Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains all caching classes and objects.
a-dcrews 01-Mar-00 Created ivanbrug 23-Jun-2000 mostly rewritten
#ifndef _CACHE_H_
#define _CACHE_H_
#include <windows.h>
#include <wbemcli.h>
#include <wbemint.h>
#include <wstlallc.h>
#include <sync.h>
#include "RawCooker.h"
#include "CookerUtils.h"
#include <wstring.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
// Macro Definitions
#define WMI_COOKER_CACHE_INCREMENT 8 // The cache size adjustment increment
// CProperty
// =========
// The base property - used for raw properties and the base
// class for the CookedProperty.
class CProperty { protected: #ifdef _VERBOSE
LPWSTR m_wszName; // The property name
long m_lPropHandle; // The property handle
public: CProperty( LPWSTR wszName, long lHandle, CIMTYPE ct ); ~CProperty();
#ifdef _VERBOSE
LPWSTR GetName(); #endif
CIMTYPE GetType(); long GetHandle(); };
// CCookingProperty
// ================
// The cooked property - used to model the data required to
// cook a property of a cooekd class
class CCookingProperty : public CProperty { DWORD m_dwCounterType; // Counter type
DWORD m_dwReqProp; // which property are needed to perform calculation
CRawCooker m_Cooker; // The cooker object
CProperty* m_pRawCounterProp; // The raw counter property
CProperty* m_pTimeProp; // The raw time property
CProperty* m_pFrequencyProp; // The raw frequency property
CProperty* m_pBaseProp; // The raw base property OPTIONAL for most counters
__int32 m_nSampleWindow; // The number of samples used for the computation
__int32 m_nTimeWindow; // The period used for the samples
unsigned __int64 m_nTimeFreq; // The timer frequency;
long m_lScale; // The Scale factor (10 ^ (m_lScale))
BOOL m_bUseWellKnownIfNeeded;
public: CCookingProperty( LPWSTR wszName, DWORD dwCounterType, long lPropHandle, CIMTYPE ct, DWORD dwReqProp, BOOL bUseWellKnownIfNeeded); virtual ~CCookingProperty();
WMISTATUS Initialize( IWbemQualifierSet* pCookingPropQualifierSet, IWbemObjectAccess* pRawAccess, IWbemQualifierSet* pCookingClassQSet);
WMISTATUS Cook( DWORD dwNumSamples, __int64* aRawCounter, __int64* aBaseCounter, __int64* aTimeStamp, __int64* pnResult );
CProperty* GetRawCounterProperty(); CProperty* GetBaseProperty(); CProperty* GetTimeProperty();
HRESULT SetFrequency(IWbemObjectAccess * pObjAcc); unsigned __int64 GetFrequency(void); BOOL IsReq(DWORD ReqProp) { return (m_dwReqProp&ReqProp); };
DWORD NumberOfActiveSamples() { return m_nSampleWindow; }; DWORD MinSamplesRequired() { return m_nSampleWindow; };
// CPropertySampleCache
// ====================
// For every property in each instance, we must maintain a history of
// previous samples for the cooking. The type of cooking determines the
// number of required samples
class CPropertySampleCache { DWORD m_dwNumSamples; // The number of current samples
DWORD m_dwTotSamples; // The size of the sample array
DWORD m_dwRefreshID;
__int64* m_aRawCounterVals; // The array of raw counter values
__int64* m_aBaseCounterVals; // The array of base counter values
__int64* m_aTimeStampVals; // The array of timestamp values
public: CPropertySampleCache(); ~CPropertySampleCache();
WMISTATUS SetSampleInfo( DWORD dwNumActiveSamples, DWORD dwMinReqSamples ); WMISTATUS SetSampleData( DWORD dwRefreshID, __int64 nRawCounter, __int64 nRawBase, __int64 nTimeStamp ); WMISTATUS GetData( DWORD* pdwNumSamples, __int64** paRawCounter, __int64** paBaseCounter, __int64** paTimeStamp ); };
// CCookingInstance
// ================
// The cooking instance - used to model an instance of a cooked object. Each
// property maintains a cache of values that will be used to compute the
// final cooked value.
class CCookingInstance { LPWSTR m_wszKey; // The instance key
IWbemObjectAccess* m_pCookingInstance; // Cooking instance data
IWbemObjectAccess* m_pRawInstance; // Raw sample source
CPropertySampleCache* m_aPropertySamples; // The cache of property samples for this instance
DWORD m_dwNumProps; public: CCookingInstance( IWbemObjectAccess *pCookingInstance, DWORD dwNumProps ); virtual ~CCookingInstance();
WMISTATUS InitProperty( DWORD dwProp, DWORD dwNumActiveSamples, DWORD dwMinReqSamples );
WMISTATUS SetRawSourceInstance( IWbemObjectAccess* pRawSampleSource ); WMISTATUS GetRawSourceInstance( IWbemObjectAccess** ppRawSampleSource );
WMISTATUS AddSample( DWORD dwRefresherInc, DWORD dwProp, __int64 nRawCounter, __int64 nRawBase, __int64 nTimeStamp );
WMISTATUS GetCachedSamples( IWbemObjectAccess** ppOldSample, IWbemObjectAccess** ppNewSample ); IWbemObjectAccess* GetInstance();
WMISTATUS UpdateSamples(); WMISTATUS CookProperty( DWORD dwProp, CCookingProperty* pProperty );
LPWSTR GetKey() { return m_wszKey; } WMISTATUS Refresh( IWbemObjectAccess* pRawData, IWbemObjectAccess** ppCookedData );
BOOL IsValid() { return (m_dwNumProps && m_aPropertySamples); }; };
// CRecord
// =======
template<class T> class CRecord { long m_lID; // Instance ID
CRecord* m_pNext; // The next pointer in the list
static long m_lRefIDGen; // The ID generator
public: CRecord() : m_lID( m_lRefIDGen++ ), m_pNext( NULL ) {} virtual ~CRecord() {}
void SetNext( CRecord* pRecord ) { m_pNext = pRecord; } void SetID( long lID ) { m_lID = lID; }
CRecord* GetNext() { return m_pNext; } long GetID() { return m_lID; }
virtual T* GetData() = 0; };
// CObjRecord
// ==========
// A hidden class used by the cache to manage elements
template<class T> class CObjRecord : public CRecord<T> { WCHAR* m_wszKey; T* m_pObj;
public: CObjRecord( T* pObj, WCHAR* wszKey ) : m_pObj( pObj ), m_wszKey( NULL ) { if ( NULL != wszKey ) { size_t length = wcslen( wszKey ) + 1; m_wszKey = new WCHAR[ length ]; if (m_wszKey) StringCchCopyW( m_wszKey, length , wszKey ); else throw CX_MemoryException(); } }
~CObjRecord() { delete m_pObj; delete m_wszKey; }
T* GetData(){ return m_pObj; }
bool IsValueByKey( WCHAR* wszKey ) { return ( 0 == _wcsicmp( m_wszKey, wszKey ) ); } };
// CCache
// ======
// BT - base type
// RT - record type
template<class BT, class RT> class CCache { RT* m_pHead; // Head of list
RT* m_pTail; // Tail of list
RT* m_pEnumNode; // Enumerator pointer
CCache(); virtual ~CCache();
WMISTATUS Add( BT* pData, WCHAR* wszKey, long* plID ); WMISTATUS Remove( long lID ); WMISTATUS RemoveAll();
WMISTATUS GetData( long lID, BT** ppData );
WMISTATUS BeginEnum(); WMISTATUS Next( BT** ppData ); WMISTATUS EndEnum();
bool FindByKey( WCHAR* wszKey, BT* pData ); };
template<class T> long CRecord<T>::m_lRefIDGen = 0;
template<class BT, class RT> CCache<BT,RT>::CCache() : m_pHead( NULL ), m_pTail( NULL ), m_pEnumNode( NULL ) { }
template<class BT, class RT> CCache<BT,RT>::~CCache() { RT* pNode = m_pHead; RT* pNext = NULL;
while ( NULL != pNode ) { pNext = (RT*)pNode->GetNext(); delete pNode; pNode = pNext; } };
template<class BT, class RT> WMISTATUS CCache<BT,RT>::Add( BT *pData, WCHAR* wszKey, long* plID ) { WMISTATUS dwStatus = S_OK;
if ( NULL == pData ) { dwStatus = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if ( SUCCEEDED( dwStatus ) ) { RT* pNewRecord = new RT( pData, wszKey );
if ( NULL != pNewRecord ) { if ( NULL == m_pHead ) { m_pHead = pNewRecord; m_pTail = pNewRecord; } else { m_pTail->SetNext( pNewRecord ); m_pTail = pNewRecord; }
*plID = pNewRecord->GetID(); } else { dwStatus = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } }
return dwStatus; };
template<class BT, class RT> WMISTATUS CCache<BT,RT>::Remove( long lID ) { WMISTATUS dwStatus = S_FALSE;
RT* pNode = m_pHead; RT* pNext = (RT*)pNode->GetNext(); RT* pPrev = NULL;
while ( NULL != pNode ) { if ( pNode->GetID() == lID ) { if ( NULL == pNext ) m_pTail = pPrev;
if ( NULL == pPrev ) m_pHead = pNext; else pPrev->SetNext( pNext );
delete pNode;
dwStatus = S_OK; }
pPrev = pNode; pNode = pNext;
if ( NULL != pNode ) pNext = (RT*)pNode->GetNext(); }
return dwStatus; };
template<class BT, class RT> WMISTATUS CCache<BT,RT>::RemoveAll() { WMISTATUS dwStatus = S_FALSE;
RT* pNode = m_pHead; RT* pNext = NULL;
while ( NULL != pNode ) { pNext = (RT*)pNode->GetNext(); delete pNode; pNode = pNext; }
m_pHead = m_pTail = NULL; return dwStatus; };
template<class BT, class RT> WMISTATUS CCache<BT,RT>::GetData( long lID, BT** ppData ) { WMISTATUS dwStatus = S_FALSE;
RT* pNode = m_pHead;
while ( NULL != pNode ) { if ( pNode->GetID() == lID ) { *ppData = pNode->GetData(); dwStatus = S_OK; break; } else { pNode = (RT*)pNode->GetNext(); } }
return dwStatus;
template<class BT, class RT> WMISTATUS CCache<BT,RT>::BeginEnum() { WMISTATUS dwStatus = S_OK;
m_pEnumNode = m_pHead;
return dwStatus; };
template<class BT, class RT> WMISTATUS CCache<BT,RT>::Next( BT** ppData ) { WMISTATUS dwStatus = WBEM_S_FALSE;
if ( NULL != m_pEnumNode ) { *ppData = m_pEnumNode->GetData(); m_pEnumNode = (RT*)m_pEnumNode->GetNext(); dwStatus = S_OK; }
return dwStatus; };
template<class BT, class RT> WMISTATUS CCache<BT,RT>::EndEnum() { WMISTATUS dwStatus = S_OK;
m_pEnumNode = NULL;
return dwStatus; };
template<class BT, class RT> bool CCache<BT,RT>::FindByKey( WCHAR* wszKey, BT* pData ) { BT Data; bool bRet = FALSE;
while( WBEM_S_FALSE != Next( &Data ) ) { if ( pData->IsValueByKey( wszKey ) ) { *pData = Data; bRet = TRUE; break; } }
return bRet; };
// used to add/remove an instance from the coooker
// and from the fastprox enumerator
typedef struct tagEnumCookId { long CookId; long EnumId; } EnumCookId;
// CEnumeratorManager
// ==================
class CWMISimpleObjectCooker;
class CEnumeratorManager // Manages a single enumerator
{ private: DWORD m_dwSignature; LONG m_cRef; HRESULT m_InithRes; CCritSec m_cs; CWMISimpleObjectCooker* m_pCooker; // The class' cooker
long m_lRawID; // RawID
IWbemHiPerfEnum* m_pRawEnum; // The hiperf cooked enumerator
IWbemHiPerfEnum* m_pCookedEnum; // The hiperf cooked enumerator
IWbemClassObject* m_pCookedClass; // The class definition for the cooking class
std::vector<WString,wbem_allocator<WString> > m_pKeyProps; WCHAR* m_wszCookingClassName; BOOL m_IsSingleton;
// to keep track of the differences
// between the raw enum and our enum
DWORD m_dwUsage; std::map< ULONG_PTR , EnumCookId , std::less<ULONG_PTR> ,wbem_allocator<EnumCookId> > m_mapID; std::vector< ULONG_PTR , wbem_allocator<ULONG_PTR> > m_Delta[2]; DWORD m_dwVector;
// members
WMISTATUS Initialize( IWbemClassObject* pRawClass );
WMISTATUS CreateCookingObject( IWbemObjectAccess* pRawObject, IWbemObjectAccess** ppCookedObject );
WMISTATUS InsertCookingRecord( IWbemObjectAccess* pRawObject, EnumCookId * pStruct, DWORD dwRefreshStamp );
WMISTATUS RemoveCookingRecord( EnumCookId * pEnumCookId );
WMISTATUS GetRawEnumObjects( std::vector<IWbemObjectAccess*, wbem_allocator<IWbemObjectAccess*> > & refArray, std::vector<ULONG_PTR, wbem_allocator<ULONG_PTR> > & refObjHashKeys);
WMISTATUS UpdateEnums(std::vector<ULONG_PTR, wbem_allocator<ULONG_PTR> > & apObjAccess); public: CEnumeratorManager( LPCWSTR wszCookingClass, IWbemClassObject* pCookedClass, IWbemClassObject* pRawClass, IWbemHiPerfEnum* pCookedEnum, IWbemHiPerfEnum* pRawEnum, long lRawID ); virtual ~CEnumeratorManager();
HRESULT GetInithResult(){ return m_InithRes; };
WMISTATUS Refresh( DWORD dwRefreshStamp ); long GetRawId(void){ return m_lRawID; }; LONG AddRef(); LONG Release(); };
// CEnumeratorCache
// ================
class CEnumeratorCache { DWORD m_dwRefreshStamp; // The refresh counter
DWORD m_dwEnum; // The enumerator index
std::vector<CEnumeratorManager*, wbem_allocator<CEnumeratorManager*> > m_apEnumerators; CCritSec m_cs;
WMISTATUS Initialize();
public: CEnumeratorCache(); virtual ~CEnumeratorCache();
WMISTATUS AddEnum( LPCWSTR wszCookingClass, IWbemClassObject* pCookedClass, IWbemClassObject* pRawClass, IWbemHiPerfEnum* pCookedEnum, IWbemHiPerfEnum* pRawEnum, long lID, DWORD* pdwID );
WMISTATUS RemoveEnum( DWORD dwID , long * pRawId);
WMISTATUS Refresh(DWORD dwRefreshStamp); };
// Simple Cache based on the std::map
// It will use the ID semantics:
// Insertion will return an ID that need to be
// used for deletion
// ids are unique for the lifetime of the Cache object
template <class T> class IdCache { private: std::map<DWORD, T, std::less<DWORD>, wbem_allocator<T> > m_map; DWORD m_NextId; typename std::map<DWORD, T, std::less<DWORD>, wbem_allocator<T> >::iterator m_it; CCritSec m_cs; public: IdCache():m_NextId(0){}; virtual ~IdCache(){}; void Lock(){ m_cs.Enter(); } void Unlock(){m_cs.Leave();};
// traditional interfaces
HRESULT Add( DWORD * pId, T Elem); HRESULT GetData(DWORD Id, T * pElem); HRESULT Remove(DWORD Id, T * pRemovedElem);
// before calling this, delete the elements
HRESULT RemoveAll(void);
// Enumerator Style
HRESULT BeginEnum(void); HRESULT Next(T * pElem); HRESULT EndEnum(void); };
template <class T> HRESULT IdCache<T>::Add( DWORD * pId, T Elem) { HRESULT hr; CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); if (pId) { std::map<DWORD, T , std::less<DWORD>, wbem_allocator<T> >::iterator it = m_map.find(m_NextId); if (it != m_map.end()) hr = E_FAIL; else { try { m_map[m_NextId] = Elem; *pId = m_NextId; InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&m_NextId); hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } catch(...) { hr = E_FAIL; } } } else { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return hr; }
template <class T> HRESULT IdCache<T>::GetData(DWORD Id, T * pElem) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
std::map<DWORD, T , std::less<DWORD>, wbem_allocator<T> >::iterator it = m_map.find(Id); if (it != m_map.end()) *pElem = (*it).second; else hr = WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND;
return hr; }
template <class T> HRESULT IdCache<T>::Remove(DWORD Id, T * pRemovedElem) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; if (pRemovedElem) { std::map<DWORD, T , std::less<DWORD>, wbem_allocator<T> >::iterator it = m_map.find(Id);
if (it != m_map.end()) { *pRemovedElem = (*it).second; m_map.erase(it); } else hr = WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; } else hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
return hr; }
// DEVDEV Empty the cache before removing from std::map
template <class T> HRESULT IdCache<T>::RemoveAll(void) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); m_map.erase(m_map.begin(),m_map.end());
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; };
template <class T> HRESULT IdCache<T>::BeginEnum(void) { Lock(); m_it = m_map.begin(); return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
// assume inside CritSec
template <class T> HRESULT IdCache<T>::Next(T * pElem) { HRESULT hr; if (pElem) { if (m_it == m_map.end()) hr = WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA; else { *pElem = (*m_it).second; ++m_it; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } } else hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
return hr; }
template <class T> HRESULT IdCache<T>::EndEnum(void) { Unlock(); return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
#endif //_CACHE_H_