Copyright (c) 1991-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
#include <pch.cxx>
#define _ULIB_MEMBER_
#include "ulib.hxx"
#include "basesys.hxx"
ULIB_EXPORT BOOLEAN BASE_SYSTEM::QueryResourceString( OUT PWSTRING ResourceString, IN MSGID MsgId, IN PCSTR Format ... ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine computes the resource string identified by the resource identifier 'MsgId'. In addition to the 'printf' format strings supported, 'QueryResourceString' supports :
1. '%W' - Expects a pointer to a WSTRING.
ResourceString - Returns the resource string. MsgId - Supplies the message id of the resource string. Format - Supplies a 'printf' style format descriptor for the arguments to the resource string. ... - Supplies the arguments to the resource string.
Return Value:
FALSE - Failure. TRUE - Success.
--*/ { va_list ap; BOOLEAN r;
va_start(ap, Format); r = QueryResourceStringV(ResourceString, MsgId, Format, ap); va_end(ap);
return r; }
ULIB_EXPORT BOOLEAN BASE_SYSTEM::QueryResourceStringV( OUT PWSTRING ResourceString, IN MSGID MsgId, IN PCSTR Format, IN va_list VarPointer ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is a 'varargs' implementation of 'QueryResourceString'.
ResourceString - Returns the resource string. MsgId - Supplies the message id of the resource string. Format - Supplies a 'printf' style format descriptor for the arguments to the resource string. VarPointer - Supplies a varargs pointer to the arguments of the resource string.
Return Value:
FALSE - Failure. TRUE - Success.
--*/ { #define NUMBER_OF_ARGS 20
STATIC HANDLE lib_handle = 0; PWSTR args[NUMBER_OF_ARGS]; WSTR fmt[20]; INT i, j; PWSTR p; PWSTRING gstring; DSTRING UnicodeFormat; WSTR display_buffer[4096]; BOOL found; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG Result;
for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ARGS; i++) { args[i] = NULL; }
if (!UnicodeFormat.Initialize(Format)) { return FALSE; }
// convert args into an array for RtlFormatMessage.
i = 0; for (p = (PWSTR) UnicodeFormat.GetWSTR(); *p; p++) {
// if we have a %
if (*p == '%') {
// perform W substitutions
if (*(p + 1) == 'W') {
p++; gstring = va_arg(VarPointer, PWSTRING); gstring->QueryWSTR(0, TO_END, display_buffer, 4096);
} else { // convert other substutitions as appropriate by building a fmt string
j = 0; // copy the %
fmt[j++] = *p++; // copy the next character as long at its not a % and not NULL
while (*p && *p != '%') { if ((*p == 's') && *(p - 1) != 'w') { //if its an ANSI string
fmt[j++] = L'a'; p++; continue; } else if ((*p == 'c') && *(p - 1) != 'w') { // if its an ANSI character
fmt[j++] = L'c'; // BUGBUG hack for now
p++; continue; } else if ((*p == 'w' ) && *(p + 1) == 's') { // if its a wide string (%ws->%s)
fmt[j++] = L's'; p++; p++; // skip the second char
continue; } else if ((*p == 'w' ) && *(p + 1) == 'c') { // if its a wide char (%wc->%c)
fmt[j++] = L'c'; p++; p++; // skip the second char
continue; } else if ((*p == 'u' )) { // BUGBUG sprint doesn't seem to work with %u, replace with %d
fmt[j++] = L'd'; p++; } else if (isdigit(*p)) { // BUGBUG: HACK we skip digit format stuff since Sprint doesn't seem to like em.
p++; } else { // otherwise just copy the format indicator
fmt[j++] = *p++; } } p--; fmt[j] = 0;
if (wcsncmp(fmt, TEXT("%I64"), 4) == 0) { // if its a 64 bit integer
// do some special stuff to handle LARGE_INTEGERS before telling SPrint to do its thing.
ULONGLONG t = (va_arg(VarPointer,LARGE_INTEGER)).QuadPart; fmt[0]='%'; fmt[1]='l'; fmt[2]='d'; fmt[3]=NULL; // Print(L"QueryResourceStringV: fmt: %s\n",fmt);
SPrint(display_buffer, 4096, fmt, t); } else { // otherwise tell SPrint to do its thing
PVOID voidptr = va_arg(VarPointer, PVOID); // Print(L"QueryResourceStringV: fmt: %s\n",fmt);
SPrint(display_buffer, 4096,fmt,voidptr ); } }
// allocate a buffer and copy the converted string into it.
args[i] = (PWSTR)MALLOC(wcslen(display_buffer) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == args[i]) { return FALSE; } wcscpy( args[i], display_buffer);
// Print(L"QueryResourceStringV: args[%d]: %s\n",i,args[i]);
i++; } }
found = FALSE; // locate the right message in our table
for(i=0;i<EFI_MESSAGE_COUNT;i++) { if(MessageTable[i].msgId == MsgId ){ found = TRUE; break; } }
if (found == FALSE) { return FALSE; }
WCHAR *MessageFormat = MessageTable[i].string;
// shove it through RtlFormatMessage.
Status = RtlFormatMessage( MessageFormat, 0, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, (va_list *)args, (PWSTR)display_buffer, sizeof( display_buffer ), &Result );
for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ARGS; i++) { FREE(args[i]); }
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { return FALSE; }
return ResourceString->Initialize(display_buffer); }