*** Copyright (C) 1985-1999 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. *** *** The information and source code contained herein is the exclusive *** property of Intel Corporation and may not be disclosed, examined *** or reproduced in whole or in part without explicit written authorization *** from the company. *** **/
* Definition of a C++ class interface to MMX(TM) instruction intrinsics. * */
#if !defined __cplusplus
#error ERROR: This file is only supported in C++ compilations!
#endif /* !__cplusplus */
#include <mmintrin.h>
#include <assert.h>
* Define _SILENCE_IVEC_C4799 to disable warning C4799 inside this header. * Be careful that any code that uses these functions properly executes EMMS * or _m_empty() after using any MMX instruction and before using the x87 NDP. */ #if defined(_SILENCE_IVEC_C4799)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4799)
* Define _ENABLE_VEC_DEBUG to enable std::ostream inserters for debug output */ #if defined(_ENABLE_VEC_DEBUG)
#include <iostream>
/* If using MSVC5.0, explicit keyword should be used */ #if (_MSC_VER >= 1100)
#define EXPLICIT explicit
#if (__ICL)
#define EXPLICIT __explicit /* If MSVC4.x & ICL, use __explicit */
#define EXPLICIT /* nothing */
#pragma message( "explicit keyword not recognized")
class I8vec8; /* 8 elements, each element a signed or unsigned char data type */ class Is8vec8; /* 8 elements, each element a signed char data type */ class Iu8vec8; /* 8 elements, each element an unsigned char data type */ class I16vec4; /* 4 elements, each element a signed or unsigned short */ class Is16vec4; /* 4 elements, each element a signed short */ class Iu16vec4; /* 4 elements, each element an unsigned short */ class I32vec2; /* 2 elements, each element a signed or unsigned long */ class Is32vec2; /* 2 elements, each element a signed long */ class Iu32vec2; /* 2 elements, each element a unsigned long */ class I64vec1; /* 1 element, a __m64 data type - Base I64vec1 class */
#define _MM_8UB(element,vector) (*((unsigned char*)&##vector + ##element))
#define _MM_8B(element,vector) (*((signed char*)&##vector + ##element))
#define _MM_4UW(element,vector) (*((unsigned short*)&##vector + ##element))
#define _MM_4W(element,vector) (*((short*)&##vector + ##element))
#define _MM_2UDW(element,vector) (*((unsigned int*)&##vector + ##element))
#define _MM_2DW(element,vector) (*((int*)&##vector + ##element))
#define _MM_QW (*((__int64*)&vec))
/* M64 Class:
* 1 element, a __m64 data type * Contructors & Logical Operations */ class M64 { protected: __m64 vec;
public: M64() { } M64(__m64 mm) { vec = mm; } M64(__int64 mm) { _MM_QW = mm; } M64(int i) { vec = _m_from_int(i); }
operator __m64() const { return vec; }
/* Logical Operations */ M64& operator&=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (M64) _m_pand(vec,a); } M64& operator|=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (M64) _m_por(vec,a); } M64& operator^=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (M64) _m_pxor(vec,a); }
inline M64 operator&(const M64 &a, const M64 &b) { return _m_pand( a,b); } inline M64 operator|(const M64 &a, const M64 &b) { return _m_por(a,b); } inline M64 operator^(const M64 &a, const M64 &b) { return _m_pxor(a,b); } inline M64 andnot(const M64 &a, const M64 &b) { return _m_pandn(a,b); }
/* I64vec1 Class:
* 1 element, a __m64 data type * Contains Operations which can operate on any __m64 data type */
class I64vec1 : public M64 { public: I64vec1() { } I64vec1(__m64 mm) : M64(mm) { } EXPLICIT I64vec1(int i) : M64(i) { } EXPLICIT I64vec1(__int64 mm) : M64(mm) { }
I64vec1& operator= (const M64 &a) { return *this = (I64vec1) a; } I64vec1& operator&=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (I64vec1) _m_pand(vec,a); } I64vec1& operator|=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (I64vec1) _m_por(vec,a); } I64vec1& operator^=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (I64vec1) _m_pxor(vec,a); }
/* Shift Logical Operations */ I64vec1 operator<<(const M64 &a) { return _m_psllq(vec, a); } I64vec1 operator<<(int count) { return _m_psllqi(vec, count); } I64vec1& operator<<=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (I64vec1) _m_psllq(vec, a); } I64vec1& operator<<=(int count) { return *this = (I64vec1) _m_psllqi(vec, count); } I64vec1 operator>>(const M64 &a) { return _m_psrlq(vec, a); } I64vec1 operator>>(int count) { return _m_psrlqi(vec, count); } I64vec1& operator>>=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (I64vec1) _m_psrlq(vec, a); } I64vec1& operator>>=(int count) { return *this = (I64vec1) _m_psrlqi(vec, count); } };
/* I32vec2 Class:
* 2 elements, each element either a signed or unsigned int */ class I32vec2 : public M64 { public: I32vec2() { } I32vec2(__m64 mm) : M64(mm) { } EXPLICIT I32vec2(int i) : M64 (i) { } EXPLICIT I32vec2(__int64 i): M64(i) {}
/* Assignment Operator */ I32vec2& operator= (const M64 &a) { return *this = (I32vec2) a; }
/* Logical Assignment Operators */ I32vec2& operator&=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (I32vec2) _m_pand(vec,a); } I32vec2& operator|=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (I32vec2) _m_por(vec,a); } I32vec2& operator^=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (I32vec2) _m_pxor(vec,a); }
/* Addition & Subtraction Assignment Operators */ I32vec2& operator +=(const I32vec2 &a) { return *this = (I32vec2) _m_paddd(vec,a); } I32vec2& operator -=(const I32vec2 &a) { return *this = (I32vec2) _m_psubd(vec,a); }
/* Shift Logical Operators */ I32vec2 operator<<(const I32vec2 &a) { return _m_pslld(vec,a); } I32vec2 operator<<(int count) { return _m_pslldi(vec,count); } I32vec2& operator<<=(const I32vec2 &a) { return *this = (I32vec2) _m_pslld(vec,a); } I32vec2& operator<<=(int count) { return *this = (I32vec2) _m_pslldi(vec,count); }
/* Compare For Equality */ inline I32vec2 cmpeq(const I32vec2 &a, const I32vec2 &b) { return _m_pcmpeqd(a,b); } inline I32vec2 cmpneq(const I32vec2 &a, const I32vec2 &b) { return _m_pandn(_m_pcmpeqd(a,b), M64(0xffffffffffffffffi64)); } /* Unpacks */ inline I32vec2 unpack_low(const I32vec2 &a, const I32vec2 &b) {return _m_punpckldq(a,b); } inline I32vec2 unpack_high(const I32vec2 &a, const I32vec2 &b) {return _m_punpckhdq(a,b); }
/* Is32vec2 Class:
* 2 elements, each element a signed int */ class Is32vec2 : public I32vec2 { public: Is32vec2() { } Is32vec2(__m64 mm) : I32vec2(mm) { } Is32vec2(signed int i0, signed int i1) { _MM_2DW(0,vec) = i1; _MM_2DW(1,vec) = i0; } EXPLICIT Is32vec2(int i) : I32vec2 (i) {} EXPLICIT Is32vec2(__int64 i): I32vec2(i) {}
/* Assignment Operator */ Is32vec2& operator= (const M64 &a) { return *this = (Is32vec2) a; }
/* Logical Assignment Operators */ Is32vec2& operator&=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Is32vec2) _m_pand(vec,a); } Is32vec2& operator|=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Is32vec2) _m_por(vec,a); } Is32vec2& operator^=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Is32vec2) _m_pxor(vec,a); }
/* Addition & Subtraction Assignment Operators */ Is32vec2& operator +=(const I32vec2 &a) { return *this = (Is32vec2) _m_paddd(vec,a); } Is32vec2& operator -=(const I32vec2 &a) { return *this = (Is32vec2) _m_psubd(vec,a); }
/* Shift Logical Operators */ Is32vec2 operator<<(const M64 &a) { return _m_pslld(vec,a); } Is32vec2 operator<<(int count) { return _m_pslldi(vec,count); } Is32vec2& operator<<=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Is32vec2) _m_pslld(vec,a); } Is32vec2& operator<<=(int count) { return *this = (Is32vec2) _m_pslldi(vec,count); } /* Shift Arithmetic Operations */ Is32vec2 operator>>(const M64 &a) { return _m_psrad(vec, a); } Is32vec2 operator>>(int count) { return _m_psradi(vec, count); } Is32vec2& operator>>=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Is32vec2) _m_psrad(vec, a); } Is32vec2& operator>>=(int count) { return *this = (Is32vec2) _m_psradi(vec, count); }
#if defined(_ENABLE_VEC_DEBUG)
/* Output for Debug */ friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Is32vec2 &a) { os << " [1]:" << _MM_2DW(1,a) << " [0]:" << _MM_2DW(0,a); return os; } #endif
/* Element Access for Debug, No data modified */ const int& operator[](int i)const { assert(static_cast<unsigned int>(i) < 2); /* Only 2 elements to access */ return _MM_2DW(i,vec); }
/* Element Access and Assignment for Debug */ int& operator[](int i) { assert(static_cast<unsigned int>(i) < 2); /* Only 2 elements to access */ return _MM_2DW(i,vec); } };
/* Compares */ inline Is32vec2 cmpeq(const Is32vec2 &a, const Is32vec2 &b) { return _m_pcmpeqd(a,b); } inline Is32vec2 cmpneq(const Is32vec2 &a, const Is32vec2 &b) { return _m_pandn(_m_pcmpeqd(a,b), M64(0xffffffffffffffffi64)); } inline Is32vec2 cmpgt(const Is32vec2 &a, const Is32vec2 &b) { return _m_pcmpgtd(a,b); } inline Is32vec2 cmplt(const Is32vec2 &a, const Is32vec2 &b) { return _m_pcmpgtd(b,a); } inline Is32vec2 cmple(const Is32vec2 &a, const Is32vec2 &b) { return _m_pandn(_m_pcmpgtd(a,b), M64(0xffffffffffffffffi64)); } inline Is32vec2 cmpge(const Is32vec2 &a, const Is32vec2 &b) { return _m_pandn(_m_pcmpgtd(b,a), M64(0xffffffffffffffffi64)); } /* Unpacks & Pack */ inline Is32vec2 unpack_low(const Is32vec2 &a, const Is32vec2 &b) { return _m_punpckldq(a,b); } inline Is32vec2 unpack_high(const Is32vec2 &a, const Is32vec2 &b) { return _m_punpckhdq(a,b); }
/* Iu32vec2 Class:
* 2 elements, each element unsigned int */ class Iu32vec2 : public I32vec2 { public: Iu32vec2() { } Iu32vec2(__m64 mm) : I32vec2(mm) { } Iu32vec2(unsigned int ui0, unsigned int ui1) { _MM_2UDW(0,vec) = ui1; _MM_2UDW(1,vec) = ui0; }
EXPLICIT Iu32vec2(int i) : I32vec2 (i) { } EXPLICIT Iu32vec2(__int64 i) : I32vec2 (i) { }
/* Assignment Operator */ Iu32vec2& operator= (const M64 &a) { return *this = (Iu32vec2) a; }
/* Logical Assignment Operators */ Iu32vec2& operator&=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Iu32vec2) _m_pand(vec,a); } Iu32vec2& operator|=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Iu32vec2) _m_por(vec,a); } Iu32vec2& operator^=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Iu32vec2) _m_pxor(vec,a); }
/* Addition & Subtraction Assignment Operators */ Iu32vec2& operator +=(const I32vec2 &a) { return *this = (Iu32vec2) _m_paddd(vec,a); } Iu32vec2& operator -=(const I32vec2 &a) { return *this = (Iu32vec2) _m_psubd(vec,a); }
/* Shift Logical Operators */ Iu32vec2 operator<<(const M64 &a) { return _m_pslld(vec,a); } Iu32vec2 operator<<(int count) { return _m_pslldi(vec,count); } Iu32vec2& operator<<=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Iu32vec2) _m_pslld(vec,a); } Iu32vec2& operator<<=(int count) { return *this = (Iu32vec2) _m_pslldi(vec,count); } Iu32vec2 operator>>(const M64 &a) { return _m_psrld(vec,a); } Iu32vec2 operator>>(int count) { return _m_psrldi(vec,count); } Iu32vec2& operator>>=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Iu32vec2) _m_psrld(vec,a); } Iu32vec2& operator>>=(int count) { return *this = (Iu32vec2) _m_psrldi(vec,count); }
#if defined(_ENABLE_VEC_DEBUG)
/* Output for Debug */ friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Iu32vec2 &a) { os << " [1]:" << _MM_2UDW(1,a) << " [0]:" << _MM_2UDW(0,a); return os; } #endif
/* Element Access for Debug, No data modified */ const unsigned int& operator[](int i)const { assert(static_cast<unsigned int>(i) < 2); /* Only 2 elements to access */ return _MM_2UDW(i,vec); }
/* Element Access and Assignment for Debug */ unsigned int& operator[](int i) { assert(static_cast<unsigned int>(i) < 2); /* Only 2 elements to access */ return _MM_2UDW(i,vec); } };
/* Compares For Equality / Inequality */ inline Iu32vec2 cmpeq(const Iu32vec2 &a, const Iu32vec2 &b) { return _m_pcmpeqd(a,b); } inline Iu32vec2 cmpneq(const Iu32vec2 &a, const Iu32vec2 &b) { return _m_pandn(_m_pcmpeqd(a,b), M64(0xffffffffffffffffi64)); } /* Unpacks */ inline Iu32vec2 unpack_low(const Iu32vec2 &a, const Iu32vec2 &b) {return _m_punpckldq(a,b); } inline Iu32vec2 unpack_high(const Iu32vec2 &a, const Iu32vec2 &b) {return _m_punpckhdq(a,b); }
/* I16vec4 Class:
* 4 elements, each element either a signed or unsigned short */ class I16vec4 : public M64 { public: I16vec4() { } I16vec4(__m64 mm) : M64(mm) { } EXPLICIT I16vec4(__int64 i) : M64 (i) { } EXPLICIT I16vec4(int i) : M64 (i) { }
/* Assignment Operator */ I16vec4& operator= (const M64 &a) { return *this = (I16vec4) a; }
/* Addition & Subtraction Assignment Operators */ I16vec4& operator&=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (I16vec4) _m_pand(vec,a); } I16vec4& operator|=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (I16vec4) _m_por(vec,a); } I16vec4& operator^=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (I16vec4) _m_pxor(vec,a); }
/* Addition & Subtraction Assignment Operators */ I16vec4& operator +=(const I16vec4 &a) { return *this = (I16vec4)_m_paddw(vec,a); } I16vec4& operator -=(const I16vec4 &a) { return *this = (I16vec4)_m_psubw(vec,a); } I16vec4& operator *=(const I16vec4 &a) { return *this = (I16vec4)_m_pmullw(vec,a); }
/* Shift Logical Operators */ I16vec4 operator<<(const I16vec4 &a) { return _m_psllw(vec,a); } I16vec4 operator<<(int count) { return _m_psllwi(vec,count); } I16vec4& operator<<=(const I16vec4 &a) { return *this = (I16vec4)_m_psllw(vec,a); } I16vec4& operator<<=(int count) { return *this = (I16vec4)_m_psllwi(vec,count); } };
inline I16vec4 operator*(const I16vec4 &a, const I16vec4 &b) { return _m_pmullw(a,b); } inline I16vec4 cmpeq(const I16vec4 &a, const I16vec4 &b) { return _m_pcmpeqw(a,b); } inline I16vec4 cmpneq(const I16vec4 &a, const I16vec4 &b) { return _m_pandn(_m_pcmpeqw(a,b), M64(0xffffffffffffffffi64)); }
inline I16vec4 unpack_low(const I16vec4 &a, const I16vec4 &b) { return _m_punpcklwd(a,b); } inline I16vec4 unpack_high(const I16vec4 &a, const I16vec4 &b) { return _m_punpckhwd(a,b); }
/* Is16vec4 Class:
* 4 elements, each element signed short */ class Is16vec4 : public I16vec4 { public: Is16vec4() { } Is16vec4(__m64 mm) : I16vec4(mm) { } Is16vec4(short i0, short i1, short i2, short i3) { _MM_4W(0,vec) = i3; _MM_4W(1,vec) = i2; _MM_4W(2,vec) = i1; _MM_4W(3,vec) = i0; }
EXPLICIT Is16vec4(__int64 i) : I16vec4 (i) { } EXPLICIT Is16vec4(int i) : I16vec4 (i) { }
/* Assignment Operator */ Is16vec4& operator= (const M64 &a) { return *this = (Is16vec4) a; }
/* Addition & Subtraction Assignment Operators */ Is16vec4& operator&=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Is16vec4) _m_pand(vec,a); } Is16vec4& operator|=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Is16vec4) _m_por(vec,a); } Is16vec4& operator^=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Is16vec4) _m_pxor(vec,a); }
/* Addition & Subtraction Assignment Operators */ Is16vec4& operator +=(const I16vec4 &a) { return *this = (Is16vec4)_m_paddw(vec,a); } Is16vec4& operator -=(const I16vec4 &a) { return *this = (Is16vec4)_m_psubw(vec,a); } Is16vec4& operator *=(const I16vec4 &a) { return *this = (Is16vec4)_m_pmullw(vec,a); }
/* Shift Logical Operators */ Is16vec4 operator<<(const M64 &a) { return _m_psllw(vec,a); } Is16vec4 operator<<(int count) { return _m_psllwi(vec,count); } Is16vec4& operator<<=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Is16vec4)_m_psllw(vec,a); } Is16vec4& operator<<=(int count) { return *this = (Is16vec4)_m_psllwi(vec,count); } /* Shift Arithmetic Operations */ Is16vec4 operator>>(const M64 &a) { return _m_psraw(vec,a); } Is16vec4 operator>>(int count) { return _m_psrawi(vec,count); } Is16vec4& operator>>=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Is16vec4) _m_psraw(vec,a); } Is16vec4& operator>>=(int count) { return *this = (Is16vec4) _m_psrawi(vec,count); }
#if defined(_ENABLE_VEC_DEBUG)
/* Output for Debug */ friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Is16vec4 &a) { os << "[3]:" << _MM_4W(3,a) << " [2]:" << _MM_4W(2,a) << " [1]:" << _MM_4W(1,a) << " [0]:" << _MM_4W(0,a); return os; } #endif
/* Element Access for Debug, No data modified */ const short& operator[](int i)const { assert(static_cast<unsigned int>(i) < 4); /* Only 4 elements to access */ return _MM_4W(i,vec); }
/* Element Access for Debug */ short& operator[](int i) { assert(static_cast<unsigned int>(i) < 4); /* Only 4 elements to access */ return _MM_4W(i,vec); } };
inline Is16vec4 operator*(const Is16vec4 &a, const Is16vec4 &b) { return _m_pmullw(a,b); }
/* Compares */ inline Is16vec4 cmpeq(const Is16vec4 &a, const Is16vec4 &b) { return _m_pcmpeqw(a,b); } inline Is16vec4 cmpneq(const Is16vec4 &a, const Is16vec4 &b) { return _m_pandn(_m_pcmpeqw(a,b), M64(0xffffffffffffffffi64)); } inline Is16vec4 cmpgt(const Is16vec4 &a, const Is16vec4 &b) { return _m_pcmpgtw(a,b); } inline Is16vec4 cmplt(const Is16vec4 &a, const Is16vec4 &b) { return _m_pcmpgtw(b,a); } inline Is16vec4 cmple(const Is16vec4 &a, const Is16vec4 &b) { return _m_pandn(_m_pcmpgtw(a,b), M64(0xffffffffffffffffi64)); } inline Is16vec4 cmpge(const Is16vec4 &a, const Is16vec4 &b) { return _m_pandn(_m_pcmpgtw(b,a), M64(0xffffffffffffffffi64)); } /* Unpacks */ inline Is16vec4 unpack_low(const Is16vec4 &a, const Is16vec4 &b) { return _m_punpcklwd(a,b); } inline Is16vec4 unpack_high(const Is16vec4 &a, const Is16vec4 &b) { return _m_punpckhwd(a,b); }
inline Is16vec4 sat_add(const Is16vec4 &a, const Is16vec4 &b) { return _m_paddsw(a,b); } inline Is16vec4 sat_sub(const Is16vec4 &a, const Is16vec4 &b) { return _m_psubsw(a,b); } inline Is16vec4 mul_high(const Is16vec4 &a, const Is16vec4 &b) { return _m_pmulhw(a,b); } inline Is32vec2 mul_add(const Is16vec4 &a, const Is16vec4 &b) { return _m_pmaddwd(a,b);}
/* Iu16vec4 Class:
* 4 elements, each element unsigned short */ class Iu16vec4 : public I16vec4 { public: Iu16vec4() { } Iu16vec4(__m64 mm) : I16vec4(mm) { } Iu16vec4(unsigned short ui0, unsigned short ui1, unsigned short ui2, unsigned short ui3) { _MM_4UW(0,vec) = ui3; _MM_4UW(1,vec) = ui2; _MM_4UW(2,vec) = ui1; _MM_4UW(3,vec) = ui0; } EXPLICIT Iu16vec4(__int64 i) : I16vec4 (i) { } EXPLICIT Iu16vec4(int i) : I16vec4 (i) { }
/* Assignment Operator */ Iu16vec4& operator= (const M64 &a) { return *this = (Iu16vec4) a; }
/* Logical Assignment Operators */ Iu16vec4& operator&=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Iu16vec4) _m_pand(vec,a); } Iu16vec4& operator|=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Iu16vec4) _m_por(vec,a); } Iu16vec4& operator^=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Iu16vec4) _m_pxor(vec,a); }
/* Addition & Subtraction Assignment Operators */ Iu16vec4& operator +=(const I16vec4 &a) { return *this = (Iu16vec4)_m_paddw(vec,a); } Iu16vec4& operator -=(const I16vec4 &a) { return *this = (Iu16vec4)_m_psubw(vec,a); } Iu16vec4& operator *=(const I16vec4 &a) { return *this = (Iu16vec4)_m_pmullw(vec,a); }
/* Shift Logical Operators */ Iu16vec4 operator<<(const M64 &a) { return _m_psllw(vec,a); } Iu16vec4 operator<<(int count) { return _m_psllwi(vec,count); } Iu16vec4& operator<<=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Iu16vec4)_m_psllw(vec,a); } Iu16vec4& operator<<=(int count) { return *this = (Iu16vec4)_m_psllwi(vec,count); } Iu16vec4 operator>>(const M64 &a) { return _m_psrlw(vec,a); } Iu16vec4 operator>>(int count) { return _m_psrlwi(vec,count); } Iu16vec4& operator>>=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Iu16vec4) _m_psrlw(vec,a); } Iu16vec4& operator>>=(int count) { return *this = (Iu16vec4) _m_psrlwi(vec,count); }
#if defined(_ENABLE_VEC_DEBUG)
/* Output for Debug */ friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Iu16vec4 &a) { os << "[3]:" << _MM_4UW(3,a) << " [2]:" << _MM_4UW(2,a) << " [1]:" << _MM_4UW(1,a) << " [0]:" << _MM_4UW(0,a); return os; } #endif
/* Element Access for Debug, No data modified */ const unsigned short& operator[](int i)const { assert(static_cast<unsigned int>(i) < 4); /* Only 4 elements to access */ return _MM_4UW(i,vec); }
/* Element Access and Assignment for Debug */ unsigned short& operator[](int i) { assert(static_cast<unsigned int>(i) < 4); /* Only 4 elements to access */ return _MM_4UW(i,vec); } };
inline Iu16vec4 operator*(const Iu16vec4 &a, const Iu16vec4 &b) { return _m_pmullw(a,b); } inline Iu16vec4 cmpeq(const Iu16vec4 &a, const Iu16vec4 &b) { return _m_pcmpeqw(a,b); } inline Iu16vec4 cmpneq(const Iu16vec4 &a, const Iu16vec4 &b) { return _m_pandn(_m_pcmpeqw(a,b), M64(0xffffffffffffffffi64)); }
inline Iu16vec4 sat_add(const Iu16vec4 &a, const Iu16vec4 &b) { return _m_paddusw(a,b); } inline Iu16vec4 sat_sub(const Iu16vec4 &a, const Iu16vec4 &b) { return _m_psubusw(a,b); }
inline Iu16vec4 unpack_low(const Iu16vec4 &a, const Iu16vec4 &b) { return _m_punpcklwd(a,b); } inline Iu16vec4 unpack_high(const Iu16vec4 &a, const Iu16vec4 &b) { return _m_punpckhwd(a,b); }
/* I8vec8 Class:
* 8 elements, each element either unsigned or signed char */ class I8vec8 : public M64 { public: I8vec8() { } I8vec8(__m64 mm) : M64(mm) { } EXPLICIT I8vec8(__int64 i) : M64 (i) { } EXPLICIT I8vec8(int i) : M64 (i) { }
/* Assignment Operator */ I8vec8& operator= (const M64 &a) { return *this = (I8vec8) a; }
/* Logical Assignment Operators */ I8vec8& operator&=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (I8vec8) _m_pand(vec,a); } I8vec8& operator|=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (I8vec8) _m_por(vec,a); } I8vec8& operator^=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (I8vec8) _m_pxor(vec,a); }
/* Addition & Subtraction Assignment Operators */ I8vec8& operator +=(const I8vec8 &a) { return *this = (I8vec8) _m_paddb(vec,a); } I8vec8& operator -=(const I8vec8 &a) { return *this = (I8vec8) _m_psubb(vec,a); } };
inline I8vec8 cmpeq(const I8vec8 &a, const I8vec8 &b) { return _m_pcmpeqb(a,b); } inline I8vec8 cmpneq(const I8vec8 &a, const I8vec8 &b) { return _m_pandn(_m_pcmpeqb(a,b), M64(0xffffffffffffffffi64)); }
inline I8vec8 unpack_low(const I8vec8 &a, const I8vec8 &b) { return _m_punpcklbw(a,b); } inline I8vec8 unpack_high(const I8vec8 &a, const I8vec8 &b) { return _m_punpckhbw(a,b); }
/* Is8vec8 Class:
* 8 elements, each element signed char */ class Is8vec8 : public I8vec8 { public: Is8vec8() { } Is8vec8(__m64 mm) : I8vec8(mm) { } Is8vec8(signed char s0,signed char s1,signed char s2,signed char s3,signed char s4,signed char s5,signed char s6,signed char s7) { _MM_8B(0,vec) = s7; _MM_8B(1,vec) = s6; _MM_8B(2,vec) = s5; _MM_8B(3,vec) = s4; _MM_8B(4,vec) = s3; _MM_8B(5,vec) = s2; _MM_8B(6,vec) = s1; _MM_8B(7,vec) = s0; }
EXPLICIT Is8vec8(__int64 i) : I8vec8 (i) { } EXPLICIT Is8vec8(int i) : I8vec8 (i) { }
/* Assignment Operator */ Is8vec8& operator= (const M64 &a) { return *this = (Is8vec8) a; }
/* Logical Assignment Operators */ Is8vec8& operator&=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Is8vec8) _m_pand(vec,a); } Is8vec8& operator|=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Is8vec8) _m_por(vec,a); } Is8vec8& operator^=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Is8vec8) _m_pxor(vec,a); }
/* Addition & Subtraction Assignment Operators */ Is8vec8& operator +=(const I8vec8 &a) { return *this = (Is8vec8) _m_paddb(vec,a); } Is8vec8& operator -=(const I8vec8 &a) { return *this = (Is8vec8) _m_psubb(vec,a); }
#if defined(_ENABLE_VEC_DEBUG)
/* Output for Debug */ friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Is8vec8 &a) { os << "[7]:" << short(_MM_8B(7,a)) << " [6]:" << short(_MM_8B(6,a)) << " [5]:" << short(_MM_8B(5,a)) << " [4]:" << short(_MM_8B(4,a)) << " [3]:" << short(_MM_8B(3,a)) << " [2]:" << short(_MM_8B(2,a)) << " [1]:" << short(_MM_8B(1,a)) << " [0]:" << short(_MM_8B(0,a)); return os; } #endif
/* Element Access for Debug, No data modified */ const signed char& operator[](int i)const { assert(static_cast<unsigned int>(i) < 8); /* Only 8 elements to access */ return _MM_8B(i,vec); }
/* Element Access and Assignment for Debug */ signed char& operator[](int i) { assert(static_cast<unsigned int>(i) < 8); /* Only 8 elements to access */ return _MM_8B(i,vec); } };
/* Additional Is8vec8 functions: compares, unpacks, sat add/sub */ inline Is8vec8 cmpeq(const Is8vec8 &a, const Is8vec8 &b) { return _m_pcmpeqb(a,b); } inline Is8vec8 cmpneq(const Is8vec8 &a, const Is8vec8 &b) { return _m_pandn(_m_pcmpeqb(a,b), M64(0xffffffffffffffffi64)); } inline Is8vec8 cmpgt(const Is8vec8 &a, const Is8vec8 &b) { return _m_pcmpgtb(a,b); } inline Is8vec8 cmplt(const Is8vec8 &a, const Is8vec8 &b) { return _m_pcmpgtb(b,a); } inline Is8vec8 cmple(const Is8vec8 &a, const Is8vec8 &b) { return _m_pandn(_m_pcmpgtb(a,b), M64(0xffffffffffffffffi64)); } inline Is8vec8 cmpge(const Is8vec8 &a, const Is8vec8 &b) { return _m_pandn(_m_pcmpgtb(b,a), M64(0xffffffffffffffffi64)); }
inline Is8vec8 unpack_low(const Is8vec8 &a, const Is8vec8 &b) { return _m_punpcklbw(a,b); } inline Is8vec8 unpack_high(const Is8vec8 &a, const Is8vec8 &b) { return _m_punpckhbw(a,b); }
inline Is8vec8 sat_add(const Is8vec8 &a, const Is8vec8 &b) { return _m_paddsb(a,b); } inline Is8vec8 sat_sub(const Is8vec8 &a, const Is8vec8 &b) { return _m_psubsb(a,b); }
/* Iu8vec8 Class:
* 8 elements, each element unsigned char */ class Iu8vec8 : public I8vec8 { public: Iu8vec8() { } Iu8vec8(__m64 mm) : I8vec8(mm) { } Iu8vec8(unsigned char s0,unsigned char s1,unsigned char s2,unsigned char s3,unsigned char s4,unsigned char s5,unsigned char s6,unsigned char s7) { _MM_8UB(0,vec) = s7; _MM_8UB(1,vec) = s6; _MM_8UB(2,vec) = s5; _MM_8UB(3,vec) = s4; _MM_8UB(4,vec) = s3; _MM_8UB(5,vec) = s2; _MM_8UB(6,vec) = s1; _MM_8UB(7,vec) = s0; } EXPLICIT Iu8vec8(__int64 i) : I8vec8 (i) { } EXPLICIT Iu8vec8(int i) : I8vec8 (i) { }
/* Assignment Operator */ Iu8vec8& operator= (const M64 &a) { return *this = (Iu8vec8) a; } /* Logical Assignment Operators */ Iu8vec8& operator&=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Iu8vec8) _m_pand(vec,a); } Iu8vec8& operator|=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Iu8vec8) _m_por(vec,a); } Iu8vec8& operator^=(const M64 &a) { return *this = (Iu8vec8) _m_pxor(vec,a); } /* Addition & Subtraction Assignment Operators */ Iu8vec8& operator +=(const I8vec8 &a) { return *this = (Iu8vec8) _m_paddb(vec,a); } Iu8vec8& operator -=(const I8vec8 &a) { return *this = (Iu8vec8) _m_psubb(vec,a); }
#if defined(_ENABLE_VEC_DEBUG)
/* Output for Debug */ friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream &os, const Iu8vec8 &a) { os << "[7]:" << unsigned short(_MM_8UB(7,a)) << " [6]:" << unsigned short(_MM_8UB(6,a)) << " [5]:" << unsigned short(_MM_8UB(5,a)) << " [4]:" << unsigned short(_MM_8UB(4,a)) << " [3]:" << unsigned short(_MM_8UB(3,a)) << " [2]:" << unsigned short(_MM_8UB(2,a)) << " [1]:" << unsigned short(_MM_8UB(1,a)) << " [0]:" << unsigned short(_MM_8UB(0,a)); return os; } #endif
/* Element Access for Debug, No data modified */ const unsigned char& operator[](int i)const { assert(static_cast<unsigned int>(i) < 8); /* Only 8 elements to access */ return _MM_8UB(i,vec); }
/* Element Access for Debug */ unsigned char& operator[](int i) { assert(static_cast<unsigned int>(i) < 8); /* Only 8 elements to access */ return _MM_8UB(i,vec); } };
/* Additional Iu8vec8 functions: cmpeq,cmpneq, unpacks, sat add/sub */ inline Iu8vec8 cmpeq(const Iu8vec8 &a, const Iu8vec8 &b) { return _m_pcmpeqb(a,b); } inline Iu8vec8 cmpneq(const Iu8vec8 &a, const Iu8vec8 &b) { return _m_pandn(_m_pcmpeqb(a,b), M64(0xffffffffffffffffi64)); }
inline Iu8vec8 unpack_low(const Iu8vec8 &a, const Iu8vec8 &b) { return _m_punpcklbw(a,b); } inline Iu8vec8 unpack_high(const Iu8vec8 &a, const Iu8vec8 &b) { return _m_punpckhbw(a,b); }
inline Iu8vec8 sat_add(const Iu8vec8 &a, const Iu8vec8 &b) { return _m_paddusb(a,b); } inline Iu8vec8 sat_sub(const Iu8vec8 &a, const Iu8vec8 &b) { return _m_psubusb(a,b); }
inline Is16vec4 pack_sat(const Is32vec2 &a, const Is32vec2 &b) { return _m_packssdw(a,b); } inline Is8vec8 pack_sat(const Is16vec4 &a, const Is16vec4 &b) { return _m_packsswb(a,b); } inline Iu8vec8 packu_sat(const Is16vec4 &a, const Is16vec4 &b) { return _m_packuswb(a,b); }
/********************************* Logicals ****************************************/ #define IVEC_LOGICALS(vect,element) \
inline I##vect##vec##element operator& (const I##vect##vec##element &a, const I##vect##vec##element &b) \ { return _m_pand( a,b); } \ inline I##vect##vec##element operator| (const I##vect##vec##element &a, const I##vect##vec##element &b) \ { return _m_por( a,b); } \ inline I##vect##vec##element operator^ (const I##vect##vec##element &a, const I##vect##vec##element &b) \ { return _m_pxor( a,b); } \ inline I##vect##vec##element andnot (const I##vect##vec##element &a, const I##vect##vec##element &b) \ { return _m_pandn( a,b); }
/********************************* Add & Sub ****************************************/ #define IVEC_ADD_SUB(vect,element,opsize) \
inline I##vect##vec##element operator+ (const I##vect##vec##element &a, const I##vect##vec##element &b) \ { return _m_padd##opsize( a,b); } \ inline I##vect##vec##element operator- (const I##vect##vec##element &a, const I##vect##vec##element &b) \ { return _m_psub##opsize( a,b); }
IVEC_ADD_SUB(8,8, b) IVEC_ADD_SUB(u8,8, b) IVEC_ADD_SUB(s8,8, b) IVEC_ADD_SUB(16,4, w) IVEC_ADD_SUB(u16,4, w) IVEC_ADD_SUB(s16,4, w) IVEC_ADD_SUB(32,2, d) IVEC_ADD_SUB(u32,2, d) IVEC_ADD_SUB(s32,2, d) #undef IVEC_ADD_SUB
/********************************* Conditional Select ****************************************/ /* version of: retval = (a OP b)? c : d; *
* Where OP is one of the possible comparision operators. * * Example: r = select_eq(a,b,c,d); * * if "member at position x of the vector a" == "member at position x of vector b" * * assign the corresponding member in r from c, else assign from d. * ********************************* Conditional Select ****************************************/
#define IVEC_SELECT(vect12,vect34,element,selop,arg1,arg2) \
inline I##vect34##vec##element select_##selop (const I##vect12##vec##element &a, const I##vect12##vec##element &b, const I##vect34##vec##element &c, const I##vect34##vec##element &d) \ { \ I##vect12##vec##element mask = cmp##selop(a,b); \ return( I##vect34##vec##element ((mask & arg1 ) | I##vect12##vec##element ((_m_pandn(mask, arg2 ))))); \ } IVEC_SELECT(8,s8,8,eq,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(8,u8,8,eq,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(8,8,8,eq,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(8,s8,8,neq,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(8,u8,8,neq,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(8,8,8,neq,c,d)
IVEC_SELECT(16,s16,4,eq,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(16,u16,4,eq,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(16,16,4,eq,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(16,s16,4,neq,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(16,u16,4,neq,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(16,16,4,neq,c,d)
IVEC_SELECT(32,s32,2,eq,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(32,u32,2,eq,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(32,32,2,eq,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(32,s32,2,neq,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(32,u32,2,neq,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(32,32,2,neq,c,d)
IVEC_SELECT(s8,s8,8,gt,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s8,u8,8,gt,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s8,8,8,gt,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s8,s8,8,lt,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s8,u8,8,lt,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s8,8,8,lt,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s8,s8,8,le,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s8,u8,8,le,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s8,8,8,le,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s8,s8,8,ge,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s8,u8,8,ge,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s8,8,8,ge,c,d)
IVEC_SELECT(s16,s16,4,gt,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s16,u16,4,gt,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s16,16,4,gt,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s16,s16,4,lt,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s16,u16,4,lt,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s16,16,4,lt,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s16,s16,4,le,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s16,u16,4,le,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s16,16,4,le,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s16,s16,4,ge,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s16,u16,4,ge,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s16,16,4,ge,c,d)
IVEC_SELECT(s32,s32,2,gt,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s32,u32,2,gt,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s32,32,2,gt,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s32,s32,2,lt,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s32,u32,2,lt,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s32,32,2,lt,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s32,s32,2,le,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s32,u32,2,le,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s32,32,2,le,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s32,s32,2,ge,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s32,u32,2,ge,c,d) IVEC_SELECT(s32,32,2,ge,c,d)
inline static void empty(void) { _m_empty(); }
#if defined(_SILENCE_IVEC_C4799)
#pragma warning(pop)