// Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// File: parsedn.cxx
// Description :
// Parses CIM paths to objects and returns the requested object
#include "precomp.h"
#define CURRENTSTR (lpszInputString + *pchEaten)
while (*CURRENTSTR && _istspace( *CURRENTSTR ) ) \ (*pchEaten)++;
static void SecureProxy (bool authnSpecified, enum WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum eAuthLevel, bool impSpecified, enum WbemImpersonationLevelEnum eImpersonLevel, ISWbemServices *pService) { // Secure the proxy using the specified security settings (if any)
CComPtr<ISWbemSecurity> pSecurity; if (authnSpecified || impSpecified) { if (SUCCEEDED(pService->get_Security_(&pSecurity))) { if (authnSpecified) pSecurity->put_AuthenticationLevel (eAuthLevel);
if (impSpecified) pSecurity->put_ImpersonationLevel (eImpersonLevel); } } }
static void SecureProxy (bool authnSpecified, enum WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum eAuthLevel, bool impSpecified, enum WbemImpersonationLevelEnum eImpersonLevel, ISWbemObject *pObject) { // Secure the proxy using the specified security settings (if any)
CComPtr<ISWbemSecurity> pSecurity; if (authnSpecified || impSpecified) { if (SUCCEEDED(pObject->get_Security_(&pSecurity))) { if (authnSpecified) pSecurity->put_AuthenticationLevel (eAuthLevel);
if (impSpecified) pSecurity->put_ImpersonationLevel (eImpersonLevel); } } }
// CWbemParseDN::CWbemParseDN
// Constructor.
CWbemParseDN::CWbemParseDN(): m_cRef(0) { InterlockedIncrement(&g_cObj); }
// CWbemParseDN::~CWbemParseDN
// Destructor.
CWbemParseDN::~CWbemParseDN(void) { InterlockedDecrement(&g_cObj); }
// HRESULT CWbemParseDN::QueryInterface
// long CWbemParseDN::AddRef
// long CWbemParseDN::Release
// Standard Com IUNKNOWN functions.
STDMETHODIMP CWbemParseDN::QueryInterface (
IN REFIID riid, OUT LPVOID *ppv ) { *ppv=NULL;
if (IID_IUnknown==riid) *ppv = (IUnknown *)this; else if (IID_IParseDisplayName==riid) *ppv = (IParseDisplayName *)this;
if (NULL!=*ppv) { ((LPUNKNOWN)*ppv)->AddRef(); return NOERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CWbemParseDN::AddRef(void) { InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); return m_cRef; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CWbemParseDN::Release(void) { LONG cRef = InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef); if (0 != cRef) { _ASSERT(cRef > 0); return cRef; }
delete this; return 0; }
// SCODE CWbemParseDN::ParseDisplayName
// Take a CIM object path and return a suitable ISWbem... object
// pCtx The binding context (not used)
// szDisplayName The display name to be parsed
// pchEaten On return identifies how much of the DN has been
// consumed
// ppmk On return will address the moniker pointer
// E_FAIL misery
// Other CreateMoniker codes are returned.
STDMETHODIMP CWbemParseDN::ParseDisplayName( IBindCtx* pCtx, LPOLESTR szDisplayName, ULONG* pchEaten, IMoniker** ppmk) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; LPUNKNOWN pUnknown = NULL; ULONG lTemp = 0; enum WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum eAuthLevel; enum WbemImpersonationLevelEnum eImpersonLevel; bool authnSpecified = false; bool impSpecified = false; BSTR bsAuthority = NULL; //Check input parameters
*ppmk = NULL; if (NULL != pchEaten) *pchEaten = 0;
if (NULL == szDisplayName) return E_FAIL;
* moniker : wmiMoniker * * wmiMoniker : ["winmgmts:" | "wmi:"] securitySetting ["[" localeSetting "]"] ["!" objectPath] * | ["winmgmts:" | "wmi:"] "[" localeSetting "]" ["!" objectPath] * | ["winmgmts:" | "wmi:"] [objectPath] * | [nativePath] * * localeSetting : "locale" <ows> "=" <ows> localeID * * localeID : a value of the form "ms_xxxx" where xxxx is a hex LCID value e.g. "ms_0x409". * * objectPath : a valid WMI Object Path * * securitySetting : "{" <ows> authAndImpersonSettings [<ows> "," <ows> privilegeOverrides] * | "{" <ows> authAndImpersonSettings [<ows> "," <ows> privilegeOverrides] <ows> "}" <ows> * | "{" <ows> privilegeOverrides <ows> "}" <ows> * * * authAndImpersonSettings : * authenticationLevel * | impersonationLevel * | authority * | authenticationLevel <ows> "," <ows> impersonationLevel [<ows> "," <ows> authority] * | authenticationLevel <ows> "," <ows> authority [<ows> "," <ows> impersonationLevel] * | impersonationLevel <ows> "," <ows> authenticationLevel [<ows> "," <ows> authority] * | impersonationLevel <ows> "," <ows> authority [<ows> "," <ows> authenticationLevel] * | authority <ows> "," <ows> impersonationLevel [<ows> "," <ows> authenticationLevel] * | authority <ows> "," <ows> authenticationLevel [<ows> "," <ows> impersonationLevel] * * * authority : "authority" <ows> "=" <ows> authorityValue * * authorityValue : Any valid WMI authority string e.g. "kerberos:mydomain\server" or "ntlmdomain:mydomain". Note that backslashes need to be escaped in JScript. * * authenticationLevel : "authenticationLevel" <ows> "=" <ows> authenticationValue * * authenticationValue : "default" | "none" | "connect" | "call" | "pkt" | "pktIntegrity" | "pktPrivacy" * * impersonationLevel : "impersonationLevel" <ows> "=" <ows> impersonationValue * * impersonationValue : "anonymous" | "identify" | "impersonate" | "delegate" * * privilegeOverrides : "(" <ows> privileges <ows> ")" * * privileges : privilege [<ows> "," <ows> privileges <ows>]* * * privilege : ["!"] privilegeName * * privilegeName : "CreateToken" | "PrimaryToken" | "LockMemory" | "IncreaseQuota" * | "MachineAccount" | "Tcb" | "Security" | "TakeOwnership" * | "LoadDriver" | "SystemProfile" | "SystemTime" * | "ProfileSingleProcess" | "IncreaseBasePriority" * | "CreatePagefile" | "CreatePermanent" | "Backup" | "Restore" * | "Shutdown" | "Debug" | "Audit" | "SystemEnvironment" | "ChangeNotify" * | "RemoteShutdown" * */
// It had better start with our scheme name
bool bCheckContext = false;
if (0 == _wcsnicmp (szDisplayName, WBEMS_PDN_SCHEME, wcslen (WBEMS_PDN_SCHEME))) { *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_PDN_SCHEME); bCheckContext = (pCtx && (wcslen (szDisplayName) == wcslen (WBEMS_PDN_SCHEME))); } else return E_FAIL;
// One more check - if it was just the scheme and no more check for extra info in the context
if (bCheckContext) { IUnknown *pUnk = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED (pCtx->GetObjectParam (L"WmiObject", &pUnk)) && pUnk) { // Is it an IWbemClassObject?
IWbemClassObject *pIWbemClassObject = NULL; // Or is it an IWbemContext?
IWbemContext *pIWbemContext = NULL; // Or is it an IWbemServices?
IWbemServices *pIWbemServices = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED (pUnk->QueryInterface (IID_IWbemClassObject, (void **) &pIWbemClassObject))) { CSWbemObject *pSWbemObject = new CSWbemObject (NULL, pIWbemClassObject);
if (!pSWbemObject) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; else { CComPtr<ISWbemObjectEx> pISWbemObjectEx; if (SUCCEEDED (pSWbemObject->QueryInterface (IID_ISWbemObjectEx, (void **) &pISWbemObjectEx))) hr = CreatePointerMoniker (pISWbemObjectEx, ppmk); }
pIWbemClassObject->Release (); } else if (SUCCEEDED (pUnk->QueryInterface (IID_IWbemContext, (void **) &pIWbemContext))) { CSWbemNamedValueSet *pSWbemNamedValueSet = new CSWbemNamedValueSet (NULL, pIWbemContext);
if (!pSWbemNamedValueSet) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; else { CComPtr<ISWbemNamedValueSet> pISWbemNamedValueSet; if (SUCCEEDED (pSWbemNamedValueSet->QueryInterface (IID_ISWbemNamedValueSet, (PPVOID)&pISWbemNamedValueSet))) hr = CreatePointerMoniker (pISWbemNamedValueSet, ppmk); } pIWbemContext->Release (); } else if (SUCCEEDED (pUnk->QueryInterface (IID_IWbemServices, (void **) &pIWbemServices))) { // In this case we must get passed the object path as well
CComPtr<IUnknown> pUnkPath;
if (SUCCEEDED (pCtx->GetObjectParam (L"WmiObjectPath", &pUnkPath)) && pUnkPath) { CComPtr<ISWbemObjectPath> pISWbemObjectPath; if (SUCCEEDED (pUnkPath->QueryInterface (IID_ISWbemObjectPath, (void **) &pISWbemObjectPath))) { // Dig the path out to initialize
CComBSTR bsNamespace = NULL;
pISWbemObjectPath->get_Path (&bsNamespace);
CSWbemServices *pSWbemServices = new CSWbemServices (pIWbemServices, bsNamespace, (BSTR) NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (!pSWbemServices) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; else { CComQIPtr<ISWbemServicesEx> pISWbemServicesEx (pSWbemServices); if (pISWbemServicesEx) hr = CreatePointerMoniker (pISWbemServicesEx, ppmk); } } } pIWbemServices->Release (); }
pUnk->Release (); }
// If this worked return now - o/w revert to regular parsing
if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) return hr; } // Check for the optional security info
CSWbemPrivilegeSet privilegeSet;
if (ParseSecurity(szDisplayName + *pchEaten, &lTemp, authnSpecified, &eAuthLevel, impSpecified, &eImpersonLevel, privilegeSet, bsAuthority)) *pchEaten += lTemp;
// If no impersonation level was specified, get the default from the registry
if (!impSpecified) { eImpersonLevel = CSWbemSecurity::GetDefaultImpersonationLevel (); impSpecified = true; }
// Create a locator
CSWbemLocator *pCSWbemLocator = new CSWbemLocator(&privilegeSet);
if (!pCSWbemLocator) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; else { CComQIPtr<ISWbemLocator> pISWbemLocator (pCSWbemLocator);
if (pISWbemLocator) { // Parse the locale information (if present)
lTemp = 0; BSTR bsLocale = NULL;
if (ParseLocale (szDisplayName + *pchEaten, &lTemp, bsLocale)) { *pchEaten += lTemp;
// Skip over the "!" separator if there is one
if(*(szDisplayName + *pchEaten) != NULL) if (0 == _wcsnicmp (szDisplayName + *pchEaten, WBEMS_EXCLAMATION, wcslen (WBEMS_EXCLAMATION))) *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_EXCLAMATION);
// Now ready to parse the path - check if we have the degenerate cases
if (0 == wcslen (szDisplayName + *pchEaten)) { // Need to return connection to default namespace on local machine
CComPtr<ISWbemServices> pISWbemServices; if (SUCCEEDED( hr = pISWbemLocator->ConnectServer (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, bsLocale, bsAuthority, 0, NULL, &pISWbemServices)) ) { SecureProxy (authnSpecified, eAuthLevel, impSpecified, eImpersonLevel, pISWbemServices); hr = CreatePointerMoniker(pISWbemServices, ppmk); } } else { /*
* Check the path to see if we are dealing with a class or an instance. * Note that we construct the parser with a flag indicating that relative * namespace paths are OK (not the default behavior). */ CWbemPathCracker pathCracker (szDisplayName + *pchEaten);
if (CWbemPathCracker::WbemPathType::wbemPathTypeError != pathCracker.GetType ()) { CComBSTR bsNamespacePath, bsServerPath;
if (pathCracker.GetNamespacePath (bsNamespacePath) && pathCracker.GetServer (bsServerPath)) { // Success - begin by connecting to the namespace.
CComPtr<ISWbemServices> pISWbemServices; if (SUCCEEDED( hr = pISWbemLocator->ConnectServer (bsServerPath, bsNamespacePath, NULL, NULL, bsLocale, bsAuthority, 0, NULL, &pISWbemServices)) ) { // Secure the proxy using the specified security settings (if any)
SecureProxy (authnSpecified, eAuthLevel, impSpecified, eImpersonLevel, pISWbemServices); // Successful connection - now work out if we have a class or instance
// component.
if (pathCracker.IsClassOrInstance()) { CComPtr<ISWbemObject> pISWbemObject;
// Now get it
CComBSTR bsRelPath; if (pathCracker.GetPathText (bsRelPath, true)) { long lFlags = 0;
// Note that when we retrieve the object we will retrieve
// the localized version if a locale was specified in the moniker
if ((NULL != bsLocale) && (0 < wcslen (bsLocale))) lFlags |= wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers;
if (SUCCEEDED( hr = pISWbemServices->Get (bsRelPath, lFlags, NULL, &pISWbemObject)) ) hr = CreatePointerMoniker (pISWbemObject, ppmk); } } else { // Just a namespace
hr = CreatePointerMoniker(pISWbemServices, ppmk); } } } else hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_SYNTAX; // Parse failure - abandon ship
} else hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_SYNTAX; // Parse failure - abandon ship
} } else { // Parse failure
SysFreeString (bsLocale); } }
SysFreeString (bsAuthority);
if (FAILED (hr)) *pchEaten = 0; else *pchEaten = wcslen(szDisplayName);
return hr; }
// BOOLEAN CWbemParseDN::ParseSecurity
// Take an authentication and impersonlation level string as described by the
// non-terminal authAndImpersonLevel and parse it into the authentication
// and impersonation levels
// lpszInputString The string to be parsed
// pchEaten On return identifies how much of the DN has been
// consumed
// authnSpecified Whether the Moniker specifies a non-default
// authn levl
// lpeAuthLevel The authentication level parsed. This is one of
// enum WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum.
// impSpecified Whether the Moniker specifies a non-default imp
// level
// lpeImpersonLevel The impersonation level parsed. This is one of
// enum WbemImpersonationLevelEnum.
// privilegeSet On return contains the specified privileges
// bsAuthority On return contains the specified authority
// TRUE Parsing was successful. The lpeAuthLevel and
// lpeImpersonLevel arguments have valid data.
// FALSE Parsing failed.
bool CWbemParseDN::ParseSecurity ( LPWSTR lpszInputString, ULONG* pchEaten, bool &authnSpecified, enum WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum *lpeAuthLevel, bool &impSpecified, enum WbemImpersonationLevelEnum *lpeImpersonLevel, CSWbemPrivilegeSet &privilegeSet, BSTR &bsAuthority) { bool status = false;
// Set the default authentication and impersonation levels.
*lpeAuthLevel = wbemAuthenticationLevelNone; *lpeImpersonLevel = wbemImpersonationLevelImpersonate;
// Initialize the number of consumed characters
*pchEaten = 0;
// Parse the contents
if (ParseAuthAndImpersonLevel (lpszInputString, pchEaten, authnSpecified, lpeAuthLevel, impSpecified, lpeImpersonLevel, privilegeSet, bsAuthority)) status = true; else *pchEaten = 0;
return status; }
// BOOLEAN CWbemParseDN::ParseLocale
// Take locale setting string as described by the non-terminal localeSetting
// and parse it.
// lpszInputString The string to be parsed
// pchEaten On return identifies how much of the DN has been
// consumed
// bsLocale Reference to BSTR to hold parsed locale setting
// TRUE Parsing was successful.
// FALSE Parsing failed.
bool CWbemParseDN::ParseLocale ( LPWSTR lpszInputString, ULONG* pchEaten, BSTR &bsLocale) { bool status = true;
// Initialize the number of consumed characters
*pchEaten = 0;
// The first character should be '[' - if not we are done
if (0 == _wcsnicmp (lpszInputString, WBEMS_LEFT_SQBRK, wcslen (WBEMS_LEFT_SQBRK))) { status = false;
*pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_LEFT_SQBRK);
// Parse the locale setting
// The next string should be "locale"
if(0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_LOCALE, wcslen(WBEMS_LOCALE))) { *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_LOCALE);
// Next should be "="
if(0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_EQUALS, wcslen(WBEMS_EQUALS))) { *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_EQUALS);
// Now we should have a character not equal to "]" (i.e. must specify locale ID string)
if (0 != _wcsnicmp (lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_RIGHT_SQBRK, wcslen (WBEMS_RIGHT_SQBRK))) { // Consume everything up to the next space or "]"
LPWSTR cStr = CURRENTSTR; ULONG lEaten = 0; // How many characters we consume
ULONG lLocale = 0; // The actual length of the locale ID
while (*(cStr + lEaten)) { if (_istspace(*(cStr + lEaten))) { lEaten++;
// Hit white space - now skip until we find the "]"
// Now we must have a "]"
if (0 == _wcsnicmp (cStr + lEaten, WBEMS_RIGHT_SQBRK, wcslen (WBEMS_RIGHT_SQBRK))) { // Success - we are done
lEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_RIGHT_SQBRK); }
break; } else if (0 == _wcsnicmp (cStr + lEaten, WBEMS_RIGHT_SQBRK, wcslen (WBEMS_RIGHT_SQBRK))) { // Hit closing "]" - we are done
lEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_RIGHT_SQBRK); break; } else // Consumed a locale character - keep on truckin'
{ lLocale++; lEaten++; } }
// If we terminated correctly, save the locale setting
if ((lEaten > 1) && (lLocale > 0)) { status = true;
LPWSTR pLocaleStr = new WCHAR [lLocale + 1];
if (pLocaleStr) { wcsncpy (pLocaleStr, lpszInputString + *pchEaten, lLocale); pLocaleStr [lLocale] = NULL; bsLocale = SysAllocString (pLocaleStr);
delete [] pLocaleStr; *pchEaten += lEaten; } else status = false; } } } } }
if (!status) *pchEaten = 0;
return status; }
// BOOLEAN CWbemParseDN::ParseAuthAndImpersonLevel
// Take an authentication/impersonlation/authority level string as described by the
// non-terminal authAndImpersonLevel and parse it into the authentication
// and impersonation levels and the authority string
// lpszInputString The string to be parsed
// pchEaten On return identifies how much of the DN has been
// consumed
// authnSpecified Whether the Moniker specifies a non-default
// authn levl
// lpeAuthLevel The authentication level parsed. This is one of
// enum WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum.
// impSpecified Whether the Moniker specifies a non-default imp
// level
// lpeImpersonLevel The impersonation level parsed. This is one of
// enum WbemImpersonationLevelEnum.
// privilegeSet On return holds the privileges
// bsAuthority On retunr holds the authority string (if any)
// TRUE Parsing was successful. The lpeAuthLevel and
// lpeImpersonLevel arguments have valid data.
// FALSE Parsing failed.
bool CWbemParseDN::ParseAuthAndImpersonLevel ( LPWSTR lpszInputString, ULONG* pchEaten, bool &authnSpecified, enum WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum *lpeAuthLevel, bool &impSpecified, enum WbemImpersonationLevelEnum *lpeImpersonLevel, CSWbemPrivilegeSet &privilegeSet, BSTR &bsAuthority) { // The first character should be '{'
if (0 != _wcsnicmp (lpszInputString, WBEMS_LEFT_CURLY, wcslen (WBEMS_LEFT_CURLY))) return FALSE; else *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_LEFT_CURLY);
bool authoritySpecified = false; bool privilegeSpecified = false; bool done = false; bool error = false;
while (!done) { bool parsingAuthenticationLevel = false; // Which token are we parsing?
bool parsingPrivilegeSet = false; bool parsingAuthority = false;
SKIPWHITESPACE // The next string should be one of "authenticationLevel", "impersonationLevel",
// "authority", the privilege collection start marker "(", or the security
// descriptor start marker "<"
if(0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_AUTH_LEVEL, wcslen(WBEMS_AUTH_LEVEL))) { // Error if we have already parsed this or have parsed privilege set
if (authnSpecified || privilegeSpecified) { error = true; break; } else { parsingAuthenticationLevel = true; *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_AUTH_LEVEL); } } else if (0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_IMPERSON_LEVEL, wcslen(WBEMS_IMPERSON_LEVEL))) { // Error if we have already parsed this or have parsed privilege set
if (impSpecified || privilegeSpecified) { error = true; break; } else *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_IMPERSON_LEVEL) ; } else if (0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_AUTHORITY, wcslen(WBEMS_AUTHORITY))) { // Error if we have already parsed this or have parsed privilege set
if (authoritySpecified || privilegeSpecified) { error = true; break; } else { parsingAuthority = true; *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_AUTHORITY) ; } } else if (0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_LEFT_PAREN, wcslen(WBEMS_LEFT_PAREN))) { // Error if we have already done this
if (privilegeSpecified) { error = true; break; } else { parsingPrivilegeSet = true; *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_LEFT_PAREN); } } else { // Unrecognized token or NULL
error = true; break; }
// Getting here means we have something to parse
if (parsingPrivilegeSet) { ULONG chEaten = 0;
if (ParsePrivilegeSet (lpszInputString + *pchEaten, &chEaten, privilegeSet)) { privilegeSpecified = true; *pchEaten += chEaten;
// If the next token is "}" we are done
if(0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_RIGHT_CURLY, wcslen(WBEMS_RIGHT_CURLY))) { *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_RIGHT_CURLY); done = true; } } else { error = true; break; } } else { // Parsing authentication, impersonation or authority. The next character should be '='
if(0 != _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_EQUALS, wcslen(WBEMS_EQUALS))) { error = true; break; } else { *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_EQUALS); SKIPWHITESPACE
if (parsingAuthenticationLevel) { if (!ParseAuthenticationLevel (lpszInputString, pchEaten, lpeAuthLevel)) { error = true; break; } else authnSpecified = true; } else if (parsingAuthority) { // Get the authority string
if (!ParseAuthority (lpszInputString, pchEaten, bsAuthority)) { error = true; break; } else authoritySpecified = true; } else { // Must be parsing impersonation level
if (!ParseImpersonationLevel (lpszInputString, pchEaten, lpeImpersonLevel)) { error = true; break; } else impSpecified = true; }
SKIPWHITESPACE // The next token should be "}" or ","
if(0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_RIGHT_CURLY, wcslen(WBEMS_RIGHT_CURLY))) { *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_RIGHT_CURLY); done = true; } else if(0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_COMMA, wcslen(WBEMS_COMMA))) { // If we have parsed all expected tokens this is an error
if (authnSpecified && impSpecified && authoritySpecified && privilegeSpecified) { error = true; break; } else { *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_COMMA); // Loop round again for the next token
} } else { // Unrecognized token
error = true; break; } } } }
if (error) { impSpecified = authnSpecified = false; *pchEaten = 0; return false; }
return true; // success
// BOOLEAN CWbemParseDN::ParseImpersonationLevel
// Parse the string specification of an impersonation level into a
// symbolic constant value.
// lpszInputString The string to be parsed
// pchEaten On return identifies how much of the DN has been
// consumed
// lpeImpersonLevel The impersonation level parsed. This is one of
// enum WbemImpersonationLevelEnum.
// TRUE Parsing was successful. The lpeImpersonLevel
// argument has valid data.
// FALSE Parsing failed.
bool CWbemParseDN::ParseImpersonationLevel ( LPWSTR lpszInputString, ULONG* pchEaten, enum WbemImpersonationLevelEnum *lpeImpersonLevel ) { bool status = true; if(0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_IMPERSON_ANON, wcslen(WBEMS_IMPERSON_ANON))) { *lpeImpersonLevel = wbemImpersonationLevelAnonymous; *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_IMPERSON_ANON); } else if(0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_IMPERSON_IDENTIFY, wcslen(WBEMS_IMPERSON_IDENTIFY))) { *lpeImpersonLevel = wbemImpersonationLevelIdentify; *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_IMPERSON_IDENTIFY); } else if(0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_IMPERSON_IMPERSON, wcslen(WBEMS_IMPERSON_IMPERSON))) { *lpeImpersonLevel = wbemImpersonationLevelImpersonate; *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_IMPERSON_IMPERSON); } else if(0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_IMPERSON_DELEGATE, wcslen(WBEMS_IMPERSON_DELEGATE))) { *lpeImpersonLevel = wbemImpersonationLevelDelegate; *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_IMPERSON_DELEGATE); } else status = false;
return status; }
// BOOLEAN CWbemParseDN::ParseAuthenticationLevel
// Parse the string specification of an authentication level into a
// symbolic constant value.
// lpszInputString The string to be parsed
// pchEaten On return identifies how much of the DN has been
// consumed
// lpeAuthLevel The authentication level parsed. This is one of
// enum WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum.
// TRUE Parsing was successful. The lpeAuthLevel
// argument has valid data.
// FALSE Parsing failed.
bool CWbemParseDN::ParseAuthenticationLevel ( LPWSTR lpszInputString, ULONG* pchEaten, enum WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum *lpeAuthLevel ) { bool status = true; if(0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_AUTH_DEFAULT, wcslen(WBEMS_AUTH_DEFAULT))) { *lpeAuthLevel = wbemAuthenticationLevelDefault; *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_AUTH_DEFAULT); } else if(0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_AUTH_NONE, wcslen(WBEMS_AUTH_NONE))) { *lpeAuthLevel = wbemAuthenticationLevelNone; *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_AUTH_NONE); } else if(0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_AUTH_CONNECT, wcslen(WBEMS_AUTH_CONNECT))) { *lpeAuthLevel = wbemAuthenticationLevelConnect; *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_AUTH_CONNECT); } else if(0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_AUTH_CALL, wcslen(WBEMS_AUTH_CALL))) { *lpeAuthLevel = wbemAuthenticationLevelCall; *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_AUTH_CALL); } else if(0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_AUTH_PKT_INT, wcslen(WBEMS_AUTH_PKT_INT))) { *lpeAuthLevel = wbemAuthenticationLevelPktIntegrity; *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_AUTH_PKT_INT); } else if(0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_AUTH_PKT_PRIV, wcslen(WBEMS_AUTH_PKT_PRIV))) { *lpeAuthLevel = wbemAuthenticationLevelPktPrivacy; *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_AUTH_PKT_PRIV); } else if(0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_AUTH_PKT, wcslen(WBEMS_AUTH_PKT))) { *lpeAuthLevel = wbemAuthenticationLevelPkt; *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_AUTH_PKT); } else status = false; return status; }
// BOOLEAN CWbemParseDN::ParseAuthority
// Take authority setting string as described by the non-terminal localeSetting
// and parse it.
// lpszInputString The string to be parsed
// pchEaten On return identifies how much of the DN has been
// consumed
// bsAuthority Reference to BSTR to hold parsed authority string
// TRUE Parsing was successful.
// FALSE Parsing failed.
bool CWbemParseDN::ParseAuthority ( LPWSTR lpszInputString, ULONG* pchEaten, BSTR &bsAuthority) { bool status = false;
// Now we should have a character not equal to "," or "}" (i.e. must specify authority string)
if ((0 != _wcsnicmp (lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_COMMA, wcslen (WBEMS_COMMA))) && (0 != _wcsnicmp (lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_RIGHT_CURLY, wcslen (WBEMS_RIGHT_CURLY)))) { // Consume everything up to the next space, "," or "]"
LPWSTR cStr = CURRENTSTR; ULONG lEaten = 0; // Number of characters consumed
ULONG lAuthority = 0; // Actual length of the authority string
while (*(cStr + lEaten)) { if (_istspace(*(cStr + lEaten))) { // Hit white space - stop now
break; } else if ((0 == _wcsnicmp (cStr + lEaten, WBEMS_RIGHT_CURLY, wcslen (WBEMS_RIGHT_CURLY))) || (0 == _wcsnicmp (cStr + lEaten, WBEMS_COMMA, wcslen (WBEMS_COMMA)))) { // Hit closing "}" or "," - we are done; unpop the "}" or "," as that will be handled
// in the calling function
break; } else // Keep on truckin'
{ lAuthority++; lEaten++; } }
// If we terminated correctly, save the locale setting
if ((lEaten > 1) && (lAuthority > 0)) { status = true;
LPWSTR pAuthorityStr = new WCHAR [lAuthority + 1];
if (pAuthorityStr) { wcsncpy (pAuthorityStr, lpszInputString + *pchEaten, lAuthority); pAuthorityStr [lAuthority] = NULL; bsAuthority = SysAllocString (pAuthorityStr);
delete [] pAuthorityStr; *pchEaten += lEaten; } else status = false; } } if (!status) *pchEaten = 0;
return status; }
// BOOLEAN CWbemParseDN::ParsePrivilegeSet
// Parse the string specification of privilege settings.
// lpszInputString The string to be parsed
// pchEaten On return identifies how much of the DN has been
// consumed
// privilegeSet The container into which the parsed privileges
// are stored.
// TRUE Parsing was successful.
// FALSE Parsing failed.
bool CWbemParseDN::ParsePrivilegeSet ( LPWSTR lpszInputString, ULONG *pchEaten, CSWbemPrivilegeSet &privilegeSet ) { // We have consumed the initial "(". Now we are looking for
// a list of privileges, followed by a final ")"
bool status = true; ULONG chEaten = *pchEaten; // In case we need to roll back
bool done = false; bool firstPrivilege = true;
while (!done) { VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled = VARIANT_TRUE;
// If not the first privilege we are expecting a ","
if (!firstPrivilege) { if (0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_COMMA, wcslen(WBEMS_COMMA))) { *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_COMMA); SKIPWHITESPACE } else { status = false; break; } }
// Next token may be a "!" to indicate a disabled privilege
if (0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_EXCLAMATION, wcslen(WBEMS_EXCLAMATION))) { *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_EXCLAMATION); bEnabled = VARIANT_FALSE; SKIPWHITESPACE }
// Next token must be a valid privilege moniker name
WbemPrivilegeEnum iPrivilege;
if (CSWbemPrivilege::GetIdFromMonikerName (lpszInputString + *pchEaten, iPrivilege)) { ISWbemPrivilege *pDummy = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED (privilegeSet.Add (iPrivilege, bEnabled, &pDummy))) { *pchEaten += wcslen (CSWbemPrivilege::GetMonikerNameFromId (iPrivilege)); pDummy->Release (); } else { status = false; break; } } else { // Didn't recognize the privilege name
status = false; break; } SKIPWHITESPACE
// Finally if we meet a ")" we are truly done with no error
if (0 == _wcsnicmp(lpszInputString + *pchEaten, WBEMS_RIGHT_PAREN, wcslen(WBEMS_RIGHT_PAREN))) { *pchEaten += wcslen (WBEMS_RIGHT_PAREN); done = true; SKIPWHITESPACE }
firstPrivilege = false; SKIPWHITESPACE }
if (!status) { // Misery - blow away any privileges we might have accrued
*pchEaten = chEaten; privilegeSet.DeleteAll (); }
return status; }
// BOOLEAN CWbemParseDN::GetSecurityString
// Take an authentication and impersonlation level and convert it into
// a security specifier string.
// authnSpecified Whether a nondefault authn levl is specified.
// authnLevel The authentication level.
// impSpecified Whether a non-default imp level is specified.
// impLevel The impersonation level.
// privilegeSet Privileges
// bsAuthority Authority
// the newly created string (which the caller must free) or NULL
wchar_t *CWbemParseDN::GetSecurityString ( bool authnSpecified, enum WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum authnLevel, bool impSpecified, enum WbemImpersonationLevelEnum impLevel, CSWbemPrivilegeSet &privilegeSet, BSTR &bsAuthority ) { wchar_t *pResult = NULL; long lPrivilegeCount = 0; privilegeSet.get_Count (&lPrivilegeCount); ULONG lNumDisabled = privilegeSet.GetNumberOfDisabledElements (); PrivilegeMap privMap = privilegeSet.GetPrivilegeMap (); bool authoritySpecified = ((NULL != bsAuthority) && (0 < wcslen (bsAuthority)));
// Degenerate case - no security info
if (!authnSpecified && !impSpecified && (0 == lPrivilegeCount) && !authoritySpecified) return NULL;
// Must have at least these 2 tokens
size_t len = wcslen (WBEMS_LEFT_CURLY) + wcslen (WBEMS_RIGHT_CURLY); if (authnSpecified) { len += wcslen(WBEMS_AUTH_LEVEL) + wcslen (WBEMS_EQUALS);
switch (authnLevel) { case wbemAuthenticationLevelDefault: len += wcslen (WBEMS_AUTH_DEFAULT); break;
case wbemAuthenticationLevelNone: len += wcslen (WBEMS_AUTH_NONE); break;
case wbemAuthenticationLevelConnect: len += wcslen (WBEMS_AUTH_CONNECT); break;
case wbemAuthenticationLevelCall: len += wcslen (WBEMS_AUTH_CALL); break;
case wbemAuthenticationLevelPkt: len += wcslen (WBEMS_AUTH_PKT); break;
case wbemAuthenticationLevelPktIntegrity: len += wcslen (WBEMS_AUTH_PKT_INT); break;
case wbemAuthenticationLevelPktPrivacy: len += wcslen (WBEMS_AUTH_PKT_PRIV); break;
default: return NULL; // Bad level
if (impSpecified || authoritySpecified) len += wcslen (WBEMS_COMMA); }
if (impSpecified) { len += wcslen(WBEMS_IMPERSON_LEVEL) + wcslen (WBEMS_EQUALS);
switch (impLevel) { case wbemImpersonationLevelAnonymous: len += wcslen (WBEMS_IMPERSON_ANON); break;
case wbemImpersonationLevelIdentify: len += wcslen (WBEMS_IMPERSON_IDENTIFY); break;
case wbemImpersonationLevelImpersonate: len += wcslen (WBEMS_IMPERSON_IMPERSON); break;
case wbemImpersonationLevelDelegate: len += wcslen (WBEMS_IMPERSON_DELEGATE); break;
default: return NULL; // Bad level
if (authoritySpecified) len += wcslen (WBEMS_COMMA); }
if (authoritySpecified) len += wcslen(WBEMS_AUTHORITY) + wcslen (WBEMS_EQUALS) + wcslen (bsAuthority);
if (0 < lPrivilegeCount) { // If imp, authn or authority also specified, we need another separator
if (authnSpecified || impSpecified || authoritySpecified) len += wcslen (WBEMS_COMMA);
// Need these boundary tokens
len += wcslen (WBEMS_LEFT_PAREN) + wcslen (WBEMS_RIGHT_PAREN);
// Need a separator between each privilege
if (1 < lPrivilegeCount) len += (lPrivilegeCount - 1) * wcslen (WBEMS_COMMA);
// Need to specify false values with "!"
if (lNumDisabled) len += lNumDisabled * wcslen (WBEMS_EXCLAMATION);
// Now add the privilege strings
PrivilegeMap::iterator next = privMap.begin ();
while (next != privMap.end ()) { OLECHAR *sMonikerName = CSWbemPrivilege::GetMonikerNameFromId ((*next).first); if (sMonikerName) len += wcslen (sMonikerName);
next++; } }
pResult = new wchar_t [len + 1];
if (pResult) { // Now build the string
wcscpy (pResult, WBEMS_LEFT_CURLY); if (authnSpecified) { wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_AUTH_LEVEL); wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_EQUALS);
switch (authnLevel) { case wbemAuthenticationLevelDefault: wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_AUTH_DEFAULT); break;
case wbemAuthenticationLevelNone: wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_AUTH_NONE); break;
case wbemAuthenticationLevelConnect: wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_AUTH_CONNECT); break;
case wbemAuthenticationLevelCall: wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_AUTH_CALL); break;
case wbemAuthenticationLevelPkt: wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_AUTH_PKT); break;
case wbemAuthenticationLevelPktIntegrity: wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_AUTH_PKT_INT); break;
case wbemAuthenticationLevelPktPrivacy: wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_AUTH_PKT_PRIV); break; }
if (impSpecified || authoritySpecified || (0 < lPrivilegeCount)) wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_COMMA); }
if (impSpecified) { wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_IMPERSON_LEVEL); wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_EQUALS);
switch (impLevel) { case wbemImpersonationLevelAnonymous: wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_IMPERSON_ANON); break;
case wbemImpersonationLevelIdentify: wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_IMPERSON_IDENTIFY); break;
case wbemImpersonationLevelImpersonate: wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_IMPERSON_IMPERSON); break;
case wbemImpersonationLevelDelegate: wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_IMPERSON_DELEGATE); break;
default: return NULL; // Bad level
if (authoritySpecified || (0 < lPrivilegeCount)) wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_COMMA); }
if (authoritySpecified) { wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_AUTHORITY); wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_EQUALS); wcscat (pResult, bsAuthority);
if ((0 < lPrivilegeCount)) wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_COMMA); }
if (lPrivilegeCount) { wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_LEFT_PAREN); // Now add the privilege strings
PrivilegeMap::iterator next = privMap.begin (); bool firstPrivilege = true;
while (next != privMap.end ()) { if (!firstPrivilege) wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_COMMA);
firstPrivilege = false; CSWbemPrivilege *pPrivilege = (*next).second; VARIANT_BOOL bValue; if (SUCCEEDED (pPrivilege->get_IsEnabled (&bValue)) && (VARIANT_FALSE == bValue)) wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_EXCLAMATION);
OLECHAR *sMonikerName = CSWbemPrivilege::GetMonikerNameFromId ((*next).first); wcscat (pResult, sMonikerName);
next++; }
wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_RIGHT_PAREN); }
wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_RIGHT_CURLY); pResult [len] = NULL; }
return pResult; }
// BOOLEAN CWbemParseDN::GetLocaleString
// Take a locale value and convert it into a locale specifier string.
// bsLocale The value (if any)
// the newly created string (which the caller must free) or NULL
wchar_t *CWbemParseDN::GetLocaleString ( BSTR bsLocale ) { wchar_t *pResult = NULL; // Degenerate case - no locale info
if (!bsLocale || (0 == wcslen (bsLocale))) return NULL;
// Calculate length of string
size_t len = wcslen (WBEMS_LEFT_SQBRK) + wcslen (WBEMS_LOCALE) + wcslen (WBEMS_EQUALS) + wcslen (bsLocale) + wcslen (WBEMS_RIGHT_SQBRK); pResult = new wchar_t [len + 1];
if (pResult) { // Now build the string
wcscpy (pResult, WBEMS_LEFT_SQBRK); wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_LOCALE); wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_EQUALS); wcscat (pResult, bsLocale); wcscat (pResult, WBEMS_RIGHT_SQBRK); pResult [len] = NULL; }
return pResult; }