// Windows NT Directory Service Administration SnapIn
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1999
// File: dssite.cpp
// Contents: DS App
// History: 04-nov-99 JeffJon Created
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "dsutil.h"
#include "uiutil.h"
#include "dssnap.h"
#include "ntdsapi.h"
#ifdef FIXUPDC
#ifdef FIXUPDC
// put back in RESOURCE.H if/when this is restored
#define IDD_FIXUP_DC 239
#define IDC_FIXUP_DC_CHECK0 266
#define IDC_FIXUP_DC_CHECK1 267
#define IDC_FIXUP_DC_CHECK2 268
#define IDC_FIXUP_DC_CHECK3 269
#define IDC_FIXUP_DC_CHECK4 270
#define IDC_FIXUP_DC_CHECK5 271
#define IDS_FIXUP_ITSELF 721
// put back in DSSNAP.RC if/when this is restored
IDD_FIXUP_DC DIALOGEX 0, 0, 211, 163 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | DS_CONTEXTHELP | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Repair Domain Controller" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 0, 0, 0x1 BEGIN LTEXT "Repair:",IDC_STATIC,12,14,33,8 EDITTEXT IDC_FIXUP_DC_SERVER,49,14,155,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY | NOT WS_BORDER CONTROL "Repair Computer &Account",IDC_FIXUP_DC_CHECK0,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,18,35,151,10 CONTROL "Repair Computer Account &Password",IDC_FIXUP_DC_CHECK1, "Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,18,48,151,10 CONTROL "Repair Computer Account &Type",IDC_FIXUP_DC_CHECK2, "Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,18,61,151,10 CONTROL "&Synchronize Time Service",IDC_FIXUP_DC_CHECK3,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,18,74,151,10 CONTROL "&Reset Active Directory Services",IDC_FIXUP_DC_CHECK4, "Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,18,87,151,10 CONTROL "Synchronize Active &Directory",IDC_FIXUP_DC_CHECK5, "Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,18,100,151,10 DEFPUSHBUTTON "&OK",IDOK,29,143,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "&Cancel",IDCANCEL,108,143,50,14 END IDM_GEN_TASK_FIXUP_DC "Repair Domain Controller...\nRepair domain controller." IDS_FIXUP_ITSELF "No other domain controllers in the domain can be contacted. Do you want to repair domain controller %1\nusing its local copy of the directory information?" IDS_FIXUP_REPORT_ERROR "The following operations succeeded:\n%2\nAn error occurred during the following operation:\n%3\nError:%1" IDS_FIXUP_REPORT_SUCCESS "The following operations succeeded:\n%1" IDS_FIXUP_GEN_ERROR "The repair of the domain controller was unsuccessful because:\n%1" IDS_FIXUP_ACCOUNT "\n Repair Computer Account." IDS_FIXUP_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD "\n Repair Computer Account Password." IDS_FIXUP_ACCOUNT_TYPE "\n Repair Computer Account Type." IDS_FIXUP_TIME_SERVICE "\n Synchronize Time Service." IDS_FIXUP_DC_SERVICES "\n Reset Active Directory Services." IDS_FIXUP_FORCE_SYNC "\n Synchronize Active Directory." IDS_FIXUP_DC_SELECTION_WARNING "Make a selection."
HRESULT CDSComponentData::_FixupDC(LPCWSTR pwszPath) /*++
Routine Description:
This function calls DsRoleFixDc() API to ssync and fixup local server against other DCs.
pwszPath: The LDAP Path of the local "server" object. We use this path to get the object, retrieve the server name and call the DsRoleFixDc() API.
Return Value:
Report Error to user if any
--*/ { // ISSUE-2002/04/05-artm Changes to CPasswordDlg impact this block of code.
// I have changed CPasswordDlg class to store the password as an
// encrypted string instead of a clear text string. Since this code is not
// currently compiled and built JonN recommended I do not alter the code
// to compile with the changes.
// The items that will need to be changed are:
// a) Using an encrypted string variable to hold password received from
// CPasswordDlg.DoModal().
// b) Access aforementioned password through the accessor methods of
// CPasswordDlg. I have made the member fields private since this is
// the only block of code that is impacted.
// c) When passing the password to DsRoleFixDc() first decrypt the pwd
// to a WCHAR* buffer scoped to the do {...} while() loop. Immediately
// after the call to DsRoleFixDc() call password.DestroyClearTextCopy().
// This will ensure that the clear text copy is correctly zeroed out and
// freed. Scoping the variable to the loop ensures that it will be
// properly cleaned up. WARNING: password.GetClearTextCopy() can return
// null on error (I think mainly from memory allocation failure, but not
// sure). You need to think about if this should be handled, and if so, how.
// d) Since the clear text copy is a WCHAR*, it is probably a good idea to call
// password.Empty() to determine if NULL should be passed for the password.
// e) May need to include a header file.
#pragma message( __FILE__ ": CPasswordDlg class changed to use encrypted passwords. Investigate changes.")
CThemeContextActivator activator;
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IADs> spIADs;
hr = DSAdminOpenObject(pwszPath, IID_IADs, (PVOID *)&spIADs, TRUE /*bServer*/);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //
// retrieve the local server name
CComVariant var; hr = spIADs->Get(L"dNSHostName", &var);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { ASSERT((var.vt == VT_BSTR) && var.bstrVal && *(var.bstrVal)); LPWSTR lpszServer = var.bstrVal;
CFixupDC dlgFixupDC; dlgFixupDC.m_strServer = lpszServer; if (IDCANCEL == dlgFixupDC.DoModal()) goto cleanup; // user cancelled the fixup process
CWaitCursor wait; DWORD dwReturn = 0; BOOL fLocal = FALSE; CString strAccount = _T(""), strPassword = _T(""); DWORD dwOptions = 0; ULONG ulCompletedOps = 0, ulFailedOps = 0;
for (int i=0; i<NUM_FIXUP_OPTIONS; i++) { if (dlgFixupDC.m_bCheck[i]) dwOptions |= g_FixupOptionsMsg[i].dwOption; }
// call DsRoleFixDc() API to ssync and fixup the local server
do { dwReturn = DsRoleFixDc( lpszServer, (fLocal ? lpszServer : NULL), (strAccount.IsEmpty() ? NULL : (LPCWSTR)strAccount), (strAccount.IsEmpty() ? NULL : (LPCWSTR)strPassword), dwOptions, &ulCompletedOps, &ulFailedOps );
if (ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN == dwReturn) { //
// lpszServer is the only DC found in the domain,
// ask if he wants to ssync and fixup the local server against itself
PVOID apv[1] = {(PVOID)lpszServer}; if (IDNO == ReportMessageEx(m_hwnd, IDS_FIXUP_ITSELF, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING, apv, 1) ) goto cleanup; // user cancelled the fixup process
fLocal = TRUE;
} else if (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == dwReturn) { //
// connection failed
// prompt for username and password
CPasswordDlg dlgPassword; if (IDCANCEL == dlgPassword.DoModal()) goto cleanup; // user cancelled the fixup process
strAccount = dlgPassword.m_strUserName; strPassword = dlgPassword.m_strPassword;
} else { // either ERROR_SUCCESS or some other error happened
break; } } while (TRUE);
// report succeeded/failed operations to user
CString strCompletedOps = _T(""), strFailedOps = _T(""); CString strMsg;
for (i=0; i<NUM_FIXUP_OPTIONS; i++) { if (ulCompletedOps & g_FixupOptionsMsg[i].dwOption) { strMsg.LoadString(g_FixupOptionsMsg[i].nMsgID); strCompletedOps += strMsg; } if (ulFailedOps & g_FixupOptionsMsg[i].dwOption) { strMsg.LoadString(g_FixupOptionsMsg[i].nMsgID); strFailedOps += strMsg; } }
PVOID apv[2]; apv[0] = (PVOID)(LPCWSTR)strCompletedOps; apv[1] = (PVOID)(LPCWSTR)strFailedOps;
if (dwReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReportErrorEx(m_hwnd, IDS_FIXUP_REPORT_ERROR, dwReturn, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION, apv, 2, 0, FALSE); } else { ReportMessageEx(m_hwnd, IDS_FIXUP_REPORT_SUCCESS, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION, apv, 1); } } // Get()
} // DSAdminOpenObject()
if (FAILED(hr)) ReportErrorEx(m_hwnd, IDS_FIXUP_GEN_ERROR, hr, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION, NULL, 0, 0);
return hr; } #endif // FIXUPDC
HRESULT CDSComponentData::_RunKCC(LPCWSTR pwszPath) /*++
Routine Description:
This function calls DsReplicaConsistencyCheck() to force the KCC to recheck topology immediately.
pwszPath: The LDAP Path of the local "server" object. We use this path to get the object, retrieve the server name and call the DsReplicaConsistencyCheck() API.
Return Value:
Report Error to user if any
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IADs> spIADs; BOOL fSyncing = FALSE;
CWaitCursor cwait; CComVariant var; LPWSTR lpszRunKCCServer = NULL;
do { // false loop
// Bind to "server" object
hr = DSAdminOpenObject(pwszPath, IID_IADs, (PVOID *)&spIADs, TRUE /*bServer*/); if ( FAILED(hr) ) break;
// retrieve the local server name
hr = spIADs->Get(CComBSTR(L"dNSHostName"), &var); if ( FAILED(hr) ) break; if ((var.vt != VT_BSTR) || !(var.bstrVal) || !(*(var.bstrVal))) { ASSERT(FALSE); hr = E_FAIL; break; } lpszRunKCCServer = var.bstrVal;
// now bind to the target DC
Smart_DsHandle shDS; DWORD dwWinError = DsBind( lpszRunKCCServer, // DomainControllerAddress
NULL, // DnsDomainName
&shDS ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwWinError) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwWinError); break; }
// Run the KCC synchronously on this DSA
fSyncing = TRUE; dwWinError = DsReplicaConsistencyCheck( shDS, DS_KCC_TASKID_UPDATE_TOPOLOGY, 0 ); // synchronous, not DS_KCC_FLAG_ASYNC_OP
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwWinError) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwWinError); break; }
} while (FALSE); // false loop
if (FAILED(hr)) { (void) ReportErrorEx( m_hwnd, (fSyncing) ? IDS_RUN_KCC_1_FORCESYNC_ERROR : IDS_RUN_KCC_1_PARAMLOAD_ERROR, hr, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, NULL, 0, IDS_RUN_KCC_TITLE ); } else { // JonN 3/30/00
// 26926: SITEREPL: Add popup after "Check Replication Topology" execution(DSLAB)
LPCWSTR lpcwszDSADMINServer = NULL; if (NULL != GetBasePathsInfo()) { lpcwszDSADMINServer = GetBasePathsInfo()->GetServerName(); if ( !lpszRunKCCServer || !lpcwszDSADMINServer || !wcscmp( lpszRunKCCServer, lpcwszDSADMINServer ) ) lpcwszDSADMINServer = NULL; } PVOID apv[2] = { (PVOID)lpszRunKCCServer, (PVOID)lpcwszDSADMINServer }; (void) ReportMessageEx( m_hwnd, (NULL == lpcwszDSADMINServer) ? IDS_RUN_KCC_1_SUCCEEDED_LOCAL : IDS_RUN_KCC_2_SUCCEEDED_REMOTE, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION, apv, 2, IDS_RUN_KCC_TITLE ); }
return hr; }
// JonN 7/23/99
// 373806: Site&Svcs: Renaming an auto-generated connection should make it admin owned
// RETURN TRUE iff rename should proceed, handles own errors
BOOL CDSComponentData::RenameConnectionFixup(CDSCookie* pCookie) { ASSERT( NULL != pCookie );
CDSCookieInfoConnection* pextrainfo = (CDSCookieInfoConnection*)(pCookie->GetExtraInfo()); if ( (NULL == pextrainfo) || (pextrainfo->GetClass() != CDSCookieInfoBase::connection) || pextrainfo->m_fFRSConnection || !(NTDSCONN_OPT_IS_GENERATED & pextrainfo->m_nOptions) ) return TRUE;
int nResponse = ReportMessageEx (m_hwnd, IDS_CONNECTION_RENAME_WARNING, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING); if (IDYES != nResponse) return FALSE;
CString szPath; GetBasePathsInfo()->ComposeADsIPath(szPath, pCookie->GetPath());
CComPtr<IDirectoryObject> spDO;
HRESULT hr = S_OK; do { // false loop
hr = DSAdminOpenObject(szPath, IID_IDirectoryObject, (void **)&spDO, TRUE /*bServer*/); if ( FAILED(hr) ) break;
PWSTR rgpwzAttrNames[] = {L"options"}; Smart_PADS_ATTR_INFO spAttrs; DWORD cAttrs = 1; hr = spDO->GetObjectAttributes(rgpwzAttrNames, 1, &spAttrs, &cAttrs); if (FAILED(hr)) break; if ( !(NTDSCONN_OPT_IS_GENERATED & spAttrs[0].pADsValues->Integer) ) break;
spAttrs[0].pADsValues->Integer &= ~NTDSCONN_OPT_IS_GENERATED; spAttrs[0].dwControlCode = ADS_ATTR_UPDATE;
ULONG cModified = 0; hr = spDO->SetObjectAttributes (spAttrs, 1, &cModified); } while (false); // false loop
if (FAILED(hr)) { ReportErrorEx (m_hwnd, IDS_CONNECTION_RENAME_ERROR, hr, MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR, NULL, 0, 0, TRUE); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }