/*****************************************************************/ /** Copyright(c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation. **/ /*****************************************************************/
// Filename: job.c
// Description: This module contains the entry points for the AppleTalk
// monitor that manipulate jobs.
// The following are the functions contained in this module.
// All these functions are exported.
// StartDocPort
// ReadPort
// WritePort
// EndDocPort
// History:
// Aug 26,1992 frankb Initial version
// June 11,1993. NarenG Bug fixes/clean up
#include <windows.h>
#include <winspool.h>
#include <winsplp.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include <atalkwsh.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <prtdefs.h>
#include "atalkmon.h"
#include "atmonmsg.h"
#include <bltrc.h>
#include "dialogs.h"
// Call: StartDocPort
// Returns: TRUE - Success
// FALSE - Failure
// Description:
// This routine is called by the print manager to
// mark the beginning of a job to be sent to the printer on
// this port. Any performance monitoring counts are cleared,
// a check is made to insure that the printer is still open,
// open issues:
// In order to allow for the stack to be shutdown when printing is not
// happening, the first access to the AppleTalk stack happens in this
// call. A socket is created and bound to a dynamic address, and an
// attempt to connect to the NBP name of the port is made here. If
// the connection succeeds, this routine returns TRUE. If it fails, the
// socket is cleaned up and the routine returns FALSE. It is assumed that
// Winsockets will set the appropriate Win32 failure codes.
// Do we want to do any performance stuff? If so, what?
BOOL StartDocPort( IN HANDLE hPort, IN LPWSTR pPrinterName, IN DWORD JobId, IN DWORD Level, IN LPBYTE pDocInfo ) { PATALKPORT pWalker; PATALKPORT pPort; DWORD dwRetCode;
DBGPRINT(("Entering StartDocPort\n")) ;
pPort = (PATALKPORT)hPort;
if (pPort == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return(FALSE); }
// Make sure the job is valid and not marked for deletion
WaitForSingleObject(hmutexPortList, INFINITE);
for (pWalker = pPortList; pWalker != NULL; pWalker = pWalker->pNext) { if (pWalker == pPort) { if (pWalker->fPortFlags & SFM_PORT_IN_USE) dwRetCode = ERROR_DEVICE_IN_USE; else { dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; pWalker->fPortFlags |= SFM_PORT_IN_USE; } break; } }
if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) { SetLastError(dwRetCode); return(FALSE); }
do { //
// get a handle to the printer. Used to delete job and
// update job status
if (!OpenPrinter(pPrinterName, &(pWalker->hPrinter), NULL)) { dwRetCode = GetLastError(); break; }
pWalker->dwJobId = JobId;
// open and bind status socket
dwRetCode = OpenAndBindAppleTalkSocket(&(pWalker->sockStatus));
// get a socket for I/O
dwRetCode = OpenAndBindAppleTalkSocket(&(pWalker->sockIo)); if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) { ReportEvent( hEventLog, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, EVENT_CATEGORY_USAGE, EVENT_ATALKMON_STACK_NOT_STARTED, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); break; } } while(FALSE);
if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) { if (pWalker->hPrinter != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ClosePrinter(pWalker->hPrinter); if (pWalker->sockStatus != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket(pWalker->sockStatus); if (pWalker->sockIo != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket(pWalker->sockIo); pWalker->hPrinter = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; pWalker->dwJobId = 0; pWalker->fJobFlags = 0; WaitForSingleObject(hmutexPortList, INFINITE); pWalker->fPortFlags &= ~SFM_PORT_IN_USE; ReleaseMutex(hmutexPortList); SetLastError(dwRetCode); return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
// Call: ReadPort
// Returns: TRUE - Success
// FALSE - Failure
// Description:
// Synchronously reads data from the printer.
// open issues:
// the DLC implementation does not implement reads.
// The local implementation implements reads with generic ReadFile
// semantics. It's not clear from the winhelp file if ReadPort
// should return an error if there is no data to read from
// the printer. Also, since PAP is read driven, there will be no
// data waiting until a read is posted. Should we pre-post a
// read on StartDocPort?
BOOL ReadPort( IN HANDLE hPort, IN LPBYTE pBuffer, IN DWORD cbBuffer, IN LPDWORD pcbRead ){
DBGPRINT(("Entering ReadPort\n")) ;
// if data not available, wait up to a few seconds for a read to complete
// copy requested amount of data to caller's buffer
// if all data copied, post another read
return(TRUE); }
// Call: WritePort
// Returns: TRUE - Success
// FALSE - Failure
// Description:
// Synchronously writes data to the printer.
BOOL WritePort( IN HANDLE hPort, IN LPBYTE pBuffer, IN DWORD cbBuffer, IN LPDWORD pcbWritten ) { LPBYTE pchTemp; PATALKPORT pPort; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwRetCode; INT wsErr; fd_set writefds; fd_set readfds; struct timeval timeout; INT Flags = 0; LPBYTE pBufToSend; DWORD cbTotalBytesToSend; BOOLEAN fJobCameFromMac; BOOLEAN fPostScriptJob;
pPort = (PATALKPORT)hPort;
// Set this to zero. We add incrementally later.
*pcbWritten = 0;
if (pPort == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return(FALSE); }
pBufToSend = pBuffer; cbTotalBytesToSend = cbBuffer;
// Maximum number of bytes we can write in one send is 4K. This is the
// limit in the AppleTalk (PAP) protocol.
if (cbTotalBytesToSend > 4096) { cbTotalBytesToSend = 4096; }
// If we have not connected to the printer yet.
if (pPort->fJobFlags & SFM_JOB_OPEN_PENDING) { // Make sure that the capture thread is done with this job.
WaitForSingleObject(pPort->hmutexPort, INFINITE); ReleaseMutex(pPort->hmutexPort);
// set status to connecting
DBGPRINT(("no connection yet, retry connect\n")) ;
dwRetCode = ConnectToPrinter(pPort, ATALKMON_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) { DBGPRINT(("Connect returns %d\n", dwRetCode)) ;
// Wait 15 seconds before trying to reconnect. Each
// ConnectToPrinter does an expensive NBPLookup
*pcbWritten = 0;
} else { pPort->fJobFlags &= ~SFM_JOB_OPEN_PENDING;
WaitForSingleObject(hmutexPortList, INFINITE); pPort->fPortFlags |= SFM_PORT_POST_READ; ReleaseMutex(hmutexPortList);
SetPrinterStatus(pPort, wchPrinting); } }
// if first write, determine filter control. We filter
// CTRL-D from non-mac jobs, and leave them in from Macintosh
// originated jobs
if (pPort->fJobFlags & SFM_JOB_FIRST_WRITE) { DBGPRINT(("first write for this job. Do filter test\n")) ;
fJobCameFromMac = IsJobFromMac(pPort);
// Consume the FILTERCONTROL string
// the older spoolers will put this string in: go ahead and leave
// this code in so if this job came from an older SFM spooler, we
// strip that line!
if ((cbTotalBytesToSend >= SIZE_FC) && (strncmp(pBufToSend, FILTERCONTROL, SIZE_FC) == 0)) { *pcbWritten += SIZE_FC; pBufToSend += SIZE_FC; cbTotalBytesToSend -= SIZE_FC; fJobCameFromMac = TRUE; } else if ((cbTotalBytesToSend >= SIZE_FCOLD) && strncmp(pBufToSend, FILTERCONTROL_OLD, SIZE_FCOLD) == 0) { *pcbWritten += SIZE_FCOLD; pBufToSend += SIZE_FCOLD; cbTotalBytesToSend -= SIZE_FCOLD; fJobCameFromMac = TRUE; }
// Need for hack: there are two reasons:
// 1) control characters (most commonly ctrl-d, but ctrl-c, etc. too)
// cause postscript printers to choke. we need to "filter" them out
// 2) if we're printing to a dual-mode HP printer then it's
// driver puts in a bunch of PJL commands that causes printer to go to
// postscript mode etc. It works great if this goes over lpt or com port
// but if it goes over appletalk (which is what we do) then the printer
// expects *only* postscript and seeing the PJL commands, it chokes!
// The output that goes out to the printer looks like this:
// <....separator page data....>
// $%-12345X@PJL JOB
// %!PS-Adobe-3.0
// <.... Postscript data....>
// $%-12345X@PJL EOJ
// (The escape character is denoted by the '$' sign above.)
// The first 3 lines and the last line are the ones that cause problem
// Since it's a pain in the neck to parse all of the data and try and
// remove the unwanted characters, we just prepend a few postscript
// commands to the data that tell the printer to ignore ctrl-d,
// ctrl-c etc. characters, and to ignore any line(s) starting with @PJL.
// Begin filtering hack
// make sure the string doesn't already exist (it can if the job goes
// monitor->spooler->monitor->printer instead of monitor->printer)
// Again, older SFM monitors would prepend this string: since we got a
// chance here, strip that out!
if ((cbTotalBytesToSend >= SIZE_PS_HEADER) && strncmp(pBufToSend, PS_HEADER, SIZE_PS_HEADER) == 0) { *pcbWritten += SIZE_PS_HEADER; pBufToSend += SIZE_PS_HEADER; cbTotalBytesToSend -= SIZE_PS_HEADER; }
// WfW starts its job with a CTRL_D. Replace it with a space
if (pBufToSend[0] == CTRL_D) { *pcbWritten += 1; pBufToSend += 1; cbTotalBytesToSend -= 1; }
// see if this job has a hdr that looks like a conventional postscript hdr
fPostScriptJob = TRUE;
if (cbTotalBytesToSend > 2) { if (pBufToSend[0] == '%' && pBufToSend[1] == '!') { fPostScriptJob = TRUE; } else { fPostScriptJob = FALSE; } } //
// Mac always sends a postscript job. Also, we peeked at the data to
// see if we recognize a postscript hdr. If the job came from a non-Mac
// client and doesn't look like a conventional postscript job, send a
// control string telling the printer to ignore the PJL commands.
if (!fJobCameFromMac && !fPostScriptJob) { //
// Now send the PS header
FD_ZERO(&writefds); FD_SET(pPort->sockIo, &writefds); //
// can I send?
timeout.tv_sec = ATALKMON_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SEC; timeout.tv_usec = 0; wsErr = select(0, NULL, &writefds, NULL, &timeout); if (wsErr == 1) { // can send, send the data & set return count
wsErr = send(pPort->sockIo, PS_HEADER, SIZE_PS_HEADER, MSG_PARTIAL); }
// End filtering hack
pPort->fJobFlags &= ~SFM_JOB_FIRST_WRITE; }
// many postscript jobs from pc's end with a ctrl-d which we don't want to send.
// Since we are given only 1 byte and it is ctrl-d, we assume (FOR NOW) that it's the
// last byte of the job. So lie to the spooler that we sent it.
if (cbTotalBytesToSend == 1) { if (pBufToSend[0] == CTRL_D) { *pcbWritten = 1; pPort->OnlyOneByteAsCtrlD++; return(TRUE); } else { cbTotalBytesToSend += 1; // we subtract 1 in the next line, so adjust here
} }
// if this job is for dual-mode printer, there is that $%-12345X@PJL EOJ command
// at the end. There is a ctrl-d just before that (which is really the end
// of the actual job).
if (cbTotalBytesToSend > PJL_ENDING_COMMAND_LEN) { if (strncmp(&pBufToSend[cbTotalBytesToSend - PJL_ENDING_COMMAND_LEN], PJL_ENDING_COMMAND, PJL_ENDING_COMMAND_LEN) == 0) { if (pBufToSend[cbTotalBytesToSend-PJL_ENDING_COMMAND_LEN-1] == CTRL_D) { pBufToSend[cbTotalBytesToSend-PJL_ENDING_COMMAND_LEN-1] = CR; } } }
// send 1 less byte so eventually we'll catch the last byte (and see if it's ctrl-D)
cbTotalBytesToSend -= 1;
// Earlier we may have got just 1 byte which was ctrl-D but was not really the last byte!
// This is a very rare case, but in theory possible. If that's what happened, send
// that one ctrl-D byte now, and continue on with the rest of the job
// (Actually being paranoid here and making provision for the spooler handing us a series
// of ctrl-D bytes, 1 at a time!!)
if (pPort->OnlyOneByteAsCtrlD != 0) { BYTE TmpArray[20]; DWORD i;
i=0; while (i < pPort->OnlyOneByteAsCtrlD) { TmpArray[i++] = CTRL_D; }
FD_ZERO(&writefds); FD_SET(pPort->sockIo, &writefds);
timeout.tv_sec = ATALKMON_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SEC; timeout.tv_usec = 0;
wsErr = select(0, NULL, &writefds, NULL, &timeout);
if (wsErr == 1) { TmpArray[0] = CTRL_D; wsErr = send(pPort->sockIo, TmpArray, pPort->OnlyOneByteAsCtrlD, MSG_PARTIAL); }
pPort->OnlyOneByteAsCtrlD = 0; }
// can I send?
FD_ZERO(&writefds); FD_SET(pPort->sockIo, &writefds);
timeout.tv_sec = ATALKMON_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SEC; timeout.tv_usec = 0;
wsErr = select(0, NULL, &writefds, NULL, &timeout);
if (wsErr == 1) { // can send, send the data & set return count
wsErr = send(pPort->sockIo, pBufToSend, cbTotalBytesToSend, MSG_PARTIAL);
if (wsErr != SOCKET_ERROR) { *pcbWritten += cbTotalBytesToSend;
if (pPort->fJobFlags & SFM_JOB_ERROR) { pPort->fJobFlags &= ~SFM_JOB_ERROR; SetPrinterStatus(pPort, wchPrinting); } } }
// can I read? - check for disconnect
FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(pPort->sockIo, &readfds);
timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0;
wsErr = select(0, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
if (wsErr == 1) { wsErr = WSARecvEx(pPort->sockIo, pPort->pReadBuffer, PAP_DEFAULT_BUFFER, &Flags);
if (wsErr == SOCKET_ERROR) { dwRetCode = GetLastError(); DBGPRINT(("recv returns %d\n", dwRetCode)); if ((dwRetCode == WSAEDISCON) || (dwRetCode == WSAENOTCONN)) { pPort->fJobFlags |= SFM_JOB_DISCONNECTED; //
// Try to restart the job
SetJob(pPort->hPrinter, pPort->dwJobId, 0, NULL, JOB_CONTROL_RESTART);
return(FALSE); } } else { if (wsErr < PAP_DEFAULT_BUFFER) pPort->pReadBuffer[wsErr] = '\0'; else pPort->pReadBuffer[PAP_DEFAULT_BUFFER-1] = '\0'; DBGPRINT(("recv returns %s\n", pPort->pReadBuffer)); pPort->fJobFlags |= SFM_JOB_ERROR; ParseAndSetPrinterStatus(pPort); }
WaitForSingleObject(hmutexPortList, INFINITE); pPort->fPortFlags |= SFM_PORT_POST_READ; ReleaseMutex(hmutexPortList);
SetEvent(hevPrimeRead); }
return(TRUE); }
// Call: EndDocPort
// Returns: TRUE - Success
// FALSE - Failure
// Description:
// This routine is called to mark the end of the
// print job. The spool file for the job is deleted by
// this routine.
// open issues:
// Do we want to do performance stuff? If so, now's the time
// to save off any performance counts.
BOOL EndDocPort( IN HANDLE hPort ){ PATALKPORT pPort; fd_set writefds; fd_set readfds; struct timeval timeout; INT wsErr; INT Flags = 0;
DBGPRINT(("Entering EndDocPort\n")) ;
pPort = (PATALKPORT)hPort;
if (pPort == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return(FALSE); }
// send the last write
FD_ZERO(&writefds); FD_SET(pPort->sockIo, &writefds);
// If the job was not able to connect to the printer.
if ((pPort->fJobFlags & (SFM_JOB_OPEN_PENDING | SFM_JOB_DISCONNECTED)) == 0) {
timeout.tv_sec = 90; timeout.tv_usec = 0;
wsErr = select(0, NULL, &writefds, NULL, &timeout);
if (wsErr == 1) { //
// Send EOF
send(pPort->sockIo, NULL, 0, 0); }
// Our socket is non-blocking. If we close down the socket, we could potentially
// abort the last page. A good thing to do is to wait for a reasonable amount of
// time out for the printer to send EOF, or request for more data.
FD_ZERO(&writefds); FD_SET(pPort->sockIo, &writefds); FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(pPort->sockIo, &readfds);
timeout.tv_sec = 30; timeout.tv_usec = 0; wsErr = select(0, &readfds, &writefds, NULL, &timeout);
if (wsErr == 1 && FD_ISSET(pPort->sockIo, &readfds)) { // read printer's EOF. We don't care about an error here
wsErr = WSARecvEx(pPort->sockIo, pPort->pReadBuffer, PAP_DEFAULT_BUFFER, &Flags); } }
// delete the print job
if (pPort->hPrinter != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!SetJob(pPort->hPrinter, pPort->dwJobId, 0, NULL, JOB_CONTROL_SENT_TO_PRINTER)) DBGPRINT(("fail to setjob for delete with %d\n", GetLastError())) ;
pPort->hPrinter = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
// close the PAP connections
if (pPort->sockStatus != INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(pPort->sockStatus); pPort->sockStatus = INVALID_SOCKET; }
if (pPort->sockIo != INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(pPort->sockIo); pPort->sockIo = INVALID_SOCKET; }
pPort->dwJobId = 0; pPort->fJobFlags = 0; pPort->OnlyOneByteAsCtrlD = 0;
WaitForSingleObject(hmutexPortList, INFINITE); pPort->fPortFlags &= ~SFM_PORT_IN_USE; ReleaseMutex(hmutexPortList);
return(TRUE); }