Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: csmutest.cpp
Abstract: Content Store manager unit test
Revision History: DerekM created 07/14/99
#include <atlbase.h>
extern CComModule _Module;
#include <mbstring.h>
#include <ContentStoreMgr.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// **************************************************************************
inline LPVOID MyAlloc(DWORD cb) { return HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, cb); }
// **************************************************************************
inline LPVOID MyReAlloc(LPVOID pv, DWORD cb) { return HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, pv, cb); } // **************************************************************************
inline BOOL MyFree(LPVOID pv) { return HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pv); }
// **************************************************************************
void ShowUsage(void) { printf("Usage:\n"); printf("wcsutest <command> <command parameters>\n"); printf("\n\nCommands:\n"); printf(" ADD: adds URLs to the store\n"); printf(" Usage:\n"); printf(" wcsutest ADD <Vendor ID> <Vendor Name> <URL>\n"); printf("\n REMOVE: removes URLs from the store\n"); printf(" Usage:\n"); printf(" wcsutest REMOVE <Vendor ID> <Vendor Name> [URL]\n"); printf(" Note that 'URL' is optional. If it is not present, all URLs for the specified\n"); printf(" for the specified vendor will be deleted.\n"); printf("\n ADDFILE: adds URLs listed in the specified file to the store\n"); printf(" Usage:\n"); printf(" wcsutest ADD <Vendor ID> <Vendor Name> <URL File>\n"); printf("\n REMOVEFILE: removes URLs listed in the specfied file from the store\n"); printf(" Usage:\n"); printf(" wcsutest REMOVE <Vendor ID> <Vendor Name> [URL File]\n"); printf(" Note that 'URL File' is optional. If it is not present, all URLs for the specified\n"); printf(" for the specified vendor will be deleted.\n"); printf("\n CHECKTRUST: checks if a URL is in the store\n"); printf(" Usage:\n"); printf(" wcsutest CHECKTRUST <URL>\n"); printf("\n"); }
// **************************************************************************
int __cdecl wmain(int argc, WCHAR **argv, WCHAR **envp) { HRESULT hr; LPCWSTR wszURL = L""; LPCWSTR wszVendorID = L""; LPCWSTR wszVendorName = L""; CPCHContentStore cs( true );
switch(argc) { case 5: wszVendorName = argv[4]; case 4: wszVendorID = argv[3]; case 3: wszURL = argv[2]; break; default: ShowUsage(); exit( 10 ); }
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = cs.Acquire())) { if(!_wcsicmp( argv[1], L"ADD")) // we're adding URLs
{ if(argc != 5) { ShowUsage(); exit(10); }
if(FAILED(hr = cs.Add( wszURL, wszVendorID, wszVendorName ))) { wprintf( L"Unable to register URLs: 0x%08x\n", hr ); } else { wprintf( L"Successfully added URLs\n" ); } } else if(!_wcsicmp( argv[1], L"REMOVE" )) // we're deleteing URLs
{ if(argc != 5) { ShowUsage(); exit(10); }
if(FAILED(hr = cs.Remove( wszURL, wszVendorID, wszVendorName ))) { wprintf( L"Unable to remove URLs: 0x%08x\n", hr ); } else { wprintf( L"Successfully removed URL:s\n" ); } } else if (!_wcsicmp( argv[1], L"CHECKTRUST")) // we're validating a URL
{ bool fTrusted;
if(argc != 3) { ShowUsage(); exit(10); }
if(FAILED(hr = cs.IsTrusted( wszURL, fTrusted ))) { wprintf( L"Unable to check if URL is trusted: 0x%08x\n", hr ); } else { if(fTrusted) { wprintf( L"%s is trusted!\n", wszURL ); } else { wprintf( L"%s is NOT trusted!\n", wszURL ); } } } else // nothing valid
{ ShowUsage(); exit(10); }
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) cs.Release( true ); }
return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? 0 : 5; }