Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. var locator = new ActiveXObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator");
  2. var p = locator.security_.privileges;
  3. p.addasstring ("SeSecurityPrivilege");
  4. p.addasstring ("Seassignprimarytokenprivilege");
  5. p.addasstring ("Seauditprivilege");
  6. p.addasstring ("SeBackupPrivilege");
  7. p.addasstring ("Sechangenotifyprivilege");
  8. p.addasstring ("Secreatepagefileprivilege");
  9. p.addasstring ("Secreatetokenprivilege");
  10. p.addasstring ("SeLockMemoryPrivilege");
  11. p.addasstring ("SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege");
  12. p.addasstring ("SeMachineAccountPrivilege");
  13. p.addasstring ("SeTcbPrivilege");
  14. p.addasstring ("SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege");
  15. p.addasstring ("SeLoadDriverPrivilege");
  16. p.addasstring ("SeSystemProfilePrivilege");
  17. p.addasstring ("SeSystemtimePrivilege");
  18. p.addasstring ("SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege");
  19. p.addasstring ("SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege");
  20. p.addasstring ("SeCreatePermanentPrivilege");
  21. p.addasstring ("SeRestorePrivilege");
  22. p.addasstring ("SeShutdownPrivilege");
  23. p.addasstring ("SeDebugPrivilege");
  24. p.addasstring ("SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege");
  25. p.addasstring ("SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege");
  26. p.addasstring ("SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege",false);
  27. WScript.Echo (p.count);
  28. var e = new Enumerator (p)
  29. for ( ;!e.atEnd (); e.moveNext ())
  30. {
  31. pr = e.item ();
  32. WScript.Echo (pr.Identifier + " [" + pr.Name + "] [" + pr.DisplayName + "]" + ": " + pr.IsEnabled);
  33. }