// (c) 1998 by Microsoft Corporation
// alanbos 18-Feb-98 Created.
// The WBEM -> XML translator
#include "precomp.h"
#include <wbemidl.h>
#include <genlex.h>
#include <opathlex.h>
#include <objpath.h>
#include "wmiconv.h"
#include "wmi2xml.h"
// This is the set of the names of properties that the control
// looks for in an IWbemContext object for modifying its output
const LPCWSTR CWmiToXml::s_wmiToXmlArgs[] = { L"AllowWMIExtensions", // VT_BOOL - self-explanatory
L"PathLevel", // VT_I4 see typedef enum PathLevel in wmi2xml.h
L"IncludeQualifiers", // VT_BOOL - self-explanatory
L"IncludeClassOrigin", // VT_BOOL - self-explanatory
L"LocalOnly", // VT_BOOL - local elements (methods, properties, qualifiers) are mapped.
L"ExcludeSystemProperties", // VT_BOOL - Excludes any WMI System Properties
static OLECHAR *CDATASTART = OLESTR("<![CDATA["); static OLECHAR *CDATAEND = OLESTR("]]>"); static OLECHAR *AMPERSAND = OLESTR("&"); static OLECHAR *LEFTCHEVRON = OLESTR("<"); static OLECHAR *RIGHTCHEVRON = OLESTR(">"); static BYTE XMLNEWLINE [] = { 0x0D, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00 }; extern long g_cObj;
CWmiToXml::CWmiToXml() { m_cRef = 0; m_iPathLevel = pathLevelAnonymous; // RAJESHR - Is this a good default
m_bAllowWMIExtensions = VARIANT_TRUE; m_bLocalOnly = VARIANT_FALSE; // RAJESHR - Change this when core team allows us to set __RELPATH
m_iQualifierFilter = wmiXMLQualifierFilterNone; m_iClassOriginFilter = wmiXMLClassOriginFilterAll; m_bExcludeSystemProperties = VARIANT_FALSE; InterlockedIncrement(&g_cObj); }
// CWmiToXml::~CWmiToXml
// Destructor.
CWmiToXml::~CWmiToXml(void) { InterlockedDecrement(&g_cObj); }
// HRESULT CWmiToXml::QueryInterface
// long CWmiToXml::AddRef
// long CWmiToXml::Release
// Standard Com IUNKNOWN functions.
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::QueryInterface (
IN REFIID riid, OUT LPVOID *ppv ) { *ppv=NULL;
if (IID_IUnknown==riid) *ppv = reinterpret_cast<IUnknown*>(this); else if (IID_IWbemXMLConvertor==riid) *ppv = reinterpret_cast<IWbemXMLConvertor*>(this);
if (NULL!=*ppv) { ((LPUNKNOWN)*ppv)->AddRef(); return NOERROR; }
return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CWmiToXml::AddRef(void) { InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); return m_cRef; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CWmiToXml::Release(void) { InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef); if (0L!=m_cRef) return m_cRef; delete this; return 0; }
* This function takes in an IWbemClassObject that represents a Class and * produces a <CLASS> element in the outputstream */ STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapClass (IStream *pOutputStream, IWbemClassObject *pObject, IWbemQualifierSet *pQualSet, BSTR *ppPropertyList, DWORD dwNumProperties, BSTR strClassBasis) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
long flav = 0; VARIANT var;
// Write the CLASS tag and its attributes
// Write the CLASSNAME
VariantInit (&var); if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pObject->Get(L"__CLASS", 0, &var, NULL, &flav)) { if ((VT_BSTR == var.vt) && (NULL != var.bstrVal) && (wcslen (var.bstrVal) > 0)) WRITEBSTR( var.bstrVal) } VariantClear (&var); WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("\""))
// Write the SUPERCLASS if specified
VariantInit (&var); if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pObject->Get(L"__SUPERCLASS", 0, &var, NULL, &flav)) { if ((VT_BSTR == var.vt) && (NULL != var.bstrVal) && (wcslen (var.bstrVal) > 0)) { WRITEBSTR( OLESTR(" SUPERCLASS=\"")) WRITEBSTR( var.bstrVal) WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("\"")) } } VariantClear (&var); WRITEBSTR( OLESTR(">")) WRITENEWLINE
// Map the Qualifiers of the class
if (pQualSet) hr = MapQualifiers (pOutputStream, pQualSet); else hr = S_OK;
// Map the Properties
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = MapProperties(pOutputStream, pObject, ppPropertyList, dwNumProperties, strClassBasis, true);
// Map the Methods
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = MapMethods (pOutputStream, pObject);
// Terminate the CLASS element
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapClassPath (IStream *pOutputStream, ParsedObjectPath *pParsedPath) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<CLASSPATH>")) WRITENEWLINE if(SUCCEEDED(hr = MapNamespacePath (pOutputStream, pParsedPath))) { WRITENEWLINE hr = MapClassName (pOutputStream, pParsedPath->m_pClass); } WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("</CLASSPATH>")) return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapLocalClassPath (IStream *pOutputStream, ParsedObjectPath *pParsedPath) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<LOCALCLASSPATH>")) WRITENEWLINE if(SUCCEEDED(hr = MapLocalNamespacePath (pOutputStream, pParsedPath))) { WRITENEWLINE hr = MapClassName (pOutputStream, pParsedPath->m_pClass); } WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("</LOCALCLASSPATH>")) return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapClassName (IStream *pOutputStream, BSTR bsClassName) { WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<CLASSNAME NAME=\"")) WRITEBSTR( bsClassName) WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("\"/>")) return S_OK; }
* This function takes in an IWbemClassObject that represents an Instance and * produces an <INSTANCE> element in the outputstream */ STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapInstance (IStream *pOutputStream, IWbemClassObject *pObject, IWbemQualifierSet *pQualSet, BSTR *ppPropertyList, DWORD dwNumProperties, BSTR strClassBasis) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
// Write the beginning of the INSTANCE Tag and its attributes
long flav = 0; VARIANT var; VariantInit (&var); if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pObject->Get(L"__CLASS", 0, &var, NULL, &flav)) { if ((VT_BSTR == var.vt) && (NULL != var.bstrVal) && (wcslen (var.bstrVal) > 0)) { WRITEBSTR( var.bstrVal) WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("\">")) WRITENEWLINE } } VariantClear (&var);
// Map Instance Qualifiers if any
if (pQualSet) hr = MapQualifiers (pOutputStream, pQualSet); else hr = S_OK;
// Map the properties of the instance
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = MapProperties (pOutputStream, pObject, ppPropertyList, dwNumProperties, strClassBasis, false);
// Terminate the INSTANCE element
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapInstancePath (IStream *pOutputStream, ParsedObjectPath *pParsedPath) { WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<INSTANCEPATH>")) WRITENEWLINE HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = MapNamespacePath (pOutputStream, pParsedPath))) { WRITENEWLINE hr = MapInstanceName (pOutputStream, pParsedPath); WRITENEWLINE } WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("</INSTANCEPATH>")) return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapLocalInstancePath (IStream *pOutputStream, ParsedObjectPath *pParsedPath) { WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<LOCALINSTANCEPATH>")) WRITENEWLINE HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = MapLocalNamespacePath (pOutputStream, pParsedPath))) { WRITENEWLINE hr = MapInstanceName (pOutputStream, pParsedPath); WRITENEWLINE } WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("</LOCALINSTANCEPATH>")) return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapInstanceName (IStream *pOutputStream, ParsedObjectPath *pParsedPath) { WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<INSTANCENAME CLASSNAME=\"")) WRITEBSTR( pParsedPath->m_pClass) WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("\">")) WRITENEWLINE
// Now write the key bindings - only if not singleton
if (!(pParsedPath->m_bSingletonObj)) { if ((1 == pParsedPath->m_dwNumKeys) && !((pParsedPath->m_paKeys [0])->m_pName)) { // Use the short form
WRITENEWLINE MapKeyValue (pOutputStream, (pParsedPath->m_paKeys [0])->m_vValue); WRITENEWLINE } else { // Write each key-value binding
for (DWORD numKey = 0; numKey < pParsedPath->m_dwNumKeys; numKey++) { WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<KEYBINDING "))
// Write the key name
WRITEBSTR( OLESTR(" NAME=\"")) WRITEBSTR( (pParsedPath->m_paKeys [numKey])->m_pName) WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("\">")) WRITENEWLINE
// Write the key value
MapKeyValue (pOutputStream, (pParsedPath->m_paKeys [numKey])->m_vValue); WRITENEWLINE
WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("</KEYBINDING>")) WRITENEWLINE } } } else { // Nothing to be done here, since the spec says that
// INSTANCENAMEs without any keybindings are assumed to be singleton instances
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapNamespacePath (IStream *pOutputStream, BSTR bsNamespacePath) { CObjectPathParser pathParser (e_ParserAcceptRelativeNamespace); ParsedObjectPath *pParsedPath = NULL; pathParser.Parse (bsNamespacePath, &pParsedPath) ;
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if (pParsedPath) { hr = MapNamespacePath (pOutputStream, pParsedPath); pathParser.Free(pParsedPath); } else hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_SYNTAX;
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapNamespacePath (IStream *pOutputStream, ParsedObjectPath *pParsedPath) { WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<NAMESPACEPATH>")) WRITENEWLINE WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<HOST>"))
if (pParsedPath->m_pServer) WRITEWSTR( pParsedPath->m_pServer) else WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("."))
// Map the local namespaces
HRESULT hr = MapLocalNamespacePath (pOutputStream, pParsedPath);
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapLocalNamespacePath (IStream *pOutputStream, BSTR bsNamespacePath) { CObjectPathParser pathParser (e_ParserAcceptRelativeNamespace); ParsedObjectPath *pParsedPath = NULL; pathParser.Parse (bsNamespacePath, &pParsedPath) ;
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if (pParsedPath) { hr = MapLocalNamespacePath (pOutputStream, pParsedPath); pathParser.Free(pParsedPath); } else hr = E_FAIL;
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapLocalNamespacePath (IStream *pOutputStream, ParsedObjectPath *pObjectPath) { WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<LOCALNAMESPACEPATH>")) WRITENEWLINE
// Map each of the namespace components
for (DWORD dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < pObjectPath->m_dwNumNamespaces; dwIndex++) { WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<NAMESPACE NAME=\"")) WRITEWSTR( pObjectPath->m_paNamespaces [dwIndex]) WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("\"/>")) WRITENEWLINE }
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapReferenceProperty (IStream *pOutputStream, IWbemClassObject *pObject, BSTR name, VARIANT &var, bool isArray, long flavor, bool bIsClass) { // CIM does not allow array references, only scalar references
if(isArray && !m_bAllowWMIExtensions) return S_OK;
IWbemQualifierSet *pQualSet = NULL; if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pObject->GetPropertyQualifierSet (name, &pQualSet)) { // The property name
// The property name
// The originating class of this property
BSTR propertyOrigin = NULL;
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pObject->GetPropertyOrigin (name, &propertyOrigin)) { MapClassOrigin (pOutputStream, propertyOrigin, bIsClass); SysFreeString(propertyOrigin); hr = S_OK; }
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) MapLocal (pOutputStream, flavor);
// The strong class of this property
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) MapStrongType (pOutputStream, pQualSet);
// Size of array
if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && isArray) MapArraySize (pOutputStream, pQualSet);
// Map the qualifiers
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = MapQualifiers (pOutputStream, pQualSet);
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = MapReferenceValue (pOutputStream, isArray, var);
return hr; }
// CWmiToXml::IsReference
// The purpose of this function is to examine a single
// VARIANT value and determine whether it represents a
// reference or not.
// This is required because when mapping from a reference
// property value we may encounter nested references within
// the object path. Unfortunately the object path syntax
// is such that we cannot be certain whether a key value
// represents a reference or a string, datetime or char
// property. (This is because a textual object path does
// not contain as much information as its XML equivalent.)
// This function performs a heuristic test on the value to
// determine whether it is a reference.
bool CWmiToXml::IsReference (VARIANT &var, ParsedObjectPath **ppObjectPath) { ParsedObjectPath *pObjectPath = NULL; *ppObjectPath = NULL; bool isValidPath = false;
// RAJESHR - could get the class of which this is a property value
// and retrieve the type of the current key property - that would
// be the authoritative answer but it doesn't come cheap.
if ((VT_BSTR == var.vt) && (NULL != var.bstrVal) && (wcslen (var.bstrVal) > 0)) {
// Parse the object path
CObjectPathParser parser (e_ParserAcceptRelativeNamespace); BOOL status = parser.Parse (var.bstrVal, &pObjectPath);
if ((0 == status) && pObjectPath) { // If it's an instance path we should be OK
if (pObjectPath->IsInstance ()) isValidPath = true; else if (pObjectPath->IsClass ()) { // Hmmm - could be a classpath. If we have a server
// and some namespaces that would be a lot better
if (pObjectPath->m_pServer && (0 < pObjectPath->m_dwNumNamespaces)) { // RAJESHR - At this point we could assume that it is a reference
// However, we've found a case in PCHealth where they do a
// select * from Win32_ProgramGroup and it so happens that
// one of the properties has a value "ntdev\rajeshr:Accessories"
// which is CIM_STRING but actually matches a WMI class path
// So, we need to try to connect ot this machine or namespace here
// to check whether it is a classpath.
} else { // A potential local class path
// RAJESHR - try grabbing the class to see if it exists in
// the current namespace.
} } } // Apply one more heuristic - see whether it begins with "umi:"
else { if(_wcsnicmp(var.bstrVal, L"umi:", wcslen(L"umi:")) == 0) isValidPath = true; }
if (isValidPath) *ppObjectPath = pObjectPath; else { // Reject for now - too ambiguous
parser.Free(pObjectPath); pObjectPath = NULL; } }
return isValidPath; }
HRESULT CWmiToXml::MapReferenceValue (IStream *pOutputStream, bool isArray, VARIANT &var) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
if (VT_NULL == var.vt) return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
if (isArray) { long uBound = 0; if (FAILED(SafeArrayGetUBound (var.parray, 1, &uBound))) return WBEM_E_FAILED;
WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<VALUE.REFARRAY>")) for (long i = 0; i<=uBound; i++) { BSTR pNextElement = NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = SafeArrayGetElement(var.parray, (LONG *)&i, (LPVOID )&pNextElement ))) { // Map the value - this will be a classpath or instancepath
if ((NULL != pNextElement) && (wcslen (pNextElement) > 0)) { // Parse the object path
// We have 2 possibilities here
// 1. The path is a Nova style path in which case it can be transformed into
// 2. It is a Whistler style scoped path or an UMI path. In this case,
// we have to transform it into a VALUE element (inside a VALUE.REFERENCE element)
// with the exact string representation of the path
// The second vase is indicated it the parsing fails.
CObjectPathParser parser (e_ParserAcceptRelativeNamespace); ParsedObjectPath *pObjectPath = NULL; BOOL status = parser.Parse (pNextElement, &pObjectPath) ;
// pObjectPath might be NULL here, in which case it falls under category 2 above
MapReferenceValue (pOutputStream, pObjectPath, pNextElement);
if (pObjectPath) parser.Free(pObjectPath); }
SysFreeString(pNextElement); } } WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("</VALUE.REFARRAY>")) } else { // Map the value - this will be a classpath or instancepath
if ((VT_BSTR == var.vt) && (NULL != var.bstrVal) && (wcslen (var.bstrVal) > 0)) { // Parse the object path
CObjectPathParser parser (e_ParserAcceptRelativeNamespace); ParsedObjectPath *pObjectPath = NULL; BOOL status = parser.Parse (var.bstrVal, &pObjectPath) ;
// We have 2 possibilities here
// 1. The path is a Nova style path in which case it can be transformed into
// 2. It is a Whistler style scoped path or an UMI path. In this case,
// we have to transform it into a VALUE element (inside a VALUE.REFERENCE element)
// with the exact string representation of the path
// The second vase is indicated it the parsing fails.
MapReferenceValue (pOutputStream, pObjectPath, var.bstrVal);
if (pObjectPath) parser.Free(pObjectPath); } }
return hr; }
// This function maps a reference value to XML
// We have 2 possibilities for the path in the reference value :
// 1. The path is a Nova style path in which case it can be transformed into
// 2. It is a Whistler style scoped path or an UMI path. In this case,
// we have to transform it into a VALUE element (inside a VALUE.REFERENCE element)
// with the exact string representation of the path
// The second vase is indicated by a NULL value for pObjectPath, in which case, we just
// use the contents of strPath
void CWmiToXml::MapReferenceValue (IStream *pOutputStream, ParsedObjectPath *pObjectPath, BSTR strPath) { WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<VALUE.REFERENCE>")) WRITENEWLINE
// Is it a Nova-style or DMTF style path?
if(pObjectPath) { BOOL bIsAbsolutePath = (NULL != pObjectPath->m_pServer); BOOL bIsRelativePath = FALSE;
if (!bIsAbsolutePath) bIsRelativePath = (0 < pObjectPath->m_dwNumNamespaces);
// Is this is a class or is it an instance?
if (pObjectPath->IsClass ()) { if (bIsAbsolutePath) MapClassPath (pOutputStream, pObjectPath); else if (bIsRelativePath) MapLocalClassPath (pOutputStream, pObjectPath); else MapClassName (pOutputStream, pObjectPath->m_pClass); } else if (pObjectPath->IsInstance ()) { if (bIsAbsolutePath) MapInstancePath (pOutputStream, pObjectPath); else if (bIsRelativePath) MapLocalInstancePath (pOutputStream, pObjectPath); else MapInstanceName (pOutputStream, pObjectPath); } } else // Ugh it is a Whistler or WMI Path
{ WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<VALUE>")) MapStringValue(pOutputStream, strPath); WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("</VALUE>")) }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapQualifiers (IStream *pOutputStream, IWbemQualifierSet *pQualSet, IWbemQualifierSet *pQualSet2) { if (wmiXMLQualifierFilterNone != m_iQualifierFilter) { // Map the requested filter to the flags value - default is ALL
LONG lFlags = 0; if (wmiXMLQualifierFilterLocal == m_iQualifierFilter) lFlags = WBEM_FLAG_LOCAL_ONLY; else if (wmiXMLQualifierFilterPropagated == m_iQualifierFilter) lFlags = WBEM_FLAG_PROPAGATED_ONLY; else if (wmiXMLQualifierFilterAll == m_iQualifierFilter) { if(m_bLocalOnly == VARIANT_TRUE) lFlags = WBEM_FLAG_LOCAL_ONLY; // Else you get all qualifiers
pQualSet->BeginEnumeration (lFlags);
VARIANT var; VariantInit (&var); long flavor = 0; BSTR name = NULL;
while (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pQualSet->Next (0, &name, &var, &flavor)) { MapQualifier (pOutputStream, name, flavor, var); SysFreeString (name); name = NULL; VariantClear (&var); }
pQualSet->EndEnumeration ();
// Now check the subsiduary set for any qualifiers not in the first set
if (pQualSet2) { pQualSet2->BeginEnumeration (lFlags);
while (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pQualSet2->Next (0, &name, &var, &flavor)) { // Is this qualifier in the primary set?
if (WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND == pQualSet->Get (name, 0, NULL, NULL)) MapQualifier (pOutputStream, name, flavor, var);
SysFreeString (name); name = NULL; VariantClear (&var); }
pQualSet2->EndEnumeration (); } }
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
void CWmiToXml::MapLocal (IStream *pOutputStream, long flavor) { // default is FALSE
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapQualifier (IStream *pOutputStream, BSTR name, long flavor, VARIANT &var) { // The qualifier name
WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<QUALIFIER NAME=\"")) WRITEBSTR( name) WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("\"")) MapLocal (pOutputStream, flavor);
// The qualifier CIM type
WRITEBSTR( OLESTR(" TYPE=\"")) switch (var.vt & ~VT_ARRAY) { case VT_I4: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("sint32")) break;
case VT_R8: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("real64")) break;
case VT_BOOL: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("boolean")) break;
case VT_BSTR: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("string")) break; }
// Whether the qualifier is overridable - default is TRUE
// Whether the qualifier is propagated to subclasses - default is TRUE
// Whether the qualifier is propagated to instances - default is FALSE
/* RAJESHR - This change has been put off until the CIM DTD gets modified
* Whether the qualifier is propagated to instances - default is FALSE * This is absent from the CIM DTD if (m_bAllowWMIExtensions && (WBEM_FLAVOR_FLAG_PROPAGATE_TO_INSTANCE & flavor)) WRITEBSTR( OLESTR(" TOINSTANCE=\"true\"")) */
// Whether the qualifier is an amended one - default is FALSE
// This is absent from the CIM DTD
if (m_bAllowWMIExtensions && (WBEM_FLAVOR_AMENDED & flavor)) WRITEBSTR( OLESTR(" AMENDED=\"true\""))
// Currently set TRANSLATABLE as "FALSE" by default. WMI does not use this flavor
// Now map the value
MapValue (pOutputStream, var);
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapValue (IStream *pOutputStream, VARIANT &var) { if (VT_NULL == var.vt) return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
if (var.vt & VT_ARRAY) { long uBound = 0; if (FAILED(SafeArrayGetUBound (var.parray, 1, &uBound))) return WBEM_E_FAILED;
for (long i = 0; i <= uBound; i++) { WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<VALUE>"))
// Write the value itself
switch (var.vt & ~VT_ARRAY) { case VT_I4: { long val = 0; SafeArrayGetElement (var.parray, &i, &val); MapLongValue (pOutputStream, val); } break;
case VT_R8: { double val = 0; SafeArrayGetElement (var.parray, &i, &val); MapDoubleValue (pOutputStream, val); } break;
case VT_BOOL: { VARIANT_BOOL val = 0; SafeArrayGetElement (var.parray, &i, &val); MapBoolValue (pOutputStream, (val) ? TRUE : FALSE); } break;
case VT_BSTR: { BSTR val = NULL; SafeArrayGetElement (var.parray, &i, &val); MapStringValue (pOutputStream, val); SysFreeString (val); } break; } WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("</VALUE>")) WRITENEWLINE }
WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("</VALUE.ARRAY>")) } else { // Simple value
WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<VALUE>")) switch (var.vt) { case VT_I4: MapLongValue (pOutputStream, var.lVal); break;
case VT_R8: MapDoubleValue (pOutputStream, var.dblVal); break;
case VT_BOOL: MapBoolValue (pOutputStream, (var.boolVal) ? TRUE : FALSE); break;
case VT_BSTR: MapStringValue (pOutputStream, var.bstrVal); break; }
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
// This function is used to create a KEYVALUE element
// This element, besides having the value of the property
// also has a type indicator in the form of the VALUETYPE attribute
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapKeyValue (IStream *pOutputStream, VARIANT &var) { ParsedObjectPath *pObjectPath = NULL;
// This could be simple value or a reference value
// Note that keys are not allowed to be arrays
if (IsReference (var, &pObjectPath)) { // If the above function returns true, then we're sure that the variant is of type VT_BSTR
MapReferenceValue (pOutputStream, pObjectPath, var.bstrVal); delete pObjectPath; } else { // Simple value
switch (var.vt) { case VT_I4: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR(" VALUETYPE=\"numeric\">")) MapLongValue (pOutputStream, var.lVal); break;
case VT_R8: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR(" VALUETYPE=\"numeric\">")) MapDoubleValue (pOutputStream, var.dblVal); break;
case VT_BOOL: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR(" VALUETYPE=\"boolean\">")) MapBoolValue (pOutputStream, (var.boolVal) ? TRUE : FALSE); break;
case VT_BSTR: WRITEBSTR(OLESTR(" VALUETYPE=\"string\">")) // RAJESHR - We assume that the object path parser will have suitably unescaped
// the escaped characters in the object path
// If this is not the case, then we need to unescape it manually
MapStringValue (pOutputStream, var.bstrVal); break; }
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
// In this function we produce PROPERTY elements for each of the properties of an IWbemClassObject
// or if a property list is specified, then only for each of the properties in that list
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapProperties (IStream *pOutputStream, IWbemClassObject *pObject, BSTR *ppPropertyList, DWORD dwNumProperties, BSTR strClassBasis, bool bIsClass) { // Check to see if a property list is specified. If so, we map only those properties
if (dwNumProperties && ppPropertyList) { VARIANT var; VariantInit (&var); long flavor = 0; CIMTYPE cimtype = CIM_ILLEGAL;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumProperties; i++) { // A class basis may be optionally specified for this class
// this happens in case of Enumerations and we have to filter out derived class properties
// since the DMTF concept of SHALLOW enumeration is differnet from WMI's definition
if (PropertyDefinedForClass (pObject, ppPropertyList [i], strClassBasis)) { if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pObject->Get (ppPropertyList [i], 0, &var, &cimtype, &flavor)) { switch (cimtype & ~CIM_FLAG_ARRAY) { case CIM_OBJECT: MapObjectProperty (pOutputStream, pObject, ppPropertyList [i], var, (cimtype & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY) ? TRUE : FALSE, flavor, bIsClass); break;
case CIM_REFERENCE: MapReferenceProperty (pOutputStream, pObject, ppPropertyList [i], var, (cimtype & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY) ? TRUE : FALSE, flavor,bIsClass); break;
default: MapProperty (pOutputStream, pObject, ppPropertyList [i], var, cimtype & ~CIM_FLAG_ARRAY, (cimtype & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY) ? TRUE : FALSE, flavor, bIsClass); break; } VariantClear (&var); } } } } else { // Note that we cannot set the LOCAL_ONLY flag for the enumeration since this is mutually exclusive
// with the NONSYSTEM Flag.
// Hence we use the property flavour to check whether it is local or not below.
// We dont want System propertied going to DMTF servers
if(SUCCEEDED(pObject->BeginEnumeration ( (m_bAllowWMIExtensions == VARIANT_FALSE || m_bExcludeSystemProperties == VARIANT_TRUE)? WBEM_FLAG_NONSYSTEM_ONLY : 0))) { VARIANT var; VariantInit (&var); long flavor = 0; CIMTYPE cimtype = CIM_ILLEGAL; BSTR name = NULL;
while (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pObject->Next (0, &name, &var, &cimtype, &flavor)) { // If only local properties are being asked for, then skip this if it is not local
// Dont skip system properties though
if(m_bLocalOnly == VARIANT_FALSE || (m_bLocalOnly == VARIANT_TRUE && ((flavor == WBEM_FLAVOR_ORIGIN_LOCAL) || (flavor == WBEM_FLAVOR_ORIGIN_SYSTEM)) )) { // A class basis may be optionally specified for this call
// this happens in case of Enumerations and we have to filter out derived class properties
// since the DMTF concept of SHALLOW enumeration is differnet from WMI's definition
if (PropertyDefinedForClass (pObject, name,strClassBasis)) { switch (cimtype & ~CIM_FLAG_ARRAY) { case CIM_OBJECT: MapObjectProperty (pOutputStream, pObject, name, var, (cimtype & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY) ? TRUE : FALSE, flavor, bIsClass); break;
case CIM_REFERENCE: MapReferenceProperty (pOutputStream, pObject, name, var, (cimtype & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY) ? TRUE : FALSE, flavor, bIsClass); break;
default: MapProperty (pOutputStream, pObject, name, var, cimtype & ~CIM_FLAG_ARRAY, (cimtype & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY) ? TRUE : FALSE, flavor, bIsClass); break; } } } SysFreeString (name); VariantClear (&var); } }
pObject->EndEnumeration (); } return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapProperty (IStream *pOutputStream, IWbemClassObject *pObject, BSTR name, VARIANT &var, CIMTYPE cimtype, BOOL isArray, long flavor, bool bIsClass) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; // The property name
if (isArray) WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<PROPERTY.ARRAY NAME=\"")) else WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<PROPERTY NAME=\"")) WRITEBSTR( name) WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("\"")); // The originating class of this property
BSTR propertyOrigin = NULL;
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pObject->GetPropertyOrigin (name, &propertyOrigin)) { MapClassOrigin (pOutputStream, propertyOrigin, bIsClass); SysFreeString(propertyOrigin); }
MapLocal (pOutputStream, flavor);
// The property CIM type
hr = MapType (pOutputStream, cimtype);
// Get the Qualifier Set of the property at this time
// Note that system properties do not have qualifiers sets
// Map the Array Size attribute if this is an array type
IWbemQualifierSet *pQualSet= NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (_wcsnicmp(name, L"__", 2) != 0) ) { if(WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == (hr = pObject->GetPropertyQualifierSet (name, &pQualSet))) { if (isArray) MapArraySize (pOutputStream, pQualSet); } } WRITEBSTR( OLESTR(">")) WRITENEWLINE
// Map the qualifiers (note that system properties have no qualifiers)
if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pQualSet) hr = MapQualifiers (pOutputStream, pQualSet);
// Now map the value
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = MapValue (pOutputStream, cimtype, isArray, var);
if(pQualSet) pQualSet->Release (); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapObjectProperty (IStream *pOutputStream, IWbemClassObject *pObject, BSTR name, VARIANT &var, BOOL isArray, long flavor, bool bIsClass) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; IWbemQualifierSet *pQualSet= NULL;
* Only map embedded objects when WMI extensions are allowed */
if (m_bAllowWMIExtensions) { if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == (hr = pObject->GetPropertyQualifierSet (name, &pQualSet))) { // The property name
// The originating class of this property
BSTR propertyOrigin = NULL;
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pObject->GetPropertyOrigin (name, &propertyOrigin)) { MapClassOrigin (pOutputStream, propertyOrigin, bIsClass); SysFreeString(propertyOrigin); }
MapLocal (pOutputStream, flavor); MapStrongType (pOutputStream, pQualSet);
if (isArray) MapArraySize (pOutputStream, pQualSet);
MapQualifiers (pOutputStream, pQualSet);
// Now map the value
hr = MapEmbeddedObjectValue (pOutputStream, isArray, var);
pQualSet->Release (); } }
return hr; }
void CWmiToXml::MapArraySize (IStream *pOutputStream, IWbemQualifierSet *pQualSet) { // RAJESHR - RAID 29167 covers the fact that case (1) below
// should not be valid (but this is what the MOF compiler
// does) - need to change the code when that bug is fixed
// to be more strict.
* We defined the ARRAYSIZE element if the qualifier set * satisfies one of the following constraints: * * 1) MAX is present with a positive integer value, and MIN * is absent. * * 2) MAX and MIN are both present, with the same positive * integer value. */
VARIANT var; VariantInit (&var); BOOL isFixed = FALSE;
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pQualSet->Get(L"MAX", 0, &var, NULL)) { if ((V_VT(&var) == VT_I4) && (0 < var.lVal)) { // Promising - have a candidate MAX value. Now
// look for a MIN
long arraySize = var.lVal;
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pQualSet->Get(L"MIN", 0, &var, NULL)) { if ((V_VT(&var) == VT_I4) && (0 < var.lVal)) { // Have a value - check if it's the same as MAX
isFixed = (arraySize == var.lVal); } } else isFixed = TRUE; // NO MIN only max
} }
if (isFixed) { WRITEBSTR( OLESTR(" ARRAYSIZE=\"")) MapLongValue (pOutputStream, var.lVal); WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("\"")) }
VariantClear (&var); }
void CWmiToXml::MapStrongType (IStream *pOutputStream, IWbemQualifierSet *pQualSet) { VARIANT var; VariantInit(&var);
if ((WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pQualSet->Get(L"CIMTYPE", 0, &var, NULL)) && (VT_BSTR == var.vt)) { // Split out the class (if any) from the ref
LPWSTR ptr = wcschr (var.bstrVal, OLECHAR(':'));
if ((NULL != ptr) && (1 < wcslen(ptr))) { int classLen = wcslen(ptr) - 1; LPWSTR classPtr = NULL; if(classPtr = new OLECHAR[classLen + 1]) { wcscpy (classPtr, ptr+1); BSTR pszClass = NULL; if(pszClass = SysAllocString(classPtr)) { WRITEBSTR( OLESTR(" REFERENCECLASS=\"")) WRITEBSTR( pszClass) WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("\"")) SysFreeString(pszClass); } delete [] classPtr; } } }
VariantClear(&var); }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapType (IStream *pOutputStream, CIMTYPE cimtype) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
WRITEBSTR( OLESTR(" TYPE=\"")) switch (cimtype) { case CIM_SINT8: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("sint8")) break;
case CIM_UINT8: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("uint8")) break;
case CIM_SINT16: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("sint16")) break;
case CIM_UINT16: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("uint16")) break;
case CIM_SINT32: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("sint32")) break;
case CIM_UINT32: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("uint32")) break;
case CIM_SINT64: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("sint64")) break;
case CIM_UINT64: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("uint64")) break;
case CIM_REAL32: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("real32")) break;
case CIM_REAL64: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("real64")) break;
case CIM_BOOLEAN: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("boolean")) break;
case CIM_STRING: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("string")) break;
case CIM_DATETIME: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("datetime")) break;
case CIM_CHAR16: WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("char16")) break;
default: // Don't recognize this type
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapValue (IStream *pOutputStream, CIMTYPE cimtype, BOOL isArray, VARIANT &var) { if (VT_NULL == var.vt) return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
if (isArray) { long uBound = 0; if (FAILED(SafeArrayGetUBound (var.parray, 1, &uBound))) return WBEM_E_FAILED;
for (long i = 0; i <= uBound; i++) { WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<VALUE>"))
switch (cimtype) { case CIM_UINT8: { unsigned char val = 0; SafeArrayGetElement (var.parray, &i, &val); MapByteValue (pOutputStream, val); } break;
case CIM_SINT8: case CIM_SINT16: { short val = 0; SafeArrayGetElement (var.parray, &i, &val); MapShortValue (pOutputStream, val); } break;
case CIM_UINT16: case CIM_UINT32: case CIM_SINT32: { long val = 0; SafeArrayGetElement (var.parray, &i, &val); MapLongValue (pOutputStream, val); } break;
case CIM_REAL32: { float val = 0; SafeArrayGetElement (var.parray, &i, &val); MapFloatValue (pOutputStream, val); } break;
case CIM_REAL64: { double val = 0; SafeArrayGetElement (var.parray, &i, &val); MapDoubleValue (pOutputStream, val); } break;
case CIM_BOOLEAN: { VARIANT_BOOL val = 0; SafeArrayGetElement (var.parray, &i, &val); MapBoolValue (pOutputStream, (val)? TRUE : FALSE); } break;
case CIM_CHAR16: { long val = 0; SafeArrayGetElement (var.parray, &i, &val); MapCharValue (pOutputStream, val); } break;
case CIM_STRING: { BSTR val = NULL; SafeArrayGetElement (var.parray, &i, &val); MapStringValue (pOutputStream, val); SysFreeString (val); } break;
case CIM_UINT64: case CIM_SINT64: case CIM_DATETIME: { BSTR val = NULL; SafeArrayGetElement (var.parray, &i, &val); WRITEBSTR( val) SysFreeString(val); } break; } WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("</VALUE>")) WRITENEWLINE }
WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("</VALUE.ARRAY>")) } else { // Simple value
WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<VALUE>")) switch (cimtype) { case CIM_UINT8: MapByteValue (pOutputStream, var.bVal); break;
case CIM_SINT8: case CIM_SINT16: MapShortValue (pOutputStream, var.iVal); break;
case CIM_UINT16: case CIM_UINT32: case CIM_SINT32: MapLongValue (pOutputStream, var.lVal); break;
case CIM_REAL32: MapFloatValue (pOutputStream, var.fltVal); break;
case CIM_REAL64: MapDoubleValue (pOutputStream, var.dblVal); break;
case CIM_BOOLEAN: MapBoolValue (pOutputStream, (var.boolVal) ? TRUE : FALSE); break;
case CIM_CHAR16: MapCharValue (pOutputStream, var.lVal); break;
case CIM_STRING: MapStringValue (pOutputStream, var.bstrVal); break;
case CIM_UINT64: case CIM_SINT64: case CIM_DATETIME: WRITEBSTR( var.bstrVal) break; } WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("</VALUE>")) }
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapEmbeddedObjectValue (IStream *pOutputStream, BOOL isArray, VARIANT &var) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
if (VT_NULL == var.vt) return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
if (isArray) { long uBound = 0; if (FAILED(SafeArrayGetUBound (var.parray, 1, &uBound))) return WBEM_E_FAILED;
WRITEBSTR(OLESTR("<VALUE.OBJECTARRAY>")) for (long i = 0; i<=uBound; i++) { IUnknown *pNextElement = NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = SafeArrayGetElement(var.parray, (LONG *)&i, (LPVOID )&pNextElement ))) { IWbemClassObject *pEmbeddedObject = NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = pNextElement->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemClassObject, (LPVOID *)&pEmbeddedObject))) { // Note that we always use PathLevelAnonymous here since embedded objects are VALUE.OBJECTs as per the DTD
CWmiToXml wbemToXml; wbemToXml.m_iPathLevel = pathLevelAnonymous; wbemToXml.m_bAllowWMIExtensions = m_bAllowWMIExtensions; wbemToXml.m_iQualifierFilter = m_iQualifierFilter; wbemToXml.m_iClassOriginFilter = m_iClassOriginFilter; WRITEBSTR(OLESTR("<VALUE.OBJECT>")) hr = wbemToXml.MapObjectToXML(pEmbeddedObject, NULL, 0, NULL, pOutputStream, NULL); WRITEBSTR(OLESTR("</VALUE.OBJECT>")) pEmbeddedObject->Release(); } pNextElement->Release(); pNextElement = NULL; } } WRITEBSTR(OLESTR("</VALUE.OBJECTARRAY>")) } else { // Note that we always use PathLevelAnonymous here since embedded objects are VALUE.OBJECTs as per the DTD
IWbemClassObject *pEmbeddedObject = NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = (var.punkVal)->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemClassObject, (LPVOID *)&pEmbeddedObject))) { WRITEBSTR(OLESTR("<VALUE.OBJECT>")) CWmiToXml wbemToXml; wbemToXml.m_iPathLevel = pathLevelAnonymous; wbemToXml.m_bAllowWMIExtensions = m_bAllowWMIExtensions; wbemToXml.m_iQualifierFilter = m_iQualifierFilter; wbemToXml.m_iClassOriginFilter = m_iClassOriginFilter; hr = wbemToXml.MapObjectToXML(pEmbeddedObject, NULL, 0, NULL, pOutputStream, NULL); pEmbeddedObject->Release(); WRITEBSTR(OLESTR("</VALUE.OBJECT>")) } } return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapMethods (IStream *pOutputStream, IWbemClassObject *pObject) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
// Map the requested filter (local only) to the flags value - default is ALL
LONG lFlags = 0; if (VARIANT_TRUE == m_bLocalOnly) lFlags = WBEM_FLAG_LOCAL_ONLY;
pObject->BeginMethodEnumeration (lFlags); BSTR name = NULL; IWbemClassObject *pInParams = NULL; IWbemClassObject *pOutParams = NULL;
while (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pObject->NextMethod (0, &name, &pInParams, &pOutParams)) { MapMethod (pOutputStream, pObject, name, pInParams, pOutParams);
if (pInParams) { pInParams->Release (); pInParams = NULL; }
if (pOutParams) { pOutParams->Release (); pOutParams = NULL; }
SysFreeString (name); }
pObject->EndMethodEnumeration (); return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
void CWmiToXml::MapMethod (IStream *pOutputStream, IWbemClassObject *pObject, BSTR name, IWbemClassObject *pInParams, IWbemClassObject *pOutParams) { HRESULT result = E_FAIL; CIMTYPE returnCimtype = 0; VARIANT vVariant; VariantInit(&vVariant);
// First we need the return type of the method, if any
if (pOutParams) { if (SUCCEEDED(result = pOutParams->Get (L"ReturnValue", 0, &vVariant, &returnCimtype, NULL))) { switch(returnCimtype) { case CIM_OBJECT: if(m_bAllowWMIExtensions) WRITEBSTR(OLESTR("<METHOD.OBJECT NAME=\"")) else { // Just skip this method if WMI extensions are not allowed
VariantClear(&vVariant); return; } break; case CIM_REFERENCE: if(m_bAllowWMIExtensions) WRITEBSTR(OLESTR("<METHOD.REFERENCE NAME=\"")) else { // Just skip this method if WMI extensions are not allowed
VariantClear(&vVariant); return; } break; default: WRITEBSTR(OLESTR("<METHOD NAME=\"")) break; } } else if (result == WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) // So this method returns a void
{ WRITEBSTR(OLESTR("<METHOD NAME=\"")) } } else // This method returns a VOID
// The method name
// The method return type (default is void). This is the type of
// the ReturnType property if present (otherwise defaults to void)
MapMethodReturnType(pOutputStream, &vVariant, returnCimtype, pOutParams); VariantClear(&vVariant);
// The class origin
BSTR methodOrigin = NULL;
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pObject->GetMethodOrigin (name, &methodOrigin)) { MapClassOrigin (pOutputStream, methodOrigin, true); SysFreeString(methodOrigin); }
// Now do the qualifiers of the method
IWbemQualifierSet *pQualSet = NULL; if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pObject->GetMethodQualifierSet (name, &pQualSet)) { MapQualifiers (pOutputStream, pQualSet); pQualSet->Release (); pQualSet = NULL; }
VARIANT idVar; VariantInit (&idVar); idVar.vt = VT_I4; idVar.lVal = 0;
long nextId = 0; // The next method ID to expect
long fixedIndex = 0;
// For each id,
// Get the name of the parameter (could be in, out or both)
// If just an in-parameter or just an out-parameter it's easy
// If both it's a bit tricky
while (TRUE) { BSTR nextInParamName = NULL; BSTR nextOutParamName = NULL;
if (pInParams) { SAFEARRAY *pArray = NULL;
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pInParams->GetNames (L"ID", WBEM_FLAG_ONLY_IF_IDENTICAL|WBEM_FLAG_NONSYSTEM_ONLY, &idVar, &pArray)) { // Did we get a match?
if (pArray) { if ((1 == pArray->cDims) && (1 == (pArray->rgsabound[0]).cElements)) SafeArrayGetElement (pArray, &fixedIndex, &nextInParamName);
SafeArrayDestroy (pArray); } } }
if (pOutParams) { SAFEARRAY *pArray = NULL;
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pOutParams->GetNames (L"ID", WBEM_FLAG_ONLY_IF_IDENTICAL|WBEM_FLAG_NONSYSTEM_ONLY, &idVar, &pArray)) { // Did we get a match?
if (pArray) { if ((1 == pArray->cDims) && (1 == (pArray->rgsabound[0]).cElements)) SafeArrayGetElement (pArray, &fixedIndex, &nextOutParamName);
SafeArrayDestroy (pArray); } } }
// If [in] or [out] this is easy
if ((nextInParamName && !nextOutParamName) || (!nextInParamName && nextOutParamName)) { VARIANT var; VariantInit (&var); IWbemQualifierSet *pParamQualSet = NULL; CIMTYPE cimtype = 0;
if (nextInParamName) { if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pInParams->Get (nextInParamName, 0, &var, &cimtype, NULL)) { pInParams->GetPropertyQualifierSet (nextInParamName, &pParamQualSet); MapParameter(pOutputStream, nextInParamName, pParamQualSet, cimtype); } } else { if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pOutParams->Get (nextOutParamName, 0, &var, &cimtype, NULL)) { pOutParams->GetPropertyQualifierSet (nextOutParamName, &pParamQualSet); MapParameter(pOutputStream, nextOutParamName, pParamQualSet, cimtype); } }
if (pParamQualSet) pParamQualSet->Release ();
VariantClear (&var); } else if (nextInParamName && nextOutParamName) { // The [in,out] case and we have to do a merge
if (0 == _wcsicmp (nextInParamName, nextOutParamName)) { VARIANT var; VariantInit (&var); CIMTYPE cimtype = 0;
IWbemQualifierSet *pInParamQualSet = NULL; IWbemQualifierSet *pOutParamQualSet = NULL;
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pInParams->Get (nextInParamName, 0, &var, &cimtype, NULL)) { pInParams->GetPropertyQualifierSet (nextInParamName, &pInParamQualSet); pOutParams->GetPropertyQualifierSet (nextInParamName, &pOutParamQualSet); MapParameter(pOutputStream, nextInParamName, pInParamQualSet, cimtype, pOutParamQualSet);
if (pInParamQualSet) pInParamQualSet->Release ();
if (pOutParamQualSet) pOutParamQualSet->Release ();
VariantClear (&var); } else { // Bad news - conflicting IDs in the [in] and [out] parameter set
// This cannot be a valid method definition
SysFreeString (nextInParamName); SysFreeString (nextOutParamName); break; } } else { // Next id not found - stop now and break out
SysFreeString (nextInParamName); SysFreeString (nextOutParamName); break; }
SysFreeString (nextInParamName); SysFreeString (nextOutParamName); idVar.iVal = idVar.iVal + 1; }
switch(returnCimtype) { case CIM_OBJECT: WRITEBSTR(OLESTR("</METHOD.OBJECT>")) break; case CIM_REFERENCE: WRITEBSTR(OLESTR("</METHOD.REFERENCE>")) break; default: WRITEBSTR(OLESTR("</METHOD>")) break; } }
STDMETHODIMP CWmiToXml::MapMethodReturnType(IStream *pOutputStream, VARIANT *pValue, CIMTYPE returnCimType, IWbemClassObject *pOutputParams) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; switch(returnCimType) { // Write a REFERENCECLASS
case CIM_OBJECT: case CIM_REFERENCE: { IWbemQualifierSet *pQualifierSet = NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = pOutputParams->GetPropertyQualifierSet(L"ReturnValue", &pQualifierSet))) { // Map the type of the return class
MapStrongType(pOutputStream, pQualifierSet); pQualifierSet->Release(); } } break; default: hr = MapType(pOutputStream, returnCimType); break; } return hr; }
void CWmiToXml::MapClassOrigin (IStream *pOutputStream, BSTR &classOrigin, bool bIsClass) { if ( (bIsClass && (m_iClassOriginFilter & wmiXMLClassOriginFilterClass)) || (m_iClassOriginFilter & wmiXMLClassOriginFilterInstance) ) { WRITEBSTR( OLESTR(" CLASSORIGIN=\"")) WRITEBSTR( classOrigin) WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("\"")) } }
void CWmiToXml::MapParameter (IStream *pOutputStream, BSTR paramName, IWbemQualifierSet *pQualSet, CIMTYPE cimtype, IWbemQualifierSet *pQualSet2) { /*
* For vanilla CIM XML we don't handle embedded object parameters */
if ((CIM_OBJECT != (cimtype & ~CIM_FLAG_ARRAY)) || m_bAllowWMIExtensions) { if (cimtype & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY) { // Map the array parameter
if (CIM_REFERENCE == (cimtype & ~CIM_FLAG_ARRAY)) { WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<PARAMETER.REFARRAY NAME=\"")) WRITEBSTR( paramName) WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("\" ")) MapStrongType (pOutputStream, pQualSet); WRITEBSTR( OLESTR(" ")) MapArraySize (pOutputStream, pQualSet); WRITEBSTR( OLESTR(">")) WRITENEWLINE
// Map the qualifiers of the parameter
if (pQualSet || pQualSet2) MapQualifiers (pOutputStream, pQualSet, pQualSet2);
// Map the qualifiers of the parameter
if (pQualSet || pQualSet2) MapQualifiers (pOutputStream, pQualSet, pQualSet2);
// Map the qualifiers of the parameter
if (pQualSet || pQualSet2) MapQualifiers (pOutputStream, pQualSet, pQualSet2);
WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("</PARAMETER.ARRAY>")) } } else if (cimtype == CIM_REFERENCE) { // Map the reference parameter
// Map the qualifiers of the parameter
if (pQualSet || pQualSet2) MapQualifiers (pOutputStream, pQualSet, pQualSet2);
// Map the qualifiers of the parameter
if (pQualSet || pQualSet2) MapQualifiers (pOutputStream, pQualSet, pQualSet2);
WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("</PARAMETER.OBJECT>")) } else { // Vanilla parameter
// Map the qualifiers of the parameter
if (pQualSet || pQualSet2) MapQualifiers (pOutputStream, pQualSet, pQualSet2);
void CWmiToXml::MapByteValue (IStream *pOutputStream, unsigned char val) { OLECHAR wStr[32]; swprintf (wStr, L"%d", val); WRITEBSTR( wStr) }
void CWmiToXml::MapLongValue (IStream *pOutputStream, long val) { OLECHAR wStr[32]; swprintf (wStr, L"%d", val); WRITEBSTR( wStr) }
void CWmiToXml::MapShortValue (IStream *pOutputStream, short val) { OLECHAR wStr[32]; swprintf (wStr, L"%d", val); WRITEBSTR( wStr) }
void CWmiToXml::MapDoubleValue (IStream *pOutputStream, double val) { VARIANT varSrc,varDst; VariantInit(&varSrc); VariantInit(&varDst); varSrc.vt = VT_R8; varSrc.dblVal = val; if(SUCCEEDED(VariantChangeType(&varDst,&varSrc,0,VT_BSTR))) { MapStringValue(pOutputStream,varDst.bstrVal); } VariantClear(&varSrc); VariantClear(&varDst); }
void CWmiToXml::MapFloatValue (IStream *pOutputStream, float val) { VARIANT varSrc,varDst; VariantInit(&varDst); VariantInit(&varSrc); varSrc.vt = VT_R4; varSrc.fltVal = val; if(SUCCEEDED(VariantChangeType(&varDst,&varSrc,0,VT_BSTR))) { MapStringValue(pOutputStream,varDst.bstrVal); } VariantClear(&varSrc); VariantClear(&varDst);
void CWmiToXml::MapCharValue (IStream *pOutputStream, long val) { // As per the XML Spec, the following are invalid character values in an XML Stream:
// Char ::= #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]
// As per the CIM Operations spec, they need to be escaped as follows:
// If the value is not a legal XML character
// (as defined in [2, section 2.2] by the Char production)
// then it MUST be escaped using a \x<hex> escape convention
// where <hex> is a hexadecimal constant consisting of
// between one and four digits
if( val < 0x9 || (val == 0xB || val == 0xC) || (val > 0xD && val <0x20) || (val >0xD7FF && val < 0xE000) || (val > 0xFFFD) ) { // Map it in the escaped manner
OLECHAR charStr [7]; swprintf (charStr, L"\\x%04x", val&0xffff); charStr[6] = NULL; WRITEBSTR( charStr) } else { // FIrst check to see if is one of the reserved characters in XML - < & and >
// Map it in the normal manner
if(val == '<') WRITELT else if (val == '>') WRITEGT else if (val == '&') WRITEAMP else { // Map it in the normal manner
WCHAR charStr [2]; swprintf (charStr, L"%c", val); charStr[1] = NULL; WRITEBSTR(charStr) } } }
void CWmiToXml::MapBoolValue (IStream *pOutputStream, BOOL val) { if (TRUE == val) WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("TRUE")) else WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("FALSE")) }
void CWmiToXml::MapStringValue (IStream *pOutputStream, BSTR &val) { /*
* Quote from http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml:
* * The ampersand character (&) and the left angle bracket (<) may * appear in their literal form only when used as markup delimiters, * or within a comment, a processing instruction, or a CDATA section. * * If they are needed elsewhere, they must be escaped using either * numeric character references or the strings "&" and "<" * respectively. * * The right angle bracket (>) must, for compatibility, be escaped * using ">" or a character reference when it appears in the string * "]]>" in content, when that string is not marking the end of a CDATA * section. * * In the content of elements, character data is any string of characters * which does not contain the start-delimiter of any markup. In a CDATA * section, character data is any string of characters not including the * CDATA-section-close delimiter, "]]>". */
// Check that < or & do not occur in the value
size_t length = wcslen (val); size_t offset = 0; OLECHAR *pWchar = NULL;
if ((offset = wcscspn (val, L"<&")) < length) { // A reserved character (< &) appears in the value -
// need to escape. We can use CDATA if it does not
// contain the string ]]>
if (wcsstr (val, CDATAEND)) { // Bad luck - can't use CDATA. Have to escape
// each reserved character and the CDATAEND sequence!
// Easiest way to do this is escape all occurences
// of >.
// < -> <
// & -> &
// > -> >
offset = wcscspn (val, L"<&>"); OLECHAR *pStr = (OLECHAR *)val;
while (TRUE) { // Write the initial block that's safe
if (offset > 0) WRITEWSTRL( pStr, offset);
pStr += offset;
// Escape the offending character
if (L'<' == *pStr) WRITELT else if (L'>' == *pStr) WRITEGT else WRITEAMP
// Skip over the reserved character
pStr += 1;
// Find the next position
if ((offset = wcscspn (pStr, L"<&>")) >= wcslen (pStr)) break; }
// Any data left?
if (pStr && wcslen (pStr)) WRITEWSTR (pStr) } else { // Can escape the whole value inside a CDATA
WRITECDATASTART WRITEBSTR( val) WRITECDATAEND } } else if (pWchar = wcsstr (val, CDATAEND)) { // Yuck we need to escape the > inside this sequence
// ]]> -> ]]>
OLECHAR *pStr = (OLECHAR *)val;
while (TRUE) { offset = wcslen (pStr) - wcslen (pWchar);
// Write the initial block that's safe
// (NOTE: the additional two characters for the "]]"
// which we don't need to escape)
WRITEWSTRL( pStr,(offset+2));
// Skip over the CDATAEND sequence
pStr += offset + 3;
// Escape the offending character
// Find the next position
if (!(pWchar = wcsstr (pStr, CDATAEND))) break; }
// Any data left?
if (pStr && wcslen (pStr)) WRITEWSTR (pStr) } else { // Just write the value
WRITEBSTR( val) } }
void CWmiToXml::MapReturnParameter(IStream *pOutputStream, BSTR strParameterName, VARIANT &variant) { // Could be a PARAMETER or PARAMETER.ARRAY
WRITEBSTR( strParameterName); WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("\">"));
// Convert the property value to XML
MapValue(pOutputStream, variant); if(variant.vt & VT_ARRAY) WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("</PARAMVALUE.ARRAY>")) else WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("</PARAMVALUE>")) }
BOOL CWmiToXml::PropertyDefinedForClass (IWbemClassObject *pObject, BSTR bsPropertyName, BSTR strClassBasis) { BOOL result = TRUE;
// Given (a) Class basis for enumeration and
// (b) property name, determine
// (1) CLASSORIGIN of property
// (2) Dynasty of class
// And thereby check whether property was defined
// at the level of the class basis.
// If no class basis is supplied, then we always return TRUE
if (strClassBasis && pObject) { // Get Property originating class
BSTR bsOrigClass = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED (pObject->GetPropertyOrigin (bsPropertyName, &bsOrigClass))) { // Derivation is the Class hierarchy of the current class or instance.
// The first element is the immediate superclass, the next is its parent,
// and so on; the last element is the base class.
// Now work through the derivation array. If we meet the
// propertys' originating class before the class basis,
// we conclude that the property was not defined in the
// class basis
// If we have been give a class basis, get the __DERIVATION
// property for each object
VARIANT vDerivation; VariantInit(&vDerivation); if (SUCCEEDED(pObject->Get (L"__DERIVATION", 0, &vDerivation, NULL, NULL))) { SAFEARRAY *pArray = vDerivation.parray;
if (pArray && (1 == pArray->cDims) && (0 < pArray->rgsabound [0].cElements)) { int lBound = pArray->rgsabound [0].lLbound; int uBound = pArray->rgsabound [0].cElements + lBound; BOOL bDone = FALSE;
for (long i = lBound; (i < uBound) && !bDone; i++) { BSTR bsClass = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED (SafeArrayGetElement (pArray, &i, &bsClass))) { if (0 == _wcsicmp (bsOrigClass, bsClass)) { result = FALSE; bDone = TRUE; } else if (0 == _wcsicmp (strClassBasis, bsClass)) bDone = TRUE;
SysFreeString (bsClass); } } } VariantClear(&vDerivation); }
SysFreeString (bsOrigClass); } }
return result; }
// Functions of the IWbemXMLConvertor interface
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CWmiToXml::MapObjectToXML( /* [in] */ IWbemClassObject *pObject, /* [in] */ BSTR *ppPropertyList, DWORD dwNumProperties, /* [in] */ IWbemContext *pInputFlags, /* [in] */ IStream *pOutputStream, /* [in[ */ BSTR strClassBasis) { // Set private members from arguments
HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; // Is this a class or an instance?
VARIANT var; VariantInit (&var); long flav = 0; bool bIsClass = false; if (SUCCEEDED (pObject->Get(L"__GENUS", 0, &var, NULL, &flav))) bIsClass = (WBEM_GENUS_CLASS == var.lVal); else bIsClass = VARIANT_FALSE; // For now, assume that it is an instance. RAJESHR is this correct?
VariantClear (&var);
// Initalize the object path
VariantInit (&var); // For pathLevelAnonymous (anonymous objects), we dont need anything more
// For pathLevelNamed (named objects), we only need __RELPATH for a class and __RELPATH for an instance
// For pathLevelLocal, I wish core team had some concept
// of machine-relative path, but they dont and hence we need the __PATH
// For pathLevelFull, we definitely need __PATH
LPWSTR lpszPath = NULL; switch(m_iPathLevel) { case pathLevelAnonymous: break; case pathLevelNamed: lpszPath = L"__RELPATH"; break; default: lpszPath = L"__PATH"; }
// Get the object path
ParsedObjectPath *pParsedPath = NULL; CObjectPathParser pathParser; if(m_iPathLevel != pathLevelAnonymous) { if(FAILED(pObject->Get (lpszPath, 0, &var, NULL, NULL))) return WBEM_E_FAILED; // Now Parse it
if ((VT_BSTR == var.vt) && (NULL != var.bstrVal) && (wcslen (var.bstrVal) > 0)) { pathParser.Parse (var.bstrVal, &pParsedPath) ; if(!pParsedPath) { VariantClear (&var); return WBEM_E_FAILED; } } else { VariantClear (&var); return WBEM_E_FAILED; } VariantClear (&var); }
// Get the object Qualifier Set
IWbemQualifierSet *pQualSet= NULL; pObject->GetQualifierSet (&pQualSet); // Whether we generate a named object or not depends
// on what was requested
if (pathLevelNamed == m_iPathLevel) { if(!bIsClass) MapInstanceName(pOutputStream, pParsedPath); // Nothing to be done for a class
} else if (pathLevelLocal == m_iPathLevel) { if(bIsClass) MapLocalClassPath(pOutputStream, pParsedPath); else MapLocalInstancePath(pOutputStream, pParsedPath); } else if (pathLevelFull == m_iPathLevel) { if (bIsClass) MapClassPath (pOutputStream, pParsedPath); else MapInstancePath (pOutputStream, pParsedPath); }
hr = (bIsClass) ? MapClass (pOutputStream, pObject, pQualSet, ppPropertyList, dwNumProperties, strClassBasis) : MapInstance (pOutputStream, pObject, pQualSet, ppPropertyList, dwNumProperties, strClassBasis);
if (pQualSet) pQualSet->Release (); if(pParsedPath) pathParser.Free(pParsedPath);
return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CWmiToXml::MapInstanceNameToXML( /* [in] */ BSTR strInstanceName, /* [in] */ IWbemContext *pInputFlags, /* [in] */ IStream *pOutputStream) { // Set private members from arguments
HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; if (strInstanceName) { CObjectPathParser pathParser; ParsedObjectPath *pParsedPath = NULL; pathParser.Parse (strInstanceName, &pParsedPath) ;
if(pParsedPath) { hr = MapInstanceName (pOutputStream, pParsedPath);; pathParser.Free(pParsedPath); } }
return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CWmiToXml::MapPropertyToXML( /* [in] */ IWbemClassObject *pObject, /* [in] */ BSTR strPropertyName, /* [in] */ IWbemContext *pInputFlags, /* [in] */ IStream *pOutputStream) { // Set private members from arguments
VARIANT var; VariantInit (&var); CIMTYPE cimtype; long flavor;
HRESULT hr = pObject->Get (strPropertyName, 0, &var, &cimtype, &flavor);
if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { if (CIM_REFERENCE == (cimtype & ~CIM_FLAG_ARRAY)) MapReferenceValue (pOutputStream, (cimtype & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY) ? TRUE : FALSE, var); else MapValue (pOutputStream, cimtype & ~CIM_FLAG_ARRAY, (cimtype & CIM_FLAG_ARRAY) ? TRUE : FALSE, var); }
VariantClear (&var); return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CWmiToXml::MapClassNameToXML( /* [in] */ BSTR strClassName, /* [in] */ IWbemContext *pInputFlags, /* [in] */ IStream *pOutputStream) { MapClassName(pOutputStream, strClassName); return S_OK; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CWmiToXml::MapInstancePathToXML( /* [in] */ BSTR strInstancePath, /* [in] */ IWbemContext *pInputFlags, /* [in] */ IStream *pOutputStream) { // Set private members from arguments
HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; if (strInstancePath) { CObjectPathParser pathParser; ParsedObjectPath *pParsedPath = NULL; pathParser.Parse (strInstancePath, &pParsedPath) ;
if (pParsedPath) { hr = MapInstancePath (pOutputStream, pParsedPath);; pathParser.Free(pParsedPath); } }
return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CWmiToXml::MapClassPathToXML( /* [in] */ BSTR strClassPath, /* [in] */ IWbemContext *pInputFlags, /* [in] */ IStream *pOutputStream) { // Set private members from arguments
HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; if (strClassPath) { CObjectPathParser pathParser; ParsedObjectPath *pParsedPath = NULL; pathParser.Parse (strClassPath, &pParsedPath) ;
if (pParsedPath) { hr = MapClassPath (pOutputStream, pParsedPath);; pathParser.Free(pParsedPath); } }
return hr; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CWmiToXml::MapMethodResultToXML( /* [in] */ IWbemClassObject *pMethodResult, /* [in] */ IWbemContext *pInputFlags, /* [in] */ IStream *pOutputStream) { // Set private members from arguments
// First Map the return Value
// The property "ReturnValue" indicates the return value of the method call, if any
VARIANT retValueVariant; VariantInit(&retValueVariant); CIMTYPE cimtype; long flavour; if(SUCCEEDED(pMethodResult->Get(L"ReturnValue", 0, &retValueVariant, &cimtype, &flavour))) { WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("<RETURNVALUE>")); MapValue(pOutputStream, retValueVariant); WRITEBSTR( OLESTR("</RETURNVALUE>")); VariantClear(&retValueVariant); }
// Map each of its non-system properties, except for the "ReturnValue" property which
// we've already mapped
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = pMethodResult->BeginEnumeration(WBEM_FLAG_NONSYSTEM_ONLY))) { BSTR strName = NULL; VARIANT variant; VariantInit(&variant); while(SUCCEEDED(hr = pMethodResult->Next(0, &strName, &variant, &cimtype, &flavour)) && hr != WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA) { if(_wcsicmp(strName, L"ReturnValue") != 0) MapReturnParameter(pOutputStream, strName, variant); VariantClear(&variant); } }
return hr; }
// Get all the flags from the IWbemContextObject
void CWmiToXml::GetFlagsFromContext(IWbemContext *pInputFlags) { if(pInputFlags) { if(SUCCEEDED(pInputFlags->BeginEnumeration(0))) { VARIANT vNextArgValue; VariantInit(&vNextArgValue); BSTR strNextArgName = NULL;
while(pInputFlags->Next(0, &strNextArgName, &vNextArgValue) != WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA) { // VARIANT_BOOL bAllowWMIExtensions,
if(_wcsicmp(s_wmiToXmlArgs[WMI_EXTENSIONS_ARG], strNextArgName) == 0) m_bAllowWMIExtensions = vNextArgValue.boolVal;
// VARIANT_BOOL bLocalOnly,
else if(_wcsicmp(s_wmiToXmlArgs[LOCAL_ONLY_ARG], strNextArgName) == 0) m_bLocalOnly = vNextArgValue.boolVal;
// PathLevel m_iPathLevel;
else if(_wcsicmp(s_wmiToXmlArgs[PATH_LEVEL_ARG], strNextArgName) == 0) m_iPathLevel = (PathLevel)vNextArgValue.lVal;
// WmiXMLQualifierFilterEnum m_iQualifierFilter
else if(_wcsicmp(s_wmiToXmlArgs[QUALIFIER_FILTER_ARG], strNextArgName) == 0) m_iQualifierFilter = (vNextArgValue.boolVal == VARIANT_TRUE)? wmiXMLQualifierFilterAll : wmiXMLQualifierFilterNone;
// WmiXMLClassOriginFilterEnum iClassOriginFilter
else if(_wcsicmp(s_wmiToXmlArgs[CLASS_ORIGIN_FILTER_ARG], strNextArgName) == 0) m_iClassOriginFilter = (vNextArgValue.boolVal == VARIANT_TRUE) ? wmiXMLClassOriginFilterAll : wmiXMLClassOriginFilterNone;
// VARIANT_BOOL bExcludeSystemProperties
else if(_wcsicmp(s_wmiToXmlArgs[EXCLUDE_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_ARG], strNextArgName) == 0) m_bExcludeSystemProperties = vNextArgValue.boolVal;
VariantClear(&vNextArgValue); } pInputFlags->EndEnumeration(); } } }