Copyright (c) 1998 Intel Corporation
Module Name:
dmpstore.c Abstract:
Shell app "dmpstore"
Revision History
#include "shell.h"
#define DEBUG_NAME_SIZE 1050
static CHAR16 *AttrType[] = { L"invalid", /* 000 */ L"invalid", /* 001 */ L"BS", /* 010 */ L"NV+BS", /* 011 */ L"RT+BS", /* 100 */ L"NV+RT+BS", /* 101 */ L"RT+BS", /* 110 */ L"NV+RT+BS", /* 111 */ };
* */
EFI_STATUS InitializeDumpStore ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable );
VOID DumpVariableStore ( VOID );
* */
EFI_STATUS InitializeDumpStore ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { /*
* Check to see if the app is to install as a "internal command" * to the shell */
InstallInternalShellCommand ( ImageHandle, SystemTable, InitializeDumpStore, L"dmpstore", /* command */ L"dmpstore", /* command syntax */ L"Dumps variable store", /* 1 line descriptor */ NULL /* command help page */ );
* We are no being installed as an internal command driver, initialize * as an nshell app and run */
InitializeShellApplication (ImageHandle, SystemTable);
* */
DumpVariableStore ();
* Done */
return EFI_SUCCESS; }
VOID DumpVariableStore ( VOID ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_GUID Guid; UINT32 Attributes; CHAR16 Name[DEBUG_NAME_SIZE/2]; UINTN NameSize; CHAR16 Data[DEBUG_NAME_SIZE/2]; UINTN DataSize;
UINTN ScreenCount; UINTN TempColumn; UINTN ScreenSize; UINTN ItemScreenSize; CHAR16 ReturnStr[80];
ST->ConOut->QueryMode (ST->ConOut, ST->ConOut->Mode->Mode, &TempColumn, &ScreenSize); ST->ConOut->ClearScreen (ST->ConOut); ScreenCount = 1; ScreenSize -= 2;
Print(L"Dump NVRAM\n"); Name[0] = 0x0000; do { NameSize = DEBUG_NAME_SIZE; Status = RT->GetNextVariableName(&NameSize, Name, &Guid); if ( Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { DataSize = DEBUG_NAME_SIZE; Status = RT->GetVariable(Name, &Guid, &Attributes, &DataSize, Data); if ( Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { /*
* Account for Print() and DumpHex() */ ItemScreenSize = 1 + DataSize/0x10 + (((DataSize % 0x10) == 0) ? 0 : 1); ScreenCount += ItemScreenSize; if ((ScreenCount >= ScreenSize) && ScreenSize != 0) { /*
* If ScreenSize == 0 we have the console redirected so don't * block updates */ Print (L"Press Return to contiue :"); Input (L"", ReturnStr, sizeof(ReturnStr)/sizeof(CHAR16)); TempColumn = ST->ConOut->Mode->CursorColumn; if (TempColumn) { Print (L"\r%*a\r", TempColumn, ""); } ScreenCount = ItemScreenSize; }
/* dump for... */ Print (L"Variable %hs '%hg:%hs' DataSize = %x\n", AttrType[Attributes & 7], &Guid, Name, DataSize );
DumpHex (2, 0, DataSize, Data);
} } } while (Status == EFI_SUCCESS); }