Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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367 lines
18 KiB

  2. @echo off
  3. if %CRTDIR%.==. set CRTDIR=\crt\crtw32
  4. echo.
  5. echo Release Includes (WIN32/386)
  6. echo ----------------------------
  7. if %1.==. goto HELP
  8. rem Set up variables
  9. rem ----------------
  10. set IFSCRPT=%CRTDIR%\tools\win32\relinc.if
  11. set SEDSCRPT=%CRTDIR%\tools\win32\relinc.sed
  12. set SED=%CRTDIR%\tools\sed
  13. set IFSTRIP=%CRTDIR%\tools\ifstrip
  14. set STRIPHDR=%CRTDIR%\tools\striphdr
  15. :DOIT
  16. rem Make sure the new directories exist
  17. rem -----------------------------------
  18. echo Creating directories %1 and %1\sys...
  19. mkdir %1
  20. mkdir %1\sys
  21. rem Copy the files to the new directory
  22. rem -----------------------------------
  23. echo Copying include files to %1...
  24. copy %CRTDIR%\H\ASSERT.H %1 > NUL
  25. copy %CRTDIR%\H\CONIO.H %1 > NUL
  26. copy %CRTDIR%\H\CRTDBG.H %1 > NUL
  27. copy %CRTDIR%\H\CTYPE.H %1 > NUL
  28. copy %CRTDIR%\H\DIRECT.H %1 > NUL
  29. copy %CRTDIR%\H\DOS.H %1 > NUL
  30. copy %CRTDIR%\H\EH.H %1 > NUL
  31. copy %CRTDIR%\H\ERRNO.H %1 > NUL
  32. copy %CRTDIR%\H\EXCPT.H %1 > NUL
  33. copy %CRTDIR%\H\FCNTL.H %1 > NUL
  34. copy %CRTDIR%\H\FLOAT.H %1 > NUL
  35. copy %CRTDIR%\H\FPIEEE.H %1 > NUL
  36. copy %CRTDIR%\H\FSTREAM.H %1 > NUL
  37. copy %CRTDIR%\H\IO.H %1 > NUL
  38. copy %CRTDIR%\H\IOMANIP.H %1 > NUL
  39. copy %CRTDIR%\H\IOS.H %1 > NUL
  40. copy %CRTDIR%\H\IOSTREAM.H %1 > NUL
  41. copy %CRTDIR%\H\ISTREAM.H %1 > NUL
  42. copy %CRTDIR%\H\LIMITS.H %1 > NUL
  43. copy %CRTDIR%\H\LOCALE.H %1 > NUL
  44. copy %CRTDIR%\H\MALLOC.H %1 > NUL
  45. copy %CRTDIR%\H\MATH.H %1 > NUL
  46. copy %CRTDIR%\H\MBCTYPE.H %1 > NUL
  47. copy %CRTDIR%\H\MBSTRING.H %1 > NUL
  48. copy %CRTDIR%\H\MEMORY.H %1 > NUL
  49. copy %CRTDIR%\H\MINMAX.H %1 > NUL
  50. copy %CRTDIR%\H\NEW.H %1 > NUL
  51. copy %CRTDIR%\H\OSTREAM.H %1 > NUL
  52. copy %CRTDIR%\H\PROCESS.H %1 > NUL
  53. copy %CRTDIR%\H\RTCAPI.H %1 > NUL
  54. copy %CRTDIR%\H\SEARCH.H %1 > NUL
  55. copy %CRTDIR%\H\SETJMP.H %1 > NUL
  56. copy %CRTDIR%\H\SETJMPEX.H %1 > NUL
  57. copy %CRTDIR%\H\SHARE.H %1 > NUL
  58. copy %CRTDIR%\H\SIGNAL.H %1 > NUL
  59. copy %CRTDIR%\H\STDARG.H %1 > NUL
  60. copy %CRTDIR%\H\STDDEF.H %1 > NUL
  61. copy %CRTDIR%\H\STDIO.H %1 > NUL
  62. copy %CRTDIR%\H\STDIOSTR.H %1 > NUL
  63. copy %CRTDIR%\H\STDLIB.H %1 > NUL
  64. copy %CRTDIR%\H\STDEXCPT.H %1 > NUL
  65. copy %CRTDIR%\H\STREAMB.H %1 > NUL
  66. copy %CRTDIR%\H\STRING.H %1 > NUL
  67. copy %CRTDIR%\H\STRSTREA.H %1 > NUL
  68. copy %CRTDIR%\H\TCHAR.H %1 > NUL
  69. copy %CRTDIR%\H\TIME.H %1 > NUL
  70. copy %CRTDIR%\H\TYPEINFO.H %1 > NUL
  71. copy %CRTDIR%\H\USEOLDIO.H %1 > NUL
  72. copy %CRTDIR%\H\WCHAR.H %1 > NUL
  73. copy %CRTDIR%\H\VARARGS.H %1 > NUL
  74. copy %CRTDIR%\H\SYS\LOCKING.H %1\sys > NUL
  75. copy %CRTDIR%\H\SYS\STAT.H %1\sys > NUL
  76. copy %CRTDIR%\H\SYS\TIMEB.H %1\sys > NUL
  77. copy %CRTDIR%\H\SYS\TYPES.H %1\sys > NUL
  78. copy %CRTDIR%\H\SYS\UTIME.H %1\sys > NUL
  79. rem Strip off the headers
  80. rem ---------------------
  81. echo Stripping out the headers...
  82. %STRIPHDR% -r %1\*.h
  83. %STRIPHDR% -r %1\sys\*.h
  84. rem tchar.h is not ifstripped
  85. copy %1\tchar.new %1\tchar.tmp >NUL
  86. del %1\*.h
  87. del %1\sys\*.h
  88. rename %1\*.new *.h
  89. rename %1\sys\*.new *.h
  90. rem The vendor-supplied headers are not stripped
  91. copy %CRTDIR%\H\I386\DVEC.H %1 > NUL
  92. copy %CRTDIR%\H\I386\EMMINTRIN.H %1 > NUL
  93. copy %CRTDIR%\H\I386\FVEC.H %1 > NUL
  94. copy %CRTDIR%\H\I386\IVEC.H %1 > NUL
  95. copy %CRTDIR%\H\I386\MM3DNOW.H %1 > NUL
  96. copy %CRTDIR%\H\I386\MMINTRIN.H %1 > NUL
  97. copy %CRTDIR%\H\I386\XMMINTRIN.H %1 > NUL
  98. echo Copying STL header files
  99. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\algorithm %1\cpp_algorithm.h > NUL
  100. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\bitset %1\cpp_bitset.h > NUL
  101. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cassert %1\cpp_cassert.h > NUL
  102. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cctype %1\cpp_cctype.h > NUL
  103. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cerrno %1\cpp_cerrno.h > NUL
  104. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cfloat %1\cpp_cfloat.h > NUL
  105. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\ciso646 %1\cpp_ciso646.h > NUL
  106. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\climits %1\cpp_climits.h > NUL
  107. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\clocale %1\cpp_clocale.h > NUL
  108. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cmath %1\cpp_cmath.h > NUL
  109. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\complex %1\cpp_complex.h > NUL
  110. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\csetjmp %1\cpp_csetjmp.h > NUL
  111. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\csignal %1\cpp_csignal.h > NUL
  112. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cstdarg %1\cpp_cstdarg.h > NUL
  113. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cstddef %1\cpp_cstddef.h > NUL
  114. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cstdio %1\cpp_cstdio.h > NUL
  115. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cstdlib %1\cpp_cstdlib.h > NUL
  116. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cstring %1\cpp_cstring.h > NUL
  117. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\ctime %1\cpp_ctime.h > NUL
  118. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cwchar %1\cpp_cwchar.h > NUL
  119. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cwctype %1\cpp_cwctype.h > NUL
  120. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\deque %1\cpp_deque.h > NUL
  121. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\exception %1\cpp_exception.h > NUL
  122. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\fstream %1\cpp_fstream.h > NUL
  123. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\functional %1\cpp_functional.h > NUL
  124. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\hash_map %1\cpp_hash_map.h > NUL
  125. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\hash_set %1\cpp_hash_set.h > NUL
  126. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\iomanip %1\cpp_iomanip.h > NUL
  127. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\ios %1\cpp_ios.h > NUL
  128. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\iosfwd %1\cpp_iosfwd.h > NUL
  129. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\iostream %1\cpp_iostream.h > NUL
  130. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\iso646.h %1\cpp_iso646.h > NUL
  131. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\istream %1\cpp_istream.h > NUL
  132. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\iterator %1\cpp_iterator.h > NUL
  133. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\limits %1\cpp_limits.h > NUL
  134. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\list %1\cpp_list.h > NUL
  135. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\locale %1\cpp_locale.h > NUL
  136. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\map %1\cpp_map.h > NUL
  137. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\memory %1\cpp_memory.h > NUL
  138. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\new %1\cpp_new.h > NUL
  139. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\numeric %1\cpp_numeric.h > NUL
  140. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\ostream %1\cpp_ostream.h > NUL
  141. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\queue %1\cpp_queue.h > NUL
  142. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\set %1\cpp_set.h > NUL
  143. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\sstream %1\cpp_sstream.h > NUL
  144. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\stack %1\cpp_stack.h > NUL
  145. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\stdexcept %1\cpp_stdexcept.h > NUL
  146. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\STL.H %1\cpp_STL.h > NUL
  147. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\streambuf %1\cpp_streambuf.h > NUL
  148. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\string %1\cpp_string.h > NUL
  149. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\strstream %1\cpp_strstream.h > NUL
  150. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\typeinfo %1\cpp_typeinfo.h > NUL
  151. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\use_ansi.h %1\cpp_use_ansi.h > NUL
  152. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\utility %1\cpp_utility.h > NUL
  153. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\valarray %1\cpp_valarray.h > NUL
  154. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\vector %1\cpp_vector.h > NUL
  155. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\wctype.h %1\cpp_wctype.h > NUL
  156. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xcomplex %1\cpp_xcomplex.h > NUL
  157. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xdebug %1\cpp_xdebug.h > NUL
  158. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xhash %1\cpp_xhash.h > NUL
  159. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xiosbase %1\cpp_xiosbase.h > NUL
  160. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xlocale %1\cpp_xlocale.h > NUL
  161. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xlocinfo %1\cpp_xlocinfo.h > NUL
  162. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xlocinfo.h %1\cph_xlocinfo.h > NUL
  163. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xlocmes %1\cpp_xlocmes.h > NUL
  164. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xlocmon %1\cpp_xlocmon.h > NUL
  165. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xlocnum %1\cpp_xlocnum.h > NUL
  166. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xloctime %1\cpp_xloctime.h > NUL
  167. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xmemory %1\cpp_xmemory.h > NUL
  168. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xstddef %1\cpp_xstddef.h > NUL
  169. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xstring %1\cpp_xstring.h > NUL
  170. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xtree %1\cpp_xtree.h > NUL
  171. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xutility %1\cpp_xutility.h > NUL
  172. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\ymath.h %1\cpp_ymath.h > NUL
  173. copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\yvals.h %1\cpp_yvals.h > NUL
  174. copy %CRTDIR%\STDCPP\xmath.h %1\cpp_xmath.h > NUL
  175. rem Strip out the mthread functionality
  176. rem -----------------------------------
  177. echo Stripping conditionals...
  178. %IFSTRIP% -a -w -f %IFSCRPT% %1\*.h
  179. %IFSTRIP% -a -w -f %IFSCRPT% %1\sys\*.h
  180. del %1\*.h
  181. del %1\sys\*.h
  182. rem Sed the files
  183. rem -------------
  184. echo Sed'ing include files...
  185. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ASSERT.NEW >%1\ASSERT.H
  186. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\CONIO.NEW >%1\CONIO.H
  187. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\CRTDBG.NEW >%1\CRTDBG.H
  188. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\CTYPE.NEW >%1\CTYPE.H
  189. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\DIRECT.NEW >%1\DIRECT.H
  190. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\DOS.NEW >%1\DOS.H
  191. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\EH.NEW >%1\EH.H
  192. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ERRNO.NEW >%1\ERRNO.H
  193. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\EXCPT.NEW >%1\EXCPT.H
  194. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\FCNTL.NEW >%1\FCNTL.H
  195. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\FLOAT.NEW >%1\FLOAT.H
  196. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\FPIEEE.NEW >%1\FPIEEE.H
  198. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\IO.NEW >%1\IO.H
  200. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\IOS.NEW >%1\IOS.H
  203. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\LIMITS.NEW >%1\LIMITS.H
  204. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\LOCALE.NEW >%1\LOCALE.H
  205. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\MALLOC.NEW >%1\MALLOC.H
  206. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\MATH.NEW >%1\MATH.H
  209. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\MEMORY.NEW >%1\MEMORY.H
  210. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\MINMAX.NEW >%1\MINMAX.H
  211. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\NEW.NEW >%1\NEW.H
  214. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\RTCAPI.NEW >%1\RTCAPI.H
  215. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\SEARCH.NEW >%1\SEARCH.H
  216. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\SETJMP.NEW >%1\SETJMP.H
  218. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\SHARE.NEW >%1\SHARE.H
  219. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\SIGNAL.NEW >%1\SIGNAL.H
  220. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\STDARG.NEW >%1\STDARG.H
  221. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\STDDEF.NEW >%1\STDDEF.H
  222. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\STDIO.NEW >%1\STDIO.H
  224. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\STDLIB.NEW >%1\STDLIB.H
  227. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\STRING.NEW >%1\STRING.H
  229. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\TIME.NEW >%1\TIME.H
  232. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\WCHAR.NEW >%1\WCHAR.H
  235. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\SYS\STAT.NEW >%1\SYS\STAT.H
  239. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\DVEC.NEW >%1\DVEC.H
  241. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\FVEC.NEW >%1\FVEC.H
  242. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\IVEC.NEW >%1\IVEC.H
  243. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\MM3DNOW.NEW >%1\MM3DNOW.H
  246. echo Sed'ing STL include files...
  247. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_algorithm.new >%1\algorithm
  248. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_bitset.new >%1\bitset
  249. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_cassert.new >%1\cassert
  250. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_cctype.new >%1\cctype
  251. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_cerrno.new >%1\cerrno
  252. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_cfloat.new >%1\cfloat
  253. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_ciso646.new >%1\ciso646
  254. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_climits.new >%1\climits
  255. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_clocale.new >%1\clocale
  256. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_cmath.new >%1\cmath
  257. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_complex.new >%1\complex
  258. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_csetjmp.new >%1\csetjmp
  259. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_csignal.new >%1\csignal
  260. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_cstdarg.new >%1\cstdarg
  261. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_cstddef.new >%1\cstddef
  262. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_cstdio.new >%1\cstdio
  263. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_cstdlib.new >%1\cstdlib
  264. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_cstring.new >%1\cstring
  265. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_ctime.new >%1\ctime
  266. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_cwchar.new >%1\cwchar
  267. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_cwctype.new >%1\cwctype
  268. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_deque.new >%1\deque
  269. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_exception.new >%1\exception
  270. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_fstream.new >%1\fstream
  271. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_functional.new >%1\functional
  272. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_hash_map.new >%1\hash_map
  273. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_hash_set.new >%1\hash_set
  274. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_iomanip.new >%1\iomanip
  275. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_ios.new >%1\ios
  276. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_iosfwd.new >%1\iosfwd
  277. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_iostream.new >%1\iostream
  278. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_iso646.new >%1\iso646.h
  279. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_istream.new >%1\istream
  280. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_iterator.new >%1\iterator
  281. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_limits.new >%1\limits
  282. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_list.new >%1\list
  283. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_locale.new >%1\locale
  284. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_map.new >%1\map
  285. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_memory.new >%1\memory
  286. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_new.new >%1\new
  287. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_numeric.new >%1\numeric
  288. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_ostream.new >%1\ostream
  289. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_queue.new >%1\queue
  290. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_set.new >%1\set
  291. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_sstream.new >%1\sstream
  292. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_stack.new >%1\stack
  293. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_stdexcept.new >%1\stdexcept
  294. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_STL.new >%1\STL.H
  295. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_streambuf.new >%1\streambuf
  296. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_string.new >%1\string
  297. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_strstream.new >%1\strstream
  298. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_typeinfo.new >%1\typeinfo
  299. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_use_ansi.new >%1\use_ansi.h
  300. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_utility.new >%1\utility
  301. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_valarray.new >%1\valarray
  302. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_vector.new >%1\vector
  303. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_wctype.new >%1\wctype.h
  304. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_xcomplex.new >%1\xcomplex
  305. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_xdebug.new >%1\xdebug
  306. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_xhash.new >%1\xhash
  307. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_xiosbase.new >%1\xiosbase
  308. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_xlocale.new >%1\xlocale
  309. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_xlocinfo.new >%1\xlocinfo
  310. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cph_xlocinfo.new >%1\xlocinfo.h
  311. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_xlocmes.new >%1\xlocmes
  312. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_xlocmon.new >%1\xlocmon
  313. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_xlocnum.new >%1\xlocnum
  314. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_xloctime.new >%1\xloctime
  315. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_xmemory.new >%1\xmemory
  316. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_xstddef.new >%1\xstddef
  317. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_xstring.new >%1\xstring
  318. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_xtree.new >%1\xtree
  319. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_xutility.new >%1\xutility
  320. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_ymath.new >%1\ymath.h
  321. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_yvals.new >%1\yvals.h
  322. %SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\cpp_xmath.new >%1\xmath.h
  323. del %1\*.new
  324. del %1\sys\*.new
  325. copy %1\tchar.tmp %1\tchar.h >NUL
  326. del %1\tchar.tmp >NUL
  327. rem clean up
  328. rem --------
  329. set IFSCRPT=
  330. set SEDSCRPT=
  331. echo Done!
  332. goto EXIT
  333. :HELP
  334. echo Relinc.bat cleanses include files for release.
  335. echo You must be on the CRTW32 drive to execute this batch file.
  336. echo.
  337. echo relinc "pathname"
  338. echo.
  339. echo where:
  340. echo "pathname" = complete pathname of destination directory
  341. echo.
  342. echo Environment variables:
  343. echo CRTDIR = path of CRTW32 dir in CRT project (default is \CRT\CRTW32)
  344. echo.
  345. :EXIT
  346. @ENDLOCAL