Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. /******************************************************************************
  2. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
  3. Module Name:
  4. ScriptingFramework.idl
  5. Abstract:
  6. This file contains the declaration of the set of coclasses and interfaces
  7. implemented by the Scripting Framework.
  8. Revision History:
  9. Davide Massarenti (Dmassare) 07/21/99
  10. created
  11. Kalyani Narlanka (KalyaniN) 03/15/01
  12. Moved Incident and Encryption Objects from HelpService to HelpCtr to improve Perf.
  13. ******************************************************************************/
  14. cpp_quote( "#include <ScriptingFrameworkDID.h>" )
  15. cpp_quote( "#include <rdshost.h>" )
  16. #include <ScriptingFrameworkDID.h>
  17. [
  18. object,
  19. uuid(833E4100-AFF7-4AC3-AAC2-9F24C1457BCE),
  20. dual,
  21. oleautomation,
  22. helpstring("IPCHCollection Interface"),
  23. pointer_default(unique)
  24. ]
  25. interface IPCHCollection : IDispatch
  26. {
  27. [propget, id(DISPID_NEWENUM) ] HRESULT _NewEnum( [out, retval] IUnknown* *pVal );
  28. [propget, id(DISPID_VALUE) ] HRESULT Item ( [in] long vIndex, [out, retval] VARIANT *ppEntry );
  29. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_COL__COUNT)] HRESULT Count ( [out, retval] long *pVal );
  30. };
  31. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  32. [
  33. object,
  34. uuid(833E4101-AFF7-4AC3-AAC2-9F24C1457BCE),
  35. dual,
  36. oleautomation,
  37. helpstring("IPCHUtility Interface"),
  38. pointer_default(unique)
  39. ]
  40. interface IPCHUtility : IDispatch
  41. {
  42. //
  43. // Properties
  44. //
  45. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_U__USERSETTINGS )] HRESULT UserSettings ( [out, retval] IPCHUserSettings* *pVal );
  46. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_U__CHANNELS )] HRESULT Channels ( [out, retval] ISAFReg* *pVal );
  47. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_U__SECURITY )] HRESULT Security ( [out, retval] IPCHSecurity* *pVal );
  48. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_U__DATABASE )] HRESULT Database ( [out, retval] IPCHTaxonomyDatabase* *pVal );
  49. ////////////////////////////////////////
  50. //
  51. // Methods
  52. //
  53. [id(DISPID_PCH_U__FORMATERROR)] HRESULT FormatError( [in] VARIANT vError, [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrVal );
  54. [id(DISPID_PCH_U__CREATEOBJECT_SEARCHENGINEMGR )] HRESULT CreateObject_SearchEngineMgr ( [out, retval] IPCHSEManager* *ppSE );
  55. [id(DISPID_PCH_U__CREATEOBJECT_DATACOLLECTION )] HRESULT CreateObject_DataCollection ( [out, retval] ISAFDataCollection* *ppDC );
  56. [id(DISPID_PCH_U__CREATEOBJECT_CABINET )] HRESULT CreateObject_Cabinet ( [out, retval] ISAFCabinet* *ppCB );
  57. [id(DISPID_PCH_U__CREATEOBJECT_ENCRYPTION )] HRESULT CreateObject_Encryption ( [out, retval] ISAFEncrypt* *ppEn );
  58. [id(DISPID_PCH_U__CREATEOBJECT_CHANNEL )] HRESULT CreateObject_Channel ( [in] BSTR bstrVendorID, [in] BSTR bstrProductID, [out, retval] ISAFChannel* *ppSh );
  59. [id(DISPID_PCH_U__CREATEOBJECT_REMOTEDESKTOPCONNECTION)] HRESULT CreateObject_RemoteDesktopConnection ( [out, retval] ISAFRemoteDesktopConnection* *ppRDC );
  61. [in] long lTimeout ,
  62. [in] BSTR bstrConnectionParms ,
  63. [in] BSTR bstrUserHelpBlob ,
  64. [out, retval] ISAFRemoteDesktopSession* *ppRCS );
  65. [id(DISPID_PCH_U__CONNECTTOEXPERT )] HRESULT ConnectToExpert ( [in] BSTR bstrExpertConnectParm,
  66. [in] LONG lTimeout,
  67. [out, retval] LONG *lSafErrorCode);
  68. [id(DISPID_PCH_U__SWITCHDESKTOPMODE )] HRESULT SwitchDesktopMode ( [in] int nMode,
  69. [in] int nRAType);
  70. };
  71. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  72. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  73. [
  74. object,
  75. uuid(833E4108-AFF7-4AC3-AAC2-9F24C1457BCE),
  76. dual,
  77. oleautomation,
  78. helpstring("IPCHUserSettings Interface"),
  79. pointer_default(unique)
  80. ]
  81. interface IPCHUserSettings : IDispatch
  82. {
  83. //
  84. // Properties
  85. //
  86. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_US__CURRENTSKU)] HRESULT CurrentSKU( [out, retval] IPCHSetOfHelpTopics* *pVal );
  87. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_US__MACHINESKU)] HRESULT MachineSKU( [out, retval] IPCHSetOfHelpTopics* *pVal );
  88. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_US__HELPLOCATION )] HRESULT HelpLocation ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  89. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_US__DATABASEDIR )] HRESULT DatabaseDir ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  90. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_US__DATABASEFILE )] HRESULT DatabaseFile ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  91. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_US__INDEXFILE )] HRESULT IndexFile ( [in,optional] VARIANT vScope, [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  92. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_US__INDEXDISPLAYNAME)] HRESULT IndexDisplayName( [in,optional] VARIANT vScope, [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  93. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_US__LASTUPDATED )] HRESULT LastUpdated ( [out, retval] DATE *pVal );
  94. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_US__AREHEADLINESENABLED)] HRESULT AreHeadlinesEnabled( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal );
  95. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_US__NEWS )] HRESULT News ( [out, retval] IUnknown* *pVal );
  96. //
  97. // Methods
  98. //
  99. [id(DISPID_PCH_US__SELECT)] HRESULT Select( [in] BSTR bstrSKU, [in] long lLCID );
  100. };
  101. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  102. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  103. typedef [v1_enum] enum tagQR_NAVMODEL {
  104. QR_DEFAULT = 0x00000000,
  105. QR_DESKTOP = 0x00000001,
  106. QR_SERVER = 0x00000002,
  107. } QR_NAVMODEL;
  108. [
  109. object,
  110. uuid(833E4110-AFF7-4AC3-AAC2-9F24C1457BCE),
  111. dual,
  112. oleautomation,
  113. helpstring("IPCHQueryResult Interface"),
  114. pointer_default(unique)
  115. ]
  116. interface IPCHQueryResult : IDispatch
  117. {
  118. //
  119. // Properties
  120. //
  121. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_QR__CATEGORY )] HRESULT Category ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  122. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_QR__ENTRY )] HRESULT Entry ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  123. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_QR__TOPIC_URL )] HRESULT TopicURL ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  124. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_QR__ICON_URL )] HRESULT IconURL ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  125. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_QR__TITLE )] HRESULT Title ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  126. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_QR__DESCRIPTION )] HRESULT Description ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  127. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_QR__TYPE )] HRESULT Type ( [out, retval] long *pVal );
  128. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_QR__POS )] HRESULT Pos ( [out, retval] long *pVal );
  129. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_QR__VISIBLE )] HRESULT Visible ( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal );
  130. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_QR__SUBSITE )] HRESULT Subsite ( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal );
  131. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_QR__NAVIGATIONMODEL)] HRESULT NavigationModel( [out, retval] QR_NAVMODEL *pVal );
  132. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_QR__PRIORITY )] HRESULT Priority ( [out, retval] long *pVal );
  133. //
  134. // Generated properties.
  135. //
  136. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_QR__FULLPATH )] HRESULT FullPath ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  137. };
  138. [
  139. object,
  140. uuid(833E4111-AFF7-4AC3-AAC2-9F24C1457BCE),
  141. dual,
  142. oleautomation,
  143. helpstring("IPCHTaxonomyDatabase Interface"),
  144. pointer_default(unique)
  145. ]
  146. interface IPCHTaxonomyDatabase : IDispatch
  147. {
  148. //
  149. // Properties
  150. //
  151. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_TDB__INSTALLEDSKUS )] HRESULT InstalledSKUs ( [out, retval] IPCHCollection* *pVal );
  152. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_TDB__HASWRITEPERMISSIONS)] HRESULT HasWritePermissions( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal );
  153. //
  154. // Methods
  155. //
  156. [id(DISPID_PCH_TDB__LOOKUPNODE )] HRESULT LookupNode ( [in] BSTR bstrNode , [out, retval] IPCHCollection* *ppC );
  157. [id(DISPID_PCH_TDB__LOOKUPSUBNODES )] HRESULT LookupSubNodes ( [in] BSTR bstrNode , [in] VARIANT_BOOL fVisibleOnly, [out, retval] IPCHCollection* *ppC );
  158. [id(DISPID_PCH_TDB__LOOKUPNODESANDTOPICS)] HRESULT LookupNodesAndTopics( [in] BSTR bstrNode , [in] VARIANT_BOOL fVisibleOnly, [out, retval] IPCHCollection* *ppC );
  159. [id(DISPID_PCH_TDB__LOOKUPTOPICS )] HRESULT LookupTopics ( [in] BSTR bstrNode , [in] VARIANT_BOOL fVisibleOnly, [out, retval] IPCHCollection* *ppC );
  160. [id(DISPID_PCH_TDB__LOCATECONTEXT )] HRESULT LocateContext ( [in] BSTR bstrURL , [in,optional] VARIANT vSubSite, [out, retval] IPCHCollection* *ppC );
  161. [id(DISPID_PCH_TDB__KEYWORDSEARCH )] HRESULT KeywordSearch ( [in] BSTR bstrQuery, [in,optional] VARIANT vSubSite, [out, retval] IPCHCollection* *ppC );
  162. [id(DISPID_PCH_TDB__GATHERNODES )] HRESULT GatherNodes ( [in] BSTR bstrNode , [in] VARIANT_BOOL fVisibleOnly, [out, retval] IPCHCollection* *ppC );
  163. [id(DISPID_PCH_TDB__GATHERTOPICS )] HRESULT GatherTopics ( [in] BSTR bstrNode , [in] VARIANT_BOOL fVisibleOnly, [out, retval] IPCHCollection* *ppC );
  164. [id(DISPID_PCH_TDB__CONNECTTODISK )] HRESULT ConnectToDisk ( [in] BSTR bstrDirectory , [in] IDispatch* notify, [out, retval] IPCHCollection* *ppC );
  165. [id(DISPID_PCH_TDB__CONNECTTOSERVER)] HRESULT ConnectToServer( [in] BSTR bstrServerName, [in] IDispatch* notify, [out, retval] IPCHCollection* *ppC );
  166. [id(DISPID_PCH_TDB__ABORT )] HRESULT Abort ( );
  167. };
  168. typedef [v1_enum] enum tagSHT_STATUS {
  169. SHT_NOTACTIVE = 0x00000000,
  170. SHT_QUERYING = 0x00000001,
  171. SHT_QUERIED = 0x00000002,
  172. SHT_COPYING_DB = 0x00000003,
  173. SHT_COPYING_FILES = 0x00000004,
  174. SHT_INSTALLING = 0x00000005,
  175. SHT_INSTALLED = 0x00000006,
  176. SHT_UNINSTALLING = 0x00000007,
  177. SHT_UNINSTALLED = 0x00000008,
  178. SHT_ABORTING = 0x00000009,
  179. SHT_ABORTED = 0x0000000A,
  180. SHT_FAILED = 0x0000000B,
  181. } SHT_STATUS;
  182. [
  183. object,
  184. uuid(833E4112-AFF7-4AC3-AAC2-9F24C1457BCE),
  185. dual,
  186. oleautomation,
  187. helpstring("IPCHSetOfHelpTopics Interface"),
  188. pointer_default(unique)
  189. ]
  190. interface IPCHSetOfHelpTopics : IDispatch
  191. {
  192. //
  193. // Properties
  194. //
  195. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SHT__SKU )] HRESULT SKU ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal ); // Stock Keeping Unit
  196. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SHT__LANGUAGE )] HRESULT Language ( [out, retval] long *pVal );
  197. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SHT__DISPLAYNAME )] HRESULT DisplayName ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  198. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SHT__PRODUCTID )] HRESULT ProductID ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  199. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SHT__VERSION )] HRESULT Version ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  200. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SHT__LOCATION )] HRESULT Location ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  201. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SHT__EXPORTED )] HRESULT Exported ( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal );
  202. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_SHT__EXPORTED )] HRESULT Exported ( [in ] VARIANT_BOOL newVal );
  203. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_SHT__ONSTATUSCHANGE)] HRESULT onStatusChange( [in] IDispatch* function );
  204. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SHT__STATUS )] HRESULT Status ( [out, retval] SHT_STATUS *pVal );
  205. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SHT__ERRORCODE )] HRESULT ErrorCode ( [out, retval] long *pVal );
  206. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SHT__ISMACHINEHELP )] HRESULT IsMachineHelp ( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal );
  207. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SHT__ISINSTALLED )] HRESULT IsInstalled ( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal );
  208. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SHT__CANINSTALL )] HRESULT CanInstall ( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal );
  209. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SHT__CANUNINSTALL )] HRESULT CanUninstall ( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal );
  210. //
  211. // Methods
  212. //
  213. [id(DISPID_PCH_SHT__INSTALL )] HRESULT Install ();
  214. [id(DISPID_PCH_SHT__UNINSTALL)] HRESULT Uninstall();
  215. [id(DISPID_PCH_SHT__ABORT )] HRESULT Abort ();
  216. };
  217. [
  218. uuid(833E4113-AFF7-4AC3-AAC2-9F24C1457BCE),
  219. helpstring("DPCHSetOfHelpTopicsEvents Interface")
  220. ]
  221. dispinterface DPCHSetOfHelpTopicsEvents
  222. {
  223. properties:
  224. methods:
  225. [id(DISPID_PCH_SHTE__ONSTATUSCHANGE)] HRESULT onStatusChange( IPCHSetOfHelpTopics* obj, SHT_STATUS lStatus, long hrErrorCode, BSTR bstrFile );
  226. };
  227. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  228. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  229. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  230. [
  231. object,
  232. uuid(833E4130-AFF7-4AC3-AAC2-9F24C1457BCE),
  233. dual,
  234. oleautomation,
  235. helpstring("IPCHSecurity Interface"),
  236. pointer_default(unique)
  237. ]
  238. interface IPCHSecurity : IDispatch
  239. {
  240. //
  241. // Methods
  242. //
  243. [id(DISPID_PCH_S__CREATEOBJECT_SECURITYDESCRIPTOR)] HRESULT CreateObject_SecurityDescriptor( [out, retval] IPCHSecurityDescriptor* *pSD );
  244. [id(DISPID_PCH_S__CREATEOBJECT_ACCESSCONTROLLIST )] HRESULT CreateObject_AccessControlList ( [out, retval] IPCHAccessControlList * *pACL );
  245. [id(DISPID_PCH_S__CREATEOBJECT_ACCESSCONTROLENTRY)] HRESULT CreateObject_AccessControlEntry( [out, retval] IPCHAccessControlEntry* *pACE );
  246. [id(DISPID_PCH_S__GETUSERNAME )] HRESULT GetUserName ( [in] BSTR bstrPrincipal, [out, retval] BSTR *retVal );
  247. [id(DISPID_PCH_S__GETUSERDOMAIN )] HRESULT GetUserDomain ( [in] BSTR bstrPrincipal, [out, retval] BSTR *retVal );
  248. [id(DISPID_PCH_S__GETUSERDISPLAYNAME)] HRESULT GetUserDisplayName( [in] BSTR bstrPrincipal, [out, retval] BSTR *retVal );
  249. [id(DISPID_PCH_S__CHECKCREDENTIALS)] HRESULT CheckCredentials( [in] BSTR bstrCredentials, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *retVal );
  250. [id(DISPID_PCH_S__CHECKACCESSTOSD )] HRESULT CheckAccessToSD ( [in] VARIANT vDesiredAccess, [in] IPCHSecurityDescriptor* sd , [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *retVal );
  251. [id(DISPID_PCH_S__CHECKACCESSTOFILE )] HRESULT CheckAccessToFile ( [in] VARIANT vDesiredAccess, [in] BSTR bstrFilename, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *retVal );
  252. [id(DISPID_PCH_S__CHECKACCESSTOREGISTRY)] HRESULT CheckAccessToRegistry( [in] VARIANT vDesiredAccess, [in] BSTR bstrKey , [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *retVal );
  253. [id(DISPID_PCH_S__GETFILESD)] HRESULT GetFileSD( [in] BSTR bstrFilename, [out, retval] IPCHSecurityDescriptor* *psd );
  254. [id(DISPID_PCH_S__SETFILESD)] HRESULT SetFileSD( [in] BSTR bstrFilename, [in] IPCHSecurityDescriptor* sd );
  255. [id(DISPID_PCH_S__GETREGISTRYSD)] HRESULT GetRegistrySD( [in] BSTR bstrKey, [out, retval] IPCHSecurityDescriptor* *psd );
  256. [id(DISPID_PCH_S__SETREGISTRYSD)] HRESULT SetRegistrySD( [in] BSTR bstrKey, [in] IPCHSecurityDescriptor* sd );
  257. };
  258. [
  259. object,
  260. uuid(833E4131-AFF7-4AC3-AAC2-9F24C1457BCE),
  261. dual,
  262. oleautomation,
  263. helpstring("IPCHSecurityDescriptor Interface"),
  264. pointer_default(unique)
  265. ]
  266. interface IPCHSecurityDescriptor : IDispatch
  267. {
  268. //
  269. // Properties
  270. //
  271. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__REVISION )] HRESULT Revision ( [out, retval] long *pVal );
  272. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__REVISION )] HRESULT Revision ( [in ] long newVal );
  273. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__CONTROL )] HRESULT Control ( [out, retval] long *pVal );
  274. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__CONTROL )] HRESULT Control ( [in ] long newVal );
  275. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__OWNER )] HRESULT Owner ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  276. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__OWNER )] HRESULT Owner ( [in ] BSTR newVal );
  277. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__OWNERDEFAULTED )] HRESULT OwnerDefaulted ( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal );
  278. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__OWNERDEFAULTED )] HRESULT OwnerDefaulted ( [in ] VARIANT_BOOL newVal );
  279. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__GROUP )] HRESULT Group ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  280. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__GROUP )] HRESULT Group ( [in ] BSTR newVal );
  281. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__GROUPDEFAULTED )] HRESULT GroupDefaulted ( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal );
  282. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__GROUPDEFAULTED )] HRESULT GroupDefaulted ( [in ] VARIANT_BOOL newVal );
  283. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__DISCRETIONARYACL)] HRESULT DiscretionaryAcl( [out, retval] IPCHAccessControlList* *pVal );
  284. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__DISCRETIONARYACL)] HRESULT DiscretionaryAcl( [in ] IPCHAccessControlList* newVal );
  285. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__DACLDEFAULTED )] HRESULT DaclDefaulted ( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal );
  286. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__DACLDEFAULTED )] HRESULT DaclDefaulted ( [in ] VARIANT_BOOL newVal );
  287. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__SYSTEMACL )] HRESULT SystemAcl ( [out, retval] IPCHAccessControlList* *pVal );
  288. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__SYSTEMACL )] HRESULT SystemAcl ( [in ] IPCHAccessControlList* newVal );
  289. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__SACLDEFAULTED )] HRESULT SaclDefaulted ( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal );
  290. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_SD__SACLDEFAULTED )] HRESULT SaclDefaulted ( [in ] VARIANT_BOOL newVal );
  291. //
  292. // Methods
  293. //
  294. [id(DISPID_PCH_SD__CLONE)] HRESULT Clone( [out, retval] IPCHSecurityDescriptor* *pVal );
  295. [id(DISPID_PCH_SD__LOADXML )] HRESULT LoadXML ( [in] IXMLDOMNode* xdnNode );
  296. [id(DISPID_PCH_SD__LOADXMLASSTRING)] HRESULT LoadXMLAsString( [in] BSTR bstrVal );
  297. [id(DISPID_PCH_SD__LOADXMLASSTREAM)] HRESULT LoadXMLAsStream( [in] IUnknown* pStream );
  298. [id(DISPID_PCH_SD__SAVEXML )] HRESULT SaveXML ( [in] IXMLDOMNode* xdnRoot, [out, retval] IXMLDOMNode* *pxdnNode );
  299. [id(DISPID_PCH_SD__SAVEXMLASSTRING)] HRESULT SaveXMLAsString( [out, retval] BSTR *bstrVal );
  300. [id(DISPID_PCH_SD__SAVEXMLASSTREAM)] HRESULT SaveXMLAsStream( [out, retval] IUnknown* *pStream );
  301. };
  302. [
  303. object,
  304. uuid(833E4132-AFF7-4AC3-AAC2-9F24C1457BCE),
  305. dual,
  306. oleautomation,
  307. helpstring("IPCHAccessControlList Interface"),
  308. pointer_default(unique)
  309. ]
  310. interface IPCHAccessControlList : IDispatch
  311. {
  312. [propget, id(DISPID_NEWENUM) ] HRESULT _NewEnum( [out, retval] IUnknown* *pVal );
  313. [propget, id(DISPID_VALUE) ] HRESULT Item ( [in] long vIndex, [out, retval] VARIANT *ppEntry );
  314. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_ACL__COUNT)] HRESULT Count ( [out, retval] long *pVal );
  315. //
  316. // Properties
  317. //
  318. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_ACL__ACLREVISION )] HRESULT AclRevision( [out, retval] long *pVal );
  319. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_ACL__ACLREVISION )] HRESULT AclRevision( [in ] long newVal );
  320. //
  321. // Methods
  322. //
  323. [id(DISPID_PCH_ACL__ADDACE )] HRESULT AddAce ( [in] IPCHAccessControlEntry* pAccessControlEntry );
  324. [id(DISPID_PCH_ACL__REMOVEACE)] HRESULT RemoveAce( [in] IPCHAccessControlEntry* pAccessControlEntry );
  325. [id(DISPID_PCH_ACL__CLONE)] HRESULT Clone( [out, retval] IPCHAccessControlList* *pVal );
  326. [id(DISPID_PCH_ACL__LOADXML )] HRESULT LoadXML ( [in] IXMLDOMNode* xdnNode );
  327. [id(DISPID_PCH_ACL__LOADXMLASSTRING)] HRESULT LoadXMLAsString( [in] BSTR bstrVal );
  328. [id(DISPID_PCH_ACL__LOADXMLASSTREAM)] HRESULT LoadXMLAsStream( [in] IUnknown* pStream );
  329. [id(DISPID_PCH_ACL__SAVEXML )] HRESULT SaveXML ( [in] IXMLDOMNode* xdnRoot, [out, retval] IXMLDOMNode* *pxdnNode );
  330. [id(DISPID_PCH_ACL__SAVEXMLASSTRING)] HRESULT SaveXMLAsString( [out, retval] BSTR *bstrVal );
  331. [id(DISPID_PCH_ACL__SAVEXMLASSTREAM)] HRESULT SaveXMLAsStream( [out, retval] IUnknown* *pStream );
  332. };
  333. [
  334. object,
  335. uuid(833E4133-AFF7-4AC3-AAC2-9F24C1457BCE),
  336. dual,
  337. oleautomation,
  338. helpstring("IPCHAccessControlEntry Interface"),
  339. pointer_default(unique)
  340. ]
  341. interface IPCHAccessControlEntry : IDispatch
  342. {
  343. //
  344. // Properties
  345. //
  346. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__ACCESSMASK )] HRESULT AccessMask ( [out, retval] long *pVal );
  347. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__ACCESSMASK )] HRESULT AccessMask ( [in ] long newVal );
  348. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__ACETYPE )] HRESULT AceType ( [out, retval] long *pVal );
  349. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__ACETYPE )] HRESULT AceType ( [in ] long newVal );
  350. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__ACEFLAGS )] HRESULT AceFlags ( [out, retval] long *pVal );
  351. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__ACEFLAGS )] HRESULT AceFlags ( [in ] long newVal );
  352. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__FLAGS )] HRESULT Flags ( [out, retval] long *pVal );
  353. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__FLAGS )] HRESULT Flags ( [in ] long newVal );
  354. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__OBJECTTYPE )] HRESULT ObjectType ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  355. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__OBJECTTYPE )] HRESULT ObjectType ( [in ] BSTR newVal );
  356. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__INHERITEDOBJECTTYPE)] HRESULT InheritedObjectType( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  357. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__INHERITEDOBJECTTYPE)] HRESULT InheritedObjectType( [in ] BSTR newVal );
  358. [propget, id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__TRUSTEE )] HRESULT Trustee ( [out, retval] BSTR *pVal );
  359. [propput, id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__TRUSTEE )] HRESULT Trustee ( [in ] BSTR newVal );
  360. //
  361. // Methods
  362. //
  363. [id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__ISEQUIVALENT)] HRESULT IsEquivalent( [in] IPCHAccessControlEntry* pAce, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal );
  364. [id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__CLONE)] HRESULT Clone( [out, retval] IPCHAccessControlEntry* *pVal );
  365. [id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__LOADXML )] HRESULT LoadXML ( [in] IXMLDOMNode* xdnNode );
  366. [id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__LOADXMLASSTRING)] HRESULT LoadXMLAsString( [in] BSTR bstrVal );
  367. [id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__LOADXMLASSTREAM)] HRESULT LoadXMLAsStream( [in] IUnknown* pStream );
  368. [id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__SAVEXML )] HRESULT SaveXML ( [in] IXMLDOMNode* xdnRoot, [out, retval] IXMLDOMNode* *pxdnNode );
  369. [id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__SAVEXMLASSTRING)] HRESULT SaveXMLAsString( [out, retval] BSTR *bstrVal );
  370. [id(DISPID_PCH_ACE__SAVEXMLASSTREAM)] HRESULT SaveXMLAsStream( [out, retval] IUnknown* *pStream );
  371. };