// Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// ListItem.cpp
// Abstract:
// Implementation of the CListItem class.
// Author:
// David Potter (davidp) May 6, 1996
// Revision History:
// Notes:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ListItem.h"
#include "ClusItem.h"
#include "ListItem.inl"
#include "TraceTag.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// Global Variables
#ifdef _DEBUG
CTraceTag g_tagListItem(_T("Document"), _T("LIST ITEM"), 0); CTraceTag g_tagListItemCreate(_T("Create"), _T("LIST ITEM CREATE"), 0); CTraceTag g_tagListItemDelete(_T("Delete"), _T("LIST ITEM DELETE"), 0); #endif
// CListItem
// Message Maps
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CListItem, CCmdTarget) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CListItem)
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
// CListItem::CListItem
// Routine Description:
// Default constructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CListItem::CListItem(void) { m_ptiParent = NULL; m_pci = NULL;
} //*** CListItem::CListItem()
// CListItem::CListItem
// Routine Description:
// Constructor.
// Arguments:
// pci [IN OUT] Cluster item represented by this item.
// ptiParent [IN OUT] Parent tree item to which this item belongs.
// Return Value:
// None.
CListItem::CListItem(IN OUT CClusterItem * pci, IN OUT CTreeItem * ptiParent) { ASSERT_VALID(ptiParent); ASSERT_VALID(pci);
m_ptiParent = ptiParent; m_pci = pci;
Trace(g_tagListItemCreate, _T("CListItem() - Creating '%s', parent = '%s'"), pci->StrName(), (ptiParent ? ptiParent->Pci()->StrName() : _T("<None>")));
} //*** CListItem::CListItem(pci)
// CListItem::~CListItem
// Routine Description:
// Destructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CListItem::~CListItem(void) { Trace(g_tagListItemDelete, _T("~CListItem() - Deleting list item '%s', parent = '%s'"), (Pci() != NULL ? Pci()->StrName() : _T("<Unknown>")), (PtiParent()->Pci() != NULL ? PtiParent()->Pci()->StrName() : _T("<Unknown>")));
// Remove ourselves from all views.
} //*** CListItem::~CListItem()
// CListItem::Ili
// Routine Description:
// Returns the index of the item in the specified list view.
// Arguments:
// pclv [IN OUT] List view in which to search for the item.
// Return Value:
// ili Index of the item, or -1 if it was not found.
int CListItem::Ili(CClusterListView * pclv) const { LV_FINDINFO lvfi; int ili;
lvfi.flags = LVFI_PARAM; lvfi.lParam = (LPARAM) this;
ili = pclv->GetListCtrl().FindItem(&lvfi); Trace(g_tagListItem, _T("Item index = %d"), ili); return ili;
} //*** CListItem::Ili()
// CListItem::IliInsertInList
// Routine Description:
// Insert the item in a list.
// Arguments:
// pclv [IN OUT] Cluster list view item is being added to.
// Return Value:
// ili Index of the new item in the list, or -1 if unsuccessful.
int CListItem::IliInsertInList(IN OUT CClusterListView * pclv) { POSITION posColi; CColumnItem * pcoli; CString strColumnData; int ili; int iliReturn;
ASSERT_VALID(Pci()); ASSERT(Ili(pclv) == -1); // Make sure we aren't in that list yet.
// Determine the index of this item.
ili = Plc(pclv)->GetItemCount();
// Save a pointer to the list view to which we are being added.
if (LpclvViews().Find(pclv) == NULL) LpclvViews().AddTail(pclv);
// Get the first column's data.
VERIFY((posColi = Lpcoli().GetHeadPosition()) != NULL); VERIFY((pcoli = Lpcoli().GetNext(posColi)) != NULL); Pci()->BGetColumnData(pcoli->Colid(), strColumnData);
// Insert the item into the list and add the first column.
// The rest of the columns get added by the call to UpdateState().
VERIFY((iliReturn = Plc(pclv)->InsertItem( LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM, // nMask
ili, // nItem
strColumnData, // lpszItem
0, // nState
0, // nStateMask
0, // nImage
(LPARAM) this // lParam
)) != -1);
// Add ourselves to the cluster item's list.
UpdateState(); return iliReturn;
} //*** CListItem::IliInsertInList()
// CListItem::RemoveFromAllLists
// Routine Description:
// Remove the item from all lists.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CListItem::RemoveFromAllLists(void) { ASSERT_VALID(Pci());
// Loop through each view and remove the item from the list.
{ int ili; POSITION posView; POSITION posViewPrev; CClusterListView * pclv;
posView = LpclvViews().GetHeadPosition(); while (posView != NULL) { // Get the next list view list entry.
posViewPrev = posView; pclv = LpclvViews().GetNext(posView); ASSERT_VALID(pclv);
ili = Ili(pclv); ASSERT(ili != -1);
// Delete the item.
VERIFY(pclv->GetListCtrl().DeleteItem(ili)); LpclvViews().RemoveAt(posViewPrev); } // while: more lists
} // Loop through each view and remove the item from the list
// Remove ourselves from the cluster item's list.
// Remove ourselves from the tree's list.
// PtiParent()->RemoveChild(Pci());
} //*** CListItem::RemoveFromAllLists()
// CListItem::PreRemoveFromList
// Routine Description:
// Prepare to remove the item from a list.
// Arguments:
// pclv [IN OUT] Cluster list view item is being removed from.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CListItem::PreRemoveFromList(IN OUT CClusterListView * pclv) { POSITION posView;
// Find the view in our list.
VERIFY((posView = LpclvViews().Find(pclv)) != NULL);
// Remove ourselves from the cluster item's list if this is the last view.
// if (LpclvViews().GetCount() == 1)
// {
// Pci()->RemoveListItem(this);
// } // if: this is the last view
// Remove the view from the list.
} //*** CListItem::PreRemoveFromList()
// CListItem::UpdateState
// Routine Description:
// Update the current state of the item.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CListItem::UpdateState(void) { ASSERT_VALID(Pci());
// Ask the item to update its state.
} //*** CListItem::UpdateState()
// CListItem::UpdateUIState
// Routine Description:
// Update the current UI state of the item.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CListItem::UpdateUIState(void) { BOOL bSuccess; POSITION posView; POSITION posColi; CColumnItem * pcoli; int icoli; int ili; CString strColumnData; UINT nImage; UINT nMask; CClusterListView * pclv; CListCtrl * plc;
ASSERT_VALID(Pci()); // ASSERT(LpclvViews().GetCount() > 0);
// Loop through the views and update the state on each one.
posView = LpclvViews().GetHeadPosition(); while (posView != NULL) { // Get the pointers to the view and the list control.
VERIFY((pclv = LpclvViews().GetNext(posView)) != NULL); ASSERT_KINDOF(CClusterListView, pclv); plc = Plc(pclv);
// Get the item index.
VERIFY((ili = Ili(pclv)) != -1);
// Set the column data.
VERIFY((posColi = Lpcoli().GetHeadPosition()) != NULL); for (icoli = 0 ; posColi != NULL ; icoli++) { VERIFY((pcoli = Lpcoli().GetNext(posColi)) != NULL); ASSERT_KINDOF(CColumnItem, pcoli);
bSuccess = Pci()->BGetColumnData(pcoli->Colid(), strColumnData); if (!bSuccess) { Trace(g_tagListItem, _T("IliInsertInList: Column #%d (ID %d) not available for %s '%s'"), icoli, pcoli->Colid(), Pci()->StrType(), Pci()->StrName()); } // if: column data not available
if (icoli == 0) { nMask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE; nImage = Pci()->IimgState(); } // if: first column
else { nMask = LVIF_TEXT; nImage = (UINT) -1; } // else: not first column
VERIFY(plc->SetItem( ili, // nItem
icoli, // nSubItem
nMask, // nMask
strColumnData, // lpszItem
nImage, // nImage
0, // nState
0, // nStateMask
0 // lParam
)); } // for: each column item in the list
} // while: more views
} //*** CListItem::UpdateUIState()
// CListItem::OnCmdMsg
// Routine Description:
// Processes command messages. Attempts to pass them on to a selected
// item first.
// Arguments:
// nID [IN] Command ID.
// nCode [IN] Notification code.
// pExtra [IN OUT] Used according to the value of nCode.
// pHandlerInfo [OUT] ???
// Return Value:
// None.
BOOL CListItem::OnCmdMsg( UINT nID, int nCode, void * pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO * pHandlerInfo ) { ASSERT_VALID(Pci());
// Give the cluster item a chance to handle the message.
if (Pci()->OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo)) return TRUE;
return CCmdTarget::OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo);
} //*** CListItem::OnCmdMsg()
// CListItem::EditLabel
// Routine Description:
// Processes the ID_FILE_RENAME menu command.
// Arguments:
// pclv [IN OUT] Cluster list view item is being edited in.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CListItem::EditLabel(IN OUT CClusterListView * pclv) { ASSERT_VALID(pclv); ASSERT_VALID(Pci());
ASSERT(Pci()->BCanBeEdited()); pclv->GetListCtrl().EditLabel(Ili(pclv));
} //*** CListItem::EditLabel()
// Global Functions
// DeleteAllItemData
// Routine Description:
// Deletes all item data in a CList.
// Arguments:
// rlp [IN OUT] List whose data is to be deleted.
// Return Value:
// None.
void DeleteAllItemData(IN OUT CListItemList & rlp) { POSITION pos; CListItem * pli;
// Delete all the items in the list.
pos = rlp.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { pli = rlp.GetNext(pos); ASSERT_VALID(pli); // Trace(g_tagListItemDelete, _T("DeleteAllItemData(rlpli) - Deleting list item '%s'"), pli->Pci()->StrName());
delete pli; } // while: more items in the list
} //*** DeleteAllItemData()