// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: recordui.cpp
#include "preDNSsn.h"
#include <SnapBase.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "dnsutil.h"
#include "DNSSnap.h"
#include "snapdata.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "record.h"
#include "zone.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
void TestDefButton(HWND hWnd) { HWND hParent = ::GetParent(hWnd); LRESULT lres = ::SendMessage(hParent, DM_GETDEFID, 0,0); WORD hi = HIWORD(lres); ASSERT( DC_HASDEFID == hi); UINT nCtrlID = LOWORD(lres); if (nCtrlID == IDCANCEL) { TRACE(_T("Got changed to cancel, reset to OK\n")); ::SendMessage(hParent, DM_SETDEFID, (WPARAM)IDOK, 0); } } */
// CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder
CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder::CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder(CDNSDomainNode* pDNSDomainNode, CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, WORD wPredefinedRecordType) : CPropertyPageHolderBase(pDNSDomainNode, pRecordNode, pComponentData) { m_nRecordPages = 0; m_pTempDNSRecord = NULL; m_wPredefinedRecordType = wPredefinedRecordType; m_pAclEditorPage = NULL;
m_forceContextHelpButton = forceOn;
ASSERT(pRecordNode == GetRecordNode()); if (pRecordNode != NULL) { ASSERT(m_wPredefinedRecordType == 0); // we do not use it
// have record node selected, we are putting up modeless property sheet
m_pTempDNSRecord = pRecordNode->CreateCloneRecord(); // temporary copy to work on
ASSERT(m_pTempDNSRecord != NULL); AddPagesFromCurrentRecordNode(FALSE); // do not add to sheet, will add later
// security page added only if needed
ASSERT(!IsWizardMode()); CDNSZoneNode* pZoneNode = pDNSDomainNode->GetZoneNode(); if (pZoneNode->IsDSIntegrated()) { CString szPath; pRecordNode->CreateDsRecordLdapPath(szPath); if (!szPath.IsEmpty()) m_pAclEditorPage = CAclEditorPage::CreateInstance(szPath, this); } } else { // we do not have a record node selected, we are creating a new one
ASSERT(m_wPredefinedRecordType != 0); // know the record type
SetRecordSelection(m_wPredefinedRecordType, FALSE); // do not add Page to Sheet
} }
CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder::~CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder() { if (m_pTempDNSRecord != NULL) { delete m_pTempDNSRecord; m_pTempDNSRecord = NULL; } if (IsWizardMode()) { CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode = GetRecordNode(); if (pRecordNode != NULL) { // a node was created, but never written to the server
SetRecordNode(NULL); delete pRecordNode; } } if (m_pAclEditorPage != NULL) delete m_pAclEditorPage; }
HRESULT CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder::OnAddPage(int nPage, CPropertyPageBase*) { // add the ACL editor page after the last, if present
if ( (nPage != -1) || (m_pAclEditorPage == NULL) ) return S_OK;
// add the ACL page
HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage = m_pAclEditorPage->CreatePage(); if (hPage == NULL) return E_FAIL; // add the raw HPROPSHEETPAGE to sheet, not in the list
return AddPageToSheetRaw(hPage); }
void CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder::AddPagesFromCurrentRecordNode(BOOL bAddToSheet) { CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode = GetRecordNode(); ASSERT(pRecordNode != NULL); // ask the record to get all the property pages
ASSERT(m_nRecordPages == 0); pRecordNode->CreatePropertyPages(m_pRecordPropPagesArr,&m_nRecordPages); ASSERT( (m_nRecordPages >= 0 ) && (m_nRecordPages <= DNS_RECORD_MAX_PROPRETY_PAGES) ); // add them to the list of pages
for (int k=0; k < m_nRecordPages; k++) { AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*)m_pRecordPropPagesArr[k]); if (bAddToSheet) VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(AddPageToSheet((CPropertyPageBase*)m_pRecordPropPagesArr[k]))); } }
void CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder::RemovePagesFromCurrentRecordNode(BOOL bRemoveFromSheet) { CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode = GetRecordNode(); ASSERT(pRecordNode != NULL);
ASSERT( (m_nRecordPages >= 0 ) && (m_nRecordPages <= DNS_RECORD_MAX_PROPRETY_PAGES) ); // add them to the list of pages
for (int k=0; k < m_nRecordPages; k++) { if (bRemoveFromSheet) VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(RemovePageFromSheet((CPropertyPageBase*)m_pRecordPropPagesArr[k]))); RemovePageFromList((CPropertyPageBase*)m_pRecordPropPagesArr[k], TRUE); // delete C++ object
} m_nRecordPages = 0; // cleared
DNS_STATUS CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder::CreateNewRecord(BOOL bAllowDuplicates) { ASSERT(IsWizardMode()); CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode = GetRecordNode(); ASSERT(pRecordNode != NULL); CDNSDomainNode* pDomainNode = GetDomainNode(); ASSERT(pDomainNode != NULL); RECORD_SEARCH recordSearch = RECORD_NOT_FOUND;
CDNSDomainNode* pNewParentDomain = NULL; CString szFullRecordName; pRecordNode->GetFullName(szFullRecordName); CString szNonExistentDomain; CDNSRecordNodeBase* pExistingRecordNode = 0;
recordSearch = pDomainNode->GetZoneNode()->DoesContain(szFullRecordName, GetComponentData(), &pNewParentDomain, &pExistingRecordNode, szNonExistentDomain, TRUE);
DNS_STATUS err = 0;
// add the node to the UI if domain doesn't already exist
if ((recordSearch == RECORD_NOT_FOUND || pRecordNode->IsAtTheNode() || recordSearch == RECORD_NOT_FOUND_AT_THE_NODE) && pNewParentDomain != NULL) { //
// Set the container to the found domain and alter the record name to reflect this
CDNSDomainNode* pOldParent = pRecordNode->GetDomainNode(); pRecordNode->SetContainer(pNewParentDomain); CString szSingleLabel;
int iFindResult = szFullRecordName.Find(L'.'); if (iFindResult != -1) { szSingleLabel = szFullRecordName.Left(iFindResult); }
BOOL isAtTheNode = TRUE; if (recordSearch == RECORD_NOT_FOUND) { isAtTheNode = pRecordNode->IsAtTheNode(); }
pRecordNode->SetRecordName(szSingleLabel, isAtTheNode);
if (IS_CLASS(*pRecordNode, CDNS_PTR_RecordNode)) { CDNSRootData* pRootData = (CDNSRootData*)GetComponentData()->GetRootData(); BOOL advancedView = pRootData->IsAdvancedView();
// If the record is a PTR then we have to call ChangeDisplayName
// so that the display name will properly reflect the Advanced View
// flag
((CDNS_PTR_RecordNode*)pRecordNode)->ChangeDisplayName(pNewParentDomain, advancedView); }
err = WriteCurrentRecordToServer(); if (err == DNS_WARNING_PTR_CREATE_FAILED) { DNSMessageBox(IDS_MSG_RECORD_WARNING_CREATE_PTR); err = 0; // this was just a warning
if (err != 0) { // NTRAID#NTBUG9-487817-2001/10/31-JeffJon
// reset the parent to the original so that if the name is changed we
// don't try to create the record in the subdomain
return err; // failed the write
} VERIFY(pNewParentDomain->AddChildToListAndUI(pRecordNode, GetComponentData())); GetComponentData()->SetDescriptionBarText(pNewParentDomain); } else if (recordSearch == DOMAIN_NOT_ENUMERATED && pNewParentDomain != NULL) { //
// this shouldn't happen unless we pass FALSE to DoesContain()
err = WriteCurrentRecordToServer(); if (err == DNS_WARNING_PTR_CREATE_FAILED) { DNSMessageBox(IDS_MSG_RECORD_WARNING_CREATE_PTR); err = 0; }
if (err != 0) { return err; } } else if (recordSearch == NON_EXISTENT_SUBDOMAIN && pNewParentDomain != NULL) { //
// Create the record and then search for it so that we expand the newly
// created domains on the way down
err = WriteCurrentRecordToServer(); if (err == DNS_WARNING_PTR_CREATE_FAILED) { DNSMessageBox(IDS_MSG_RECORD_WARNING_CREATE_PTR); err = 0; }
if (err != 0) { return err; }
ASSERT(!szNonExistentDomain.IsEmpty()); if (!szNonExistentDomain.IsEmpty()) { CString szSingleLabelDomain; int iFindResult = szNonExistentDomain.ReverseFind(L'.'); if (iFindResult == -1) { szSingleLabelDomain = szNonExistentDomain; } else { int iDomainLength = szNonExistentDomain.GetLength(); szSingleLabelDomain = szNonExistentDomain.Right(iDomainLength - iFindResult - 1); }
// Create the first subdomain because the current domain is already enumerated
// so we have to start the remaining enumeration at the new subdomain that is needed
CDNSDomainNode* pSubdomainNode = pNewParentDomain->CreateSubdomainNode(); ASSERT(pSubdomainNode != NULL); CDNSRootData* pRootData = (CDNSRootData*)GetComponentData()->GetRootData(); pNewParentDomain->SetSubdomainName(pSubdomainNode, szSingleLabelDomain, pRootData->IsAdvancedView());
VERIFY(pNewParentDomain->AddChildToListAndUISorted(pSubdomainNode, GetComponentData())); GetComponentData()->SetDescriptionBarText(pNewParentDomain);
// I don't care what the results of this are, I am just using it
// to do the expansion to the new record
recordSearch = pSubdomainNode->GetZoneNode()->DoesContain(szFullRecordName, GetComponentData(), &pNewParentDomain, &pExistingRecordNode, szNonExistentDomain, TRUE); } } else { //
// Record with name exists
BOOL bContinueCreate = bAllowDuplicates; if (!bAllowDuplicates) { if (pExistingRecordNode && pExistingRecordNode->GetType() != DNS_TYPE_CNAME) { // let the creation continue so that the user gets an error message
bContinueCreate = TRUE; } else { // Ask the user if they want to replace the existing CNAME record
if (DNSMessageBox(IDS_MSG_RECORD_WARNING_DUPLICATE_RECORD, MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { bContinueCreate = TRUE; } else { if (pRecordNode != NULL) { delete pRecordNode; } } } }
if (bContinueCreate) { if (pNewParentDomain != NULL) { //
// Set the container to the found domain and alter the record name to reflect this
CDNSDomainNode* pOldParent = pRecordNode->GetDomainNode(); pRecordNode->SetContainer(pNewParentDomain); CString szSingleLabel; int iFindResult = szFullRecordName.Find(L'.'); if (iFindResult != -1) { szSingleLabel = szFullRecordName.Left(iFindResult); pRecordNode->SetRecordName(szSingleLabel, pRecordNode->IsAtTheNode()); }
err = WriteCurrentRecordToServer(); if (err == DNS_WARNING_PTR_CREATE_FAILED) { DNSMessageBox(IDS_MSG_RECORD_WARNING_CREATE_PTR); err = 0; // this was just a warning
if (err != 0) { // NTRAID#NTBUG9-487817-2001/10/31-JeffJon
// reset the parent to the original so that if the name is changed we
// don't try to create the record in the subdomain
return err; // failed the write
VERIFY(pNewParentDomain->AddChildToListAndUI(pRecordNode, GetComponentData())); GetComponentData()->SetDescriptionBarText(pNewParentDomain); if (!bAllowDuplicates) { CNodeList myList; myList.AddTail(pNewParentDomain); pNewParentDomain->OnRefresh(GetComponentData(), &myList); } } else { //
// Error message: Cannot create record in a delegation
DNSMessageBox(IDS_MSG_DOMAIN_EXISTS); if (pRecordNode != NULL) { delete pRecordNode; } } } }
// the holder does not own the record node anymore
SetRecordNode(NULL); return err; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder::CreateNonExistentParentDomains(CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode, /*IN/OUT*/CDNSDomainNode** ppNewParentDomain) { DNS_STATUS err = 0; CString szFullRecordName; pRecordNode->GetFullName(szFullRecordName); CString szParentFullName = (*ppNewParentDomain)->GetFullName(); CString szRemaining = szFullRecordName;
// Determine which domains need to be created
int iMatching = szFullRecordName.Find(szParentFullName); if (iMatching != -1) { szRemaining = szFullRecordName.Right(szFullRecordName.GetLength() - iMatching); }
return err; }
BOOL CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder::OnPropertyChange(BOOL, long*) { TRACE(_T("CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder::OnPropertyChange()\n"));
// WARNING!!! this call cannot be made from the secondary thread the sheet runs from
// the framework calls it from IComponentData::OnPropertyChange()
ASSERT(!IsWizardMode()); // it is an existing record!!!
DNS_STATUS err = WriteCurrentRecordToServer(); SetError(err); TRACE(_T("DNSError = %x\n"), err); if (err != 0) { TRACE(_T("// failed, do not update the UI\n")); return FALSE; // failed the write, do not update the UI
} TRACE(_T("// now have to update the UI\n")); return TRUE; // make the changes to the UI
DNS_STATUS CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder::WriteCurrentRecordToServer() { CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode = GetRecordNode(); ASSERT(pRecordNode != NULL); CDNSRecord* pRecord = GetTempDNSRecord(); ASSERT(pRecord != NULL); BOOL bUseDefaultTTL = (pRecord->m_dwTtlSeconds == GetDomainNode()->GetDefaultTTL()); return pRecordNode->Update(pRecord, bUseDefaultTTL); }
void CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder::SetRecordSelection(WORD wRecordType, BOOL bAddToSheet) { ASSERT(GetRecordNode() == NULL);
// do not have record node created yet, create one
CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode = CDNSRecordInfo::CreateRecordNode(wRecordType); ASSERT(pRecordNode != NULL);
// set the normal/advanced view option
CDNSRootData* pRootData = (CDNSRootData*)GetComponentData()->GetRootData(); ASSERT(pRootData != NULL); pRecordNode->SetFlagsDown(TN_FLAG_DNS_RECORD_FULL_NAME, !pRootData->IsAdvancedView());
// create the temporary record
ASSERT(GetTempDNSRecord() == NULL); CDNSRecord* pTempDNSRecord = pRecordNode->CreateRecord(); if (!pTempDNSRecord) { delete pRecordNode; return; }
// assign the min TTL from the zone
pTempDNSRecord->m_dwTtlSeconds = GetDomainNode()->GetDefaultTTL();
// hookup into the holder
pRecordNode->SetContainer(GetContainerNode()); SetRecordNode(pRecordNode);
// add the pages for the specific record
AddPagesFromCurrentRecordNode(bAddToSheet); // add to sheet
// CSelectDNSRecordTypeDialog
CSelectDNSRecordTypeDialog::CSelectDNSRecordTypeDialog(CDNSDomainNode* pDNSDomainNode, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) : CHelpDialog(IDD_SELECT_RECORD_TYPE_DIALOG, pComponentData) { m_pDNSDomainNode = pDNSDomainNode; m_pComponentData = pComponentData; m_bFirstCreation = TRUE; }
void CSelectDNSRecordTypeDialog::SyncDescriptionText() { const DNS_RECORD_INFO_ENTRY* pEntry = GetSelectedEntry(); ASSERT(pEntry != NULL); if (pEntry != NULL) { GetDlgItem(IDC_RECORD_TYPE_DESCR)->SetWindowText(pEntry->lpszDescription); } }
const DNS_RECORD_INFO_ENTRY* CSelectDNSRecordTypeDialog::GetSelectedEntry() { CListBox* pListBox = GetRecordTypeListBox(); int nSel = pListBox->GetCurSel(); ASSERT(nSel != -1); CString s; pListBox->GetText(nSel, s); const DNS_RECORD_INFO_ENTRY* pEntry = CDNSRecordInfo::GetEntryFromName(s); ASSERT(pEntry != NULL); return pEntry; }
BOOL CSelectDNSRecordTypeDialog::OnInitDialog() { CHelpDialog::OnInitDialog();
UINT nButtonIDs[2] = { IDS_BUTTON_TEXT_CANCEL, IDS_BUTTON_TEXT_DONE }; VERIFY(m_cancelDoneTextHelper.Init(this, IDCANCEL, nButtonIDs)); m_cancelDoneTextHelper.SetToggleState(m_bFirstCreation); //
// Get the server version because we can only add certain records if we are
// administering a certain version of the server
CDNSServerNode* pServerNode = m_pDNSDomainNode->GetServerNode(); ASSERT(pServerNode);
CListBox* pListBox = GetRecordTypeListBox(); DNS_RECORD_INFO_ENTRY* pTable = (DNS_RECORD_INFO_ENTRY*)CDNSRecordInfo::GetInfoEntryTable(); while (pTable->nResourceID != DNS_RECORD_INFO_END_OF_TABLE) { // some record types cannot be created with this wizard
if (pTable->dwFlags & DNS_RECORD_INFO_FLAG_UICREATE) {
if (pTable->dwFlags & DNS_RECORD_INFO_FLAG_WHISTLER_OR_LATER) { if (pServerNode->GetBuildNumber() >= DNS_SRV_BUILD_NUMBER_WHISTLER && (pServerNode->GetMajorVersion() >= DNS_SRV_MAJOR_VERSION_NT_5 && pServerNode->GetMinorVersion() >= DNS_SRV_MINOR_VERSION_WHISTLER)) { pListBox->AddString(pTable->lpszFullName); } } else { pListBox->AddString(pTable->lpszFullName); } } pTable++; } pListBox->SetCurSel(0); SyncDescriptionText(); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
void CSelectDNSRecordTypeDialog::OnSelchangeTypeList() { SyncDescriptionText(); }
void CSelectDNSRecordTypeDialog::OnDoubleClickSelTypeList() { OnCreateRecord(); }
void CSelectDNSRecordTypeDialog::OnCreateRecord() { const DNS_RECORD_INFO_ENTRY* pEntry = GetSelectedEntry(); ASSERT(pEntry != NULL); if (pEntry == NULL) return; // should never happen!!!
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CThemeContextActivator activator;
CString szTitle; szTitle.LoadString(IDS_NEW_RECORD_TITLE);
CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder recordHolder(m_pDNSDomainNode, NULL, m_pComponentData, pEntry->wType); if (IDOK == recordHolder.DoModalDialog(szTitle)) { // toggle the Cancel/Done button label
if (m_bFirstCreation) { m_bFirstCreation = FALSE; m_cancelDoneTextHelper.SetToggleState(m_bFirstCreation); } } }
// CDNSRecordPropertyPage
CDNSRecordPropertyPage::CDNSRecordPropertyPage(UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nIDCaption) : CPropertyPageBase(nIDTemplate, nIDCaption) { }
CDNSRecordPropertyPage::~CDNSRecordPropertyPage() { }
BOOL CDNSRecordPropertyPage::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog();
CDNSRootData* pRootData = (CDNSRootData*)GetHolder()->GetComponentData()->GetRootData(); ASSERT(pRootData != NULL); EnableTTLCtrl(pRootData->IsAdvancedView()); EnableAgingCtrl(pRootData->IsAdvancedView()); return TRUE; }
CDNSTTLControl* CDNSRecordPropertyPage::GetTTLCtrl() { CDNSTTLControl* pTTLCtrl = (CDNSTTLControl*)GetDlgItem(IDC_TTLEDIT); ASSERT(pTTLCtrl != NULL); return pTTLCtrl; }
void CDNSRecordPropertyPage::EnableAgingCtrl(BOOL bShow) { GetDeleteStale()->EnableWindow(bShow); GetDeleteStale()->ShowWindow(bShow); GetTimeStampEdit()->EnableWindow(bShow); GetTimeStampEdit()->ShowWindow(bShow); GetTimeStampStatic()->EnableWindow(bShow); GetTimeStampStatic()->ShowWindow(bShow); }
void CDNSRecordPropertyPage::EnableTTLCtrl(BOOL bShow) { CDNSTTLControl* pCtrl = GetTTLCtrl(); ASSERT(pCtrl != NULL); pCtrl->EnableWindow(bShow); pCtrl->ShowWindow(bShow); CWnd* pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_TTL); ASSERT(pWnd != NULL); pWnd->EnableWindow(bShow); pWnd->ShowWindow(bShow);
CWnd* pLabelWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_TTL_LABEL); ASSERT(pLabelWnd != NULL); pLabelWnd->EnableWindow(bShow); pLabelWnd->ShowWindow(bShow); }
void CDNSRecordPropertyPage::SetValidState(BOOL bValid) { if (GetHolder()->IsWizardMode()) GetHolder()->EnableSheetControl(IDOK, bValid); else SetDirty(bValid); }
void CDNSRecordPropertyPage::OnDeleteStaleRecord() { SetDirty(TRUE); }
void CDNSRecordPropertyPage::OnTTLChange() { /*
DWORD dwTTL; CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder* pHolder = (CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder*)GetHolder(); CDNSRecord* pRecord = pHolder->GetTempDNSRecord(); GetTTLCtrl()->GetTTL(&dwTTL); if (pRecord->m_dwTtlSeconds != dwTTL) */ SetDirty(TRUE); }
BOOL CDNSRecordPropertyPage::OnPropertyChange(BOOL, long*) { ASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; }
// CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage
CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage::CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage(UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nIDCaption) : CDNSRecordPropertyPage(nIDTemplate, nIDCaption) { m_bAllowAtTheNode = TRUE; m_nUTF8ParentLen = 0; }
BOOL CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage::CreateRecord() { CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder* pHolder = (CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder*)GetHolder(); ASSERT(pHolder->IsWizardMode());
// Get the data from the UI
DNS_STATUS err = GetUIDataEx(FALSE); if (err != 0) { DNSErrorDialog(err,IDS_MSG_RECORD_CREATE_FAILED); return FALSE; }
// Create the new record
err = pHolder->CreateNewRecord(CanCreateDuplicateRecords()); if (err != 0) { DNSErrorDialog(err,IDS_MSG_RECORD_CREATE_FAILED); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
BOOL CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage::OnSetActive() { CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder* pHolder = (CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder*)GetHolder(); ASSERT(pHolder->GetTempDNSRecord() != NULL);
// load the data from the record to the UI
//loading triggered change notifications on controls,
// so reset the dirty flag
CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode = pHolder->GetRecordNode(); ASSERT(pRecordNode != NULL); DWORD dwZoneType = pRecordNode->GetDomainNode()->GetZoneNode()->GetZoneType(); if ((dwZoneType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_SECONDARY) || (dwZoneType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_STUB) || (dwZoneType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_CACHE)) { EnableDialogControls(m_hWnd, FALSE); }
return CDNSRecordPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); }
BOOL CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage::OnKillActive() { GetUIDataEx(TRUE); return CDNSRecordPropertyPage::OnKillActive(); }
BOOL CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage::OnApply() { CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder* pHolder = (CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder*)GetHolder(); if(pHolder->IsWizardMode()) { //
// this is the case of record creation,
// the user hit OK and we want to create the record
return CreateRecord(); }
// we are in the case of modeless sheet on existing record
CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode = pHolder->GetRecordNode(); ASSERT(pRecordNode != NULL); DWORD dwZoneType = pRecordNode->GetDomainNode()->GetZoneNode()->GetZoneType(); if ((dwZoneType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_SECONDARY) || (dwZoneType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_STUB) || (dwZoneType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_CACHE)) { // read only case
return TRUE; }
DNS_STATUS err = GetUIDataEx(FALSE); if (err != 0) { DNSErrorDialog(err,IDS_MSG_RECORD_UPDATE_FAILED); return FALSE; }
if (!IsDirty()) { return TRUE; }
err = pHolder->NotifyConsole(this); if (err == DNS_WARNING_PTR_CREATE_FAILED) { DNSMessageBox(IDS_MSG_RECORD_WARNING_CREATE_PTR); err = 0; // was just a warning
} if (err != 0) { DNSErrorDialog(err,IDS_MSG_RECORD_UPDATE_FAILED); return FALSE; } else { SetDirty(FALSE); } return TRUE; // all is cool
void CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage::OnInitName() { CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder* pHolder = (CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder*)GetHolder(); // limit the text length the user can type
m_nUTF8ParentLen = UTF8StringLen(pHolder->GetDomainNode()->GetFullName()); int nUTF8Len = MAX_DNS_NAME_LEN - m_nUTF8ParentLen - 3; // count dot when chaining
// hook up name edit control
GetRRNameEdit()->SetLimitText(nUTF8Len); GetRRNameEdit()->SetReadOnly(!GetHolder()->IsWizardMode());
// set the FQDN for the domain the record is in
if (GetHolder()->IsWizardMode()) { GetDomainEditBox()->SetWindowText(pHolder->GetDomainNode()->GetFullName()); } else { CString szName; pHolder->GetRecordNode()->GetFullName(szName); GetDomainEditBox()->SetWindowText(szName); } }
void CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage::OnSetName(CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode) { if (pRecordNode != NULL) { GetRRNameEdit()->SetWindowText(pRecordNode->GetDisplayName()); } }
void CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage::OnGetName(CString& s) { GetEditBoxText(s); }
void CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage::GetEditBoxText(CString& s) { GetRRNameEdit()->GetWindowText(s); }
BOOL CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage::OnInitDialog() { // call base class to enable/disable TTL control
#if (FALSE)
//REVIEW_MARCOC: still to debate if we need this altogether
// determine if the RR can be created at the node
CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder* pHolder = (CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder*)GetHolder(); CDNSRecord* pRecord = pHolder->GetTempDNSRecord(); ASSERT(pRecord != NULL);
const DNS_RECORD_INFO_ENTRY* pTableEntry = CDNSRecordInfo::GetTypeEntry(pRecord->GetType()); if (pTableEntry != NULL) { ASSERT(pTableEntry->dwFlags & DNS_RECORD_INFO_FLAG_UICREATE); m_bAllowAtTheNode = (pTableEntry->dwFlags & DNS_RECORD_INFO_FLAG_CREATE_AT_NODE) > 0; } #endif
// initialize the control(s) to display the RR node name
return TRUE; }
#ifdef _USE_BLANK
void CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage::OnEditChange() { CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder* pHolder = GetDNSRecordHolder(); if (!pHolder->IsWizardMode()) { //
// Property Pages do not need this
return; }
// Get the new name from the control
CString s; GetEditBoxText(s); CString szFullName; CString szDisplayName;
CString szTempName = pHolder->GetDomainNode()->GetFullName(); ASSERT(szTempName.GetLength() > 0);
if (szTempName.GetAt(szTempName.GetLength() - 1) != L'.') { szTempName += L"."; }
if (s.IsEmpty()) { szFullName = szTempName; } else { szFullName.Format(L"%s.%s", s, szTempName); }
// Get server flags
DWORD dwNameChecking = pHolder->GetDomainNode()->GetServerNode()->GetNameCheckFlag();
// Is valid?
BOOL bIsValidName = (0 == ValidateRecordName(szFullName, dwNameChecking));
if (m_bAllowAtTheNode) { //
// must be a valid name or empty
bIsValidName = bIsValidName || s.IsEmpty(); }
// We only have one page up for record creation
// so we show only the OK button and no apply button
// therefore we have to enable the OK button because
// SetDirty doesn't do that for us
pHolder->EnableSheetControl(IDOK, bIsValidName);
void CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage::OnEditChange() { CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder* pHolder = GetDNSRecordHolder();
// Get the new name from the control
CString s; GetEditBoxText(s); CString szFullName; CString szDisplayName;
CString szTempName = pHolder->GetDomainNode()->GetFullName(); if (szTempName.GetAt(szTempName.GetLength() - 1) != L'.') { szTempName += L"."; }
if (s.IsEmpty()) { szFullName = szTempName; } else { szFullName.Format(L"%s.%s", s, szTempName); }
// Get server flags
DWORD dwNameChecking = pHolder->GetDomainNode()->GetServerNode()->GetNameCheckFlag();
// Is valid?
BOOL bIsValidName = (0 == ValidateRecordName(szFullName, dwNameChecking)); pHolder->EnableSheetControl(IDOK, bIsValidName);
GetDomainEditBox()->SetWindowText(szFullName); }
DNS_STATUS CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage::ValidateRecordName(PCWSTR pszName, DWORD dwNameChecking) { CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder* pHolder = GetDNSRecordHolder(); CDNSRootData* pRootData = (CDNSRootData*)pHolder->GetComponentData()->GetRootData(); ASSERT(pRootData != NULL); if (pRootData->IsAdvancedView()) { //
// Don't validate the name in advanced view
return 0; }
return ::ValidateDnsNameAgainstServerFlags(pszName, DnsNameDomain, dwNameChecking); }
void CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage::SetUIData() { TRACE(_T("CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage::SetUIData()\n")); CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder* pHolder = GetDNSRecordHolder(); CDNSRecord* pRecord = pHolder->GetTempDNSRecord();
OnSetName(pHolder->GetRecordNode()); // overridable
GetDeleteStale()->SetCheck(pRecord->m_dwScavengeStart != 0); SetTimeStampEdit(pRecord->m_dwScavengeStart); }
void CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage::SetTimeStampEdit(DWORD dwScavengeStart) { if (dwScavengeStart == 0) { GetTimeStampEdit()->SetWindowText(_T("")); return; }
SYSTEMTIME sysUTimeStamp, sysLTimeStamp; VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(Dns_SystemHrToSystemTime(dwScavengeStart, &sysUTimeStamp)));
if (!::SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, &sysUTimeStamp, &sysLTimeStamp)) { GetTimeStampEdit()->SetWindowText(_T("")); return; }
// Format the string with respect to locale
CString strref; PTSTR ptszDate = NULL; int cchDate = 0; cchDate = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0 , &sysLTimeStamp, NULL, ptszDate, 0); ptszDate = (PTSTR)malloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * cchDate);
if (ptszDate) { if (GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &sysLTimeStamp, NULL, ptszDate, cchDate)) { strref = ptszDate; } else { strref = L""; } free(ptszDate); } else { strref = L""; }
PTSTR ptszTime = NULL;
cchDate = GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0 , &sysLTimeStamp, NULL, ptszTime, 0);
ptszTime = (PTSTR)malloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * cchDate); if (ptszTime) { if (GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &sysLTimeStamp, NULL, ptszTime, cchDate)) { strref += _T(" ") + CString(ptszTime); } else { strref += _T(""); } free(ptszTime); } else { strref += _T(""); }
GetTimeStampEdit()->SetWindowText(strref); }
DNS_STATUS CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage::GetUIDataEx(BOOL) { DNS_STATUS dwErr = 0; CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder* pHolder = GetDNSRecordHolder(); CDNSRecord* pRecord = pHolder->GetTempDNSRecord();
// only in wizard mode we can change the edit box content
if(pHolder->IsWizardMode()) { CString s; OnGetName(s); CDNSZoneNode* pZone = pHolder->GetDomainNode()->GetZoneNode(); ASSERT(pZone != NULL);
if (!s.IsEmpty()) { //
// Validate the record name using the server flags as a guideline
CString szFullName; szFullName.Format(L"%s.%s", s, pHolder->GetDomainNode()->GetFullName());
DWORD dwNameChecking = pZone->GetServerNode()->GetNameCheckFlag(); dwErr = ValidateRecordName(szFullName, dwNameChecking); }
#ifdef _USE_BLANK
BOOL bAtTheNode = s.IsEmpty(); #else
BOOL bAtTheNode = (s == g_szAtTheNodeInput); #endif
CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode = pHolder->GetRecordNode(); if (bAtTheNode) { //name null, node is at the node level, use name of parent
pRecordNode->SetRecordName(pRecordNode->GetDomainNode()->GetDisplayName(),bAtTheNode); } else { // non null name, node is a child
pRecordNode->SetRecordName(s,bAtTheNode); }
if (GetDeleteStale()->GetCheck()) { pRecord->m_dwFlags |= DNS_RPC_RECORD_FLAG_AGING_ON; } else { pRecord->m_dwFlags &= ~DNS_RPC_RECORD_FLAG_AGING_ON; }
return dwErr; }
// This is a place holder for new pages
#if (FALSE)
// CDNSRecordDummyPropertyPage
CDNSDummyRecordPropertyPageHolder::CDNSDummyRecordPropertyPageHolder(CDNSDomainNode* pDNSDomainNode, CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, WORD wPredefinedRecordType) : CPropertyPageHolderBase(pDNSDomainNode, pRecordNode, pComponentData) {
m_bAutoDeletePages = FALSE; // we have the pages as embedded members
// add pages
CDNSDummyRecordPropertyPageHolder::~CDNSDummyRecordPropertyPageHolder() {
CDNSRecordDummyPropertyPage::CDNSRecordDummyPropertyPage() : CPropertyPageBase(IID_DUMMY_REC_PPAGE) { }
BOOL CDNSRecordDummyPropertyPage::OnApply() { return TRUE; }
void CDNSRecordDummyPropertyPage::OnOK() { }