Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Main header for BITS server extensions
#define INITGUID
#include <windows.h>
#include <httpfilt.h>
#include <httpext.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <iadmw.h>
#include <iiscnfg.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <iphlpapi.h>
#include <sddl.h>
#include <aclapi.h>
#include "winhttp.h"
// #include "inethttp.h"
#include <activeds.h>
#include <bitsmsg.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include <smartptr.h>
typedef StringHandleA StringHandle;
#include <bitscfg.h>
typedef SmartRefPointer<IMSAdminBase> SmartMetabasePointer; typedef SmartRefPointer<IBITSExtensionSetupFactory> SmartBITSExtensionSetupFactoryPointer; typedef SmartRefPointer<IBITSExtensionSetup> SmartBITSExtensionSetupPointer; #if defined(DBG)
// check build
#define BITS_MUST_SUCCEED( expr ) ASSERT( expr )
// free build
#define BITS_MUST_SUCCEED( expr ) ( expr )
const UINT32 LOG_INFO = 0x1; const UINT32 LOG_WARNING = 0x2; const UINT32 LOG_ERROR = 0x4; const UINT32 LOG_CALLBEGIN = 0x8; const UINT32 LOG_CALLEND = 0x10;
#if defined(DBG)
const UINT32 DEFAULT_LOG_FLAGS = 0; #endif
// LogSetings path under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
const char * const LOG_SETTINGS_PATH = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\BITSServer";
// Values
// (REG_EXPAND_SZ). Contains the full path of the log file name
const char * const LOG_FILENAME_VALUE = "LogFileName"; // (REG_DWORD) Contains the log flags
const char * const LOG_FLAGS_VALUE = "LogFlags"; // (REG_DWORD) Contains the log size in MB
const char * const LOG_SIZE_VALUE = "LogSize"; // (REG_DWORD) Indicates if we will be appending the ProcessId to the log file name
const char * const PER_PROCESS_LOG_VALUE = "PerProcessLog";
extern UINT32 g_LogFlags;
HRESULT LogInit(); void LogClose(); void LogInternal( UINT32 LogFlags, char *Format, va_list arglist );
void inline Log( UINT32 LogFlags, char *Format, ... ) {
if ( !( g_LogFlags & LogFlags ) ) return;
va_list arglist; va_start( arglist, Format );
LogInternal( LogFlags, Format, arglist );
const char *LookupHTTPStatusCodeText( DWORD HttpCode );
class ServerException : public ComError { public:
ServerException() : ComError( 0 ), m_HttpCode( 0 ), m_Context( 0 ) { }
ServerException( HRESULT Code, DWORD HttpCode = 0, DWORD Context = 0x5 ) : ComError( Code ), m_HttpCode( HttpCode ? HttpCode : MapStatus( Code ) ), m_Context( Context ) { } ServerException( const ComError & Error ) : ComError( Error.m_Hr ), m_HttpCode( MapStatus( Error.m_Hr ) ), m_Context( 0x5 ) { } ServerException( const ServerException & Error ) : ComError( Error.m_Hr ), m_HttpCode( Error.m_HttpCode ), m_Context( Error.m_Context ) { }
HRESULT GetCode() const { return m_Hr; } DWORD GetHttpCode() const { return m_HttpCode; }
DWORD GetContext() const { return m_Context; }
void SendErrorResponse( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK * ExtensionControlBlock ) const; DWORD MapStatus( HRESULT Hr ) const;
private: DWORD m_HttpCode; DWORD m_Context; };
inline UINT64 FILETIMEToUINT64( const FILETIME & FileTime ) { ULARGE_INTEGER LargeInteger; LargeInteger.HighPart = FileTime.dwHighDateTime; LargeInteger.LowPart = FileTime.dwLowDateTime; return LargeInteger.QuadPart; }
inline FILETIME UINT64ToFILETIME( UINT64 Int64Value ) { ULARGE_INTEGER LargeInteger; LargeInteger.QuadPart = Int64Value;
FILETIME FileTime; FileTime.dwHighDateTime = LargeInteger.HighPart; FileTime.dwLowDateTime = LargeInteger.LowPart;
return FileTime; }
// API thunks
UINT64 BITSGetFileSize( HANDLE Handle );
UINT64 BITSSetFilePointer( HANDLE Handle, INT64 Distance, DWORD MoveMethod );
DWORD BITSWriteFile( HANDLE Handle, LPCVOID Buffer, DWORD NumberOfBytesToWrite);
void BITSCreateDirectory( const CHAR *Path ); void BITSRenameFile( LPCTSTR ExistingName, LPCTSTR NewName, bool AllowOverwrites );
void BITSDeleteFile( LPCTSTR FileName );
GUID BITSCreateGuid();
GUID BITSGuidFromString( const char *String );
StringHandle BITSStringFromGuid( GUID Guid );
StringHandle BITSUnicodeToStringHandle( const WCHAR *pStr );
StringHandle BITSUrlCombine( const char *Base, const char *Relative, DWORD dwFlags );
StringHandle BITSUrlCanonicalize( const char *URL, DWORD dwFlags );
void BITSSetCurrentThreadToken( HANDLE hToken );
// Metadata wrappers
StringHandle GetMetaDataString( IMSAdminBase *IISAdminBase, METADATA_HANDLE Handle, LPCWSTR Path, DWORD dwIdentifier, LPCSTR DefaultValue );
DWORD GetMetaDataDWORD( IMSAdminBase *IISAdminBase, METADATA_HANDLE Handle, LPCWSTR Path, DWORD dwIdentifier, DWORD DefaultValue );
class WorkStringBufferA { char *Data;
WorkStringBufferA( SIZE_T Size ) { Data = new char[Size]; } WorkStringBufferA( const char* String ) { size_t BufferSize = strlen(String) + 1; Data = new char[ BufferSize ]; memcpy( Data, String, BufferSize ); } ~WorkStringBufferA() { delete[] Data; }
char *GetBuffer() { return Data; } };
class WorkStringBufferW { WCHAR *Data;
WorkStringBufferW( SIZE_T Size ) { Data = new WCHAR[Size]; } WorkStringBufferW( const WCHAR* String ) { size_t BufferSize = wcslen(String) + 1; Data = new WCHAR[ BufferSize ]; memcpy( Data, String, BufferSize * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); } ~WorkStringBufferW() { delete[] Data; }
WCHAR *GetBuffer() { return Data; } };
typedef WorkStringBufferA WorkStringBuffer;
const char * const BITS_CONNECTIONS_NAME_WITH_SLASH="BITS-Connections\\"; const char * const BITS_CONNECTIONS_NAME="BITS-Connections"; const UINT64 NanoSec100PerSec = 10000000; //no of 100 nanosecs per sec
const DWORD WorkerRunInterval = 1000 * 60 /*secs*/ * 60 /*mins*/ * 12; /* hours */ /* twice a day */ const UINT64 CleanupThreshold = NanoSec100PerSec * 60 /*secs*/ * 60 /*mins*/ * 24 /* hours */ * 3; // 3 days
// Configuration manager
#include "bitssrvcfg.h"
class ConfigurationManager; class VDirConfig { friend ConfigurationManager;
LONG m_Refs; FILETIME m_LastLookup;
static StringHandle GetFullPath( StringHandle Path );
public: StringHandle m_Path; StringHandle m_PhysicalPath; StringHandle m_SessionDir; StringHandle m_ConnectionsDir; StringHandle m_RequestsDir; StringHandle m_RepliesDir; DWORD m_NoProgressTimeout; UINT64 m_MaxFileSize; BITS_SERVER_NOTIFICATION_TYPE m_NotificationType; StringHandle m_NotificationURL; bool m_UploadEnabled; StringHandle m_HostId; DWORD m_HostIdFallbackTimeout; DWORD m_ExecutePermissions; bool m_AllowOverwrites;
VDirConfig( StringHandle Path, SmartMetabasePointer AdminBase );
void AddRef() { InterlockedIncrement( &m_Refs ); }
void Release() {
if (!InterlockedDecrement( &m_Refs )) delete this; } };
typedef SmartRefPointer<VDirConfig> SmartVDirConfig;
class MapCacheEntry { friend ConfigurationManager; FILETIME m_LastLookup;
StringHandle m_InstanceMetabasePath; StringHandle m_URL; SmartVDirConfig m_Config; DWORD m_URLDepth;
MapCacheEntry( StringHandle InstanceMetabasePath, StringHandle URL, SmartVDirConfig Config, DWORD URLDepth ) : m_InstanceMetabasePath( InstanceMetabasePath ), m_URL( URL ), m_Config( Config ), m_URLDepth( URLDepth ) { GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &m_LastLookup ); }
class ConfigurationManager { public:
ConfigurationManager(); ~ConfigurationManager();
SmartVDirConfig GetConfig2( StringHandle InstanceMetabasePath, StringHandle URL, DWORD *pURLDepth ); SmartVDirConfig GetConfig( StringHandle InstanceMetabasePath, StringHandle URL, DWORD *pURLDepth );
static const PATH_CACHE_ENTRIES = 10; static const MAP_CACHE_ENTRIES = 10;
SmartMetabasePointer m_IISAdminBase; CRITICAL_SECTION m_CacheCS; DWORD m_ChangeNumber;
SmartVDirConfig m_PathCacheEntries[ PATH_CACHE_ENTRIES ]; MapCacheEntry *m_MapCacheEntries[ MAP_CACHE_ENTRIES ];
void FlushCache(); bool HandleCacheConsistency();
// L2 cache
SmartVDirConfig Lookup( StringHandle Path ); void Insert( SmartVDirConfig NewConfig ); SmartVDirConfig GetVDirConfig( StringHandle Path );
// L1 cache
SmartVDirConfig Lookup( StringHandle InstanceMetabasePath, StringHandle URL, DWORD *pURLDepth ); SmartVDirConfig Insert( StringHandle InstanceMetabasePath, StringHandle URL, StringHandle Path, DWORD URLDepth );
StringHandle GetVDirPath( StringHandle InstanceMetabasePath, StringHandle URL, DWORD *pURLDepth );
extern ConfigurationManager *g_ConfigMan; extern HMODULE g_hinst; extern PropertyIDManager *g_PropertyMan;