// LaunchCondition.cpp: implementation of the CLaunchCondition class.
// Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "precomp.h"
#include "LaunchCondition.h"
#include "ExtendString.h"
#include "ExtendQuery.h"
// Construction/Destruction
CLaunchCondition::CLaunchCondition(CRequestObject *pObj, IWbemServices *pNamespace, IWbemContext *pCtx):CGenericClass(pObj, pNamespace, pCtx) {
CLaunchCondition::~CLaunchCondition() {
HRESULT CLaunchCondition::CreateObject(IWbemObjectSink *pHandler, ACTIONTYPE atAction) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; MSIHANDLE hView = NULL, hRecord = NULL; int i = -1; WCHAR wcBuf[BUFF_SIZE]; WCHAR wcProductCode[39]; DWORD dwBufSize; bool bMatch = false; UINT uiStatus; bool bGotID = false; WCHAR wcCondition[BUFF_SIZE]; WCHAR wcTestCode[39];
//These will change from class to class
bool bCheck;
//improve getobject performance by optimizing the query
if(atAction != ACTIONTYPE_ENUM) { // we are doing GetObject so we need to be reinitialized
BSTR bstrCompare;
int iPos = -1; bstrCompare = SysAllocString ( L"CheckID" );
if ( bstrCompare ) { if(FindIn(m_pRequest->m_Property, bstrCompare, &iPos)) { if ( ::SysStringLen ( m_pRequest->m_Value[iPos] ) < BUFF_SIZE ) { //Get the action we're looking for
wcscpy(wcBuf, m_pRequest->m_Value[iPos]);
// safe operation if wcslen ( wcBuf ) > 38
if ( wcslen ( wcBuf ) > 38 ) { wcscpy(wcTestCode, &(wcBuf[(wcslen(wcBuf) - 38)])); } else { // we are not good to go, they have sent us longer string
SysFreeString ( bstrCompare ); throw hr; }
// safe because lenght has been tested already in condition
RemoveFinalGUID(m_pRequest->m_Value[iPos], wcCondition);
bGotID = true; } else { // we are not good to go, they have sent us longer string
SysFreeString ( bstrCompare ); throw hr; }
SysFreeString ( bstrCompare ); } else { throw CHeap_Exception(CHeap_Exception::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } }
Query wcQuery; wcQuery.Append ( 1, L"select distinct `Condition`, `Description` from LaunchCondition" );
//optimize for GetObject
if ( bGotID ) { wcQuery.Append ( 3, L" where `Condition`=\'", wcCondition, L"\'" ); }
LPWSTR Buffer = NULL; LPWSTR dynBuffer = NULL;
DWORD dwDynBuffer = 0L;
while(!bMatch && m_pRequest->Package(++i) && (hr != WBEM_E_CALL_CANCELLED)) { // safe operation:
// Package ( i ) returns NULL ( tested above ) or valid WCHAR [39]
wcscpy(wcProductCode, m_pRequest->Package(i));
if((atAction == ACTIONTYPE_ENUM) || (bGotID && (_wcsicmp(wcTestCode, wcProductCode) == 0))){
//Open our database
try { if ( GetView ( &hView, wcProductCode, wcQuery, L"LaunchCondition", TRUE, FALSE ) ) { uiStatus = g_fpMsiViewFetch(hView, &hRecord);
while(!bMatch && (uiStatus != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) && (hr != WBEM_E_CALL_CANCELLED)){ CheckMSI(uiStatus);
if(FAILED(hr = SpawnAnInstance(&m_pObj))) throw hr;
dwBufSize = BUFF_SIZE; GetBufferToPut ( hRecord, 1, dwBufSize, wcBuf, dwDynBuffer, dynBuffer, Buffer );
PutProperty(m_pObj, pCondition, Buffer); PutProperty(m_pObj, pName, Buffer);
PutKeyProperty ( m_pObj, pCheckID, Buffer, &bCheck, m_pRequest, 1, wcProductCode );
if ( dynBuffer && dynBuffer [ 0 ] != 0 ) { dynBuffer [ 0 ] = 0; }
dwBufSize = BUFF_SIZE; PutPropertySpecial ( hRecord, 2, dwBufSize, wcBuf, dwDynBuffer, dynBuffer, FALSE, 2, pCaption, pDescription );
if(bCheck) bMatch = true;
if((atAction != ACTIONTYPE_GET) || bMatch){
hr = pHandler->Indicate(1, &m_pObj); }
m_pObj->Release(); m_pObj = NULL;
uiStatus = g_fpMsiViewFetch(hView, &hRecord); } } } catch(...) { if ( dynBuffer ) { delete [] dynBuffer; dynBuffer = NULL; }
if (hRecord) g_fpMsiCloseHandle(hRecord);
if (hView) { g_fpMsiViewClose(hView); g_fpMsiCloseHandle(hView); }
msidata.CloseDatabase ();
if(m_pObj) { m_pObj->Release(); m_pObj = NULL; }
throw; }
if (hRecord) g_fpMsiCloseHandle(hRecord);
if (hView) { g_fpMsiViewClose(hView); g_fpMsiCloseHandle(hView); }
msidata.CloseDatabase (); } }
if ( dynBuffer ) { delete [] dynBuffer; dynBuffer = NULL; } return hr; }