Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Handle spooler interaction via RPC.
Public functions from this module:
SpoolerOnline SpoolerOffline SpoolerStart SpoolerStop SpoolerIsAlive SpoolerLooksAlive
There is a little interface bleed here--this module is aware of the cluster SetResourceStatus callback.
Albert Ting (AlbertT) 23-Sept-96
Revision History: Khaled Sedky (KhaledS) 1998-2001
#include "precomp.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "splsvc.hxx"
#include "clusinfo.hxx"
#include "spooler.hxx"
PCWSTR gpszPipePolicyMsg1 = L"Cannot bring print spooler resource online because the \"Allow Print Spooler to accept client connections\" " L"policy is set to \"disabled\". The policy is in effect per node so must be set to \"enabled\" or \"not configured\" " L"for each node that will host a spooler resource.\n";
PCWSTR gpszPipePolicyMsg2 = L"To determine the settings of this policy, look under " L"Computer Configuration/Administrative Template/Printers in rsop.msc. Note that you must stop and restart the print " L"spooler service for any policy change to take effect.\n";
if ( ClusWorkerCheckTerminate( Worker )) \ { \ goto Done; \ }
Conditional compile defines:
Causes the resource DLL to wait on a thread each time the IsAlive all is made. This thread wait for ISALIVE_WAIT_TIME to see if the RPC call to the spooler successfully completes. If it does not, then we assume that the spooler is deadlocked.
This is off because it kills the spooler if it's slow or being debugged. There are no scenarios where we should be deadlocked (or hold the critical section while doing a slow operation like hitting the net). During stress, however, we may appear deadlocked.
Causes an Offline call to terminate and restart the spooler. This will be turned on until we have clean shutdown code.
Causes us to use stubbed out winspool.drv calls. Usefule if the new winspool.drv isn't available and you want to compile a DLL which simulates talking to the spooler.
//#define USE_STUBS
#define POLL_SLEEP_TIME 500 // Service control poll time.
#define STATUS_SLEEP_TIME 1500
#define ISALIVE_WAIT_TIME 2000 // Time before spooler is deadlocked.
LPCTSTR gszSpooler = TEXT( "Spooler" ); SC_HANDLE ghSpoolerService; SC_HANDLE ghSC;
#ifdef USE_STUBS
BOOL ClusterSplOpen( LPCTSTR pszServer, LPCTSTR pszResource, PHANDLE phSpooler, LPCTSTR pszName, LPCTSTR pszAddress ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( pszServer ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( pszResource ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( pszName ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( pszAddress ); *phSpooler = (HANDLE)31; Sleep( 3200 ); return TRUE; }
BOOL ClusterSplClose( HANDLE hSpooler ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( hSpooler ); SPLASSERT( hSpooler==(HANDLE)31 ); Sleep( 6000 ); return TRUE; }
BOOL ClusterSplIsAlive( HANDLE hSpooler ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( hSpooler ); Sleep( 500 ); return TRUE; }
Utility functions
BOOL QuerySpoolerState( OUT PDWORD pdwState )
Routine Description:
Checks the current state of the spooler service.
pdwState - Receives the state of the spooler.
Return Value:
TRUE - success FALSE - failure. *pdwState set to SERVICE_STOPPED
{ SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus;
SPLASSERT( ghSpoolerService );
if( !QueryServiceStatus( ghSpoolerService, &ServiceStatus)) {
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "SpoolerStatus: QueryServiceStatus failed %d\n", GetLastError() ));
*pdwState = SERVICE_STOPPED; return FALSE; }
*pdwState = ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState;
return TRUE; }
DWORD WINAPI SpoolerStatusReportThread( PCLUS_WORKER Worker, PVOID pStatusThreadInfo ) { HANDLE hStatusEvent = ((STATUSTHREAD_INFO *)pStatusThreadInfo)->hStatusEvent; PSPOOLER_INFORMATION pSpoolerInfo = ((STATUSTHREAD_INFO *)pStatusThreadInfo)->pSpoolerInfo; PRESOURCE_STATUS pResourceStatus = ((STATUSTHREAD_INFO *)pStatusThreadInfo)->pResourceStatus;
while(WaitForSingleObject(hStatusEvent,STATUS_SLEEP_TIME) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { pResourceStatus->CheckPoint++; (pSpoolerInfo->pfnSetResourceStatus)(pSpoolerInfo->ResourceHandle, pResourceStatus); } return (0); }
Worker threads for SpoolerOnline/Offline.
DWORD WINAPI SpoolerIsAliveThread( PVOID pSpoolerInfo_ )
Routine Description:
Async thread to online the resource instance.
Assumes vAddRef has been called already; we will call vDecRef when we are done.
Return Value:
ERRROR_SUCCESS - Spooler still alive.
dwError - Spooler dead.
{ PSPOOLER_INFORMATION pSpoolerInfo = (PSPOOLER_INFORMATION)pSpoolerInfo_; HANDLE hSpooler = pSpoolerInfo->hSpooler; BOOL bIsAlive;
// We've stored all the information we need from pSpoolerInfo;
// decrement the refcount.
vDecRef( pSpoolerInfo );
// RPC to spooler.
SPLASSERT( hSpooler );
bIsAlive = ClusterSplIsAlive( hSpooler );
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ( "SpoolerIsAliveThread: return status: h=%x s=%x,%d\n", hSpooler, bIsAlive, GetLastError() ));
if( bIsAlive ){ return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Spooler is dead--return some error code.
DWORD SpoolerOnlineThread( IN PCLUS_WORKER Worker, IN PVOID pSpoolerInfo_ ) /*++
Routine Description:
Async thread to online the resource instance.
Assumes vAddRef has been called already; we will call vDecRef when we are done.
Return Value:
{ DWORD dwState; DWORD dwStatus; BOOL bStatus = FALSE; HANDLE hStatusEvent = NULL;
if(pSpoolerInfo_) { PSPOOLER_INFORMATION pSpoolerInfo = (PSPOOLER_INFORMATION)pSpoolerInfo_;
ResUtilInitializeResourceStatus( &ResourceStatus );
ResourceStatus.ResourceState = ClusterResourceOnlinePending; ResourceStatus.CheckPoint = 1; (pSpoolerInfo->pfnSetResourceStatus)( pSpoolerInfo->ResourceHandle, &ResourceStatus );
// Get needed information about net name and tcpip address.
if( !bGetClusterNameInfo( pSpoolerInfo->pszResource, &pSpoolerInfo->pszName, &pSpoolerInfo->pszAddress )){
(pSpoolerInfo->pfnLogEvent)( pSpoolerInfo->ResourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to retrieve Name and TcpIp address.\n" );
DBGMSG( DBG_ERROR, ( "SplSvcOpen: Couldn't retrieve name/tcpip addr\n" )); goto Done; }
// Ensure the spooler is started.
bStatus = SpoolerStart( pSpoolerInfo );
if( !bStatus ){
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "SpoolerOnlineThread: SpoolerStart failed\n" )); goto Done; }
while (TRUE) {
if( !QuerySpoolerState( &dwState )){
dwStatus = GetLastError();
(pSpoolerInfo->pfnLogEvent)( pSpoolerInfo->ResourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Query Service Status failed %1!u!.\n", dwStatus);
goto Done; }
if( dwState != SERVICE_START_PENDING ){ break; } else { ResourceStatus.CheckPoint ++; (pSpoolerInfo->pfnSetResourceStatus)( pSpoolerInfo->ResourceHandle, &ResourceStatus ); TERMINATETHREADONCHECK }
if( dwState != SERVICE_RUNNING) {
(pSpoolerInfo->pfnLogEvent)( pSpoolerInfo->ResourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to start service. Error: %1!u!.\n", ERROR_SERVICE_NEVER_STARTED);
dwStatus = ERROR_SERVICE_NEVER_STARTED; goto Done; }
// Since we have to report the status of being online pending
// to the cluster everywhile in order not to be considered failing
// and because ClusterSplOpen takes a while and it is a synchronous
// call , we hae to create this Status Thread which would keep
// reporting the status to the cluster in the back ground.
hStatusEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if(hStatusEvent) {
StatusThreadInfo.pResourceStatus = &ResourceStatus; StatusThreadInfo.hStatusEvent = hStatusEvent; StatusThreadInfo.pSpoolerInfo = pSpoolerInfo;
dwStatus = ClusWorkerCreate(&pSpoolerInfo->OnLineStatusThread, SpoolerStatusReportThread, (PVOID)&StatusThreadInfo);
if( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// In this case we will unfortunatly fall out of the Reporting thread and
// behave the same as previously , which might cause the resource to fail
// since it is not reporing the status properly (not likely to happen)
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "SpoolerOnlineThread : ClusWorkerCreate(SpoolerStatusReportThread) failed %d\n", dwStatus )); } } else { //
// In this case we will unfortunatly fall out of the Reporting thread and
// behave the same as previously , which might cause the resource to fail
// since it is not reporing the status properly (not likely to happen)
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "SpoolerOnlineThread: Create StatusEvent failed %d\n", GetLastError() )); }
// RPC to spooler.
bStatus = ClusterSplOpen( NULL, pSpoolerInfo->pszResource, &pSpoolerInfo->hSpooler, pSpoolerInfo->pszName, pSpoolerInfo->pszAddress );
if (!bStatus) { DWORD LastError = GetLastError();
if (LastError == ERROR_REMOTE_PRINT_CONNECTIONS_BLOCKED) { (pSpoolerInfo->pfnLogEvent)(pSpoolerInfo->ResourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, gpszPipePolicyMsg1);
(pSpoolerInfo->pfnLogEvent)(pSpoolerInfo->ResourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, gpszPipePolicyMsg2); } else { (pSpoolerInfo->pfnLogEvent)(pSpoolerInfo->ResourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Cannot create print spooler virtual server. Win32 error code %1!u!.\n", LastError); } }
if(hStatusEvent && pSpoolerInfo->OnLineStatusThread.hThread) { SetEvent(hStatusEvent); }
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ( "SpoolerOnlineThread: "TSTR" "TSTR" "TSTR" h=%x s=%x,d\n", DBGSTR( pSpoolerInfo->pszResource ), DBGSTR( pSpoolerInfo->pszName ), DBGSTR( pSpoolerInfo->pszAddress ), pSpoolerInfo->hSpooler, bStatus, GetLastError() ));
// If we are terminating, then we should not set any state
// and avoid calling SetResourceStatus since clustering doesn't
// think we are pending online anymore.
if( pSpoolerInfo->eState != kTerminate ){
if( bStatus ){
// Spooler successfully onlined.
pSpoolerInfo->eState = kOnline; ResourceStatus.ResourceState = ClusterResourceOnline; } else { ResourceStatus.ResourceState = ClusterResourceFailed; }
ResourceStatus.CheckPoint++; (pSpoolerInfo->pfnSetResourceStatus)( pSpoolerInfo->ResourceHandle, &ResourceStatus ); }
vDecRef( pSpoolerInfo ); if(hStatusEvent) { CloseHandle(hStatusEvent); }
ClusWorkerTerminate(&(pSpoolerInfo->OnLineStatusThread)); }
return 0; }
DWORD SpoolerClose( PSPOOLER_INFORMATION pSpoolerInfo, EShutDownMethod ShutDownMethod ) { CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE ClusterResourceState; STATUSTHREAD_INFO StatusThreadInfo; RESOURCE_STATUS ResourceStatus; BOOL bStatus = TRUE; HANDLE hStatusEvent = NULL; HANDLE hSpooler = NULL; DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if(pSpoolerInfo) { ResUtilInitializeResourceStatus( &ResourceStatus );
ResourceStatus.CheckPoint = 1; ResourceStatus.ResourceState = ClusterResourceOfflinePending; (pSpoolerInfo->pfnSetResourceStatus)( pSpoolerInfo->ResourceHandle, &ResourceStatus );
vEnterSem(); { ClusterResourceState = pSpoolerInfo->ClusterResourceState;
if( pSpoolerInfo->hSpooler ) { hSpooler = pSpoolerInfo->hSpooler; pSpoolerInfo->hSpooler = NULL; } } vLeaveSem();
if( hSpooler ) { //
// Since we have to report the status of being offline pending
// to the cluster everywhile in order not to be considered failing
// and because ClusterSplClose takes a while and it is a synchronous
// call , we have to create this Status Thread which would keep
// reporting the status to the cluster in the back ground.
hStatusEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if(hStatusEvent) {
StatusThreadInfo.pResourceStatus = &ResourceStatus; StatusThreadInfo.hStatusEvent = hStatusEvent; StatusThreadInfo.pSpoolerInfo = pSpoolerInfo;
dwStatus = ClusWorkerCreate((ShutDownMethod == kTerminateShutDown) ? &pSpoolerInfo->TerminateStatusThread : &pSpoolerInfo->OffLineStatusThread, SpoolerStatusReportThread, (PVOID)&StatusThreadInfo);
if( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// In this case we will unfortunatly fall out of the Reporting thread and
// behave the same as previously , which might cause the resource to fail
// since it is not reporing the status properly (not likely to happen)
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "SpoolerClose : ClusWorkerCreate(SpoolerStatusReportThread) failed %d\n", dwStatus )); dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } else { //
// In this case we will unfortunatly fall out of the Reporting thread and
// behave the same as previously , which might cause the resource to fail
// since it is not reporing the status properly (not likely to happen)
dwStatus = GetLastError(); DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "SpoolerClose: Create StatusEvent failed %d\n", GetLastError() )); }
if(ShutDownMethod == kOffLineShutDown) { ClusWorkerTerminate(&(pSpoolerInfo->OnlineThread)); }
// RPC to Terminate
bStatus = ClusterSplClose( hSpooler );
if(hStatusEvent && (ShutDownMethod == kTerminateShutDown) ? pSpoolerInfo->TerminateStatusThread.hThread : pSpoolerInfo->OffLineStatusThread.hThread) { SetEvent(hStatusEvent); }
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ( "SpoolerClose: h=%x, s=%x,%d\n", hSpooler, bStatus, GetLastError() )); }
if( bStatus ){
ResourceStatus.ResourceState = ClusterResourceState; pSpoolerInfo->hSpooler = NULL; } else { ResourceStatus.ResourceState = ClusterResourceFailed; dwStatus = ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; }
ClusWorkerTerminate((ShutDownMethod == kTerminateShutDown) ? &(pSpoolerInfo->TerminateStatusThread) : &(pSpoolerInfo->OffLineStatusThread)); //
// If we are terminating, don't call SetResourceStatus since
// clustering doesn't expect this after a terminate call.
if( pSpoolerInfo->eState != kTerminate ) { ResourceStatus.CheckPoint++; (pSpoolerInfo->pfnSetResourceStatus)( pSpoolerInfo->ResourceHandle, &ResourceStatus );
pSpoolerInfo->eState = kOffline; }
if(hStatusEvent) { CloseHandle(hStatusEvent); } } else { dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
return dwStatus; }
DWORD WINAPI SpoolerOfflineThread( IN PCLUS_WORKER Worker, IN PVOID pSpoolerInfo_ ) { PSPOOLER_INFORMATION pSpoolerInfo = (PSPOOLER_INFORMATION)pSpoolerInfo_; SpoolerClose(pSpoolerInfo,kOffLineShutDown); vDecRef( pSpoolerInfo ); return 0; }
DWORD WINAPI SpoolerTerminateSync( IN PSPOOLER_INFORMATION pSpoolerInfo ) { return SpoolerClose(pSpoolerInfo,kTerminateShutDown); }
Spooler routines.
BOOL SpoolerOnline( PSPOOLER_INFORMATION pSpoolerInfo )
Routine Description:
Put the spooler service online. This call completes asynchronously; it will use the callback in pSpoolerInfo to update the status.
Return Value:
pSpoolerInfo->hSpooler = NULL; pSpoolerInfo->eState = kOnlinePending;
vAddRef( pSpoolerInfo );
// Create a worker thread to start the spooler and poll.
status = ClusWorkerCreate(&pSpoolerInfo->OnlineThread, SpoolerOnlineThread, (PVOID)pSpoolerInfo );
if( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ){
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "SpoolerOnline: ClusWorkerCreate failed %d\n", status ));
vDecRef( pSpoolerInfo );
return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
DWORD SpoolerOffline( PSPOOLER_INFORMATION pSpoolerInfo )
Routine Description:
Put the spooler service offline. This call completes asynchronously; it will use the callback in pSpoolerInfo to update the status.
Return Value:
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( ">>> SpoolerOffline: called %x\n", Resid ));
vAddRef( pSpoolerInfo );
pSpoolerInfo->eState = kOfflinePending;
// Create a worker thread to stop the spooler.
if((status = ClusWorkerCreate(&pSpoolerInfo->OfflineThread, SpoolerOfflineThread, (PVOID)pSpoolerInfo ))!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "SpoolerOffline: ClusWorkerCreate failed %d\n", status )); DBGMSG( DBG_ERROR, ( "SpoolerOffline: Unable to offline spooler\n" )); SPLASSERT(status == ERROR_SUCCESS) vDecRef( pSpoolerInfo ); } else { status = ERROR_IO_PENDING; }
return status; }
VOID SpoolerTerminate( PSPOOLER_INFORMATION pSpoolerInfo )
Routine Description:
Terminates the spooler process. This call completes asynchronously; it will use the callback in pSpoolerInfo to update the status.
Return Value:
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( ">>> SpoolerTerminate: called %x\n", Resid ));
vAddRef( pSpoolerInfo ); { ClusWorkerTerminate(&(pSpoolerInfo->OnlineThread)); ClusWorkerTerminate(&(pSpoolerInfo->OfflineThread));
pSpoolerInfo->eState = kOfflinePending;
// Create a worker thread to stop the spooler.
if((status = SpoolerTerminateSync(pSpoolerInfo))!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "SpoolerTerminate: ClusWorkerCreate failed %d\n", status )); DBGMSG( DBG_ERROR, ( "SpoolerTerminate: Unable to offline spooler\n" )); SPLASSERT(status == ERROR_SUCCESS) } } vDecRef( pSpoolerInfo ); }
BOOL SpoolerStart( PSPOOLER_INFORMATION pSpoolerInfo )
Routine Description:
Start the spooler.
Return Value:
{ BOOL bStatus = TRUE;
if( !ghSC ){ ghSC = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); }
if( ghSC ){
if( !ghSpoolerService ){ ghSpoolerService = OpenService( ghSC, gszSpooler, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS ); }
if( !ghSpoolerService ){
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "SpoolerStart: Failed to open spooler service %d\n ", GetLastError() ));
bStatus = FALSE; goto Done; }
if( !StartService( ghSpoolerService, 0, NULL )){
DWORD dwStatus; dwStatus = GetLastError();
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "SpoolerStart: StartService failed %d\n", dwStatus ));
bStatus = FALSE; } } }
return bStatus; }
Routine Description:
Stop the spooler.
Return Value:
{ BOOL bStatus; SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus;
bStatus = ControlService( ghSpoolerService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ServiceStatus );
if( !bStatus ){
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "SpoolerStop: ControlService failed %d\n", GetLastError() ));
(pSpoolerInfo->pfnLogEvent)( pSpoolerInfo->ResourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Stop service failed, Error %1!u!.\n", GetLastError() ); }
CloseServiceHandle( ghSpoolerService ); ghSpoolerService = NULL;
return TRUE; }
BOOL SpoolerIsAlive( PSPOOLER_INFORMATION pSpoolerInfo )
Routine Description:
Expensive check to see if the spooler is still alive.
Return Value:
TRUE - Spooler is alive, and critical section successfully acquired. FALSE - Spooler is dead.
HANDLE hThread; DWORD dwThreadId; DWORD dwExitCode;
// RPC to spooler.
SPLASSERT( pSpoolerInfo->hSpooler );
vAddRef( pSpoolerInfo );
// Create a worker thread to start the spooler and poll.
hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, SpoolerIsAliveThread, (PVOID)pSpoolerInfo, 0, &dwThreadId ); if( !hThread ){
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "SpoolerOnline: CreateThread failed %d\n", GetLastError() ));
vDecRef( pSpoolerInfo );
return FALSE; }
WaitForSingleObject( hThread, ISALIVE_WAIT_TIME ); if( !GetExitCodeThread( hThread, &dwExitCode )){ dwExitCode = GetLastError(); }
CloseHandle( hThread );
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ( "SpoolerIsAlive: h=%x s=%d\n", pSpoolerInfo->hSpooler, dwExitCode ));
return dwExitCode == ERROR_SUCCESS;
#else // Don't use thread.
BOOL bIsAlive;
// RPC to spooler.
SPLASSERT( pSpoolerInfo->hSpooler );
bIsAlive = ClusterSplIsAlive( pSpoolerInfo->hSpooler );
DBGMSG( DBG_TRACE, ( "SpoolerIsAlive: h=%x s=%x,%d\n", pSpoolerInfo->hSpooler, bIsAlive, GetLastError() ));
return bIsAlive;
BOOL SpoolerLooksAlive( PSPOOLER_INFORMATION pSpoolerInfo )
Routine Description:
Quick check to see if the spooler is still alive.
Return Value:
TRUE - Looks alive. FALSE - Looks dead.
{ DWORD dwState;
if( !QuerySpoolerState( &dwState )){
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "SpoolerLooksAlive: SpoolerStatus failed %d\n", GetLastError() ));
(pSpoolerInfo->pfnLogEvent)( pSpoolerInfo->ResourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Query Service Status failed %1!u!.\n", GetLastError());
return FALSE; }
// Now check the status of the service
if(( dwState != SERVICE_RUNNING ) && ( dwState != SERVICE_START_PENDING )){
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "SpoolerLooksAlive: QueryServiceStatus bad state %d\n", dwState ));
(pSpoolerInfo->pfnLogEvent)( pSpoolerInfo->ResourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed the IsAlive test. Current State is %1!u!.\n", dwState );
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
Routine Name
Routine Description:
After the first reboot following an upgrade of a node, the cluster service informs the resdll that a version change occured. At this time out spooler resource may be running on another node or may not be actie at all. Thus we write a value in the local registry. When the cluster spooler resource fails over on this machine it will query for that value to know if it needs to preform post upgrade operations, like upgrading the printer drivers.
pszResourceID - string representation of the GUID of the resoruce
Return Value:
Win32 error code
--*/ DWORD SpoolerWriteClusterUpgradedKey( IN LPCWSTR pszResourceID ) { DWORD dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; HKEY hRootKey = NULL; HKEY hUpgradeKey = NULL;
if (pszResourceID && (dwError = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SPLREG_CLUSTER_LOCAL_ROOT_KEY, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hRootKey, NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS && (dwError = RegCreateKeyEx(hRootKey, SPLREG_CLUSTER_UPGRADE_KEY, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hUpgradeKey, NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwValue = 1;
dwError = RegSetValueEx(hUpgradeKey, pszResourceID, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, sizeof(dwValue)); }
if (hUpgradeKey) RegCloseKey(hUpgradeKey); if (hRootKey) RegCloseKey(hRootKey);
return dwError; }