*findf64.c - C find file functions * * Copyright (c) 1998-2001, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * Defines _findfirst64(), _findnext64(), and _findclose64(). * *Revision History: * 05-28-98 GJF Created * 05-03-99 PML Update for 64-bit merge - long -> intptr_t. * *******************************************************************************/
#include <cruntime.h>
#include <oscalls.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctime.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <internal.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
__time64_t __cdecl __time64_t_from_ft(FILETIME * pft);
*long _findfirst(wildspec, finddata) - Find first matching file * *Purpose: * Finds the first file matching a given wild card filespec and * returns data about the file. * *Entry: * char * wild - file spec optionally containing wild cards * * struct _finddata64_t * finddata - structure to receive file data * *Exit: * Good return: * Unique handle identifying the group of files matching the spec * * Error return: * Returns -1 and errno is set to error value * *Exceptions: * None. * *******************************************************************************/
intptr_t __cdecl _tfindfirst64( const _TSCHAR * szWild, struct _tfinddata64_t * pfd ) { WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; HANDLE hFile; DWORD err;
if ((hFile = FindFirstFile(szWild, &wfd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { err = GetLastError(); switch (err) { case ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES: case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: errno = ENOENT; break;
case ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: errno = ENOMEM; break;
default: errno = EINVAL; break; } return (-1); }
pfd->attrib = (wfd.dwFileAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) ? 0 : wfd.dwFileAttributes; pfd->time_create = __time64_t_from_ft(&wfd.ftCreationTime); pfd->time_access = __time64_t_from_ft(&wfd.ftLastAccessTime); pfd->time_write = __time64_t_from_ft(&wfd.ftLastWriteTime); pfd->size = ((__int64)(wfd.nFileSizeHigh)) * (0x100000000i64) + (__int64)(wfd.nFileSizeLow);
_tcscpy(pfd->name, wfd.cFileName);
return ((intptr_t)hFile); }
*int _findnext(hfind, finddata) - Find next matching file * *Purpose: * Finds the next file matching a given wild card filespec and * returns data about the file. * *Entry: * hfind - handle from _findfirst * * struct _finddata64_t * finddata - structure to receive file data * *Exit: * Good return: * 0 if file found * -1 if error or file not found * errno set * *Exceptions: * None. * *******************************************************************************/
int __cdecl _tfindnext64(intptr_t hFile, struct _tfinddata64_t * pfd) { WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; DWORD err;
if (!FindNextFile((HANDLE)hFile, &wfd)) { err = GetLastError(); switch (err) { case ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES: case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: errno = ENOENT; break;
case ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: errno = ENOMEM; break;
default: errno = EINVAL; break; } return (-1); }
pfd->attrib = (wfd.dwFileAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) ? 0 : wfd.dwFileAttributes; pfd->time_create = __time64_t_from_ft(&wfd.ftCreationTime); pfd->time_access = __time64_t_from_ft(&wfd.ftLastAccessTime); pfd->time_write = __time64_t_from_ft(&wfd.ftLastWriteTime); pfd->size = ((__int64)(wfd.nFileSizeHigh)) * (0x100000000i64) + (__int64)(wfd.nFileSizeLow);
_tcscpy(pfd->name, wfd.cFileName);
return (0); }
#if !defined(_UNICODE) && !defined(_USE_INT64)
*time64_t __time64_t_from_ft(ft) - convert Win32 file time to Xenix time * *Purpose: * converts a Win32 file time value to Xenix time_t * * Note: We cannot directly use the ft value. In Win32, the file times * returned by the API are ambiguous. In Windows NT, they are UTC. In * Win32S, and probably also Win32C, they are local time values. Thus, * the value in ft must be converted to a local time value (by an API) * before we can use it. * *Entry: * int yr, mo, dy - date * int hr, mn, sc - time * *Exit: * returns Xenix time value * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/
__time64_t __cdecl __time64_t_from_ft(FILETIME * pft) { SYSTEMTIME st; FILETIME lft;
/* 0 FILETIME returns a -1 time_t */
if (!pft->dwLowDateTime && !pft->dwHighDateTime) { return ((__time64_t)-1); }
* Convert to a broken down local time value */ if ( !FileTimeToLocalFileTime(pft, &lft) || !FileTimeToSystemTime(&lft, &st) ) { return ((__time64_t)-1); }
return ( __loctotime64_t(st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, -1) ); }