// Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// AtlBaseDlg.h
// Desription:
// Definition of the CBaseDlg class.
// Author:
// David Potter (davidp) February 9, 1998
// Revision History:
// Notes:
#ifndef __ATLBASEDLG_H_
#define __ATLBASEDLG_H_
// Forward Class Declarations
template < class T > class CBaseDlg;
// External Class Declarations
// Include Files
#ifndef __ATLDBGWIN_H_
#include "AtlDbgWin.h" // for DBG_xxx routines
#include "AtlPopupHelp.h" // for COnlineHelp
#ifndef __CTRLUTIL_H
#include "DlgItemUtils.h" // for CDlgItemUtils
// Type Definitions
// class CBaseDlg
// Description:
// Base dialog class. Provides the following features:
// -- Popup help.
// -- Dialog item utilities.
// -- Debugging support.
// Inheritance:
// CBaseDlg< T >
// CDialogImpl< T >, CPopupHelp< T >, CDlgItemUtils
template< class T > class CBaseDlg : public CDialogImpl< T > , public CPopupHelp< T > , public CDlgItemUtils { typedef CBaseDlg< T > thisClass; typedef CDialogImpl< T > baseClass;
public: //
// Construction
// Constructor taking a string pointer for the title
CBaseDlg( IN OUT LPCTSTR lpszTitle = NULL ) { if ( lpszTitle != NULL ) { m_strTitle = lpszTitle; } // if: title specified
} //*** CBaseDlg( lpszTitle )
// Constructor taking a resource ID for the title
CBaseDlg( IN UINT nIDTitle ) { m_strTitle.LoadString( nIDTitle );
} //*** CBaseDlg( nIDTitle )
// Initialize the page
virtual BOOL BInit( void ) { return TRUE;
} //*** BInit()
protected: //
// CBasePage helper methods.
// Attach a control to a dialog item.
void AttachControl( CWindow & rwndControl, UINT idc ) { HWND hwndControl = GetDlgItem( idc ); ATLASSERT( hwndControl != NULL ); rwndControl.Attach( hwndControl );
} //*** AttachControl()
public: //
// CBaseDlg public methods to override.
// Update data on or from the page
virtual BOOL UpdateData( BOOL bSaveAndValidate ) { return TRUE;
} //*** UpdateData()
public: //
// Message handler functions.
#ifdef _DBG_MSG
MESSAGE_RANGE_HANDLER( 0, 0xffffffff, OnMsg ) #endif // _DBG_MSG
#endif // DBG
// Handler for the WM_INITDIALOG message
LRESULT OnInitDialog( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled ) { T * pT = static_cast< T * >( this ); return pT->OnInitDialog();
} //*** OnInitDialog()
// Handler for the WM_INITDIALOG message
LRESULT OnInitDialog( void ) { return TRUE;
} //*** OnInitDialog()
#if DBG && defined( _DBG_MSG )
// Handler for any message
LRESULT OnMsg( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled ) { return DBG_OnMsg( uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled, T::s_pszClassName );
} //*** OnMsg()
#endif // DBG && defined( _DBG_MSG )
#if DBG && defined( _DBG_MSG_NOTIFY )
// Handler for the WM_NOTIFY message
LRESULT OnNotify( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled ) { return DBG_OnNotify( uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled, T::s_pszClassName, T::s_rgmapCtrlNames );
} //*** OnNotify()
#endif // DBG && defined( _DBG_MSG_NOTIFY )
#if DBG && defined( _DBG_MSG_COMMAND )
// Handler for the WM_COMMAND message
LRESULT OnCommand( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled ) { return DBG_OnCommand( uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled, T::s_pszClassName, T::s_rgmapCtrlNames );
} //*** OnCommand()
#endif // DBG && defined( _DBG_MSG_COMMAND )
// Implementation
protected: CString m_strTitle; // Used to support resource IDs for the title.
const CString & StrTitle( void ) const { return m_strTitle; }
}; //*** class CBaseDlg
#endif // __ATLBASEDLG_H_