Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
GPE and Operation Region handlers for the ACPI Embedded Controller Driver
Bob Moore (Intel)
Revision History:
#include "ecp.h"
NTSTATUS AcpiEcOpRegionCompletion ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine starts or continues servicing the device's work queue
DeviceObject - EC device object Irp - Completing Irp Context - Not Used
Return Value:
--*/ { PACPI_OPREGION_CALLBACK completionHandler; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp ); PVOID completionContext;
// Grab the arguments from the irp
completionHandler = (PACPI_OPREGION_CALLBACK) irpSp->Parameters.Others.Argument1; completionContext = (PVOID) irpSp->Parameters.Others.Argument2;
EcPrint( EC_HANDLER, ("AcpiEcOpRegionCompletion: Callback: %08lx Context: %08lx\n", completionHandler, completionContext ) );
// What happened?
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Irp->IoStatus.Status)) {
EcPrint( EC_ERROR, ("AcpiEcOpRegionCompletion: region IO failed: %x\n", Irp->IoStatus.Status) );
// Invoke the AML interpreter's callback
(completionHandler)( completionContext );
// We are done with this irp and the irp
IoFreeIrp( Irp );
// Return always return this --- because had to free the irp
NTSTATUS EXPORT AcpiEcOpRegionHandler ( ULONG AccessType, PVOID OpRegion, ULONG Address, ULONG Size, PULONG Data, ULONG_PTR Context, PACPI_OPREGION_CALLBACK CompletionHandler, PVOID CompletionContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine handles requests to service the EC operation region
AccessType - Read or Write data OpRegion - Operation region object Address - Address within the EC address space Size - Number of bytes to transfer Data - Data buffer to transfer to/from Context - EcData CompletionHandler - AMLI handler to call when operation is complete CompletionContext - Context to pass to the AMLI handler
Return Value:
Optimization 1: Queue the IRP directly. Optimization 2: Queue the context, modify service loop handle it
--*/ { LARGE_INTEGER startingOffset; NTSTATUS status; PECDATA ecData = (PECDATA) Context; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp; PIRP irp;
EcPrint( (EC_HANDLER | EC_OPREGION), ("AcpiEcOpRegionHandler: %s Addr=%x Data = %x EcData=%x, Irql=%x\n", (AccessType == ACPI_OPREGION_READ ? "read" : "write"), Address, *Data, ecData, KeGetCurrentIrql() ) );
// Parameter validation will be done in AcpiEcReadWrite
// Determine where the read will occur
startingOffset.LowPart = Address; startingOffset.HighPart = 0;
// Allocate an IRP for ourselves. Since we are going to send this
// irp to ourselves, we know that we only need 1 stack location for it
// However, to make life easier for ourselves, we will allocate a
// second one as well and store some data on it.
irp = IoAllocateIrp( 2, FALSE ); if (!irp) {
EcPrint(EC_ERROR, ("AcpiEcOpRegionHandler: Couldn't allocate Irp\n")); //
// Retun -1 for data
RtlFillMemory (Data, Size, 0xff); CompletionHandler( CompletionContext );
// Always return STATUS_PENDING because ACPI interpreter doesn't handle errors.
// Fill in the top location so that we can use it ourselves
irpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation( irp ); irpSp->Parameters.Others.Argument1 = (PVOID) CompletionHandler; irpSp->Parameters.Others.Argument2 = (PVOID) CompletionContext; IoSetNextIrpStackLocation( irp );
// Fill out the irp with the request info
irpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation( irp ); irpSp->MajorFunction = (AccessType == ACPI_OPREGION_READ ? IRP_MJ_READ : IRP_MJ_WRITE); irpSp->Parameters.Read.ByteOffset.HighPart = 0; irpSp->Parameters.Read.ByteOffset.LowPart = Address; irpSp->Parameters.Read.Length = Size; irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = Data;
// Set a completion routine
IoSetCompletionRoutine( irp, AcpiEcOpRegionCompletion, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
// Send to the front-end of the EC driver as a normal I/O request
status = IoCallDriver( ecData->DeviceObject, irp); EcPrint( EC_HANDLER, ("AcpiEcOpRegionHandler: Exiting - Data=%08lx Status=%08lx\n", (UCHAR) *Data, status) );
// Always return STATUS_PENDING since actual status has been returned
// by the calback function.
BOOLEAN AcpiEcGpeServiceRoutine ( IN PVOID GpeVectorObject, IN PVOID ServiceContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Routine to service the EC based on a General Purpose Event
GpeVectorObject - Object associated with this GPE ServiceContext - EcData
Return Value:
TRUE, since we always handle this GPE
--*/ {
PECDATA EcData = (PECDATA) ServiceContext;
EcPrint (EC_HANDLER, ("AcpiEcGpeServiceRoutine: Vobj=%Lx, EcData=%Lx\n", GpeVectorObject, EcData));
AcpiEcLogAction (EcData, EC_ACTION_INTERRUPT, 0); AcpiEcServiceDevice (EcData);
return (TRUE); }