Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1998
// File: recpag1.h
#ifndef _RECPAG1_H
#define _RECPAG1_H
// CDNS_Unk_RecordPropertyPage
class CDNS_Unk_RecordPropertyPage : public CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage { public: CDNS_Unk_RecordPropertyPage(); protected: virtual void SetUIData(); virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
private: CFont m_font; // for the editbox
CEdit* GetEditBox() { return (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_DATA_EDIT);} void LoadHexDisplay(); };
// CDNS_TXT_RecordPropertyPage
class CDNS_TXT_RecordPropertyPage : public CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage { public: CDNS_TXT_RecordPropertyPage(); protected: virtual void SetUIData(); virtual DNS_STATUS GetUIDataEx(BOOL bSilent = TRUE);
afx_msg void OnTextEditBoxChange();
private: CEdit* GetTextEditBox() { return (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_RR_TXT_EDIT);} void SetEditBoxValue(CStringArray& sArr, int nSize); void GetEditBoxValue(CStringArray& sArr, int* pNSize);
// CDNS_SIG_RecordPropertyPage
class CDNS_SIG_RecordPropertyPage : public CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage { public: CDNS_SIG_RecordPropertyPage(); protected: virtual void SetUIData(); virtual DNS_STATUS GetUIDataEx(BOOL bSilent = TRUE);
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); void SelectTypeCoveredByType(WORD wType);
afx_msg void OnDateTimeChange(NMHDR* pNotifyStruct, LRESULT* result); afx_msg void OnSigEditChange(); afx_msg void OnComboChange();
void ShowSigValue(PBYTE pByte, DWORD dwCount); void ConvertUIKeyStringToByteArray(BYTE* pByte, DWORD* pdwLength);
CDNSTTLControl* GetOrigTTL() { return (CDNSTTLControl*)GetDlgItem(IDC_ORIG_TTL); }
WORD m_wTypeCovered; // DNS_TYPE_<x>
BYTE m_chAlgorithm; // 0,255 unsigned int
BYTE m_chLabels; // 0,255 unsigned int (count)
DWORD m_dwOriginalTtl; DWORD m_dwExpiration; // time in sec. from 1 Jan 1970
DWORD m_dwTimeSigned; // time in sec. from 1 Jan 1970
WORD m_wKeyTag; // algorithm dependent
CString m_szSignerName; DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() };
// CDNS_KEY_RecordPropertyPage
class CDNS_KEY_Record;
class CDNS_KEY_RecordPropertyPage : public CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage { public: CDNS_KEY_RecordPropertyPage(); protected: virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual void SetUIData(); virtual DNS_STATUS GetUIDataEx(BOOL bSilent = TRUE);
void ShowBitField(WORD wFlags); void ShowKeyType(WORD wFlags); void ShowNameType(WORD wFlags); void ShowSignatory(WORD wFlags); void ShowKeyValue(PBYTE pByte, DWORD dwCount);
afx_msg void OnEditChange(); afx_msg void OnKeyTypeChange(); afx_msg void OnNameTypeChange(); afx_msg void OnSignatoryChange(); afx_msg void OnProtocolChange(); afx_msg void OnAlgorithmChange();
private: BYTE m_chProtocol; BYTE m_chAlgorithm; WORD m_wFlags; CCheckListBox m_SignatoryCheckListBox;
// CDNS_NXT_RecordPropertyPage
class CDNS_NXT_RecordPropertyPage : public CDNSRecordStandardPropertyPage { public: CDNS_NXT_RecordPropertyPage(); protected: virtual void SetUIData(); virtual DNS_STATUS GetUIDataEx(BOOL bSilent = TRUE);
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); afx_msg void OnNextDomainEdit(); afx_msg void OnTypeCoveredChange();
void SetTypeCheckForDNSType(WORD wType);
private: CCheckListBox m_TypeCheckListBox;
#endif // _RECPAG1_H