// SvcUtils.cpp
// Utilities routines specific for system services.
// Mostly used to display services properties.
// t-danmo 96.10.10 Creation.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iads.h>
#include <iadsp.h> // IADsPathname
#include <atlcom.h> // CComPtr and CComBSTR
extern "C" { #include <objsel.h> // IDsObjectPicker
// Service current state
CString g_strSvcStateStarted; // Service is started
CString g_strSvcStateStarting; // Service is starting
CString g_strSvcStateStopped; // Service is stopped
CString g_strSvcStateStopping; // Service is stopping
CString g_strSvcStatePaused; // Service is paused
CString g_strSvcStatePausing; // Service is pausing
CString g_strSvcStateResuming; // Service is resuming
// Service startup type
CString g_strSvcStartupBoot; CString g_strSvcStartupSystem; CString g_strSvcStartupAutomatic; CString g_strSvcStartupManual; CString g_strSvcStartupDisabled;
// Service startup account
// JonN 188203 11/13/00
CString g_strLocalSystem; CString g_strLocalService; CString g_strNetworkService;
CString g_strUnknown; CString g_strLocalMachine; // "Local Machine"
BOOL g_fStringsLoaded = FALSE;
void Service_LoadResourceStrings() {
if (g_fStringsLoaded) return; g_fStringsLoaded = TRUE;
VERIFY(g_strSvcStateStarted.LoadString(IDS_SVC_STATUS_STARTED)); VERIFY(g_strSvcStateStarting.LoadString(IDS_SVC_STATUS_STARTING)); VERIFY(g_strSvcStateStopped.LoadString(IDS_SVC_STATUS_STOPPED)); VERIFY(g_strSvcStateStopping.LoadString(IDS_SVC_STATUS_STOPPING)); VERIFY(g_strSvcStatePaused.LoadString(IDS_SVC_STATUS_PAUSED)); VERIFY(g_strSvcStatePausing.LoadString(IDS_SVC_STATUS_PAUSING)); VERIFY(g_strSvcStateResuming.LoadString(IDS_SVC_STATUS_RESUMING));
VERIFY(g_strSvcStartupBoot.LoadString(IDS_SVC_STARTUP_BOOT)); VERIFY(g_strSvcStartupSystem.LoadString(IDS_SVC_STARTUP_SYSTEM)); VERIFY(g_strSvcStartupAutomatic.LoadString(IDS_SVC_STARTUP_AUTOMATIC)); VERIFY(g_strSvcStartupManual.LoadString(IDS_SVC_STARTUP_MANUAL)); VERIFY(g_strSvcStartupDisabled.LoadString(IDS_SVC_STARTUP_DISABLED));
// JonN 11/13/00 188203 support LocalService/NetworkService
VERIFY(g_strUnknown.LoadString(IDS_SVC_UNKNOWN)); VERIFY(g_strLocalMachine.LoadString(IDS_LOCAL_MACHINE)); } // Service_LoadResourceStrings()
// Service_PszMapStateToName()
// Map the service state to a null-terminated string.
// ISSUE-2002/03/18-JonN There is a theoretical issue here that the returned
// LPCTSTR could go bad if the global strings are reloaded. This is unlikely.
LPCTSTR Service_PszMapStateToName( DWORD dwServiceState, // From SERVICE_STATUS.dwCurrentState
BOOL fLongString) // TRUE => Display the name in a long string format
{ switch(dwServiceState) { case SERVICE_STOPPED: if (fLongString) { return g_strSvcStateStopped; } // Note that, by design, we never display the service
// status as "Stopped". Instead, we just don't display
// the status. Hence, the empty string.
return _T("");
case SERVICE_STOP_PENDING: return g_strSvcStateStopping;
case SERVICE_RUNNING: return g_strSvcStateStarted; case SERVICE_START_PENDING: return g_strSvcStateStarting;
case SERVICE_PAUSED: return g_strSvcStatePaused;
case SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING: return g_strSvcStatePausing;
case SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING: return g_strSvcStateResuming;
default: TRACE0("INFO Unknown service state.\n"); } // switch
return g_strUnknown; } // Service_PszMapStateToName()
// Service_PszMapStartupTypeToName()
// Map the service startup type to a null-terminated string.
// -1L is blank string
LPCTSTR Service_PszMapStartupTypeToName(DWORD dwStartupType) { switch(dwStartupType) { case SERVICE_BOOT_START: return g_strSvcStartupBoot;
case SERVICE_SYSTEM_START: return g_strSvcStartupSystem;
case SERVICE_AUTO_START: return g_strSvcStartupAutomatic;
case SERVICE_DEMAND_START: return g_strSvcStartupManual;
case SERVICE_DISABLED : return g_strSvcStartupDisabled;
case -1L: return L"";
default: ASSERT(FALSE); } return g_strUnknown; } // Service_PszMapStartupTypeToName()
// Service_PszMapStartupAccountToName()
// Map the service startup account to a null-terminated string.
// Note that if they use the localized version of the two special
// accounts, I just won't pick that up. JSchwart and I agree that
// this should be acceptable.
// JonN 188203 11/13/00
// Services Snapin: Should support NetworkService and LocalService account
LPCTSTR Service_PszMapStartupAccountToName(LPCTSTR pcszStartupAccount) { if ( !pcszStartupAccount || !*pcszStartupAccount ) return g_strLocalSystem; else if ( !_wcsicmp(pcszStartupAccount,TEXT("NT AUTHORITY\\LocalService")) ) return g_strLocalService; else if ( !_wcsicmp(pcszStartupAccount,TEXT("NT AUTHORITY\\NetworkService")) ) return g_strNetworkService; return pcszStartupAccount; } // Service_PszMapStartupAccountToName()
// Service_FGetServiceButtonStatus()
// Query the service control manager database and fill in
// array of flags indicating if the action is enabled.
// rgfEnableButton[0] = TRUE; => Button 'start' is enabled
// rgfEnableButton[0] = FALSE; => Button 'start' is disabled
// The length of the array must be length iServiceActionMax (or larger).
// Each representing start, stop, pause, resume and restart respectively.
// Return TRUE if the service status was queried successfully, otherwise FALSE.
BOOL Service_FGetServiceButtonStatus( SC_HANDLE hScManager, // IN: Handle of service control manager database
CONST TCHAR * pszServiceName, // IN: Name of service
BOOL rgfEnableButton[iServiceActionMax], // OUT: Array of flags to enable the buttons
DWORD * pdwCurrentState, // OUT: Optional: Current state of service
BOOL fSilentError) // IN: TRUE => Do not display any error message to user
{ Endorse(hScManager == NULL); Assert(pszServiceName != NULL); Assert(rgfEnableButton != NULL); Endorse(pdwCurrentState == NULL);
// Open service to get its status
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; SC_HANDLE hService; SERVICE_STATUS ss; DWORD cbBytesNeeded; DWORD dwErr; ::ZeroMemory(OUT rgfEnableButton, iServiceActionMax * sizeof(BOOL)); if (pdwCurrentState != NULL) *pdwCurrentState = 0; if (hScManager == NULL || pszServiceName[0] == '\0') return FALSE;
hService = ::OpenService( hScManager, pszServiceName, SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS | SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG); if (hService == NULL) { dwErr = ::GetLastError(); Assert(dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS); TRACE2("Failed to open service %s. err=%u.\n", pszServiceName, dwErr); if (!fSilentError) DoServicesErrMsgBox(::GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, dwErr); return FALSE; } if (!::QueryServiceStatus(hService, OUT &ss)) { dwErr = ::GetLastError(); Assert(dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS); TRACE2("::QueryServiceStatus(Service=%s) failed. err=%u.\n", pszServiceName, dwErr); if (!fSilentError) DoServicesErrMsgBox(::GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, dwErr); fSuccess = FALSE; } else { // Determine which menu items should be grayed
if (pdwCurrentState != NULL) *pdwCurrentState = ss.dwCurrentState;
switch (ss.dwCurrentState) { default: Assert(FALSE && "Illegal service status state."); case SERVICE_START_PENDING: case SERVICE_STOP_PENDING: case SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING: case SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING: break; case SERVICE_STOPPED: QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG qsc; ZeroMemory( &qsc, sizeof(qsc) ); qsc.dwStartType = (DWORD)-1; // JonN-2002/04/04-544089 handle long DisplayName value
// If this fails, don't enable the Start button
// JonN-2002/04/29 fix regression
// Even if QueryServiceConfig fails, it still fills in the
// fixed-size area if it can. So ignore the error in this case.
(void) ::QueryServiceConfig( hService, OUT &qsc, sizeof(qsc), OUT IGNORED &cbBytesNeeded); Report(qsc.dwStartType != (DWORD)-1); if (qsc.dwStartType != SERVICE_DISABLED) { rgfEnableButton[iServiceActionStart] = TRUE; // Enable 'Start' menu item
} break;
case SERVICE_RUNNING: // Some services are not allowed to be stoped and/or paused
if (ss.dwControlsAccepted & SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP) { rgfEnableButton[iServiceActionStop] = TRUE; // Enable 'Stop' menu item
} if (ss.dwControlsAccepted & SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE) { rgfEnableButton[iServiceActionPause] = TRUE; // Enable 'Pause' menu item
} break;
case SERVICE_PAUSED: if (ss.dwControlsAccepted & SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP) { rgfEnableButton[iServiceActionStop] = TRUE; // Enable 'Stop' menu item
} rgfEnableButton[iServiceActionResume] = TRUE; // Enable 'Resume' menu item
break; } // switch
} // if...else
// A 'Restart' has the same characteristics as a 'Stop'
rgfEnableButton[iServiceActionRestart] = rgfEnableButton[iServiceActionStop];
(void)::CloseServiceHandle(hService); return fSuccess; } // Service_FGetServiceButtonStatus()
// Service_SplitCommandLine()
// Split a string into two strings.
// Very similar to PchParseCommandLine() but uses CString objects.
void Service_SplitCommandLine( LPCTSTR pszFullCommand, // IN: Full command line
CString * pstrBinaryPath, // OUT: Path of the executable binary
CString * pstrParameters, // OUT: Parameters for the executable
BOOL * pfAbend) // OUT: Optional: Search for string "/fail=%1%"
{ Assert(pszFullCommand != NULL); Assert(pstrBinaryPath != NULL); Assert(pstrParameters != NULL); Endorse(pfAbend == NULL);
// Since there is no upper bound on the command
// arguments, we need to allocate memory for
// its processing.
TCHAR * paszCommandT; // Temporary buffer
TCHAR * pszCommandArguments; INT cchMemAlloc; // Number of bytes to allocate
cchMemAlloc = lstrlen(pszFullCommand) + 1; paszCommandT = new TCHAR[cchMemAlloc]; paszCommandT[0] = '\0'; // Just in case
pszCommandArguments = PchParseCommandLine( IN pszFullCommand, OUT paszCommandT, cchMemAlloc); *pstrBinaryPath = paszCommandT;
if (pfAbend != NULL) { INT cStringSubstitutions; // Number of string substitutions
// Find out if the string contains "/fail=%1%"
// 580255-2002/03/18 JonN fixed Str_SubstituteStrStr buffer overrun
cStringSubstitutions = Str_RemoveSubStr( IN OUT pszCommandArguments, IN szAbend ); Report((cStringSubstitutions == 0 || cStringSubstitutions == 1) && "INFO: Multiple substitutions will be consolidated."); *pfAbend = cStringSubstitutions != 0; } *pstrParameters = pszCommandArguments; TrimString(*pstrParameters);
delete paszCommandT; } // Service_SplitCommandLine()
// Service_UnSplitCommandLine()
// Just do the opposite of Service_SplitCommandLine().
// Combine the executable path and its arguments into a single string.
void Service_UnSplitCommandLine( CString * pstrFullCommand, // OUT: Full command line
LPCTSTR pszBinaryPath, // IN: Path of the executable binary
LPCTSTR pszParameters) // IN: Parameters for the executable
{ Assert(pstrFullCommand != NULL); Assert(pszBinaryPath != NULL); Assert(pszParameters != NULL);
TCHAR * psz; psz = pstrFullCommand->GetBuffer(lstrlen(pszBinaryPath) + lstrlen(pszParameters) + 32); // Build a string with the binary path surrounded by quotes
wsprintf(OUT psz, L"\"%s\" %s", pszBinaryPath, pszParameters); pstrFullCommand->ReleaseBuffer(); } // Service_UnSplitCommandLine()
// LoadSystemString()
// Load a string from system's resources. This function will check if
// the string Id can be located in netmsg.dll before attempting to
// load the string from the 'system resource'.
// If string cannot be loaded, *ppaszBuffer is set to NULL.
// ISSUE-2002/03/18-JonN The above comment is inaccurate. If the string
// cannot be loaded from netmsg.dll, it does not fall back to system.
// Pointer to allocated string and number of characters put
// into *ppaszBuffer.
// Caller must call LocalFree(*ppaszBuffer) when done with the string.
// 96.10.21 t-danmo Copied from net\ui\common\src\string\string\strload.cxx.
/* JonN-2002/03/18-JonN This function is not used
DWORD LoadSystemString( UINT wIdString, // IN: String Id. Typically error code from GetLastError().
LPTSTR * ppaszBuffer) // OUT: Address of pointer to allocated string.
{ Assert(ppaszBuffer != NULL);
if ((wIdString >= MIN_LANMAN_MESSAGE_ID) && (wIdString <= MAX_LANMAN_MESSAGE_ID)) { // Network Errors
dwFlags |= FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE; hModule = ::LoadLibrary(_T("netmsg.dll")); if (hModule == NULL) { TRACE1("LoadLibrary(\"netmsg.dll\") failed. err=%u.\n", GetLastError()); Report("Unable to get module handle for netmsg.dll"); } } else { // Other system errors
*ppaszBuffer = NULL; // Just in case
cch = ::FormatMessage( dwFlags, hModule, wIdString, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language
OUT (LPTSTR)ppaszBuffer, // Buffer will be allocated by FormatMessage()
0, NULL); Report((cch > 0) && "FormatMessage() returned an empty string"); if (hModule != NULL) { VERIFY(FreeLibrary(hModule)); } return cch; } // LoadSystemString()
// GetMsgHelper()
// This function will retrieve the error msg if dwErr is specified,
// load resource string if specified, and format the string with
// the error msg and other optional arguments.
HRESULT GetMsgHelper( OUT CString& strMsg,// OUT: the message
DWORD dwErr, // IN: Error code from GetLastError()
UINT wIdString, // IN: String ID
va_list* parglist // IN: OPTIONAL arguments
) { if (!dwErr && !wIdString) return E_INVALIDARG;
TCHAR *pszMsgResourceString = NULL; TCHAR *pszT = L"";
// retrieve error msg
CString strErrorMessage; if (dwErr != 0) { GetErrorMessage(dwErr, strErrorMessage); pszT = (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)strErrorMessage; }
// load string resource, and format it with the error msg and
// other optional arguments
if (wIdString == 0) { strMsg = pszT; } else { pszMsgResourceString = PaszLoadStringPrintf(wIdString, *parglist); if (dwErr == 0) strMsg = pszMsgResourceString; else if ((HRESULT)dwErr < 0) LoadStringPrintf(IDS_sus_ERROR_HR, OUT &strMsg, pszMsgResourceString, dwErr, pszT); else LoadStringPrintf(IDS_sus_ERROR, OUT &strMsg, pszMsgResourceString, dwErr, pszT); }
if (pszMsgResourceString) LocalFree(pszMsgResourceString);
return S_OK; } // GetMsgHelper()
// GetMsg()
// This function will call GetMsgHelp to retrieve the error msg
// if dwErr is specified, load resource string if specified, and
// format the string with the error msg and other optional arguments.
void GetMsg( OUT CString& strMsg,// OUT: the message
DWORD dwErr, // IN: Error code from GetLastError()
UINT wIdString, // IN: String resource Id
...) // IN: Optional arguments
{ va_list arglist; va_start(arglist, wIdString);
HRESULT hr = GetMsgHelper(strMsg, dwErr, wIdString, &arglist); if (FAILED(hr)) strMsg.Format(_T("0x%x"), hr);
} // GetMsg()
// DoErrMsgBox()
// Display a message box for the error code. This function will
// load the error message from the system resource and append
// the optional string (if any)
// DoErrMsgBox(GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK, GetLastError(), IDS_s_FILE_READ_ERROR, L"foo.txt");
INT DoErrMsgBoxHelper( HWND hwndParent, // IN: Parent of the dialog box
UINT uType, // IN: style of message box
DWORD dwErr, // IN: Error code from GetLastError()
UINT wIdString, // IN: String resource Id
bool fServicesSnapin, // IN: Is this filemgmt or svcmgmt?
va_list& arglist) // IN: Optional arguments
{ //
// get string and the error msg
CString strMsg; HRESULT hr = GetMsgHelper(strMsg, dwErr, wIdString, &arglist); if (FAILED(hr)) strMsg.Format(_T("0x%x"), hr);
// Load the caption
CString strCaption; strCaption.LoadString( (fServicesSnapin) ? IDS_CAPTION_SERVICES : IDS_CAPTION_FILEMGMT);
// Display the message.
CThemeContextActivator activator;; return MessageBox(hwndParent, strMsg, strCaption, uType);
} // DoErrMsgBox()
INT DoErrMsgBox( HWND hwndParent, // IN: Parent of the dialog box
UINT uType, // IN: style of message box
DWORD dwErr, // IN: Error code from GetLastError()
UINT wIdString, // IN: String resource Id
...) // IN: Optional arguments
{ AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
// get string and the error msg
va_list arglist; va_start(arglist, wIdString);
INT retval = DoErrMsgBoxHelper( hwndParent, uType, dwErr, wIdString, false, arglist );
return retval;
} // DoErrMsgBox()
// JonN 3/5/01 4635
// Services Snapin - String length error dialog title shouldn't be "File Service Management"
INT DoServicesErrMsgBox( HWND hwndParent, // IN: Parent of the dialog box
UINT uType, // IN: style of message box
DWORD dwErr, // IN: Error code from GetLastError()
UINT wIdString, // IN: String resource Id
...) // IN: Optional arguments
{ //
// get string and the error msg
va_list arglist; va_start(arglist, wIdString);
INT retval = DoErrMsgBoxHelper( hwndParent, uType, dwErr, wIdString, true, arglist );
return retval;
// Function: InitObjectPickerForUsers
// Synopsis: Call IDsObjectPicker::Initialize with arguments that will
// set it to allow the user to pick one user.
// Arguments: [pDsObjectPicker] - object picker interface instance
// Returns: Result of calling IDsObjectPicker::Initialize.
// History: 10-14-1998 DavidMun Sample code InitObjectPickerForGroups
// 10-14-1998 JonN Changed to InitObjectPickerForUsers
// 11-11-2000 JonN 188203 support LocalService/NetworkService
// CODEWORK do I want to allow USER_ENTERED?
HRESULT InitObjectPickerForUsers( IDsObjectPicker *pDsObjectPicker, LPCTSTR pszServerName) { //
// Prepare to initialize the object picker.
// Set up the array of scope initializer structures.
ZeroMemory(aScopeInit, sizeof(aScopeInit));
// Target computer scope. This adds a "Look In" entry for the
// target computer. Computer scopes are always treated as
// downlevel (i.e., they use the WinNT provider).
aScopeInit[0].cbSize = sizeof(DSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO); aScopeInit[0].flType = DSOP_SCOPE_TYPE_TARGET_COMPUTER; aScopeInit[0].flScope = DSOP_SCOPE_FLAG_STARTING_SCOPE | DSOP_SCOPE_FLAG_WANT_PROVIDER_WINNT; // JonN 11/14/00 188203 support LocalService/NetworkService
// The domain to which the target computer is joined. Note we're
// combining two scope types into flType here for convenience.
aScopeInit[1].cbSize = sizeof(DSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO); aScopeInit[1].flType = DSOP_SCOPE_TYPE_UPLEVEL_JOINED_DOMAIN | DSOP_SCOPE_TYPE_DOWNLEVEL_JOINED_DOMAIN; aScopeInit[1].flScope = DSOP_SCOPE_FLAG_WANT_PROVIDER_WINNT; aScopeInit[1].FilterFlags.Uplevel.flNativeModeOnly = DSOP_FILTER_USERS; aScopeInit[1].FilterFlags.Uplevel.flMixedModeOnly = DSOP_FILTER_USERS; aScopeInit[1].FilterFlags.flDownlevel = DSOP_DOWNLEVEL_FILTER_USERS;
// The domains in the same forest (enterprise) as the domain to which
// the target machine is joined. Note these can only be DS-aware
aScopeInit[2].cbSize = sizeof(DSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO); aScopeInit[2].flType = DSOP_SCOPE_TYPE_ENTERPRISE_DOMAIN; aScopeInit[2].flScope = DSOP_SCOPE_FLAG_WANT_PROVIDER_WINNT; aScopeInit[2].FilterFlags.Uplevel.flNativeModeOnly = DSOP_FILTER_USERS; aScopeInit[2].FilterFlags.Uplevel.flMixedModeOnly = DSOP_FILTER_USERS;
// Domains external to the enterprise but trusted directly by the
// domain to which the target machine is joined.
// If the target machine is joined to an NT4 domain, only the
// external downlevel domain scope applies, and it will cause
// all domains trusted by the joined domain to appear.
aScopeInit[3].FilterFlags.Uplevel.flNativeModeOnly = DSOP_FILTER_USERS;
aScopeInit[3].FilterFlags.Uplevel.flMixedModeOnly = DSOP_FILTER_USERS;
aScopeInit[3].FilterFlags.flDownlevel = DSOP_DOWNLEVEL_FILTER_USERS;
// The Global Catalog
aScopeInit[4].cbSize = sizeof(DSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO); aScopeInit[4].flScope = DSOP_SCOPE_FLAG_WANT_PROVIDER_WINNT; aScopeInit[4].flType = DSOP_SCOPE_TYPE_GLOBAL_CATALOG;
// Only native mode applies to gc scope.
aScopeInit[4].FilterFlags.Uplevel.flNativeModeOnly = DSOP_FILTER_USERS;
// Put the scope init array into the object picker init array
DSOP_INIT_INFO InitInfo; ZeroMemory(&InitInfo, sizeof(InitInfo));
InitInfo.cbSize = sizeof(InitInfo);
// The pwzTargetComputer member allows the object picker to be
// retargetted to a different computer. It will behave as if it
// were being run ON THAT COMPUTER.
InitInfo.pwzTargetComputer = pszServerName; // NULL == local machine
// InitInfo.pwzTargetComputer = NULL; // NULL == local machine
InitInfo.cDsScopeInfos = SCOPE_INIT_COUNT; InitInfo.aDsScopeInfos = aScopeInit;
// JonN 11/14/00 188203 support LocalService/NetworkService
static PCWSTR g_pszObjectSid = L"objectSid"; InitInfo.cAttributesToFetch = 1; InitInfo.apwzAttributeNames = &g_pszObjectSid;
// Note object picker makes its own copy of InitInfo. Also note
// that Initialize may be called multiple times, last call wins.
HRESULT hr = pDsObjectPicker->Initialize(&InitInfo); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
return hr; } // InitObjectPickerForUsers
// Function: ExtractADsPathAndUPN
// Synopsis: Retrieve the selected username from the data object
// created by the object picker.
// Arguments: [pdo] - data object returned by object picker
// History: 10-14-1998 DavidMun Sample code ProcessSelectedObjects
// 10-14-1998 JonN Changed to ExtractADsPath
// 01-25-1999 JonN Added pflScopeType parameter
// 03-16-1999 JonN Changed to ExtractADsPathAndUPN
// 11-14-2000 JonN Added svarrefObjectSid for 188203
UINT g_cfDsObjectPicker = RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_DSOP_DS_SELECTION_LIST);
HRESULT ExtractADsPathAndUPN( IN IDataObject *pdo, OUT CString& strrefADsPath, OUT CString& strrefUPN, OUT CComVariant& svarrefObjectSid, OUT ULONG *pflScopeType) { if (NULL == pdo) return E_POINTER;
bool fGotStgMedium = false;
do { hr = pdo->GetData(&formatetc, &stgmedium); if (FAILED(hr)) { ASSERT(FALSE); break; }
fGotStgMedium = true;
PDS_SELECTION_LIST pDsSelList = (PDS_SELECTION_LIST) GlobalLock(stgmedium.hGlobal);
if ( NULL == pDsSelList || 1 != pDsSelList->cItems ) { ASSERT(FALSE); hr = E_FAIL; break; }
DS_SELECTION& sel = pDsSelList->aDsSelection[0]; strrefADsPath = sel.pwzADsPath; strrefUPN = sel.pwzUPN; if ( sel.pvarFetchedAttributes ) svarrefObjectSid = sel.pvarFetchedAttributes[0];
if (NULL != pflScopeType) *pflScopeType = pDsSelList->aDsSelection[0].flScopeType;
GlobalUnlock(stgmedium.hGlobal); } while (0);
if (fGotStgMedium) { ReleaseStgMedium(&stgmedium); }
return hr; }
// UiGetUser()
// Invoke a user picker dialog.
// Return TRUE iff an account was selected.
// 96.10.12 t-danmo Creation. Inspired from function GetUser() located
// at \nt\private\windows\shell\security\aclui\misc.cpp.
// 96.10.30 t-danmo Added/modified comments.
// 98.03.17 jonn Modified to use User/Group Picker
// 98.10.20 jonn Modified to use updated Object Picker interfaces
// Function: ExtractDomainUserString
// Synopsis: Converts an ADspath to the format needed by Service Controller
// History: 10-14-1998 JonN Created
// 01-25-1999 JonN added flScopeType parameter
HRESULT ExtractDomainUserString( IN LPCTSTR pwzADsPath, IN ULONG flScopeType, IN OUT CString& strrefDomainUser) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CComPtr<IADsPathname> spIADsPathname; hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Pathname, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IADsPathname, (PVOID *)&spIADsPathname); RETURN_HR_IF_FAIL;
hr = spIADsPathname->Set( const_cast<LPTSTR>(pwzADsPath), ADS_SETTYPE_FULL ); RETURN_HR_IF_FAIL;
CComBSTR sbstrUser; hr = spIADsPathname->GetElement( 0, &sbstrUser ); RETURN_HR_IF_FAIL;
CComBSTR sbstrDomain = OLESTR("."); if (DSOP_SCOPE_TYPE_TARGET_COMPUTER != flScopeType) { long lnNumPathElements = 0; hr = spIADsPathname->GetNumElements( &lnNumPathElements ); RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL;
switch (lnNumPathElements) { case 1: hr = spIADsPathname->Retrieve( ADS_FORMAT_SERVER, &sbstrDomain ); RETURN_HR_IF_FAIL; break; case 2: hr = spIADsPathname->GetElement( 1, &sbstrDomain ); RETURN_HR_IF_FAIL; break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); return E_FAIL; } }
strrefDomainUser.Format(L"%s\\%s", sbstrDomain, sbstrUser);
return hr; } // ExtractDomainUserString
BOOL UiGetUser( HWND hwndOwner, // IN: Owner window
BOOL /*fIsContainer*/, // IN: TRUE if invoked for a container
LPCTSTR pszServerName, // IN: Initial target machine name
OUT CString& strrefUser) // IN: Allocated buffer containing the user details
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CComPtr<IDsObjectPicker> spDsObjectPicker; hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DsObjectPicker, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDsObjectPicker, (PVOID *)&spDsObjectPicker); RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL; ASSERT( !!spDsObjectPicker );
hr = InitObjectPickerForUsers(spDsObjectPicker, pszServerName); RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL;
CComPtr<IDataObject> spDataObject; hr = spDsObjectPicker->InvokeDialog(hwndOwner, &spDataObject); RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL; if (S_FALSE == hr) return FALSE; // user cancelled
ASSERT( !!spDataObject );
CString strADsPath; ULONG flScopeType = DSOP_SCOPE_TYPE_TARGET_COMPUTER; CComVariant svarObjectSid; hr = ExtractADsPathAndUPN( spDataObject, strADsPath, strrefUser, svarObjectSid, &flScopeType ); RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL;
// JonN 11/15/00 188203 check for LocalService/NetworkService
if (svarObjectSid.vt == (VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1)) { PSID pSid = svarObjectSid.parray->pvData; if ( IsWellKnownSid(pSid, WinLocalServiceSid) ) { strrefUser = TEXT("NT AUTHORITY\\LocalService"); return TRUE; } else if ( IsWellKnownSid(pSid, WinNetworkServiceSid) ) { strrefUser = TEXT("NT AUTHORITY\\NetworkService"); return TRUE; } }
if (strrefUser.IsEmpty()) { if (strADsPath.IsEmpty()) { ASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; } hr = ExtractDomainUserString( strADsPath, flScopeType, strrefUser ); RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL; }
return TRUE; } // UiGetUser()
// DoHelp()
// This routine handles context help for the WM_HELP message.
// The return value is always TRUE.
BOOL DoHelp( LPARAM lParam, // Pointer to HELPINFO structure
const DWORD rgzHelpIDs[]) // Array of HelpIDs
{ Assert(rgzHelpIDs != NULL); const LPHELPINFO pHelpInfo = (LPHELPINFO)lParam;
if (pHelpInfo != NULL) { if (pHelpInfo->iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW) { const HWND hwnd = (HWND)pHelpInfo->hItemHandle; Assert(IsWindow(hwnd)); // Display context help for a control
WinHelp( hwnd, g_szHelpFileFilemgmt, HELP_WM_HELP, (DWORD_PTR)rgzHelpIDs); } } return TRUE; } // DoHelp()
// DoContextHelp()
// This routine handles context help for the WM_CONTEXTMENU message.
// The return value is always TRUE.
BOOL DoContextHelp( WPARAM wParam, // Window requesting help
const DWORD rgzHelpIDs[]) // Array of HelpIDs
{ const HWND hwnd = (HWND)wParam; Assert(IsWindow(hwnd)); Assert(rgzHelpIDs != NULL); WinHelp(hwnd, g_szHelpFileFilemgmt, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (DWORD_PTR)rgzHelpIDs); return TRUE; } // DoContextHelp()