// File:
// Module: MS SNMP Provider
// Purpose:
// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "precomp.h"
#include <provexpt.h>
#include <typeinfo.h>
#include <snmptempl.h>
#include <snmpmt.h>
#include <snmpcl.h>
#include <snmpcont.h>
#include <snmptype.h>
#include <snmpauto.h>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1100
template<> UINT AFXAPI HashKey <SnmpObjectIdentifierType&> (SnmpObjectIdentifierType &key) #else
UINT HashKey (SnmpObjectIdentifierType &key) #endif
{ SnmpObjectIdentifier *objectIdentifier = ( SnmpObjectIdentifier * ) key.GetValueEncoding () ; UCHAR *value = ( UCHAR * ) objectIdentifier->GetValue () ; ULONG length = objectIdentifier->GetValueLength () * sizeof ( ULONG ) ;
#if 1
ULONG t_Length = length >> 2 ; value += t_Length ; length = length - t_Length ; #endif
UINT hash; if (length > 1) { USHORT even = 0; USHORT odd = 0; #if 0
for (ULONG i = length >> 1; i--;) { even += *value++; odd += *value++; } if (length & 1) { even += *value; } #else
for (ULONG i = length >> 2; i--;) { even += *value++; even += *value++; even += *value++; odd += *value++; } if (length & 1) { even += *value; } #endif
hash = odd>>8; hash |= (odd & 0xff) << 8; hash ^= even; } else { hash = *value; }
return hash ; }
#if _MSC_VER >= 1100
template<> BOOL AFXAPI CompareElements <SnmpObjectIdentifierType , SnmpObjectIdentifierType >(
const SnmpObjectIdentifierType* pElement1, const SnmpObjectIdentifierType* pElement2 ) #else
BOOL CompareElements (
SnmpObjectIdentifierType* pElement1, SnmpObjectIdentifierType* pElement2 )
{ return *( ( SnmpObjectIdentifier * ) pElement1->GetValueEncoding () ) == *( ( SnmpObjectIdentifier * )pElement2->GetValueEncoding () ) ; }
VarBindObject :: VarBindObject (
const SnmpObjectIdentifier &replyArg , const SnmpValue &valueArg
) : value ( NULL ) , reply ( replyArg ) { value = valueArg.Copy () ; }
VarBindObject :: ~VarBindObject () { delete value ; }
SnmpObjectIdentifier &VarBindObject :: GetObjectIdentifier () { return reply ; }
SnmpValue &VarBindObject :: GetValue () { return *value ; }
VarBindQueue :: VarBindQueue () { }
VarBindQueue :: ~VarBindQueue () { POSITION position = queue.GetHeadPosition () ; while ( position ) { VarBindObject *varBindObject = queue.GetNext ( position ) ; delete varBindObject ; }
queue.RemoveAll () ; }
void VarBindQueue :: Add ( VarBindObject *varBindObject ) { queue.AddTail ( varBindObject ) ; }
VarBindObject *VarBindQueue :: Get () { return queue.IsEmpty () ? NULL : queue.GetHead () ; }
VarBindObject *VarBindQueue :: Delete () { VarBindObject *object = NULL ;
if ( ! queue.IsEmpty () ) { object = queue.GetHead () ; queue.RemoveHead () ; } return object ; }
VarBindObjectRequest :: VarBindObjectRequest (
const SnmpObjectIdentifierType &varBindArg
) : varBind ( varBindArg ) , requested ( varBindArg ) , repeatRequest ( TRUE ) { }
VarBindObjectRequest :: VarBindObjectRequest (
const SnmpObjectIdentifierType &varBindArg , const SnmpObjectIdentifierType &requestedVarBindArg
) : varBind ( varBindArg ) , requested ( requestedVarBindArg ) , repeatRequest ( TRUE ) { }
VarBindObjectRequest :: VarBindObjectRequest () : repeatRequest ( TRUE ) { }
VarBindObjectRequest :: ~VarBindObjectRequest () { }
const SnmpObjectIdentifierType &VarBindObjectRequest :: GetRequested () const { return requested ; }
const SnmpObjectIdentifierType &VarBindObjectRequest :: GetVarBind () const { return varBind ; }
void VarBindObjectRequest :: SetRequested ( const SnmpObjectIdentifierType &requestedArg ) { requested = requestedArg ; }
void VarBindObjectRequest :: SetVarBind ( const SnmpObjectIdentifierType &varBindArg ) { varBind = varBindArg ; }
void VarBindObjectRequest :: AddQueuedObject ( VarBindObject *object ) { varBindResponseQueue.Add ( object ) ; }
VarBindObject *VarBindObjectRequest :: GetQueuedObject () { return varBindResponseQueue.Get () ; }
VarBindObject *VarBindObjectRequest :: DeleteQueueudObject () { return varBindResponseQueue.Delete () ; }
GetNextOperation :: GetNextOperation (
IN SnmpSession &session , SnmpAutoRetrieveOperation &autoRetrieveOperation
) : SnmpGetNextOperation ( session ) , operation ( NULL ) , minimumInstance ( NULL , 0 ) , cancelledRequest ( FALSE ) , m_RequestContainerLength ( 0 ) , m_RequestContainer ( NULL ) , m_RequestIndexContainer ( NULL ) { operation = &autoRetrieveOperation ; }
GetNextOperation :: ~GetNextOperation () { Cleanup () ;
delete [] m_RequestContainer ; delete [] m_RequestIndexContainer ; delete operation ; }
void GetNextOperation :: Cleanup () { if ( m_RequestContainer ) { for ( ULONG t_Index = 0 ; t_Index < m_RequestContainerLength ; t_Index ++ ) { VarBindObjectRequest *varBindObjectRequest = m_RequestContainer [ t_Index ] ; m_RequestContainer [ t_Index ] = NULL ; delete varBindObjectRequest ; } } } void GetNextOperation :: SendRequest (
SnmpVarBindList &varBindList ) { cancelledRequest = FALSE ;
ULONG t_Count = varBindList.GetLength () ;
m_RequestContainerLength = t_Count ;
m_RequestContainer = new VarBindObjectRequest * [ t_Count ] ; m_RequestIndexContainer = new ULONG [ t_Count ] ;
ZeroMemory ( m_RequestContainer , sizeof ( VarBindObjectRequest * ) * t_Count ) ; ZeroMemory ( m_RequestIndexContainer , sizeof ( ULONG ) * t_Count ) ;
ULONG t_Index = 0 ; varBindList.Reset () ; while ( varBindList.Next () ) { const SnmpVarBind *varBind = varBindList.Get () ; SnmpObjectIdentifierType requestObject ( varBind->GetInstance () ) ; VarBindObjectRequest *request = new VarBindObjectRequest ( requestObject ) ; m_RequestContainer [ t_Index ] = request ;
t_Index ++ ; }
Send () ; }
void GetNextOperation :: SendRequest (
SnmpVarBindList &varBindList , SnmpVarBindList &startVarBindList ) { cancelledRequest = FALSE ;
ULONG t_Count = varBindList.GetLength () ;
m_RequestContainerLength = t_Count ;
m_RequestContainer = new VarBindObjectRequest * [ t_Count ] ; m_RequestIndexContainer = new ULONG [ t_Count ] ;
ULONG t_Index = 0 ; varBindList.Reset () ; startVarBindList.Reset () ; while ( startVarBindList.Next () && varBindList.Next () ) { const SnmpVarBind *varBind = varBindList.Get () ; const SnmpVarBind *startVarBind = startVarBindList.Get () ; SnmpObjectIdentifierType requestObject ( varBind->GetInstance () ) ; SnmpObjectIdentifierType startRequestObject ( startVarBind->GetInstance () ) ; VarBindObjectRequest *request = new VarBindObjectRequest ( requestObject , startRequestObject ) ; m_RequestContainer [ t_Index ] = request ;
t_Index ++ ; }
Send () ; }
void GetNextOperation :: DestroyOperation () { SnmpGetNextOperation :: DestroyOperation () ; }
void GetNextOperation :: CancelRequest () { cancelledRequest = TRUE ; SnmpGetNextOperation :: CancelRequest () ; }
void GetNextOperation :: Send () { BOOL t_Count = 0 ; SnmpVarBindList sendVarBindList ; for ( ULONG t_Index = 0 ; t_Index < m_RequestContainerLength ; t_Index ++ ) { SnmpObjectIdentifierType objectIdentifierType ; VarBindObjectRequest *varBindObjectRequest = m_RequestContainer [ t_Index ] ;
if ( varBindObjectRequest->GetRepeatRequest () ) { SnmpNull snmpNull ; SnmpVarBind varBind (
* ( SnmpObjectIdentifier * ) varBindObjectRequest->GetRequested ().GetValueEncoding () , snmpNull ) ;
sendVarBindList.Add ( varBind ) ;
m_RequestIndexContainer [ t_Count ] = t_Index ; t_Count ++ ; } }
SnmpGetNextOperation :: SendRequest ( sendVarBindList ) ; }
void GetNextOperation :: SentFrame (
IN const SessionFrameId session_frame_id , const SnmpErrorReport &errorReport ) { switch ( errorReport.GetError () ) { case Snmp_Success: { } break ;
default: { } break ; }
operation->SentFrame ( session_frame_id , errorReport ) ; SnmpGetNextOperation :: SentFrame ( session_frame_id , errorReport ) ; }
void GetNextOperation :: ReceiveResponse () { BOOL receiveComplete = TRUE ;
for ( ULONG t_Index = 0 ; t_Index < m_RequestContainerLength ; t_Index ++ ) { VarBindObjectRequest *varBindObjectRequest = m_RequestContainer [ t_Index ] ; if ( varBindObjectRequest->GetRepeatRequest () ) { receiveComplete = FALSE ; } }
if ( ! cancelledRequest ) { // Check to see if we have finished
if ( ! receiveComplete ) { // Request next response
Send () ; }
// Process received information
while ( ProcessRow () ) ; }
if ( receiveComplete ) { // We've finished
operation->ReceiveResponse () ;
// Clear all resources
Cleanup () ; } }
BOOL GetNextOperation :: ProcessRow () { // Process Row information
BOOL initialised = FALSE ; BOOL objectHasNoValueAndIsRepeating = FALSE ; SnmpObjectIdentifier objectIdentifier ( NULL , 0 ) ; SnmpObjectIdentifier suffix ( NULL , 0 ) ;
// Determine minimum instance
for ( ULONG t_Index = 0 ; t_Index < m_RequestContainerLength ; t_Index ++ ) { VarBindObjectRequest *varBindObjectRequest = m_RequestContainer [ t_Index ] ; VarBindObject *queuedObject = varBindObjectRequest->GetQueuedObject () ; if ( queuedObject ) { // Get row information associated with table property, i.e. instance of initial varbind requested.
SnmpObjectIdentifierType varBindType = varBindObjectRequest->GetVarBind () ; SnmpObjectIdentifier *varBind = ( SnmpObjectIdentifier * ) varBindType.GetValueEncoding () ; if(varBind) { BOOL t_Status = queuedObject->GetObjectIdentifier ().Suffix ( varBind->GetValueLength () , suffix ) ; if ( t_Status ) { if ( initialised ) { if ( suffix < objectIdentifier ) { // Least instance so far
objectIdentifier = suffix ; } else { // Greater Than
} } else {
// objectIdentifier hasn't been set to a legal instance yet.
objectIdentifier = suffix ; initialised = TRUE ; } } else { // No more rows as yet
} } } else { if ( varBindObjectRequest->GetRepeatRequest () ) { objectHasNoValueAndIsRepeating = TRUE ; } } }
if ( initialised && ( ! objectHasNoValueAndIsRepeating ) ) { minimumInstance = objectIdentifier ;
// Process all columns which contain row of least minimum
for ( ULONG t_Index = 0 ; t_Index < m_RequestContainerLength ; t_Index ++ ) { VarBindObjectRequest *varBindObjectRequest = m_RequestContainer [ t_Index ] ; VarBindObject *queuedObject = varBindObjectRequest->GetQueuedObject () ; if ( queuedObject ) { SnmpObjectIdentifierType varBindType = varBindObjectRequest->GetVarBind () ; SnmpObjectIdentifier *varBind = ( SnmpObjectIdentifier * ) varBindType.GetValueEncoding () ;
if ( varBind && queuedObject->GetObjectIdentifier ().Suffix ( varBind->GetValueLength () , suffix ) ) { if ( suffix == minimumInstance ) { // Row to be processed
SnmpNull snmpNull ; SnmpErrorReport errorReport ( Snmp_Success , Snmp_No_Error ) ; SnmpVarBind requestVarBind ( *varBind , snmpNull ) ; SnmpVarBind replyVarBind ( minimumInstance , queuedObject->GetValue () ) ; operation->ReceiveRowVarBindResponse ( t_Index + 1 , requestVarBind , replyVarBind , errorReport ) ;
// Check CancelRequest hasn't been called in callback
if ( cancelledRequest ) { return FALSE ; }
// Remove row
VarBindObject *queuedObject = varBindObjectRequest->DeleteQueueudObject () ; delete queuedObject ; } else { // Row is lexicographically greater than process row
} } else { // Problem Here
} } }
// Forward call to AutoRetrieveOperation
operation->ReceiveRowResponse () ; } else { // Zero rows to process
return initialised && ( ! objectHasNoValueAndIsRepeating ) ; }
void GetNextOperation :: ReceiveVarBindResponse (
IN const ULONG &var_bind_index, IN const SnmpVarBind &requestVarBind , IN const SnmpVarBind &replyVarBind , IN const SnmpErrorReport &error ) { ULONG t_Index = m_RequestIndexContainer [ var_bind_index - 1 ] ; VarBindObjectRequest *varBindObjectRequest = m_RequestContainer [ t_Index ] ; /*
* check for v2c errored responses */
if ( typeid ( replyVarBind.GetValue () ) == typeid ( SnmpEndOfMibView ) ) { // Stop further requests for this column
varBindObjectRequest->SetRepeatRequest ( FALSE ) ; } else { // Locate request object
// Check we haven't gone backwards lexicographically, which would result in an infinitely repeating request.
if ( replyVarBind.GetInstance () > requestVarBind.GetInstance () ) { // Check we haven't reached end of table
SnmpObjectIdentifier *objectIdentifier = ( SnmpObjectIdentifier *) varBindObjectRequest->GetVarBind ().GetValueEncoding () ; if ( objectIdentifier && replyVarBind.GetInstance().Equivalent ( *objectIdentifier , objectIdentifier->GetValueLength () ) ) { // Add row information to column of table
SnmpObjectIdentifier snmpObjectIdentifier ( 0 , NULL ) ; SnmpObjectIdentifier suffix ( 0 , NULL ) ; SnmpNull snmpNull ;
BOOL t_Status = replyVarBind.GetInstance().Suffix ( objectIdentifier->GetValueLength () , suffix ) ; if ( t_Status ) { SnmpVarBind sendVarBind ( snmpObjectIdentifier , snmpNull ) ; SnmpVarBind adjustedReplyVarBind ( suffix , replyVarBind.GetValue () ) ;
LONG t_Option = operation->EvaluateNextRequest (
var_bind_index, requestVarBind , adjustedReplyVarBind , sendVarBind ) ;
if ( t_Option == 0 ) { VarBindObject *varBindObject = new VarBindObject ( replyVarBind.GetInstance () , replyVarBind.GetValue () ) ; varBindObjectRequest->AddQueuedObject ( varBindObject ) ;
// Update map to identify request next time around
SnmpObjectIdentifierType replyObject ( replyVarBind.GetInstance () ) ; varBindObjectRequest->SetRequested ( replyObject ) ; } else if ( t_Option > 0 ) { VarBindObject *varBindObject = new VarBindObject ( replyVarBind.GetInstance () , replyVarBind.GetValue () ) ; varBindObjectRequest->AddQueuedObject ( varBindObject ) ;
// Update map to identify request next time around
SnmpObjectIdentifierType replyObject ( *objectIdentifier + sendVarBind.GetInstance () ) ; varBindObjectRequest->SetRequested ( replyObject ) ;
} else { VarBindObject *varBindObject = new VarBindObject ( replyVarBind.GetInstance () , replyVarBind.GetValue () ) ; varBindObjectRequest->AddQueuedObject ( varBindObject ) ;
varBindObjectRequest->SetRepeatRequest ( FALSE ) ; } } else { varBindObjectRequest->SetRepeatRequest ( FALSE ) ; } } else { // instance received is not row of column, i.e End Of Table
varBindObjectRequest->SetRepeatRequest ( FALSE ) ; } } else { // instance requested is greater than instance replied
varBindObjectRequest->SetRepeatRequest ( FALSE ) ; } }
operation->ReceiveVarBindResponse ( var_bind_index,requestVarBind , replyVarBind , error ) ; }
void GetNextOperation :: ReceiveErroredVarBindResponse(
IN const ULONG &var_bind_index, IN const SnmpVarBind &requestVarBind , IN const SnmpErrorReport &error ) { ULONG t_Index = m_RequestIndexContainer [ var_bind_index - 1 ] ; VarBindObjectRequest *varBindObjectRequest = m_RequestContainer [ t_Index ] ;
switch ( error.GetError () ) { case Snmp_Success: { /*
* Can't happen */ } break ;
default: { // Stop further requests for this column
varBindObjectRequest->SetRepeatRequest ( FALSE ) ; } break ; }
operation->ReceiveErroredVarBindResponse ( var_bind_index , requestVarBind , error ) ; }
void GetNextOperation :: FrameTooBig () { operation->FrameTooBig () ; }
void GetNextOperation :: FrameOverRun () { operation->FrameTooBig () ; }
SnmpAutoRetrieveOperation :: SnmpAutoRetrieveOperation (IN SnmpSession &session) { operation = new GetNextOperation ( session , *this ) ; }
SnmpAutoRetrieveOperation :: ~SnmpAutoRetrieveOperation () { }
void SnmpAutoRetrieveOperation :: DestroyOperation () { operation->DestroyOperation () ; }
void SnmpAutoRetrieveOperation :: CancelRequest () { operation->CancelRequest () ; }
void SnmpAutoRetrieveOperation :: SendRequest ( SnmpVarBindList &varBindList ) { operation->SendRequest ( varBindList ) ; }
void SnmpAutoRetrieveOperation :: SendRequest ( SnmpVarBindList &varBindList , SnmpVarBindList &startVarBindList ) { operation->SendRequest ( varBindList , startVarBindList ) ; }