extern "C" { #include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
} #include <ole2.h>
#include <activeds.h>
#include <dfsprefix.h>
#include <DfsServerLibrary.hxx>
#include <DfsRegStrings.hxx>
#include <dfsutil.hxx>
#include <dfsmisc.h>
#include <dfspathname.hxx>
#include <struct.hxx>
LPWSTR DfsHostLastDomainValueName = DFS_REG_HOST_LAST_DOMAIN_VALUE; LPWSTR DfsDriverLocalVolumesLocation = DFS_REG_LOCAL_VOLUMES_LOCATION; LPWSTR DfsDriverLocalVolumesEntryPath = DFS_REG_ENTRY_PATH; LPWSTR DfsDriverLocalVolumesShortEntryPath = DFS_REG_SHORT_ENTRY_PATH;
DFSSTATUS DfsFixupRegistryValues( IN LPWSTR DfsPathString, IN LPWSTR RootName, IN LPWSTR OldDomainName, IN LPWSTR NewDomainName);
DFSSTATUS DfsRenameRegistries( IN DfsPathName *pPathName, IN LPWSTR OldDomainName, IN LPWSTR NewDomainName);
DFSSTATUS GetCurrentRegDomainName( IN HKEY VolumeKey, IN LPWSTR DfsHostValueName, OUT LPWSTR *pValueString);
DFSSTATUS DfsSetRegDomainName( IN const HKEY DfsKey, IN const LPWSTR RegValueName, IN const LPWSTR DomainString);
BOOLEAN DfsRenameFTConfigValueName( IN LPWSTR DNString, IN LPWSTR NewDomainString, IN PUNICODE_STRING OldDomain, OUT LPWSTR *NewDNString);
DFSSTATUS GetRegVolumesHKey( IN LPWSTR MachineName, OUT HKEY *VolumeKey);
DFSSTATUS GetRegLocalVolumesHKey( IN LPWSTR MachineName, OUT HKEY *LocalVolumeKey);
// DfsRenameRegistries
// This contacts all root targets affected by the rename
// operation to possibly change their registry references
// to the obsolete domain name.
DFSSTATUS DfsRenameRegistries( IN DfsPathName *pPathName, IN LPWSTR OldDomainName, IN LPWSTR NewDomainName) { DFSSTATUS Status; LPBYTE pBuffer = NULL; DWORD ResumeHandle = 0; DWORD EntriesRead = 0; DWORD PrefMaxLen = 1; DWORD Level = 4; PDFS_INFO_4 pCurrentBuffer; DWORD i; PDFS_STORAGE_INFO pStorage;
// We are reading in just the ROOT.
// supw: DfsGetInfo is a better way to do this.
Status = DfsApiEnumerate( MODE_DIRECT, pPathName->GetPathString(), Level, PrefMaxLen, &pBuffer, &EntriesRead, &ResumeHandle); if ((Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && EntriesRead != 0) { pCurrentBuffer = (PDFS_INFO_4)pBuffer; for( i = 0, pStorage = pCurrentBuffer->Storage; i < pCurrentBuffer->NumberOfStorages; i++, pStorage = pCurrentBuffer->Storage + i ) { DebugInformation((L"DfsUtil: RenameRegistries: TARGET SERVER \\\\%ws\\%ws\n", pStorage->ServerName, pStorage->ShareName));
// Now contact the appropriate server(s) for the root replicas
// and fix up their registry values if they happen to still
// point back at the obsolete domain name. Only the pre-Whistler
// servers do that currently.
// Errors are ignored entirely. The target server may or may not be a
// W2K machine.
// xxx supw: skip duplicate servernames here.
(VOID)DfsFixupRegistryValues(pStorage->ServerName, pPathName->GetShareString(), OldDomainName, NewDomainName);
// Don't bother to resynchrnoize. W2K systems don't respond to RESYNCHRONIZE calls.
// Besides, the administrator is supposed to reboot all root servers.
// (VOID)SetInfoReSynchronize( pStorage->ServerName, pStorage->ShareName );
// Free the allocated memory.
DfsFreeApiBuffer(pBuffer); } return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsFixupRegistryValues( IN LPWSTR MachineName, IN LPWSTR RootName, IN LPWSTR OldDomainName, IN LPWSTR NewDomainName) { HKEY VolumeKey, LocalVolKey; LPWSTR DNString = NULL; LPWSTR EntryString = NULL; DFSSTATUS Status; DFSSTATUS RetStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; UNICODE_STRING OldDomUnicode; UNICODE_STRING DomUnicode; BOOLEAN Changed = FALSE; Status = GetRegVolumesHKey( MachineName, &VolumeKey );
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (fSwDebug) { DebugInformation((L"DfsUtil: RegOpen of DfsHost Volumes failed for machine %ws, with error 0x%x\n", MachineName, Status)); } //
// Only return fatal conditions that'll prompt us to abort.
return RetStatus; } RtlInitUnicodeString( &OldDomUnicode, OldDomainName );
// The \DfsHost\volumes\FTDfsObjectDN may need fixing.
Status = GetCurrentRegDomainName( VolumeKey, UtilFtDfsConfigDNValueName, &DNString); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LPWSTR NewDNString;
// The DNString is of the form "CN=,CN=,...DC=DomainName,DC=..."
// See if the substring DC=DomainName matches the OldDomainName.
// If so substitute it with the NewDomainName and get a new DN string.
//if (DfsRenameFTConfigValueName( DNString, NewDomainName, &OldDomUnicode, &NewDNString ))
// Simply replace the existing string with a new DN string we generate.
// This assumes that the system has already rebooted since the DC was renamed.
{ Status = DfsGenerateDNPathString( RootName, &NewDNString ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = DfsSetRegDomainName( VolumeKey, UtilFtDfsConfigDNValueName, NewDNString ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Changed = TRUE; DebugInformation((L"FTDfsObjectDN = %ws\n", NewDNString)); } DfsDeleteDNPathString( NewDNString ); } } delete [] DNString; }
// The \DfsHost\volumes\LastDomainName shouldn't mention the old domain name.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = GetCurrentRegDomainName( VolumeKey, DfsHostLastDomainValueName, &DNString ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RtlInitUnicodeString( &DomUnicode, DNString ); if (RtlEqualDomainName( &DomUnicode, &OldDomUnicode )) { //
// Go ahead and make the substitution in the registry.
Status = DfsSetRegDomainName( VolumeKey, DfsHostLastDomainValueName, NewDomainName ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Changed = TRUE; DebugInformation((L"DfsUtil: Rename of LastDomainName RegKey to %ws successful\n", NewDomainName)); } } delete [] DNString; } }
RegCloseKey( VolumeKey );
Status = GetRegLocalVolumesHKey( MachineName, &LocalVolKey );
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (fSwDebug) { DebugInformation((L"DfsUtil: RegOpen of Services\\DfsDriver\\LocalVolume failed for machine %ws, with error 0x%x\n", MachineName, Status)); } //
// Only return fatal conditions that'll prompt us to abort.
return RetStatus; } //
// The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DfsDriver\LocalVolume
// shouldn't mention the old domain name.
Status = GetCurrentRegDomainName( LocalVolKey, DfsDriverLocalVolumesEntryPath, &EntryString ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DfsPathName EntryPath; Status = EntryPath.CreatePathName(EntryString ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (RtlEqualDomainName( EntryPath.GetServerCountedString(), &OldDomUnicode )) { DfsPathName NewEntryPath; //
// Go ahead and make the substitution in the registry.
// But first recreate the EntryPath using the new domain name.
NewEntryPath.SetPathName( NewDomainName, EntryPath.GetShareString(), 1); Status = DfsSetRegDomainName( LocalVolKey, DfsDriverLocalVolumesEntryPath, NewEntryPath.GetPathString() ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Changed = TRUE; DebugInformation((L"DfsUtil: Rename of EntryPath RegKey from %ws to %ws successful\n", EntryPath.GetPathString(), NewEntryPath.GetPathString())); } } } delete [] EntryString; }
Status = GetCurrentRegDomainName( LocalVolKey, DfsDriverLocalVolumesShortEntryPath, &EntryString ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DfsPathName ShortEntryPath; Status = ShortEntryPath.CreatePathName(EntryString ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (RtlEqualDomainName( ShortEntryPath.GetServerCountedString(), &OldDomUnicode )) { //
// Go ahead and make the substitution in the registry.
// But first recreate the EntryPath using the new domain name.
DfsPathName NewEntryPath; //
// Go ahead and make the substitution in the registry.
// But first recreate the EntryPath using the new domain name.
NewEntryPath.SetPathName( NewDomainName, ShortEntryPath.GetShareString(), 1 );
Status = DfsSetRegDomainName( LocalVolKey, DfsDriverLocalVolumesShortEntryPath, NewEntryPath.GetPathString() );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Changed = TRUE; DebugInformation((L"DfsUtil: Rename of ShortEntryPath RegKey From %ws to %ws successful\n", ShortEntryPath.GetPathString(), NewEntryPath.GetPathString())); } } } delete [] EntryString; } RegCloseKey( LocalVolKey );
if (Changed) { DebugInformation((L"DfsUtil: Renamed registry references in root target system %wS\n", MachineName)); } return RetStatus; }
DFSSTATUS GetCurrentRegDomainName( IN HKEY VolumeKey, IN LPWSTR DfsHostValueName, OUT LPWSTR *pValueString) { LPWSTR FtDfsValue = NULL; ULONG DataSize, DataType; ULONG FtDfsValueSize;
DWORD Status;
*pValueString = NULL; //
// If we opened the DFS hierarchy key properly, get the maximum
// size of any of the values under this key. This is so that we
// know how much memory to allocate, so that we can read any of
// the values we desire.
Status = RegQueryInfoKey( VolumeKey, // Key
NULL, // Class string
NULL, // Size of class string
NULL, // Reserved
NULL, // # of subkeys
NULL, // max size of subkey name
NULL, // max size of class name
NULL, // # of values
NULL, // max size of value name
&DataSize, // max size of value data,
NULL, // security descriptor
NULL ); // Last write time
// check if the value is a string.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { FtDfsValueSize = DataSize; FtDfsValue = (LPWSTR) new BYTE[DataSize]; if (FtDfsValue == NULL) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { //
// Now check if this is a Domain Based root.
Status = RegQueryValueEx( VolumeKey, DfsHostValueName, NULL, &DataType, (LPBYTE)FtDfsValue, &FtDfsValueSize); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *pValueString = FtDfsValue; } else {
delete [] FtDfsValue; } } }
return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsSetRegDomainName( IN const HKEY DfsKey, IN const LPWSTR RegValueName, IN const LPWSTR DomainString) { DFSSTATUS Status;
Status = RegSetValueEx( DfsKey, RegValueName, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)DomainString, wcslen(DomainString) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
return Status; }
DFSSTATUS GetRegVolumesHKey( IN LPWSTR MachineName, OUT HKEY *VolumeKey) { DFSSTATUS Status; HKEY RootKey; HKEY HostKey; Status = RegConnectRegistry( MachineName, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &RootKey );
if ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return Status; } Status = RegOpenKeyEx( RootKey, UtilRegistryHostLocation, 0, KEY_READ|KEY_WRITE, &HostKey );
if (RootKey != HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) { RegCloseKey( RootKey ); }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = RegOpenKeyEx( HostKey, UtilVolumesLocation, 0, KEY_READ|KEY_WRITE, VolumeKey );
RegCloseKey( HostKey ); } return Status; }
DFSSTATUS GetRegLocalVolumesHKey( IN LPWSTR MachineName, OUT HKEY *LocalVolumeKey) { DFSSTATUS Status; HKEY RootKey; HKEY LocalParentKey; Status = RegConnectRegistry( MachineName, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &RootKey );
if ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return Status; } Status = RegOpenKeyEx( RootKey, DfsDriverLocalVolumesLocation, 0, KEY_READ|KEY_WRITE, &LocalParentKey );
if (RootKey != HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) { RegCloseKey( RootKey ); }
// We know for a fact that the old W2K servers can
// host only one root. Therefore, there can only be one
// child here.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD ChildNameLen = MAX_PATH; WCHAR ChildName[MAX_PATH];
Status = RegEnumKeyEx( LocalParentKey, 0, ChildName, &ChildNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// We have the name of a child, so open the key to
// that root.
Status = RegOpenKeyEx( LocalParentKey, ChildName, 0, KEY_READ|KEY_WRITE, LocalVolumeKey ); } RegCloseKey( LocalParentKey ); } return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsRenameLinksToDomain( IN DfsPathName *pDfsPath, IN LPWSTR OldDomainName, IN LPWSTR NewDomainName) { DFSSTATUS Status;
DebugInformation((L"DfsUtil: Starting renaming links from %ws to %ws in ROOT %ws\n", OldDomainName, NewDomainName, pDfsPath->GetPathString()));
Status = DfsRenameLinks( pDfsPath->GetPathString(), OldDomainName, NewDomainName );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { (VOID)DfsRenameRegistries( pDfsPath, OldDomainName, NewDomainName ); CommandSucceeded = TRUE; }
return Status; }