// NetApi32API.cpp
// Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "precomp.h"
#include <cominit.h>
#include <winerror.h>
#include "NetApi32Api.h"
#include "DllWrapperCreatorReg.h"
// {EDC5C632-D027-11d2-911F-0060081A46FD}
static const GUID g_guidNetApi32Api = {0xedc5c632, 0xd027, 0x11d2, { 0x91, 0x1f, 0x0, 0x60, 0x8, 0x1a, 0x46, 0xfd}};
static const TCHAR g_tstrNetApi32[] = _T("NETAPI32.DLL");
* Register this class with the CResourceManager. *****************************************************************************/ CDllApiWraprCreatrReg<CNetApi32Api, &g_guidNetApi32Api, g_tstrNetApi32> MyRegisteredNetApi32Wrapper;
* Constructor ******************************************************************************/ CNetApi32Api::CNetApi32Api(LPCTSTR a_tstrWrappedDllName) : CDllWrapperBase(a_tstrWrappedDllName), m_pfnNetGroupEnum(NULL), m_pfnNetGroupGetInfo(NULL), m_pfnNetGroupSetInfo(NULL), m_pfnNetLocalGroupGetInfo(NULL), m_pfnNetLocalGroupSetInfo(NULL), m_pfnNetGroupGetUsers(NULL), m_pfnNetLocalGroupGetMembers(NULL), m_pfnNetLocalGroupEnum(NULL), m_pfnNetShareEnum(NULL), m_pfnNetShareGetInfo(NULL), m_pfnNetShareAdd(NULL), m_pfnNetShareEnumSticky(NULL), m_pfnNetShareSetInfo(NULL), m_pfnNetShareDel(NULL), m_pfnNetShareDelSticky(NULL), m_pfnNetShareCheck(NULL), m_pfnNetUserEnum(NULL), m_pfnNetUserGetInfo(NULL), m_pfnNetUserSetInfo(NULL), m_pfnNetApiBufferFree(NULL), m_pfnNetQueryDisplayInformation(NULL), m_pfnNetServerSetInfo(NULL), m_pfnNetServerGetInfo(NULL), m_pfnNetGetDCName(NULL), m_pfnNetWkstaGetInfo(NULL), m_pfnNetGetAnyDCName(NULL), m_pfnNetServerEnum(NULL), m_pfnNetUserModalsGet(NULL), m_pfnNetScheduleJobAdd(NULL), m_pfnNetScheduleJobDel(NULL), m_pfnNetScheduleJobEnum(NULL), m_pfnNetScheduleJobGetInfo(NULL), m_pfnNetUseGetInfo(NULL), // ******* BEGIN: NT 4 and over only *******
#ifdef NTONLY
m_pfnDsGetDcNameW(NULL), #else
m_pfnDsGetDcNameA(NULL), #endif
// ******* END: NT4 and over only ***********
// ******* BEGIN: NT 5 and over only *******
m_pfnDsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation(NULL), m_pfnDsRoleFreeMemory(NULL), m_pfnNetRenameMachineInDomain(NULL), m_pfnNetJoinDomain(NULL), m_pfnNetUnjoinDomain(NULL)
// ******* END: NT5 and over only ***********
{ }
* Destructor ******************************************************************************/ CNetApi32Api::~CNetApi32Api() { }
* Initialization function to check that we obtained function addresses. * Init should fail only if the minimum set of functions was not available; * functions added in later versions may or may not be present - it is the * client's responsibility in such cases to check, in their code, for the * version of the dll before trying to call such functions. Not doing so * when the function is not present will result in an AV. * * The Init function is called by the WrapperCreatorRegistation class. ******************************************************************************/ bool CNetApi32Api::Init() { bool fRet = LoadLibrary(); if(fRet) { m_pfnNetGroupEnum = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_GROUP_ENUM) GetProcAddress("NetGroupEnum"); m_pfnNetGroupGetInfo = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_GROUP_GET_INFO) GetProcAddress("NetGroupGetInfo"); m_pfnNetGroupSetInfo = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_GROUP_SET_INFO) GetProcAddress("NetGroupSetInfo"); m_pfnNetLocalGroupGetInfo = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_LOCAL_GROUP_GET_INFO) GetProcAddress("NetLocalGroupGetInfo"); m_pfnNetLocalGroupSetInfo = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_LOCAL_GROUP_SET_INFO) GetProcAddress("NetLocalGroupSetInfo"); m_pfnNetGroupGetUsers = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_GROUP_GET_USERS) GetProcAddress("NetGroupGetUsers"); m_pfnNetLocalGroupGetMembers = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_LOCAL_GROUP_GET_MEMBERS) GetProcAddress("NetLocalGroupGetMembers"); m_pfnNetLocalGroupEnum = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_LOCAL_GROUP_ENUM) GetProcAddress("NetLocalGroupEnum"); m_pfnNetShareEnum = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_SHARE_ENUM) GetProcAddress("NetShareEnum"); m_pfnNetShareGetInfo = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_SHARE_GET_INFO) GetProcAddress("NetShareGetInfo"); m_pfnNetShareAdd = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_SHARE_ADD) GetProcAddress("NetShareAdd"); m_pfnNetShareEnumSticky = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_SHARE_ENUM_STICKY) GetProcAddress("NetShareEnumSticky"); m_pfnNetShareSetInfo = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_SHARE_SET_INFO) GetProcAddress("NetShareSetInfo"); m_pfnNetShareDel = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_SHARE_DEL) GetProcAddress("NetShareDel"); m_pfnNetShareDelSticky = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_SHARE_DEL_STICKY) GetProcAddress("NetShareDelSticky"); m_pfnNetShareCheck = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_SHARE_CHECK) GetProcAddress("NetShareCheck"); m_pfnNetUserEnum = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_USER_ENUM) GetProcAddress("NetUserEnum"); m_pfnNetUserGetInfo = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_USER_GET_INFO) GetProcAddress("NetUserGetInfo"); m_pfnNetUserSetInfo = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_USER_SET_INFO) GetProcAddress("NetUserSetInfo"); m_pfnNetGroupEnum = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_GROUP_ENUM) GetProcAddress("NetGroupEnum"); m_pfnNetApiBufferFree = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_API_BUFFER_FREE) GetProcAddress("NetApiBufferFree"); m_pfnNetQueryDisplayInformation = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_QUERY_DISPLAY_INFORMATION) GetProcAddress("NetQueryDisplayInformation"); m_pfnNetServerSetInfo = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_SERVER_SET_INFO) GetProcAddress("NetServerSetInfo"); m_pfnNetServerGetInfo = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_SERVER_GET_INFO) GetProcAddress("NetServerGetInfo"); m_pfnNetGetDCName = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_GET_DC_NAME) GetProcAddress("NetGetDCName"); m_pfnNetWkstaGetInfo = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_WKSTA_GET_INFO) GetProcAddress("NetWkstaGetInfo"); m_pfnNetGetAnyDCName = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_GET_ANY_DC_NAME) GetProcAddress("NetGetAnyDCName"); m_pfnNetServerEnum = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_SERVER_ENUM) GetProcAddress("NetServerEnum"); m_pfnNetUserModalsGet = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_USER_MODALS_GET) GetProcAddress("NetUserModalsGet"); m_pfnNetScheduleJobAdd = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_SCHEDULE_JOB_ADD) GetProcAddress("NetScheduleJobAdd"); m_pfnNetScheduleJobDel = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_SCHEDULE_JOB_DEL) GetProcAddress("NetScheduleJobDel"); m_pfnNetScheduleJobEnum = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_SCHEDULE_JOB_ENUM) GetProcAddress("NetScheduleJobEnum"); m_pfnNetScheduleJobGetInfo = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_SCHEDULE_JOB_GET_INFO) GetProcAddress("NetScheduleJobGetInfo"); m_pfnNetUseGetInfo = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_USE_GET_INFO) GetProcAddress("NetUseGetInfo");
// ******* BEGIN: NT 4 and over only *******
m_pfnNetEnumerateTrustedDomains = (PFN_NETAPI32_NET_ENUMERATE_TRUSTED_DOMAINS) GetProcAddress("NetEnumerateTrustedDomains"); #ifdef NTONLY
m_pfnDsGetDcNameW = (PFN_NETAPI32_DS_GET_DC_NAME) GetProcAddress("DsGetDcNameW"); #else
m_pfnDsGetDcNameA = (PFN_NETAPI32_DS_GET_DC_NAME) GetProcAddress("DsGetDcNameA"); #endif
// ******* END: NT4 and over only ***********
// ******* BEGIN: NT 5 and over only *******
m_pfnDsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation = (PFN_DS_ROLE_GET_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION) GetProcAddress("DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation"); m_pfnDsRoleFreeMemory = (PFN_DS_ROLE_FREE_MEMORY) GetProcAddress("DsRoleFreeMemory"); m_pfnNetRenameMachineInDomain = (PFN_NET_RENAME_MACHINE_IN_DOMAIN) GetProcAddress("NetRenameMachineInDomain"); m_pfnNetJoinDomain = (PFN_NET_JOIN_DOMAIN) GetProcAddress("NetJoinDomain"); m_pfnNetUnjoinDomain = (PFN_NET_UNJOIN_DOMAIN) GetProcAddress("NetUnjoinDomain"); // ******* END: NT5 and over only ***********
// Note: Returns true as long as the core functions are there. The
// nt4 and nt5 and over functions are optionally present; users should
// call the function GetDllVersion (inherrited from the base class)
// to check if the function is expected to be present based on the
// version of the dll. Or they can rely on the fact that the function
// will return false if the pointer is invalid (see function definition
// below).
if(m_pfnNetGroupEnum == NULL || m_pfnNetGroupGetInfo == NULL || m_pfnNetGroupSetInfo == NULL || m_pfnNetLocalGroupGetInfo == NULL || m_pfnNetLocalGroupSetInfo == NULL || m_pfnNetGroupGetUsers == NULL || m_pfnNetLocalGroupGetMembers == NULL || m_pfnNetLocalGroupEnum == NULL || m_pfnNetShareEnum == NULL || m_pfnNetShareGetInfo == NULL || m_pfnNetShareAdd == NULL || m_pfnNetShareEnumSticky == NULL || m_pfnNetShareSetInfo == NULL || m_pfnNetShareDel == NULL || m_pfnNetShareDelSticky == NULL || m_pfnNetShareCheck == NULL || m_pfnNetUserEnum == NULL || m_pfnNetUserGetInfo == NULL || m_pfnNetUserSetInfo == NULL || m_pfnNetApiBufferFree == NULL || m_pfnNetQueryDisplayInformation == NULL || m_pfnNetServerSetInfo == NULL || m_pfnNetServerGetInfo == NULL || m_pfnNetGetDCName == NULL || m_pfnNetWkstaGetInfo == NULL || m_pfnNetGetAnyDCName == NULL || m_pfnNetServerEnum == NULL || m_pfnNetUserModalsGet == NULL || m_pfnNetScheduleJobAdd == NULL || m_pfnNetScheduleJobDel == NULL || m_pfnNetScheduleJobEnum == NULL || m_pfnNetScheduleJobGetInfo == NULL || m_pfnNetUseGetInfo == NULL) { fRet = false; LogErrorMessage(L"Failed find entrypoint in NetApi32Api"); } } return fRet; }
* Member functions wrapping NetApi32 api functions. Add new functions here * as required. ******************************************************************************/ NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetGroupEnum ( LPCWSTR a_servername, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE *a_bufptr, DWORD a_prefmaxlen, LPDWORD a_entriesread, LPDWORD a_totalentries, PDWORD_PTR a_resume_handle ) { return m_pfnNetGroupEnum(a_servername, a_level, a_bufptr, a_prefmaxlen, a_entriesread, a_totalentries, a_resume_handle); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetGroupGetInfo ( LPCWSTR a_servername, LPCWSTR a_groupname, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE *a_bufptr ) { return m_pfnNetGroupGetInfo(a_servername, a_groupname, a_level, a_bufptr); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetGroupSetInfo ( LPCWSTR a_servername, LPCWSTR a_groupname, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE a_buf, LPDWORD parm_err ) { return m_pfnNetGroupSetInfo(a_servername, a_groupname, a_level, a_buf, parm_err ) ; }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetLocalGroupGetInfo ( LPCWSTR a_servername, LPCWSTR a_groupname, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE *a_bufptr ) { return m_pfnNetLocalGroupGetInfo(a_servername, a_groupname, a_level, a_bufptr); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetLocalGroupSetInfo ( LPCWSTR a_servername, LPCWSTR a_groupname, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE a_buf, LPDWORD a_parm_err ) { return m_pfnNetLocalGroupSetInfo( a_servername, a_groupname, a_level, a_buf, a_parm_err ) ; }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetGroupGetUsers ( LPCWSTR a_servername, LPCWSTR a_groupname, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE *a_bufptr, DWORD a_prefmaxlen, LPDWORD a_entriesread, LPDWORD a_totalentries, PDWORD_PTR a_ResumeHandle ) { return m_pfnNetGroupGetUsers(a_servername, a_groupname, a_level, a_bufptr, a_prefmaxlen, a_entriesread, a_totalentries, a_ResumeHandle); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetLocalGroupGetMembers ( LPCWSTR a_servername, LPCWSTR a_groupname, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE *a_bufptr, DWORD a_prefmaxlen, LPDWORD a_entriesread, LPDWORD a_totalentries, PDWORD_PTR a_ResumeHandle ) { return m_pfnNetLocalGroupGetMembers(a_servername, a_groupname, a_level, a_bufptr, a_prefmaxlen, a_entriesread, a_totalentries, a_ResumeHandle); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetLocalGroupEnum ( LPCWSTR a_servername, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE *a_bufptr, DWORD a_prefmaxlen, LPDWORD a_entriesread, LPDWORD a_totalentries, PDWORD_PTR a_resumehandle ) { return m_pfnNetLocalGroupEnum(a_servername, a_level, a_bufptr, a_prefmaxlen, a_entriesread, a_totalentries, a_resumehandle); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetShareEnum ( LPTSTR a_servername, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE *a_bufptr, DWORD a_prefmaxlen, LPDWORD a_entriesread, LPDWORD a_totalentries, LPDWORD a_resume_handle ) { return m_pfnNetShareEnum(a_servername, a_level, a_bufptr, a_prefmaxlen, a_entriesread, a_totalentries, a_resume_handle); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetShareGetInfo ( LPTSTR a_servername, LPTSTR a_netname, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE *a_bufptr ) { return m_pfnNetShareGetInfo(a_servername, a_netname, a_level, a_bufptr); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetShareAdd ( LPTSTR a_servername, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE a_buf, LPDWORD a_parm_err ) { return m_pfnNetShareAdd(a_servername, a_level, a_buf , a_parm_err); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetShareEnumSticky ( LPTSTR a_servername, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE *a_bufptr, DWORD a_prefmaxlen, LPDWORD a_entriesread, LPDWORD a_totalentries, LPDWORD a_resume_handle ) { return m_pfnNetShareEnumSticky(a_servername, a_level, a_bufptr, a_prefmaxlen, a_entriesread, a_totalentries, a_resume_handle); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetShareSetInfo ( LPTSTR a_servername, LPTSTR a_netname, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE a_buf, LPDWORD a_parm_err ) { return m_pfnNetShareSetInfo(a_servername, a_netname, a_level, a_buf, a_parm_err); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetShareDel ( LPTSTR a_servername, LPTSTR a_netname, DWORD a_reserved ) { return m_pfnNetShareDel(a_servername, a_netname, a_reserved); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetShareDelSticky ( LPTSTR a_servername, LPTSTR a_netname, DWORD a_reserved ) { return m_pfnNetShareDelSticky(a_servername, a_netname, a_reserved); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetShareCheck ( LPTSTR a_servername, LPTSTR a_device, LPDWORD a_type ) { return m_pfnNetShareCheck(a_servername, a_device, a_type); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetUserEnum ( LPCWSTR a_servername, DWORD a_level, DWORD a_filter, LPBYTE *a_bufptr, DWORD a_prefmaxlen, LPDWORD a_entriesread, LPDWORD a_totalentries, LPDWORD a_resume_handle ) { return m_pfnNetUserEnum(a_servername, a_level, a_filter, a_bufptr, a_prefmaxlen, a_entriesread, a_totalentries, a_resume_handle); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetUserGetInfo ( LPCWSTR a_servername, LPCWSTR a_username, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE *a_bufptr ) { return m_pfnNetUserGetInfo(a_servername, a_username, a_level, a_bufptr); }
LPCWSTR a_servername, LPCWSTR a_username, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE a_buf, LPDWORD a_parm_err ) { return m_pfnNetUserSetInfo( a_servername, a_username, a_level, a_buf, a_parm_err) ; }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetApiBufferFree ( void *a_bufptr ) { return m_pfnNetApiBufferFree(a_bufptr); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetQueryDisplayInformation ( LPWSTR a_ServerName, DWORD a_Level, DWORD a_Index, DWORD a_EntriesRequested, DWORD a_PreferredMaximumLength, LPDWORD a_ReturnedEntryCount, PVOID *a_SortedBuffer ) { return m_pfnNetQueryDisplayInformation(a_ServerName, a_Level, a_Index, a_EntriesRequested, a_PreferredMaximumLength, a_ReturnedEntryCount, a_SortedBuffer); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetServerSetInfo ( LPTSTR a_servername, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE a_buf, LPDWORD a_ParmError ) { return m_pfnNetServerSetInfo(a_servername, a_level, a_buf, a_ParmError); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetServerGetInfo ( LPTSTR a_servername, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE *a_bufptr ) { return m_pfnNetServerGetInfo(a_servername, a_level, a_bufptr); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetGetDCName ( LPCWSTR a_servername, LPCWSTR a_domainname, LPBYTE *a_bufptr ) { return m_pfnNetGetDCName(a_servername, a_domainname, a_bufptr); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetWkstaGetInfo ( LPWSTR a_servername, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE *a_bufptr ) { return m_pfnNetWkstaGetInfo(a_servername, a_level, a_bufptr); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetGetAnyDCName ( LPWSTR a_servername, LPWSTR a_domainname, LPBYTE *a_bufptr ) { return m_pfnNetGetAnyDCName(a_servername, a_domainname, a_bufptr); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetServerEnum ( LPTSTR a_servername, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE *a_bufptr, DWORD a_prefmaxlen, LPDWORD a_entriesread, LPDWORD a_totalentries, DWORD a_servertype, LPTSTR a_domain, LPDWORD a_resume_handle ) { return m_pfnNetServerEnum(a_servername, a_level, a_bufptr, a_prefmaxlen, a_entriesread, a_totalentries, a_servertype, a_domain, a_resume_handle); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetUserModalsGet ( LPWSTR a_servername, DWORD a_level, LPBYTE *a_bufptr ) { return m_pfnNetUserModalsGet(a_servername, a_level, a_bufptr); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetScheduleJobAdd ( LPCWSTR a_Servername, LPBYTE a_Buffer, LPDWORD a_JobId ) { return m_pfnNetScheduleJobAdd(a_Servername, a_Buffer, a_JobId); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetScheduleJobDel ( LPCWSTR a_Servername, DWORD a_MinJobId, DWORD a_MaxJobId ) { return m_pfnNetScheduleJobDel(a_Servername, a_MinJobId , a_MaxJobId); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetScheduleJobEnum ( LPCWSTR a_Servername, LPBYTE *a_PointerToBuffer, DWORD a_PrefferedMaximumLength, LPDWORD a_EntriesRead, LPDWORD a_TotalEntries, LPDWORD a_ResumeHandle ) { return m_pfnNetScheduleJobEnum(a_Servername, a_PointerToBuffer, a_PrefferedMaximumLength, a_EntriesRead, a_TotalEntries, a_ResumeHandle); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetScheduleJobGetInfo ( LPCWSTR a_Servername, DWORD a_JobId, LPBYTE *a_PointerToBuffer ) { return m_pfnNetScheduleJobGetInfo(a_Servername, a_JobId , a_PointerToBuffer); }
NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetUseGetInfo ( LPCWSTR a_UncServerName, LPCWSTR a_UseName, DWORD a_Level, LPBYTE *a_BufPtr ) { return m_pfnNetUseGetInfo(a_UncServerName, a_UseName, a_Level, a_BufPtr); }
// ******* BEGIN: NT 4 and over only *******
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetEnumerateTrustedDomains ( LPCWSTR a_servername, LPWSTR *a_domainNames, NET_API_STATUS *a_pnasRetval ) { bool t_fExists = false; if(m_pfnNetEnumerateTrustedDomains != NULL) { NET_API_STATUS t_nasTemp = m_pfnNetEnumerateTrustedDomains(a_servername, a_domainNames); t_fExists = true;
if(a_pnasRetval != NULL) { *a_pnasRetval = t_nasTemp; } } return t_fExists; }
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::DsGetDCName ( LPCTSTR a_ComputerName, LPCTSTR a_DomainName, GUID *a_DomainGuid, LPCTSTR a_SiteName, ULONG a_Flags, PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO *a_DomainControllerInfo, NET_API_STATUS *a_pnasRetval ) { bool t_fExists = false; PVOID pfn = NULL ;
#ifdef NTONLY
pfn = m_pfnDsGetDcNameW ; #else
pfn = m_pfnDsGetDcNameA ; #endif
if( pfn != NULL ) { #ifdef NTONLY
NET_API_STATUS t_nasTemp = m_pfnDsGetDcNameW(a_ComputerName, a_DomainName, a_DomainGuid, a_SiteName, a_Flags, a_DomainControllerInfo); #else
NET_API_STATUS t_nasTemp = m_pfnDsGetDcNameA(a_ComputerName, a_DomainName, a_DomainGuid, a_SiteName, a_Flags, a_DomainControllerInfo); #endif
t_fExists = true;
if(a_pnasRetval != NULL) { *a_pnasRetval = t_nasTemp; } } return t_fExists; } // ******* END: NT4 and over only ***********
// ******* BEGIN: NT 5 and over only *******
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::DSRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation ( LPCWSTR a_servername, DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_LEVEL a_level, LPBYTE *a_bufptr, NET_API_STATUS *a_pnasRetval ) { bool t_fExists = false; if(m_pfnDsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation != NULL) { NET_API_STATUS t_nasTemp = m_pfnDsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation( a_servername, a_level, a_bufptr); t_fExists = true;
if(a_pnasRetval != NULL) { *a_pnasRetval = t_nasTemp; } } return t_fExists; }
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::DSRoleFreeMemory ( LPBYTE a_bufptr, NET_API_STATUS *a_pnasRetval ) { bool t_fExists = false; if(m_pfnDsRoleFreeMemory != NULL) { NET_API_STATUS t_nasTemp = m_pfnDsRoleFreeMemory(a_bufptr); t_fExists = true;
if(a_pnasRetval != NULL) { *a_pnasRetval = t_nasTemp; } } return t_fExists; }
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetRenameMachineInDomain ( LPCWSTR a_lpServer, LPCWSTR a_lpNewMachineName, LPCWSTR a_lpAccount, LPCWSTR a_lpPassword, DWORD a_fRenameOptions, NET_API_STATUS *a_pnasRetval ) { bool t_fExists = false; if(m_pfnNetRenameMachineInDomain != NULL) { NET_API_STATUS t_nasTemp = m_pfnNetRenameMachineInDomain(a_lpServer, a_lpNewMachineName, a_lpAccount, a_lpPassword, a_fRenameOptions ); t_fExists = true;
if(a_pnasRetval != NULL) { *a_pnasRetval = t_nasTemp; } } return t_fExists;
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetJoinDomain ( LPCWSTR lpServer, LPCWSTR lpDomain, LPCWSTR lpAccountOU, LPCWSTR lpAccount, LPCWSTR lpPassword, DWORD fJoinOptions, NET_API_STATUS *a_pnasRetval ) { bool t_fExists = false; if(m_pfnNetJoinDomain != NULL) { NET_API_STATUS t_nasTemp = m_pfnNetJoinDomain(lpServer, lpDomain, lpAccountOU, lpAccount, lpPassword, fJoinOptions); t_fExists = true;
if(a_pnasRetval != NULL) { *a_pnasRetval = t_nasTemp; } }
return t_fExists; }
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool NET_API_FUNCTION CNetApi32Api::NetUnjoinDomain ( LPCWSTR lpServer, LPCWSTR lpAccount, LPCWSTR lpPassword, DWORD fUnjoinOptions, NET_API_STATUS *a_pnasRetval ) { bool t_fExists = false; if(m_pfnNetUnjoinDomain != NULL) { NET_API_STATUS t_nasTemp = m_pfnNetUnjoinDomain(lpServer, lpAccount, lpPassword, fUnjoinOptions); t_fExists = true;
if(a_pnasRetval != NULL) { *a_pnasRetval = t_nasTemp; } }
return t_fExists; } // ******* END: NT5 and over only ***********