Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Interface Description for Cluster RPC interface. This contains two interfaces. The first is used for out-of-band cluster server RPC and is used for things like Join. The second is stricly for intra-cluster communications and runs only over the cluster transport.
John Vert (jvert) 6/5/1996
cpp_quote("#ifndef _CLUSRPC_INCLUDED_") cpp_quote("#define _CLUSRPC_INCLUDED_")
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Intracluster (Internal) RPC Interface Definition // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ uuid(e248d0b8-bf15-11cf-8c5e-08002bb49649), version(2.0) ] interface IntraCluster { import "wtypes.idl";
const short CLUSTER_ID_SIZE = 37;
typedef WCHAR CLUSTER_ID[CLUSTER_ID_SIZE]; // unicode representation of a GUID
// // Interface descriptions for the FM component. //
// // Types // typedef [context_handle] void *HGROUP_ENUM_RPC;
// // Routines and structures for dealing with Groups //
// // Cluster Group State //
typedef enum _GROUP_STATE { GroupOnline, GroupOffline, GroupFailed, GroupPartialOnline } GROUP_STATE;
// // Group and Resource enumeration interface //
typedef struct _GROUP_ENUM_ENTRY { [string] LPWSTR Id; DWORD State; DWORD StateSequence; } GROUP_ENUM_ENTRY, *PGROUP_ENUM_ENTRY;
typedef struct _GROUP_ENUM { DWORD EntryCount; [size_is(EntryCount)] GROUP_ENUM_ENTRY Entry[*]; } GROUP_ENUM, *PGROUP_ENUM;
typedef struct _RESOURCE_ENUM { DWORD EntryCount; int ContainsQuorum; [size_is(EntryCount)] RESOURCE_ENUM_ENTRY Entry[*]; } RESOURCE_ENUM, *PRESOURCE_ENUM;
// // Remotely arbitrate a group. // error_status_t FmsQueryOwnedGroups( [ out ] PGROUP_ENUM *OwnedGroups, [ out ] PRESOURCE_ENUM *OwnedResources );
// // Remotely bring a group online. //
error_status_t FmsOnlineGroupRequest( [ in ] LPCWSTR GroupId );
// // Remotely take a group offline. //
error_status_t FmsOfflineGroupRequest( [ in ] LPCWSTR GroupId );
// // Remotely move a group. //
error_status_t FmsMoveGroupRequest( [ in ] LPCWSTR GroupId, [ in, unique ] LPCWSTR DestinationNode );
// // Remotely take a group. //
error_status_t FmsTakeGroupRequest( [ in ] LPCWSTR GroupId, [ in ] PRESOURCE_ENUM ResourceList );
// // Remotely bring a resource online. //
error_status_t FmsOnlineResourceRequest( [ in ] LPCWSTR ResourceId );
// // Remotely take a resource offline. //
error_status_t FmsOfflineResourceRequest( [ in ] LPCWSTR ResourceId );
// // Remotely change node list for a resource. //
error_status_t FmsChangeResourceNode( [ in ] LPCWSTR ResourceId, [ in ] LPCWSTR NodeId, [ in ] BOOL Add );
// // Remotely arbitrate a resource. //
error_status_t FmsArbitrateResource( [ in ] LPCWSTR ResourceId );
// // Remotely fail a resource. //
error_status_t FmsFailResource( [ in ] LPCWSTR ResourceId );
// // Remotely create a resource. //
error_status_t FmsCreateResource( [ in ] LPCWSTR GroupId, [ in ] LPWSTR ResourceId, [ in ] LPCWSTR ResourceName );
// // Remotely delete a resource. //
error_status_t FmsDeleteResource( [ in ] LPCWSTR ResourceId );
// // Remotely synchronize the online/offline of a resource. //
error_status_t FmsQuoNodeOnlineResource( [ in ] LPCWSTR ResourceId, [ in ] LPCWSTR NodeId, [ out ] LPDWORD State );
error_status_t FmsQuoNodeOfflineResource( [ in ] LPCWSTR ResourceId, [ in ] LPCWSTR NodeId, [ out ] LPDWORD State );
error_status_t FmsRmOnlineResource( [ in ] LPCWSTR ResourceId, [ out ] LPDWORD State );
error_status_t FmsRmOfflineResource( [ in ] LPCWSTR ResourceId, [ out ] LPDWORD State );
// // Remotely control a resource. //
error_status_t FmsResourceControl( [ in ] LPCWSTR ResourceId, [ in ] DWORD ControlCode, [ in, unique, size_is(InBufferSize) ] UCHAR *InBuffer, [ in ] DWORD InBufferSize, [ out, size_is(OutBufferSize), length_is(*BytesReturned) ] UCHAR *OutBuffer, [ in ] DWORD OutBufferSize, [ out ] LPDWORD BytesReturned, [ out ] LPDWORD Required );
// // Remotely control a resource type. //
error_status_t FmsResourceTypeControl( [ in ] LPCWSTR ResourceTypeName, [ in ] DWORD ControlCode, [ in, unique, size_is(InBufferSize) ] UCHAR *InBuffer, [ in ] DWORD InBufferSize, [ out, size_is(OutBufferSize), length_is(*BytesReturned) ] UCHAR *OutBuffer, [ in ] DWORD OutBufferSize, [ out ] LPDWORD BytesReturned, [ out ] LPDWORD Required );
// // Remotely control a group. //
error_status_t FmsGroupControl( [ in ] LPCWSTR GroupId, [ in ] DWORD ControlCode, [ in, unique, size_is(InBufferSize) ] UCHAR *InBuffer, [ in ] DWORD InBufferSize, [ out, size_is(OutBufferSize), length_is(*BytesReturned) ] UCHAR *OutBuffer, [ in ] DWORD OutBufferSize, [ out ] LPDWORD BytesReturned, [ out ] LPDWORD Required );
// //Remotely prepare a resource to become the quorum resource(create quorum log file/take checkpoint) // error_status_t FmsPrepareQuorumResChange( [ in ] LPCWSTR ResourceId, [ in ] LPCWSTR lpszQuoLogPath, [ in ] DWORD dwMaxQuoLogSize );
// //Remotely ask the resource to relinquish being a quorum resource or prepare a tombstone in the previous // location of quorum log files. // error_status_t FmsCompleteQuorumResChange( [ in ] LPCWSTR lpszResourceId, [ in ] LPCWSTR lpszQuoLogPath );
// // Interface descriptions for the GUM component. // typedef UCHAR *PGUM_DATA;
error_status_t GumQueueLockingUpdate( [ in ] DWORD NodeId, [ in ] DWORD Type, [ in ] DWORD Context, [ out ] LPDWORD Sequence, [ in ] DWORD BufferLength, [ in,size_is(BufferLength) ] PGUM_DATA Buffer );
#ifdef GUM_POST_SUPPORT error_status_t GumQueueLockingPost( [ in ] DWORD NodeId, [ in ] DWORD Type, [ in ] DWORD Context, [ out ] LPDWORD Sequence, [ in ] DWORD BufferLength, [ in,size_is(BufferLength) ] PGUM_DATA Buffer, [ in ] DWORD ActualBuffer );
error_status_t GumDeliverPostCallback( [ in ] DWORD FirstNode, [ in ] DWORD Type, [ in ] DWORD Context, [ in ] DWORD Sequence, [ in ] DWORD BufferLength, [ in ] DWORD Buffer ); #endif
error_status_t GumAttemptJoinUpdate( [ in ] DWORD JoiningId, [ in ] DWORD Type, [ in ] DWORD Context, [ in ] DWORD Sequence, [ in ] DWORD BufferLength, [ in,unique,size_is(BufferLength) ] PGUM_DATA Buffer );
error_status_t GumUnlockUpdate( [ in ] DWORD Type, [ in ] DWORD Sequence );
error_status_t GumUpdateNode( [ in ] DWORD Type, [ in ] DWORD Context, [ in ] DWORD Sequence, [ in ] DWORD BufferLength, [ in,size_is(BufferLength) ] PGUM_DATA Buffer );
error_status_t GumJoinUpdateNode( [ in ] DWORD JoiningId, [ in ] DWORD Type, [ in ] DWORD Context, [ in ] DWORD Sequence, [ in ] DWORD BufferLength, [ in,unique,size_is(BufferLength) ] PGUM_DATA Buffer );
typedef struct _GUM_NODE_LIST { DWORD NodeCount; [size_is(NodeCount)] DWORD NodeId[*]; } GUM_NODE_LIST, *PGUM_NODE_LIST;
error_status_t GumGetNodeSequence( [ in ] DWORD Type, [ out ] LPDWORD Sequence, [ out ] LPDWORD LockerNodeId, [ out ] PGUM_NODE_LIST *NodeList );
// // Interface descriptions for the MM component. // error_status_t MmRpcMsgSend( [ in, size_is(length) ] const UCHAR *buffer, [ in ] DWORD length );
// // we can't import sspi.h but SECURITY_STATUS is an HRESULT //
typedef enum _SECURITY_ROLE { SecurityRoleJoiningMember = 1, SecurityRoleClusterMember } SECURITY_ROLE;
error_status_t MmRpcEstablishSecurityContext( [ in ] DWORD NmJoinSequence, [ in ] DWORD EstablishingNodeId, [ in ] BOOL FirstTime, [ in ] SECURITY_ROLE RoleOfClient, [ in, size_is(ServerContextLength) ] const UCHAR *ServerContext, [ in ] DWORD ServerContextLength, [ out, size_is(*ClientContextLength) ] UCHAR *ClientContext, [ in, out ] DWORD * ClientContextLength, [ out ] HRESULT * ServerStatus );
error_status_t MmRpcDeleteSecurityContext( [ in ] DWORD NodeId );
error_status_t MmRpcBanishNode( [ in ] DWORD NodeId );
error_status_t NmRpcCreateJoinerBinding( [in] DWORD JoinSequence, [in, string] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [in, string] LPWSTR JoinerInterfaceId );
error_status_t NmRpcDeliverJoinMessage( [ in, size_is(MessageLength) ] UCHAR *Message, [ in ] DWORD MessageLength );
// // Interface descriptions for the Checkpoint Manager (CP) // typedef pipe byte BYTE_PIPE;
error_status_t CpDepositCheckpoint( [ in ] const CLUSTER_ID ResourceId, [ in ] DWORD dwCheckpointId, [ in ] BYTE_PIPE CheckpointData );
error_status_t CpRetrieveCheckpoint( [ in ] const CLUSTER_ID ResourceId, [ in ] DWORD dwCheckpointId, [ out ] BYTE_PIPE CheckpointData );
// // Interface descriptions for the ClusterEventlog Manager (Evtlog) // error_status_t EvPropEvents( [ in ] DWORD dwEventInfoSize, [in , size_is(dwEventInfoSize)] UCHAR *pPackedEventInfo );
// // Interface description for the Checkpoint managaer // error_status_t CpDeleteCheckpoint( [in] const CLUSTER_ID ResourceId, [in] DWORD dwCheckpointId, [in, unique] LPCWSTR lpszQuorumPath );
// // New structures and procedures added for version 2.0 (NT4 SP4) //
// // Global Update Manager // error_status_t GumAttemptLockingUpdate( [ in ] DWORD NodeId, [ in ] DWORD Type, [ in ] DWORD Context, [ in ] DWORD Sequence, [ in ] DWORD BufferLength, [ in,size_is(BufferLength) ] PGUM_DATA Buffer );
error_status_t GumCollectVoteFromNode( [ in ] DWORD UpdateType, [ in ] DWORD dwContext, [ in ] DWORD dwInputBufLength, [ in, size_is(dwInputBufLength) ] UCHAR *pInputBuf, [ in ] DWORD dwVoteLength, [ out, size_is(dwVoteLength) ] UCHAR *pVoteBuf );
// // Node Manager // typedef UCHAR NM_STATE_ENTRY, *PNM_STATE_ENTRY;
typedef struct _NM_ADDRESS_ENUM { DWORD AddressSize; DWORD AddressCount; [size_is(AddressCount)] ULONGLONG AddressList[*]; } NM_ADDRESS_ENUM, *PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM;
error_status_t NmRpcReportInterfaceConnectivity( [ in, string ] LPWSTR ReportingInterfaceId, [ in ] PNM_CONNECTIVITY_VECTOR ConnectivityVector );
error_status_t NmRpcGetInterfaceOnlineAddressEnum( [ in, string ] LPWSTR InterfaceId, [ out ] PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM * InterfaceAddressEnum );
error_status_t NmRpcGetInterfacePingAddressEnum( [ in, string ] LPWSTR InterfaceId, [ in ] PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM OnlineAddressEnum, [ out ] PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM * PingAddressEnum );
// // This call returns void rather than error_status_t because of a // bug in the MIDL compiler in an early beta of W2K. Making the // status the last argument results in the same format on the wire, // which will enable us to change the definition later and still // interoperate. The call works in its current format, so there // is little point in changing it. // void NmRpcDoInterfacePing( [ in ] LPWSTR InterfaceId, [ in ] PNM_ADDRESS_ENUM PingAddressEnum, [ out ] BOOLEAN * PingSucceeded, [ out ] error_status_t * CallStatus );
// // Remotely request the owner of the quorum resource to make a backup of the // quorum log file and the checkpoint file to the supplied directory path // error_status_t FmsBackupClusterDatabase( [ in ] LPCWSTR lpszResourceId, [ in ] LPCWSTR lpszPathName );
// // Remotely change the group for a resource // error_status_t FmsChangeResourceGroup( [ in ] LPCWSTR ResourceId, [ in ] LPCWSTR GroupId );
// // Remotely request the owner of the node to handle the delete group request. // error_status_t FmsDeleteGroupRequest( [ in ] LPCWSTR GroupId );
// // Interface descriptions for the Crypto Checkpoint Management (CP) // error_status_t CpDepositCryptoCheckpoint( [ in ] const CLUSTER_ID ResourceId, [ in ] DWORD dwCheckpointId, [ in ] BYTE_PIPE CheckpointData );
error_status_t CpRetrieveCryptoCheckpoint( [ in ] const CLUSTER_ID ResourceId, [ in ] DWORD dwCheckpointId, [ out ] BYTE_PIPE CheckpointData );
error_status_t CpDeleteCryptoCheckpoint( [in] const CLUSTER_ID ResourceId, [in] DWORD dwCheckpointId, [in, unique] LPCWSTR lpszQuorumPath );
// // Remotely add a resource dependency // error_status_t FmsAddResourceDependency( [ in ] LPCWSTR pszResourceId, [ in ] LPCWSTR pszDependsOnId );
// // Remotely remove a resource dependency // error_status_t FmsRemoveResourceDependency( [ in ] LPCWSTR pszResourceId, [ in ] LPCWSTR pszDependsOnId );
// // New structures and procedures added for version 3.0 (Windows 2000) // error_status_t NmRpcAddNode( [ in ] LPCWSTR NewNodeName, [ in ] DWORD NewNodeHighestVersion, [ in ] DWORD NewNodeLowestVersion, [ in ] DWORD NewNodeProductSuite );
// // New structures and procedures added for version 4.0 (Windows Server 2003) // error_status_t FmsCreateResource2( [ in ] LPCWSTR GroupId, [ in ] LPWSTR ResourceId, [ in ] LPCWSTR ResourceName, [ in ] LPCWSTR ResourceType, [ in ] DWORD dwFlags );
// // Interface descriptions for the ClusterEventlog Manager (Evtlog) // error_status_t EvPropEvents2( [ in ] DWORD dwEventInfoSize, [in , size_is(dwEventInfoSize)] UCHAR *pPackedEventInfo, [in] FILETIME TimeofSend, [in] DWORD dwSenderNodeId );
// // Forward a node control request // error_status_t NmRpcNodeControl( [ in ] LPCWSTR lpNodeId, [ in ] DWORD dwControlCode, [ in, unique, size_is(nInBufferSize) ] UCHAR *lpInBuffer, [ in ] DWORD nInBufferSize, [ out, size_is(nOutBufferSize), length_is (*lpBytesReturned)] UCHAR *lpOutBuffer, [ in ] DWORD nOutBufferSize, [ out ] DWORD *lpBytesReturned, [ out ] DWORD *lpcbRequired );
// New Gum interfaces defined so that the unlock includes the unlocker id and the generation at which the lock was acquired error_status_t GumQueueLockingUpdate2( [ in ] DWORD NodeId, [ in ] DWORD Type, [ in ] DWORD Context, [ out ] LPDWORD Sequence, [ in ] DWORD BufferLength, [ in,size_is(BufferLength) ] PGUM_DATA Buffer, [ out ] LPDWORD GenerationNum );
error_status_t GumUnlockUpdate2( [ in ] DWORD Type, [ in ] DWORD Sequence, [ in] DWORD SourceId, [ in ] DWORD GenerationNum );
error_status_t GumAttemptJoinUpdate2( [ in ] DWORD JoiningId, [ in ] DWORD Type, [ in ] DWORD Context, [ in ] DWORD Sequence, [ in ] DWORD BufferLength, [ in,unique,size_is(BufferLength) ] PGUM_DATA Buffer, [ out ] LPDWORD GenerationNum );
error_status_t GumAttemptLockingUpdate2( [ in ] DWORD NodeId, [ in ] DWORD Type, [ in ] DWORD Context, [ in ] DWORD Sequence, [ in ] DWORD BufferLength, [ in,size_is(BufferLength) ] PGUM_DATA Buffer, [ out ] LPDWORD GenerationNum );
} // IntraCluster interface
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ExtroCluster (Join) RPC Interface Definition // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ uuid(ffe561b8-bf15-11cf-8c5e-08002bb49649), version(2.0) ] interface ExtroCluster { import "wtypes.idl";
// // Constants // const unsigned long CS_MAX_NODE_NAME_LENGTH = 15; // MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH const unsigned long CS_MAX_NODE_ID_LENGTH = 5; // enough for 99,999 nodes const unsigned long CS_NETWORK_ID_LENGTH = 36 ; // size of a GUID. const unsigned long CS_NETINTERFACE_ID_LENGTH = 36 ; // size of a GUID.
// // Node Configuration Information // typedef struct _NM_NODE_INFO { [string] WCHAR NodeId[CS_MAX_NODE_ID_LENGTH + 1]; [string] WCHAR NodeName[CS_MAX_NODE_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; DWORD State; } NM_NODE_INFO, *PNM_NODE_INFO;
typedef struct _NM_NODE_ENUM { DWORD NodeCount; [ size_is(NodeCount) ] NM_NODE_INFO NodeList[*]; } NM_NODE_ENUM, *PNM_NODE_ENUM;
// // Network Configuration Information. // typedef struct _NM_INTERFACE_INFO { [string] LPWSTR Id; [string] LPWSTR Name; [string] LPWSTR Description; [string] LPWSTR NodeId; [string] LPWSTR NetworkId; [string] LPWSTR Adapter; [string] LPWSTR Address; [string] LPWSTR ClusnetEndpoint; DWORD State; BOOLEAN Ignore; } NM_INTERFACE_INFO, *PNM_INTERFACE_INFO;
typedef struct _NM_INTERFACE_ENUM { DWORD InterfaceCount; [ size_is(InterfaceCount) ] NM_INTERFACE_INFO InterfaceList[*]; } NM_INTERFACE_ENUM, *PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM;
typedef struct _NM_NETWORK_INFO { [string] LPWSTR Id; [string] LPWSTR Name; [string] LPWSTR Description; DWORD Role; DWORD Priority; [string] LPWSTR Transport; [string] LPWSTR Address; [string] LPWSTR AddressMask; BOOLEAN Ignore; } NM_NETWORK_INFO, *PNM_NETWORK_INFO;
typedef struct _NM_NETWORK_ENUM { DWORD NetworkCount; [ size_is(NetworkCount) ] NM_NETWORK_INFO NetworkList[*]; } NM_NETWORK_ENUM, *PNM_NETWORK_ENUM;
typedef struct _NM_NETWORK_MULTICASTKEY { DWORD MulticastKeyExpires; [ size_is(EncryptedMulticastKeyLength) ] UCHAR *EncryptedMulticastKey; DWORD EncryptedMulticastKeyLength; [ size_is(SaltLength) ] UCHAR *Salt; DWORD SaltLength; [ size_is(MACLength) ] UCHAR *MAC; DWORD MACLength; } NM_NETWORK_MULTICASTKEY, *PNM_NETWORK_MULTICASTKEY;
// // Routines // error_status_t NmRpcEnumNodeDefinitions( [ in ] DWORD JoinSequence, [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [ out ] PNM_NODE_ENUM * NodeEnum );
error_status_t NmRpcEnumNetworkDefinitions( [ in ] DWORD JoinSequence, [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [ out ] PNM_NETWORK_ENUM * NetworkEnum );
error_status_t NmRpcEnumInterfaceDefinitions( [ in ] DWORD JoinSequence, [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [ out ] PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM * InterfaceEnum );
error_status_t NmRpcCreateNetwork( [ in ] DWORD JoinSequence, [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [ in ] PNM_NETWORK_INFO NetworkInfo, [ in ] PNM_INTERFACE_INFO InterfaceInfo );
error_status_t NmRpcCreateInterface( [ in ] DWORD JoinSequence, [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [ in ] PNM_INTERFACE_INFO InterfaceInfo );
error_status_t NmRpcSetInterfaceInfo( [ in ] DWORD JoinSequence, [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [ in ] PNM_INTERFACE_INFO InterfaceInfo );
error_status_t NmRpcDeleteInterface( [ in ] DWORD JoinSequence, [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [ in, string ] LPWSTR InterfaceId, [ out ] BOOLEAN * NetworkDeleted );
error_status_t NmRpcJoinBegin( [in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeName, [ out ] LPDWORD SponsorNodeId, [ out ] LPDWORD JoinSequenceNumber, [ out, string ] LPWSTR * ClusnetEndpoint );
error_status_t NmRpcCreateBinding( [ in ] DWORD JoinSequence, [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerInterfaceId, [ in, string ] LPWSTR MemberNodeId );
error_status_t NmRpcPetitionForMembership( [ in ] DWORD JoinSequence, [ in, string ] LPCWSTR JoinerNodeId );
error_status_t JoinAddNode( [ in, string ] LPCWSTR lpszNodeId );
error_status_t DmSyncDatabase( [ out ] BYTE_PIPE reg_data );
error_status_t TestRPCSecurity( );
// // New structures added for version 2.0 (NT 5.0) that are understood // by NT4 SP4. //
// // Node Configuration Information Structure // typedef struct _NM_NODE_INFO2{ [string] WCHAR NodeId[CS_MAX_NODE_ID_LENGTH + 1]; [string] WCHAR NodeName[CS_MAX_NODE_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; DWORD State; // // New fields in Version 2.0 // DWORD NodeHighestVersion; DWORD NodeLowestVersion; } NM_NODE_INFO2, *PNM_NODE_INFO2;
typedef struct _NM_NODE_ENUM2{ DWORD NodeCount; [ size_is(NodeCount) ] NM_NODE_INFO2 NodeList[*]; } NM_NODE_ENUM2, *PNM_NODE_ENUM2;
// // Network Interface Configuration Information Structure // // Extension of NM_INTERFACE_INFO structure. Extended fields // are appended to the original structure. // typedef struct _NM_INTERFACE_INFO2 { [string] LPWSTR Id; [string] LPWSTR Name; [string] LPWSTR Description; [string] LPWSTR NodeId; [string] LPWSTR NetworkId; [string] LPWSTR AdapterName; // Field renamed, but location unchanged [string] LPWSTR Address; [string] LPWSTR ClusnetEndpoint; DWORD State; BOOLEAN Ignore; // // New fields in Version 2.0 // [string] LPWSTR AdapterId; DWORD NetIndex; } NM_INTERFACE_INFO2, *PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2;
typedef struct _NM_INTERFACE_ENUM2 { DWORD InterfaceCount; [ size_is(InterfaceCount) ] NM_INTERFACE_INFO2 InterfaceList[*]; } NM_INTERFACE_ENUM2, *PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM2;
cpp_quote("#define NmInvalidInterfaceNetIndex 0xFFFFFFFF")
// // Network Interface State Information Structure // typedef struct _NM_INTERFACE_STATE_INFO { [string] LPWSTR Id; DWORD State; } NM_INTERFACE_STATE_INFO, *PNM_INTERFACE_STATE_INFO;
typedef struct _NM_INTERFACE_STATE_ENUM { DWORD InterfaceCount; [ size_is(InterfaceCount) ] NM_INTERFACE_STATE_INFO InterfaceList[*]; } NM_INTERFACE_STATE_ENUM, *PNM_INTERFACE_STATE_ENUM;
typedef struct _NM_NETWORK_STATE_ENUM { DWORD NetworkCount; [ size_is(NetworkCount) ] NM_NETWORK_STATE_INFO NetworkList[*]; } NM_NETWORK_STATE_ENUM, *PNM_NETWORK_STATE_ENUM;
// // New routines added for version 2.0 (NT 5.0) that are understood // by NT4 SP4. // error_status_t NmRpcJoinBegin2( [in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeName, [in ] DWORD JoinerHighestVersion, [in ] DWORD JoinerLowestVersion, [ out ] LPDWORD SponsorNodeId, [ out ] LPDWORD JoinSequenceNumber, [ out, string ] LPWSTR * ClusnetEndpoint );
error_status_t JoinAddNode2( [ in, string ] LPCWSTR lpszNodeId, [ in ] DWORD dwNodeHighestVersion, [ in ] DWORD dwNodeLowestVersion );
error_status_t NmRpcEnumNodeDefinitions2( [ in ] DWORD JoinSequence, [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [ out ] PNM_NODE_ENUM2 * NodeEnum2 );
error_status_t NmRpcEnumInterfaceDefinitions2( [ in ] DWORD JoinSequence, [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [ out ] PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM2 * InterfaceEnum2 );
error_status_t NmRpcCreateNetwork2( [ in ] DWORD JoinSequence, [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [ in ] PNM_NETWORK_INFO NetworkInfo, [ in ] PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 InterfaceInfo2 );
error_status_t NmRpcCreateInterface2( [ in ] DWORD JoinSequence, [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [ in ] PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 InterfaceInfo2 );
error_status_t NmRpcSetInterfaceInfo2( [ in ] DWORD JoinSequence, [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [ in ] PNM_INTERFACE_INFO2 InterfaceInfo2 );
error_status_t NmRpcSetNetworkName( [ in ] DWORD JoinSequence, [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [ in ] PNM_NETWORK_INFO NetworkInfo );
error_status_t NmRpcReportJoinerInterfaceConnectivity( [ in ] DWORD JoinSequence, [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [ in, string ] LPWSTR ReportingInterfaceId, [ in ] PNM_CONNECTIVITY_VECTOR ConnectivityVector );
error_status_t NmRpcEnumNetworkAndInterfaceStates( [ in ] DWORD JoinSequence, [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [ out ] PNM_NETWORK_STATE_ENUM * NetworkStateEnum, [ out ] PNM_INTERFACE_STATE_ENUM * InterfaceStateEnum );
error_status_t NmRpcGetLeaderNodeId( [ in ] DWORD JoinSequence, [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [ out ] LPDWORD LeaderNodeId );
// // New structures and procedures added for version 2.0 (NT 5.0) // that are not understood by NT4 SP4. // error_status_t JoinAddNode3( [ in, string ] LPCWSTR lpszNodeId, [ in ] DWORD dwNodeHighestVersion, [ in ] DWORD dwNodeLowestVersion, [ in ] DWORD dwNodeProductSuite );
// // New structures and procedures added for version 2.1 (NT 5.1) // that are not understood by NT 5.0 or earlier // error_status_t NmRpcJoinBegin3( [in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerClusterInstanceId, [in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeName, [in ] DWORD JoinerHighestVersion, [in ] DWORD JoinerLowestVersion, [in ] DWORD JoinerMajorVersion, [in ] DWORD JoinerMinorVersion, [in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerCsdVersion, [in ] DWORD JoinerProductSuite, [ out ] LPDWORD SponsorNodeId, [ out ] LPDWORD JoinSequenceNumber, [ out, string ] LPWSTR * ClusnetEndpoint );
error_status_t JoinAddNode4( [ in, string ] LPCWSTR lpszNodeId, [ in ] DWORD dwNodeHighestVersion, [ in ] DWORD dwNodeLowestVersion, [ in ] DWORD dwNodeProductSuite, [ in ] BOOL bIsNodeRunningWin64, [ in ] DWORD dwNodeProcessorArchitecture );
error_status_t NmRpcGetNetworkMulticastKey( [ in, string ] LPWSTR JoinerNodeId, [ in, string ] LPWSTR NetworkId, [ out ] PNM_NETWORK_MULTICASTKEY * NetworkMutlicastKey );
} // ExtroCluster interface
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Join Version RPC Interface Definition // // Don't ever change this interface unless you really, really, // really know what you're doing. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ uuid(6e17aaa0-1a47-11d1-98bd-0000f875292e), version(2.0) ] interface JoinVersion { import "wtypes.idl";
error_status_t CsRpcGetJoinVersionData( [ in ] DWORD JoiningNodeId, [ in ] DWORD JoinerHighestVersion, [ in ] DWORD JoinerLowestVersion, [ out ] LPDWORD SponsorNodeId, [ out ] LPDWORD ClusterHighestVersion, [ out ] LPDWORD ClusterLowestVersion, [ out ] LPDWORD JoinStatus );
} // JoinVersion interface
cpp_quote("#endif //_CLUSRPC_INCLUDED_")