#include <wmiexts.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <obase.h>
//IID_IStdIdentity {0000001B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
const GUID IID_IStdIdentity = {0x0000001B,0x0000,0x0000,{0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}};
#include <data.h>
#include <utilfun.h>
GUID CurrUUID; MEMORY_ADDRESS pUUID = 0; pUUID = GetExpression(args); if (pUUID){ ReadMemory(pUUID,&CurrUUID,sizeof(GUID),0);
WCHAR pszClsID[40]; StringFromGUID2(CurrUUID,pszClsID,40); WCHAR pszFullPath[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpyW(pszFullPath,L"Interface\\"); lstrcatW(pszFullPath,pszClsID);
char pDataA[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKey; LONG lRes;
lRes = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, pszFullPath, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS){ DWORD dwType; WCHAR pData[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwSize=sizeof(pData); lRes = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, NULL, // default
NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *)pData, &dwSize); if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,pData,-1,pDataA,sizeof(pDataA),NULL,NULL); dprintf(" IID_%s\n",pDataA); } RegCloseKey(hKey); } else { if (IsEqualGUID(CurrUUID,IID_IMarshal)){ dprintf(" IID_IMarshal\n"); } else if (IsEqualGUID(CurrUUID,IID_IStdIdentity)) { dprintf(" IID_IStdIdentity\n"); } else if (IsEqualGUID(CurrUUID,IID_ICallFactory)) { dprintf(" IID_ICallFactory\n"); } else { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,pszClsID,-1,pDataA,sizeof(pDataA),NULL,NULL); dprintf("unable to open key %s\n",pDataA); } }
} else { dprintf("unable to resolve %s\n",args); }
extern ArrayCLSID g_ArrayCLSID[];
DECLARE_API(clsid) {
GUID CurrUUID; MEMORY_ADDRESS pUUID = 0; pUUID = GetExpression(args); if (pUUID){ ReadMemory(pUUID,&CurrUUID,sizeof(GUID),0);
WCHAR pszClsID[40]; StringFromGUID2(CurrUUID,pszClsID,40);
// look-up known
DWORD i; for (i=0;i<g_nClsids;i++){ if(IsEqualGUID(CurrUUID,*g_ArrayCLSID[i].pClsid)){ dprintf(" CLSID : %s\n",g_ArrayCLSID[i].pStrClsid); break; } } WCHAR pszFullPath[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpyW(pszFullPath,L"CLSID\\"); lstrcatW(pszFullPath,pszClsID);
char pDataA[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKey; LONG lRes;
lRes = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, pszFullPath, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS){ DWORD dwType; WCHAR pData[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwSize=sizeof(pData); lRes = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, NULL, // default
NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *)pData, &dwSize); if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,pData,-1,pDataA,sizeof(pDataA),NULL,NULL); dprintf(" ProgID %s\n",pDataA); }; RegCloseKey(hKey); // no open InProcServer32
WCHAR pszFullPathDll[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpyW(pszFullPathDll,pszFullPath); lstrcatW(pszFullPathDll,L"\\InprocServer32");
lRes = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, pszFullPathDll, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS){
dwSize = sizeof(pData); lRes = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, NULL, // default
NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *)pData, &dwSize); if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,pData,-1,pDataA,sizeof(pDataA),NULL,NULL); dprintf(" Path: %s\n",pDataA); }; RegCloseKey(hKey); } } else { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,pszClsID,-1,pDataA,sizeof(pDataA),NULL,NULL); dprintf("unable to open key %s\n",pDataA); }
} else { dprintf("unable to resolve %s\n",args); }
// Dumps a SAFE_ARRAY
SAFEARRAY SA; MEMORY_ADDRESS pSA = 0; pSA = GetExpression(args); if (pSA){ ReadMemory(pSA,&SA,sizeof(SA),0);
dprintf(" cDims %d cbElements %d pvData %08x\n",SA.cDims,SA.cbElements,SA.pvData); dprintf("rgsabound.cElements %d lLbound %d\n",SA.rgsabound[0].cElements,SA.rgsabound[0].lLbound); } else { dprintf("invalid address %s\n",args); } }
// help for the extension
// may commands are not listed here
dprintf(" WMI debugger extension\n"); dprintf(" iid : print the human readable IID_xxx\n"); dprintf(" clsid : print the human readable CLSID_xxx\n"); dprintf(" rot : print the human readable rpcss!gpClassTable\n"); dprintf(" gpl : print the human readable rpcss!gpProcessList\n"); dprintf(" gipid : print the global list of IPIDEntry\n"); dprintf(" goxid : print the global list of OXIDEntry\n"); dprintf(" ipidl : print the list of IPIDEntry for CStdIdentiry\n"); dprintf(" srtbl : print the list of secure reference IPID in ole32!gSRFTbl\n"); dprintf(" llc : print linked list count\n"); dprintf(" cs : print the list of CRITICAL_SECTION\n"); dprintf(" std_map : print the first 3 DWORD of a std::map<K,V>\n"); dprintf(" std_queue: print the first ULONG_PTR of a std::queue<V>\n"); dprintf(" std_deque: print the first ULONG_PTR of a std::deque<V>\n"); //dprintf(" mapobj : print a std::map<IUnk,bool>\n");
dprintf(" -------- HEAP family\n"); dprintf(" he : print the HEAP_ENTRY\n"); dprintf(" hef : walks the HEAP_ENTRY list forward\n"); dprintf(" hef : walks the HEAP_ENTRY list backward\n"); dprintf(" hs : print the HEAP_SEGMENT\n"); dprintf(" hp : print the HEAP\n"); dprintf(" lhp : <HEAP> prints the LookAside list for the HEAP\n"); dprintf(" hps : print a summary for all the HEAP in the process\n"); dprintf(" shp : <HEAP> <ADDR> search heap HEAP for address ADDR\n"); dprintf(" rllc : <ADDR> prints the free list in reverse order\n"); dprintf(" hpf : <HEAP> prints the free list of the heap at HEAP\n"); dprintf(" php : <HEAP> [s ADDR] prints the pageheap and searches\n"); dprintf(" -------- FASTPROX family\n"); dprintf(" wc : print the human readable WbemClass\n"); dprintf(" wi : print the human readable WbemClass\n"); dprintf(" blob : ADDR [size] print (part of) the ClassObject BLOB\n"); dprintf(" datap : ADDR print the WBEMDATA marshaling BLOB\n"); dprintf(" cp : print the human readable CClassPart\n"); dprintf(" cvar : print the CVar\n"); dprintf(" -------- WBEMCORE\n"); dprintf(" q : print wbemcore!g_pAsyncSvcQueue\n"); dprintf(" arb : print wbemcore!CWmiArbitrator__m_pArb\n"); dprintf(" -------- REPDRVFS\n"); dprintf(" tmpall : print the Allocators in repdrvfs\n"); dprintf(" forestc : [Addr] print the repdrvfs!CForestCache at Addr\n"); dprintf(" filec : [Addr] print repdrvfs!CFileCache at Addr\n"); dprintf(" fmap : \\fs\\[objects|index].map dumps the .MAP file from disk \n"); dprintf(" btr : dumps the index.btr/index.map file from disk \n"); dprintf(" varobj : dumps part of objects.data file from disk \n"); dprintf(" -------- THREAD family\n"); dprintf(" t : print RPC and OLE data for each thread\n"); dprintf(" inv : <addr> [param] invokes a function in the remote thread\n"); dprintf(" bs : <teb> rebuilds the stack from the info in the TEB\n"); dprintf(" st : <addr> <num> prints the num DWORD saved by RtlCaptureStackBackTrace\n"); dprintf(" lpp : print linked list and unassemble backtrace\n"); dprintf(" vq : -a <addr> | -f Flag : calls VirtualQuery on the addr\n"); dprintf(" srt : <addr> searches the stacks of all threads for addr\n"); dprintf(" ksrt : <addr> searches the stacks of all threads for addr - KD only\n"); dprintf(" el : <TEB> prints the exception list of the current thread x86 only\n"); dprintf(" -------- ESS\n"); dprintf(" ess : print wbemcore!g_pNewESS\n"); dprintf(" -------- PROVSS\n"); dprintf(" pc : print wbemcore!CCoreServices__m_pProvSS\n"); dprintf(" pf : print CServerObject_BindingFactory\n"); dprintf(" -------- 32-K-64\n"); dprintf(" hef64 : <addr> HEAP_ENTRY list forward\n"); dprintf(" heb64 : <addr> HEAP_ENTRY list backward\n"); dprintf(" hps64 : print heap summary\n"); dprintf(" cs64 : print CritSec list\n"); }
void EnumLinkedListCB(IN LIST_ENTRY * pListHead, IN DWORD cbSizeOfStructure, IN DWORD cbListEntryOffset, IN pfnCallBack2 CallBack, IN VOID * Context) { LIST_ENTRY ListHead; LIST_ENTRY * pListEntry; DWORD cItems = 0; void * pStorage = (void *)_alloca(cbSizeOfStructure); LIST_ENTRY * pListEntryLocal = (LIST_ENTRY *)((BYTE *)pStorage + cbListEntryOffset); if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)pListHead,&ListHead,sizeof(LIST_ENTRY),NULL)) {
if (CallBack) { } else { dprintf(" H %p -> %p <-\n",ListHead.Flink,ListHead.Blink); } for ( pListEntry = ListHead.Flink; pListEntry != pListHead;) { if (CheckControlC()) break;
ULONG_PTR pStructure_OOP = (ULONG_PTR)((BYTE *) pListEntry - cbListEntryOffset);
// make a local copy of the debuggee structure
if (ReadMemory(pStructure_OOP,pStorage,cbSizeOfStructure,NULL)) { if (CallBack) { //dprintf(" CallBack %p\n",CallBack);
if (NULL == Context) { CallBack((VOID *)pStructure_OOP,pStorage); } else { //dprintf(" CallBackEx %p %p\n",CallBack,Context);
pfnCallBack3 CallBackEx = (pfnCallBack3)CallBack; CallBackEx((VOID *)pStructure_OOP,pStorage,Context); } } else { dprintf(" %p -> %p <- - %p\n",pListEntryLocal->Flink,pListEntryLocal->Blink,pStructure_OOP); } pListEntry = pListEntryLocal->Flink; cItems++; } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",pStructure_OOP); break; } }
dprintf( "%d entries traversed\n", cItems ); } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",pListHead); }
void EnumReverseLinkedListCB(IN LIST_ENTRY * pListHead, IN DWORD cbSizeOfStructure, IN DWORD cbListEntryOffset, IN pfnCallBack2 CallBack) { LIST_ENTRY ListHead; LIST_ENTRY * pListEntry; DWORD cItems = 0; void * pStorage = (void *)_alloca(cbSizeOfStructure); LIST_ENTRY * pListEntryLocal = (LIST_ENTRY *)((BYTE *)pStorage + cbListEntryOffset); if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)pListHead,&ListHead,sizeof(LIST_ENTRY),NULL)) {
if (CallBack) { } else { dprintf(" H %p -> %p <-\n",ListHead.Flink,ListHead.Blink); } for ( pListEntry = ListHead.Blink; pListEntry != pListHead;) { if (CheckControlC()) break;
ULONG_PTR pStructure_OOP = (ULONG_PTR)((BYTE *) pListEntry - cbListEntryOffset);
// make a local copy of the debuggee structure
if (ReadMemory(pStructure_OOP,pStorage,cbSizeOfStructure,NULL)) { if (CallBack) { CallBack((VOID *)pStructure_OOP,pStorage); } else { dprintf(" %p -> %p <- - %p\n",pListEntryLocal->Flink,pListEntryLocal->Blink,pStructure_OOP); } pListEntry = pListEntryLocal->Blink; cItems++; } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",pStructure_OOP); break; } }
dprintf( "%d entries traversed\n", cItems ); } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",pListHead); }
// NO-OP callback just for getting the number of items
DWORD CallBackListCount(VOID * pStructure_OOP, VOID * pLocalCopy) { return 0; }
MEMORY_ADDRESS Addr = GetExpression(args);
if (Addr) { EnumLinkedListCB((LIST_ENTRY *)Addr,sizeof(LIST_ENTRY),0,CallBackListCount); } else { dprintf("cannot resolve %s\n",args); } }
void PrintStackTrace(MEMORY_ADDRESS ArrayAddr_OOP,DWORD dwNum,BOOL bOOP) { MEMORY_ADDRESS * pArray; BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (bOOP) { pArray = ( MEMORY_ADDRESS *)_alloca(dwNum*sizeof(MEMORY_ADDRESS)); bRet = ReadMemory(ArrayAddr_OOP,pArray,dwNum*sizeof(MEMORY_ADDRESS),NULL); } else { pArray = (MEMORY_ADDRESS *)ArrayAddr_OOP; bRet = TRUE; } if (bRet) { DWORD i; for (i=0;i<dwNum;i++) { BYTE pString[256]; pString[0] = 0;
#ifdef KDEXT_64BIT
ULONG64 Displ = 0; #else
ULONG Displ = 0; #endif
if (pArray[i]) { GetSymbol(pArray[i],(PCHAR)pString,&Displ); pString[255] = 0; dprintf(" %s+%x\n",pString,Displ); } } } }
// printf stack trace
DECLARE_API( st ) { INIT_API(); int Len = strlen(args); CHAR * pArgs = (CHAR *)_alloca((Len+1)); lstrcpy(pArgs,(CHAR *)args);
MEMORY_ADDRESS NumInst = 6; MEMORY_ADDRESS pAddr = 0; while (isspace(*pArgs)) { pArgs++; } CHAR * pFirst = pArgs; while(!isspace(*pArgs)) pArgs++; // terminate string, if possible
if (isspace(*pArgs)) { *pArgs = 0; pArgs++; } else { pArgs = NULL; }
pAddr = GetExpression(pFirst);
if (pArgs) { NumInst = GetExpression(pArgs); }
if (pAddr) { dprintf("StackTrace @ %p num %d\n",pAddr,NumInst); PrintStackTrace(pAddr,(DWORD)NumInst,TRUE); } else { dprintf("usage: address num\n"); } }
// this is the CallBack called by the enumerator
// of a Double-Liked list of objects with
// struct _Instrument
// {
// LIST_ENTRY ListEntry;
// ULONG_PTR ArrayFuncts[32];
// }
DWORD CallBackCreateStacks(VOID * pStructure_OOP, VOID * pLocalStructure) { dprintf(" ----- %p \n",pStructure_OOP); PrintStackTrace((ULONG_PTR)((BYTE *)pLocalStructure+sizeof(LIST_ENTRY)),6,FALSE); return 0; }
MEMORY_ADDRESS Addr = GetExpression(args); if (Addr) { EnumLinkedListCB((LIST_ENTRY *)Addr, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY)+32*sizeof(ULONG_PTR), 0, CallBackCreateStacks); } else { dprintf("cannot resolve %s\n",args); }
void PrintDequeCB(MEMORY_ADDRESS pDeque_OOP,pfnCallBack2 pCallBack) { _Deque Deque; if (ReadMemory(pDeque_OOP,&Deque,sizeof(Deque),NULL)) { dprintf(" std::deque @ %p _Allocator %p head %p tail %p _Size %p\n",pDeque_OOP,Deque._Allocator,Deque._First._Next,Deque._Last._Next,Deque._Size); ULONG_PTR Size = Deque._Size; ULONG_PTR ByteSize = (ULONG_PTR)Deque._Last._Next-(ULONG_PTR)Deque._First._Next; ULONG_PTR pArray_OOP = (ULONG_PTR)Deque._First._Next; BYTE * pArray = NULL; if (Size) pArray = (BYTE *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,ByteSize); if (pArray) { ULONG_PTR SizeElem = ByteSize/Size; if (ReadMemory(pArray_OOP,pArray,(ULONG)ByteSize,0)) { for (ULONG_PTR i=0;i<Size;i++) { dprintf(" %p -[%p] %p\n",i,pArray_OOP+i*SizeElem,*((void **)(&pArray[i*SizeElem]))); if (pCallBack) { // address OOP and address of the In-Proc opy of the memory are passed down
pCallBack((void *)(pArray_OOP+i*SizeElem),(void *)(&pArray[i*SizeElem])); } } } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",pArray_OOP); } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,pArray); } } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",pDeque_OOP); } }
// prints a generic std::deque
DECLARE_API( std_deque ) {
_Deque * pDeque = (_Deque *)GetExpression( args );
if (pDeque) { PrintDequeCB((MEMORY_ADDRESS)pDeque,NULL); } else { dprintf("invalid address %s\n",args); } }
// left parent right
BOOL IsNil(_BRN * pNode){
_BRN_HEAD BRN; ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)pNode,&BRN,sizeof(_BRN_HEAD),NULL);
return ((BRN._Left == NULL) && (BRN._Right == NULL)); }
void PrintTree(_BRN * pNode, DWORD * pNum, BOOL Verbose, ULONG_PTR Size, pfnCallBack2 CallBack){
//dprintf(" Node %p\n",pNode);
_BRN BRN; if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)pNode,&BRN,sizeof(_BRN),NULL)) { if (!IsNil(BRN._Left)){ PrintTree(BRN._Left,pNum,Verbose,Size,CallBack); };
if (CheckControlC()) return; if (pNum){ (*pNum)++; }
if (*pNum > Size) { dprintf("invalid tree\n"); return; } if (Verbose) { dprintf(" %p %p (%p,%p,%p) - %p %p %p\n", (*pNum)-1, pNode, BRN._Left,BRN._Parent,BRN._Right, BRN.Values[0], BRN.Values[1], BRN.Values[2]); if (CallBack) { //dprintf("CAllBack\n");
CallBack((VOID *)BRN.Values[0],(VOID *)BRN.Values[1]); } }
if (!IsNil(BRN._Right)){ PrintTree(BRN._Right,pNum,Verbose,Size,CallBack); }; } else { dprintf(" RM %p err %d\n",pNode,GetLastError()); } }
void PrintMapCB(_Map * pMap,BOOL Verbose, pfnCallBack2 CallBack) {
_Map MAP; if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)pMap,&MAP,sizeof(_Map),NULL)) { if (MAP.pQm) { dprintf(" std::map at %p : size %p\n",pMap,MAP.Size); _QM QM; if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)MAP.pQm,&QM,sizeof(QM),NULL)) { if (QM._Parent && !IsNil(QM._Parent)) { DWORD Num = 0; PrintTree(QM._Parent,&Num,Verbose,MAP.Size,CallBack); dprintf(" traversed %d nodes\n",Num); } } else { dprintf("RM %p err %d\n",MAP.pQm,GetLastError()); } } else { dprintf("empty tree\n"); } } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",pMap); } }
// prints a generic std::map
DECLARE_API( std_map ) {
_Map * pMap = (_Map *)GetExpression( args );
if (pMap){ PrintMapCB(pMap,TRUE,NULL); } else { dprintf("invalid address %s\n",args); } }
void PrintListCB(_List * pList_OOP, pfnCallBack1 CallBack) { _List List; if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)pList_OOP,&List,sizeof(_List),NULL)) { dprintf(" std::queue @ %p _Allocator %p _Head %p _Size %p\n",pList_OOP,List._Allocator,List._Head,List._Size); _Node_List NodeList; if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)List._Head,&NodeList,sizeof(_Node_List),NULL)) { _Node_List * pNodeList = NodeList._Next; DWORD i = 0; while (pNodeList != List._Head) { if (CheckControlC()) break; if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)pNodeList,&NodeList,sizeof(_Node_List),NULL)) { dprintf(" %x %p (%p, %p) - %p\n",i++,pNodeList,NodeList._Next,NodeList._Prev,NodeList._Value); if (CallBack) { CallBack(NodeList._Value); }
pNodeList = NodeList._Next; } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",pNodeList); } } } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",List._Head); } } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",pList_OOP); } }
// prints a generic std::list
DECLARE_API( std_queue) { INIT_API();
_List * pList = (_List *)GetExpression( args );
if (pList){ PrintListCB(pList,NULL); } else { dprintf("invalid address %s\n",args); }
// this is for Pat
// he has a std::map<pObject,BOOL>
DWORD CallBackObj(void * pKey, void * pValue) { GetVTable((MEMORY_ADDRESS)pKey); return 0; }
DECLARE_API( mapobj ) {
_Map * pMap = (_Map *)GetExpression( args );
if (pMap){ PrintMapCB(pMap,TRUE,CallBackObj); } else { dprintf("invalid address %s\n",args); } }
void PrintIID(GUID & CurrUUID){
WCHAR pszClsID[40]; StringFromGUID2(CurrUUID,pszClsID,40); WCHAR pszFullPath[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpyW(pszFullPath,L"Interface\\"); lstrcatW(pszFullPath,pszClsID);
char pDataA[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKey; LONG lRes;
lRes = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, pszFullPath, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS){ DWORD dwType; WCHAR pData[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwSize=sizeof(pData); lRes = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, NULL, // default
NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *)pData, &dwSize); if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,pData,-1,pDataA,sizeof(pDataA),NULL,NULL); dprintf(" IID_%s\n",pDataA); } RegCloseKey(hKey); } else { if (IsEqualGUID(CurrUUID,IID_IMarshal)){ dprintf(" IID_IMarshal\n"); } else if (IsEqualGUID(CurrUUID,IID_IStdIdentity)) { dprintf(" IID_IStdIdentity\n"); } else if (IsEqualGUID(CurrUUID,IID_ICallFactory)) { dprintf(" IID_ICallFactory\n"); } else { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,pszClsID,-1,pDataA,sizeof(pDataA),NULL,NULL); dprintf(" %s\n",pDataA); } }
class OXIDEntry; class CCtxComChnl; class IRCEntry;
typedef GUID IPID;
typedef enum tagIPIDFLAGS { IPIDF_CONNECTING = 0x1, // ipid is being connected
IPIDF_DISCONNECTED = 0x2, // ipid is disconnected
IPIDF_NOPING = 0x8, // dont need to ping the server or release
IPIDF_COPY = 0x10, // copy for security only
IPIDF_VACANT = 0x80, // entry is vacant (ie available to reuse)
IPIDF_NONNDRSTUB = 0x100, // stub does not use NDR marshaling
IPIDF_NONNDRPROXY = 0x200, // proxy does not use NDR marshaling
IPIDF_NOTIFYACT = 0x400, // notify activation on marshal/release
IPIDF_TRIED_ASYNC = 0x800, // tried to call this server interface async
IPIDF_ASYNC_SERVER = 0x1000, // server implements an async interface
IPIDF_DEACTIVATED = 0x2000, // IPID has been deactivated
IPIDF_WEAKREFCACHE = 0x4000, // IPID holds weak references in refcache
IPIDF_STRONGREFCACHE = 0x8000 // IPID holds strong references in refcache
typedef struct tagIPIDEntry { struct tagIPIDEntry *pNextIPID; // next IPIDEntry for same object
// WARNING: next 6 fields must remain in their respective locations
// and in the same format as the IPIDTmp structure above.
DWORD dwFlags; // flags (see IPIDFLAGS)
ULONG cStrongRefs; // strong reference count
ULONG cWeakRefs; // weak reference count
ULONG cPrivateRefs; // private reference count
void *pv; // real interface pointer
IUnknown *pStub; // proxy or stub pointer
OXIDEntry *pOXIDEntry; // ptr to OXIDEntry in OXID Table
// WARNING: previous 7 fields must remain in their respective locations
// and in the same format as the IPIDTmp structure above.
IPID ipid; // interface pointer identifier
IID iid; // interface iid
CCtxComChnl *pChnl; // channel pointer
IRCEntry *pIRCEntry; // reference cache line
struct tagIPIDEntry *pOIDFLink; // In use OID list
struct tagIPIDEntry *pOIDBLink; } IPIDEntry;
void DumpIPID(IPIDEntry & IpId) { dprintf(" pNextIPID %p\n",IpId.pNextIPID); dprintf(" dwFlags "); PrintIPIDFlags(IpId.dwFlags); dprintf("\n"); dprintf(" cStrongRefs %08x\n",IpId.cStrongRefs); dprintf(" cWeakRefs %08x\n",IpId.cWeakRefs); dprintf(" cPrivateRefs %08x\n",IpId.cPrivateRefs); dprintf(" pv %p\n",IpId.pv); GetVTable((ULONG_PTR)IpId.pv); dprintf(" pStub %p\n",IpId.pStub); dprintf(" pOXIDEntry %p\n",IpId.pOXIDEntry); PrintIID(IpId.ipid); PrintIID(IpId.iid); dprintf(" pChnl %p\n",IpId.pChnl); dprintf(" pIRCEntry %p\n",IpId.pIRCEntry); //dprintf(" pOIDFLink %p\n",IpId.pOIDFLink);
//dprintf(" pOIDBLink %p\n",IpId.pOIDBLink);
DECLARE_API( gipid ) { INIT_API();
char * pString = (CHAR *)args; CLSID ClsidToSearch; BOOL bClsIdFound = FALSE; if (pString) { while (isspace((char)pString)) pString++; WCHAR pClsid[64]; DWORD nChar = 0; for (;*pString && nChar < 64;nChar++,pString++) { pClsid[nChar] = (WCHAR)(*pString); } pClsid[nChar] = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(CLSIDFromString(pClsid,&ClsidToSearch))) bClsIdFound = TRUE; }
IPIDEntry gIpId; MEMORY_ADDRESS Addr = GetExpression("ole32!CIPIDTable___oidListHead"); if (Addr) { dprintf("ole32!CIPIDTable___oidListHead @ %p\n",Addr);
DWORD nItems = 0; gIpId.pOIDFLink = (IPIDEntry *)Addr; do { MEMORY_ADDRESS pCurrentIPID = (MEMORY_ADDRESS)gIpId.pOIDFLink; if (ReadMemory(pCurrentIPID,&gIpId,sizeof(gIpId),NULL)) { if (bClsIdFound) { if (0 == memcmp(&gIpId.ipid,&ClsidToSearch,sizeof(CLSID))) { DumpIPID(gIpId); } } else { if (nItems > 0) { dprintf(" -------- tagIPIDEntry %p - %x\n",pCurrentIPID,nItems-1); DumpIPID(gIpId); } nItems++; } } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",Addr); break; } if (CheckControlC()) break; } while (Addr != (MEMORY_ADDRESS)gIpId.pOIDFLink); } else { dprintf("uanble to resolve ole32!CIPIDTable___oidListHead\n"); } }
typedef GUID MOXID; typedef ULONG64 MID; typedef void CComApartment; typedef void CChannelHandle; typedef void MIDEntry; typedef void IRemUnknown;
class OXIDEntry { private: OXIDEntry *_pNext; // next entry on free/inuse list
OXIDEntry *_pPrev; // previous entry on inuse list
DWORD _dwPid; // process id of server
DWORD _dwTid; // thread id of server
MOXID _moxid; // object exporter identifier + machine id
MID _mid; // copy of our _pMIDEntry's mid value
IPID _ipidRundown; // IPID of IRundown and Remote Unknown
DWORD _dwFlags; // state flags
HWND _hServerSTA; // HWND of server
CComApartment *_pParentApt; // Parent apartment, not ref counted
public: // CODEWORK: channel accessing this member variable directly
CChannelHandle *_pRpc; // Binding handle info for server
private: void *_pAuthId; // must be held till rpc handle is freed
DUALSTRINGARRAY *_pBinding; // protseq and security strings.
DWORD _dwAuthnHint; // authentication level hint.
DWORD _dwAuthnSvc; // index of default authentication service.
MIDEntry *_pMIDEntry; // MIDEntry for machine where server lives
IRemUnknown *_pRUSTA; // proxy for Remote Unknown
LONG _cRefs; // count of IPIDs using this OXIDEntry
HANDLE _hComplete; // set when last outstanding call completes
LONG _cCalls; // number of calls dispatched
LONG _cResolverRef; //References to resolver
DWORD _dwExpiredTime; // rundown timer ID for STA servers
COMVERSION _version; // COM version of the machine
unsigned long _ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength; // credman credentials length
unsigned char *_pMarshaledTargetInfo; // credman credentials
void PrintDSA(DUALSTRINGARRAY * pDSA_OOP) { if (pDSA_OOP) { DUALSTRINGARRAY DSA; if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)pDSA_OOP,&DSA,sizeof(DSA),NULL)) { DWORD Size = sizeof(DUALSTRINGARRAY)+(1+DSA.wNumEntries)*sizeof(WCHAR); DUALSTRINGARRAY * pDSA = (DUALSTRINGARRAY *)_alloca(Size); if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)pDSA_OOP,pDSA,Size,0)) { dprintf(" %S\n",pDSA->aStringArray); } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",pDSA_OOP); } } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",pDSA_OOP); } } }
void PrintOxid(OXIDEntry * pEntry) { // _pNext
// _pPrev
dprintf(" _dwPid %x\n",pEntry->_dwPid); dprintf(" _dwTid %x\n",pEntry->_dwTid); dprintf(" _moxid\n"); PrintIID(pEntry->_moxid); dprintf(" _mid %016x\n",pEntry->_mid); dprintf(" _ipidRundown\n"); PrintIID(pEntry->_ipidRundown); dprintf(" _dwFlags %08x\n",pEntry->_dwFlags); dprintf(" _hServerSTA %p\n",pEntry->_hServerSTA); dprintf(" _pParentApt %p\n",pEntry->_pParentApt); dprintf(" _pRpc %p\n",pEntry->_pRpc); dprintf(" _pAuthId %p\n",pEntry->_pAuthId); dprintf(" _pBinding %p\n",pEntry->_pBinding); PrintDSA(pEntry->_pBinding); dprintf(" _dwAuthnHint %x\n",pEntry->_dwAuthnHint); dprintf(" _dwAuthnSvc %x\n",pEntry->_dwAuthnSvc); dprintf(" _pMIDEntry %p\n",pEntry->_pMIDEntry); dprintf(" _pRUSTA %p\n",pEntry->_pRUSTA); dprintf(" _cRefs %x\n",pEntry->_cRefs); dprintf(" _hComplete %x\n",pEntry->_hComplete); dprintf(" _cCalls %x\n",pEntry->_cCalls); dprintf(" _cResolverRef %x\n",pEntry->_cResolverRef); // _dwExpiredTime
// _version
// _ulMarshaledTargetInfoLength
// _pMarshaledTargetInfo
DECLARE_API( goxid ) { INIT_API(); ULONG_PTR Addr = GetExpression("ole32!gOXIDTbl"); if (NULL == Addr) { dprintf("unable to resolve ole32!gOXIDTbl\n"); return; } struct OxidTable { DWORD _cExpired; OXIDEntry _InUseHead; OXIDEntry _ExpireHead; OXIDEntry _CleanupHead; } _OxidTable; if (ReadMemory(Addr,&_OxidTable,sizeof(_OxidTable),NULL)) { OXIDEntry * pHead_OOP; DWORD nEntry; pHead_OOP = (OXIDEntry *)GetExpression("ole32!COXIDTable::_InUseHead"); nEntry = 0;
dprintf("ole32!gOXIDTbl:_InUseHead %p\n",pHead_OOP);
ULONG_PTR AddrToRead = (ULONG_PTR)pHead_OOP; do { if (ReadMemory(AddrToRead,&_OxidTable._InUseHead,sizeof(OXIDEntry),NULL)) { if (nEntry) { dprintf(" OXIDEntry %p - %d\n",AddrToRead,nEntry-1); PrintOxid(&_OxidTable._InUseHead); } AddrToRead = (ULONG_PTR)_OxidTable._InUseHead._pNext; } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",AddrToRead); } nEntry++; if (CheckControlC()) break; } while (pHead_OOP != _OxidTable._InUseHead._pNext); pHead_OOP = (OXIDEntry *)GetExpression("ole32!COXIDTable::_ExpireHead"); nEntry = 0; dprintf("ole32!gOXIDTbl:_ExpireHead %p\n",pHead_OOP);
AddrToRead = (ULONG_PTR)pHead_OOP; do { if (ReadMemory(AddrToRead,&_OxidTable._InUseHead,sizeof(OXIDEntry),NULL)) { if (nEntry) { dprintf(" OXIDEntry %p - %d\n",AddrToRead,nEntry-1); PrintOxid(&_OxidTable._InUseHead); } AddrToRead = (ULONG_PTR)_OxidTable._InUseHead._pNext; } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",AddrToRead); } nEntry++; if (CheckControlC()) break; } while (pHead_OOP != _OxidTable._InUseHead._pNext); pHead_OOP = (OXIDEntry *)GetExpression("ole32!COXIDTable::_CleanupHead"); nEntry = 0; dprintf("ole32!gOXIDTbl:_InUseHead %p\n",pHead_OOP);
AddrToRead = (ULONG_PTR)pHead_OOP; do { if (ReadMemory(AddrToRead,&_OxidTable._InUseHead,sizeof(OXIDEntry),NULL)) { if (nEntry) { dprintf(" OXIDEntry %p - %d\n",AddrToRead,nEntry-1); PrintOxid(&_OxidTable._InUseHead); } AddrToRead = (ULONG_PTR)_OxidTable._InUseHead._pNext; } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",AddrToRead); } nEntry++; if (CheckControlC()) break; } while (pHead_OOP != _OxidTable._InUseHead._pNext);
} else { dprintf("RM %p\n",Addr); } }
DECLARE_API( ipidl ) { INIT_API();
IPIDEntry IpId; MEMORY_ADDRESS Addr = GetExpression(args); if (Addr) { DWORD nCount=0;
while (Addr && ReadMemory(Addr,&IpId,sizeof(IpId),NULL)) { dprintf(" -- %x\n",nCount); DumpIPID(IpId);
Addr = (MEMORY_ADDRESS)IpId.pNextIPID; nCount++;
if (CheckControlC()) break; }; } else { dprintf(" unable to resolve %s\n",args); } }
void PrintCLSID(GUID & CurrUUID){
WCHAR pszClsID[40]; StringFromGUID2(CurrUUID,pszClsID,40);
// look-up known
DWORD i; for (i=0;i<g_nClsids;i++){ if(IsEqualGUID(CurrUUID,*g_ArrayCLSID[i].pClsid)){ dprintf(" CLSID %s\n",g_ArrayCLSID[i].pStrClsid); break; } } WCHAR pszFullPath[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpyW(pszFullPath,L"CLSID\\"); lstrcatW(pszFullPath,pszClsID);
char pDataA[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKey; LONG lRes;
lRes = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, pszFullPath, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS){ DWORD dwType; WCHAR pData[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwSize=sizeof(pData); lRes = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, NULL, // default
NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *)pData, &dwSize); if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,pData,-1,pDataA,sizeof(pDataA),NULL,NULL); dprintf(" ProgID %s\n",pDataA); }; RegCloseKey(hKey); // no open InProcServer32
WCHAR pszFullPathDll[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpyW(pszFullPathDll,pszFullPath); lstrcatW(pszFullPathDll,L"\\InprocServer32");
lRes = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, pszFullPathDll, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS){
dwSize = sizeof(pData); lRes = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, NULL, // default
NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *)pData, &dwSize); if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,pData,-1,pDataA,sizeof(pDataA),NULL,NULL); dprintf(" Path: %s\n",pDataA); }; RegCloseKey(hKey); } } else { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,pszClsID,-1,pDataA,sizeof(pDataA),NULL,NULL); dprintf(" CLSID %s\n",pDataA); }
class CTableElement;
class CHashTable { private: DWORD _cBuckets; DWORD _cElements; CTableElement **_buckets; CTableElement *_last; };
typedef int EnumEntryType; typedef void CSharedLock; typedef void CServerTable; class CProcess;
class CServerList { public: void * _first; void * _last; };
class CServerTableEntry{ private: void * pvtable; DWORD _references; CServerTableEntry * _pnext;
unsigned __int64 _id1; unsigned __int64 _id2;
EnumEntryType _EntryType;
CSharedLock * _pParentTableLock; CServerTable * _pParentTable; LONG _lThreadToken; DWORD _dwProcessId; HANDLE _hProcess; CProcess* _pProcess; void * _pvRunAsHandle; BOOL _bSuspendedClsid; BOOL _bSuspendedApplication;
// the _bRetired flag exists per-running process/application
CServerList _ServerList; //CSharedLock _ServerLock;
0:008> dt rpcss!CServerListEntry 000a2608 +0x008 _flink : (null) +0x00c _blink : (null) +0x000 __VFN_table : 0x757f3a58 +0x004 _references : +0x010 _pServerTableEntry : 0x000a3e38 +0x014 _pServerProcess : 0x00092568 +0x018 _hRpc : (null) +0x01c _ipid : _GUID {0000dc01-0304-0000-905a-1b00ffec5639} +0x02c _Context : 0x2 '' +0x02d _State : 0 '' +0x02e _NumCalls : 0 +0x030 _RegistrationKey : 0x10 +0x034 _lThreadToken : 0 +0x038 _SubContext : 0 '' +0x03c _lSingleUseStatus : 0 +0x040 _dwServerFaults : 0 */
struct CServerListEntry { void * pvtable; DWORD _references; void * _flink; void * _blink; void * _pServerTableEntry; void * _pServerProcess; void * _hRpc; GUID _ipid; };
0:002> dt rpcss!CServerTableEntry 6fb`ffcdb170 +0x000 __VFN_table : 0x00000000`702a2b60 +0x008 _references : +0x010 _pnext : (null) +0x018 _id : 0x11d0f196`61738644 +0x020 _id2 : 0xc119d94f`c0005399 +0x028 _EntryType : 0 ( ENTRY_TYPE_CLASS ) +0x030 _pParentTableLock : 0x000006fb`ffc9d590 +0x038 _pParentTable : 0x000006fb`ffc9d700 +0x040 _bComPlusProcess : 0 +0x044 _lThreadToken : 0 +0x048 _dwProcessId : 0 +0x050 _hProcess : (null) +0x058 _pProcess : (null) +0x060 _pvRunAsHandle : (null) +0x068 _bSuspendedClsid : 0 +0x06c _bSuspendedApplication : 0 +0x070 _ServerList : CServerList +0x080 _ServerLock : CSharedLock */
DECLARE_API( rot ) {
CHashTable * pChashTable; MEMORY_ADDRESS Addr = GetExpression("rpcss!gpClassTable"); if (Addr) { CHashTable * pChashTable; CHashTable MyHashTable; if (ReadMemory(Addr,&pChashTable,sizeof(CHashTable *),0)) { dprintf("CServerTable %p\n",pChashTable); if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)pChashTable,&MyHashTable,sizeof(CHashTable),NULL)) { CTableElement ** StackArray = (CTableElement **)_alloca(MyHashTable._cBuckets * sizeof(CTableElement *)); ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)MyHashTable._buckets,StackArray,MyHashTable._cBuckets * sizeof(CTableElement *),NULL);
DWORD i; for (i=0;i<MyHashTable._cBuckets;i++) { CServerTableEntry * pEntry = (CServerTableEntry *)StackArray[i]; while (pEntry) { CheckControlC(); CServerTableEntry ClassEntry; if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)pEntry,&ClassEntry,sizeof(ClassEntry),NULL)) { dprintf("CServerTableEntry %p\n",pEntry); PrintCLSID(*(GUID *)(&(ClassEntry._id1))); //dprintf(" _hProcess %x\n",ClassEntry._hProcess);
//dprintf(" _dwProcessId %d\n",ClassEntry._dwProcessId);
dprintf(" _ServerList %p %p\n",ClassEntry._ServerList._first,ClassEntry._ServerList._last);
CServerListEntry * pSrvListEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(ClassEntry._ServerList._first,CServerListEntry,_flink); while(pSrvListEntry) { CServerListEntry SrvListEntry; if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)pSrvListEntry,&SrvListEntry,sizeof(SrvListEntry),NULL)) { dprintf(" CServerListEntry %p\n",pSrvListEntry); dprintf(" _pServerTableEntry %p\n",SrvListEntry._pServerTableEntry); dprintf(" _pServerProcess %p\n",SrvListEntry._pServerProcess); dprintf(" _hRpc %p\n",SrvListEntry._hRpc); WCHAR TmpGuid[64]; StringFromGUID2(SrvListEntry._ipid,TmpGuid,64); dprintf(" _ipid %S\n",TmpGuid); pSrvListEntry = (CServerListEntry *)SrvListEntry._flink; } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",pSrvListEntry); pSrvListEntry = NULL; } } pEntry = ClassEntry._pnext; } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",pEntry); pEntry = NULL; } } } } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",pChashTable); } } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",Addr); } } else { dprintf("unable to resolve rpcss!gpClassTable"); } }
class CBList { public: ULONG _ulmaxData; ULONG _ulcElements; PVOID *_data; };
class CReferencedObject { public: ULONG _references; virtual ~CReferencedObject(){}; };
class CToken; class ScmProcessReg; class CList;
class CListElement { public: CListElement *_flink; CListElement *_blink; };
class CClassReg : public CListElement { public : GUID _Guid; DWORD _Reg; };
class CList { private: CListElement *_first; CListElement *_last; };
class CProcess : public CReferencedObject { private:
DWORD _cClientReferences; CToken *_pToken; WCHAR *_pwszWinstaDesktop; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE _hProcess; BOOL _fCacheFree; DUALSTRINGARRAY *_pdsaLocalBindings; DUALSTRINGARRAY *_pdsaRemoteBindings; ULONG _ulClasses; ScmProcessReg *_pScmProcessReg; DUALSTRINGARRAY *_pdsaCustomProtseqs; void *_pvRunAsHandle; DWORD _procID; volatile DWORD _dwFlags; void* _pSCMProcessInfo; GUID _guidProcessIdentifier; HANDLE _hProcHandle; FILETIME _ftCreated; DWORD64 _dwCurrentBindingsID; DWORD _dwAsyncUpdatesOutstanding; // for debug purposes?
void *_pvFirstROTEntry;
BOOL _fReadCustomProtseqs; CBList _blistOxids; CBList _blistOids; CList _listClasses;
DWORD _cDropTargets; };
DECLARE_API(gpl) { INIT_API(); //dt rpcss!gpProcessList
ULONG_PTR Addr = GetExpression("rpcss!gpProcessList"); if (Addr) { CBList * pList_OOP; if (ReadMemory(Addr,&pList_OOP,sizeof(ULONG_PTR),NULL)) { CBList List; if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)pList_OOP,&List,sizeof(List),0)) { PVOID * ppData = new PVOID[List._ulmaxData]; if (ppData) { if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)List._data,ppData,sizeof(PVOID)*List._ulmaxData,NULL)) { for (ULONG_PTR i=0;i<List._ulmaxData;i++) { CProcess * pProc = (CProcess *)ppData[i]; if (pProc) { CProcess Proc; if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)pProc,&Proc,sizeof(Proc),0)) { dprintf(" CProcess %p\n",pProc); dprintf(" _procID %08x BINDING_HANDLE %p\n",Proc._procID,Proc._hProcess);
CClassReg ClassRegInst; CClassReg * pFirst = (CClassReg *)Proc._listClasses._first; while(pFirst) { if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)pFirst,&ClassRegInst,sizeof(ClassRegInst),0)) { PrintCLSID(ClassRegInst._Guid); pFirst = (CClassReg *)ClassRegInst._flink; } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",pFirst); break; } } } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",pProc); } } } } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",List._data); } delete [] ppData; } } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",pList_OOP); } } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",Addr); } } else { dprintf("unable to resolve rpcss!gpProcessList"); } }
typedef struct SHashChain { struct SHashChain *pNext; // ptr to next node in chain
struct SHashChain *pPrev; // ptr to prev node in chain
} SHashChain;
typedef struct SNameHashNode { SHashChain chain; // double linked list ptrs
DWORD dwHash; // hash value of the key
ULONG cRef; // count of references
IPID ipid; // ipid holding the reference
SECURITYBINDING sName; // user name
} SNameHashNode;
class COleStaticMutexSem; class CStaticRWLock;
class CHashTable2 { public: virtual ~CHashTable2(){}; COleStaticMutexSem *_pExLock; // exclusive lock
CStaticRWLock *_pRWLock; // read-write lock
SHashChain *_buckets; // ptr to array of double linked lists
ULONG _cCurEntries; // current num entries in the table
ULONG _cMaxEntries; // max num entries in the table at 1 time
void PrintNameNode(SNameHashNode * pNode) { dprintf(" dwHash %08x\n",pNode->dwHash); // hash value of the key
dprintf(" cRef %08x\n",pNode->cRef); // count of references
dprintf(" ipid\n"); PrintIID(pNode->ipid); // ipid holding the reference
dprintf(" sName %S\n",&pNode->sName.aPrincName); }
DECLARE_API( srtbl ) {
CHashTable2 * pChashTable; MEMORY_ADDRESS Addr = GetExpression("ole32!gSRFTbl"); if (Addr) { dprintf("CNameHashTable %p\n",Addr); CHashTable2 MyHashTable; if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)Addr,&MyHashTable,sizeof(CHashTable2),NULL)) { SHashChain * StackArray = (SHashChain *)_alloca(NUM_HASH_BUCKETS * sizeof(SHashChain)); ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)MyHashTable._buckets,StackArray,NUM_HASH_BUCKETS * sizeof(SHashChain),NULL);
DWORD i; SHashChain * pEntry_OOP = (SHashChain *)MyHashTable._buckets; for (i=0;i < NUM_HASH_BUCKETS;pEntry_OOP++,i++) { SHashChain * pEntry = StackArray[i].pNext; //dprintf("%p %p\n",pEntry_OOP,pEntry);
while (pEntry != pEntry_OOP) { if (CheckControlC()) break; struct _NameNode : SNameHashNode { WCHAR UserName[256]; } Node; Node.UserName[0] = 0; if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)pEntry,&Node,sizeof(Node),NULL)) { dprintf("SNameHashNode %p\n",pEntry); PrintNameNode(&Node); pEntry = Node.chain.pNext; } else { dprintf("RM %p\n"); break; } } } } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",Addr); } } else { dprintf("unable to resolve ole32!gSRFTbl"); } }
USHORT CreatorBackTraceIndex; //: 0x0
CRITICAL_SECTION * CriticalSection; //: 0x77fcae40
LIST_ENTRY ProcessLocksList; //:
DWORD EntryCount; //: 0x0
DWORD ContentionCount; //: 0x0
DWORD Spare[2]; //:0x0
}; */
// CallBack for enumeration of critical section
DWORD EnumListCritSec(VOID * pStructure_OOP, VOID * pLocalStructure) {
RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG * pDebugInfo = (RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG *)pLocalStructure; dprintf(" CS %p DI %p \n",pDebugInfo->CriticalSection,pStructure_OOP);
if (ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR)pDebugInfo->CriticalSection,&CritSec,sizeof(RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION),NULL)) { dprintf(" - %p %x %x %x\n", CritSec.DebugInfo, CritSec.LockCount, CritSec.RecursionCount, CritSec.OwningThread); } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",pDebugInfo->CriticalSection); } return 0; }
#define ARRAY_TO_GO_BACK 16
DWORD EnumListCritSec2(VOID * pStructure_OOP, VOID * pLocalStructure) {
RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG * pDebugInfo = (RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG *)pLocalStructure; dprintf(" CS %p DI %p \n",pDebugInfo->CriticalSection,pStructure_OOP);
if (ReadMemory(((ULONG_PTR)pDebugInfo->CriticalSection) - FIELD_OFFSET(_TmpStr,CritSec),&TmpStr,sizeof(_TmpStr),NULL)) { dprintf(" - %p %x %x %x\n", TmpStr.CritSec.DebugInfo, TmpStr.CritSec.LockCount, TmpStr.CritSec.RecursionCount, TmpStr.CritSec.OwningThread);
for (int i=(ARRAY_TO_GO_BACK-1);i>=0;i--) { if (GetVTable((MEMORY_ADDRESS)TmpStr.Array[i])) { break; // don't be too verbose
} } } else { dprintf("RM around %p\n",pDebugInfo->CriticalSection); } return 0; }
MEMORY_ADDRESS Addr = GetExpression("ntdll!RtlCriticalSectionList");
if (!Addr) { Addr = GetExpression(args); } else { bGoAndFindVTable = GetExpression(args); } if (Addr) { if (bGoAndFindVTable) { EnumLinkedListCB((LIST_ENTRY *)Addr, sizeof(RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG), FIELD_OFFSET(RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG,ProcessLocksList), EnumListCritSec2); } else { EnumLinkedListCB((LIST_ENTRY *)Addr, sizeof(RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG), FIELD_OFFSET(RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG,ProcessLocksList), EnumListCritSec); } } else { dprintf("unable to resolve ntdll!RtlCriticalSectionList\n"); } }
MEMORY_ADDRESS pVTable; ReadMemory(pThis_OOP,&pVTable,sizeof(pVTable),0); BYTE pString[256]; pString[0]=0;
#ifdef KDEXT_64BIT
ULONG64 Displ; #else
ULONG Displ; #endif
GetSymbol(pVTable,(PCHAR)pString,&Displ); if (lstrlenA((CHAR *)pString)) { dprintf(" %s+%x\n",pString,Displ); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
kd> dt ntdll!RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION +0x000 DebugInfo : Ptr64 _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG +0x008 LockCount : Int4B +0x00c RecursionCount : Int4B +0x010 OwningThread : Ptr64 Void +0x018 LockSemaphore : Ptr64 Void +0x020 SpinCount : Uint8B kd> dt ntdll!_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG +0x000 Type : Uint2B +0x002 CreatorBackTraceIndex : Uint2B +0x008 CriticalSection : Ptr64 _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION +0x010 ProcessLocksList : _LIST_ENTRY +0x020 EntryCount : Uint4B +0x024 ContentionCount : Uint4B +0x028 Spare : [2] Uint4B kd> */
#ifdef KDEXT_64BIT
struct _LIST_ENTRY_64 { ULONG64 Flink; ULONG64 Blink; };
struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_64 { ULONG64 DebugInfo; DWORD LockCount; DWORD RecursionCount; ULONG64 OwningThread; ULONG64 LockSemaphore; ULONG64 SpinCount; };
struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG_64 { WORD Type; WORD CreatorBackTraceIndex; ULONG64 CriticalSection; _LIST_ENTRY_64 ProcessLocksList; DWORD EntryCount; DWORD ContentionCount; DWORD Spare; };
#endif /*KDEXT_64BIT*/
DECLARE_API(cs64) { INIT_API(); #ifdef KDEXT_64BIT
_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG_64 DebugInfo; _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_64 CritSec; _LIST_ENTRY_64 ListEntry; ULONG64 MemAddr = GetExpression(args);
if (MemAddr) { ULONG64 AddrHead = MemAddr; if (ReadMemory(MemAddr,&ListEntry,sizeof(ListEntry),NULL)) { DebugInfo.ProcessLocksList.Flink = ListEntry.Flink; while (DebugInfo.ProcessLocksList.Flink != AddrHead) { if (CheckControlC()) break;
MemAddr = DebugInfo.ProcessLocksList.Flink - FIELD_OFFSET(_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG_64,ProcessLocksList);
if (ReadMemory((MEMORY_ADDRESS)MemAddr,&DebugInfo,sizeof(DebugInfo),NULL)) { dprintf(" C %p D %p\n",DebugInfo.CriticalSection,MemAddr); if (ReadMemory((MEMORY_ADDRESS)DebugInfo.CriticalSection,&CritSec,sizeof(CritSec),NULL)) { dprintf(" - CS %p %x %x %p\n", CritSec.DebugInfo, CritSec.LockCount, CritSec.RecursionCount, CritSec.OwningThread); } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",DebugInfo.CriticalSection); } } else { break; } } } else { dprintf("RM %p\n",MemAddr); } } else { dprintf("unable to resolve %s\n",args); } #endif /*KDEXT_64BIT*/