Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
const ABSENT = 257; const ANY = 258; const APPLICATION = 259; const BAR = 260; const BGIN = 261; const BIT = 262; const BITSTRING = 263; const _BOOLEAN = 264; const BY = 265; const CCE = 266; const CHOICE = 267; const COMMA = 268; const COMPONENT = 269; const COMPONENTS = 270; const COMPONENTSOF = 271; const CONTROL = 272; const DECODER = 273; const DEFAULT = 274; const DEFINED = 275; const DEFINITIONS = 276; const DOT = 277; const DOTDOT = 278; const DOTDOTDOT = 279; const ENCODER = 280; const ENCRYPTED = 281; const END = 282; const ENUMERATED = 283; const EXPORTS = 284; const EXPLICIT = 285; const FALSE_VAL = 286; const FROM = 287; const ID = 288; const IDENTIFIER = 289; const IMPLICIT = 290; const IMPORTS = 291; const INCLUDES = 292; const INTEGER = 293; const LANGLE = 294; const LBRACE = 295; const LBRACKET = 296; const LITNUMBER = 297; const LIT_HEX_STRING = 298; const LIT_BINARY_STRING = 299; const LITSTRING = 300; const LPAREN = 301; const MIN = 302; const MAX = 303; const NAME = 304; const NIL = 305; const OBJECT = 306; const OCTET = 307; const OCTETSTRING = 308; const OF = 309; const PARAMETERTYPE = 310; const PREFIXES = 311; const PRESENT = 312; const PRINTER = 313; const PRIVATE = 314; const RBRACE = 315; const RBRACKET = 316; const REAL = 317; const RPAREN = 318; const SECTIONS = 319; const SEMICOLON = 320; const SEQUENCE = 321; const SEQUENCEOF = 322; const SET = 323; const _SIZE = 324; const STRING = 325; const TAGS = 326; const TRUE_VAL = 327; const UNIVERSAL = 328; const WITH = 329; const PLUSINFINITY = 330; const MINUSINFINITY = 331; const MODULEID = 332; const LASTUPDATE = 333; const ORGANIZATION = 334; const CONTACTINFO = 335; const DESCRIPTION = 336; const REVISION = 337; const OBJECTIDENT = 338; const STATUS = 339; const REFERENCE = 340; const OBJECTYPE = 341; const SYNTAX = 342; const BITSXX = 343; const UNITS = 344; const MAXACCESS = 345; const ACCESS = 346; const INDEX = 347; const IMPLIED = 348; const AUGMENTS = 349; const DEFVAL = 350; const NOTIFY = 351; const OBJECTS = 352; const TRAPTYPE = 353; const ENTERPRISE = 354; const VARIABLES = 355; const TEXTCONV = 356; const DISPLAYHINT = 357; const OBJECTGROUP = 358; const NOTIFYGROUP = 359; const NOTIFICATIONS = 360; const MODCOMP = 361; const MODULE = 362; const MANDATORY = 363; const GROUP = 364; const WSYNTAX = 365; const MINACCESS = 366; const AGENTCAP = 367; const PRELEASE = 368; const SUPPORTS = 369; const INCLUDING = 370; const VARIATION = 371; const CREATION = 372; typedef union { void *yy_void; SIMCNumberInfo *yy_number; int yy_int; long yy_long; SIMCModule *yy_module; CList <SIMCModule *, SIMCModule *> *yy_module_list; SIMCSymbolReference *yy_symbol_ref; SIMCNameInfo * yy_name; SIMCHexStringInfo *yy_hex_string; SIMCBinaryStringInfo *yy_binary_string; SIMCAccessInfo *yy_access; SIMCAccessInfoV2 *yy_accessV2; SIMCStatusInfo *yy_status; SIMCStatusInfoV2 *yy_statusV2; SIMCObjectIdentityStatusInfo *yy_object_identity_status; SIMCNotificationTypeStatusInfo *yy_notification_type_status; SIMCIndexInfo *yy_index; SIMCIndexInfoV2 *yy_indexV2; SIMCVariablesList *yy_variables_list; SIMCObjectsList *yy_objects_list; SIMCRangeOrSizeItem *yy_range_or_size_item; SIMCRangeList *yy_range_list; SIMCNamedNumberItem *yy_named_number_item; SIMCNamedNumberList *yy_named_number_list; SIMCDefValInfo *yy_def_val; } YYSTYPE; extern YYSTYPE yylval;
// C++ YACC parser header
// Copyright 1991 by Mortice Kern Systems Inc. All rights reserved.
// yy_parse => class defining a parsing object
// yy_parse needs a class yy_scan, which defines the scanner.
// %prefix or option -p xx determines name of this class; if not used,
// defaults to 'yy_scan'
// constructor fills in the tables for this grammar; give it a size
// to determine size of state and value stacks. Default is 150 entries.
// destructor discards those state and value stacks
// int yy_parse::yyparse(yy_scan *) invokes parse; if this returns,
// it can be recalled to continue parsing at last point.
// void yy_parse::yyreset() can be called to reset the parse;
// call yyreset() before yy_parse::yyparse(yy_scan *)
#include <stdio.h> // uses printf(), et cetera
#include <stdlib.h> // uses exit()
const YYERRCODE = 256; // YACC 'error' value
// You can use these macros in your action code
#define YYERROR goto yyerrlabel
#define YYRETURN(val) return(val)
typedef struct yyNamedType_tag { /* Tokens */ char * name; /* printable name */ short token; /* token # */ short type; /* token type */ } yyNamedType; typedef struct yyTypedRules_tag { /* Typed rule table */ char * name; /* compressed rule string */ short type; /* rule result type */ } yyTypedRules; #endif
// include all windows prototypes, macros, constants, etc.
#include <windows.h>
// the following is the handle to the current
// instance of a windows program. The user
// program calling yyparse must supply this!
extern HANDLE hInst;
#endif /* YACC_WINDOWS */
class yy_parse { protected:
// protected member function for actual scanning
int win_yyparse(yy_scan * ps); // parse with given scanner
#endif /* YACC_WINDOWS */
int mustfree; // set if tables should be deleted
int size; // size of state and value stacks
int reset; // if set, reset state
short yyi; // table index
short yystate; // current state
short * stateStack; // states stack
YYSTYPE * valueStack; // values stack
short * yyps; // top of state stack
YYSTYPE * yypv; // top of value stack
YYSTYPE yylval; // saved yylval
YYSTYPE yyval; // $
YYSTYPE * yypvt; // $n
int yychar; // current token
int yyerrflag; // error flag
int yynerrs; // error count
int done; // set from trace to stop parse
int rule, npop; // reduction rule # and length
short * typeStack; // type stack to mirror valueStack[]
short * yytp; // top of type stack
char * yygetState(int); // read 'states.out'
public: #if YYDEBUG
// C++ has trouble with initialized arrays inside classes
static long * States; // pointer to yyStates[]
static yyTypedRules * Rules; // pointer to yyRules[]
static yyNamedType * TokenTypes; // pointer to yyTokenTypes[]
static int yyntoken; // number of tokens
static int yynvar; // number of variables (nonterminals)
static int yynstate; // number of YACC-generated states
static int yynrule; // number of rules in grammar
char* yyptok(int); // printable token string
int yyExpandName(int, int, char *, int); // expand encoded string
virtual int yyGetType(int); // return type of token
virtual void yyShowRead(); // see newly read token
virtual void yyShowState(); // see state, value stacks
virtual void yyShowReduce(); // see reduction
virtual void yyShowGoto(); // see goto
virtual void yyShowShift(); // see shift
virtual void yyShowErrRecovery(); // see error recovery
virtual void yyShowErrDiscard(); // see token discard in error
yy_scan* scan; // pointer to scanner
int yydebug; // if set, tracing if compiled with YYDEBUG=1
yy_parse(int = 150); // constructor for this grammar
yy_parse(int, short *, YYSTYPE *); // another constructor
~yy_parse(); // destructor
int yyparse(yy_scan * ps); // parse with given scanner
void yyreset() { reset = 1; } // restore state for next yyparse()
void setdebug(int y) { yydebug = y; }
// The following are useful in user actions:
void yyerrok() { yyerrflag = 0; } // clear error
void yyclearin() { yychar = -1; } // clear input
int YYRECOVERING() { return yyerrflag != 0; } }; // end of .hpp header