// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: attribute.cpp
#include "pch.h"
#include <SnapBase.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "attredit.h"
#include "attribute.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CADSIAttr
CADSIAttr::CADSIAttr(ADS_ATTR_INFO* pInfo, BOOL bMulti, PCWSTR pszSyntax, BOOL bReadOnly) { m_pAttrInfo = pInfo; m_bDirty = FALSE; m_bMulti = bMulti; m_bReadOnly = bReadOnly; m_szSyntax = pszSyntax;
PWSTR pwz = wcsrchr(pInfo->pszAttrName, L';'); if (pwz) { pwz; // move past the hyphen to the range end value.
ASSERT(*pwz); *pwz=L'\0'; }
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-552796-2002/02/21-artm Constant string parm written to in constructor.
// Probably need to change the signature to reflect how the parameter is used.
CADSIAttr::CADSIAttr(LPCWSTR lpszAttr) { m_pAttrInfo = new ADS_ATTR_INFO; memset(m_pAttrInfo, 0, sizeof(ADS_ATTR_INFO));
PWSTR pwz = wcsrchr(lpszAttr, L';'); if (pwz) { // FUTURE-2002/02/22-artm This line of code does not appear to do anything.
// Consider removing upon review.
pwz; // move past the hyphen to the range end value.
// FUTURE-2002/02/22-artm Code is unnecessarily confusing.
// The assert is checking that the temporary pointer is not pointing
// to the zero termination character at the end. On the other hand, the
// code then proceeds to set that character to NULL! I suspect that there
// is no need to have the ASSERT(); if there is, then this code needs to be revisited.
ASSERT(*pwz); *pwz=L'\0'; } _AllocString(lpszAttr, &(m_pAttrInfo->pszAttrName));
m_bMulti = FALSE; m_bDirty = FALSE; m_bReadOnly = FALSE; }
CADSIAttr::CADSIAttr(CADSIAttr* pOldAttr) { m_pAttrInfo = NULL; ADS_ATTR_INFO* pAttrInfo = pOldAttr->GetAttrInfo();
// These copies are done separately because there are places
// that I need to copy only the ADsAttrInfo and not the values
_CopyADsAttrInfo(pAttrInfo, &m_pAttrInfo); _CopyADsValues(pAttrInfo, m_pAttrInfo );
m_bReadOnly = FALSE; m_bMulti = pOldAttr->m_bMulti; m_bDirty = pOldAttr->m_bDirty; }
CADSIAttr::~CADSIAttr() { _FreeADsAttrInfo(&m_pAttrInfo, m_bReadOnly); }
ADSVALUE* CADSIAttr::GetADSVALUE(int idx) { return &(m_pAttrInfo->pADsValues[idx]); }
HRESULT CADSIAttr::SetValues(const CStringList& sValues) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
ADS_ATTR_INFO* pNewAttrInfo = NULL; if (!_CopyADsAttrInfo(m_pAttrInfo, &pNewAttrInfo)) { return E_FAIL; }
int iCount = sValues.GetCount(); pNewAttrInfo->dwNumValues = iCount;
if (!_AllocValues(&pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues, iCount)) { return E_FAIL; } int idx = 0; POSITION pos = sValues.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString s = sValues.GetNext(pos);
ADSVALUE* pADsValue = &(pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues[idx]); ASSERT(pADsValue != NULL);
hr = _SetADsFromString( s, pNewAttrInfo->dwADsType, pADsValue ); if (FAILED(hr)) { _FreeADsAttrInfo(&pNewAttrInfo, FALSE); return hr; } idx++; }
// Free the old one and swap in the new one
_FreeADsAttrInfo(&m_pAttrInfo, m_bReadOnly);
m_pAttrInfo = pNewAttrInfo; m_bReadOnly = FALSE; return hr; }
void CADSIAttr::GetValues(CStringList& sValues, DWORD dwMaxCharCount) { GetStringFromADs(m_pAttrInfo, sValues, dwMaxCharCount); }
ADS_ATTR_INFO* CADSIAttr::GetAttrInfo() { return m_pAttrInfo; }
// Public Helper Functions
HRESULT CADSIAttr::SetValuesInDS(CAttrList* ptouchedAttr, IDirectoryObject* pDirObject) { DWORD dwReturn; DWORD dwAttrCount = 0; ADS_ATTR_INFO* pAttrInfo; pAttrInfo = new ADS_ATTR_INFO[ptouchedAttr->GetCount()];
CADSIAttr* pCurrentAttr; POSITION pos = ptouchedAttr->GetHeadPosition(); while(pos != NULL) { ptouchedAttr->GetNextDirty(pos, &pCurrentAttr);
if (pCurrentAttr != NULL) { ADS_ATTR_INFO* pCurrentAttrInfo = pCurrentAttr->GetAttrInfo(); ADS_ATTR_INFO* pNewAttrInfo = &pAttrInfo[dwAttrCount];
if (!_CopyADsAttrInfo(pCurrentAttrInfo, pNewAttrInfo)) { for (int itr = 0; itr < dwAttrCount; itr++) { _FreeADsAttrInfo(&pAttrInfo[itr]); } delete[] pAttrInfo;
return E_FAIL; }
if (!_CopyADsValues(pCurrentAttrInfo, pNewAttrInfo)) { delete[] pAttrInfo; return E_FAIL; }
if (pAttrInfo[dwAttrCount].dwNumValues == 0) { pAttrInfo[dwAttrCount].dwControlCode = ADS_ATTR_CLEAR; } else { pAttrInfo[dwAttrCount].dwControlCode = ADS_ATTR_UPDATE; }
dwAttrCount++; } }
// Commit the changes that have been made to the ADSI cache
HRESULT hr = pDirObject->SetObjectAttributes(pAttrInfo, dwAttrCount, &dwReturn);
for (int itr = 0; itr < dwAttrCount; itr++) { _FreeADsAttrInfo(&pAttrInfo[itr]); } delete[] pAttrInfo;
return hr; }
// Private Helper Functions
// NOTICE-2002/02/25-artm _SetADsFromString() w/in trust boundary
// Pre: lpszValue != NULL && lpszValue is a zero terminated string
HRESULT CADSIAttr::_SetADsFromString(LPCWSTR lpszValue, ADSTYPE adsType, ADSVALUE* pADsValue) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if ( adsType == ADSTYPE_INVALID ) { return hr; }
pADsValue->dwType = adsType;
switch( adsType ) { case ADSTYPE_DN_STRING : if (!_AllocString(lpszValue, &pADsValue->DNString)) { return E_FAIL; } hr = S_OK; break;
case ADSTYPE_CASE_EXACT_STRING : if (!_AllocString(lpszValue, &pADsValue->CaseExactString)) { return E_FAIL; } hr = S_OK; break;
case ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING : if (!_AllocString(lpszValue, &pADsValue->CaseIgnoreString)) { return E_FAIL; } hr = S_OK; break;
case ADSTYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING : if (!_AllocString(lpszValue, &pADsValue->PrintableString)) { return E_FAIL; } hr = S_OK; break;
case ADSTYPE_NUMERIC_STRING : if (!_AllocString(lpszValue, &pADsValue->NumericString)) { return E_FAIL; } hr = S_OK; break; case ADSTYPE_OBJECT_CLASS : if (!_AllocString(lpszValue, &pADsValue->ClassName)) { return E_FAIL; } hr = S_OK; break; case ADSTYPE_BOOLEAN : // FUTURE-2002/02/22-artm Use constants for literal strings, and use
// a function to determine their length. Easier to maintain, read, and
// less error prone. If performance is a concern, calculate the lengths
// once and assign to length constants.
// NOTICE-2002/02/25-artm lpszValue must be null terminated
// This requirement is currently met by the functions that call
// this helper.
if (_wcsnicmp(lpszValue, L"TRUE", 4) == 0) { (DWORD)pADsValue->Boolean = TRUE; } else if (_wcsnicmp(lpszValue, L"FALSE", 5) == 0) { (DWORD)pADsValue->Boolean = FALSE; } else { return E_FAIL; } hr = S_OK; break; case ADSTYPE_INTEGER : int value; // As long as lpszValue is a valid string (even empty string is okay),
// swscanf will convert the number from a string to an int.
value = swscanf(lpszValue, L"%ld", &pADsValue->Integer); if (value > 0) { hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_FAIL; } break; case ADSTYPE_OCTET_STRING : { hr = HexStringToByteArray_0x( lpszValue, &( pADsValue->OctetString.lpValue ), pADsValue->OctetString.dwLength);
// Should never happen.
ASSERT (hr != E_POINTER); } break; case ADSTYPE_LARGE_INTEGER : wtoli(lpszValue, pADsValue->LargeInteger); hr = S_OK; break; case ADSTYPE_UTC_TIME : int iNum; WORD n;
// NOTICE-2002/02/25-artm Validates that input string by
// checking that all 6 time fields were filled in. Relies
// on input string being null terminated (okay as long as
// function contract met).
iNum = swscanf(lpszValue, L"%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d", &n, &pADsValue->UTCTime.wDay, &pADsValue->UTCTime.wYear, &pADsValue->UTCTime.wHour, &pADsValue->UTCTime.wMinute, &pADsValue->UTCTime.wSecond ); pADsValue->UTCTime.wMonth = n;
// This strange conversion is done so that the DayOfWeek will be set in
// the UTCTime. By converting it to a filetime it ignores the dayofweek but
// converting back fills it in.
FILETIME ft; SystemTimeToFileTime(&pADsValue->UTCTime, &ft); FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &pADsValue->UTCTime);
if (iNum == 6) { hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_FAIL; } break;
default : break; }
return hr; }
// Copies the old octet string to the new octet string. Any memory allocated
// to the new octet string will be freed first (and will be freed even if the
// copy failed).
BOOL CADSIAttr::_AllocOctetString(ADS_OCTET_STRING& rOldOctetString, ADS_OCTET_STRING& rNew) { _FreeOctetString(rNew.lpValue);
int iLength = rOldOctetString.dwLength; rNew.dwLength = iLength; rNew.lpValue = new BYTE[iLength]; if (rNew.lpValue == NULL) { // FUTURE-2002/02/25-artm Unnecessary function call.
// Calling _FreeOctetString() does nothing here since
// we can only get to this code branch if the allocation
// failed.
_FreeOctetString(rNew.lpValue); return FALSE; } memcpy(rNew.lpValue, rOldOctetString.lpValue, iLength); return TRUE; }
void CADSIAttr::_FreeOctetString(BYTE* lpValue) { if (lpValue != NULL) { // NOTICE-NTRAID#NTBUG9-554582-2002/02/25-artm Memory leak b/c lpValue allocated with [].
// Code should be delete [] lpValue.
delete [] lpValue; lpValue = NULL; } }
// NOTICE-2002/02/25-artm lpsz must be a null terminated string
BOOL CADSIAttr::_AllocString(LPCWSTR lpsz, LPWSTR* lppszNew) { _FreeString(lppszNew);
int iLength = wcslen(lpsz); *lppszNew = new WCHAR[iLength + 1]; // an extra for the NULL
if (*lppszNew == NULL) { // FUTURE-2002/02/25-artm Unnecessary function call.
// Calling _FreeString() does nothing here since
// we can only get to this code branch if the allocation
// failed.
_FreeString(lppszNew); return FALSE; }
// This is a legitimate use of wcscpy() since the destination buffer
// is sized large enought to hold the src and terminating null. It
// hinges on the fact that the source string is null terminated.
wcscpy(*lppszNew, lpsz);
return TRUE; } void CADSIAttr::_FreeString(LPWSTR* lppsz) { if (*lppsz != NULL) { // NOTICE-NTRAID#NTBUG9-554582-2002/02/25-artm Memory leak b/c lppsz allocated with [].
// Code should be delete [] lppsz.
delete [] *lppsz; } *lppsz = NULL; }
BOOL CADSIAttr::_AllocValues(ADSVALUE** ppValues, DWORD dwLength) { _FreeADsValues(ppValues, dwLength);
*ppValues = new ADSVALUE[dwLength]; if (*ppValues == NULL) { // FUTURE-2002/02/25-artm Unnecessary function call.
// Calling _FreeADsValues() does nothing here since
// we can only get to this code branch if the allocation
// failed.
_FreeADsValues(ppValues, dwLength); return FALSE; } memset(*ppValues, 0, sizeof(ADSVALUE) * dwLength); return TRUE; }
BOOL CADSIAttr::_CopyADsValues(ADS_ATTR_INFO* pOldAttrInfo, ADS_ATTR_INFO* pNewAttrInfo) { _FreeADsValues(&pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues, pNewAttrInfo->dwNumValues);
pNewAttrInfo->dwNumValues = pOldAttrInfo->dwNumValues; if (!_AllocValues(&pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues, pOldAttrInfo->dwNumValues)) { _FreeADsValues(&pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues, pNewAttrInfo->dwNumValues); return FALSE; }
for (int itr = 0; itr < pOldAttrInfo->dwNumValues; itr++) { pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].dwType = pOldAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].dwType;
switch( pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].dwType ) { case ADSTYPE_DN_STRING : if (!_AllocString(pOldAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].DNString, &pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].DNString)) { _FreeADsValues(&pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues, pNewAttrInfo->dwNumValues); return FALSE; } break;
case ADSTYPE_CASE_EXACT_STRING : if (!_AllocString(pOldAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].CaseExactString, &pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].CaseExactString)) { _FreeADsValues(&pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues, pNewAttrInfo->dwNumValues); return FALSE; } break; case ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING : if (!_AllocString(pOldAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].CaseIgnoreString, &pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].CaseIgnoreString)) { _FreeADsValues(&pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues, pNewAttrInfo->dwNumValues); return FALSE; } break;
case ADSTYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING : if (!_AllocString(pOldAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].PrintableString, &pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].PrintableString)) { _FreeADsValues(&pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues, pNewAttrInfo->dwNumValues); return FALSE; } break;
case ADSTYPE_NUMERIC_STRING : if (!_AllocString(pOldAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].NumericString, &pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].NumericString)) { _FreeADsValues(&pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues, pNewAttrInfo->dwNumValues); return FALSE; } break; case ADSTYPE_OBJECT_CLASS : if (!_AllocString(pOldAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].ClassName, &pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].ClassName)) { _FreeADsValues(&pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues, pNewAttrInfo->dwNumValues); return FALSE; } break; case ADSTYPE_BOOLEAN : pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].Boolean = pOldAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].Boolean; break; case ADSTYPE_INTEGER : pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].Integer = pOldAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].Integer; break; case ADSTYPE_OCTET_STRING : if (!_AllocOctetString(pOldAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].OctetString, pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].OctetString)) { _FreeADsValues(&pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues, pNewAttrInfo->dwNumValues); return FALSE; } break; case ADSTYPE_LARGE_INTEGER : pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].LargeInteger = pOldAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].LargeInteger; break; case ADSTYPE_UTC_TIME : pNewAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].UTCTime = pOldAttrInfo->pADsValues[itr].UTCTime; break;
default : break; } } return TRUE; }
void CADSIAttr::_FreeADsValues(ADSVALUE** ppADsValues, DWORD dwLength) { ADSVALUE* pADsValue = *ppADsValues;
for (int idx = 0; idx < dwLength; idx++) { if (pADsValue != NULL) { switch( pADsValue->dwType ) { case ADSTYPE_DN_STRING : _FreeString(&pADsValue->DNString); break;
case ADSTYPE_CASE_EXACT_STRING : _FreeString(&pADsValue->CaseExactString); break;
case ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING : _FreeString(&pADsValue->CaseIgnoreString); break;
case ADSTYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING : _FreeString(&pADsValue->PrintableString); break;
case ADSTYPE_NUMERIC_STRING : _FreeString(&pADsValue->NumericString); break; case ADSTYPE_OBJECT_CLASS : _FreeString(&pADsValue->ClassName); break; case ADSTYPE_OCTET_STRING : _FreeOctetString(pADsValue->OctetString.lpValue); break; default : break; } pADsValue++; } } // May be NULL if there are no values set
// WARNING! : make sure that you memset the memory after
// creating an ADS_ATTR_INFO so that it will be NULL if there
// are no values
if (*ppADsValues != NULL) { // NOTICE-NTRAID#NTBUG9-554582-2002/02/25-artm Memory leak b/c *ppADsValues allocated with [].
// Code should be delete [] *ppADsValues.
delete [] *ppADsValues; *ppADsValues = NULL; } }
// The values are not copied here. They must be copied after the ADS_ATTR_INFO
// is copied by using _CopyADsValues()
BOOL CADSIAttr::_CopyADsAttrInfo(ADS_ATTR_INFO* pAttrInfo, ADS_ATTR_INFO** ppNewAttrInfo) { _FreeADsAttrInfo(ppNewAttrInfo, FALSE);
*ppNewAttrInfo = new ADS_ATTR_INFO; if (*ppNewAttrInfo == NULL) { return FALSE; } memset(*ppNewAttrInfo, 0, sizeof(ADS_ATTR_INFO));
BOOL bReturn = _AllocString(pAttrInfo->pszAttrName, &((*ppNewAttrInfo)->pszAttrName)); if (!bReturn) { _FreeADsAttrInfo(ppNewAttrInfo, FALSE); return FALSE; }
(*ppNewAttrInfo)->dwADsType = pAttrInfo->dwADsType; (*ppNewAttrInfo)->dwControlCode = pAttrInfo->dwControlCode; (*ppNewAttrInfo)->dwNumValues = pAttrInfo->dwNumValues;
return TRUE; }
BOOL CADSIAttr::_CopyADsAttrInfo(ADS_ATTR_INFO* pAttrInfo, ADS_ATTR_INFO* pNewAttrInfo) { memset(pNewAttrInfo, 0, sizeof(ADS_ATTR_INFO));
BOOL bReturn = _AllocString(pAttrInfo->pszAttrName, &pNewAttrInfo->pszAttrName); if (!bReturn) { return FALSE; }
pNewAttrInfo->dwADsType = pAttrInfo->dwADsType; pNewAttrInfo->dwControlCode = pAttrInfo->dwControlCode; pNewAttrInfo->dwNumValues = pAttrInfo->dwNumValues;
return TRUE; }
void CADSIAttr::_FreeADsAttrInfo(ADS_ATTR_INFO** ppAttrInfo, BOOL bReadOnly) { if (*ppAttrInfo == NULL) { return; }
if (!bReadOnly) { _FreeString(&(*ppAttrInfo)->pszAttrName); _FreeADsValues(&(*ppAttrInfo)->pADsValues, (*ppAttrInfo)->dwNumValues); delete *ppAttrInfo; } else { FreeADsMem(*ppAttrInfo); } *ppAttrInfo = NULL; }
void CADSIAttr::_FreeADsAttrInfo(ADS_ATTR_INFO* pAttrInfo) { if (pAttrInfo == NULL) { return; }
_FreeString(&pAttrInfo->pszAttrName); _FreeADsValues(&pAttrInfo->pADsValues, pAttrInfo->dwNumValues); }