// Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include <autoptr.h>
// This encapsulates one of the following:
// A V2 NOTIFICATION-TYPE invocation or
// A NOTIFICATION-TYPE fabricated from a V1 TRAP-TYPE invocation
class SIMCNotificationElement { // A pointer to the symbol in a module, that represents this
SIMCSymbol *symbol; // The "clean" oid value of this NOTIFICATION-TYPE. Note that
// and "unclean" value may be obtained by calling the
// function SIMCModule.IsObjectIdentifierValue(), on the module
// that defined this symbol.
SIMCCleanOidValue *value;
// Indicates whether this was fabricated from a TRAP-TYPE
BOOL _fabricatedFromTrapType; // These 2 fields are valid only if fabricatedFromTrapType is true
int _specificId; SIMCCleanOidValue *_enterpriseOid;
public: SIMCNotificationElement(SIMCSymbol *s, SIMCCleanOidValue *v, BOOL fabricatedFromTrapType = FALSE) : symbol(s), value(v), _fabricatedFromTrapType(fabricatedFromTrapType) { // Set the specificId and the enterpriseOid fields
_enterpriseOid = new SIMCCleanOidValue; wmilib::auto_ptr<SIMCCleanOidValue> _enterpriseOid_Guard ( _enterpriseOid ) ;
_specificId = 0; if(fabricatedFromTrapType) { if(v->GetCount() >= 3) { POSITION lastPosition = v->GetHeadPosition(); POSITION lastMinusOnePosition = NULL; POSITION lastMinusTwoPosition = NULL;
while(lastPosition) { lastMinusTwoPosition = lastMinusOnePosition; lastMinusOnePosition = lastPosition; _specificId = v->GetNext(lastPosition); _enterpriseOid->AddTail(_specificId); } _enterpriseOid->RemoveTail(); _enterpriseOid->RemoveTail(); } }
// dismiss as we succeeded construction
// without exception being raisen
// so destructor will take care of cleanup
_enterpriseOid_Guard.release () ; } SIMCNotificationElement() : symbol(NULL), value(NULL) {}
~SIMCNotificationElement() { delete value; delete _enterpriseOid; }
friend ostream& operator << (ostream& outStream, const SIMCNotificationElement& obj);
SIMCSymbol *GetSymbol() const { return symbol; }
void SetSymbol(SIMCSymbol *s) { symbol = s; }
SIMCCleanOidValue *GetOidValue() const { return value; } void SetOidValue(SIMCCleanOidValue *v) { value = v; } BOOL IsFabricatedFromTrapType() const { return _fabricatedFromTrapType; }
// This is valid only if IsFabricatedFromTrapType() returns TRUE
int GetSpecificId() const { return _specificId; }
// This is valid only if IsFabricatedFromTrapType() returns TRUE
SIMCCleanOidValue * GetEnterpriseOid() const { return _enterpriseOid; } };
typedef CList<SIMCNotificationElement *, SIMCNotificationElement *> SIMCNotificationList;
// And finally the notification group itself.
class SIMCNotificationGroup { public: enum NotificationGroupStatusType { STATUS_INVALID, // Not used,
// For generating a name for the notification group, in case of the V1 SMI
private: // Various clauses of the notification group
char *notificationGroupName; char *description; char *reference; SIMCSymbol *enterpriseNode; SIMCCleanOidValue *enterpriseNodeValue; SIMCNotificationList *notifications; NotificationGroupStatusType status; static const char * const StatusStringsTable[3]; public: SIMCNotificationGroup(SIMCSymbol *n, SIMCCleanOidValue *nv, NotificationGroupStatusType s, const char * descriptionV, const char *referenceV, SIMCNotificationList *notificationsV) : enterpriseNode(n), enterpriseNodeValue(nv), status(s), notifications(notificationsV) { notificationGroupName = NewString(strlen(n->GetSymbolName()) + NOTIFICATION_GROUP_FABRICATION_SUFFIX_LEN + 1); strcpy(notificationGroupName, n->GetSymbolName()); strcat(notificationGroupName, NOTIFICATION_GROUP_FABRICATION_SUFFIX);
description = NewString(descriptionV); reference = NewString(referenceV); } SIMCNotificationGroup() : enterpriseNode(NULL), enterpriseNodeValue(NULL), notifications(NULL), status(STATUS_CURRENT), notificationGroupName(NULL), description(NULL), reference(NULL) {}
~SIMCNotificationGroup() { delete [] notificationGroupName; delete [] description; delete [] reference;
if(notifications) { SIMCNotificationElement *nextElement; while(!notifications->IsEmpty() ) { nextElement = notifications->RemoveHead(); delete nextElement; } delete notifications; }
if(enterpriseNodeValue) delete enterpriseNodeValue;
friend ostream& operator << (ostream& outStream, const SIMCNotificationGroup& obj); SIMCSymbol *GetEnterpriseNode() const { return enterpriseNode; } void SetEnterpriseNode(SIMCSymbol *nn) { enterpriseNode = nn; if(notificationGroupName) delete [] notificationGroupName; notificationGroupName = NewString(strlen(nn->GetSymbolName()) + NOTIFICATION_GROUP_FABRICATION_SUFFIX_LEN + 1); strcpy(notificationGroupName, nn->GetSymbolName()); strcat(notificationGroupName, NOTIFICATION_GROUP_FABRICATION_SUFFIX); } const char * const GetNotificationGroupName() const { return notificationGroupName; }
const char * const GetDescription() const { return description; }
void SetDescription(const char * const descriptionV) { delete [] description; description = NewString(descriptionV); }
const char * const GetReference() const { return reference; }
void SetReference(const char * const referenceV) { delete [] reference; reference = NewString(referenceV); }
SIMCCleanOidValue *GetGroupValue() const { return enterpriseNodeValue; }
void SetGroupValue(SIMCCleanOidValue *val) { enterpriseNodeValue = val; }
SIMCNotificationList *GetNotifications() const { return notifications; }
void AddNotification(SIMCNotificationElement *s) { if(!notifications) notifications = new SIMCNotificationList(); notifications->AddTail(s); }
long GetNotificationCount() const { if(notifications) return notifications->GetCount(); else return 0; }
NotificationGroupStatusType GetStatus() const { return status; }
void SetStatus(NotificationGroupStatusType s) { status = s; }
const char * const GetStatusString() const { switch(status) { case STATUS_CURRENT: return StatusStringsTable[STATUS_CURRENT-1]; case STATUS_DEPRECATED: return StatusStringsTable[STATUS_DEPRECATED-1]; case STATUS_OBSOLETE: return StatusStringsTable[STATUS_OBSOLETE-1]; default: return NULL; } return NULL; } };
typedef CList<SIMCNotificationGroup *, SIMCNotificationGroup*> SIMCNotificationGroupList;
class SIMCModuleNotificationGroups { SIMCNotificationGroupList theList;
BOOL AddNotification(SIMCSymbol *notificationSymbol); const SIMCNotificationGroupList *GetNotificationGroupList() const; };