// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// File: FileInstallationUnit.cpp
// Synopsis: Defines a FileInstallationUnit
// This object has the knowledge for installing the
// quotas on disk usage and such
// History: 02/06/2001 JeffJon Created
#include "pch.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "FileInstallationUnit.h"
#include "InstallationUnitProvider.h"
#define INITGUIDS // This has to be present so the the GUIDs defined
// in dskquota.h can be linked
#include <dskquota.h>
// Finish page help
static PCWSTR CYS_FILE_FINISH_PAGE_HELP = L"cys.chm::/file_server_role.htm"; static PCWSTR CYS_FILE_MILESTONE_HELP = L"cys.chm::/file_server_role.htm#filesrvsummary"; static PCWSTR CYS_FILE_AFTER_FINISH_HELP = L"cys.chm::/file_server_role.htm#filesrvcompletion";
FileInstallationUnit::~FileInstallationUnit() { LOG_DTOR(FileInstallationUnit); }
HRESULT FileInstallationUnit::GetStartMenuShortcutPath(String& startMenuShortcutPath) const { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::GetStartMenuShortcutPath);
String startMenuPath;
hr = GetAllUsersStartMenu(startMenuPath); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { startMenuShortcutPath = FS::AppendPath( startMenuPath, String::load(IDS_FILESERVER_ADMINTOOLS_LINK));
LOG(String::format( L"Start Menu Link = %1", startMenuShortcutPath.c_str())); }
return hr; }
bool FileInstallationUnit::AddFileServerConsoleToStartMenu(HANDLE logfileHandle) { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::AddFileServerConsoleToStartMenu);
bool result = false;
// This actually adds the shortcut to both the start menu and
// the Administrative Tools menu
String target = Win::GetSystemDirectory() + L"\\filesvr.msc";
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { result = true; CYS_APPEND_LOG(String::load(IDS_FILE_LOG_ADMIN_TOOLS)); }
return result; }
InstallationReturnType FileInstallationUnit::InstallService(HANDLE logfileHandle, HWND hwnd) { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::InstallService);
InstallationReturnType result = INSTALL_SUCCESS;
// Set the default disk quotas if chosen by the user
if (setDefaultQuotas) { LOG(L"Setting default disk quotas");
// Update the status text on the progress page
UpdateInstallationProgressText(hwnd, IDS_FILE_MILESTONE_QUOTAS);
// Now check to be sure the warning level is less than the
// quota level. If its not, then log a warning
LONGLONG quotaValue = GetSpaceQuotaValue(); LONGLONG warningValue = GetLevelQuotaValue();
if (warningValue > quotaValue) { CYS_APPEND_LOG(String::load(IDS_FILE_WARNING_LARGER_THAN_QUOTA)); }
HRESULT quotasResult = WriteDiskQuotas(logfileHandle);
if (FAILED(quotasResult)) { result = INSTALL_FAILURE; } }
IndexingInstallationUnit& indexingInstallationUnit = InstallationUnitProvider::GetInstance().GetIndexingInstallationUnit();
HRESULT indexingResult = S_OK;
if (indexingInstallationUnit.IsServiceOn() && !GetInstallIndexingService()) { UpdateInstallationProgressText(hwnd, IDS_FILE_MILESTONE_INDEX_OFF);
indexingResult = indexingInstallationUnit.StopService(); if (SUCCEEDED(indexingResult)) { LOG(L"Stop indexing service succeeded");
CYS_APPEND_LOG(String::load(IDS_LOG_INDEXING_STOP_SUCCEEDED)); } else { LOG(L"Stop indexing server failed");
result = INSTALL_FAILURE; } } else if (!indexingInstallationUnit.IsServiceOn() && GetInstallIndexingService()) { UpdateInstallationProgressText(hwnd, IDS_FILE_MILESTONE_INDEX_ON);
indexingResult = indexingInstallationUnit.StartService(logfileHandle); if (SUCCEEDED(indexingResult)) { LOG(L"Start indexing service succeeded");
CYS_APPEND_LOG(String::load(IDS_LOG_INDEXING_START_SUCCEEDED)); } else { LOG(L"Start indexing server failed");
result = INSTALL_FAILURE; } }
// If not already present, add the filesvr.msc shortcut to
// the start menu
if (!IsFileServerConsolePresent()) { UpdateInstallationProgressText(hwnd, IDS_FILE_MILESTONE_INSTALL_FILE_CONSOLE);
AddFileServerConsoleToStartMenu(logfileHandle); }
// Run the shared folders wizard
UpdateInstallationProgressText(hwnd, IDS_FILE_MILESTONE_RUN_SHARE_WIZARD); RunSharedFoldersWizard(true);
// This checks to see if there was actually folder shared
if (!IsServiceInstalled()) { fileRoleResult |= FILE_NO_SHARES_FAILURE; result = INSTALL_FAILURE;
CYS_APPEND_LOG(String::load(IDS_FILE_LOG_INSTALL_FAILURE)); } else { // This overwrites the other failures because we are
// a file server if there is a share
return result; }
UnInstallReturnType FileInstallationUnit::UnInstallService(HANDLE logfileHandle, HWND hwnd) { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::UnInstallService);
UnInstallReturnType result = UNINSTALL_SUCCESS;
do { UpdateInstallationProgressText(hwnd, IDS_UNINSTALL_SHARED_FOLDERS);
if (!RemoveSharedPublicFolders()) { LOG(L"Failed to remove shared folders");
CYS_APPEND_LOG(String::load(IDS_LOG_UNINSTALL_FILE_SHARES)); if (!RemoveFileManagementConsole()) { // This should be a silent failure. Most likely the
// shortcut wasn't there to remove
LOG(L"Failed to remove file management console"); } CYS_APPEND_LOG(String::load(IDS_LOG_UNINSTALL_FILE_CONSOLE)); } while (false); LOG_UNINSTALL_RETURN(result);
return result; }
bool FileInstallationUnit::RemoveFileManagementConsole() { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::RemoveFileManagementConsole);
bool result = true;
do { String adminToolsLinkPath; HRESULT hr = GetAdminToolsShortcutPath( adminToolsLinkPath, String::load(IDS_FILESERVER_ADMINTOOLS_LINK));
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to get the shortcut path for the file management console: hr = 0x%1!x!", hr));
result = false; break; }
hr = Win::DeleteFile(adminToolsLinkPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to delete the link: hr = 0x%1!x!", hr));
result = false; break; }
} while (false);
return result; }
bool FileInstallationUnit::RemoveSharedPublicFolders() { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::RemoveSharedPublicFolders);
bool result = true;
SHARE_INFO_1* shareInfoArray = 0; NET_API_STATUS shareResult = 0;
do { DWORD entriesRead = 0; DWORD totalEntries = 0; DWORD resumeHandle = 0;
shareResult = NetShareEnum( 0, 1, reinterpret_cast<BYTE**>(&shareInfoArray), static_cast<DWORD>(-1), &entriesRead, &totalEntries, &resumeHandle);
if ((shareResult == ERROR_SUCCESS || shareResult == ERROR_MORE_DATA) && shareInfoArray) { for ( DWORD index = 0; index < entriesRead; ++index) { // Look for only normal shares and ignore special shares
// like C$, ADMIN$, and IPC$
if (!IsSpecialShare(shareInfoArray[index])) { LOG(String::format( L"Share found: %1", shareInfoArray[index].shi1_netname));
// Remove the share
NET_API_STATUS shareRemovalStatus = NetShareDel( 0, shareInfoArray[index].shi1_netname, 0);
if (shareRemovalStatus != NERR_Success) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to remove the share %1 because 0x%2!x!", shareInfoArray[index].shi1_netname, shareRemovalStatus));
result = false; break; } } } } else { LOG(String::format( L"NetShareEnum failed: result = %1!x!", shareResult)); result = false; }
if (shareInfoArray) { NetApiBufferFree(shareInfoArray); shareInfoArray = 0; }
if (!result) { break; } } while(shareResult == ERROR_MORE_DATA);
return result; }
InstallationReturnType FileInstallationUnit::CompletePath( HANDLE logfileHandle, HWND hwnd) { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::CompletePath);
InstallationReturnType result = InstallService(logfileHandle, hwnd);
return result; }
bool FileInstallationUnit::AreQuotasSet() const { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::AreQuotasSet);
bool result = false;
// Check all NTFS partitions to see if quotas have been
// turned on
do { StringVector dl; HRESULT hr = FS::GetValidDrives(std::back_inserter(dl)); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format(L"Failed to GetValidDrives: hr = %1!x!", hr)); break; }
// Loop through the list
ASSERT(dl.size()); for ( StringVector::iterator i = dl.begin(); i != dl.end(); ++i) { // For each fixed drive that supports disk quotas read the state
// and quota settings
if (FS::GetFileSystemType(*i) == FS::NTFS5 && Win::GetDriveType(*i) == DRIVE_FIXED ) { // Create a Disk Quota Control
// Multiple initializations of this object are not allowed so
// I have to create a new instance each time through the loop
SmartInterface<IDiskQuotaControl> diskQuotaControl; hr = diskQuotaControl.AcquireViaCreateInstance( CLSID_DiskQuotaControl, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDiskQuotaControl);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to create a disk quota control: hr = %1!x!", hr)); break; }
hr = diskQuotaControl->Initialize( i->c_str(), TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to initialize disk quota COM object: hr = %1!x!", hr)); continue; }
LOG(String::format( L"Getting quota state on drive %1", i->c_str()));
// Check the quota state
DWORD quotaState = 0; hr = diskQuotaControl->GetQuotaState("aState); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to get quota state: hr = %1!x!", hr)); continue; }
LOG(String::format( L"Quota state = %1!x!", quotaState));
if (quotaState & DISKQUOTA_STATE_MASK) { // One of the state bits have been set which
// means that it has been configured
// Check to see if there is a value for the limit
LONGLONG diskQuotaLimit; ZeroMemory(&diskQuotaLimit, sizeof(LONGLONG));
hr = diskQuotaControl->GetDefaultQuotaLimit(&diskQuotaLimit); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to get default quota limit: hr = %1!x!", hr)); continue; }
if (diskQuotaLimit > 0) { LOG(L"Disk quota limit is greater than 0"); result = true; break; } } } } } while (false);
return result; }
bool FileInstallationUnit::AppendDiskQuotaText(String& message) { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::AppendDiskQuotaText);
bool result = false; if (GetDefaultQuotas()) { message += String::load(IDS_FILE_FINISH_DISK_QUOTAS); result = true; }
return result; }
bool FileInstallationUnit::AppendIndexingText(String& message) { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::AppendIndexingText);
bool result = false;
IndexingInstallationUnit& indexingInstallationUnit = InstallationUnitProvider::GetInstance().GetIndexingInstallationUnit();
if (indexingInstallationUnit.IsServiceOn() && !GetInstallIndexingService()) { message += String::load(IDS_FILE_FINISH_INDEXING_OFF); result = true; } else if (!indexingInstallationUnit.IsServiceOn() && GetInstallIndexingService()) { message += String::load(IDS_FILE_FINISH_INDEXING_ON); result = true; } else { // nothing needs to be done since they are leaving it in the same state
result = false; }
return result; }
bool FileInstallationUnit::AppendAdminText(String& message) { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::AppendAdminText);
bool result = false;
if (!IsServerManagementConsolePresent() && !IsFileServerConsolePresent()) { message += String::load(IDS_FILE_FINISH_SERVER_FSC); result = true; }
LOG(message); LOG_BOOL(result);
return result; }
bool FileInstallationUnit::GetMilestoneText(String& message) { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::GetMilestoneText);
bool result = true;
AppendDiskQuotaText(message); AppendIndexingText(message); AppendAdminText(message);
message += String::load(IDS_FILE_SERVER_RUN_SHARE_WIZARD);
LOG_BOOL(result); return result; }
bool FileInstallationUnit::GetUninstallMilestoneText(String& message) { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::GetUninstallMilestoneText);
message = String::load(IDS_FILE_UNINSTALL_TEXT);
LOG_BOOL(true); return true; }
String FileInstallationUnit::GetServiceDescription() { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::GetServiceDescription);
// Dynamically determine the string based on the availability
// of services
unsigned int resourceID = descriptionID;
if (GetStatus() == STATUS_CONFIGURED) { resourceID = IDS_FILE_SERVER_DESCRIPTION_CONFIGURED; } description = String::load(resourceID);
return description; }
bool FileInstallationUnit::IsFileServerConsolePresent() const { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::IsFileServerConsolePresent);
bool result = false;
String shortcutPath; HRESULT hr = GetAdminToolsShortcutPath( shortcutPath, String::load(IDS_FILESERVER_ADMINTOOLS_LINK));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { result = FS::FileExists(shortcutPath); }
return result; }
bool FileInstallationUnit::IsServerManagementConsolePresent() const { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::IsServerManagementConsolePresent);
bool result = false;
String serverManagementConsole = Win::GetSystemDirectory() + L"\\administration\\servmgmt.msc";
LOG(String::format( L"Server Management Console = %1", serverManagementConsole.c_str()));
result = FS::FileExists(serverManagementConsole);
return result; }
void FileInstallationUnit::SetSpaceQuotaValue(LONGLONG value) { LOG_FUNCTION2( FileInstallationUnit::SetSpaceQuotaValue, String::format(L"%1!I64d!", value));
spaceQuotaValue = value; }
void FileInstallationUnit::SetLevelQuotaValue(LONGLONG value) { LOG_FUNCTION2( FileInstallationUnit::SetLevelQuotaValue, String::format(L"%1!I64d!", value));
levelQuotaValue = value; }
void FileInstallationUnit::SetDefaultQuotas(bool value) { LOG_FUNCTION2( FileInstallationUnit::SetDefaultQuotas, value ? L"true" : L"false");
setDefaultQuotas = value; }
void FileInstallationUnit::SetDenyUsersOverQuota(bool value) { LOG_FUNCTION2( FileInstallationUnit::SetDenyUsersOverQuota, value ? L"true" : L"false");
denyUsersOverQuota = value; }
void FileInstallationUnit::SetEventDiskSpaceLimit(bool value) { LOG_FUNCTION2( FileInstallationUnit::SetEventDiskSpaceLimit, value ? L"true" : L"false");
eventDiskSpaceLimit = value; }
void FileInstallationUnit::SetEventWarningLevel(bool value) { LOG_FUNCTION2( FileInstallationUnit::SetEventWarningLevel, value ? L"true" : L"false");
eventWarningLevel = value; }
void FileInstallationUnit::SetInstallIndexingService(bool value) { LOG_FUNCTION2( FileInstallationUnit::SetInstallIndexingService, value ? L"true" : L"false");
installIndexingService = value; }
HRESULT FileInstallationUnit::WriteDiskQuotas(HANDLE logfileHandle) { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::WriteDiskQuotas);
bool wasSomethingSet = false;
do { DWORD logFlags = 0; logFlags |= eventDiskSpaceLimit ? DISKQUOTA_LOGFLAG_USER_LIMIT : 0; logFlags |= eventWarningLevel ? DISKQUOTA_LOGFLAG_USER_THRESHOLD : 0;
// Get a list of the valid drives
StringVector dl; hr = FS::GetValidDrives(std::back_inserter(dl)); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format(L"Failed to GetValidDrives: hr = %1!x!", hr)); break; }
// Loop through the list
ASSERT(dl.size()); for ( StringVector::iterator i = dl.begin(); i != dl.end(); ++i) { // For each fixed drive that supports disk quotas set the new values
if (FS::GetFileSystemType(*i) == FS::NTFS5 && Win::GetDriveType(*i) == DRIVE_FIXED ) { // Create a Disk Quota Control
// Multiple initializations of this object are not allowed so
// I have to create a new instance each time through the loop
SmartInterface<IDiskQuotaControl> diskQuotaControl; hr = diskQuotaControl.AcquireViaCreateInstance( CLSID_DiskQuotaControl, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDiskQuotaControl);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to create a disk quota control: hr = %1!x!", hr)); break; }
hr = diskQuotaControl->Initialize( i->c_str(), TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) { continue; }
LOG(String::format( L"Setting quotas on drive %1", i->c_str()));
// Turn on the disk quotas
hr = diskQuotaControl->SetQuotaState(quotaState); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Disk quota set on drive %1", i->c_str()));
CYS_APPEND_LOG( String::format( String::load(IDS_LOG_DISK_QUOTA_DRIVE_FORMAT), i->c_str()));
if(denyUsersOverQuota) { LOG(L"Disk space denied to users exceeding limit");
CYS_APPEND_LOG( String::format( String::load(IDS_LOG_DISK_QUOTA_DENY_FORMAT), spaceQuotaValue)); } else { LOG(L"Disk space is not denied to users exceeding limit");
CYS_APPEND_LOG( String::format( String::load(IDS_LOG_DISK_QUOTA_NOT_DENY_FORMAT), spaceQuotaValue)); } wasSomethingSet = true; }
// Set the default quota limit
hr = diskQuotaControl->SetDefaultQuotaLimit(spaceQuotaValue); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Disk space limited to %1!I64d!", spaceQuotaValue));
CYS_APPEND_LOG( String::format( String::load(IDS_LOG_DISK_QUOTA_LIMIT_FORMAT), spaceQuotaValue));
wasSomethingSet = true; }
// Set the warning level threshold
hr = diskQuotaControl->SetDefaultQuotaThreshold(levelQuotaValue); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Disk threshold set to %1!I64d!", levelQuotaValue));
CYS_APPEND_LOG( String::format( String::load(IDS_LOG_DISK_QUOTA_THRESHOLD_FORMAT), levelQuotaValue));
wasSomethingSet = true; }
// Set the event flags
hr = diskQuotaControl->SetQuotaLogFlags(logFlags); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (eventDiskSpaceLimit) { LOG(L"An event is logged when a user exceeds disk space limit");
if (eventWarningLevel) { LOG(L"An event is logged when a user exceeds the warning limit");
CYS_APPEND_LOG( String::load(IDS_LOG_DISK_QUOTA_LOG_WARNING)); } wasSomethingSet = true; } } } } while (false);
if (FAILED(hr) && !wasSomethingSet) { CYS_APPEND_LOG( String::format( String::load(IDS_LOG_DISK_QUOTA_FAILED), hr));
fileRoleResult |= FILE_QUOTA_FAILURE; }
LOG(String::format( L"hr = %1!x!", hr));
return hr; }
int FileInstallationUnit::GetWizardStart() { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::GetWizardStart);
int nextPage = -1;
bool installingRole = true;
if (IsServiceInstalled()) { nextPage = IDD_UNINSTALL_MILESTONE_PAGE; installingRole = false; } else { if (State::GetInstance().HasNTFSDrive() && !AreQuotasSet()) { nextPage = IDD_FILE_SERVER_PAGE; } else { nextPage = IDD_INDEXING_PAGE; } }
LOG(String::format( L"nextPage = %1!d!", nextPage));
return nextPage; }
void FileInstallationUnit::ServerRoleLinkSelected(int linkIndex, HWND /*hwnd*/) { LOG_FUNCTION2( FileInstallationUnit::ServerRoleLinkSelected, String::format( L"linkIndex = %1!d!", linkIndex));
if (IsServiceInstalled()) { ASSERT(linkIndex == 0);
LaunchMYS(); } else { ASSERT(linkIndex == 0);
LOG(L"Showing configuration help");
ShowHelp(CYS_FILE_FINISH_PAGE_HELP); } } void FileInstallationUnit::FinishLinkSelected(int linkIndex, HWND /*hwnd*/) { LOG_FUNCTION2( FileInstallationUnit::FinishLinkSelected, String::format( L"linkIndex = %1!d!", linkIndex));
if (installing) { if (fileRoleResult & FILE_NO_SHARES_FAILURE) { if (fileRoleResult & FILE_QUOTA_FAILURE) { if (fileRoleResult & FILE_INDEXING_STOP_FAILURE || fileRoleResult & FILE_INDEXING_START_FAILURE) { switch (linkIndex) { case 0: RunSharedFoldersWizard(); break; case 1: LOG(L"Launch the file server management console"); LaunchMMCConsole(L"filesvr.msc"); break;
case 2: LOG(L"Launch services snapin"); LaunchMMCConsole(L"services.msc"); break;
default: ASSERT(false); break; } } else { switch (linkIndex) { case 0: RunSharedFoldersWizard(); break; case 1: LOG(L"Launch the file server management console"); LaunchMMCConsole(L"filesvr.msc"); break;
default: ASSERT(false); break; } } } else { if (fileRoleResult & FILE_INDEXING_STOP_FAILURE || fileRoleResult & FILE_INDEXING_START_FAILURE) { switch (linkIndex) { case 0: RunSharedFoldersWizard(); break; case 1: LOG(L"Launch services snapin"); LaunchMMCConsole(L"services.msc"); break;
default: ASSERT(false); break; } } else { ASSERT(linkIndex == 0); RunSharedFoldersWizard(); } } } else { if (fileRoleResult & FILE_QUOTA_FAILURE) { if (fileRoleResult & FILE_INDEXING_STOP_FAILURE || fileRoleResult & FILE_INDEXING_START_FAILURE) { switch (linkIndex) { case 0: LOG(L"Launch the file server management console"); LaunchMMCConsole(L"filesvr.msc"); break;
case 1: LOG(L"Launch services snapin"); LaunchMMCConsole(L"services.msc"); break;
default: ASSERT(false); break; } } else { ASSERT(linkIndex == 0); LaunchMMCConsole(L"filesvr.msc"); } } else { if (fileRoleResult & FILE_INDEXING_STOP_FAILURE || fileRoleResult & FILE_INDEXING_START_FAILURE) { ASSERT(linkIndex == 0); LaunchMMCConsole(L"services.msc"); } else { ASSERT(linkIndex == 0); LOG(L"Showing configuration help");
ShowHelp(CYS_FILE_AFTER_FINISH_HELP); } } } } else { ASSERT(linkIndex == 0);
LaunchMMCConsole(L"compmgmt.msc"); } }
String FileInstallationUnit::GetFinishText() { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::GetFinishText);
unsigned int messageID = finishMessageID;
if (installing) { InstallationReturnType result = GetInstallResult(); if (result != INSTALL_SUCCESS && result != INSTALL_SUCCESS_REBOOT && result != INSTALL_SUCCESS_PROMPT_REBOOT) { if (fileRoleResult & FILE_NO_SHARES_FAILURE) { if (fileRoleResult & FILE_QUOTA_FAILURE) { if (fileRoleResult & FILE_INDEXING_STOP_FAILURE) { messageID = IDS_FILE_FINISH_NOSHARES_NOQUOTA_NOINDEXSTOP; } else if (fileRoleResult & FILE_INDEXING_START_FAILURE) { messageID = IDS_FILE_FINISH_NOSHARES_NOQUOTA_NOINDEXSTART; } else { messageID = IDS_FILE_FINISH_NOSHARES_NOQUOTA; } } else { if (fileRoleResult & FILE_INDEXING_STOP_FAILURE) { messageID = IDS_FILE_FINISH_NOSHARES_NOINDEXSTOP; } else if (fileRoleResult & FILE_INDEXING_START_FAILURE) { messageID = IDS_FILE_FINISH_NOSHARES_NOINDEXSTART; } else { messageID = IDS_FILE_FINISH_NOSHARES; } } } else { if (fileRoleResult & FILE_QUOTA_FAILURE) { if (fileRoleResult & FILE_INDEXING_STOP_FAILURE) { messageID = IDS_FILE_FINISH_NOQUOTA_NOINDEXSTOP; } else if (fileRoleResult & FILE_INDEXING_START_FAILURE) { messageID = IDS_FILE_FINISH_NOQUOTA_NOINDEXSTART; } else { messageID = IDS_FILE_FINISH_NOQUOTA; } } else { if (fileRoleResult & FILE_INDEXING_STOP_FAILURE) { messageID = IDS_FILE_FINISH_NOINDEXSTOP; } else if (fileRoleResult & FILE_INDEXING_START_FAILURE) { messageID = IDS_FILE_FINISH_NOINDEXSTART; } else { messageID = IDS_FILE_INSTALL_FAILED; } } } } } else { messageID = finishUninstallMessageID;
UnInstallReturnType result = GetUnInstallResult(); if (result != UNINSTALL_SUCCESS && result != UNINSTALL_SUCCESS_REBOOT && result != UNINSTALL_SUCCESS_PROMPT_REBOOT) { messageID = finishUninstallFailedMessageID; } }
return String::load(messageID); }
void FileInstallationUnit::RunSharedFoldersWizard(bool wait) const { LOG_FUNCTION(FileInstallationUnit::RunSharedFoldersWizard);
String fullPath = FS::AppendPath( Win::GetSystemDirectory(), L"shrpubw.exe");
if (wait) { DWORD exitCode = 0;
CreateAndWaitForProcess( fullPath, String(), exitCode); } else { MyCreateProcess( fullPath, String()); } }