// File:
// Module: MS SNMP Provider
// Purpose:
// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include <precomp.h>
#include "csmir.h"
#include "handles.h"
#include "classfac.h"
#include <textdef.h>
#include <helper.h>
#include "bstring.h"
#include <icapexp.h>
// A function to escape newlines, tabs etc. from a property value
static BSTR EscapeSpecialCharacters(BSTR strInputString) { // Escape all the quotes - This code taken from winmgmt\common\var.cpp
// =====================
int nStrLen = wcslen(strInputString); LPWSTR wszValue = new WCHAR[nStrLen*2+10]; LPWSTR pwc = wszValue; for(int i = 0; i < (int)nStrLen; i++) { switch(strInputString[i]) { case L'\n': *(pwc++) = L'\\'; *(pwc++) = L'n'; break; case L'\t': *(pwc++) = L'\\'; *(pwc++) = L't'; break; case L'"': case L'\\': *(pwc++) = L'\\'; *(pwc++) = strInputString[i]; break; default: *(pwc++) = strInputString[i]; break; } } *pwc = 0; BSTR retValue = SysAllocString(wszValue); delete [] wszValue; return retValue; }
* CSmirModuleHandle::QueryInterface * * Purpose: * Manages the interfaces for this object which supports the * IUnknown interface. * * Parameters: * riid REFIID of the interface to return. * ppv PPVOID in which to store the pointer. * * Return Value: * SCODE NOERROR on success, E_NOINTERFACE if the * interface is not supported. */
STDMETHODIMP CSmirModuleHandle::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PPVOID ppv) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { //Always NULL the out-parameters
if (IID_IUnknown==riid) *ppv=this;
if (IID_ISMIR_ModHandle==riid) *ppv=this;
if (NULL==*ppv) return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE);
//AddRef any interface we'll return.
((LPUNKNOWN)*ppv)->AddRef(); return NOERROR; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
* CSmirModuleHandle::AddRef * CSmirModuleHandle::Release * * Reference counting members. When Release sees a zero count * the object destroys itself. */
ULONG CSmirModuleHandle::AddRef(void) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { ////CMOEvent_Trace MyTraceEvent(SMIR_STR);
return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return 0; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return 0; } catch(...) { return 0; } }
ULONG CSmirModuleHandle::Release(void) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { long ret; if (0!=(ret=InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef))) return ret;
delete this; return 0; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return 0; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return 0; } catch(...) { return 0; } }
CSmirModuleHandle :: CSmirModuleHandle() : m_lSnmp_version(DEFAULT_SNMP_VERSION), m_szLastUpdate(NULL), m_szModuleOid(NULL), m_szName(NULL), m_szModuleId(NULL), m_szOrganisation(NULL), m_szContactInfo(NULL), m_szDescription(NULL), m_szRevision(NULL), m_szModImports(NULL) { //start off as a handel to nothing
//init reference count
m_cRef=0; CModHandleClassFactory::objectsInProgress++; }
* CSmirGroupHandle::void* operator * validate handle */
CSmirModuleHandle::operator void*() { if(NULL!=m_szName) return this; return NULL; }
*Methods not exposed by the ISmirModHandle interface. *Used to encapsulate functionality. **************************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CSmirModuleHandle::DeleteFromDB ( CSmir *a_Smir ) { //open the smir name space
IWbemServices * moServ = NULL ; IWbemContext *moContext = NULL ; SCODE res= CSmirAccess :: GetContext (a_Smir , &moContext); res= CSmirAccess :: Open(a_Smir,&moServ); if ((S_FALSE==res)||(NULL == moServ)) { //we have a problem the SMIR is not there and cannot be created
return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
//delete all of the classes in this module
ISmirInterrogator *pInterrogativeInt = NULL ; res = g_pClassFactoryHelper->CreateInstance(
CLSID_SMIR_Database, IID_ISMIR_Interrogative, (PVOID *)&pInterrogativeInt );
if(S_OK!=res) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); return S_OK; }
ISMIRWbemConfiguration *t_Configuration = NULL ; res = pInterrogativeInt->QueryInterface (
IID_ISMIRWbemConfiguration , ( void ** ) &t_Configuration ) ;
if ( ! SUCCEEDED ( res ) ) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); pInterrogativeInt->Release(); return S_OK; }
ISMIRWbemConfiguration *t_CopyConfiguration = NULL ; res = a_Smir->QueryInterface (
IID_ISMIRWbemConfiguration , ( void ** ) &t_CopyConfiguration ) ;
if ( ! SUCCEEDED ( res ) ) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
t_Configuration->Release () ; pInterrogativeInt->Release(); return S_OK ; }
t_Configuration->Impersonate ( t_CopyConfiguration ) ;
if ( ! SUCCEEDED ( res ) ) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
t_Configuration->Release () ; t_CopyConfiguration->Release () ; pInterrogativeInt->Release();
return S_OK ; }
t_Configuration->Release () ; t_CopyConfiguration->Release () ;
IEnumClass *pTEnumSmirClass = NULL ; res = pInterrogativeInt->EnumClassesInModule(&pTEnumSmirClass,this);
if(S_OK!=res) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); pInterrogativeInt->Release(); return S_OK; }
//now use the enumerator
//loop over the classes and remove them
ISmirClassHandle *phClass = NULL ; for(int iCount=0;S_OK==pTEnumSmirClass->Next(1, &phClass, NULL);iCount++) { /*got one so remove it. Don't check the return because there is nothing
*I can do about it. */ ((CSmirClassHandle*)phClass)->DeleteFromDB(a_Smir); phClass->Release(); }
IEnumNotificationClass *pTEnumNotificationClass = NULL ; res = pInterrogativeInt->EnumNotificationClassesInModule(&pTEnumNotificationClass,this);
if(S_OK!=res) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); pInterrogativeInt->Release(); return S_OK; }
//now use the enumerator
//loop over the classes and remove them
ISmirNotificationClassHandle *phNClass = NULL ; for(iCount=0;S_OK==pTEnumNotificationClass->Next(1, &phNClass, NULL);iCount++) { /*got one so remove it. Don't check the return because there is nothing
*I can do about it. */ ((CSmirNotificationClassHandle*)phNClass)->DeleteFromDB(a_Smir); phNClass->Release(); }
IEnumExtNotificationClass *pTEnumExtNotificationClass = NULL ; res = pInterrogativeInt->EnumExtNotificationClassesInModule(&pTEnumExtNotificationClass,this); //not needed anymore...
if(S_OK!=res) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); return S_OK; }
//now use the enumerator
//loop over the classes and remove them
ISmirExtNotificationClassHandle *phExtNClass = NULL ; for(iCount=0;S_OK==pTEnumExtNotificationClass->Next(1, &phExtNClass, NULL);iCount++) { /*got one so remove it. Don't check the return because there is nothing
*I can do about it. */ ((CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle*)phExtNClass)->DeleteFromDB(a_Smir); phExtNClass->Release(); }
pTEnumExtNotificationClass->Release(); /********************Now delete the module********************/
//create a buffer big enough
wchar_t *pTstring = new wchar_t[wcslen(MODULE_NAMESPACE_NAME)+wcslen(EQUALS_STR) +wcslen(m_szName)+2+1]; if(NULL == pTstring) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
wcscpy(pTstring, MODULE_NAMESPACE_NAME); wcscat(pTstring,EQUALS_STR); wcscat(pTstring,QUOTE_STR); // module =
wcscat(pTstring,m_szName); wcscat(pTstring,QUOTE_STR); // module = <module>
CBString t_Str (pTstring); SCODE result = moServ->DeleteInstance(t_Str.GetString (),RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext,NULL );
//clean up
delete [] pTstring;
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); if (FAILED(result)) { //problem!
return WBEM_E_FAILED; } return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSmirModuleHandle::AddToDB( CSmir *a_Smir ) { /*open the smir name space this will addref it so it cannot be removed
*whilst we are using it */ IWbemServices * moServ = NULL ; IWbemContext *moContext = NULL ; SCODE result= CSmirAccess :: GetContext (a_Smir , &moContext); result= CSmirAccess :: Open(a_Smir,&moServ);
if ((S_FALSE==result)||(NULL == (void*)moServ)) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
//we have a problem the SMIR is not there and cannot be created
return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
IWbemClassObject *pModClass = NULL ; CBString t_BStr ( MODULE_NAMESPACE_NAME ) ; result = moServ->GetObject(t_BStr.GetString () , RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG,moContext, &pModClass,NULL);
if (!SUCCEEDED(result)) { /*OK we have the smir namespace so create the module namespace
*first create a class... */
IWbemClassObject *pNewClass = NULL ; CBString t_BStr ( OLEMS_NAMESPACE_CLASS ) ; result = moServ->GetObject(t_BStr.GetString (), RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG,moContext, &pNewClass,NULL);
if ((FAILED(result))||(NULL==pNewClass)) { moServ->Release(); if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
// Spawn derived class
IWbemClassObject *pNewDerivedClass = NULL ; result = pNewClass->SpawnDerivedClass ( 0 , &pNewDerivedClass ) ; if ((FAILED(result))||(NULL==pNewDerivedClass)) { moServ->Release(); pNewClass->Release () ; if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
pNewClass->Release () ;
VARIANT v; VariantInit(&v);
//I now have a new class so Give it a name
result = pNewDerivedClass->Put(OLEMS_CLASS_PROP,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { pNewDerivedClass->Release(); moServ->Release(); if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
result = PutClassProperties(pNewDerivedClass) ; if (FAILED(result)) { pNewDerivedClass->Release(); moServ->Release(); if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
return WBEM_E_FAILED; } //now commit the changes
result = moServ->PutClass(pNewDerivedClass, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG,moContext,NULL); pNewDerivedClass->Release(); if (FAILED(result)) { moServ->Release(); if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
//get an object
t_BStr = MODULE_NAMESPACE_NAME ; result = moServ->GetObject(t_BStr.GetString (), 0, moContext,&pModClass,NULL ); if (FAILED(result)) { moServ->Release(); if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
//and create an instance of the module namespace
// Spawn instance of class
IWbemClassObject *pNewInstance = NULL ; result = pModClass->SpawnInstance ( 0 , &pNewInstance ) ; if ((FAILED(result))||(NULL==pNewInstance)) { moServ->Release(); if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
pModClass->Release () ; return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
pModClass->Release () ;
//fill in the instance
*this >> pNewInstance;
//and commit it to the namespace
result = moServ->PutInstance(pNewInstance, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext,NULL ); pNewInstance->Release(); if (FAILED(result)) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ; moServ->Release();
return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ; moServ->Release();
if (FAILED(result)) { return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
return S_OK; }
const CSmirModuleHandle& CSmirModuleHandle :: operator <<(IWbemClassObject *pSmirMosClassObject) { //get the name
VARIANT v; VariantInit(&v); pSmirMosClassObject->Get(MODULE_NAME_PROPERTY, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,NULL,NULL); if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { SetName(V_BSTR(&v)); }
VariantClear(&v); //get the object id
pSmirMosClassObject->Get(MODULE_OID_PROPERTY, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,NULL,NULL); if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { SetModuleOID(V_BSTR(&v)); } VariantClear(&v);
//get the object imports
pSmirMosClassObject->Get(MODULE_IMPORTS_PROPERTY, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,NULL,NULL); if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { SetModuleImports(V_BSTR(&v)); } VariantClear(&v);
//get the object id
pSmirMosClassObject->Get(MODULE_ID_PROPERTY, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,NULL,NULL); if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { SetModuleIdentity(V_BSTR(&v)); } VariantClear(&v);
//get the organisation
pSmirMosClassObject->Get(MODULE_ORG_PROPERTY, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,NULL,NULL); if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { SetOrganisation(V_BSTR(&v)); }
VariantClear(&v); //get the contact
pSmirMosClassObject->Get(MODULE_CONTACT_PROPERTY, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,NULL,NULL); if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { SetContactInfo(V_BSTR(&v)); } VariantClear(&v);
//get the description
pSmirMosClassObject->Get(MODULE_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,NULL,NULL); if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { SetDescription(V_BSTR(&v)); } VariantClear(&v);
//get the revision
pSmirMosClassObject->Get(MODULE_REVISION_PROPERTY, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,NULL,NULL); if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { SetRevision(V_BSTR(&v)); } VariantClear(&v);
//get the version
pSmirMosClassObject->Get(MODULE_SNMP_VERSION_PROPERTY, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,NULL,NULL); if (V_VT(&v) == VT_I4) { SetSnmpVersion(V_I4(&v)); } //get the last update value
pSmirMosClassObject->Get(MODULE_LAST_UPDATE_PROPERTY, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,NULL,NULL); if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { SetLastUpdate(V_BSTR(&v)); } VariantClear(&v); return *this; }
const CSmirModuleHandle& CSmirModuleHandle :: operator >>(IWbemClassObject *pInst) { VARIANT v; VariantInit(&v);
//give the instance a name
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; SCODE result; if(NULL != m_szName) { V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(m_szName);
result = pInst->Put(OLEMS_NAME_PROP,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return *this; } } else { //must have a name
return *this; } //add the module oid property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; if(NULL != m_szModuleOid) { V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(m_szModuleOid); result = pInst->Put(MODULE_OID_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return *this; } } //add the module identity
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; if(NULL != m_szModuleId) { V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(m_szModuleId); result = pInst->Put(MODULE_ID_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return *this; } } //add the organisation property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; if(NULL != m_szOrganisation) { V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(m_szOrganisation); result = pInst->Put(MODULE_ORG_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return *this; } } //add the contact info property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; if(NULL != m_szContactInfo) { V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(m_szContactInfo); result = pInst->Put(MODULE_CONTACT_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return *this; } } //add the Description property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; if(NULL != m_szDescription) { V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(m_szDescription); result = pInst->Put(MODULE_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return *this; } }
//add the revision property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; if(NULL != m_szRevision) { V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(m_szRevision); result = pInst->Put(MODULE_REVISION_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return *this; } } //add the last update property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; if(NULL != m_szLastUpdate) { V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(m_szLastUpdate); result = pInst->Put(MODULE_LAST_UPDATE_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return *this; } } //add the snmp version property
V_VT(&v) = VT_I4; V_I4(&v)=m_lSnmp_version;
result = pInst->Put(MODULE_SNMP_VERSION_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return *this; }
//add the module identity as an property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; if(NULL != m_szModImports) { V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(m_szModImports); result = pInst->Put(MODULE_IMPORTS_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return *this; } } return *this; }
HRESULT CSmirModuleHandle :: PutClassProperties (IWbemClassObject *pClass) { HRESULT result;
VARIANT v; VariantInit(&v);
//give the instance a name
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(L"");
result = pClass->Put(OLEMS_NAME_PROP,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return result ; }
//add the module oid property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(L""); result = pClass->Put(MODULE_OID_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return result ; }
//add the module identity
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(L""); result = pClass->Put(MODULE_ID_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return result ; }
//add the organisation property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(L""); result = pClass->Put(MODULE_ORG_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return result ; }
//add the contact info property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(L""); result = pClass->Put(MODULE_CONTACT_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return result ; }
//add the Description property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(L""); result = pClass->Put(MODULE_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return result ; }
//add the revision property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(L""); result = pClass->Put(MODULE_REVISION_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return result ; }
//add the last update property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(L""); result = pClass->Put(MODULE_LAST_UPDATE_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return result ; }
//add the snmp version property
V_VT(&v) = VT_I4; V_I4(&v)=0; result = pClass->Put(MODULE_SNMP_VERSION_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return result ; }
//add the module identity as an property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(L"");
result = pClass->Put(MODULE_IMPORTS_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return result ; }
return result ; }
const CSmirModuleHandle& CSmirModuleHandle :: operator >>(ISmirSerialiseHandle *pSHandle) { if(NULL!=pSHandle) { BOOL bMOFPragmas=((CSmirSerialiseHandle*) pSHandle)->ReturnMOFPragmas(); BOOL bMOFAssociations=((CSmirSerialiseHandle*) pSHandle)->ReturnMOFAssociations();
CString szTmpString; //start in the SMIR namepspace
if(TRUE==bMOFPragmas) szTmpString=CString(SMIR_NAMESPACE_PRAGMA); if (TRUE == bMOFAssociations) { //create an instance of the module namespac
szTmpString+=MODULE_INSTANCE_START; //add the properties
//give the instance a name
szTmpString+=CString(MODULE_NAME_PROPERTY); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(m_szName); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE;
//add the module oid property
szTmpString+=CString(MODULE_OID_PROPERTY); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(m_szModuleOid); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; //add the module identity
szTmpString+=CString(MODULE_ID_PROPERTY); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(m_szModuleId); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; //add the organisation property
szTmpString+=CString(MODULE_ORG_PROPERTY); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; BSTR strOrganisation = EscapeSpecialCharacters(m_szOrganisation); szTmpString+=CString(strOrganisation); SysFreeString(strOrganisation); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE;
//add the contact info property
szTmpString+=CString(MODULE_CONTACT_PROPERTY); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; BSTR strContactInfo = EscapeSpecialCharacters(m_szContactInfo); szTmpString+=CString(strContactInfo); SysFreeString(strContactInfo); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; //add the Description property
szTmpString+=CString(MODULE_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; BSTR strDescription= EscapeSpecialCharacters(m_szDescription); szTmpString+=CString(strDescription); SysFreeString(strDescription); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; //add the revision property
szTmpString+=CString(MODULE_REVISION_PROPERTY); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; BSTR strRevision = EscapeSpecialCharacters(m_szRevision); szTmpString+=CString(strRevision); SysFreeString(strRevision); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; //add the last update property
szTmpString+=CString(MODULE_LAST_UPDATE_PROPERTY); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(m_szLastUpdate); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; //add the snmp version property
szTmpString+=CString(MODULE_SNMP_VERSION_PROPERTY); szTmpString+=CString(EQUALS_STR); wchar_t szVersion[17]; _itow(m_lSnmp_version,szVersion,2); szTmpString+=CString(szVersion); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY; //add the module imports as an property
szTmpString+=CString(MODULE_IMPORTS_PROPERTY); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(m_szModImports); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE;
szTmpString+=END_OF_CLASS; } /*******create the group class***********/ //add the group class to the module namespace
if(TRUE==bMOFPragmas) { szTmpString+=CString(START_OF_SMIR_NAMESPACE_PRAGMA); szTmpString+=CString(m_szName); szTmpString+=CString(END_OF_NAMESPACE_PRAGMA); } if (TRUE == bMOFAssociations) { szTmpString+=GROUP_CLASS_START; //add the properties
//give the instance a name
//give the instance a group id
szTmpString+=READONLY_STRING; szTmpString+=CString(GROUP_ID_PROPERTY); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY; //give the instance a status
szTmpString+=READONLY_STRING; szTmpString+=CString(GROUP_STATUS_PROPERTY); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY; //give the instance a description
//give the instance a reference
szTmpString+=END_OF_CLASS; }
//and add the string to the serialise handle
//each group will create it's own instance
return *this; }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: GetName(BSTR *pszName) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(pszName!=NULL) { *pszName=SysAllocString(m_szName); return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: GetModuleOID(BSTR *pszModuleOid) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != pszModuleOid) { *pszModuleOid=SysAllocString(m_szModuleOid); return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: GetModuleIdentity(BSTR *pszModuleId) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != pszModuleId) { *pszModuleId=SysAllocString(m_szModuleId); return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: GetLastUpdate(BSTR *pszLastUpdate) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != pszLastUpdate) { *pszLastUpdate=SysAllocString(m_szLastUpdate); return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: GetOrganisation(BSTR *pszOrganisation) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != pszOrganisation) { *pszOrganisation=SysAllocString(m_szOrganisation); return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: GetContactInfo(BSTR *pszContactInfo) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != pszContactInfo) { *pszContactInfo=SysAllocString(m_szContactInfo); return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: GetDescription(BSTR *pszDescription) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != pszDescription) { *pszDescription=SysAllocString(m_szDescription); return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: GetRevision(BSTR *pszRevision) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != pszRevision) { *pszRevision=SysAllocString(m_szRevision); return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: GetSnmpVersion(ULONG *plSnmp_version) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != plSnmp_version) { *plSnmp_version=m_lSnmp_version; return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: GetModuleImports (BSTR* ppszModImports) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != ppszModImports) { *ppszModImports=SysAllocString(m_szModImports); return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: SetName(BSTR pszName) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szName,&pszName); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: SetModuleOID(BSTR pszModuleOid) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szModuleOid,&pszModuleOid); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: SetModuleIdentity(BSTR pszModuleId) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szModuleId,&pszModuleId); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: SetLastUpdate(BSTR pszLastUpdate) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szLastUpdate,&pszLastUpdate); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: SetOrganisation(BSTR pszOrganisation) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szOrganisation,&pszOrganisation); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: SetContactInfo(BSTR pszContactInfo) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szContactInfo,&pszContactInfo); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: SetDescription(BSTR pszDescription) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szDescription,&pszDescription); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: SetRevision(BSTR pszRevision) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szRevision,&pszRevision); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: SetSnmpVersion(ULONG plSnmp_version) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { m_lSnmp_version=plSnmp_version; return S_OK; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirModuleHandle :: SetModuleImports (BSTR pszModImports) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szModImports,&pszModImports); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
CSmirModuleHandle :: ~ CSmirModuleHandle() { SysFreeString(m_szModuleOid); SysFreeString(m_szName); SysFreeString(m_szModuleId); SysFreeString(m_szOrganisation); SysFreeString(m_szContactInfo); SysFreeString(m_szDescription); SysFreeString(m_szRevision); SysFreeString(m_szModImports); SysFreeString(m_szLastUpdate);
CModHandleClassFactory::objectsInProgress--; }
/*Group handle methods
*/ /*
* CSmirGroupHandle::QueryInterface * * Purpose: * Manages the interfaces for this object which supports the * IUnknown interface. * * Parameters: * riid REFIID of the interface to return. * ppv PPVOID in which to store the pointer. * * Return Value: * SCODE NOERROR on success, E_NOINTERFACE if the * interface is not supported. */
STDMETHODIMP CSmirGroupHandle::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PPVOID ppv) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { //Always NULL the out-parameters
if (IID_IUnknown==riid) *ppv=this;
if (IID_ISMIR_GroupHandle==riid) *ppv=this;
if (NULL==*ppv) return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE);
//AddRef any interface we'll return.
((LPUNKNOWN)*ppv)->AddRef(); return NOERROR; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
* CSmirModuleHandle::AddRef * CSmirModuleHandle::Release * * Reference counting members. When Release sees a zero count * the object destroys itself. */
ULONG CSmirGroupHandle::AddRef(void) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { //CMOEvent_Trace MyTraceEvent(SMIR_STR);
//MyTraceEvent.Generate(__FILE__,__LINE__, "CSmirGroupHandle::AddRef( %ld", m_cRef);
return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return 0; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return 0; } catch(...) { return 0; } }
ULONG CSmirGroupHandle::Release(void) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { long ret; if (0!=(ret=InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef))) return ret;
delete this; return 0; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return 0; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return 0; } catch(...) { return 0; } }
CSmirGroupHandle :: CSmirGroupHandle() : m_szModuleName(NULL), m_szName(NULL), m_szGroupId(NULL), m_szDescription(NULL), m_szReference(NULL),m_szStatus(NULL) { //init the reference count
m_cRef=0; //start off as a handel to nothing
//inc the factory count
CGroupHandleClassFactory::objectsInProgress++; }
CSmirGroupHandle :: ~ CSmirGroupHandle() { SysFreeString(m_szModuleName); SysFreeString(m_szName); SysFreeString(m_szGroupId); SysFreeString(m_szDescription); SysFreeString(m_szReference); SysFreeString(m_szStatus); CGroupHandleClassFactory::objectsInProgress--; }
* CSmirGroupHandle::void* operator * validate handle */
CSmirGroupHandle::operator void*() { if((NULL!=m_szModuleName)&&(NULL!=m_szName)) return this; return NULL; }
*Methods not exposed by the ISmirGroupHandle interface. *Used to encapsulate functionality. **************************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CSmirGroupHandle::AddToDB( CSmir *a_Smir , ISmirModHandle *hModule) { //save the module name
BSTR szTmpStr; hModule->GetName(&szTmpStr); SetModuleName(szTmpStr); SysFreeString(szTmpStr);
//open the module namespace
IWbemServices * moServ = NULL ; IWbemContext *moContext = NULL ; SCODE result= CSmirAccess :: GetContext (a_Smir , &moContext); result= CSmirAccess :: Open(a_Smir,&moServ,hModule); if (FAILED(result)||(NULL == moServ)) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
//get an object
IWbemClassObject *pGrpClass = NULL ; CBString t_BStr ( GROUP_NAMESPACE_NAME ) ; result = moServ->GetObject(t_BStr.GetString (), 0, moContext,&pGrpClass,NULL );
if ( !SUCCEEDED(result) ) { //OK we have the module namespace so create the group class
IWbemClassObject *pNewClass = NULL ; CBString t_BStr ( OLEMS_NAMESPACE_CLASS ) ; result = moServ->GetObject(t_BStr.GetString (), RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext, &pNewClass,NULL);
if ((FAILED(result))||(NULL==pNewClass)) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
// Spawn derived class
IWbemClassObject *pNewDerivedClass = NULL ; result = pNewClass->SpawnDerivedClass ( 0 , &pNewDerivedClass ) ; pNewClass->Release();
if ((FAILED(result))||(NULL==pNewDerivedClass)) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
VARIANT v; VariantInit(&v);
//OK I have a new class so give it a name
result = pNewDerivedClass->Put(OLEMS_CLASS_PROP,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); pNewDerivedClass->Release(); return WBEM_E_FAILED; } result = PutClassProperties(pNewDerivedClass) ; if (FAILED(result)) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
pNewDerivedClass->Release(); moServ->Release(); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
//now commit the changes
result = moServ->PutClass(pNewDerivedClass, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext, NULL); pNewDerivedClass->Release(); if (FAILED(result)) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
//and create an instance of the group namespace
//get an object
//get an object
t_BStr = GROUP_NAMESPACE_NAME ; result = moServ->GetObject(t_BStr.GetString (), 0, moContext, &pGrpClass,NULL ); if (FAILED(result)) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); return WBEM_E_FAILED; } }
// Spawn instance of class
IWbemClassObject *pNewInstance ; result = pGrpClass->SpawnInstance ( 0 , &pNewInstance ) ; if ((FAILED(result))||(NULL==pNewInstance)) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); pGrpClass->Release () ; return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
pGrpClass->Release () ;
//fill in the instance
*this >> pNewInstance;
//and commit it to the namespace
result = moServ->PutInstance(pNewInstance, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG,moContext, NULL); pNewInstance->Release();
if (FAILED(result)) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ; moServ->Release();
return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ; moServ->Release();
if (FAILED(result)) { return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSmirGroupHandle::DeleteFromDB ( CSmir *a_Smir ) { //open the smir name space
IWbemServices * moServ = NULL ; IWbemContext *moContext = NULL ; SCODE res= CSmirAccess :: GetContext (a_Smir , &moContext); res= CSmirAccess :: Open(a_Smir,&moServ); if ((S_FALSE==res)||(NULL == (void*)moServ)) { //we have a problem the SMIR is not there and cannot be created
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
/******************delete all of the classes in this group***********************/
IEnumClass *pTEnumSmirClass = NULL ; ISmirInterrogator *pInterrogativeInt = NULL ; SCODE result = g_pClassFactoryHelper->CreateInstance (
CLSID_SMIR_Database, IID_ISMIR_Interrogative, (PVOID *)&pInterrogativeInt );
if ( ! SUCCEEDED ( result ) ) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); return S_OK; }
ISMIRWbemConfiguration *t_Configuration = NULL ; result = pInterrogativeInt->QueryInterface (
IID_ISMIRWbemConfiguration , ( void ** ) &t_Configuration ) ;
if ( ! SUCCEEDED ( result ) ) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); pInterrogativeInt->Release(); return S_OK; }
ISMIRWbemConfiguration *t_CopyConfiguration = NULL ; result = pInterrogativeInt->QueryInterface (
IID_ISMIRWbemConfiguration , ( void ** ) &t_CopyConfiguration ) ;
if ( ! SUCCEEDED ( result ) ) { t_Configuration->Release () ; pInterrogativeInt->Release(); }
t_Configuration->Impersonate ( t_CopyConfiguration ) ;
if ( ! SUCCEEDED ( result ) ) { t_Configuration->Release () ; t_CopyConfiguration->Release () ; pInterrogativeInt->Release(); }
t_Configuration->Release () ; t_CopyConfiguration->Release () ;
res = pInterrogativeInt->EnumClassesInGroup (&pTEnumSmirClass,this); //now use the enumerator
if(FAILED(res)) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); pInterrogativeInt->Release(); return S_OK; } //loop over the classes and remove them
ISmirClassHandle *phClass=NULL; for(int iCount=0;S_OK==pTEnumSmirClass->Next(1, &phClass, NULL);iCount++) { /*got one so remove it. Don't check the return because there is nothing
*I can do about it. */ ((CSmirClassHandle*)phClass)->DeleteClassFromGroup(a_Smir); phClass->Release(); } pTEnumSmirClass->Release(); pInterrogativeInt->Release(); /************************* delete the associations******************************/ //delete everthing that is associated with the group using
//references of {\\.\root\default\SMIR:<group>}
IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnum = NULL ;
CString sQuery(CString(SMIR_ASSOC_QUERY_STR2) +CString(OPEN_BRACE_STR) +CString(SMIR_NAMESPACE_FROM_ROOT) +CString(BACKSLASH_STR) +CString(m_szModuleName) +CString(COLON_STR) +CString(GROUP_NAMESPACE_NAME) +CString(EQUALS_STR) +CString(QUOTE_STR) +CString(m_szName) +CString(QUOTE_STR) +CString(CLOSE_BRACE_STR) ); BSTR szQuery = sQuery.AllocSysString(); CBString t_QueryFormat (SMIR_ASSOC_QUERY1_TYPE); SCODE sRes = moServ->ExecQuery(t_QueryFormat.GetString (), szQuery, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext, &pEnum); SysFreeString(szQuery);
if (FAILED(sRes)||(NULL==pEnum)) { //all groups that contain classes are associated so this may not be a problem
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); return S_OK; }
ULONG uCount=1; IWbemClassObject *pAssocMosClass = NULL ; ULONG puReturned;
//loop over the associations
VARIANT assocClass; VariantInit(&assocClass); VARIANT assocName; VariantInit(&assocName); for(pEnum->Reset();S_OK==pEnum->Next(-1,uCount,&pAssocMosClass,&puReturned);) { pAssocMosClass->Get(SMIR_X_ASSOC_NAME_PROP, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &assocName,NULL,NULL); pAssocMosClass->Get(OLEMS_CLASS_PROP, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &assocClass,NULL,NULL); pAssocMosClass->Release();
CString instString(
CString(V_BSTR(&assocClass)) +CString(EQUALS_STR) +CString(QUOTE_STR) +CString(V_BSTR(&assocName)) +CString(QUOTE_STR) );
VariantClear(&assocName); VariantClear(&assocClass);
BSTR instBString = instString.AllocSysString(); moServ->DeleteInstance(instBString, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext,NULL); SysFreeString(instBString); }
pEnum->Release(); moServ->Release(); /*************************now delete the group******************************/ //open the module name space
res= CSmirAccess :: Open(a_Smir,&moServ, this,CSmirAccess::eModule); if ((S_FALSE==res)||(NULL == (void*)moServ)) { //we have a problem the SMIR is not there and cannot be created
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
//OK we have the module namespace so delete the group
//build the object path
wchar_t *pTString = new wchar_t[wcslen(GROUP_NAMESPACE_NAME)+wcslen(EQUALS_STR)+ wcslen(m_szName)+2+1]; if(NULL == pTString) { //free the string we got from hGroup
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
wcscpy(pTString, GROUP_NAMESPACE_NAME); wcscat(pTString,EQUALS_STR); wcscat(pTString,QUOTE_STR); // GROUP =
wcscat(pTString,m_szName); wcscat(pTString,QUOTE_STR); // GROUP = <group name>
CBString t_Str (pTString); result = moServ->DeleteInstance(t_Str.GetString (), RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext,NULL); moServ->Release(); if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
delete [] pTString; if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return WBEM_E_FAILED; } return S_OK; }
const CSmirGroupHandle& CSmirGroupHandle :: operator <<(IWbemClassObject *pSmirMosClassObject) { //get the name
VARIANT v; VariantInit(&v); pSmirMosClassObject->Get(GROUP_NAME_PROPERTY, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,NULL,NULL); if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { SetName(V_BSTR(&v)); } VariantClear(&v);
//get the group id
pSmirMosClassObject->Get(GROUP_ID_PROPERTY, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,NULL,NULL); if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { SetGroupOID(V_BSTR(&v)); } VariantClear(&v);
//get the status
pSmirMosClassObject->Get(GROUP_STATUS_PROPERTY, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,NULL,NULL); if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { SetStatus(V_BSTR(&v)); } VariantClear(&v);
//get the description
pSmirMosClassObject->Get(GROUP_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,NULL,NULL); if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { SetDescription(V_BSTR(&v)); } VariantClear(&v);
//get the reference
pSmirMosClassObject->Get(MODULE_REFERENCE_PROPERTY, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,NULL,NULL); if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { SetReference(V_BSTR(&v)); } VariantClear(&v);
return *this; }
const CSmirGroupHandle& CSmirGroupHandle :: operator >>(IWbemClassObject *pInst) { VARIANT v; VariantInit(&v);
//give the instance a name
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; SCODE result; if(NULL != m_szName) { V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(m_szName); result = pInst->Put(OLEMS_NAME_PROP,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return *this; } } else { return *this; } //add the group oid property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; if(NULL != m_szGroupId) { V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(m_szGroupId); result = pInst->Put(GROUP_ID_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return *this; } } //add the status property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; if(NULL != m_szStatus) { V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(m_szStatus); result = pInst->Put(GROUP_STATUS_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return *this; } } //add the Description property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; if(NULL != m_szDescription) { V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(m_szDescription); result = pInst->Put(GROUP_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return *this; } } //add the reference property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; if(NULL != m_szReference) { V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(m_szReference); result = pInst->Put(MODULE_REFERENCE_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return *this; } } //add the references to the classes
//and return
return *this; }
HRESULT CSmirGroupHandle :: PutClassProperties (IWbemClassObject *pClass) { VARIANT v; VariantInit(&v);
//give the instance a name
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; HRESULT result;
V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(L""); result = pClass->Put(OLEMS_NAME_PROP,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return result ; }
//add the group oid property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(L""); result = pClass->Put(GROUP_ID_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return result ; }
//add the status property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(L""); result = pClass->Put(GROUP_STATUS_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return result ; }
//add the Description property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(L""); result = pClass->Put(GROUP_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return result; }
//add the reference property
V_VT(&v) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&v)=SysAllocString(L""); result = pClass->Put(MODULE_REFERENCE_PROPERTY,RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,0); VariantClear(&v); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return result ; } //add the references to the classes
return result ; }
const CSmirGroupHandle& CSmirGroupHandle :: operator >>(ISmirSerialiseHandle *pSHandle) { if(NULL!=pSHandle) { CString szTmpString; BOOL bMOFPragmas=((CSmirSerialiseHandle*) pSHandle)->ReturnMOFPragmas(); BOOL bMOFAssociations=((CSmirSerialiseHandle*) pSHandle)->ReturnMOFAssociations();
//start in the group namepspace
if(TRUE==bMOFPragmas) { szTmpString=CString(START_OF_SMIR_NAMESPACE_PRAGMA); szTmpString+=CString(m_szModuleName); szTmpString+=CString(END_OF_NAMESPACE_PRAGMA); } if(TRUE==bMOFAssociations) { //create an instance of the group namespace
//add the properties
//give the instance a name
szTmpString+=CString(GROUP_NAME_PROPERTY); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(m_szName); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE;
//give the instance a group id
szTmpString+=CString(GROUP_ID_PROPERTY); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(m_szGroupId); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; //give the instance a status
szTmpString+=CString(GROUP_STATUS_PROPERTY); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(m_szStatus); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; //give the instance a description
szTmpString+=CString(GROUP_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(m_szDescription); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE;
//give the instance a reference
szTmpString+=CString(MODULE_REFERENCE_PROPERTY); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(m_szReference); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE;
szTmpString+=CString(END_OF_CLASS); }
//and add the string to the serialise handle
((CSmirSerialiseHandle*)pSHandle)->m_serialiseString+=CString(szTmpString); //each class will create it's self
return *this; }
SCODE CSmirGroupHandle :: GetModuleName(BSTR *szName) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != szName) { *szName=SysAllocString(m_szModuleName); return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirGroupHandle :: GetName(BSTR *szName) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != szName) { *szName=SysAllocString(m_szName); return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirGroupHandle :: GetGroupOID(BSTR *szGroupId) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != szGroupId) { *szGroupId = SysAllocString(m_szGroupId); return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirGroupHandle :: GetStatus(BSTR *szStatus) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != szStatus) { *szStatus = SysAllocString(m_szStatus); return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirGroupHandle :: GetDescription(BSTR *szDescription) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != szDescription) { *szDescription = SysAllocString(m_szDescription); return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirGroupHandle :: GetReference(BSTR *szReference) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != szReference) { *szReference = SysAllocString(m_szReference); return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirGroupHandle :: SetModuleName(BSTR szName) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szModuleName,&szName); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirGroupHandle :: SetName(BSTR szName) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szName,&szName); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirGroupHandle :: SetGroupOID(BSTR szGroupId) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szGroupId,&szGroupId); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirGroupHandle :: SetStatus(BSTR szStatus) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szStatus,&szStatus); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirGroupHandle :: SetDescription(BSTR szDescription) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szDescription,&szDescription); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirGroupHandle :: SetReference(BSTR szReference) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szReference,&szReference); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
/*Class handle methods
*/ /*
* CSmirClassHandle::QueryInterface * * Purpose: * Manages the interfaces for this object which supports the * IUnknown interface. * * Parameters: * riid REFIID of the interface to return. * ppv PPVOID in which to store the pointer. * * Return Value: * SCODE NOERROR on success, E_NOINTERFACE if the * interface is not supported. */
STDMETHODIMP CSmirClassHandle::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PPVOID ppv) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { //Always NULL the out-parameters
if (IID_IUnknown==riid) *ppv=this;
if (IID_ISMIR_ClassHandle==riid) *ppv=this;
if (NULL==*ppv) return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE);
//AddRef any interface we'll return.
((LPUNKNOWN)*ppv)->AddRef(); return NOERROR; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
* CSmirModuleHandle::AddRef * CSmirModuleHandle::Release * * Reference counting members. When Release sees a zero count * the object destroys itself. */
ULONG CSmirClassHandle::AddRef(void) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { //CMOEvent_Trace MyTraceEvent(SMIR_STR);
//MyTraceEvent.Generate(__FILE__,__LINE__, "CSmirClassHandle::AddRef( %ld", m_cRef);
return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return 0; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return 0; } catch(...) { return 0; } }
ULONG CSmirClassHandle::Release(void) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { long ret; if (0!=(ret=InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef))) return ret;
delete this; return 0; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return 0; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return 0; } catch(...) { return 0; } }
CSmirClassHandle :: CSmirClassHandle() : m_pIMosClass(NULL), m_szModuleName(NULL), m_szGroupName(NULL) { CClassHandleClassFactory::objectsInProgress++;
//init the reference count
m_cRef=0; }
CSmirClassHandle :: ~ CSmirClassHandle() { if (NULL != m_pIMosClass) m_pIMosClass->Release(); SysFreeString(m_szModuleName); SysFreeString(m_szGroupName); CClassHandleClassFactory::objectsInProgress--; }
* CSmirModuleHandle::void* operator * validate handle */
CSmirClassHandle::operator void*() { if((NULL!=m_szModuleName)&&(NULL!=m_szGroupName)&&(NULL!=m_pIMosClass)) return this; return NULL; }
SCODE CSmirClassHandle :: SetWBEMClass(IWbemClassObject *pObj) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != pObj) { m_pIMosClass = pObj; m_pIMosClass->AddRef () ; return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirClassHandle :: GetWBEMClass (
IWbemClassObject **pObj ) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if (NULL == pObj) return E_INVALIDARG;
//if the class already exists return it
if(m_pIMosClass != NULL) { m_pIMosClass->AddRef(); *pObj=m_pIMosClass; return S_OK; } else { *pObj= NULL ; return WBEM_E_FAILED ; } } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirClassHandle :: SetModuleName(BSTR szName) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szModuleName,&szName); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirClassHandle :: GetModuleName(BSTR *szName) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != szName) { *szName=SysAllocString(m_szModuleName); return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirClassHandle :: SetGroupName(BSTR szName) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szGroupName,&szName); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirClassHandle :: GetGroupName(BSTR *szName) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != szName) { *szName=SysAllocString(m_szGroupName); return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
*Methods not exposed by the ISmirClassHandle interface. *Used to encapsulate functionality. **************************************************************************************/
SCODE CSmirClassHandle :: AddToDB(CSmir *a_Smir,ISmirGroupHandle *hGroup) { IWbemServices * moServ = NULL ; IWbemContext *moContext = NULL ; SCODE result= CSmirAccess :: GetContext (a_Smir , &moContext);
//open the root\default name space
result= CSmirAccess :: Open(a_Smir,&moServ); if (FAILED(result)||(NULL == moServ)) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); //if we cant open the namespace the group handle must be invalid
return WBEM_E_FAILED; } //now commit the changes
result = moServ->PutClass(m_pIMosClass, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext,NULL); if (FAILED(result)) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); //add the associations
BSTR szGroupName = NULL ; BSTR szModuleName = NULL ; hGroup->GetName(&szGroupName); hGroup->GetModuleName(&szModuleName);
#if 0
CSMIRToClassAssociator :: Associate(a_Smir,this); #endif
CGroupToClassAssociator :: Associate(a_Smir,szModuleName, szGroupName, this); CModuleToClassAssociator :: Associate(a_Smir,szModuleName, this); SysFreeString(szGroupName); SysFreeString(szModuleName); return S_OK; }
SCODE CSmirClassHandle :: DeleteClassFromGroup( CSmir *a_Smir ) { //get the class
IWbemClassObject *pIMosClass = NULL ; SCODE res = GetWBEMClass(&pIMosClass); if (FAILED(res)) { //nothing to delete
return S_OK; }
//open the smir name space
IWbemServices * moServ = NULL ; IWbemContext *moContext = NULL ; res= CSmirAccess :: GetContext (NULL, &moContext); //SCODE result= CSmirAccess :: GetContext (a_Smir , &moContext);
res= CSmirAccess :: Open(a_Smir,&moServ); if (FAILED(res)||(NULL == moServ)) { //we have a problem the SMIR is not there and cannot be created
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
pIMosClass->Release(); return WBEM_E_FAILED; } //get the class name
VARIANT v; VariantInit(&v); pIMosClass->Get(OLEMS_CLASS_PROP, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,NULL,NULL); if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { //delete everthing that is associated with the class using
//references of {\\.\root\default\SMIR:<class>}
IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnum = NULL;
CString sQuery(CString(SMIR_ASSOC_QUERY_STR2) +CString(OPEN_BRACE_STR) +CString(SMIR_NAMESPACE_FROM_ROOT) +CString(COLON_STR) +CString(V_BSTR(&v)) +CString(CLOSE_BRACE_STR) +CString(SPACE_STR) +CString(SMIR_ASSOC_QUERY_STR4) +CString(EQUALS_STR) +CString(SMIR_GROUP_ASSOC_CLASS_NAME) ); BSTR szQuery = sQuery.AllocSysString(); CBString t_QueryFormat (SMIR_ASSOC_QUERY1_TYPE); SCODE sRes = moServ->ExecQuery(t_QueryFormat.GetString (), szQuery, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG,moContext, &pEnum); SysFreeString(szQuery);
if (FAILED(sRes)||(NULL==pEnum)) { //all classes are associated so this is a problem
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); pIMosClass->Release(); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
ULONG uCount=1; IWbemClassObject *pAssocMosClass = NULL ; ULONG puReturned;
//loop over the associations to see how many there are
int iAssociations=0; for(pEnum->Reset();S_OK==pEnum->Next(-1,uCount,&pAssocMosClass,&puReturned);) { iAssociations++; if(iAssociations>1) { break; } } if(1 == iAssociations) { //nly one so delete it
moServ->DeleteClass(V_BSTR(&v),RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext,NULL); } pEnum->Release(); } //clean up
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); pIMosClass->Release(); VariantClear(&v); return S_OK; }
SCODE CSmirClassHandle :: DeleteFromDB ( CSmir *a_Smir ) { //get the class
IWbemClassObject *pIMosClass = NULL ; SCODE res = GetWBEMClass(&pIMosClass); if (FAILED(res)) { //nothing to delete
return S_OK; } //open the smir name space
IWbemServices * moServ = NULL ; IWbemContext *moContext = NULL ; res= CSmirAccess :: GetContext (a_Smir, &moContext); res= CSmirAccess :: Open(a_Smir,&moServ); if ((S_FALSE==res)||(NULL == moServ)) { //we have a problem the SMIR is not there and cannot be created
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
pIMosClass->Release(); return WBEM_E_FAILED; } //get the class name
VARIANT v; VariantInit(&v); pIMosClass->Get(OLEMS_CLASS_PROP, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,NULL,NULL); if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { //delete everthing that is associated with the class using
//references of {\\.\root\default\SMIR:<class>}
IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnum = NULL ;
CString sQuery(CString(SMIR_ASSOC_QUERY_STR2) +CString(OPEN_BRACE_STR) +CString(SMIR_NAMESPACE_FROM_ROOT) +CString(COLON_STR) +CString(V_BSTR(&v)) +CString(CLOSE_BRACE_STR) ); BSTR szQuery = sQuery.AllocSysString(); CBString t_QueryFormat (SMIR_ASSOC_QUERY1_TYPE); SCODE sRes = moServ->ExecQuery(t_QueryFormat.GetString (), szQuery, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG,moContext, &pEnum); SysFreeString(szQuery);
if (FAILED(sRes)||(NULL==pEnum)) { //all classes are associated so this is a problem
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); pIMosClass->Release(); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
ULONG uCount=1; IWbemClassObject *pAssocMosClass = NULL ; ULONG puReturned = 0;
//loop over the associations
VARIANT assocClass; VariantInit(&assocClass); VARIANT assocName; VariantInit(&assocName); for(pEnum->Reset();S_OK==pEnum->Next(-1,uCount,&pAssocMosClass,&puReturned);) { pAssocMosClass->Get(SMIR_X_ASSOC_NAME_PROP, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &assocName,NULL,NULL); pAssocMosClass->Get(OLEMS_CLASS_PROP, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &assocClass,NULL,NULL); CString instString(
CString(V_BSTR(&assocClass)) +CString(EQUALS_STR) +CString(QUOTE_STR) +CString(V_BSTR(&assocName)) +CString(QUOTE_STR) );
VariantClear(&assocName); VariantClear(&assocClass);
BSTR instBString = instString.AllocSysString(); moServ->DeleteInstance(instBString, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext,NULL); SysFreeString(instBString); pAssocMosClass->Release(); } pEnum->Release(); //and delete it
moServ->DeleteClass(V_BSTR(&v),RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext,NULL); } //clean up
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); pIMosClass->Release(); VariantClear(&v); return S_OK; }
const CSmirClassHandle& CSmirClassHandle :: operator >>(ISmirSerialiseHandle *pSHandle) { if (m_pIMosClass) { BOOL bMOFPragmas=((CSmirSerialiseHandle*) pSHandle)->ReturnMOFPragmas(); BOOL bMOFAssociations=((CSmirSerialiseHandle*) pSHandle)->ReturnMOFAssociations();
VARIANT v; VariantInit(&v); m_pIMosClass->Get(OLEMS_CLASS_PROP, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &v,NULL,NULL); if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { BSTR pszClassMof=NULL; HRESULT result = m_pIMosClass->GetObjectText(WBEM_FLAG_NO_FLAVORS, &pszClassMof); if (SUCCEEDED (result)) {
if(TRUE==bMOFPragmas) { //start in the SMIR namespace
((CSmirSerialiseHandle*)pSHandle)->m_serialiseString+=CString(SMIR_NAMESPACE_PRAGMA); }
((CSmirSerialiseHandle*)pSHandle)->m_serialiseString+=CString(pszClassMof); SysFreeString(pszClassMof);
if(TRUE==bMOFAssociations) { /*******************create the Module associations*************************/ //instance of <assoc> \n{\n
CString szTmpString =INSTANCE_START; szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_MODULE_ASSOC_CLASS_NAME); szTmpString+=NL_BRACE_NL_STR;
//association name
//<assoc name>=\"<name>SMIRAssociation\";\n
//smir name
szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_MODULE_ASSOC_MODULE_PROP); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_NAMESPACE_STR); szTmpString+=CString(COLON_STR); szTmpString+=CString(MODULE_NAMESPACE_NAME); szTmpString+=CString(DOT_STR); szTmpString+=CString(OLEMS_NAME_PROP); szTmpString+=CString(EQUALS_STR); szTmpString+=CString(ESCAPED_QUOTE_STR); szTmpString+=CString(m_szModuleName); szTmpString+=CString(ESCAPED_QUOTE_STR); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE;
//class name
szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_X_ASSOC_CLASS_PROP); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_NAMESPACE_STR); szTmpString+=CString(COLON_STR); szTmpString+=CString(V_BSTR(&v)); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE;
/*******************create the Group associations*************************/ //instance of <assoc> \n{\n
//association name
//<assoc name>=\"<name>SMIRAssociation\";\n
//smir name
szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_GROUP_ASSOC_GROUP_PROP); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_NAMESPACE_STR); szTmpString+=CString(L"\\\\"); szTmpString+=CString(m_szModuleName); szTmpString+=CString(COLON_STR); szTmpString+=CString(GROUP_NAMESPACE_NAME); szTmpString+=CString(DOT_STR); szTmpString+=CString(OLEMS_NAME_PROP); szTmpString+=CString(EQUALS_STR); szTmpString+=CString(ESCAPED_QUOTE_STR); szTmpString+=CString(m_szGroupName); szTmpString+=CString(ESCAPED_QUOTE_STR); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE;
//class name
szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_X_ASSOC_CLASS_PROP); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_NAMESPACE_STR); szTmpString+=CString(COLON_STR); szTmpString+=CString(V_BSTR(&v)); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE;
szTmpString+=END_OF_CLASS; ((CSmirSerialiseHandle*)pSHandle)->m_serialiseString+=szTmpString; } } } VariantClear(&v); } return *this; }
/*NotificationClass handle methods
*/ /*
* CSmirNotificationClassHandle::QueryInterface * * Purpose: * Manages the interfaces for this object which supports the * IUnknown interface. * * Parameters: * riid REFIID of the interface to return. * ppv PPVOID in which to store the pointer. * * Return Value: * SCODE NOERROR on success, E_NOINTERFACE if the * interface is not supported. */
STDMETHODIMP CSmirNotificationClassHandle::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PPVOID ppv) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { //Always NULL the out-parameters
if (IID_IUnknown==riid) *ppv=this;
if (IID_ISMIR_NotificationClassHandle==riid) *ppv=this;
if (NULL==*ppv) return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE);
//AddRef any interface we'll return.
((LPUNKNOWN)*ppv)->AddRef(); return NOERROR; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
* CSmirNotificationClassHandle::AddRef * CSmirNotificationClassHandle::Release * * Reference counting members. When Release sees a zero count * the object destroys itself. */
ULONG CSmirNotificationClassHandle::AddRef(void) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { //CMOEvent_Trace MyTraceEvent(SMIR_STR);
//MyTraceEvent.Generate(__FILE__,__LINE__, "CSmirClassHandle::AddRef( %ld", m_cRef);
return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
ULONG CSmirNotificationClassHandle::Release(void) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { long ret; if (0!=(ret=InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef))) return ret;
delete this; return 0; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
CSmirNotificationClassHandle :: CSmirNotificationClassHandle() : m_pIMosClass(NULL), m_szModuleName(NULL) { CNotificationClassHandleClassFactory::objectsInProgress++;
//init the reference count
m_cRef=0; }
CSmirNotificationClassHandle :: ~CSmirNotificationClassHandle() { if (NULL != m_pIMosClass) m_pIMosClass->Release(); SysFreeString(m_szModuleName); CNotificationClassHandleClassFactory::objectsInProgress--; }
* CSmirModuleHandle::void* operator * validate handle */
CSmirNotificationClassHandle::operator void*() { if((NULL!=m_szModuleName) && (NULL!=m_pIMosClass)) return this; return NULL; }
SCODE CSmirNotificationClassHandle :: GetWBEMNotificationClass(
IWbemClassObject **pObj ) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if (NULL == pObj) return E_INVALIDARG;
//if the class already exists return it
if(m_pIMosClass) { m_pIMosClass->AddRef(); *pObj=m_pIMosClass; return S_OK; } else { *pObj=NULL ; return WBEM_E_FAILED; } } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirNotificationClassHandle :: SetWBEMNotificationClass(IWbemClassObject *pObj) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != pObj) { m_pIMosClass = pObj; m_pIMosClass->AddRef () ; return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirNotificationClassHandle :: SetModule(BSTR szName) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szModuleName,&szName); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirNotificationClassHandle :: GetModule(BSTR *szName) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != szName) { if (NULL == m_szModuleName) { *szName = NULL; } else { *szName=SysAllocString(m_szModuleName); }
return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
*Methods not exposed by the ISmirClassHandle interface. *Used to encapsulate functionality. **************************************************************************************/
SCODE CSmirNotificationClassHandle :: AddToDB(CSmir *a_Smir) { BSTR szModuleName = NULL ; GetModule(&szModuleName);
if (NULL == szModuleName) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,E_INVALIDARG); return WBEM_E_FAILED; } //open the root\default name space
IWbemServices * moServ = NULL ; IWbemContext *moContext = NULL ; SCODE result= CSmirAccess :: GetContext (a_Smir , &moContext); result= CSmirAccess :: Open(a_Smir,&moServ);
if (FAILED(result)||(NULL == moServ)) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
//now commit the changes
result = moServ->PutClass(m_pIMosClass, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext,NULL); if (FAILED(result)) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
//add the associations
CModuleToNotificationClassAssociator :: Associate(a_Smir,szModuleName, this); SysFreeString(szModuleName); CNotificationMapper :: Map(a_Smir,m_pIMosClass, SNMP_NOTIFICATION_CLASS);
return S_OK; }
SCODE CSmirNotificationClassHandle :: DeleteFromDB ( CSmir *a_Smir ) { //get the class
IWbemClassObject *pIMosClass = NULL ; SCODE res = GetWBEMNotificationClass(&pIMosClass);
if (FAILED(res)) { //nothing to delete
return S_OK; }
//open the smir name space
IWbemServices * moServ = NULL ; IWbemContext *moContext = NULL ; res= CSmirAccess :: GetContext (a_Smir, &moContext); res= CSmirAccess :: Open(a_Smir,&moServ);
if ((S_FALSE==res)||(NULL == moServ)) { //we have a problem the SMIR is not there and cannot be created
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
pIMosClass->Release(); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
//get the class name
if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { CString classnamestr(V_BSTR(&v));
//delete everthing that is associated with the class using
//references of {\\.\root\default\SMIR:<class>}
IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnum = 0;
CString sQuery(CString(SMIR_ASSOC_QUERY_STR2) +CString(OPEN_BRACE_STR) +CString(SMIR_NAMESPACE_FROM_ROOT) +CString(COLON_STR) +classnamestr +CString(CLOSE_BRACE_STR) ); BSTR szQuery = sQuery.AllocSysString(); CBString t_QueryFormat (SMIR_ASSOC_QUERY1_TYPE); SCODE sRes = moServ->ExecQuery(t_QueryFormat.GetString (), szQuery, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG,moContext, &pEnum); SysFreeString(szQuery);
if (FAILED(sRes)||(NULL==pEnum)) { //all classes are associated so this is a problem
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); pIMosClass->Release(); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
ULONG uCount=1; IWbemClassObject *pAssocMosClass = NULL ; ULONG puReturned = 0;
//loop over the associations
VARIANT assocClass; VariantInit(&assocClass); VARIANT assocName; VariantInit(&assocName); for(pEnum->Reset();S_OK==pEnum->Next(-1,uCount,&pAssocMosClass,&puReturned);) { pAssocMosClass->Get(SMIR_X_ASSOC_NAME_PROP, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &assocName,NULL,NULL); pAssocMosClass->Get(OLEMS_CLASS_PROP, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &assocClass,NULL,NULL); CString instString(CString(V_BSTR(&assocClass)) +CString(EQUALS_STR) +CString(V_BSTR(&assocName)) ); VariantClear(&assocName); VariantClear(&assocClass);
BSTR instBString = instString.AllocSysString(); moServ->DeleteInstance(instBString, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext,NULL); SysFreeString(instBString); pAssocMosClass->Release(); } pEnum->Release(); pEnum = NULL;
//now get the mapper instance and delete that too.
BSTR szQuery2 = sQuery.AllocSysString(); t_QueryFormat = SMIR_ASSOC_QUERY2_TYPE ; sRes = moServ->ExecQuery(t_QueryFormat.GetString (), szQuery2,
RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG,moContext, &pEnum); SysFreeString(szQuery2);
if (FAILED(sRes)||(NULL==pEnum)) { //all classes are associated so this is a problem
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); pIMosClass->Release(); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
uCount=1; pAssocMosClass = NULL; puReturned = 0; VariantClear(&assocClass);
//loop over the associations and delete them
for(pEnum->Reset();S_OK==pEnum->Next(-1,uCount,&pAssocMosClass,&puReturned);) { sRes = pAssocMosClass->Get(OLEMS_PATH_PROP, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &assocClass, NULL, NULL); pAssocMosClass->Release();
if (FAILED(sRes) && (VT_BSTR == assocClass.vt)) { CString instString(V_BSTR(&assocClass)); VariantClear(&assocClass); BSTR instBString = instString.AllocSysString(); moServ->DeleteInstance(instBString, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext,NULL); SysFreeString(instBString); } }
pEnum->Release(); //now delete the class
moServ->DeleteClass(V_BSTR(&v),RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext,NULL); }
//clean up
moServ->Release(); if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
pIMosClass->Release(); VariantClear(&v); return S_OK; }
const CSmirNotificationClassHandle& CSmirNotificationClassHandle :: operator >>(ISmirSerialiseHandle *pSHandle) { if (m_pIMosClass) { BOOL bMOFPragmas=((CSmirSerialiseHandle*) pSHandle)->ReturnMOFPragmas(); BOOL bMOFAssociations=((CSmirSerialiseHandle*) pSHandle)->ReturnMOFAssociations();
VARIANT vclass; VariantInit(&vclass); VARIANT vtrapoid; VariantInit(&vtrapoid);
if ((V_VT(&vclass) == VT_BSTR) && (V_VT(&vtrapoid) == VT_BSTR)) { BSTR pszClassMof = NULL ; m_pIMosClass->GetObjectText(WBEM_FLAG_NO_FLAVORS, &pszClassMof); if (pszClassMof) {
if(TRUE==bMOFPragmas) { //start in the SMIR namespace
((CSmirSerialiseHandle*)pSHandle)->m_serialiseString+=CString(SMIR_NAMESPACE_PRAGMA); }
((CSmirSerialiseHandle*)pSHandle)->m_serialiseString+=CString(pszClassMof); SysFreeString(pszClassMof);
/*******************create the TrapNotificationMapper*************************/ //instance of TrapNotificationMapper \n{\n
tmpString+=CString(SMIR_NOTIFICATION_TRAP_PROP); tmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; tmpString+=CString(V_BSTR(&vtrapoid)); tmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE;
tmpString+=CString(SMIR_NOTIFICATION_CLASS_PROP); tmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; tmpString+=CString(V_BSTR(&vclass)); tmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; tmpString+=END_OF_CLASS; ((CSmirSerialiseHandle*)pSHandle)->m_serialiseString+=tmpString;
if(TRUE==bMOFAssociations) { /*******************create the SMIR associations*************************/ /*******************create the Module associations***********************/ //instance of <assoc> \n{\n
//association name
//<assoc name>=\"<name>SMIRAssociation\";\n
szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_X_ASSOC_NAME_PROP); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(V_BSTR(&vclass)); szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_MODULE_ASSOC_CLASS_NAME_POSTFIX); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE;
//smir name
szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_MODULE_ASSOC_MODULE_PROP); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_NAMESPACE_STR); szTmpString+=CString(COLON_STR); szTmpString+=CString(MODULE_NAMESPACE_NAME); szTmpString+=CString(DOT_STR); szTmpString+=CString(OLEMS_NAME_PROP); szTmpString+=CString(EQUALS_STR); szTmpString+=CString(ESCAPED_QUOTE_STR); szTmpString+=CString(m_szModuleName); szTmpString+=CString(ESCAPED_QUOTE_STR); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE;
//class name
szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_X_ASSOC_CLASS_PROP); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_NAMESPACE_STR); szTmpString+=CString(COLON_STR); szTmpString+=CString(V_BSTR(&vclass)); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE;
szTmpString+=END_OF_CLASS; ((CSmirSerialiseHandle*)pSHandle)->m_serialiseString+=szTmpString; } } } VariantClear(&vclass); VariantClear(&vtrapoid); } return *this; }
/*ExtNotificationClass handle methods
*/ /*
* CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle::QueryInterface * * Purpose: * Manages the interfaces for this object which supports the * IUnknown interface. * * Parameters: * riid REFIID of the interface to return. * ppv PPVOID in which to store the pointer. * * Return Value: * SCODE NOERROR on success, E_NOINTERFACE if the * interface is not supported. */
STDMETHODIMP CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, PPVOID ppv) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { //Always NULL the out-parameters
if (IID_IUnknown==riid) *ppv=this;
if (IID_ISMIR_ExtNotificationClassHandle==riid) *ppv=this;
if (NULL==*ppv) return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE);
//AddRef any interface we'll return.
((LPUNKNOWN)*ppv)->AddRef(); return NOERROR; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
* CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle::AddRef * CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle::Release * * Reference counting members. When Release sees a zero count * the object destroys itself. */
ULONG CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle::AddRef(void) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { //CMOEvent_Trace MyTraceEvent(SMIR_STR);
//MyTraceEvent.Generate(__FILE__,__LINE__, "CSmirClassHandle::AddRef( %ld", m_cRef);
return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return 0; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return 0; } catch(...) { return 0; } }
ULONG CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle::Release(void) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { long ret; if (0!=(ret=InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef))) return ret;
delete this; return 0; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return 0; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return 0; } catch(...) { return 0; } }
CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle :: CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle() : m_pIMosClass (NULL), m_szModuleName(NULL) { CExtNotificationClassHandleClassFactory::objectsInProgress++;
//init the reference count
m_cRef=0; }
CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle :: ~CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle() { if (NULL != m_pIMosClass) m_pIMosClass->Release(); SysFreeString(m_szModuleName); CExtNotificationClassHandleClassFactory::objectsInProgress--; }
* CSmirModuleHandle::void* operator * validate handle */
CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle::operator void*() { if((NULL!=m_szModuleName) && (NULL!=m_pIMosClass)) return this; return NULL; }
SCODE CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle :: GetWBEMExtNotificationClass (
IWbemClassObject **pObj ) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if (NULL == pObj) return E_INVALIDARG;
//if the class already exists return it
if(m_pIMosClass) { m_pIMosClass->AddRef(); *pObj=m_pIMosClass; return S_OK; } else { *pObj=NULL; return WBEM_E_FAILED; } } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle :: SetWBEMExtNotificationClass(IWbemClassObject *pObj) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != pObj) { m_pIMosClass = pObj; m_pIMosClass->AddRef () ; return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle :: SetModule(BSTR szName) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { return CopyBSTR(&m_szModuleName,&szName); } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
SCODE CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle :: GetModule(BSTR *szName) { SetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
try { if(NULL != szName) { if (NULL == m_szModuleName) { *szName = NULL; } else { *szName=SysAllocString(m_szModuleName); }
return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } catch(Structured_Exception e_SE) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } catch(Heap_Exception e_HE) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
*Methods not exposed by the ISmirClassHandle interface. *Used to encapsulate functionality. **************************************************************************************/
SCODE CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle :: AddToDB ( CSmir *a_Smir ) { BSTR szModuleName = NULL ; GetModule(&szModuleName);
if (NULL == szModuleName) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,E_INVALIDARG); return WBEM_E_FAILED; } //open the root\default name space
IWbemServices * moServ = NULL ; IWbemContext *moContext = NULL ; SCODE result= CSmirAccess :: GetContext (a_Smir , &moContext); result= CSmirAccess :: Open(a_Smir,&moServ); if (FAILED(result)||(NULL == moServ)) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
//now commit the changes
result = moServ->PutClass(m_pIMosClass, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext,NULL); if (FAILED(result)) { if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release () ; return E_UNEXPECTED; }
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); if (FAILED(result)) { FormatProviderErrorMsg(__FILE__,__LINE__,result); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
//add the associations
CModuleToExtNotificationClassAssociator :: Associate(a_Smir,szModuleName, this); SysFreeString(szModuleName); CNotificationMapper :: Map(a_Smir,m_pIMosClass, SNMP_EXT_NOTIFICATION_CLASS);
return S_OK; }
SCODE CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle :: DeleteFromDB ( CSmir *a_Smir ) { //get the class
IWbemClassObject *pIMosClass = NULL ; SCODE res = GetWBEMExtNotificationClass(&pIMosClass);
if (FAILED(res)) { //nothing to delete
return S_OK; }
//open the smir name space
IWbemServices * moServ = NULL ; IWbemContext *moContext = NULL ; res= CSmirAccess :: GetContext (a_Smir , &moContext); res= CSmirAccess :: Open(a_Smir,&moServ);
if ((S_FALSE==res)||(NULL == moServ)) { //we have a problem the SMIR is not there and cannot be created
pIMosClass->Release(); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
//get the class name
if (V_VT(&v) == VT_BSTR) { CString classnamestr(V_BSTR(&v));
//delete everthing that is associated with the class using
//references of {\\.\root\default\SMIR:<class>}
IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnum = NULL ;
CString sQuery(CString(SMIR_ASSOC_QUERY_STR2) +CString(OPEN_BRACE_STR) +CString(SMIR_NAMESPACE_FROM_ROOT) +CString(COLON_STR) +classnamestr +CString(CLOSE_BRACE_STR) ); BSTR szQuery = sQuery.AllocSysString(); CBString t_QueryFormat (SMIR_ASSOC_QUERY1_TYPE); SCODE sRes = moServ->ExecQuery(t_QueryFormat.GetString (), szQuery, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG,moContext, &pEnum); SysFreeString(szQuery);
if (FAILED(sRes)||(NULL==pEnum)) { //all classes are associated so this is a problem
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); pIMosClass->Release(); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
ULONG uCount=1; IWbemClassObject *pAssocMosClass = NULL ; ULONG puReturned = 0;
//loop over the associations
VARIANT assocClass; VariantInit(&assocClass); VARIANT assocName; VariantInit(&assocName); for(pEnum->Reset();S_OK==pEnum->Next(-1,uCount,&pAssocMosClass,&puReturned);) { pAssocMosClass->Get(SMIR_X_ASSOC_NAME_PROP, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &assocName,NULL,NULL); pAssocMosClass->Get(OLEMS_CLASS_PROP, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &assocClass,NULL,NULL); CString instString(CString(V_BSTR(&assocClass)) +CString(EQUALS_STR) +CString(V_BSTR(&assocName)) ); VariantClear(&assocName); VariantClear(&assocClass);
BSTR instBString = instString.AllocSysString(); moServ->DeleteInstance(instBString, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext,NULL); SysFreeString(instBString); pAssocMosClass->Release(); } pEnum->Release(); pEnum = NULL;
//now get the mapper instance and delete that too.
BSTR szQuery2 = sQuery.AllocSysString(); t_QueryFormat = SMIR_ASSOC_QUERY2_TYPE; sRes = moServ->ExecQuery(t_QueryFormat.GetString (), szQuery2, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG,moContext, &pEnum); SysFreeString(szQuery2);
if (FAILED(sRes)||(NULL==pEnum)) { //all classes are associated so this is a problem
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); pIMosClass->Release(); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
uCount=1; pAssocMosClass = NULL; puReturned = 0; VariantClear(&assocClass);
//loop over the associations and delete them
for(pEnum->Reset();S_OK==pEnum->Next(-1,uCount,&pAssocMosClass,&puReturned);) { sRes = pAssocMosClass->Get(OLEMS_PATH_PROP, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, &assocClass, NULL, NULL); pAssocMosClass->Release();
if (FAILED(sRes) && (VT_BSTR == assocClass.vt)) { CString instString(V_BSTR(&assocClass)); VariantClear(&assocClass); BSTR instBString = instString.AllocSysString(); moServ->DeleteInstance(instBString, RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext,NULL); SysFreeString(instBString); } }
pEnum->Release(); //now delete the class
moServ->DeleteClass(V_BSTR(&v),RESERVED_WBEM_FLAG, moContext,NULL); }
//clean up
if ( moContext ) moContext->Release () ;
moServ->Release(); pIMosClass->Release(); VariantClear(&v); return S_OK; }
const CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle& CSmirExtNotificationClassHandle :: operator >>(ISmirSerialiseHandle *pSHandle) { if (m_pIMosClass) { BOOL bMOFPragmas=((CSmirSerialiseHandle*) pSHandle)->ReturnMOFPragmas(); BOOL bMOFAssociations=((CSmirSerialiseHandle*) pSHandle)->ReturnMOFAssociations();
VARIANT vclass; VariantInit(&vclass); VARIANT vtrapoid; VariantInit(&vtrapoid);
if ((V_VT(&vclass) == VT_BSTR) && (V_VT(&vtrapoid) == VT_BSTR)) { BSTR pszClassMof = NULL ; m_pIMosClass->GetObjectText(WBEM_FLAG_NO_FLAVORS, &pszClassMof); if (pszClassMof) {
if(TRUE==bMOFPragmas) { //start in the SMIR namespace
((CSmirSerialiseHandle*)pSHandle)->m_serialiseString+=CString(SMIR_NAMESPACE_PRAGMA); }
((CSmirSerialiseHandle*)pSHandle)->m_serialiseString+=CString(pszClassMof); SysFreeString(pszClassMof);
/*******************create the ExtNotificationMapper*************************/ //instance of ExtNotificationMapper \n{\n
tmpString+=CString(SMIR_NOTIFICATION_TRAP_PROP); tmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; tmpString+=CString(V_BSTR(&vtrapoid)); tmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE;
tmpString+=CString(SMIR_NOTIFICATION_CLASS_PROP); tmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; tmpString+=CString(V_BSTR(&vclass)); tmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; tmpString+=END_OF_CLASS; ((CSmirSerialiseHandle*)pSHandle)->m_serialiseString+=tmpString;
if(TRUE==bMOFAssociations) { /*******************create the SMIR associations*************************/ /*******************create the Module associations***********************/ //instance of <assoc> \n{\n
//association name
//<assoc name>=\"<name>SMIRAssociation\";\n
szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_X_ASSOC_NAME_PROP); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(V_BSTR(&vclass)); szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_MODULE_ASSOC_CLASS_NAME_POSTFIX); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE;
//smir name
szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_MODULE_ASSOC_MODULE_PROP); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_NAMESPACE_STR); szTmpString+=CString(COLON_STR); szTmpString+=CString(MODULE_NAMESPACE_NAME); szTmpString+=CString(DOT_STR); szTmpString+=CString(OLEMS_NAME_PROP); szTmpString+=CString(EQUALS_STR); szTmpString+=CString(ESCAPED_QUOTE_STR); szTmpString+=CString(m_szModuleName); szTmpString+=CString(ESCAPED_QUOTE_STR); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE;
//class name
szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_X_ASSOC_CLASS_PROP); szTmpString+=START_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE; szTmpString+=CString(SMIR_NAMESPACE_STR); szTmpString+=CString(COLON_STR); szTmpString+=CString(V_BSTR(&vclass)); szTmpString+=END_OF_PROPERTY_VALUE;
szTmpString+=END_OF_CLASS; ((CSmirSerialiseHandle*)pSHandle)->m_serialiseString+=szTmpString; } } } VariantClear(&vclass); VariantClear(&vtrapoid); } return *this; }