// Server.cpp
// Module: WMI high performance provider sample code
// Generic COM server framework, adapted for the BasicHiPerf provider
// sample. This module contains nothing specific to the BasicHiPerf
// provider except what is defined in the section bracketed by the
// CLSID SPECIFIC comments below.
// History:
// raymcc 25-Nov-97 Created.
// raymcc 18-Feb-98 Updated for NT5 Beta 2 version.
// a-dcrews 12-Jan-99 Adapted for BasicHiPerf.dll
// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All rights reserved
#include "precomp.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <autoptr.h>
#include <helper.h>
#include "wbemprov.h"
#include "Provider.h"
#include "Factory.h"
#define SERVER_REGISTRY_COMMENT L"WMI High Performance Cooker"
// {B0A2AB46-F612-4469-BEC4-7AB038BC476C}
DEFINE_GUID(IMPLEMENTED_CLSID, 0xb0a2ab46, 0xf612, 0x4469, 0xbe, 0xc4, 0x7a, 0xb0, 0x38, 0xbc, 0x47, 0x6c);
HINSTANCE g_hInstance; long g_lLocks = 0; long g_lObjects = 0;
// DllMain
// Dll entry point.
// HINSTANCE hinstDLL The handle to our DLL.
// DWORD dwReason DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH on load,
// DLL_PROCESS_DETACH on shutdown,
// LPVOID lpReserved Reserved
// TRUE is successful, FALSE if a fatal error occured.
// NT behaves very ugly if FALSE is returned.
BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved ) { if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { g_hInstance = hinstDLL; DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hinstDLL); }
return TRUE; }
// DllGetClassObject
// Standard OLE In-Process Server entry point to return an class factory
// instance.
// S_OK Success
// E_NOINTERFACE An interface other that IClassFactory was asked for
// E_FAILED Initialization failed, or an unsupported clsid was
// asked for.
STDAPI DllGetClassObject( REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppv ) { if (NULL == ppv) return E_POINTER; CClassFactory *pClassFactory = NULL; HRESULT hRes;
// Verify the caller is asking for our type of object
// ===================================================
if (IMPLEMENTED_CLSID == rclsid) { // Create the class factory
// ========================
pClassFactory = new CClassFactory;
if (!pClassFactory) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; hRes = pClassFactory->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); if (FAILED(hRes)) { delete pClassFactory; return hRes; } hRes = S_OK; } else hRes = CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE;
return hRes; }
// DllCanUnloadNow
// Standard OLE entry point for server shutdown request. Allows shutdown
// only if no outstanding objects or locks are present.
// S_OK May unload now.
// S_FALSE May not.
STDAPI DllCanUnloadNow(void) { HRESULT hRes = S_FALSE;
if (0 == g_lLocks && 0 == g_lObjects) hRes = S_OK;
return hRes; }
// DllRegisterServer
// Standard OLE entry point for registering the server.
// S_OK Registration was successful
// E_FAIL Registration failed.
STDAPI DllRegisterServer(void) { WCHAR * Path = new WCHAR[1024]; wmilib::auto_buffer<WCHAR> rm1_(Path); WCHAR * KeyPath = new WCHAR[1024]; wmilib::auto_buffer<WCHAR> rm2_(KeyPath);
if (0 == Path || 0 == KeyPath) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } // Get the dll's filename
// ======================
GetModuleFileNameW(g_hInstance, Path, 1024);
// Convert CLSID to string.
// ========================
WCHAR * pGuidStr = 0; RETURN_ON_ERR(StringFromCLSID(IMPLEMENTED_CLSID, &pGuidStr)); OnDelete<void *,void(*)(void *),CoTaskMemFree> dm(pGuidStr); StringCchPrintfW(KeyPath, 1024, L"Software\\Classes\\CLSID\\\\%s", pGuidStr);
// Place it in registry.
// CLSID\\CLSID_Nt5PerProvider_v1 : <no_name> : "name"
// \\CLSID_Nt5PerProvider_v1\\InProcServer32 : <no_name> : "path to DLL"
// : ThreadingModel : "both"
// ==============================================================
HKEY hKey; LONG lRes; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCreateKeyW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KeyPath, &hKey)) return E_FAIL; OnDelete<HKEY,LONG(*)(HKEY),RegCloseKey> cm(hKey);
wchar_t *pName = SERVER_REGISTRY_COMMENT; RegSetValueExW(hKey, 0, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *) pName, wcslen(pName) * 2 + 2);
HKEY hSubkey; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCreateKey(hKey, TEXT("InprocServer32"), &hSubkey)) return E_FAIL; OnDelete<HKEY,LONG(*)(HKEY),RegCloseKey> cm2(hSubkey);
RegSetValueExW(hSubkey, 0, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *) Path, wcslen(Path) * 2 + 2); RegSetValueExW(hSubkey, L"ThreadingModel", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *) L"Both", wcslen(L"Both") * 2 + 2);
return S_OK; }
// DllUnregisterServer
// Standard OLE entry point for unregistering the server.
// S_OK Unregistration was successful
// E_FAIL Unregistration failed.
STDAPI DllUnregisterServer(void) {
wchar_t KeyPath[256];
wchar_t *pGuidStr = 0;
RETURN_ON_ERR(StringFromCLSID(IMPLEMENTED_CLSID, &pGuidStr)); OnDelete<void *,void(*)(void *),CoTaskMemFree> dm(pGuidStr); StringCchPrintfW(KeyPath, 256, L"Software\\Classes\\CLSID\\%s", pGuidStr);
// Delete InProcServer32 subkey.
// =============================
HKEY hKey; LONG lRes; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KeyPath, &hKey)) return E_FAIL; OnDelete<HKEY,LONG(*)(HKEY),RegCloseKey> cm(hKey);
RegDeleteKeyW(hKey, L"InprocServer32");
// Delete CLSID GUID key.
// ======================
HKEY hKey2; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Software\\Classes\\CLSID", &hKey2)) return E_FAIL; OnDelete<HKEY,LONG(*)(HKEY),RegCloseKey> cm2(hKey2);
RegDeleteKeyW(hKey2, pGuidStr);
return S_OK; }