// Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// LogSrc.cpp
// Description:
// Logging utilities.
// Documentation:
// Spec\Admin\Debugging.ppt
// Maintained By:
// Galen Barbee (GalenB) 05-DEC-2000
// Note:
// THRs and TW32s should NOT be used in this module because they
// could cause an infinite loop.
// #include <Pch.h> // should be included by includer of this file
#include <stdio.h>
#include <StrSafe.h> // in case it isn't included by header file
#include <windns.h>
#include "Common.h"
// Logging Functions
// These are in both DEBUG and RETAIL.
// Constants
static const int LOG_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; static const int TIMESTAMP_BUFFER_SIZE = 25;
// Globals
static CRITICAL_SECTION * g_pcsLogging = NULL;
static HANDLE g_hLogFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; static WCHAR g_szLogFilePath[ MAX_PATH ];
// PszLogFilePath
// Description:
// Returns the log file path that is currently used by the wizard.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// LPCWSTR - The log file path that is currently used by the wizard
LPCWSTR PszLogFilePath( void ) { return g_szLogFilePath;
} //*** PszLogFilePath
// HrGetLogFilePath
// Description:
// Takes in a directory path and appends module log file name to it and
// returns the full log file path.
// Arguments:
// pszPathIn - The directory where the log file will be created.
// pszFilePathOut - Log file path.
// pcchFilePathInout - Size of the log file path buffer.
// Return Values:
// S_OK - Success
// ERROR_MORE_DATA - If the output buffer is too small.
// Other HRESULTs
HRESULT HrGetLogFilePath( const WCHAR * pszPathIn , WCHAR * pszFilePathOut , size_t * pcchFilePathInout , HINSTANCE hInstanceIn ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR szModulePath[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dwLen; LPWSTR psz;
// Create the directory tree.
dwLen = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW( pszPathIn, pszFilePathOut, static_cast< DWORD >( *pcchFilePathInout ) ); if ( dwLen > *pcchFilePathInout ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_MORE_DATA ); *pcchFilePathInout = dwLen; goto Cleanup; }
hr = HrCreateDirectoryPath( pszFilePathOut ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { #if defined( DEBUG )
if ( !( g_tfModule & mtfOUTPUTTODISK ) ) { DebugMsg( "*ERROR* Failed to create directory tree %s", pszFilePathOut ); } // if: not logging to disk
goto Cleanup; } // if: failed
// Add filename.
dwLen = GetModuleFileNameW( hInstanceIn, szModulePath, ARRAYSIZE( szModulePath ) ); Assert( dwLen != 0 );
// Replace extension.
psz = wcsrchr( szModulePath, L'.' ); Assert( psz != NULL ); if ( psz == NULL ) { hr = E_POINTER; goto Cleanup; } THR( StringCchCopyW( psz, ( psz - szModulePath ) / sizeof( *psz ), L".log" ) );
// Copy resulting filename to output buffer.
psz = wcsrchr( szModulePath, L'\\' ); Assert( psz != NULL ); if ( psz == NULL ) { hr = E_POINTER; goto Cleanup; } THR( StringCchCatW( pszFilePathOut, *pcchFilePathInout, psz ) );
return hr;
} //*** HrGetLogFilePath
// FormatTimeStamp
// Description:
// Format a string from the given time stamp.
// Arguments:
// pTimeStampIn
// The time stamp to format.
// pszTextOut
// A pointer to a buffer that receives the text. The caller must
// provide this buffer--the argument may not be null.
// cchTextIn
// The size of pszTextOut in characters.
// Return Values:
// None.
static inline void FormatTimeStamp( const SYSTEMTIME * pTimeStampIn , LPWSTR pszTextOut , size_t cchTextIn ) { Assert( pTimeStampIn != NULL ); Assert( pszTextOut != NULL );
THR( StringCchPrintfW( pszTextOut , cchTextIn , L"%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u.%03u" , pTimeStampIn->wYear , pTimeStampIn->wMonth , pTimeStampIn->wDay , pTimeStampIn->wHour , pTimeStampIn->wMinute , pTimeStampIn->wSecond , pTimeStampIn->wMilliseconds ) );
} //*** FormatTimeStamp
// WideCharToUTF8
// Description:
// Convert a wide character string to a UTF-8 encoded narrow string.
// Arguments:
// pwszSourceIn - The string to convert.
// cchDestIn - The maximum number of characters the destination can hold.
// paszDestOut - The destination for the converted string.
// Return Values:
// The number of characters in the converted string.
static inline size_t WideCharToUTF8( LPCWSTR pwszSourceIn , size_t cchDestIn , LPSTR paszDestOut ) { Assert( pwszSourceIn != NULL ); Assert( paszDestOut != NULL );
size_t cchUTF8 = 0;
cchUTF8 = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8 , 0 // flags, must be zero for utf8
, pwszSourceIn , -1 // calculate length automatically
, paszDestOut , static_cast< int >( cchDestIn ) , NULL // default character, must be null for utf8
, NULL // default character used flag, must be null for utf8
); return cchUTF8;
} //*** WideCharToUTF8
// HrInitializeLogLock
// Description:
// Create the spin lock that protects the log file from concurrent writes.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
static HRESULT HrInitializeLogLock( void ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
PCRITICAL_SECTION pNewCritSect = (PCRITICAL_SECTION) HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof( CRITICAL_SECTION ) ); if ( pNewCritSect == NULL ) { DebugMsg( "DEBUG: Out of Memory. Logging disabled." ); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; } // if: creation failed
if ( InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount( pNewCritSect, 4000 ) == 0 ) // MSDN recommends 4000.
{ DWORD scError = GetLastError(); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( scError ); goto Cleanup; }
// Make sure we only have one log critical section
InterlockedCompareExchangePointer( (PVOID *) &g_pcsLogging, pNewCritSect, 0 ); if ( g_pcsLogging != pNewCritSect ) { DebugMsg( "DEBUG: Another thread already created the CS. Deleting this one." ); DeleteCriticalSection( pNewCritSect ); } // if: already have another critical section
else { pNewCritSect = NULL; }
if ( pNewCritSect != NULL ) { HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, pNewCritSect ); }
return hr;
} //*** HrInitializeLogLock
// ScGetTokenInformation
// Description:
// Get the requested information from the passed in client token.
// Arguments:
// hClientTokenIn
// The client token to dump.
// ticRequestIn
// ppbOut
// Return Value:
// ERROR_SUCCESS for success.
// Other error codes.
static DWORD ScGetTokenInformation( HANDLE hClientTokenIn , TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS ticRequestIn , PBYTE * ppbOut ) { Assert( ppbOut != NULL );
PBYTE pb = NULL; DWORD cb = 64; DWORD sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; int idx;
// Get the user information from the client token.
for ( idx = 0; idx < 10; idx++ ) { pb = (PBYTE) TraceAlloc( 0, cb ); if ( pb == NULL ) { sc = TW32( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
if ( !GetTokenInformation( hClientTokenIn, ticRequestIn, pb, cb, &cb ) ) { sc = GetLastError();
if ( sc == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { TraceFree( pb ); pb = NULL;
continue; } // if:
TW32( sc ); goto Cleanup; } // if:
else { *ppbOut = pb; pb = NULL; // give away ownership
break; } // else:
} // for:
// The loop should not exit because of idx == 10!
Assert( idx <= 9 );
TraceFree( pb );
return sc;
} // *** ScGetTokenInformation
// ScGetDomainAndUserName
// Description:
// Get the domain user name for the logged on user.
// Arguments:
// pwszDomainAndUserNameOut
// This string should be at least DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH + 128 characters long.
// cchDomainAndUserNameIn
// Return Value:
// ERROR_SUCCESS for success.
// Other error codes.
static DWORD ScGetDomainAndUserName( LPWSTR pwszDomainAndUserNameOut , size_t cchDomainAndUserNameIn ) { WCHAR * pwszUserName = pwszDomainAndUserNameOut + DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH; WCHAR * pwszDomainName = pwszDomainAndUserNameOut; DWORD cchUser = 128; DWORD cchDomain = DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH; HANDLE hClientToken = NULL; DWORD sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; TOKEN_USER * pTokenBuf = NULL; WCHAR * pwszOperation; SID_NAME_USE snuSidType;
if (cchDomainAndUserNameIn < cchUser + cchDomain) { pwszOperation = L"BufferTooSmall"; sc = TW32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); goto Cleanup; }
pwszOperation = L"OpenThreadToken"; if ( !OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_READ, FALSE, &hClientToken ) ) { sc= GetLastError(); if ( sc == ERROR_NO_TOKEN ) { pwszOperation = L"OpenProcessToken"; if ( !OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_READ, &hClientToken ) ) { sc = TW32( GetLastError() ); goto Cleanup; } // if: OpenProcessToken failed
} // if: OpenThreadToken failed with ERROR_NO_TOKEN
else { TW32( sc ); goto Cleanup; } // else:
} // if: OpenThreadToken failed
pwszOperation = L"GetTokenInformation"; sc = TW32( ScGetTokenInformation( hClientToken, TokenUser, (PBYTE *) &pTokenBuf ) ); if ( sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Cleanup; } // if: failed to get token information
pwszOperation = L"LookupAccoundSid"; if ( !LookupAccountSidW( NULL, pTokenBuf->User.Sid, pwszUserName, &cchUser, pwszDomainName, &cchDomain, &snuSidType ) ) { sc = TW32( GetLastError() ); goto Cleanup; } // if: failed to lookup accound name
pwszDomainName[ cchDomain ] = L'\\'; MoveMemory( pwszDomainAndUserNameOut + cchDomain + 1, pwszUserName, ( cchUser + 1 ) * sizeof ( pwszUserName[0] ) );
if ( hClientToken != NULL ) { CloseHandle( hClientToken ); } // if: needed to close hClientToken
TraceFree( pTokenBuf );
if ( sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { HRESULT hr;
hr = THR( StringCchPrintfW( pwszDomainAndUserNameOut, cchDomainAndUserNameIn, L"%ws failed with error %d", pwszOperation, sc ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { ; // the secondary error is not really interesting!
} // if:
} // else: report failure
return sc;
} //*** ScGetDomainAndUserName
// HrInitializeLogFile
// Description:
// Open the log file and prepare it for writing.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
static HRESULT HrInitializeLogFile( void ) { WCHAR szFilePath[ MAX_PATH ]; size_t cchPath = MAX_PATH - 1; CHAR aszBuffer[ LOG_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE ]; WCHAR wszBuffer[ LOG_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE ]; WCHAR wszDomainAndUserName[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH + 128 ]; DWORD cbWritten = 0; DWORD cbBytesToWrite = 0; BOOL fReturn; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; size_t cch; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime;
hr = HrGetLogFilePath( L"%windir%\\system32\\LogFiles\\Cluster", szFilePath, &cchPath, g_hInstance ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Error; }
// Create it
if ( g_hLogFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { #if defined( DEBUG )
if ( !( g_tfModule & mtfOUTPUTTODISK ) ) { DebugMsg( "*ERROR* Failed to create log at %s", szFilePath ); } // if: not logging to disk
sc = GetLastError(); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( sc );
// If we can not create the log file, try creating it under the alternate %TEMP% directory.
if ( ( sc == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) || ( sc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) ) { cch = ARRAYSIZE( szFilePath ); hr = HrGetLogFilePath( TEXT("%TEMP%"), szFilePath, &cch, g_hInstance ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Error; }
// Create it
if ( g_hLogFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { #if defined( DEBUG )
if ( !( g_tfModule & mtfOUTPUTTODISK ) ) { DebugMsg( "*ERROR* Failed to create log at %s", szFilePath ); } // if: not logging to disk
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto Error; } // if: ( g_hLogFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
} // if: ( ( sc == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) || ( sc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) )
else { goto Error; } // else:
} // if: ( g_hLogFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
// Copy which log file path we are using to g_szLogFilePath.
THR( StringCchCopyW( g_szLogFilePath, ARRAYSIZE( g_szLogFilePath ), szFilePath ) );
// If the file is empty, begin with UTF-8 byte-order mark.
{ LARGE_INTEGER liFileSize = { 0, 0 }; #if defined( DEBUG_SUPPORT_NT4 )
liFileSize.LowPart = GetFileSize( g_hLogFile, (LPDWORD) &liFileSize.HighPart ); if ( liFileSize.LowPart == INVALID_FILE_SIZE ) #else
fReturn = GetFileSizeEx( g_hLogFile, &liFileSize ); if ( fReturn == FALSE ) #endif
{ DWORD scError = GetLastError(); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( scError ); goto Error; } // if: GetFileSizeEx failed
if ( liFileSize.QuadPart == 0 ) { const char * aszUTF8ByteOrderMark = "\x0EF\x0BB\x0BF"; const size_t cchByteOrderMark = 3;
cbBytesToWrite = cchByteOrderMark * sizeof( aszUTF8ByteOrderMark[ 0 ] ); fReturn = WriteFile( g_hLogFile, aszUTF8ByteOrderMark, cbBytesToWrite, &cbWritten, NULL ); if ( fReturn == FALSE ) { DWORD scError = GetLastError(); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( scError ); goto Error; } // if: WriteFile failed
Assert( cbWritten == cbBytesToWrite ); } // if starting log file
else { // Seek to the end
SetFilePointer( g_hLogFile, 0, NULL, FILE_END ); } } // put utf-8 mark at beginning of file
// When an error occurs a formatted error string is placed in wszDomainAndUserName.
TW32( ScGetDomainAndUserName( wszDomainAndUserName, RTL_NUMBER_OF( wszDomainAndUserName ) ) );
// Write the time/date the log was (re)openned.
GetLocalTime( &SystemTime ); THR( StringCchPrintfW( wszBuffer , ARRAYSIZE( wszBuffer ) , L"*\r\n* %04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u.%03u (%ws)\r\n*\r\n" , SystemTime.wYear , SystemTime.wMonth , SystemTime.wDay , SystemTime.wHour , SystemTime.wMinute , SystemTime.wSecond , SystemTime.wMilliseconds , wszDomainAndUserName ) );
WideCharToUTF8( wszBuffer, ARRAYSIZE( aszBuffer), aszBuffer ); cbBytesToWrite = static_cast< DWORD >( strlen( aszBuffer ) * sizeof( aszBuffer[ 0 ] ) ); fReturn = WriteFile( g_hLogFile, aszBuffer, cbBytesToWrite, &cbWritten, NULL ); if ( ! fReturn ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto Error; } // if: failed
Assert( cbWritten == cbBytesToWrite );
DebugMsg( "DEBUG: Created log at %s", szFilePath );
return hr;
DebugMsg( "HrInitializeLogFile: Failed hr = 0x%08x", hr );
if ( g_hLogFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle( g_hLogFile ); g_hLogFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } // if: handle was open
goto Cleanup;
} //*** HrInitializeLogFile
// HrLogOpen
// Description:
// This function:
// - initializes the log critical section
// - enters the log critical section assuring only one thread is
// writing to the log at a time
// - creates the directory tree to the log file (if needed)
// - initializes the log file by:
// - creating a new log file if one doesn't exist.
// - opens an existing log file (for append)
// - appends a time/date stamp that the log was (re)opened.
// Use LogClose() to exit the log critical section.
// If there is a failure inside this function, the log critical
// section will be released before returning.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// S_OK - log critical section held and log open successfully
// Otherwize HRESULT error code.
inline HRESULT HrLogOpen( void ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// If lock has not been initialized, initialize it.
if ( g_pcsLogging == NULL ) { hr = HrInitializeLogLock(); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; } }
// Grab lock.
Assert( g_pcsLogging != NULL ); EnterCriticalSection( g_pcsLogging );
// If file has not been initialized, initialize it.
if ( g_hLogFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { hr = HrInitializeLogFile(); }
return hr;
} //*** HrLogOpen
// HrLogRelease
// Description:
// This actually just leaves the log critical section.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// S_OK always.
inline HRESULT HrLogRelease( void ) { if ( g_pcsLogging != NULL ) { LeaveCriticalSection( g_pcsLogging ); } return S_OK;
} //*** HrLogRelease
// LogFormattedText
// Description:
// Convert a wide string to UTF-8 and write it to the log file.
// Arguments:
// fTimeStampIn
// fNewlineIn
// nLogEntryTypeIn
// pwszTextIn
// Return Values:
// None.
static void LogFormattedText( BOOL fTimeStampIn , BOOL fNewlineIn , DWORD nLogEntryTypeIn , LPCWSTR pwszTextIn ) { char aszTimeStamp[ TIMESTAMP_BUFFER_SIZE ]; char aszLogText[ LOG_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE ]; char * paszLogEntryType; size_t cchTimeStamp = 0; size_t cchLogText = 0; DWORD cbWritten; DWORD cbToWrite; HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fSuccess;
Assert( pwszTextIn != NULL );
// Format time stamp (and convert to UTF-8) if requested.
if ( fTimeStampIn ) { WCHAR szCurrentTime[ TIMESTAMP_BUFFER_SIZE ]; SYSTEMTIME stCurrentTime; GetLocalTime( &stCurrentTime ); FormatTimeStamp( &stCurrentTime, szCurrentTime, ARRAYSIZE( szCurrentTime ) ); cchTimeStamp = WideCharToUTF8( szCurrentTime, ARRAYSIZE( aszTimeStamp ), aszTimeStamp ); } // if: time stamp requested
// Convert formatted text to UTF-8.
cchLogText = WideCharToUTF8( pwszTextIn, ARRAYSIZE( aszLogText ), aszLogText );
// Grab file.
hr = THR( HrLogOpen() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Write time stamp to log if requested.
if ( fTimeStampIn ) { cbToWrite = static_cast< DWORD >( cchTimeStamp * sizeof( aszTimeStamp[ 0 ] ) ); fSuccess = WriteFile( g_hLogFile, aszTimeStamp, cbToWrite, &cbWritten, NULL ); if ( fSuccess == FALSE ) { TW32( GetLastError() ); } else { Assert( cbWritten == cbToWrite ); } } // if: timestamp requested
// Write the log entry type.
if ( nLogEntryTypeIn != LOGTYPE_NONE ) { if ( nLogEntryTypeIn == LOGTYPE_DEBUG ) { paszLogEntryType = "[DBG ] "; } else if ( ( nLogEntryTypeIn == LOGTYPE_INFO ) || ( nLogEntryTypeIn == S_OK ) ) { paszLogEntryType = "[INFO] "; } else if ( ( nLogEntryTypeIn == LOGTYPE_WARNING ) ) { paszLogEntryType = "[WARN] "; } else if ( ( nLogEntryTypeIn == LOGTYPE_ERROR ) || FAILED( nLogEntryTypeIn ) ) { paszLogEntryType = "[ERR ] "; } else { // Can't do the other warning test here because LOGTYPE_WARNING would
// cause the FAILED() macro to return TRUE, and therefore the code
// would be treated as an error type.
paszLogEntryType = "[WARN] "; }
cbToWrite = static_cast< DWORD >( strlen( paszLogEntryType ) ); fSuccess = WriteFile( g_hLogFile, paszLogEntryType, cbToWrite, &cbWritten, NULL ); if ( fSuccess == FALSE ) { TW32( GetLastError() ); } else { Assert( cbWritten == cbToWrite ); } } // if: log entry type requested
// Write UTF-8 to log.
cbToWrite = static_cast< DWORD >( cchLogText ); fSuccess = WriteFile( g_hLogFile, aszLogText, cbToWrite, &cbWritten, NULL ); if ( fSuccess == FALSE ) { TW32( GetLastError() ); } else { Assert( cbWritten == cbToWrite ); }
// Write newline to log if requested.
if ( fNewlineIn ) { cbToWrite = SIZEOF_ASZ_NEWLINE; fSuccess = WriteFile( g_hLogFile, ASZ_NEWLINE, cbToWrite, &cbWritten, NULL ); if ( fSuccess == FALSE ) { TW32( GetLastError() ); } else { Assert( cbWritten == cbToWrite ); } }
// Release file.
hr = THR( HrLogRelease() );
} //*** LogFormattedText
// LogUnformattedText
// Description:
// Format a string and pass it on to LogFormattedText.
// Arguments:
// fTimeStampIn
// fNewlineIn
// nLogEntryTypeIn
// pwszFormatIn
// pvlFormatArgsIn
// Return Values:
// None.
static inline void LogUnformattedText( BOOL fTimeStampIn , BOOL fNewlineIn , DWORD nLogEntryTypeIn , LPCWSTR pwszFormatIn , va_list * pvlFormatArgsIn ) { WCHAR wszFormatted[ LOG_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE ];
Assert( pwszFormatIn != NULL ); Assert( pvlFormatArgsIn != NULL );
// Format string.
THR( StringCchVPrintfW( wszFormatted, ARRAYSIZE( wszFormatted ), pwszFormatIn, *pvlFormatArgsIn ) );
// Pass formatted string through to LogFormattedText.
LogFormattedText( fTimeStampIn, fNewlineIn, nLogEntryTypeIn, wszFormatted );
} //*** LogUnformattedText
// HrLogClose
// Description:
// Close the file. This function expects the critical section to have
// already been released.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// S_OK always.
HRESULT HrLogClose( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
if ( g_pcsLogging != NULL ) { DeleteCriticalSection( g_pcsLogging ); HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, g_pcsLogging ); g_pcsLogging = NULL; } // if:
if ( g_hLogFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle( g_hLogFile ); g_hLogFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } // if: handle was open
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** HrLogClose
// LogMsgNoNewline
// Description:
// Logs a message to the log file without adding a newline.
// Arguments:
// paszFormatIn - A printf format string to be printed.
// ,,, - Arguments for the printf string.
// Return Values:
// None.
void __cdecl LogMsgNoNewline( LPCSTR paszFormatIn, ... ) { va_list valist; WCHAR wszFormat[ LOG_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE ];
Assert( paszFormatIn != NULL );
size_t cchWideFormat = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP , MB_PRECOMPOSED , paszFormatIn , -1 , wszFormat , ARRAYSIZE( wszFormat ) ); if ( cchWideFormat > 0 ) { va_start( valist, paszFormatIn ); LogUnformattedText( FALSE, FALSE, LOGTYPE_NONE, wszFormat, &valist ); va_end( valist ); }
} //*** LogMsgNoNewline ASCII
// LogMsgNoNewline
// Description:
// Logs a message to the log file without adding a newline.
// Arguments:
// nLogEntryTypeIn - Log entry type.
// paszFormatIn - A printf format string to be printed.
// ,,, - Arguments for the printf string.
// Return Values:
// None.
void __cdecl LogMsgNoNewline( DWORD nLogEntryTypeIn , LPCSTR paszFormatIn , ... ) { va_list valist; WCHAR wszFormat[ LOG_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE ];
Assert( paszFormatIn != NULL );
size_t cchWideFormat = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP , MB_PRECOMPOSED , paszFormatIn , -1 , wszFormat , ARRAYSIZE( wszFormat ) ); if ( cchWideFormat > 0 ) { va_start( valist, paszFormatIn ); LogUnformattedText( FALSE, FALSE, nLogEntryTypeIn, wszFormat, &valist ); va_end( valist ); }
} //*** LogMsgNoNewline ASCII
// LogMsgNoNewline
// Description:
// Logs a message to the log file without adding a newline.
// Arguments:
// pszFormatIn - A printf format string to be printed.
// ,,, - Arguments for the printf string.
// Return Values:
// None.
void __cdecl LogMsgNoNewline( LPCWSTR pszFormatIn, ... ) { va_list valist;
Assert( pszFormatIn != NULL );
va_start( valist, pszFormatIn ); LogUnformattedText( FALSE, FALSE, LOGTYPE_NONE, pszFormatIn, &valist ); va_end( valist );
} //*** LogMsgNoNewline UNICODE
// LogMsgNoNewline
// Description:
// Logs a message to the log file without adding a newline.
// Arguments:
// nLogEntryTypeIn - Log entry type.
// pszFormatIn - A printf format string to be printed.
// ,,, - Arguments for the printf string.
// Return Values:
// None.
void __cdecl LogMsgNoNewline( DWORD nLogEntryTypeIn , LPCWSTR pszFormatIn , ... ) { va_list valist;
Assert( pszFormatIn != NULL );
va_start( valist, pszFormatIn ); LogUnformattedText( FALSE, FALSE, nLogEntryTypeIn, pszFormatIn, &valist ); va_end( valist );
} //*** LogMsgNoNewline UNICODE
// LogMsg
// Description:
// Logs a message to the log file and adds a newline.
// Arguments:
// paszFormatIn - A printf format string to be printed.
// ,,, - Arguments for the printf string.
// Return Values:
// None.
void __cdecl LogMsg( LPCSTR paszFormatIn, ... ) { va_list valist; WCHAR wszFormat[ LOG_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE ]; size_t cchWideFormat = 0;
Assert( paszFormatIn != NULL );
cchWideFormat = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP , MB_PRECOMPOSED , paszFormatIn , -1 , wszFormat , ARRAYSIZE( wszFormat ) ); if ( cchWideFormat > 0 ) { va_start( valist, paszFormatIn ); LogUnformattedText( TRUE, TRUE, LOGTYPE_INFO, wszFormat, &valist ); va_end( valist ); }
} //*** LogMsg ASCII
// LogMsg
// Description:
// Logs a message to the log file and adds a newline.
// Arguments:
// nLogEntryTypeIn - Log entry type.
// paszFormatIn - A printf format string to be printed.
// ,,, - Arguments for the printf string.
// Return Values:
// None.
void __cdecl LogMsg( DWORD nLogEntryTypeIn , LPCSTR paszFormatIn , ... ) { va_list valist; WCHAR wszFormat[ LOG_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE ]; size_t cchWideFormat = 0;
Assert( paszFormatIn != NULL );
cchWideFormat = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP , MB_PRECOMPOSED , paszFormatIn , -1 , wszFormat , ARRAYSIZE( wszFormat ) ); if ( cchWideFormat > 0 ) { va_start( valist, paszFormatIn ); LogUnformattedText( TRUE, TRUE, nLogEntryTypeIn, wszFormat, &valist ); va_end( valist ); }
} //*** LogMsg ASCII
// LogMsg
// Description:
// Logs a message to the log file and adds a newline.
// Arguments:
// pszFormatIn - A printf format string to be printed.
// ,,, - Arguments for the printf string.
// Return Values:
// None.
void __cdecl LogMsg( LPCWSTR pszFormatIn , ... ) { va_list valist;
Assert( pszFormatIn != NULL );
va_start( valist, pszFormatIn ); LogUnformattedText( TRUE, TRUE, LOGTYPE_INFO, pszFormatIn, &valist ); va_end( valist );
} //*** LogMsg UNICODE
// LogMsg
// Description:
// Logs a message to the log file and adds a newline.
// Arguments:
// nLogEntryTypeIn - Log entry type.
// pszFormatIn - A printf format string to be printed.
// ,,, - Arguments for the printf string.
// Return Values:
// None.
void __cdecl LogMsg( DWORD nLogENtryTypeIn , LPCWSTR pszFormatIn , ... ) { va_list valist;
Assert( pszFormatIn != NULL );
va_start( valist, pszFormatIn ); LogUnformattedText( TRUE, TRUE, nLogENtryTypeIn, pszFormatIn, &valist ); va_end( valist );
} //*** LogMsg UNICODE
// LogStatusReport
// Description:
// Writes a status report to the log file.
// Arugments:
// pstTimeIn -
// pcszNodeNameIn -
// clsidTaskMajorIn -
// clsidTaskMinorIn -
// ulMinIn -
// ulMaxIn -
// ulCurrentIn -
// hrStatusIn -
// pcszDescriptionIn -
// pcszUrlIn -
// Return Values:
// None.
void LogStatusReport( SYSTEMTIME * pstTimeIn, const WCHAR * pcszNodeNameIn, CLSID clsidTaskMajorIn, CLSID clsidTaskMinorIn, ULONG ulMinIn, ULONG ulMaxIn, ULONG ulCurrentIn, HRESULT hrStatusIn, const WCHAR * pcszDescriptionIn, const WCHAR * pcszUrlIn ) { SYSTEMTIME stCurrent; SYSTEMTIME stReport; WCHAR szCurrent[ TIMESTAMP_BUFFER_SIZE ]; WCHAR szReport[ TIMESTAMP_BUFFER_SIZE ]; const size_t cchGuid = 40; WCHAR wszMajorGuid[ cchGuid ]; WCHAR wszMinorGuid[ cchGuid ]; WCHAR wszFormattedReport[ LOG_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE ];
GetLocalTime( &stCurrent ); if ( pstTimeIn ) { memcpy( &stReport, pstTimeIn, sizeof( stReport ) ); } else { memset( &stReport, 0, sizeof( stReport) ); }
FormatTimeStamp( &stCurrent, szCurrent, ARRAYSIZE( szCurrent ) ); FormatTimeStamp( &stReport, szReport, ARRAYSIZE( szReport ) );
StringFromGUID2( clsidTaskMajorIn, wszMajorGuid, cchGuid ); StringFromGUID2( clsidTaskMinorIn, wszMinorGuid, cchGuid );
THR( StringCchPrintfW( wszFormattedReport , ARRAYSIZE( wszFormattedReport ) , L"%ws - %ws %ws, %ws (%2d / %2d .. %2d ) <%ws> hr=%08X %ws %ws" , szCurrent , szReport , wszMajorGuid , wszMinorGuid , ulCurrentIn , ulMinIn , ulMaxIn , pcszNodeNameIn , hrStatusIn , pcszDescriptionIn , pcszUrlIn ) );
LogFormattedText( FALSE, TRUE, hrStatusIn, wszFormattedReport );
} //*** LogStatusReport