Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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<html> <body> <h2>This is unit test page of SAF Channel object</h2> <div> <table> <tr> <td>Vendor Name:</td> <td><Input id="VendorName" Value="Microsoft" size=30></input></td> <tr> <td>VendorID:</td> <td><Input id="VendorID" Value="CN=Microsoft Corporation,L=Redmond,S=Washington,C=US" size=50></Input></td> <tr> <td>Config file location:</td> <td><Input id="ConfigFile" value="d:\mpc\helpctr\saf\test\config.xml" size=80 type=file></input><input type=button value="view xml" Onclick=ViewXML()></td> <tr> <td align=right><Input type=button value="Register Support Channel" OnClick=Register()></Input></td> <td align=right><Input type=button value="Remove Support Channel" OnClick=RemoveChannel()></Input></td> </table> </div> <br> <hr> <div> <table> <tr> <td>ProductID:</td> <td><Input id="ProductID" Value="Microsoft Millennium Beta" size=50></Input></td> <tr> <td>Display String:</td> <td><Input id="Display" Value="This is the Microsoft Word bug #1" size=50></Input></td> <tr> <td>URL:</td> <td><Input id="URL" Value="http://support.microsoft.com/word?ASP=1" size=50></Input></td> <tr> <td>Progress:</td> <td><Input id="Progress" Value="Building..." size=50></Input></td> <tr> <td>XML Data File:</td> <td><Input id="XMLDataFile" value="d:\mpc\helpctr\saf\test\config.xml" size=80 type=file></td> <tr> <td align=right><Input type=button value="Add Incident" OnClick=AddIncident()></Input></td> <td align=right><input type=button value="Close Incident" OnClick=CloseIncident()></td> <td align=right><Input type=button value="Remove Incident" OnClick=RemoveIncident()></td> </table> </div> <br> <hr> <div> <table> <tr> <td>Use above VendorID and ProductID as the channel ID. <tr> <td><input type=button value="Show Channel Open-incidents" OnClick=ShowOpenedInc()></td> <td><input type=button value="Show Channel Closed-incidents" OnClick=ShowClosedInc()></td> </table> </div> <br> <hr> <table> <tr> <td><input type=button value="Show All Channels" OnClick=ShowAllChannel()></td> <tr> <td><hr></td> <tr> <td><input type=button value="Show me vendor directory" OnClick=ShowVendorDirectory()></td> </table>
</body> <Script Language=VBScript> Sub ViewXML() if Len(ConfigFile.Value) = 0 Then MsgBox "Please select file first" else Dim x set x = Window.open(ConfigFile.Value) x.focus end if End Sub
Sub ShowOpenedInc() Dim x set x = Window.open("status_test.htm") x.focus End Sub
Sub ShowClosedInc() Dim x set x = Window.Open("status_h_test.htm") x.focus End Sub
Sub ShowAllChannel() Dim x set x = Window.Open("Vendor_test.htm") x.focus End Sub
Sub RemoveChannel() Dim x Set x = CreateObject("SAF.SAFAPI") call x.RemoveSupportChannel(VendorID.Value, VendorName.Value, ConfigFile.Value) Set x = Nothing End Sub
Sub Register() Dim x Set x = CreateObject("SAF.SAFAPI") call x.RegisterSupportChannel(VendorID.Value, VendorName.Value, ConfigFile.Value) Set x = Nothing End Sub
Sub AddIncident() 'MsgBox VendorID.value Dim x, y set x = CreateObject("SAF.SAFAPI") set y = x.GetChannel(VendorID.Value, ProductID.Value) y.RecordIncident Display.Value, URL.Value, Progress.Value, XMLDataFile.Value set y = Nothing set x = Nothing End Sub
Sub ShowVendorDirectory() Dim x, y set x = CreateObject("SAF.SAFAPI") set y = x.GetChannel(VendorID.Value, ProductID.Value) MsgBox "Path: " & y.VendorDirectory set y = Nothing set x = Nothing End Sub
Sub CloseIncident() Dim x Dim y Dim z Set x = CreateObject("SAF.SAFAPI") Set y = x.GetChannel(VendorID.Value, ProductID.Value) Set z = y.Incidents(2) For Each oItem In z If oItem.URL = URL.Value Then oItem.CloseIncidentItem Exit For End if next End Sub
Sub RemoveIncident() Dim x Dim y Dim z Set x = CreateObject("SAF.SAFAPI") Set y = x.GetChannel(VendorID.Value, ProductID.Value) Set z = y.Incidents(1) For Each oItem In z If oItem.URL = URL.Value Then oItem.DeleteIncidentItem Exit For End if next End Sub </Script> </html>