// Event.cpp
#include "precomp.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "Connection.h"
#include "Event.h"
#include "NCDefs.h"
#include <corex.h>
#include <strutils.h>
#define DWORD_ALIGNED(x) ((DWORD)((((x) * 8) + 31) & (~31)) / 8)
BOOL isunialpha(wchar_t c) { if(c == 0x5f || (0x41 <= c && c <= 0x5a) || (0x61 <= c && c <= 0x7a) || (0x80 <= c && c <= 0xfffd)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
BOOL isunialphanum(wchar_t c) { if(isunialpha(c)) return TRUE; else return wbem_iswdigit(c); }
// CPropInfo
BOOL CPropInfo::Init(CIMTYPE type) { m_bPointer = FALSE;
switch(type & ~CIM_FLAG_ARRAY) { case CIM_STRING: case CIM_REFERENCE: case CIM_DATETIME: m_pFunc = CEvent::AddStringW; m_dwElementSize = 1; m_bCountPrefixNeeded = TRUE; m_bPointer = TRUE; break;
case CIM_REAL32: // We can't use AddDWORD because the compiler converts 32-bit
// floats to 64-bit doubles before pushing them on the stack.
m_pFunc = CEvent::AddFloat; m_dwElementSize = sizeof(float); m_bCountPrefixNeeded = FALSE; break;
case CIM_UINT32: case CIM_SINT32: m_pFunc = CEvent::AddDWORD; m_dwElementSize = sizeof(DWORD); m_bCountPrefixNeeded = FALSE; break;
case CIM_UINT16: case CIM_SINT16: case CIM_CHAR16: case CIM_BOOLEAN: m_pFunc = CEvent::AddDWORD; m_dwElementSize = sizeof(DWORD); m_bCountPrefixNeeded = FALSE; break;
case CIM_SINT64: case CIM_UINT64: case CIM_REAL64: m_pFunc = CEvent::AddDWORD64; m_dwElementSize = sizeof(__int64); m_bCountPrefixNeeded = FALSE; m_bPointer = TRUE; break;
case CIM_UINT8: case CIM_SINT8: m_pFunc = CEvent::AddBYTE; m_dwElementSize = sizeof(BYTE); m_bCountPrefixNeeded = FALSE; break;
case CIM_OBJECT: m_pFunc = CEvent::AddObject; m_dwElementSize = 1; m_bCountPrefixNeeded = TRUE; m_bPointer = TRUE; break;
case CIM_IUNKNOWN: m_pFunc = CEvent::AddWmiObject; m_dwElementSize = 1; m_bCountPrefixNeeded = TRUE; m_bPointer = TRUE; break;
default: // Bad type passed!
return FALSE; }
// Change some things if this is an array.
if (type & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY) { m_bPointer = TRUE;
// All arrays need to have the number of elements prefixed to the data.
m_bCountPrefixNeeded = TRUE;
if (m_pFunc == CEvent::AddStringW) m_pFunc = CEvent::AddStringArray; else if ( m_pFunc == CEvent::AddObject || m_pFunc == CEvent::AddWmiObject ) return FALSE; else m_pFunc = CEvent::AddScalarArray; }
if (m_bPointer == FALSE) { // We no longer need element size, since it's the same as current size.
// So, set current size and clear element size so we'll ignore it.
m_dwCurrentSize = m_dwElementSize; m_dwElementSize = 0; } return TRUE; }
void CPropInfo::InitCurrentSize(LPBYTE pData) { DWORD dwTotalSize;
if (IsPointer()) { DWORD dwItems = *(DWORD*)pData;
if (m_pFunc != CEvent::AddStringArray) { // This works for all pointer types except for object and string
// arrays.
dwTotalSize = dwItems * m_dwElementSize + sizeof(DWORD); } else { // Account for the number in the array.
dwTotalSize = sizeof(DWORD);
// For each item in the array, get its size and add it to the total
// length.
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwItems; i++) { dwTotalSize += sizeof(DWORD) + DWORD_ALIGNED(*(DWORD*) (pData + dwTotalSize)); } } } else dwTotalSize = m_dwElementSize;
// Align the total size.
m_dwCurrentSize = dwTotalSize; }
// CEventWrap
CEventWrap::CEventWrap(CSink *pSink, DWORD dwFlags) : m_bFreeEvent(TRUE) { m_pEvent = new CEvent(pSink, dwFlags); if ( NULL == m_pEvent ) { throw CX_MemoryException(); }
pSink->AddEvent(m_pEvent); }
CEventWrap::CEventWrap(CEvent *pEvent, int nIndexes, DWORD *pdwIndexes) : m_bFreeEvent(FALSE) { m_pEvent = pEvent;
if ( !m_pIndexes.Init(nIndexes) ) throw CX_MemoryException();
for (int i = 0; i < nIndexes; i++) m_pIndexes.AddVal(pdwIndexes[i]); }
CEventWrap::~CEventWrap() { if (m_bFreeEvent && m_pEvent) { if (m_pEvent->m_pSink) m_pEvent->m_pSink->RemoveEvent(m_pEvent);
delete m_pEvent; } }
// CEvent
CEvent::CEvent(CSink *pSink, DWORD dwFlags) : m_pSink(pSink), CBuffer(DEF_EVENT_DATA_SIZE), m_bufferEventLayout(DEF_EVENT_LAYOUT_SIZE), m_bLayoutSent(FALSE), m_bEnabled(FALSE), m_pProps(0), m_dwFlags(dwFlags) { if (IsLockable()) InitializeCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
CEvent::~CEvent() { if (IsLockable()) DeleteCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
void CEvent::ResetEvent() { CCondInCritSec cs(&m_cs, IsLockable());
// Clear all our data.
m_pCurrent = (LPBYTE) m_pdwHeapData; // Zero out our null table to make everything null.
ZeroMemory(m_pdwNullTable, m_pdwPropTable - m_pdwNullTable); }
static DWORD g_dwEventIndex = 0;
BOOL CEvent::PrepareEvent( LPCWSTR szEventName, DWORD nPropertyCount, LPCWSTR *pszPropertyNames, CIMTYPE *pPropertyTypes) { DWORD dwEventIndex = InterlockedExchangeAdd((long*) &g_dwEventIndex, 1);
CCondInCritSec cs(&m_cs, IsLockable());
// Setup the event layout buffer.
m_bufferEventLayout.Reset(); m_bufferEventLayout.Write((DWORD) NC_SRVMSG_EVENT_LAYOUT); // This serves as a place holder for the size of the message.
m_bufferEventLayout.Write((DWORD) 0); m_bufferEventLayout.Write(dwEventIndex);
m_bufferEventLayout.Write(m_pSink->GetSinkID()); m_bufferEventLayout.Write(nPropertyCount); m_bufferEventLayout.WriteAlignedLenString(szEventName); // Make this upper case to simplify lookups.
_wcsupr((LPWSTR) GetClassName()); // Setup the main event buffer
// This serves as a place holder for the size of the message.
Write((DWORD) 0);
Write(dwEventIndex); // This will setup our table pointers.
// Set mask to indicate all values are null.
ZeroMemory(m_pdwNullTable, (LPBYTE) m_pdwPropTable - (LPBYTE) m_pdwNullTable);
// Point our buffer to where we'll put all the object data.
m_pCurrent = (LPBYTE) m_pdwHeapData;
m_pProps.Init(nPropertyCount); m_pProps.SetCount(nPropertyCount);
for (DWORD i = 0; i < nPropertyCount; i++) { CPropInfo &info = m_pProps[i];
if(!info.Init(pPropertyTypes[i])) return FALSE;
m_bufferEventLayout.Write((DWORD) pPropertyTypes[i]); m_bufferEventLayout.WriteAlignedLenString(pszPropertyNames[i]); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CEvent::FindProp(LPCWSTR szName, CIMTYPE* ptype, DWORD* pdwIndex) { CCondInCritSec cs(&m_cs, IsLockable());
DWORD dwSize = 0; BYTE* pProps = NULL;
GetLayoutBuffer(&pProps, &dwSize, FALSE); CBuffer Buffer(pProps, dwSize); //
// Skip the name of the event
DWORD dwNumProps = Buffer.ReadDWORD();
DWORD dwIgnore; Buffer.ReadAlignedLenString(&dwIgnore);
for(DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumProps; i++) { *ptype = Buffer.ReadDWORD(); LPCWSTR szThisName = Buffer.ReadAlignedLenString(&dwIgnore);
if(!wbem_wcsicmp(szName, szThisName)) { *pdwIndex = i; return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; } BOOL CEvent::AddProp(LPCWSTR szName, CIMTYPE type, DWORD *pdwIndex) { //
// Check the name for validity
if(szName[0] == 0) return FALSE; const WCHAR* pwc = szName; // Check the first letter
// ======================
if(!isunialpha(*pwc) || *pwc == '_') return FALSE; pwc++; // Check the rest
// ==============
while(*pwc) { if(!isunialphanum(*pwc)) return FALSE; pwc++; } if(pwc[-1] == '_') return FALSE;
// Check the type for validity
CPropInfo info;
if(!info.Init(type)) return FALSE;
CCondInCritSec cs(&m_cs, IsLockable());
// Check if the property is already there
CIMTYPE typeOld; DWORD dwOldIndex; if(FindProp(szName, &typeOld, &dwOldIndex)) { return FALSE; } // Our layout changed, so make sure we resend it.
DWORD nProps = GetPropertyCount(); BOOL bExtraNullSpaceNeeded; DWORD dwHeapMove;
// If the caller cares, return the index of this property.
if (pdwIndex) *pdwIndex = nProps; // Increase the number of properties.
SetPropertyCount(++nProps); // See if we need another DWORD for our null flags.
bExtraNullSpaceNeeded = (nProps % 32) == 1 && nProps != 1;
// Figure how many slots we need to move up the heap pointer.
// Always one for the new property data/pointer, and maybe one
// if we need more null space.
dwHeapMove = 1 + bExtraNullSpaceNeeded;
// Move the heap pointer;
m_pdwHeapData += dwHeapMove;
// Convert to number of bytes.
dwHeapMove *= sizeof(DWORD);
// Scoot all property pointers up by the number of bytes the heap moved.
for (int i = 0; i < nProps - 1; i++) { if (m_pProps[i].IsPointer()) m_pdwPropTable[i] += dwHeapMove; }
// Move the current pointer up.
// Slide the property data forward by dwHeapMove bytes.
memmove( m_pdwHeapData, (LPBYTE) m_pdwHeapData - dwHeapMove, m_pCurrent - (LPBYTE) m_pdwHeapData);
// See if we're going to require another DWORD in our null table once
// we add this property. If so, we have some work to do.
if (bExtraNullSpaceNeeded) { DWORD dwTableIndex;
// Slide forward the tables by one DWORD.
dwTableIndex = nProps / 32;
// Set our new entry in our table to 0 (all props null).
m_pdwNullTable[dwTableIndex] = 0;
// Slide forward the prop data by one slot.
memmove( m_pdwPropTable, m_pdwPropTable - 1, (LPBYTE) m_pdwHeapData - (LPBYTE) m_pdwNullTable); }
m_bufferEventLayout.Write((DWORD) type); m_bufferEventLayout.WriteAlignedLenString(szName);
return TRUE; }
BOOL CEvent::SetSinglePropValue(DWORD dwIndex, va_list list) { PROP_FUNC pFunc; BOOL bRet;
CCondInCritSec cs(&m_cs, IsLockable());
//m_pStack = (LPVOID*) pStack;
m_valist = list; m_iCurrentVar = dwIndex;
pFunc = m_pProps[dwIndex].m_pFunc;
bRet = (this->*pFunc)();
return bRet; }
BOOL CEvent::SetPropValues(CIntArray *pArr, va_list list) { BOOL bRet = TRUE;
CCondInCritSec cs(&m_cs, IsLockable());
// Is this a 'normal' event?
if (!pArr) { DWORD nProps = GetPropertyCount();
//m_pStack = (LPVOID*) pStack;
m_valist = list; for (m_iCurrentVar = 0; m_iCurrentVar < nProps && bRet; m_iCurrentVar++) { PROP_FUNC pFunc = m_pProps[m_iCurrentVar].m_pFunc;
bRet = (this->*pFunc)(); } } // Must be a property subset.
else { DWORD nProps = pArr->GetCount();
//m_pStack = (LPVOID*) pStack;
m_valist = list; for (DWORD i = 0; i < nProps && bRet; i++) { PROP_FUNC pFunc; int iRealIndex = (*pArr)[i]; m_iCurrentVar = iRealIndex; pFunc = m_pProps[iRealIndex].m_pFunc;
bRet = (this->*pFunc)(); } }
return bRet; }
BOOL CEvent::SetPropValue(DWORD dwPropIndex, LPVOID pData, DWORD dwElements, DWORD dwSize) { if(dwPropIndex >= GetPropertyCount()) { _ASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; }
if(dwSize == 0) { _ASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; }
CCondInCritSec cs(&m_cs, IsLockable());
CPropInfo *pProp = &m_pProps[dwPropIndex];
if (!pProp->IsPointer()) { SetPropNull(dwPropIndex, FALSE);
m_pdwPropTable[dwPropIndex] = *(DWORD*) pData;
return TRUE; }
BOOL bRet = FALSE; BOOL bLengthPrefixed = pProp->CountPrefixed(); DWORD dwSizeNeeded = bLengthPrefixed ? dwSize + sizeof(DWORD) : dwSize;
// Align the size.
dwSizeNeeded = DWORD_ALIGNED(dwSizeNeeded);
// If the value is null we'll have to make some room for the new value.
if (IsPropNull(dwPropIndex)) { LPBYTE pStart;
// Increase our buffer size.
MoveCurrent(dwSizeNeeded); // Make sure we get this after we call MoveCurrent, in case the
// buffer is reallocated.
pStart = m_pCurrent - dwSizeNeeded;
// Copy in the new value.
if (bLengthPrefixed) { *((DWORD*) pStart) = dwElements; if (pData) memcpy(pStart + sizeof(DWORD), pData, dwSize); } else { if (pData) memcpy(pStart, pData, dwSize); }
// Set this value as non-null.
SetPropNull(dwPropIndex, FALSE);
// Point to our new data.
m_pdwPropTable[dwPropIndex] = pStart - m_pBuffer;
pProp->m_dwCurrentSize = dwSizeNeeded;
bRet = TRUE; } else // Value is currently non-null.
{ // Does the old size match the new one? If so, just copy it in.
if (pProp->m_dwCurrentSize == dwSizeNeeded) { if (pData) { DWORD dwDataOffset = m_pdwPropTable[dwPropIndex]; LPBYTE pPropData = m_pBuffer + dwDataOffset;
// We always have to copy this in because the elements can
// vary for the same current size because of DWORD aligning.
*((DWORD*) pPropData) = dwElements;
if (bLengthPrefixed) memcpy(pPropData + sizeof(DWORD), pData, dwSize); else memcpy(pPropData, pData, dwSize); }
bRet = TRUE; } else // If the sizes don't match we have a little more work to do.
{ int iSizeDiff = dwSizeNeeded - pProp->m_dwCurrentSize; DWORD dwOldCurrentOffset = m_pCurrent - m_pBuffer;
// Change our buffer size.
// This has to be done before we get the pointers below, because
// MoveCurrent can potentially get our buffer reallocated.
DWORD dwDataOffset = m_pdwPropTable[dwPropIndex]; LPBYTE pPropData = m_pBuffer + dwDataOffset; LPBYTE pOldDataEnd = pPropData + pProp->m_dwCurrentSize;
memmove( pOldDataEnd + iSizeDiff, pOldDataEnd, m_pBuffer + dwOldCurrentOffset - pOldDataEnd);
// Copy in the new value.
if (bLengthPrefixed) { *((DWORD*) pPropData) = dwElements; if (pData) memcpy(pPropData + sizeof(DWORD), pData, dwSize); } else { if (pData) memcpy(pPropData, pData, dwSize); }
// Init this property's data.
pProp->m_dwCurrentSize = dwSizeNeeded;
// Increment all the data pointers by the amount we just added.
CPropInfo *pProps = m_pProps.GetData(); // We have to look at them all since we're now allowing properties
// to store data in the heap non-sequentially (e.g. property 3
// can point to data that comes after property 4's data).
DWORD nProps = GetPropertyCount();
for (DWORD i = 0; i < nProps; i++) { if (pProps[i].IsPointer() && m_pdwPropTable[i] > dwDataOffset) m_pdwPropTable[i] += iSizeDiff; } bRet = TRUE; } }
return bRet; }
BOOL CEvent::SetPropNull(DWORD dwPropIndex) { CCondInCritSec cs(&m_cs, IsLockable());
if(dwPropIndex >= GetPropertyCount()) { _ASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; }
// Only do something if the value isn't already null.
if (!IsPropNull(dwPropIndex)) { // Mark the given index as null.
SetPropNull(dwPropIndex, TRUE);
if (m_pProps[dwPropIndex].IsPointer()) { CPropInfo *pProps = m_pProps.GetData(); DWORD nProps = GetPropertyCount(), dwSizeToRemove = pProps[dwPropIndex].m_dwCurrentSize; DWORD dwDataOffset = m_pdwPropTable[dwPropIndex]; LPBYTE pDataToRemove = m_pBuffer + dwDataOffset;
// Slide up all the data that comes after the one we're nulling
// out.
memmove( pDataToRemove, pDataToRemove + dwSizeToRemove, m_pCurrent - pDataToRemove - dwSizeToRemove); // Reduce the size of our send buffer.
// Decrement all the data pointers by the amount we just removed.
for (DWORD i = 0; i < nProps; i++) { if (pProps[i].IsPointer() && m_pdwPropTable[i] > dwDataOffset) { m_pdwPropTable[i] -= dwSizeToRemove; } } } }
return TRUE; }
LPBYTE CEvent::GetPropData(DWORD dwPropIndex) { CPropInfo *pProp = &m_pProps[dwPropIndex]; LPBYTE pData;
if (pProp->IsPointer()) { DWORD dwDataOffset = m_pdwPropTable[dwPropIndex]; pData = m_pBuffer + dwDataOffset; } else pData = (LPBYTE) &m_pdwPropTable[dwPropIndex];
return pData; }
BOOL CEvent::GetPropValue( DWORD dwPropIndex, LPVOID pData, DWORD dwBufferSize, DWORD *pdwBytesRead) { CCondInCritSec cs(&m_cs, IsLockable());
if(dwPropIndex >= GetPropertyCount()) { _ASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; }
if(dwBufferSize == 0) { _ASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; }
// If the value is non-null then read it.
if (!IsPropNull(dwPropIndex)) { CPropInfo *pProp = &m_pProps[dwPropIndex]; DWORD dwSizeToRead = pProp->m_dwCurrentSize; LPBYTE pPropData = GetPropData(dwPropIndex);
// Get rid of the prefix if there is any.
if (pProp->CountPrefixed()) { pPropData += sizeof(DWORD); dwSizeToRead -= sizeof(DWORD); }
// Make sure we have enough room for the output data.
if (dwBufferSize >= dwSizeToRead) { memcpy(pData, pPropData, dwSizeToRead); *pdwBytesRead = dwSizeToRead; bRet = TRUE; } } else { *pdwBytesRead = 0; bRet = TRUE; }
return bRet; }
BOOL CEvent::AddStringW() { BOOL bRet = TRUE; LPCWSTR szVal = va_arg(m_valist, LPCWSTR);
if (!szVal) SetPropNull(m_iCurrentVar); else { DWORD dwLen = (wcslen(szVal) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); bRet = SetPropValue( m_iCurrentVar, (LPVOID) szVal, dwLen, // This will be written into the buffer as the size
// of the string.
dwLen); // The number of bytes we need.
return bRet; }
BOOL CEvent::AddScalarArray() { BOOL bRet = TRUE; LPBYTE pData = va_arg(m_valist, LPBYTE); DWORD dwElements = va_arg(m_valist, DWORD);
if (!pData) SetPropNull(m_iCurrentVar); else { DWORD dwSize;
// The caller gives us the number of elements in the array. So,
// multiply the number of elements by the element size.
dwSize = m_pProps[m_iCurrentVar].m_dwElementSize * dwElements;
bRet = SetPropValue(m_iCurrentVar, pData, dwElements, dwSize);
// Moves past the LPVOID and the DWORD.
//m_pStack += 2;
return bRet; }
BOOL CEvent::AddStringArray() { BOOL bRet = TRUE; LPCWSTR *pszStrings = va_arg(m_valist, LPCWSTR*); DWORD dwItems = va_arg(m_valist, DWORD);
if (!pszStrings) SetPropNull(m_iCurrentVar); else { // Copy the strings into our buffer.
DWORD dwTotalLen = 0;
// Calculate the total length.
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwItems; i++) { // The amount of buffer each string takes must be DWORD aligned.
dwTotalLen += DWORD_ALIGNED(wcslen(pszStrings[i]) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); }
// Account for the DWORDs before each string.
dwTotalLen += sizeof(DWORD) * dwItems;
// Use a NULL for the data pointer to just make room for the strings
// without copying in the data.
bRet = SetPropValue(m_iCurrentVar, NULL, dwItems, dwTotalLen);
if (bRet) { // Copy the strings into our buffer.
LPBYTE pCurrent = GetPropData(m_iCurrentVar) + sizeof(DWORD);
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwItems; i++) { DWORD dwLen = (wcslen(pszStrings[i]) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Add the prefixed size.
*(DWORD*) pCurrent = dwLen;
// Copy in the string. Don't use an aligned len because
// we only copy exactly dwLen bytes.
memcpy(pCurrent + sizeof(DWORD), pszStrings[i], dwLen); pCurrent += sizeof(DWORD) + DWORD_ALIGNED(*(DWORD*) pCurrent); }
// Moves past the LPVOID and the DWORD.
//m_pStack += 2;
} else bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
BOOL CEvent::AddObject() { BOOL bRet = TRUE; HANDLE hEvent = va_arg(m_valist, HANDLE);
if (!hEvent) SetPropNull(m_iCurrentVar); else { CEvent *pEvent = ((CEventWrap*) hEvent)->GetEvent(); DWORD dwTotalLen, dwLayoutLen, dwDataLen; LPBYTE pLayout, pData; pEvent->GetLayoutBuffer(&pLayout, &dwLayoutLen, FALSE); pEvent->GetDataBuffer(&pData, &dwDataLen, FALSE);
dwTotalLen = dwLayoutLen + dwDataLen; // Use a NULL for the data pointer to just make room for the event
// buffers without copying in the data.
// Note that because the property has m_bCountPrefixNeeded set to
// TRUE, SetPropValue will write in the 3rd argument (the length of
// the object) into the first DWORD.
bRet = SetPropValue( m_iCurrentVar, NULL, // Aligned since this will represent the size of the buffer
// taken by the object.
DWORD_ALIGNED(dwTotalLen), // This one should not be aligned because it's the literal number
// of bytes we're going to copy into the buffer.
dwTotalLen); if (bRet) { // Now that we have some room, copy in the data.
// The sizeof(DWORD) gets us past the length of the object.
LPBYTE pDestData = GetPropData(m_iCurrentVar) + sizeof(DWORD);
memcpy(pDestData, pLayout, dwLayoutLen); memcpy(pDestData + dwLayoutLen, pData, dwDataLen); } }
return bRet; }
BOOL CEvent::AddWmiObject() { BOOL bRet = TRUE; _IWmiObject *pObj = (_IWmiObject*) (IWbemClassObject*) va_arg(m_valist, IWbemClassObject*);
if (!pObj) SetPropNull(m_iCurrentVar); else { DWORD dwTotalLen = 0; HRESULT hr; hr = pObj->GetObjectParts( NULL, 0, WBEM_OBJ_DECORATION_PART | WBEM_OBJ_INSTANCE_PART | WBEM_OBJ_CLASS_PART, &dwTotalLen); // This should never happen, but just in case...
if (hr != WBEM_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) return FALSE;
// Use a NULL for the data pointer to just make room for the event
// buffers without copying in the data.
// Note that because the property has m_bCountPrefixNeeded set to
// TRUE, SetPropValue will write in the 3rd argument (the length of
// the object) into the first DWORD.
bRet = SetPropValue( m_iCurrentVar, NULL, // Aligned since this will represent the size of the buffer
// taken by the object.
DWORD_ALIGNED(dwTotalLen), // This one should not be aligned because it's the literal number
// of bytes we're going to copy into the buffer.
dwTotalLen); if (bRet) { // Now that we have some room, copy in the data.
// The sizeof(DWORD) gets us past the length of the object.
LPBYTE pDestData = GetPropData(m_iCurrentVar) + sizeof(DWORD);
hr = pObj->GetObjectParts( pDestData, dwTotalLen, WBEM_OBJ_DECORATION_PART | WBEM_OBJ_INSTANCE_PART | WBEM_OBJ_CLASS_PART, &dwTotalLen);
bRet = SUCCEEDED(hr); } }
return bRet; }
BOOL CEvent::AddBYTE() { BYTE cData = va_arg(m_valist, BYTE); BOOL bRet = SetPropValue(m_iCurrentVar, &cData, 1, sizeof(BYTE));
return bRet; }
BOOL CEvent::AddWORD() { WORD wData = va_arg(m_valist, WORD); BOOL bRet = SetPropValue(m_iCurrentVar, &wData, 1, sizeof(WORD));
return bRet; }
BOOL CEvent::AddDWORD() { DWORD dwData = va_arg(m_valist, DWORD); BOOL bRet = SetPropValue(m_iCurrentVar, &dwData, 1, sizeof(DWORD));
return bRet; }
BOOL CEvent::AddFloat() { // The compiler pushes 64-bit doubles when passing floats, so we'll have
// to first convert it to a 32-bit float.
//float fValue = (float) *(double*) m_pStack;
float fValue = va_arg(m_valist, double); BOOL bRet = SetPropValue(m_iCurrentVar, &fValue, 1, sizeof(float));
// Account for the 64-bits passed on the stack.
//m_pStack += 2;
return bRet; }
BOOL CEvent::AddDWORD64() { DWORD64 dwData = va_arg(m_valist, DWORD64); BOOL bRet = SetPropValue(m_iCurrentVar, &dwData, 1, sizeof(DWORD64));
// To get past both DWORDs.
//m_pStack += 2;
return bRet; }
BOOL CEvent::SendEvent() { BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if (IsEnabled()) { CCondInCritSec cs(&m_cs, IsLockable());
if (!m_bLayoutSent) { DWORD dwLayoutSize = m_bufferEventLayout.GetUsedSize();
// Embed the layout size in the message.
((DWORD*) m_bufferEventLayout.m_pBuffer)[1] = dwLayoutSize;
m_bLayoutSent = m_pSink->GetConnection()->SendData( m_bufferEventLayout.m_pBuffer, dwLayoutSize); }
if (m_bLayoutSent) { DWORD dwDataSize = GetUsedSize();
// Embed the data buffer size in the message.
((DWORD*) m_pBuffer)[1] = dwDataSize;
bRet = m_pSink->GetConnection()->SendData(m_pBuffer, dwDataSize); } } return bRet; }
void CEvent::GetLayoutBuffer( LPBYTE *ppBuffer, DWORD *pdwSize, BOOL bIncludeHeader) { DWORD dwHeaderSize = bIncludeHeader ? 0 : sizeof(DWORD) * 4;
// Get past the header stuff.
*ppBuffer = m_bufferEventLayout.m_pBuffer + dwHeaderSize;
// Subtract off the header stuff.
*pdwSize = m_bufferEventLayout.GetUsedSize() - dwHeaderSize; }
void CEvent::GetDataBuffer( LPBYTE *ppBuffer, DWORD *pdwSize, BOOL bIncludeHeader) { DWORD dwHeaderSize = bIncludeHeader ? 0 : sizeof(DWORD) * 3;
// Get past the header stuff.
*ppBuffer = m_pBuffer + dwHeaderSize;
// Subtract off the header stuff.
*pdwSize = GetUsedSize() - dwHeaderSize; }
BOOL CEvent::SetLayoutAndDataBuffers( LPBYTE pLayoutBuffer, DWORD dwLayoutBufferSize, LPBYTE pDataBuffer, DWORD dwDataBufferSize) { DWORD dwEventIndex = InterlockedExchangeAdd((long*) &g_dwEventIndex, 1); int nProps;
CCondInCritSec cs(&m_cs, IsLockable());
// Setup the event layout buffer.
m_bufferEventLayout.Reset(); // Set the layout buffer.
m_bufferEventLayout.Write(pLayoutBuffer, dwLayoutBufferSize); // Add the new index we just created.
*(((DWORD*) m_bufferEventLayout.m_pBuffer) + 1) = dwEventIndex; // Get the number of props from the layout buffer.
nProps = GetPropertyCount();
// Setup the main event buffer
Reset(); Write(pDataBuffer, dwDataBufferSize);
// Add the new index we just created.
*(((DWORD*) m_pBuffer) + 1) = dwEventIndex;
m_pProps.Init(nProps); m_pProps.SetCount(nProps);
// Setup our data tables.
LPBYTE pLayoutCurrent = // Get past the header and property count.
(m_bufferEventLayout.m_pBuffer + sizeof(DWORD) * 5);
// Get past the event name.
pLayoutCurrent += sizeof(DWORD) + DWORD_ALIGNED(*(DWORD*) pLayoutCurrent);
// For each non-null pointer property, figure out the property's size.
for (DWORD i = 0; i < nProps; i++) { CPropInfo &info = m_pProps[i]; CIMTYPE dwType = *(DWORD*) pLayoutCurrent;
info.Init(dwType); // Get past the type, the length of the property name, and the property
// name itself.
pLayoutCurrent += sizeof(DWORD) * 2 + DWORD_ALIGNED(*(DWORD*) (pLayoutCurrent + sizeof(DWORD)));
if (!IsPropNull(i) && info.IsPointer()) { LPBYTE pData = GetPropData(i);
info.InitCurrentSize(pData); } }
return TRUE; }
#define DEF_HEAP_EXTRA 256
void CEvent::RecalcTables() { DWORD nProps = GetPropertyCount(), dwNullSize;
m_pdwNullTable = (DWORD*) (m_pBuffer + sizeof(DWORD) * 3); dwNullSize = (nProps + 31) / 32; if (!dwNullSize) dwNullSize = 1;
m_pdwPropTable = m_pdwNullTable + dwNullSize;
m_pdwHeapData = m_pdwPropTable + nProps;
DWORD dwSize = (LPBYTE) m_pdwHeapData - m_pCurrent;
if ((LPBYTE) m_pdwHeapData - m_pBuffer > m_dwSize) Resize((LPBYTE) m_pdwHeapData - m_pBuffer + DEF_HEAP_EXTRA);
dwSize = m_pCurrent - (LPBYTE) m_pdwHeapData; }