Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Verdana;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}}
  2. \viewkind4\uc1\pard\nowidctlpar\b\f0\fs20 Microsoft Confidential\par
  3. \par
  4. \par
  5. Author\b0 : Paul McDaniel (paulmcd)\par
  6. \b Created\b0 : August 15, 2000\par
  7. \b Last Updated\b0 : August 17, 2000\par
  8. \par
  9. \par
  10. \ul\b Title\b0 : System Restore filter driver design spec\par
  11. \par
  12. \ulnone\par
  13. \b type of driver\par
  14. \par
  15. \b0 the sr driver is a io filter driver. this means it attaches to a device and intercepts all IoCallDriver calls to that device. in our case the device's we attach to are file systems and volumes.\par
  16. \par
  17. \b attachment to file systems\par
  18. \par
  19. \b0 first we attach to 2 file system device's, ntfs and fastfat. this is done via IoRegisterFsRegistrationChange so that we are notified of all online file systems. we do not attach to all of them, we only attach to these 2.\par
  20. \par
  21. \b attachment to volumes\par
  22. \par
  23. \b0 then we attach to all volumes mounted by these file systems. this is done by first attaching to all currently mounted volumes by enumerating them with the mount mgr. this is done in DriverEntry. Then future mounts are caught by monitoring IRP_MN_MOUNT_VOLUME requests on the file systems main devices. when we notice a successful mount we attach to that volume. we only attach to volumes of type FILE_DEVICE_DISK_FILE_SYSTEM, and with characteristics of !FILE_REMOVABLE_MEDIA. we detach from these volumes only when they are IoDelete'd. we get FastIoDetach notification and unhook ourselves. \par
  24. \par
  25. per volume state is kept in the driver's device extension that is attached to the volume device. here we keep several flags like disabled and drivechecked. if the volume is disabled we ignore all operations on the volume in a fast manner. drivechecked is used to cause us to lazy init the structures (in memory and on disk) and open our log handles.\par
  26. \par
  27. \b monitoring io\par
  28. \par
  29. \b0 we monitor io in 2 manners, IRP's and fastio. \par
  30. \b\par
  31. \b0 fastio:\par
  32. \par
  33. \pard\nowidctlpar\li380 we pass through all fast io without any additional processing except for these 2:\par
  34. \par
  35. \ul fastiowrite\par
  36. \par
  37. \ulnone here we trigger a WRITE event and handle it as the first write to the file. this catches all writes before the cache manager ever sees them (if the file was cached) and allows us to ignore later io that might happen after the file's handles are closed (cache/page io) .\par
  38. \pard\nowidctlpar\li760\par
  39. \pard\nowidctlpar\li380\ul acquireforntcreatesection\par
  40. \par
  41. \ulnone we hook this (via the device's driver) and trigger a WRITE event if the FILE_OBJECT was opened with write access. this is because a writeable section is being created and we have no way of intercepting writes to know if they write to that section. i investigated letting the section be written to, and catch mm flushing it, but this was very complicated and uncertain if it would work due to locks held and the fact that the file handle can be closed when these are paged out.\par
  42. \pard\nowidctlpar\par
  43. irps:\par
  44. \par
  45. \pard\nowidctlpar\li380 we pass through all irps without any additional processing except for these 7. also we skip files with no name or volume/device opens everywhere except create.\par
  46. \pard\nowidctlpar\par
  47. \pard\nowidctlpar\li380\ul irp_mj_write\ulnone\par
  48. \par
  49. here we trigger a WRITE event.\par
  50. \par
  51. \ul irp_mj_cleanup\ulnone\par
  52. \par
  53. here we trigger a DELETE event if the file was deleted (has a delete pending)\par
  54. \par
  55. \ul irp_mj_create\ulnone\par
  56. \par
  57. here we have to handle some work before and after the create. if the create is an create_always and it's not a directory (it's illegal to create_always directories) we trigger a OVERWRITE event prior to letting the fsd see the create, as it might potential destroy a file.\par
  58. \par
  59. after the fsd see's the create, if it's any type of create (open_always, create_always, etc..) we set a completion routine and post process the create (logging or rollback).\par
  60. \par
  61. \ul irp_mj_setinformation\ulnone\par
  62. \par
  63. here we trigger WRITE events on file truncations, RENAME events on renames, ATTRIB_CHANGE on set basic info, or CREATE events for hardlink creation. hardlink create logging and one piece of rename happed after the fsd see's the irp but does not use a completion routine.\par
  64. \par
  65. \ul irp_mj_setsecurity\ulnone\par
  66. \par
  67. here we trigger a ACL_CHANGE event.\par
  68. \par
  69. \ul irp_mj_fscontrol\ulnone\par
  70. \par
  71. we use set a completion routine if it's a mount, and attach in the completion routine after the fsd mounts it. we handle reparse mounts and trigger MOUNT events, and trigger a WRITE event if a write_raw comes through. on locks and dismounts we close all open log handles on the volume, and set the volume context so that handle will be reopened automatically if needed.\par
  72. \par
  73. \ul irp_mj_shutdown\ulnone\par
  74. \par
  75. we close out our _driver.cfg (see config).\par
  76. \par
  77. \pard\nowidctlpar\b volume disk structures\b0\par
  78. \par
  79. each volume has a \\system volume information dir. if it's not there sr.sys create's it hidden with system acl's , non-inherit. in that volume a _restore\{guid\} is created. each volume that is participating in the restore point has one. this is created by the driver. in this dir are 2 files the driver uses and 1 file the service uses. there are subdir's for each restore point also. the driver creates these. they have acl's for everyone full access. the driver also creates and maintains a log file in each restore point dir. this is usually named change.log but has an advanced naming scheme (see logging)\par
  80. \par
  81. \b configuration data\par
  82. \par
  83. \b0 we have some config data in the regsitry and on disk.\par
  84. \par
  85. registry\\hklm\\sys\\ccs\\svcs\\sr\\parameters\\\b machineguid\b0 [ reg_sz ] the machine's guid.\par
  86. registry\\hklm\\sys\\ccs\\svcs\\sr\\parameters\\\b firstrun\b0 [ dword ] 1 = startup disabled, no monitoring.\par
  87. registry\\hklm\\sys\\ccs\\svcs\\sr\\parameters\\\b debugcontrol\b0 [ dword ] tracing flags and other debug control. 0 = silent (like fre)\par
  88. \par
  89. valid trace flags are:\par
  90. \par
  91. \pard\nowidctlpar\li720 #define SR_DEBUG_FUNC_ENTRY \tab 0x00000001\par
  92. #define SR_DEBUG_CANCEL \tab 0x00000002\par
  93. #define SR_DEBUG_NOTIFY \tab 0x00000004\par
  94. #define SR_DEBUG_REF_COUNT \tab 0x00000008\par
  95. #define SR_DEBUG_INIT \tab 0x00000020\par
  96. #define SR_DEBUG_HASH 0x00000040\par
  97. #define SR_DEBUG_LOOKUP \tab 0x00000080\par
  98. #define SR_DEBUG_LOG \tab 0x00000100\par
  99. #define SR_DEBUG_RENAME \tab 0x00000200\par
  100. \par
  101. \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-720\li1440 #define SR_DEBUG_BREAK_ON_ERROR \tab 0x00010000\par
  102. \pard\nowidctlpar\li720 #define SR_DEBUG_VERBOSE_ERRORS \tab 0x00020000\par
  103. #define SR_DEBUG_BREAK_ON_LOAD \tab 0x00040000\par
  104. #define SR_DEBUG_ENABLE_UNLOAD \tab 0x00080000\par
  105. \par
  106. #define SR_DEBUG_ADD_DEBUG_INFO \tab 0x00100000\par
  107. \pard\nowidctlpar\par
  108. registry\\hklm\\sys\\ccs\\svcs\\sr\\parameters\\\b dontbackup\b0 [ dword ] 1=monitor all io but don't copy and don't log.\par
  109. \par
  110. *\\system volume information\\_restore\{\}\\\b _driver.cfg\b0 = contains a SR_PERSISTENT_CONFIG 3 numbers, current restore point, current temp file number, and current log sequence number. these are the only 3 values that cannot be in the registry as they must not be changed when a restore happens and rolls the registry back.\par
  111. \par
  112. *\\system volume information\\_restore\{\}\\\b _filelst.cfg\b0 = contains a self-relative hash list and tree built from %systemroot%\\system32\\restore\\filelist.xml . this is the list of file extensions and paths to exclude. this is about 20kb and loaded into ram by the driver.\par
  113. \par
  114. \b managing open file handles\b0\par
  115. \par
  116. we close all open volume handles on lock or dismounts so that chkdsk or format and other tools that lock volumes can run with sr running. we mark the volume context as not being checked so that next io will trigger a CheckVolume to open the handle. the only open handle we have are for the current change.log file. we do not have open handles for _driver.cfg or _filelst.cfg . we do not monitor for change notif on _filelst.cfg .\par
  117. \par
  118. \par
  119. \b deciding if a file is interesting\b0\par
  120. \par
  121. first the extension is checked against a list of INCLUDED extensions from the _filelst.cfg file. if it is not matching, the file is ignored. all directories pass this check as they are interesting regardless of extension.\par
  122. \par
  123. second path exclusions are processed from the _filelst.cfg file. this allows us to exlude directories like \\temp and \\system volume information . both files and directories can be excluded here.\par
  124. \par
  125. third the backup history is examined to decide if we should be interested in this file still. see the later chapter on the backup history.\par
  126. \par
  127. \b handling events\par
  128. \b0\par
  129. files are places in the restore point location (\\svi\\_restore\{\}\\rp5) of the form ANNNNNNN.xxx where N is a ever incrementing number and xxx is the extension of the original file. a log entry is made for the operation which stores the source file and the backup file fullpath. it also stores the attribs + security descriptor for the file if a backup file was placed. the backup file has the same streams the source file had, the same DACL the source file had, the same attribs the source file had (with compressed being added even if it wasn't there). if the backup file is copied (vs renamed) non-cached file io is done in 64kb blocks. \par
  130. \par
  131. the copy is made using the caller's file object, so IRP based reads are issued instead of NtReadFile to force non cached io.\par
  132. \par
  133. directories have no corresponding backup file. activity on directories are simply logged. meta data not put into the log entry is lost (like alternate data streams on directories) . acls + attribs are put in the log entry just like files.\par
  134. \par
  135. \ul WRITE\ulnone\par
  136. \par
  137. a simple copy of the file is made and logged.\par
  138. \par
  139. \ul DELETE\ulnone\par
  140. \par
  141. the driver catches deletes on cleanup when the handle that deleted it is going away. meaning no more io can come from that handle. the driver checks that no other handles are opened and no hardlinks exist to this file. if they are not, it undeletes the file and renames it into the restore location. otherwise the file is copied.\par
  142. \line\ul OVERWRITE\ulnone\par
  143. \par
  144. overwrites are handled prior to the fsd seeing the mj_create. the driver opens the dest file itself first, passing in the same params as the caller, running in the same context as the caller, asking for FILE_GENERIC_WRITE as this is require for overwrite. if the driver can open this file (it uses OBJ_FORCE_ACCESS_CHECK to force the check) then it assumes the caller's overwrite will succeed and it renames the dest file prior to the overwrite occurring. in order to not change the behavior of the overwrite + disposition flags, the driver creates a zero byte dummy file matching the same attribs (system+hidden) and the same security descriptor as the original file. then it allows the overwrite to happen and the zero byte file will be destroyed. if for some unforeseen reason the driver renames the file but the callers overwrite fails, the driver will rename it back in the completion routine for mj_create. this should theoretically never happen as the driver performs the access check. it handles the failure just in case it does happen. \par
  145. \par
  146. it also handles preserving the directory's not-empty status but creating a temp file in the dir named (4bf03598-d7dd-4fbe-98b3-9b70a23ee8d4). this is a zero byte , delete-on-close file that is there simply to make sure the directory is not delete'able, that is: non-empty.\par
  147. \par
  148. \ul RENAME\ulnone\par
  149. \par
  150. renames need to check the interesting flag of the old name and the new name. it also behaves differently if it's a file or directory being renamed.\par
  151. \par
  152. [old_intersting,new_interesting]\par
  153. \pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf2\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-380\li380 t,t: the rename is simply logged. no temp file is created. both for files + directories.\par
  154. {\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}t,f: for files a delete event is logged and a backup file is made. directories are enumerated and all interesting subfiles are logged + backed up.\par
  155. {\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}f,t: for files a create event is logged and no backup file is made. directories are enumerated and all interesting subfiles are logged as creates with no backup files made.\par
  156. {\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}f,f: this event is ignored.\par
  157. \pard\nowidctlpar\par
  158. \ul OTHER\ulnone\par
  159. \par
  160. all other interesting events simply get logged to the change log.\par
  161. \b\par
  162. \par
  163. backup history\par
  164. \b0\par
  165. we maintain a hash table that is used to decide if we have already handled an event and can ignore subsequent events as we have a backup file already. this table is single key'd off of the full path nt file name and is non-persistent.\par
  166. \par
  167. if an event is in the backup history, it is always ignored. the driver checks prior to putting the event in the history if it's ok to ignore it. \par
  168. \par
  169. DELETE is the only event we might ignore, but always log. all other events are not logged if they are ignored.\par
  170. \par
  171. the following text describes what events cause what history to be entered.\par
  172. \par
  173. \pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf2\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-380\li380 ATTRIB_CHANGE or ACL_CHANGE causes subsequent ATTRIB_CHANGE or ACL_CHANGE to be ignored.\par
  174. {\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}WRITE or CREATE or DELETE causes subsequent WRITE and ACL_CHANGE and ATTRIB_CHANGE and DELETE to be ignored.\par
  175. \pard\nowidctlpar\par
  176. \b resetting the backup history\par
  177. \par
  178. \b0 the backup history is completely reset when a new restore point is created or the machine is reboot.\par
  179. \par
  180. renames can also trigger a backup history reset as when a file is given a new name, any history we have for that new name was for a different file. not the file that is just getting that new name. since we log and don't backup renames within monitored space, it's crucial that we clear the backup history for any new names files are given via rename.\par
  181. \par
  182. likewise, if a directory is renamed, all backup history items that prefix match the new directory's name are reset, as these no longer represent the same files but totally new files.\par
  183. \par
  184. \b ioctls\par
  185. \par
  186. \b0 the driver creates a device named "\\FileSystem\\SystemRestoreFilter" that user mode agents can open to perfom control device ioctls.\b \b0 only one open handle at a time is allowed to this control object. the driver has 8 ioctls it responds to.\par
  187. \par
  189. \par
  190. \ulnone this takes in nothing on input, and returns a ULONG on output. it 1) creates a new restore point and returns the new restore point number, 2) creates the actual restore point directory on the system drive, it does this even if drives are disabled, 3) it closes all of the now old log files on all volumes, 4) clears the backup history. never returns PENDING.\par
  191. \par
  193. \par
  194. \ulnone no inputs or outputs. it reloads the _filelst.cfg file and resets all volume metadata (re-enabling them if they were disabled). never returns PENDING.\par
  195. \par
  197. \par
  198. \ulnone no inputs or outputs. this temporarily starts the driver monitoring. use this if either the driver started disabled (Registry\\...\\FirstRun = 1) or STOP_MONITORING was explicitly called. it does not change registry load settings. never returns PENDING.\par
  199. \par
  201. \par
  202. \ulnone no inputs or outputs. this temporarily disables the driver. it does not unload or change registry load settings. this causes the _filelst.cfg to be unloaded such that start will reload it. it also stops logging on all volumes and resets their metadata. never returns PENDING.\par
  203. \par
  205. \ulnone\par
  206. this takes no inputs and returns a SR_NOTIFICATION_RECORD. this is how the user mode agent can receive notifications from the driver. post async calls to this ioctl, and they will be completed when the driver has an interesting event, notification events are \{volume error, volume first write, volume 25mb written\}. this can return PENDING if there are no notifications ready to serve up.\par
  207. \par
  208. this means that the driver with queue irp's that it pend's and complete them as notifications come in. these irp's are cancelable so that app is allowed to close it's handle or terminate at any time.\par
  209. \par
  210. the driver also queue's notifications if and only if there is an open handle to it's control object. this means that if there are any notifications that happen while there were no irp's pended, the will be queued and the next irp sent down will get this notification, so the user mode agent does not have to worry about missing notifications.\par
  211. \par
  213. \ulnone\par
  214. no inputs or outputs. closes log files on all volumes and opens new ones. this allows you to process the old (previously opened) logfiles. never returns PENDING.\par
  215. \par
  217. \ulnone\par
  218. takes as input the null terminated nt name of the volume to disable, the input length must include the null terminator. no outputs. it disables the volume, stopping logging, etc.. never returns PENDING.\par
  219. \par
  221. \par
  222. no inputs. returns an INT64 as output which is the next sequence number used in the change log file. never returns PENDING.\par
  223. \par
  224. \b logging\par
  225. \par
  226. \b0\f1 the driver creates a log entry for each operation that is interesting (see above) . this is kept in a change.log file in the restore point location. this is created on-demand during the first write to that volume.\par
  227. \par
  228. the file is essentially composed of 8kb blocks, filled with 1 or more records. the first and last 4 bytes of a record contains it's length in bytes. records contain a header and a linear array of subrecords. the first 4 bytes of a subrecord contains it's length in bytes. \par
  229. \par
  230. the very first record in the file is a log header record. this contains 1 subrecord which is the full nt path to the change.log file .\par
  231. \par
  232. the rest of the records are always log entry records. these contain a variable number of subrecords. choices are :\par
  233. \par
  234. RecordTypeFirstPath = 3, \tab // Log Entry First Path ( SubRec )\par
  235. RecordTypeSecondPath = 4, \tab // Log Entry Second Path ( SubRec )\par
  236. RecordTypeTempPath = 5, \tab // Log Entry Temp File ( SubRec )\par
  237. RecordTypeAclInline = 6, \tab // Log Entry ACL Info ( SubRec )\par
  238. RecordTypeAclFile = 7, \tab // Log Entry ACL Info ( SubRec )\par
  239. RecordTypeDebugInfo = 8, \tab // Option rec for debug ( SubRec )\par
  240. RecordTypeShortName = 9,\tab // Option rec for short names ( SubRec )\par
  241. \par
  242. these subrecords except for RecordTypeFirstPath are optional and are always in the same order if present. in order to detect if a particular subrecord is present you can read the Record.EntryFlags which has a flag for each optional subrecord. the flag is set if the subrecord is present. current flag definitions the order of their presence in the record:\par
  243. \par
  244. #define ENTRYFLAGS_TEMPPATH \tab 0x01\par
  245. #define ENTRYFLAGS_SECONDPATH \tab 0x02\par
  246. #define ENTRYFLAGS_ACLINFO \tab 0x04\par
  247. #define ENTRYFLAGS_DEBUGINFO \tab 0x08\par
  248. #define ENTRYFLAGS_SHORTNAME \tab 0x10\par
  249. \par
  250. all records are always less than 8kb in total size. if the acl subrecord is too large to fit in the 8kb, then it is stored in a seperate file with the naming convention "SNNNNNNN.acl" and the path to this file is stored in the subrecord. \par
  251. \par
  252. \b caching log record writes\b0\par
  253. \par
  254. the driver writes records to an in memory 8kb buffer which is flushed to disk in it's entirety every 5 seconds via a time triggered DPC. it is flushed only if it is dirty. there is 1 DPC routine that enumerates all of the volumes and initiates the flush on each volume, there is not a DPC/timer per volume.\par
  255. \par
  256. note: this is done such that if a 100 byte record is logged (to memory), 5 seconds later the 8kb buffer will be flushed to disk even though only 100 bytes are valid. the 8kb buffer is always zero pre-filled so all invalid data contains zeros . when another 100 bytes are appended to the in memory buffer, the entire 8kb is flushed in the next DPC (even though the previous 100 bytes where already written and only 200 bytes are valid in this 8kb buffer). all writes are done non-cached.\par
  257. \par
  258. the driver moves on to the next 8kb block only when a record will not fit in the current 8kb block. at this point the 8kb block is force flushed to disk (not via DPC) and then the file pointer is advanced to the next 8kb block and the cycle restarts. this means there might be unused space at the end of an 8kb block. there is no record data here. a parsing tool can detect this by either a) seeing there is less than 4 bytes remaining in the 8kb block, or b) the next record length is zero (4 bytes). at this point the parser needs to advance to the next 8kb block.\par
  259. \par
  260. \b log switching\par
  261. \b0\par
  262. the log file is switched on several events. first, it is switched every time logging is started. logging is stopped on system shutdown, volume lock/dismount, SR_DISABLE_VOLUME and SR_STOP_MONITORING. second it is switched on a SR_SWITCH_LOG. third is is switched prior to writing a record if that record will cause the file to exceed 1mb. this means that all change.log files are gauranteed to be less than or equal to 1mb.\par
  263. \par
  264. when a log is switched it is renamed to change.log.N where N is the next free number. so if the log has been changed once there will be a change.log and a change.log.1. change.log is always the most current log, the file with the largest extension is the second most current log, and so on.\par
  265. \par
  266. \par
  267. \b\f0 Microsoft Confidential\b0\f1\par
  268. }