� 1998 Seagate Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Implementation of CRsClnServer. This class represents a Remote Storage server whose local volumes are to be scanned for Remote Storage data and possibly cleaned. Cleaning means removing all Remote Storage reparse points truncated files from all local fixed disk volumes. CRsClnServer creates one or more instances of CRsClnVolume.
Carl Hagerstrom [carlh] 20-Aug-1998
Revision History:
#include <stdafx.h>
#include <ntseapi.h>
CRsClnServer Constructor
Routine Description:
Initializes list of volumes containing Remote Storage data.
CRsClnServer::CRsClnServer() { TRACEFN("CRsClnServer::CRsClnServer");
m_head = (struct dirtyVolume*)0; m_tail = (struct dirtyVolume*)0; m_current = (struct dirtyVolume*)0; }
CRsClnServer Destructor
Routine Description:
Cleans up memory used by list of volumes containging Remote Storage data.
CRsClnServer::~CRsClnServer() { TRACEFN("CRsClnServer::~CRsClnServer");
RemoveDirtyVolumes(); }
Routine Description:
Scans this server for volumes containing Remote Storage data. If so, the sticky name and a user friendly name is added to a list of such volumes.
volCount - returned: number of volumes containing Remote Storage data
Return Value:
S_OK - Success HRESULT - Any unexpected exceptions from lower level routines
HRESULT CRsClnServer::ScanServer(DWORD *volCount) { TRACEFNHR("CRsClnServer::ScanServer");
*volCount = 0; try {
for( BOOL firstLoop = TRUE;; firstLoop = FALSE ) {
if( firstLoop ) {
hScan = FindFirstVolume(stickyName, (sizeof(stickyName) / sizeof(stickyName[0])) ); RsOptAffirmHandle(hScan);
} else {
if( !FindNextVolume(hScan, stickyName, (sizeof(stickyName) / sizeof(stickyName[0])) ) ) { break; } }
CRsClnVolume volObj( this, stickyName );
RsOptAffirmDw( volObj.VolumeHasRsData( &hasData ) ); if( hasData ) {
RsOptAffirmDw( AddDirtyVolume( stickyName, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)volObj.GetBestName( ) ) ); ++(*volCount);
} } } RsOptCatch( hrRet );
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hScan) { FindVolumeClose( hScan ); }
return( hrRet ); }
Routine Description:
Return the name of the first volume on this server containing Remote Storage data.
bestName - returned: user friendly volume name if one exists or the sticky name
Return Value:
S_OK - Success HRESULT - Any unexpected exceptions from lower level routines
HRESULT CRsClnServer::FirstDirtyVolume(WCHAR** bestName) { TRACEFNHR("CRsClnServer::FirstDirtyVolume");
*bestName = (WCHAR*)0;
m_current = m_head;
if (m_current) { *bestName = m_current->bestName; }
return hrRet; }
Routine Description:
Return the name of the next volume on this server containing Remote Storage data.
bestName - returned: user friendly volume name if one exists or the sticky name
Return Value:
S_OK - Success HRESULT - Any unexpected exceptions from lower level routines
HRESULT CRsClnServer::NextDirtyVolume(WCHAR** bestName) { TRACEFNHR("CRsClnServer::NextDirtyVolume");
m_current = m_current->next;
if( m_current ) {
*bestName = m_current->bestName;
} else {
*bestName = (WCHAR*)0;
return( hrRet ); }
Routine Description:
Cleans up memory used by list of volumes containging Remote Storage data.
Return Value:
S_OK - Success HRESULT - Any unexpected exceptions from lower level routines
HRESULT CRsClnServer::RemoveDirtyVolumes() { TRACEFNHR("CRsClnServer::RemoveDirtyVolumes");
struct dirtyVolume* p; struct dirtyVolume* pnext;
for( p = m_head; p; p = pnext ) {
pnext = p->next; delete p; }
m_head = (struct dirtyVolume*)0; m_tail = (struct dirtyVolume*)0; m_current = (struct dirtyVolume*)0;
return( hrRet ); }
Routine Description:
For each volume on this server which contains Remote Storage data, remove all the Remote Storage reparse points and any truncated files.
Return Value:
S_OK - Success HRESULT - Any unexpected exceptions from lower level routines
HRESULT CRsClnServer::CleanServer() { TRACEFNHR("CRsClnServer::CleanServer");
HANDLE tokenHandle = 0;
try {
// Enable the backup operator privilege. This is required to insure that we
// have full access to all resources on the system.
TOKEN_PRIVILEGES newState; HANDLE pHandle; LUID backupValue; pHandle = GetCurrentProcess(); RsOptAffirmStatus( OpenProcessToken( pHandle, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &tokenHandle ) );
// adjust backup token privileges
RsOptAffirmStatus( LookupPrivilegeValueW( NULL, L"SeBackupPrivilege", &backupValue ) ); newState.PrivilegeCount = 1; newState.Privileges[0].Luid = backupValue; newState.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; RsOptAffirmStatus( AdjustTokenPrivileges( tokenHandle, FALSE, &newState, (DWORD)0, NULL, NULL ) );
// Do the cleaning
for( m_current = m_head; m_current; m_current = m_current->next ) {
CRsClnVolume volObj( this, m_current->stickyName ); RsOptAffirmDw( volObj.RemoveRsDataFromVolume( ) );
} RsOptCatch( hrRet );
if( tokenHandle ) CloseHandle( tokenHandle );
// And if we had errors on a file,
// show them up in a dialog
if( ! m_ErrorFileList.IsEmpty( ) ) {
CRsClnErrorFiles dialog( &m_ErrorFileList ); dialog.DoModal( );
return( hrRet ); }
Routine Description:
Add the specified volume names to the list of volumes containing Remote Storage data.
stickyName - long volume name guaranteed to exist for every volume bestName - user friendly volume name or sticky name if there is no DOS drive letter or volume name
Return Value:
S_OK - Success E_* - Any unexpected exceptions from lower level routines
HRESULT CRsClnServer::AddDirtyVolume(WCHAR* stickyName, WCHAR* bestName) { TRACEFNHR("CRsClnServer::AddDirtyVolume");
try {
struct dirtyVolume* dv = new struct dirtyVolume; RsOptAffirmPointer(dv);
wcscpy(dv->stickyName, stickyName); wcscpy(dv->bestName, bestName); dv->next = (struct dirtyVolume*)0;
if (!m_head) { m_head = dv; } else { m_tail->next = dv; } m_tail = dv;
} RsOptCatch( hrRet );
return( hrRet ); }
Routine Description:
Add the specified file name to the list of files that an error occurred on while trying to remove Remote Storage.
FileName - Name of file to be added to the list
Return Value:
S_OK - Success E_* - Any unexpected exceptions from lower level routines
HRESULT CRsClnServer::AddErrorFile( CString& FileName ) { TRACEFNHR( "CRsClnServer::AddErrorFile" ); TRACE( L"FileName = <%ls>", FileName );
m_ErrorFileList.AddTail( FileName );
return( hrRet ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// CRsClnErrorFiles dialog
CRsClnErrorFiles::CRsClnErrorFiles(CRsStringList* pFileList) : CDialog(CRsClnErrorFiles::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CRsClnErrorFiles)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
m_ErrorFileList.AddHead( pFileList ); }
void CRsClnErrorFiles::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CRsClnErrorFiles)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_FILELIST, m_FileList); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CRsClnErrorFiles, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CRsClnErrorFiles)
// CRsClnErrorFiles message handlers
BOOL CRsClnErrorFiles::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog();
// Need to iterate through the list, adding each element to the listbox
// and looking for the widest string so that we can set the horizontal
// extent
int maxWidth = 0; CClientDC DC( &m_FileList ); CFont* pFont = m_FileList.GetFont( ); CFont* pOldFont = DC.SelectObject( pFont );
while( ! m_ErrorFileList.IsEmpty( ) ) {
CString fileName = m_ErrorFileList.RemoveHead( );
m_FileList.AddString( fileName );
CSize extent = DC.GetTextExtent( fileName ); if( extent.cx > maxWidth ) maxWidth = extent.cx;
} DC.SelectObject( pOldFont ); m_FileList.SetHorizontalExtent( maxWidth );
return( TRUE ); }