT_FAILURE
*pArrVal=CreateDynamicArray(); if( NULL == *pArrVal ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString(IDS_NO_MEMORY) ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
//set the flags for options
cmdOptions[OI_DEFAULT].pValue = pArrVal; cmdOptions[OI_DEFAULT].dwFlags = CP_DEFAULT | CP_MODE_ARRAY | CP_TYPE_TEXT; // cmdOptions[OI_ZQ].dwFlags = CP_VALUE_MASK | CP_TYPE_UNUMERIC | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY;
//process the command line options and display error if it fails
if( DoParseParam( argc, argv, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(cmdOptions ), cmdOptions ) == FALSE ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr, GetResString(IDS_ERROR_TAG) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetReason()); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
//if usage specified with any other value display error and return with failure
if( ( TRUE == *pbUsage ) && ( argc > 2 ) ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString(IDS_INVALID_SYNTAX) ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
if( TRUE == *pbUsage ) return( EXIT_SUCCESS);
if( cmdOptions[OI_ZQ].dwActuals != 0 && cmdOptions[OI_Z].dwActuals != 0 ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString(IDS_MORETHAN_ONE_OPTION ) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString( IDS_HELP_MESSAGE) ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
//dont allow more than one option
if( cmdOptions[OI_ZQ].dwActuals != 0 && cmdOptions[OI_ZX].dwActuals != 0 ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString(IDS_MORETHAN_ONE_OPTION ) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString( IDS_HELP_MESSAGE) ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } */ if( cmdOptions[OI_ZX].dwActuals != 0 && cmdOptions[OI_Z].dwActuals != 0 ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString(IDS_MORETHAN_ONE_OPTION ) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString( IDS_HELP_MESSAGE) ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
//check if wrong value is specified for zq quantom level
if( cmdOptions[OI_ZQ].dwActuals != 0 && !(*pdwZq>=1 && *pdwZq<=7) ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString( IDS_ERROR_QUANTOM_LEVEL ) ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString( IDS_HELP_MESSAGE) ); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } */
dwCount = DynArrayGetCount( *pArrVal ); if( 0 == dwCount ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr, GetResString( IDS_NO_FILE_SPECIFIED ) ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
//this is to check if illegal characters are specified in file name
for(dw=0; dw<dwCount; dw++ ) { szBuffer=(LPWSTR)DynArrayItemAsString( *pArrVal, dw); if( NULL == szBuffer ) continue; pos = wcscspn( szBuffer, ILLEGAL_CHR ); if( pos< (DWORD)lstrlen(szBuffer) ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE1( stderr, szBuffer1, GetResString( INVALID_FILE_NAME ), szBuffer ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } }
return( EXIT_SUCCESS );
DWORD DisplayHelpUsage() /*++
Routine Description : This routine is to display the help usage.
Return Value : DWORD Returns success.
--*/ { DWORD dw = 0;
for(dw=IDS_MAIN_HELP_BEGIN;dw<=IDS_MAIN_HELP_END;dw++) DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stdout, GetResString(dw) ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS); }