Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: query.cpp
#include "pch.h"
#include "attrqry.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
CADSIQueryObject2::CADSIQueryObject2() { m_bInitialized = FALSE; m_pwszFilter = NULL; m_pObj = NULL; m_SearchHandle = NULL; }
CADSIQueryObject2::~CADSIQueryObject2() { if (m_SearchHandle) { m_pObj->CloseSearchHandle (m_SearchHandle); } if (aSearchPref != NULL) { delete aSearchPref; aSearchPref = NULL; } }
HRESULT CADSIQueryObject2::Init(IDirectorySearch * pObj) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; m_pObj = pObj; m_bInitialized = TRUE; return hr; }
HRESULT CADSIQueryObject2::SetAttributeList (LPTSTR *pszAttribs, INT cAttrs) {
m_pszAttribs = pszAttribs; m_nAttrs = cAttrs; return S_OK; }
const int nSearchPrefs = 4; HRESULT CADSIQueryObject2::SetSearchPrefs (ADS_SCOPEENUM scope, ULONG nMaxObjectCount) { HRESULT hr; int nNumPrefs = nSearchPrefs; if (nMaxObjectCount == 0) { nNumPrefs--; } aSearchPref = new ADS_SEARCHPREF_INFO[nNumPrefs];
if (m_bInitialized) { aSearchPref[0].dwSearchPref = ADS_SEARCHPREF_SEARCH_SCOPE; aSearchPref[0].vValue.dwType = ADSTYPE_INTEGER; aSearchPref[0].vValue.Integer = scope; aSearchPref[1].dwSearchPref = ADS_SEARCHPREF_ASYNCHRONOUS; aSearchPref[1].vValue.dwType = ADSTYPE_BOOLEAN; aSearchPref[1].vValue.Boolean = TRUE; aSearchPref[2].dwSearchPref = ADS_SEARCHPREF_PAGESIZE; aSearchPref[2].vValue.dwType = ADSTYPE_INTEGER; aSearchPref[2].vValue.Integer = QUERY_PAGESIZE; if (nMaxObjectCount > 0) { aSearchPref[3].dwSearchPref = ADS_SEARCHPREF_SIZE_LIMIT; aSearchPref[3].vValue.dwType = ADSTYPE_INTEGER; aSearchPref[3].vValue.Integer = nMaxObjectCount; } hr = m_pObj->SetSearchPreference (aSearchPref, nNumPrefs); delete aSearchPref; aSearchPref = NULL; } else { hr = E_ADS_BAD_PATHNAME; } return hr; }
const int NUM_PREFS=3; HRESULT CADSIQueryObject2::DoQuery() { HRESULT hr; if (m_bInitialized) { hr = m_pObj->ExecuteSearch (m_pwszFilter, m_pszAttribs, m_nAttrs, &m_SearchHandle); } else { hr = E_ADS_BAD_PATHNAME; } return hr; }
HRESULT CADSIQueryObject2::GetNextRow() { if (m_bInitialized) { return m_pObj->GetNextRow (m_SearchHandle); } return E_ADS_BAD_PATHNAME; }
HRESULT CADSIQueryObject2::GetColumn(LPWSTR Attribute, PADS_SEARCH_COLUMN pColumnData) { if (m_bInitialized) { return m_pObj->GetColumn (m_SearchHandle, Attribute, pColumnData); } return E_ADS_BAD_PATHNAME; }