// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// File: DomainPage.cpp
// Synopsis: Defines the new domain name page used in the
// Express path for the CYS Wizard
// History: 02/08/2001 JeffJon Created
#include "pch.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "InstallationUnitProvider.h"
#include "DomainPage.h"
static PCWSTR DOMAIN_PAGE_HELP = L"cys.chm::/typical_setup.htm#typicaldomainname";
ADDomainPage::~ADDomainPage() { LOG_DTOR(ADDomainPage); }
void ADDomainPage::OnInit() { LOG_FUNCTION(ADDomainPage::OnInit);
// Set the default DNS domain name
SetDefaultDNSName(); }
void ADDomainPage::SetDefaultDNSName() { LOG_FUNCTION(ADDomainPage::SetDefaultDNSName);
// default to smallbusiness.local unless we can construct
// the name from the RegisteredOrganization regkey
String newDomainDNSName = L"smallbusiness.local";
do { String organizationName;
bool regResult = GetRegKeyValue( CYS_ORGNAME_REGKEY, CYS_ORGNAME_VALUE, organizationName);
if (!regResult || organizationName.empty()) { // default back to smallbusiness.local
LOG(L"Failed to read the orgname from registry so defaulting to smallbusiness.local"); break; }
String dnsName = String::format(IDS_EXPRESS_DNS_NAME_FORMAT, organizationName.c_str());
DNSNameSyntaxError dnsNameError = ValidateDomainDnsNameSyntax(dnsName);
if (dnsNameError == DNS_NAME_VALID || dnsNameError == DNS_NAME_NON_RFC || dnsNameError == DNS_NAME_NON_RFC_WITH_UNDERSCORE) { LOG( String::format( L"Name is either valid or non RFC: %1", dnsName.c_str()));
newDomainDNSName = dnsName; break; }
// since the name was invalid, try trimming
// some illegal characters (note that space is included)
static const String illegalDNSCharacters = L"\\ \'{|}~[]^`:;<>=?@!\"#$%^&()+/,*."; static const String emptyString = L"";
organizationName = organizationName.replace_each_of(illegalDNSCharacters, emptyString); LOG( String::format( L"organization name after stripping: %1", organizationName.c_str()));
dnsName = String::format(IDS_EXPRESS_DNS_NAME_FORMAT, organizationName.c_str());
dnsNameError = ValidateDomainDnsNameSyntax(dnsName);
if (dnsNameError == DNS_NAME_VALID || dnsNameError == DNS_NAME_NON_RFC || dnsNameError == DNS_NAME_NON_RFC_WITH_UNDERSCORE) { LOG( String::format( L"Stripped name is either valid or non RFC: %1", dnsName.c_str()));
newDomainDNSName = dnsName; break; }
// fall back to using smallbusiness.local
LOG(L"All attempts to convert the organization name have failed.");
} while (false);
LOG( String::format( L"Using DNS name: %1", newDomainDNSName.c_str()));
Win::SetDlgItemText( hwnd, IDC_DOMAIN, newDomainDNSName);
static void enable(HWND dialog) { ASSERT(Win::IsWindow(dialog));
int next = !Win::GetTrimmedDlgItemText(dialog, IDC_DOMAIN).empty() ? PSWIZB_NEXT : 0;
Win::PropSheet_SetWizButtons( Win::GetParent(dialog), PSWIZB_BACK | next); }
bool ADDomainPage::OnSetActive() { LOG_FUNCTION(ADDomainPage::OnSetActive);
enable(hwnd); return true; }
bool ADDomainPage::OnCommand( HWND /* windowFrom */ , unsigned controlIDFrom, unsigned code) { // LOG_FUNCTION(ForestPage::OnCommand);
switch (controlIDFrom) { case IDC_DOMAIN: { if (code == EN_CHANGE) { enable(hwnd); } break; } default: { // do nothing
break; } }
return false; }
int ADDomainPage::Validate() { LOG_FUNCTION(ADDomainPage::Validate);
int nextPage = -1;
do { String domain = Win::GetTrimmedDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_DOMAIN); LOG(String::format(L"domain = %1", domain.c_str()));
if (!ValidateDomainDnsNameSyntax(hwnd, IDC_DOMAIN, popup)) { nextPage = -1; break; }
if (!ConfirmNetbiosLookingNameIsReallyDnsName(hwnd, IDC_DOMAIN, popup)) { nextPage = -1; break; }
// do this test last, as it is expensive
if (!ForestValidateDomainDoesNotExist(hwnd, IDC_DOMAIN, popup)) { nextPage = -1; break; }
InstallationUnitProvider::GetInstance().GetADInstallationUnit().SetNewDomainDNSName(domain); nextPage = IDD_NETBIOS_NAME; } while(false);
LOG(String::format(L"%1!d!", nextPage));
return nextPage; }