Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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89 lines
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  1. @echo off
  2. if "%_ECHO"=="1" (echo on)
  3. setlocal
  4. if "%1"=="" goto usage
  5. if "%SDXROOT%"=="" goto usage
  6. set DWPFSRCX86=\\redist\redist\watson\%1\x86
  7. set DWPFSRCIA64=\\redist\redist\watson\%1\ia64
  8. if not exist %DWPFSRCX86% (goto badbuild)
  9. if not exist %DWPFSRCIA64% (goto badbuild)
  10. set LANG=1025 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1035 1036 1037 1038 1040
  11. set LANG=%LANG% 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1048 1049 1050 1051
  12. set LANG=%LANG% 1053 1054 1055 1060 2052 2070 3076 3082
  13. call :CopyBin %DWPFSRCX86%\debug %DWPFSRCX86%\retail chk\i386
  14. call :CopyBin %DWPFSRCX86%\retail %DWPFSRCX86%\retail fre\i386
  15. call :CopyBin %DWPFSRCIA64%\debug %DWPFSRCIA64%\retail chk\ia64
  16. call :CopyBin %DWPFSRCIA64%\retail %DWPFSRCIA64%\retail fre\ia64
  17. echo propped...
  18. echo.
  19. goto done
  20. :CopyBin
  21. rem %1 is the dw*.exe source directory root.
  22. rem %2 is the dwintl.dll source directory root. Debug
  23. rem directories don't have the international DLLs
  24. rem so can be different from the dw*.exe root.
  25. rem %3 is the target directory.
  26. echo *** Processing %3
  27. echo Checking out binaries...
  28. cd binary_release\%3
  29. sd edit ... > nul 2> nul
  30. echo Copying binaries
  31. copy %1\0\dw15.exe dwwin.exe > nul
  32. delcert dwwin.exe > nul 2> nul
  33. resetpdb -p "dwwin.pdb" dwwin.exe > nul 2> nul
  34. copy %1\0\dw15.pdb dwwin.pdb > nul
  35. touch dwwin.pdb
  36. for %%i in (%LANG%) do (
  37. if exist %2\%%i\dwintl.dll (
  38. if not exist dwil%%i.dll (
  39. echo WARNING: \\redist has extra %%i\dwintl.dll
  40. )
  41. if exist dwil%%i.dll (
  42. copy %2\%%i\dwintl.dll dwil%%i.dll > nul
  43. delcert dwil%%i.dll > nul 2> nul
  44. resetpdb -p "dwil%%i.pdb" dwil%%i.dll > nul 2> nul
  45. )
  46. )
  47. if not exist %2\%%i\dwintl.dll (
  48. if exist dwil%%i.dll (
  49. echo WARNING: Depot has extra dwil%%i.dll
  50. )
  51. )
  52. )
  53. echo.
  54. cd ..\..\..
  55. goto :EOF
  56. :badbuild
  57. echo unable to find build %1. The available builds are:
  58. dir /b \\redist\redist\watson
  59. echo.
  60. echo If no builds are listed above, you may not have access to the drop share
  61. echo (\\redist\redist\watson) or it may be currently unavailable.
  62. echo.
  63. goto done
  64. :usage
  65. echo Usage:
  66. echo propdw [DW build number]
  67. echo.
  68. echo Note that you must run this from a NT build window (razzle shell) and have
  69. echo access to the drop share (\\redist\redist\watson) to prop these binaries.
  70. echo.
  71. :done
  72. endlocal