Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements initialization and pipe interface for rudimentary quorum access server
Gor Nishanov (gorn) 20-Sep-2001
Revision History:
#define UNICODE 1
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntdef.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "fs.h"
#include "pipe.h"
#include "QfsTrans.h"
#include "clusrtl.h"
typedef struct _PIPECTX_ { CRITICAL_SECTION cs; LUID me;
USHORT uid; USHORT tid; PVOID user; FsDispatchTable *pDisp; LPWSTR share; PVOID FsCtx; PVOID resHdl;
int nThreads; HANDLE* hThreads;
SHARED_MEM_SERVER MemServer; LONG NeedsCleanup; } PipeCtx_t; typedef DWORD (*PipeDispatch_t)(PipeCtx_t* ctx, JobBuf_t* job);
// QFSP_INSERT_OP_NAMES defined in QfsTrans
// it is used here to generate human readable
// operation names
#define OPNAME(Name) "op" #Name,
char* OpNames[] = { QFSP_INSERT_OP_NAMES }; #undef OPNAME
// QFSP_INSERT_OP_NAMES defined in QfsTrans
// it is used here to generate forward declarations of operation handlers
#define OPNAME(Name) extern DWORD Qfsp ## Name(PipeCtx_t* ctx, JobBuf_t* job);
// QFSP_INSERT_OP_NAMES defined in QfsTrans
// it is used here to generate array of operation handlers
#define OPNAME(Name) Qfsp ## Name,
PipeDispatch_t OpDispatch[] = { QFSP_INSERT_OP_NAMES }; #undef OPNAME
#define LogError(_x_) EPRINT(_x_)
#define Log(_x_) DPRINT(_x_)
#undef malloc
#undef free
#define malloc(dwBytes) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwBytes)
#define free(hHeap) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, hHeap)
DWORD PipeInit(PVOID resHdl, PVOID fsHdl, PVOID *Hdl) { PipeCtx_t *ctx; DWORD err;
ctx = (PipeCtx_t *) malloc(sizeof(*ctx)); if (ctx == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));
if (!AllocateLocallyUniqueId(&ctx->me)) { free(ctx); LogError(("PipeInit, failed to allocate LUID, error %d\n", GetLastError())); return GetLastError(); }
ctx->FsCtx = fsHdl; ctx->resHdl = resHdl;
*Hdl = (PVOID) ctx; return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
void PipeExit(PVOID Hdl) { PipeCtx_t *ctx = (PipeCtx_t *) Hdl;
if (ctx != NULL) { DeleteCriticalSection(&ctx->cs); free(ctx); } }
VOID MemServer_Dispatch(PJOB_BUF buf, PVOID Hdl) { PipeCtx_t *ctx = (PipeCtx_t *) Hdl; if (buf->hdr.OpCode >= OpCount) { LogError(("bad opcode %d\n", buf->hdr.OpCode)); buf->hdr.Status = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; } else { Log(("enter %s... \n", OpNames[buf->hdr.OpCode])); buf->hdr.Status = OpDispatch[buf->hdr.OpCode](ctx, buf); Log(("exit %s => %d\n", OpNames[buf->hdr.OpCode], buf->hdr.Status)); buf->hdr.OpCode = opNone; } }
#define NUM_BUFFERS 8
DWORD PipeOnline(PVOID Hdl, LPWSTR Path) { PipeCtx_t *ctx = (PipeCtx_t *) Hdl; int nThreads = 0; int i; WCHAR* lastSlash = wcsrchr(Path, '\\'); DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
ctx->share = Path; if (lastSlash) { Path = lastSlash+1; }
Log(("PipeOnline. Path \"%ws\" Share \"%ws\"\n", ctx->share, Path));
FsLogonUser(ctx->FsCtx, NULL, ctx->me, &ctx->uid); FsMount(ctx->FsCtx, Path, ctx->uid, &ctx->tid); ctx->pDisp = FsGetHandle(ctx->FsCtx, ctx->tid, ctx->uid, &ctx->user);
if (!ctx->pDisp) { return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } // This should be done after registering with FS.
Status = MemServer_Online( &ctx->MemServer, NUM_BUFFERS, MemServer_Dispatch, Hdl); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { FsDisMount(ctx->FsCtx, ctx->uid, ctx->tid); FsLogoffUser(ctx->FsCtx, ctx->me); return Status; }
ctx->NeedsCleanup = TRUE; return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
DWORD PipeOffline(PVOID Hdl) { PipeCtx_t *ctx = (PipeCtx_t *) Hdl; if (InterlockedExchange(&ctx->NeedsCleanup, FALSE) == TRUE) { MemServer_Offline(&ctx->MemServer); FsDisMount(ctx->FsCtx, ctx->uid, ctx->tid); FsLogoffUser(ctx->FsCtx, ctx->me); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
#define QfsHandleToWin32Handle(hdl) ((HANDLE)(hdl))
USHORT Win32HandleToQfsHandle(HANDLE hFile) { ULONG_PTR u = (ULONG_PTR)hFile; if (u > 0xffff) { LogError(("pipe: Invalid Win32 handle passed 0x%x\n", u)); return INVALID_FHANDLE_T; } return (USHORT) (u); }
// operation handler routines
// given a JobBuf calls appropriate Fs routines
DWORD QfspCreateFile( PipeCtx_t *ctx, JobBuf_t* j) { DWORD error; DWORD flags = 0; fattr_t attr; fhandle_t hdl; ZeroMemory(&attr, sizeof(attr));
if (j->dwFlagsAndAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) attr.attributes |= ATTR_READONLY; if (j->dwFlagsAndAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) attr.attributes |= ATTR_HIDDEN; if (j->dwFlagsAndAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) attr.attributes |= ATTR_SYSTEM; if (j->dwFlagsAndAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) attr.attributes |= ATTR_ARCHIVE; if (j->dwFlagsAndAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) attr.attributes |= ATTR_DIRECTORY; if (j->dwFlagsAndAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) attr.attributes |= ATTR_COMPRESSED; if (j->dwFlagsAndAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE) attr.attributes |= ATTR_OFFLINE; if (j->dwFlagsAndAttributes & FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING) flags |= CACHE_NO_BUFFERING; if (j->dwFlagsAndAttributes & FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH) flags |= CACHE_WRITE_THROUGH; switch (j->dwCreationDisposition) { case CREATE_NEW: flags |= DISP_CREATE_NEW; break; case CREATE_ALWAYS: flags |= DISP_CREATE_ALWAYS; break; case OPEN_EXISTING: flags |= DISP_OPEN_EXISTING; break; case OPEN_ALWAYS: flags |= DISP_OPEN_ALWAYS; break; case TRUNCATE_EXISTING: flags |= DISP_TRUNCATE_EXISTING; break; } if(j->dwShareMode & FILE_SHARE_READ) flags |= SHARE_READ; if(j->dwShareMode & FILE_SHARE_WRITE) flags |= SHARE_WRITE; if(j->dwDesiredAccess & GENERIC_READ) flags |= ACCESS_READ; if(j->dwDesiredAccess & GENERIC_WRITE) flags |= ACCESS_WRITE;
LogError(("Flags %x\n", flags));
error = ctx->pDisp->FsCreate( ctx->user, j->FileName, (USHORT)wcslen(j->FileName), flags, &attr, &hdl, &j->dwCreationDisposition);
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { j->Handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } else { j->Handle = QfsHandleToWin32Handle(hdl); *FsGetFilePointerFromHandle(ctx->user, hdl) = 0; switch (j->dwCreationDisposition & 0x7) { case FILE_CREATE: j->dwCreationDisposition = CREATE_NEW; break; case FILE_OPEN: j->dwCreationDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING; break; default: j->dwCreationDisposition = 0; } }
return error; }
DWORD QfspCloseFile( PipeCtx_t *ctx, JobBuf_t* j) { return ctx->pDisp->FsClose(ctx->user, Win32HandleToQfsHandle(j->Handle)); }
DWORD QfspNone( PipeCtx_t *ctx, JobBuf_t* j) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
DWORD QfspReadFile( PipeCtx_t *ctx, JobBuf_t* j) { DWORD Status; fhandle_t hdl = Win32HandleToQfsHandle(j->Handle); if(j->Offset == (ULONGLONG)-1) { j->Offset = *FsGetFilePointerFromHandle(ctx->user, hdl); } Status = ctx->pDisp->FsRead( ctx->user, hdl, (UINT32)j->Offset, &j->cbSize, j->Buffer, NULL); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { j->Offset += j->cbSize; *FsGetFilePointerFromHandle(ctx->user, hdl) = (UINT32)j->Offset; } return Status; }
DWORD QfspWriteFile( PipeCtx_t *ctx, JobBuf_t* j) { DWORD Status; fhandle_t hdl = Win32HandleToQfsHandle(j->Handle); if(j->Offset == ~0) { j->Offset = *FsGetFilePointerFromHandle(ctx->user, hdl); } Status = ctx->pDisp->FsWrite( ctx->user, hdl, (UINT32)j->Offset, &j->cbSize, j->Buffer, NULL); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { j->Offset += j->cbSize; *FsGetFilePointerFromHandle(ctx->user, hdl) = (UINT32)j->Offset; } return Status; }
DWORD QfspFlushFile( PipeCtx_t *ctx, JobBuf_t* j) { return ctx->pDisp->FsFlush( ctx->user, Win32HandleToQfsHandle(j->Handle)); }
DWORD QfspDeleteFile( PipeCtx_t *ctx, JobBuf_t* j) { return ctx->pDisp->FsRemove( ctx->user, j->FileName, (USHORT)wcslen(j->FileName) ); }
DWORD QfspCreateDir( PipeCtx_t *ctx, JobBuf_t* j) { return ctx->pDisp->FsMkdir( ctx->user, j->FileName, (USHORT)wcslen(j->FileName), NULL ); }
// Dir stuff has to be improved
// Currently it is as bad as original srvcom stuff
DWORD QfspFindFirstFile( PipeCtx_t *ctx, JobBuf_t* j) { DWORD cbDirSize = wcslen(j->FileName); DWORD Status; DWORD len; Status = ctx->pDisp->FsGetRoot(ctx->user, j->FileNameDest); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return Status; } len = wcslen(j->FileNameDest); if (j->FileName[0] != 0 && j->FileName[0] != '\\' && len > 0 && j->FileNameDest[len-1] != '\\') { j->FileNameDest[len] = '\\'; ++len; } CopyMemory(j->FileNameDest+len, j->FileName, sizeof(WCHAR) * (cbDirSize+1)); j->Handle = FindFirstFileW(j->FileNameDest, &j->FindFileData); if (j->Handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Status = GetLastError(); }
Log(("QfspFindFirstFile path %ws, hdl %x status %d\n", j->FileNameDest, j->Handle, Status)); return Status; }
DWORD QfspFindNextFile( PipeCtx_t *ctx, JobBuf_t* j) { DWORD Status; if( FindNextFile(j->Handle, &j->FindFileData) ) { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { Status = GetLastError(); }
Log(("QfspFindNextFile, status %d\n", Status)); return Status; }
DWORD QfspFindClose( PipeCtx_t *ctx, JobBuf_t* j) { if( FindClose(j->Handle) ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { return GetLastError(); } }
DWORD QfspGetDiskFreeSpace( PipeCtx_t *ctx, JobBuf_t* j) { fs_attr_t fsinfo; DWORD Status = ctx->pDisp->FsStatfs(ctx->user, &fsinfo); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ULONGLONG bpu = fsinfo.bytes_per_sector * fsinfo.sectors_per_unit;
j->TotalNumberOfFreeBytes = // don't understand quotas
j->FreeBytesAvailable = fsinfo.free_units * bpu; j->TotalNumberOfBytes = fsinfo.total_units * bpu; } return Status; }
DWORD QfspGetAttr( PipeCtx_t *ctx, JobBuf_t* j) { fattr_t finfo; DWORD Status = ctx->pDisp->FsGetAttr(ctx->user, Win32HandleToQfsHandle(j->Handle), &finfo); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { j->EndOfFile = finfo.file_size; j->AllocationSize = finfo.alloc_size; j->CreationTime = finfo.create_time; j->LastAccessTime = finfo.access_time; j->LastWriteTime = finfo.mod_time; j->FileAttributes = finfo.attributes; } return Status; }
DWORD QfspSetAttr2( PipeCtx_t *ctx, JobBuf_t* j) { fattr_t finfo; extern UINT32 get_attributes(DWORD a);
finfo.file_size = j->EndOfFile; finfo.alloc_size = j->AllocationSize; finfo.create_time = j->CreationTime; finfo.access_time = j->LastAccessTime; finfo.mod_time = j->LastWriteTime; finfo.attributes = get_attributes(j->FileAttributes); return ctx->pDisp->FsSetAttr2(ctx->user, j->FileName, (USHORT)wcslen(j->FileName), &finfo); }
DWORD QfspRename( PipeCtx_t *ctx, JobBuf_t* j) { return ctx->pDisp->FsRename( ctx->user, j->FileName, (USHORT)wcslen(j->FileName), j->FileNameDest, (USHORT)wcslen(j->FileNameDest) ); }
DWORD QfspConnect( PipeCtx_t *ctx, JobBuf_t* j) { DWORD Status; PWCHAR p = ctx->share; if (*p == '\\' && *++p == '\\') ++p; if( wcsncmp(p, j->FileName, wcslen(p)) == 0 ) { Status = ctx->pDisp->FsConnect(ctx->user, j->ClussvcProcessId); } else { // This is the correct return value.
Status = ERROR_NO_MATCH; } Log(("[Qfs] Connect %ws => %d\n", j->FileName, Status)); return Status; }