Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
#include "precomp.h"
#include <wbemcomn.h>
#include <sync.h>
#include "newnew.h"
const int constMinAllocationSize = 4096; const int constMaxAllocationSize = 1024 * 1024; const double constNextAllocationFactor = 2.0;
void CTempMemoryManager::CAllocation::Init(size_t dwAllocationSize) { m_dwAllocationSize = dwAllocationSize; m_dwUsed = 0; m_dwFirstFree = GetHeaderSize(); } void* CTempMemoryManager::CAllocation::Alloc(size_t nBlockSize) { if(m_dwFirstFree + nBlockSize <= m_dwAllocationSize) { m_dwUsed += nBlockSize; void* p = ((byte*)this) + m_dwFirstFree; m_dwFirstFree += nBlockSize; return p; } else return NULL; }
bool CTempMemoryManager::CAllocation::Contains(void* p) { return (p > this && p <= GetEnd()); }
void CTempMemoryManager::CAllocation::Destroy() { VirtualFree(this, 0, MEM_RELEASE); }
bool CTempMemoryManager::CAllocation::Free(size_t nBlockSize) { m_dwUsed -= nBlockSize; if(m_dwUsed== 0) { m_dwFirstFree = GetHeaderSize(); return true; } else return false; }
void* CTempMemoryManager::Allocate(size_t nBlockSize) { //
// Add the space for the length of the block
nBlockSize += DEF_ALIGNED(sizeof(DWORD)); nBlockSize = RoundUp(nBlockSize);
CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
// Check if the last allocation has room
int nAllocations = m_pAllocations->GetSize(); CAllocation* pLast = NULL; if(nAllocations) { pLast = (*m_pAllocations)[nAllocations-1]; void* p = pLast->Alloc(nBlockSize); if(p) { *(DWORD*)p = nBlockSize; m_dwTotalUsed += nBlockSize; m_dwNumAllocations++; return ((BYTE*)p) + DEF_ALIGNED(sizeof(DWORD)); } else if(pLast->GetUsedSize() == 0) { //
// The last allocation record is actually empty --- we don't want
// to leave it there, as it will just dangle
m_dwTotalAllocated -= pLast->GetAllocationSize(); pLast->Destroy(); (*m_pAllocations).RemoveAt(nAllocations-1); } } //
// No room: need a new allocation. The size shall be double the previous
// size, or 1M if too large
size_t dwAllocationSize = 0; if(nAllocations == 0) { //
// First time: constant size
dwAllocationSize = constMinAllocationSize; } else { //
// Not first time: allocation constant factor of the total, but not
// larger that a constant.
dwAllocationSize = m_dwTotalUsed * constNextAllocationFactor;
if(dwAllocationSize > constMaxAllocationSize) dwAllocationSize = constMaxAllocationSize;
if(dwAllocationSize < constMinAllocationSize) dwAllocationSize = constMinAllocationSize; }
if(dwAllocationSize < CAllocation::GetMinAllocationSize(nBlockSize)) { dwAllocationSize = CAllocation::GetMinAllocationSize(nBlockSize); }
// VirtualAlloc it and read back the actual size of the allocation
CAllocation* pAlloc = (CAllocation*) VirtualAlloc(NULL, dwAllocationSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if(pAlloc == NULL) return NULL;
MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION info; VirtualQuery(pAlloc, &info, sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION)); //
// Initialize it, and add it to the list of allocations
pAlloc->Init(info.RegionSize); m_pAllocations->Add(pAlloc); m_dwTotalAllocated += dwAllocationSize; m_dwNumAllocations++; m_dwNumMisses++;
// Allocation memory from it
void* p = pAlloc->Alloc(nBlockSize); if(p) { *(DWORD*)p = nBlockSize; m_dwTotalUsed += nBlockSize; return ((BYTE*)p) + DEF_ALIGNED(sizeof(DWORD)); } else return NULL; } void CTempMemoryManager::Free(void* p, size_t nBlockSize) { if (p == NULL) return;
CInCritSec ics(&m_cs);
// Figure out the size of the allocation
nBlockSize = *(DWORD*)((BYTE*)p - DEF_ALIGNED(sizeof(DWORD)));
// Search for it in the allocations
for(int i = 0; i < m_pAllocations->GetSize(); i++) { CAllocation* pAlloc = (*m_pAllocations)[i]; if(pAlloc->Contains(p)) { //
// Found it. Remove and deallocate block if last. Except that we
// do not want to deallocate the last minimal block --- otherwise
// small allocations will just keep VirtualAllocing all the time
m_dwTotalUsed -= nBlockSize; bool bLastInAlloc = pAlloc->Free(nBlockSize); if(!bLastInAlloc) return;
bool bDestroy = false; if(m_pAllocations->GetSize() != i+1) { //
// This is not the last record. Destroy it
bDestroy = true; } else { //
// This is the last record. Do more tests
if(m_pAllocations->GetSize() > 1) bDestroy = true; else if((*m_pAllocations)[0]->GetAllocationSize() != constMinAllocationSize) bDestroy = true; }
if(bDestroy) { m_dwTotalAllocated -= pAlloc->GetAllocationSize(); pAlloc->Destroy(); (*m_pAllocations).RemoveAt(i); } return; } }
// Bad news: freeing something we don't own!
return; }
void CTempMemoryManager::Clear() { for(int i = 0; i < m_pAllocations->GetSize(); i++) { CAllocation* pAlloc = (*m_pAllocations)[i]; pAlloc->Destroy(); } m_pAllocations->RemoveAll(); }
CTempMemoryManager::CTempMemoryManager() : m_dwTotalUsed(0), m_dwTotalAllocated(0), m_dwNumAllocations(0), m_dwNumMisses(0), m_pAllocations(NULL) { m_pAllocations = new CPointerArray<CAllocation>; }
CTempMemoryManager::~CTempMemoryManager() { Clear(); delete m_pAllocations; }