Copyright (c) 1989 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module defines all functions, along with implementations for inline functions related to accessing the SMB connection engine
The various data structures created by the mini rdr (Server Entries, Session Entries and Net Root Entries) are used in asynchronous operations. Hence a reference count mechanism is used to keep track of the creation/use/destruction of these data structures.
The usage patterns for these data structures falls into one of two cases
1) A prior reference exists and access is required
2) A new reference need be created.
These two scenarios are dealt with by two sets of access routines SmbCeGetAssociatedServerEntry, SmbCeGetAssociatedNetRootEntry and SmbCeReferenceAssociatedServerEntry, SmbCeReferenceAssociatedNetRootEntry.
The first set of routines include the necessary asserts in a debug build to ensure that a reference does exist.
The dereferencing mechanism is provided by the following routines SmbCeDereferenceServerEntry, SmbCeDereferenceSessionEntry, SmbCeDereferenceNetRootEntry.
The dereferencing routines also ensure that the data structures are deleted if the reference count is zero.
The construction of the various SMB mini redirector structures ( Server,Session and Net root entries ) follow a two phase protocol since network traffic is involved. The first set of routines initiate the construction while the second set of routines complete the construction.
These routines are SmbCeInitializeServerEntry, SmbCeCompleteServerEntryInitialization, SmbCeInitializeSessionEntry, SmbCeCompleteSessionEntryInitialization, SmbCeInitializeNetRootEntry, and SmbCeCompleteNetRootEntryInitialization.
Each of the SMB mini redirector data structures embodies a state diagram that consist of the following states
SMBCEDB_ACTIVE, // the instance is in use
SMBCEDB_INVALID, // the instance has been invalidated/disconnected.
SMBCEDB_MARKED_FOR_DELETION, // the instance has been marked for deletion.
SMBCEDB_RECYCLE, // the instance is available for recycling
SMBCEDB_START_CONSTRUCTION, // Initiate construction.
SMBCEDB_CONSTRUCTION_IN_PROGRESS, // the instance construction is in progress
SMBCEDB_DESTRUCTION_IN_PROGRESS // the instance destruction is in progress
A SMB MRX data structure instance begins its life in SMBCEDB_START_CONSTRUCTION state. When the construction is initiated the state transitions to SMBCEDB_CONSTRUCTION_IN_PROGRESS.
On completion of the construction the state is either transitioned to SMBCEDB_ACTIVE if the construction was successful. If the construction was not successful the state transitions to SMBCEDB_MARKED_FOR_DELETION if scavenging is to be done or SMBCEDB_DESTRUCTION_IN_PROGRESS if the tear down has been initiated.
An instance in the SMBCEDB_ACTIVE state transitions to SMBCEDB_INVALID when the transport/remote server information associated with it has been invalidated due to disconnects etc. This state is a cue for a reconnect attempt to be initiated.
The SMBCEDB_RECYCLE state is not in use currently.
All the state transitions are accomplished by the following set of routines which ensure that the appropriate concurrency control action is taken.
SmbCeUpdateServerEntryState, SmbCeUpdateSessionEntryState, and SmbCeUpdateNetRootEntryState.
Since the Server,Session and NetRoot entries are often referenced together the following two routines provide a batching mechanism to minimize the concurrency control overhead.
SmbCeReferenceAssociatedEntries, SmbCeDereferenceEntries
In addition this file also contains helper functions to access certain fields of MRX_SRV_CALL,MRX_NET_ROOT and MRX_V_NET_ROOT which are intrepreted differently by the SMB mini redirector.
#ifndef _SMBCEDB_H_
#define _SMBCEDB_H_
#include <smbcedbp.h> // To accomodate inline routines.
// All the routines below return the referenced object if successful. It is the caller's
// responsibility to dereference them subsequently.
extern NTSTATUS SmbCeFindOrConstructServerEntry( PUNICODE_STRING pServerName, SMBCEDB_SERVER_TYPE ServerType, PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY *pServerEntryPtr, PBOOLEAN pNewServerEntry);
extern NTSTATUS SmbCeInitializeServerEntry( IN PMRX_SRV_CALL pSrvCall, IN OUT PMRX_SRVCALL_CALLBACK_CONTEXT pCallbackContext, IN BOOLEAN DeferNetworkInitialization);
extern NTSTATUS SmbCeFindOrConstructSessionEntry( IN PMRX_V_NET_ROOT pVirtualNetRoot, OUT PSMBCEDB_SESSION_ENTRY *pSessionEntryPtr);
extern NTSTATUS SmbCeFindOrConstructNetRootEntry( IN PMRX_NET_ROOT pNetRoot, OUT PSMBCEDB_NET_ROOT_ENTRY *pNetRootEntryPtr);
extern NTSTATUS SmbCeFindOrConstructVNetRootContext( IN OUT PMRX_V_NET_ROOT pVNetRoot, IN BOOLEAN fDeferNetworkInitialization);
// The finalization routines are invoked in the context of a worker thread to finalize
// the construction of an entry as well as resume other entries waiting for it.
extern VOID SmbCeCompleteServerEntryInitialization( PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry, NTSTATUS Status);
extern VOID SmbCeCompleteSessionEntryInitialization( PVOID pSessionEntry, NTSTATUS Status);
extern VOID SmbCeCompleteVNetRootContextInitialization( PVOID pVNetRootContextEntry);
extern VOID SmbReferenceRecord( PREFERENCE_RECORD pReferenceRecord, PVOID FileName, ULONG FileLine);
// Routines for referencing/dereferencing SMB Mini redirector information associated with
// the wrapper data structures.
INLINE PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY SmbCeGetAssociatedServerEntry( PMRX_SRV_CALL pSrvCall) { ASSERT(pSrvCall->Context != NULL); return (PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY)(pSrvCall->Context); }
INLINE PSMBCE_V_NET_ROOT_CONTEXT SmbCeGetAssociatedVNetRootContext( PMRX_V_NET_ROOT pVNetRoot) { ASSERT(pVNetRoot != NULL); return (PSMBCE_V_NET_ROOT_CONTEXT)(pVNetRoot->Context); }
INLINE PSMBCEDB_NET_ROOT_ENTRY SmbCeGetAssociatedNetRootEntry( PMRX_NET_ROOT pNetRoot) { ASSERT(pNetRoot->Context != NULL); return (PSMBCEDB_NET_ROOT_ENTRY)(pNetRoot->Context); }
// All the macros for referencing and dereferencing begin with a prefix SmbCep...
// The p stands for a private version which is used for implementing reference tracking.
// By selectively turning on the desired flag it is possible to track every instance
// of a given type as the reference count is modified.
#define MRXSMB_REF_TRACE_SERVER_ENTRY (0x00000001)
extern ULONG MRxSmbReferenceTracingValue;
#define MRXSMB_REF_TRACING_ON(TraceMask) (TraceMask & MRxSmbReferenceTracingValue)
if (MRXSMB_REF_TRACING_ON( MRXSMB_REF_TRACE_ ## TYPE )) { \ DbgPrint("%ld\n",Count); \ }
INLINE VOID SmbCepReferenceServerEntry( PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry) { ASSERT(pServerEntry->Header.ObjectType == SMBCEDB_OT_SERVER); InterlockedIncrement(&pServerEntry->Header.SwizzleCount); MRXSMB_PRINT_REF_COUNT(SERVER_ENTRY,pServerEntry->Header.SwizzleCount) }
INLINE VOID SmbCepReferenceSessionEntry( PSMBCEDB_SESSION_ENTRY pSessionEntry) { ASSERT(pSessionEntry->Header.ObjectType == SMBCEDB_OT_SESSION); InterlockedIncrement(&(pSessionEntry->Header.SwizzleCount)); MRXSMB_PRINT_REF_COUNT(SESSION_ENTRY,pSessionEntry->Header.SwizzleCount) }
INLINE VOID SmbCepReferenceNetRootEntry( PSMBCEDB_NET_ROOT_ENTRY pNetRootEntry, PVOID FileName, ULONG FileLine) { ASSERT(pNetRootEntry->Header.ObjectType == SMBCEDB_OT_NETROOT); InterlockedIncrement(&(pNetRootEntry->Header.SwizzleCount)); MRXSMB_PRINT_REF_COUNT(NETROOT_ENTRY,pNetRootEntry->Header.SwizzleCount); SmbReferenceRecord(&pNetRootEntry->ReferenceRecord[0],FileName,FileLine); }
INLINE VOID SmbCepReferenceVNetRootContext( PSMBCE_V_NET_ROOT_CONTEXT pVNetRootContext) { ASSERT(pVNetRootContext->Header.ObjectType == SMBCEDB_OT_VNETROOTCONTEXT); InterlockedIncrement(&(pVNetRootContext->Header.SwizzleCount)); MRXSMB_PRINT_REF_COUNT(VNETROOT_CONTEXT,pVNetRootContext->Header.SwizzleCount) }
if (MRXSMB_REF_TRACING_ON(MRXSMB_REF_TRACE_SERVER_ENTRY)) { DbgPrint("Reference SrvCall's(%lx) Server Entry %lx %s %ld ", pSrvCall,pSrvCall->Context,__FILE__,__LINE__); \ }
if ((pServerEntry = pSrvCall->Context) != NULL) { ASSERT(pServerEntry->Header.SwizzleCount > 0); SmbCepReferenceServerEntry(pServerEntry); }
return pServerEntry; }
if (MRXSMB_REF_TRACING_ON(MRXSMB_REF_TRACE_NETROOT_ENTRY)) { DbgPrint("Reference NetRoot's(%lx) Net Root Entry %lx %s %ld ", pNetRoot,pNetRoot->Context,__FILE__,__LINE__); \ }
if ((pNetRootEntry = pNetRoot->Context) != NULL) { ASSERT(pNetRootEntry->Header.SwizzleCount > 0); SmbCepReferenceNetRootEntry(pNetRootEntry,__FILE__,__LINE__); }
return pNetRootEntry; }
extern VOID SmbCepDereferenceServerEntry( PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry);
extern VOID SmbCepDereferenceSessionEntry( PSMBCEDB_SESSION_ENTRY pSessionEntry);
extern VOID SmbCepDereferenceNetRootEntry( PSMBCEDB_NET_ROOT_ENTRY pNetRootEntry, PVOID FileName, ULONG FileLine);
extern VOID SmbCepDereferenceVNetRootContext( PSMBCE_V_NET_ROOT_CONTEXT pVNetRootContext);
#define SmbCeReferenceServerEntry(pServerEntry) \
if (MRXSMB_REF_TRACING_ON(MRXSMB_REF_TRACE_SERVER_ENTRY)) { \ DbgPrint("Reference Server Entry(%lx) %s %ld ",pServerEntry,__FILE__,__LINE__); \ } \ SmbCepReferenceServerEntry(pServerEntry)
#define SmbCeReferenceNetRootEntry(pNetRootEntry) \
if (MRXSMB_REF_TRACING_ON(MRXSMB_REF_TRACE_NETROOT_ENTRY)) { \ DbgPrint("Reference NetRoot Entry(%lx) %s %ld ",pNetRootEntry,__FILE__,__LINE__); \ } \ SmbCepReferenceNetRootEntry(pNetRootEntry,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define SmbCeReferenceVNetRootContext(pVNetRootContext) \
if (MRXSMB_REF_TRACING_ON(MRXSMB_REF_TRACE_VNETROOT_CONTEXT)) { \ DbgPrint("Reference VNetRootContext(%lx) %s %ld ",pVNetRootContext,__FILE__,__LINE__); \ } \ SmbCepReferenceVNetRootContext(pVNetRootContext)
#define SmbCeReferenceSessionEntry(pSessionEntry) \
if (MRXSMB_REF_TRACING_ON(MRXSMB_REF_TRACE_SESSION_ENTRY)) { \ DbgPrint("Reference Session Entry(%lx) %s %ld ",pSessionEntry,__FILE__,__LINE__); \ } \ SmbCepReferenceSessionEntry(pSessionEntry)
#define SmbCeDereferenceServerEntry(pServerEntry) \
if (MRXSMB_REF_TRACING_ON(MRXSMB_REF_TRACE_SERVER_ENTRY)) { \ DbgPrint("Dereference Server Entry(%lx) %s %ld ",pServerEntry,__FILE__,__LINE__); \ } \ SmbCepDereferenceServerEntry(pServerEntry)
#define SmbCeDereferenceNetRootEntry(pNetRootEntry) \
if (MRXSMB_REF_TRACING_ON(MRXSMB_REF_TRACE_NETROOT_ENTRY)) { \ DbgPrint("Dereference NetRoot Entry(%lx) %s %ld ",pNetRootEntry,__FILE__,__LINE__); \ } \ SmbCepDereferenceNetRootEntry(pNetRootEntry,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define SmbCeDereferenceSessionEntry(pSessionEntry) \
if (MRXSMB_REF_TRACING_ON(MRXSMB_REF_TRACE_SESSION_ENTRY)) { \ DbgPrint("Dereference Session Entry(%lx) %s %ld ",pSessionEntry,__FILE__,__LINE__); \ } \ SmbCepDereferenceSessionEntry(pSessionEntry)
#define SmbCeDereferenceVNetRootContext(pVNetRootContext) \
if (MRXSMB_REF_TRACING_ON(MRXSMB_REF_TRACE_VNETROOT_CONTEXT)) { \ DbgPrint("Dereference VNetRootContext Entry(%lx) %s %ld ",pVNetRootContext,__FILE__,__LINE__); \ } \ SmbCepDereferenceVNetRootContext(pVNetRootContext)
INLINE VOID SmbCeDereferenceEntries( PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry, PSMBCEDB_SESSION_ENTRY pSessionEntry, PSMBCEDB_NET_ROOT_ENTRY pNetRootEntry) { SmbCeDereferenceNetRootEntry(pNetRootEntry); SmbCeDereferenceSessionEntry(pSessionEntry); SmbCeDereferenceServerEntry(pServerEntry); }
// Routines for updating the state of SMB MRX data structures
#define SmbCeUpdateServerEntryState(pServerEntry,NEWSTATE) \
#define SmbCeUpdateSessionEntryState(pSessionEntry,NEWSTATE) \
#define SmbCeUpdateNetRootEntryState(pNetRootEntry,NEWSTATE) \
#define SmbCeUpdateVNetRootContextState(pVNetRootContext,NEWSTATE) \
// The RDBSS wrapper stores all the server names with a backslash prepended to
// them. This helps synthesize UNC names easily. In order to manipulate the
// Server name in the SMB protocol the \ needs to be stripped off.
INLINE VOID SmbCeGetServerName( PMRX_SRV_CALL pSrvCall, PUNICODE_STRING pServerName) { ASSERT(pSrvCall->pSrvCallName != NULL); pServerName->Buffer = pSrvCall->pSrvCallName->Buffer + 1; pServerName->Length = pSrvCall->pSrvCallName->Length - sizeof(WCHAR); pServerName->MaximumLength = pSrvCall->pSrvCallName->MaximumLength - sizeof(WCHAR); }
INLINE VOID SmbCeGetNetRootName( PMRX_NET_ROOT pNetRoot, PUNICODE_STRING pNetRootName) { ASSERT(pNetRoot->pNetRootName != NULL); *pNetRootName = *pNetRoot->pNetRootName; }
extern NTSTATUS SmbCeDestroyAssociatedVNetRootContext( PMRX_V_NET_ROOT pVNetRoot);
extern VOID SmbCeTearDownVNetRootContext( PSMBCE_V_NET_ROOT_CONTEXT pVNetRootContext);
extern NTSTATUS SmbCeGetUserNameAndDomainName( PSMBCEDB_SESSION_ENTRY pSessionEntry, PUNICODE_STRING pUserName, PUNICODE_STRING pUserDomainName);
extern NTSTATUS SmbCeUpdateSrvCall( IN PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry);
extern NTSTATUS SmbCeUpdateNetRoot( PSMBCEDB_NET_ROOT_ENTRY pNetRootEntry, PMRX_NET_ROOT pNetRoot);
extern NTSTATUS SmbCeScavengeRelatedContexts( IN PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry);
extern VOID SmbCeResumeOutstandingRequests( IN OUT PSMBCEDB_REQUESTS pRequests, IN NTSTATUS Status);
// given \\server\share, this routine returns a refcounted serverentry
NTSTATUS FindServerEntryFromCompleteUNCPath( USHORT *lpuServerShareName, PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY *ppServerEntry);
// given \\server\share, this routine returns a refcounted netroot entry
NTSTATUS FindNetRootEntryFromCompleteUNCPath( USHORT *lpuServerShareName, PSMBCEDB_NET_ROOT_ENTRY *ppNetRootEntry);
#endif // _SMBCEDB_H_