Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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Module Name:
Generic lexer framework classes.
#include "precomp.h"
#include <genlex.h>
CGenLexer::CGenLexer(LexEl *pTbl, CGenLexSource *pSrc) { m_nCurBufSize = 256; m_pTokenBuf = (wchar_t *) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, m_nCurBufSize * 2); m_nCurrentLine = 1; m_pTable = pTbl; m_pSrc = pSrc; SetLastError(m_pTokenBuf == 0 ? ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY : ERROR_SUCCESS); }
void CGenLexer::Reset() { m_pSrc->Reset(); m_nCurrentLine = 1; }
CGenLexer::~CGenLexer() { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, m_pTokenBuf); }
int CGenLexer::NextToken() { int nState = 0; int nCurBufEnd = 0; BOOL bRead = TRUE; wchar_t cCurrent = 0;
if (m_pTokenBuf == 0) return 0;
*m_pTokenBuf = 0;
// Generic DFA driver based on the table specified
// in the constructor.
// ===============================================
while (1) { BOOL bMatch = FALSE; WORD wInstructions = m_pTable[nState].wInstructions;
if (bRead) { if(bEOF) { // The lexer table allowed us to go past end of string!!!
return 1; } cCurrent = m_pSrc->NextChar(); if(cCurrent == 0) bEOF = TRUE; }
bRead = FALSE;
// Check here if only the first character is present.
// ==================================================
if (m_pTable[nState].cFirst == GLEX_ANY) bMatch = TRUE; else if (m_pTable[nState].cLast == GLEX_EMPTY) { if (cCurrent == m_pTable[nState].cFirst) bMatch = TRUE; else if ((wInstructions & GLEX_NOT) && !(cCurrent == m_pTable[nState].cFirst)) bMatch = TRUE; }
// If here, both first/last are present and we
// are testing to see if the input is in between.
// ==============================================
else if (m_pTable[nState].cFirst != GLEX_ANY) { if ((wInstructions & GLEX_NOT) && !(cCurrent >= m_pTable[nState].cFirst && cCurrent <= m_pTable[nState].cLast)) bMatch = TRUE; else if (cCurrent >= m_pTable[nState].cFirst && cCurrent <= m_pTable[nState].cLast) bMatch = TRUE; }
// Interpret the instruction field to determine
// whether the character is actually to be included
// in the token text.
// ================================================
if (bMatch) { if (wInstructions & GLEX_ACCEPT) { // Expand the current buffer, if required.
// =======================================
if (nCurBufEnd == m_nCurBufSize - 1) { m_nCurBufSize += 256; wchar_t * resizedBuffer = (wchar_t *) HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, m_pTokenBuf, m_nCurBufSize * 2); if (resizedBuffer == 0) { //
// we need to revert the size back to the
// original one, otherwise we may access
// memory that doesn't belong to buffer
m_nCurBufSize -= 256 ;
return 0; // out of memory
m_pTokenBuf = resizedBuffer; }
m_pTokenBuf[nCurBufEnd] = cCurrent; m_pTokenBuf[++nCurBufEnd]= 0;
bRead = TRUE; } if (wInstructions & GLEX_CONSUME) bRead = TRUE;
// else GLEX_CONSUME, which means 'skip'
// If the PUSHBACK instruction is present,
// push the char back.
// ======================================
if (wInstructions & GLEX_PUSHBACK) { bRead = TRUE; m_pSrc->Pushback(cCurrent); }
// If a linefeed instruction.
// ==========================
if (wInstructions & GLEX_LINEFEED) m_nCurrentLine++;
// If the return field is present and there was
// a match, then return the specified token. Alternately,
// the GLEX_RETURN instruction will force a return
// match, or no match.
// =======================================================
if (m_pTable[nState].wReturnTok || (wInstructions & GLEX_RETURN)) return int(m_pTable[nState].wReturnTok);
nState = int(m_pTable[nState].wGotoState); }
// If here, there was no match.
// ===================================
else nState++; }
return 0; // No path to here