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  1. // Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
  3. // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
  4. // Used by WmiCntl.rc
  5. //
  6. #define IDC_ADV_RECOVERY_ICON 40
  7. #define IDC_ADV_NOW_TEXT 41
  8. #define IDC_ADV_RECOVERY_ICON2 42
  9. #define IDC_ADV_NOW_TEXT2 42
  10. #define IDC_ADV_NOW_TEXT3 43
  11. #define IDI_WMICNTL 44
  12. #define IDC_RESTORE_BTN 50
  13. #define IDC_BACKUP_BTN 51
  14. #define IDC_BACKUP_BTN2 53
  15. #define IDC_RESTORE_BTN2 54
  16. #define IDC_RESTORE_FM_AUTO 54
  17. #define IDS_CONNECTING 55
  18. #define IDS_PROJNAME 56
  19. #define IDB_WMISNAPIN_16 57
  20. #define IDB_WMISNAPIN_32 58
  21. #define IDS_WMISNAPIN_DESC 59
  23. #define IDS_WMISNAPIN_VERSION 61
  24. #define IDR_WMISNAPIN 62
  25. #define IDS_SNAPIN_TYPE 63
  26. #define IDS_DESCRIPTION 64
  27. #define IDD_ABOUTBOX 100
  28. #define IDD_ANIMATE 101
  29. #define IDC_ANIMATE 102
  30. #define IDC_MYICON 103
  31. #define IDR_MENU_MENU 103
  32. #define IDC_MSG 104
  33. #define IDR_AVIWAIT 105
  34. #define IDR_MAINFRAME 128
  35. #define IDD_MAINDLG 129
  36. #define IDS_UNAVAILABLE 129
  37. #define IDS_NOT_REMOTEABLE 130
  38. #define IDS_LOCAL_CONN 131
  39. #define IDS_ERROR 132
  40. #define IDS_SHORT_NAME 133
  41. #define IDS_BAD_INTERVAL_FMT 134
  42. #define IDS_BAD_INTERVAL 134
  43. #define IDS_WBEM_GENERIC_ALL 135
  44. #define IDS_WBEM_GENERIC_EXECUTE 136
  45. #define IDS_WBEM_GENERIC_READ 137
  46. #define IDS_WBEM_GENERIC_WRITE 138
  47. #define IDS_WBEM_FULL_WRITE 139
  48. #define IDS_WBEM_PARTIAL_WRITE 140
  49. #define IDS_WBEM_PROVIDER_WRITE 141
  50. #define IDS_NONE 142
  51. #define IDS_WBEM_SYSTEM_WRITE 142
  52. #define IDS_DISPLAY_NAME 143
  53. #define IDS_CANT_LOAD_SEC_DLLS 144
  54. #define IDS_NO_ACLUI 145
  55. #define IDS_NO_CREATE_SEC 146
  56. #define IDS_DEBUG 147
  57. #define IDS_OS_LABEL 148
  58. #define IDS_OS_VER_LABEL 149
  59. #define IDS_CPU_LABEL 150
  60. #define IDS_WMI_VER_LABEL 151
  61. #define IDS_CONNECTED_TO_LABEL 152
  62. #define IDS_CONN_FAILED_FMT 153
  63. #define IDS_BECAUSE_LABEL 154
  64. #define IDS_WBEM_INSTANCE_WRITE 154
  65. #define IDS_WBEM_CLASS_WRITE 155
  66. #define IDS_WBEM_ENABLE 156
  67. #define IDS_WBEM_READONLY 157
  68. #define IDS_WBEM_EDIT_SECURITY 158
  69. #define IDS_WBEM_READ_SECURITY 159
  70. #define IDS_WBEM_REMOTE_ENABLE 160
  71. #define IDS_WBEM_NAMESPACE 161
  74. #define IDS_OS_SERVICE_PACK_LABEL 164
  75. #define IDS_CANNOT_LOG_ON 165
  76. #define IDD_GENERAL 201
  77. #define IDD_LOGGING 202
  78. #define IDD_ADVANCED 203
  79. #define IDD_ADVANCED_NT 203
  80. #define IDI_LOGGING 204
  81. #define IDB_LOGGING 205
  82. #define IDI_WAITING 207
  83. #define IDI_FAILED 208
  84. #define IDD_CONNECT 209
  85. #define IDD_EDITBOX 211
  86. #define IDD_USER_PICKER 212
  87. #define IDB_SID_ICONS 213
  88. #define IDI_CLSD_FOLDER 214
  89. #define IDI_EARTH 215
  90. #define IDI_CLSD_CLASS 216
  91. #define IDI_CLSD_INSTANCE 217
  92. #define IDI_CLSD_SCOPEINSTANCE 218
  93. #define IDI_CLSD_SCOPECLASS 219
  94. #define IDD_9XSEC 250
  95. #define IDC_SPP_PRINCIPALS 251
  96. #define IDD_SEC_ERROR 251
  97. #define IDC_SPP_ADD 252
  98. #define IDD_BACKUP 252
  99. #define IDC_SPP_REMOVE 253
  100. #define IDC_SPP_RESET 254
  101. #define IDD_NAMESPACE 254
  102. #define IDC_SPP_ACCESS 255
  103. #define IDD_ADVANCED_9X 255
  104. #define IDC_SPP_ALLOW 256
  105. #define IDD_ADVANCED_EMPTY 256
  106. #define IDC_SPP_DENY 257
  107. #define IDD_NS_PICKER 257
  108. #define IDC_SPP_PERMS 258
  109. #define IDC_SPP_ADVANCED 259
  110. #define IDC_SPP_MORE_MSG 260
  111. #define IDC_SPP_PROTECT 262
  112. #define IDC_SPP_NO_SECURITY 263
  113. #define IDS_ERROR_UNKN_ERROR_FMT 264
  114. #define IDS_ERROR_FMT 265
  115. #define IDS_WMI_INSTALL_DIR 266
  116. #define IDS_NS_PROP_TITLE 267
  117. #define IDS_MINUTES 268
  118. #define IDS_HOURS 269
  119. #define IDS_DAYS 270
  120. #define IDS_BACKUP_THREAT 271
  121. #define IDS_BACKUP_TITLE 272
  122. #define IDS_BACKUP_FMT 273
  123. #define IDS_RESTORE_TITLE 274
  124. #define IDS_RESTORE_FMT 275
  125. #define IDS_OPEN_BACKUP 276
  126. #define IDS_OPEN_RESTORE 277
  127. #define IDS_DIR_DOESNT_EXIST 278
  128. #define IDS_NO_BACKUP_FILE 279
  129. #define IDS_BACKUP_OVERWRITE 280
  130. #define IDS_CANT_BROWSE_REMOTELY 281
  131. #define IDS_OPTIONS_SMALL 282
  132. #define IDS_OPTIONS_BIG 283
  133. #define IDS_IMP_DELEGATE 284
  134. #define IDS_IMP_IDENTIFY 285
  135. #define IDS_IMP_IMPERSONATE 286
  136. #define IDS_AUTH_CALL 287
  137. #define IDS_AUTH_CONNECT 288
  138. #define IDS_AUTH_NONE 289
  139. #define IDS_AUTH_PACKET 290
  140. #define IDS_AUTH_INTEGRITY 291
  141. #define IDS_AUTH_PRIVACY 292
  142. #define IDS_USERPICKER_TITLE 293
  143. #define IDS_USERPICKER_MSG 294
  144. #define IDS_NAME 295
  145. #define IDS_REMOVE_USER_FMT 296
  146. #define IDS_CURRENT_USER 297
  147. #define IDS_GEN_PARA_SNAPIN 298
  148. #define IDS_USER_LABEL 299
  149. #define IDS_ADV_PARA_NT 300
  150. #define IDS_ADV_PARA_9X 301
  151. #define IDS_MULTI_INSTANCES 302
  152. #define IDS_WAIT 303
  153. #define IDS_DIR_EMPTY 304
  154. #define IDS_SURE 305
  155. #define IDS_AUTORESTORE 306
  156. #define IDS_PARTIAL_DS_FAILURE 307
  157. #define IDS_SEC_ERR_FMT 308
  158. #define IDS_OS_ERR_FMT 309
  159. #define IDS_CPU_ERR_FMT 310
  160. #define IDS_SETTING_ERR_FMT 311
  161. #define IDS_NO_ERR 312
  162. #define IDS_NO_HHCTRL 313
  163. #define IDS_NO_HELP 314
  164. #define IDS_LOG_SELECT_FDR 315
  165. #define IDS_LOCAL_COMPUTER 316
  166. #define IDS_NO_UNC 317
  167. #define IDS_NO_DRIVE_LTR 318
  168. #define IDS_DIRS_ONLY 319
  169. #define IDS_LOGS_WRONG_DRIVETYPE 320
  170. #define ID_TOP_RECONNECT 321
  171. #define IDS_BAD_LOGSIZE 322
  172. #define IDS_REC_FILTER 323
  173. #define IDS_USE_RADIO 324
  174. #define IDS_POST_RESTORE 325
  175. #define IDS_STATUS_NOTSTARTED 326
  176. #define IDS_STATUS_CANCELLED 327
  177. #define IDS_NO_98TONT_SEC 328
  178. #define IDS_ALL_FILTER 329
  179. #define IDS_NEED_EXISTING_DIR 330
  180. #define IDS_NS_PARA 331
  181. #define ID_PERF_COUNTERS 332
  182. #define IDD_WMICTR 333
  183. #define IDR_SEC_MENU 334
  184. #define IDC_ERROR_CAPTION 335
  185. #define IDC_ERROR_CONNECT 336
  186. #define IDC_ERROR_ENUM 337
  187. #define IDC_CONNECTIONS 338
  188. #define IDC_DELBACKUP 339
  189. #define IDC_INTERNALOBJS 340
  190. #define IDC_INTERNALSINKS 341
  191. #define IDC_TASKSINPROG 342
  192. #define IDC_TASKSWAITING 343
  193. #define IDC_TOTALAPICALLS 344
  194. #define IDC_USERS 345
  195. #define IDS_CONNECTIONS 346
  196. #define IDS_DELBACKUP 347
  197. #define IDS_INTERNALOBJS 348
  198. #define IDS_INTERNALSINKS 349
  199. #define IDS_TASKSINPROG 350
  200. #define IDS_TASKSWAITING 351
  201. #define IDS_TOTALAPICALLS 352
  202. #define IDS_USERS 353
  203. #define IDD_WMICTR_SYSMON 354
  204. #define IDC_SYSMON_OCX 355
  205. #define IDC_RETRY_TEXT 356
  206. #define IDC_ENUM_STATIC 357
  207. #define IDC_CANCEL_ENUM 358
  208. #define IDC_BACKUPINTERVAL 1000
  209. #define IDC_LASTBACKUP 1001
  210. #define IDC_DISABLELOGGING 1002
  211. #define IDC_ERRORLOGGING 1003
  212. #define IDC_VERBOSELOGGING 1004
  213. #define IDC_MAXFILESIZE 1005
  214. #define IDC_LOGGINGDIRECTORY 1006
  215. #define IDC_BROWSE 1007
  216. #define IDC_NORESTART 1008
  217. #define IDC_ESSRESTART 1009
  218. #define IDC_ALWAYSAUTORESTART 1010
  219. #define IDC_CIMOMRESTART 1011
  220. #define IDC_9X_ONLY 1011
  221. #define IDC_VERSION 1012
  222. #define IDC_COMBO1 1013
  223. #define IDC_MACHINES 1013
  224. #define IDC_BACKUP_UNITS 1013
  225. #define IDC_CONNECT 1014
  226. #define IDC_CHANGE 1014
  227. #define IDC_ASP 1015
  228. #define IDC_OS 1015
  229. #define IDC_STATUS 1016
  230. #define IDC_STATUSICON 1017
  231. #define IDC_OS_LABEL 1018
  232. #define IDC_VERSION_LABEL 1019
  233. #define IDC_STATUS_LABEL 1020
  234. #define IDC_BACKUPINTERVAL_LABEL 1021
  235. #define IDC_LASTBACKUP_LABEL 1022
  236. #define IDC_MAXFILESIZE_LABEL 1023
  238. #define IDC_STATUS_FRAME 1025
  239. #define IDC_DEFNS 1026
  240. #define IDC_DEFNS_LABEL 1027
  241. #define IDC_SCRIPTING_FRAME 1028
  242. #define IDC_OS_VERSION 1029
  243. #define IDC_LIST2 1030
  244. #define IDC_NO_SECURITY 1031
  245. #define IDC_OS_VERSION_LABEL 1032
  246. #define IDC_MACHINE 1033
  247. #define IDC_RESTART_IIS 1035
  248. #define IDC_LOCAL 1036
  249. #define IDC_REMOTE 1037
  250. #define IDC_NAME 1038
  251. #define IDC_BACKUP_ENABLED 1039
  252. #define IDC_NSTREE 1040
  253. #define IDC_PROPERTIES 1041
  254. #define IDC_9X_ANON_CONNECTION 1044
  255. #define IDC_DB_DIR 1045
  256. #define IDC_DBDIRECTORY_LABEL 1049
  257. #define IDC_SCRIPT_NS 1051
  258. #define IDC_CHANGE_SCRIPT_NS 1052
  259. #define IDC_BUTTON1 1054
  260. #define IDC_LOGON 1054
  261. #define IDC_ASP_LABEL 1056
  262. #define IDC_EDIT 1057
  263. #define IDC_ACCOUNT 1058
  264. #define IDC_EDIT1 1059
  265. #define IDC_EDITUSERNAME 1060
  266. #define IDC_COMP_LABEL 1060
  267. #define IDC_EDITPASSWORD 1061
  268. #define IDC_GEN_PARA 1061
  269. #define IDC_CHECKCURRENTUSER 1062
  270. #define IDC_ADV_PARA 1062
  271. #define IDD_LOGIN 1063
  272. #define IDC_SCRIPT_LABEL 1063
  273. #define IDC_USER_LABEL 1064
  274. #define IDD_CONNECT_WIZ 1064
  275. #define IDC_PW_LABEL 1065
  276. #define IDC_CONN_FRAME 1066
  277. #define IDC_ACCOUNT_LABEL 1067
  278. #define IDC_LOG_PARA 1068
  279. #define IDC_NS_PARA 1069
  280. #define IDC_AUTOMATIC_GROUPBOX 1070
  281. #define IDC_MANUAL_GROUPBOX 1071
  282. // Next default values for new objects
  283. //
  284. #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED
  286. #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 216
  287. #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 32773
  288. #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1072
  289. #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
  290. #endif
  291. #endif