� 1998 Seagate Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Implementation of CRsClnFile. This class represents a file on a local volume of a Remote Storage server, which is going to be cleaned. Cleaning means removing the file if it has been truncated and removing its reparse point. Each instance of CRsClnFile is created by CRsClnVolume.
Carl Hagerstrom [carlh] 20-Aug-1998
Revision History:
#include <stdafx.h>
Implements: CRsClnFile Constructor
Routine Description:
Loads file information.
hVolume - handle of volume on which this file resides fileReference - file reference for this file. This is a numerical handle which can be used to uniquely identify and open a file.
CRsClnFile::CRsClnFile( IN CRsClnVolume* pVolume, IN LONGLONG FileReference ) : m_pVolume( pVolume ) { TRACEFN( "CRsClnFile::CRsClnFile" );
m_pReparseData = 0; m_pHsmData = 0;
RsOptAffirmDw( GetFileInfo( FileReference ) ); }
CRsClnFile Destructor
CRsClnFile::~CRsClnFile( ) { TRACEFN( "CRsClnFile::~CRsClnFile" ); }
Routine Description:
Removes the reparse point for this file and removes the file itself if it has been truncated.
- Read the reparse point for this file. - Determine from reparse data whether the file has been truncated. - If truncated, close and remove it. - If not truncated, remove reparse point and close file.
stickyName - name of volume on which this file resides
Return Value:
S_OK - success E_* - any unexpected exceptions from lower level routines
HRESULT CRsClnFile::RemoveReparsePointAndFile( ) { TRACEFNHR( "CRsClnFile::RemoveReparsePointAndFile" ); DWORD actualSize; BOOL bStatus; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
try {
RsOptAffirmDw( ClearReadOnly( ) );
if ( RP_FILE_IS_TRUNCATED( m_pHsmData->data.bitFlags ) ) {
// Clear the file attributes in case they are read only
RsOptAffirmStatus( DeleteFile( m_FullPath ) );
} else {
RsOptAffirmHandle( hFile );
// Set the time flags so that when we close the handle the
// time are not updated on the file and the FileAttributes
// indicate the file is offline
RsOptAffirmNtStatus( NtQueryInformationFile( hFile, &ioStatusBlock, (PVOID) &basicInfo, sizeof( basicInfo ), FileBasicInformation ) );
basicInfo.CreationTime.QuadPart = -1; basicInfo.LastAccessTime.QuadPart = -1; basicInfo.LastWriteTime.QuadPart = -1; basicInfo.ChangeTime.QuadPart = -1;
RsOptAffirmNtStatus( NtSetInformationFile( hFile, &ioStatusBlock, (PVOID)&basicInfo, sizeof( basicInfo ), FileBasicInformation ) );
// Nuke the reparse point
m_pReparseData->ReparseTag = IO_REPARSE_TAG_HSM; m_pReparseData->ReparseDataLength = 0;
bStatus = DeviceIoControl( hFile, FSCTL_DELETE_REPARSE_POINT, (LPVOID) m_pReparseData, REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER_HEADER_SIZE, (LPVOID) 0, (DWORD) 0, &actualSize, (LPOVERLAPPED) 0 );
RsOptAffirmStatus( bStatus );
} RsOptCatch( hrRet );
if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile ) CloseHandle( hFile );
if( ! RP_FILE_IS_TRUNCATED( m_pHsmData->data.bitFlags ) ) {
// Restore file attributes
RestoreAttributes( );
return( hrRet ); }
Routine Description:
Obtain file information for file specified by volume and file reference.
- Open file using volume handle and file reference. - Obtain the file name and the length of the file name. Since the length of the file name is unknown the first time NtQueryInformationFile is called, it might have to be called again once the correct buffer size can be determined.
hVolume - handle of volume on which this file resides fileReference - file reference for this file. This is a numerical handle which can be used to uniquely identify and open a file.
Return Value:
S_OK - Success E_* - Any unexpected exceptions from lower level routines
HRESULT CRsClnFile::GetFileInfo( IN LONGLONG fileReference ) { TRACEFNHR( "CRsClnFile::GetFileInfo" );
UNICODE_STRING objectName; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; NTSTATUS ntStatus; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; PFILE_NAME_INFORMATION pfni; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD actualSize; ULONG fileNameLength; PVOID fileNameInfo = 0;
m_pReparseData = (PREPARSE_DATA_BUFFER) m_ReparseData; m_pHsmData = (PRP_DATA)&( m_pReparseData->GenericReparseBuffer.DataBuffer[0] );
try { RtlInitUnicodeString( &objectName, (WCHAR*)&fileReference ); objectName.Length = 8; objectName.MaximumLength = 8;
HANDLE hVolume = m_pVolume->GetHandle( ); RsOptAffirmHandle( hVolume ); InitializeObjectAttributes( &objectAttributes, &objectName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, hVolume, (PVOID)0 );
ULONG desiredAccess = FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES; ULONG shareAccess = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE; ULONG createOptions = FILE_OPEN_FOR_BACKUP_INTENT | FILE_OPEN_BY_FILE_ID | FILE_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT; ntStatus = NtCreateFile( &hFile, desiredAccess, &objectAttributes, &ioStatusBlock, (PLARGE_INTEGER)0, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, shareAccess, FILE_OPEN, createOptions, (PVOID)0, (ULONG)0 ); RsOptAffirmNtStatus( ntStatus );
RsOptAffirmNtStatus( NtQueryInformationFile( hFile, &ioStatusBlock, (PVOID) &m_BasicInfo, sizeof( m_BasicInfo ), FileBasicInformation ) ); //
// Get the file name
size_t bufSize = 256; fileNameInfo = malloc( bufSize ); RsOptAffirmAlloc( fileNameInfo );
ntStatus = NtQueryInformationFile( hFile, &ioStatusBlock, fileNameInfo, bufSize - sizeof(WCHAR), FileNameInformation );
if( ntStatus == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) {
pfni = (PFILE_NAME_INFORMATION)fileNameInfo; bufSize = sizeof(ULONG) + pfni->FileNameLength + sizeof(WCHAR);
PVOID tmpFileNameInfo = realloc( fileNameInfo, bufSize ); if( !tmpFileNameInfo ) { free( fileNameInfo ); fileNameInfo = 0;
} else {
fileNameInfo = tmpFileNameInfo;
RsOptAffirmAlloc( fileNameInfo );
RsOptAffirmNtStatus( NtQueryInformationFile( hFile, &ioStatusBlock, fileNameInfo, bufSize, FileNameInformation ) );
} else {
RsOptAffirmNtStatus( ntStatus ); }
pfni = (PFILE_NAME_INFORMATION) fileNameInfo; fileNameLength = pfni->FileNameLength / (ULONG)sizeof(WCHAR); pfni->FileName[ fileNameLength ] = L'\0'; m_FileName = pfni->FileName; m_FullPath = m_pVolume->GetStickyName( ) + m_FileName;
// And grab the reparse point data
BOOL bStatus = DeviceIoControl( hFile, FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT, (LPVOID) 0, (DWORD) 0, (LPVOID) m_ReparseData, (DWORD) sizeof(m_ReparseData), &actualSize, (LPOVERLAPPED) 0 ); RsOptAffirmStatus( bStatus );
} RsOptCatch( hrRet );
if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile ) CloseHandle( hFile ); if( fileNameInfo ) free( fileNameInfo );
return( hrRet ); }
CString CRsClnFile::GetFileName( ) { CString displayName;
displayName = m_pVolume->GetBestName( ); displayName += m_FileName.Mid( 1 ); // Gotta strip first backslash
return( displayName ); }
HRESULT CRsClnFile::ClearReadOnly( ) { TRACEFNHR( "CRsClnFile::ClearReadOnly" ); try {
RsOptAffirmStatus( SetFileAttributes( m_FullPath, ( m_BasicInfo.FileAttributes & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ) | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ) );
} RsOptCatch( hrRet );
return( hrRet ); }
HRESULT CRsClnFile::RestoreAttributes( ) { TRACEFNHR( "CRsClnFile::RestoreAttributes" ); try {
RsOptAffirmStatus( SetFileAttributes( m_FullPath, ( m_BasicInfo.FileAttributes & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE ) | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ) );
} RsOptCatch( hrRet );
return( hrRet ); }