#include "brian.h"
typedef struct _ASYNC_FSCTRL {
USHORT FileIndex; BOOLEAN UseEvent; PIO_APC_ROUTINE ApcRoutine; PVOID ApcContext; ULONG IoControlCode; PULONG InputBuffer; ULONG InputBufferLength; PULONG OutputBuffer; ULONG OutputBufferLength; BOOLEAN VerboseResults; USHORT AsyncIndex;
VOID RequestFsctrl ( IN PASYNC_FSCTRL Fsctrl );
// Local procedures
VOID InputFsctrl( IN PCHAR ParamBuffer )
{ BOOLEAN HaveFileIndex = FALSE; BOOLEAN HaveIoControlCode = FALSE;
USHORT FileIndex; BOOLEAN UseEvent = TRUE; PIO_APC_ROUTINE ApcRoutine = NULL; PVOID ApcContext = NULL; ULONG IoControlCode = 0; PULONG InputBuffer = NULL; ULONG InputBufferLength = 0; PULONG OutputBuffer = NULL; ULONG OutputBufferLength = 0; BOOLEAN VerboseResults = FALSE; BOOLEAN DisplayParms = FALSE;
USHORT AsyncIndex; BOOLEAN LastInput = TRUE;
// While there is more input, analyze the parameter and update the
// query flags.
while(TRUE) {
ULONG DummyCount;
// Swallow leading white spaces.
ParamBuffer = SwallowWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
if (*ParamBuffer) {
ULONG TempIndex;
// If the next parameter is legal then check the paramter value.
// Update the parameter value.
if((*ParamBuffer == '-' || *ParamBuffer == '/') && (ParamBuffer++, *ParamBuffer != '\0')) {
// Switch on the next character.
switch (*ParamBuffer) {
BOOLEAN SwitchBool;
// Update buffers to use.
case 'b' : case 'B' :
// Move to the next character, as long as there
// are no white spaces continue analyzing letters.
// On the first bad letter, skip to the next
// parameter.
if (*ParamBuffer == '\0') {
break; }
switch (*ParamBuffer) {
case 'i': case 'I':
TempIndex = AsciiToInteger( ++ParamBuffer );
if (TempIndex >= MAX_BUFFERS) {
bprint "\n\tInputFsctrl: Invalid Input buffer" );
} else {
InputBuffer = (PULONG) Buffers[TempIndex].Buffer; InputBufferLength = Buffers[TempIndex].Length; }
case 'o': case 'O':
TempIndex = AsciiToInteger( ++ParamBuffer );
if (TempIndex >= MAX_BUFFERS) {
bprint "\n\tInputFsctrl: Invalid output buffer" );
} else {
OutputBuffer = (PULONG) Buffers[TempIndex].Buffer; OutputBufferLength = Buffers[TempIndex].Length; }
break; }
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
// Update buffer lengths.
case 'l' : case 'L' :
// Move to the next character, as long as there
// are no white spaces continue analyzing letters.
// On the first bad letter, skip to the next
// parameter.
if (*ParamBuffer == '\0') {
break; }
switch (*ParamBuffer) {
case 'i': case 'I':
InputBufferLength = AsciiToInteger( ++ParamBuffer );
case 'o': case 'O':
OutputBufferLength = AsciiToInteger( ++ParamBuffer );
break; }
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
// Update the file handle index.
case 'i' : case 'I' :
// Move to the next character, as long as there
// are no white spaces continue analyzing letters.
// On the first bad letter, skip to the next
// parameter.
FileIndex = (USHORT) (AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer ));
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
HaveFileIndex = TRUE;
// Check whether we should use an event to signal
// completion.
case 'e' : case 'E' :
// Legal values for use event are T/t or F/f.
if (*ParamBuffer == 'T' || *ParamBuffer == 't') {
UseEvent = TRUE; ParamBuffer++;
} else if (*ParamBuffer == 'F' || *ParamBuffer == 'f') {
UseEvent = FALSE; ParamBuffer++; }
// Modify the operation
case 'o' : case 'O' :
SwitchBool = TRUE; while (*ParamBuffer && *ParamBuffer != ' ' && *ParamBuffer != '\t') {
// Perform switch on character.
switch (*ParamBuffer) {
case 'a' : case 'A' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'b' : case 'B' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_UNLOCK_VOLUME; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'c' : case 'C' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'd' : case 'D' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_MARK_VOLUME_DIRTY; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'e' : case 'E' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_IS_PATHNAME_VALID; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'f' : case 'F' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_QUERY_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'g' : case 'G' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_GET_COMPRESSION; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'h' : case 'H' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_SET_COMPRESSION; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'i' : case 'I' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_MARK_AS_SYSTEM_HIVE; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'j' : case 'J' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_FILESYSTEM_GET_STATISTICS; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'k' : case 'K' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_IS_VOLUME_DIRTY; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'l' : case 'L' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_GET_NTFS_VOLUME_DATA; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'm' : case 'M' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'n' : case 'N' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_GET_NTFS_FILE_RECORD; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'o' : case 'O' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_MOVE_FILE; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'p' : case 'P' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_ALLOW_EXTENDED_DASD_IO; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'q' : case 'Q' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'r' : case 'R' :
IoControlCode = FSCTL_SET_ENCRYPTION; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 's' : case 'S' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_EXTEND_VOLUME; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 't' : case 'T' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_FIND_FILES_BY_SID; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'u' : case 'U' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_MARK_HANDLE; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
case 'v' : case 'V' : IoControlCode = FSCTL_FILE_PREFETCH; HaveIoControlCode = TRUE; break;
default :
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); SwitchBool = FALSE; }
if (!SwitchBool) {
ParamBuffer++; }
case 'v' : case 'V' :
// Legal values for params are T/t or F/f.
if (*ParamBuffer == 'T' || *ParamBuffer == 't') {
VerboseResults = TRUE; ParamBuffer++;
} else if (*ParamBuffer == 'F' || *ParamBuffer == 'f') {
VerboseResults = FALSE; ParamBuffer++;
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
case 'y' : case 'Y' :
// Set the display parms flag and jump over this
// character.
DisplayParms = TRUE; ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
case 'z' : case 'Z' :
// Set flag for more input and jump over this char.
LastInput = FALSE; ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
default :
// Swallow to the next white space and continue the
// loop.
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
// Else the text is invalid, skip the entire block.
// Else if there is no input then exit.
} else if (LastInput) {
// Else try to read another line for open parameters.
} else {
if (!HaveFileIndex || !HaveIoControlCode) {
printf( "\n Usage: fsct -i<digits> -o<char> -b<i|o><digits> -l<i|o><digits>\n" ); printf( "\n Options:" ); printf( "\n -i<digits> Open file handle" ); printf( "\n -o<chars> Fsctrl operation" ); printf( "\n -oa Lock volume" ); printf( "\n -ob Unlock volume" ); printf( "\n -oc Dismount volume" ); printf( "\n -od Mark volume dirty" ); printf( "\n -oe Is pathname valid" ); printf( "\n -of Query retrieval pointers" ); printf( "\n -og Get compression" ); printf( "\n -oh Set compression" ); printf( "\n -oi Mark as system hive" ); printf( "\n -oj Get statistics" ); printf( "\n -ok Is volume dirty" ); printf( "\n -ol Get Ntfs volume data" ); printf( "\n -om Get volume bitmap" ); printf( "\n -on Get Ntfs file record" ); printf( "\n -oo Move file" ); printf( "\n -op Set Dasd IO" ); printf( "\n -oq Get retrieval pointers" ); printf( "\n -or Set encryption" ); printf( "\n -os Extend volume" ); printf( "\n -ot Query files by SID" ); printf( "\n -ou Mark handle" ); printf( "\n -ov File prefetch" ); printf( "\n -b[i|o]<digits> I/O buffers" ); printf( "\n -l[i|o]<digits> I/O buffer lengths" ); printf( "\n -e[t|f] Use event results" ); printf( "\n -v[t|f] Verbose results" ); printf( "\n -y Display parameters to query" ); printf( "\n -z Additional input line" ); printf( "\n\n" );
// Else process the call.
} else {
NTSTATUS Status; SIZE_T RegionSize; ULONG TempIndex;
HANDLE ThreadHandle; ULONG ThreadId;
RegionSize = sizeof( ASYNC_FSCTRL );
Status = AllocateBuffer( 0, &RegionSize, &TempIndex );
AsyncIndex = (USHORT) TempIndex;
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
printf("\n\tInputFsctrl: Unable to allocate async structure" );
} else {
AsyncFsctrl = (PASYNC_FSCTRL) Buffers[AsyncIndex].Buffer;
AsyncFsctrl->FileIndex = FileIndex; AsyncFsctrl->UseEvent = UseEvent; AsyncFsctrl->ApcRoutine = ApcRoutine; AsyncFsctrl->ApcContext = ApcContext; AsyncFsctrl->IoControlCode = IoControlCode; AsyncFsctrl->InputBuffer = InputBuffer; AsyncFsctrl->InputBufferLength = InputBufferLength; AsyncFsctrl->OutputBuffer = OutputBuffer; AsyncFsctrl->OutputBufferLength = OutputBufferLength; AsyncFsctrl->VerboseResults = VerboseResults; AsyncFsctrl->AsyncIndex = AsyncIndex;
if (DisplayParms) {
printf( "\nFsctrl Operation Parameters" ); printf( "\n Handle index -> %ld", FileIndex ); printf( "\n Fsctrl operation -> %ld", IoControlCode ); printf( "\n\n" ); }
if (!SynchronousCmds) { ThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, RequestFsctrl, AsyncFsctrl, 0, &ThreadId );
if (ThreadHandle == 0) {
printf( "\nInputFsctrl: Spawning thread fails -> %d\n", GetLastError() ); } } else {
RequestFsctrl( AsyncFsctrl ); } } }
return; }
VOID RequestFsctrl ( IN PASYNC_FSCTRL Fsctrl ) { HANDLE ThisEvent; USHORT ThisEventIndex = 0;
IoSb.Status = 0; IoSb.Information = 0;
if (Fsctrl->UseEvent) {
Status = ObtainEvent( &ThisEventIndex );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
bprint "\n\tRequestFsctrl: Unable to allocate an event" );
} else {
ThisEvent = Events[ThisEventIndex].Handle; } }
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
IoSb.Status = 0; IoSb.Information = 0; Status = NtFsControlFile( Handles[Fsctrl->FileIndex].Handle, ThisEvent, Fsctrl->ApcRoutine, Fsctrl->ApcContext, &IoSb, Fsctrl->IoControlCode, Fsctrl->InputBuffer, Fsctrl->InputBufferLength, Fsctrl->OutputBuffer, Fsctrl->OutputBufferLength );
if (Fsctrl->VerboseResults) {
bprint "\nRequestFsctrl: Status -> %08lx\n", Status );
if (Fsctrl->UseEvent && NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
if ((Status = NtWaitForSingleObject( ThisEvent, FALSE, NULL )) != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
bprint "\n\tFsctrl: Wait for event failed -> %08lx", Status ); } }
if (!NT_ERROR( Status )) {
bprint "\nRequestFsctrl: IoSb.Status -> %08lx", IoSb.Status ); bprint "\nRequestFsctrl: IoSb.Information -> %08lx", IoSb.Information ); }
bprint "\n" ); } }
if (ThisEventIndex != 0) {
FreeEvent( ThisEventIndex ); }
DeallocateBuffer( Fsctrl->AsyncIndex );
if (!SynchronousCmds) {
NtTerminateThread( NtCurrentThread(), STATUS_SUCCESS ); bprint "\nRequestFsctrl: Thread not terminated\n" ); } }