Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the File System Driver for the LAN Manager server.
Chuck Lenzmeier (chuckl) 22-Sep-1989
Revision History:
// This module is laid out as follows:
// Includes
// Local #defines
// Local type definitions
// Forward declarations of local functions
// Device driver entry points
// Server I/O completion routine
// Server transport event handlers
// SMB processing support routines
#include "precomp.h"
#include "fsd.tmh"
#pragma hdrstop
#define BugCheckFileId SRV_FILE_FSD
#define LOOPBACK_IP_ADDRESS 0x0100007f
extern UNICODE_STRING SrvDeviceName; extern UNICODE_STRING SrvRegistryPath;
// We allow a connection a couple extra work contexts to cover the MAILSLOT and ECHO operation cases
#define MAX_MPX_MARGIN 10
// Forward declarations
VOID UnloadServer ( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject );
#pragma alloc_text( INIT, DriverEntry )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, UnloadServer )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvPnpBindingHandler )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE8FIL, SrvFsdOplockCompletionRoutine )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE8FIL, SrvFsdRestartSendOplockIItoNone )
#if 0
NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvFsdIoCompletionRoutine NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvFsdSendCompletionRoutine NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvFsdTdiConnectHandler NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvFsdTdiDisconnectHandler NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvFsdTdiReceiveHandler NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvFsdGetReceiveWorkItem NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvFsdRestartSmbComplete NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvFsdRestartSmbAtSendCompletion NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvFsdServiceNeedResourceQueue NOT PAGEABLE -- SrvAddToNeedResourceQueue #endif
ULONG IndicationsCopied = 0; ULONG IndicationsNotCopied = 0; #endif
extern BOOLEAN RunSuspectConnectionAlgorithm;
Routine Description:
This is the initialization routine for the LAN Manager server file system driver. This routine creates the device object for the LanmanServer device and performs all other driver initialization.
DriverObject - Pointer to driver object created by the system.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the initialization operation.
{ NTSTATUS status; CLONG i;
// Make sure we haven't messed up the size of a WORK_QUEUE structure.
// Really needs to be a multiple of CACHE_LINE_SIZE bytes to get
// proper performance on MP systems.
// This code gets optimized out when the size is correct.
if( sizeof( WORK_QUEUE ) & (CACHE_LINE_SIZE-1) ) { KdPrint(( "sizeof(WORK_QUEUE) == %d!\n", sizeof( WORK_QUEUE ))); KdPrint(("Fix the WORK_QUEUE structure to be multiple of CACHE_LINE_SIZE!\n" )); #if DBG
DbgBreakPoint(); #endif
KdPrint(( "SRV: At DriverEntry\n" )); DbgBreakPoint( ); #endif
#if 0
IF_DEBUG(FSD1) KdPrint(( "SrvFsdInitialize entered\n" ));
// Initialize in-memory printing.
MemPrintInitialize( ); #endif
// Create the device object. (IoCreateDevice zeroes the memory
// occupied by the object.)
// !!! Apply an ACL to the device object.
RtlInitUnicodeString(& SrvDeviceName, StrServerDevice);
status = IoCreateDevice( DriverObject, // DriverObject
sizeof(DEVICE_EXTENSION), // DeviceExtension
& SrvDeviceName, // DeviceName
0, // DeviceCharacteristics
FALSE, // Exclusive
&SrvDeviceObject // DeviceObject
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_EXPECTED, "SrvFsdInitialize: Unable to create device object: %X", status, NULL );
SrvLogError( DriverObject, EVENT_SRV_CANT_CREATE_DEVICE, status, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 ); return status; }
IF_DEBUG(FSD1) { KdPrint(( " Server device object: 0x%p\n", SrvDeviceObject )); }
// Initialize the driver object for this file system driver.
DriverObject->DriverUnload = UnloadServer; for (i = 0; i <= IRP_MJ_MAXIMUM_FUNCTION; i++) { DriverObject->MajorFunction[i] = SrvFsdDispatch; }
// Initialize global data fields.
SrvInitializeData( );
// Remember registry path
SrvRegistryPath.MaximumLength = RegistryPath->Length + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL); SrvRegistryPath.Buffer = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, SrvRegistryPath.MaximumLength); if (SrvRegistryPath.Buffer != NULL) { RtlCopyUnicodeString(& SrvRegistryPath, RegistryPath); } else { SrvRegistryPath.Length = SrvRegistryPath.MaximumLength = 0; }
IF_DEBUG(FSD1) KdPrint(( "SrvFsdInitialize complete\n" ));
return (status);
} // DriverEntry
VOID UnloadServer ( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject )
Routine Description:
This is the unload routine for the server driver.
DriverObject - Pointer to server driver object.
Return Value:
if (SrvRegistryPath.Buffer != NULL ) ExFreePool(SrvRegistryPath.Buffer);
// If we are using a smart card to accelerate direct host IPX clients,
// let it know we are going away.
if( SrvIpxSmartCard.DeRegister ) { IF_DEBUG( SIPX ) { KdPrint(("Calling Smart Card DeRegister\n" )); } SrvIpxSmartCard.DeRegister(); }
// Clean up global data structures.
SrvTerminateData( );
// Delete the server's device object.
IoDeleteDevice( SrvDeviceObject );
} // UnloadServer
NTSTATUS SrvFsdIoCompletionRoutine ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context )
Routine Description:
This is the I/O completion routine for the server. It is specified as the completion routine for asynchronous I/O requests issued by the server. It simply calls the restart routine specified for the work item when the asynchronous request was started.
DeviceObject - Pointer to target device object for the request.
Irp - Pointer to I/O request packet
Context - Caller-specified context parameter associated with IRP. This is actually a pointer to a Work Context block.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - If STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED is returned, I/O completion processing by IoCompleteRequest terminates its operation. Otherwise, IoCompleteRequest continues with I/O completion.
{ KIRQL oldIrql;
DeviceObject; // prevent compiler warnings
IF_DEBUG(FSD2) { KdPrint(( "SrvFsdIoCompletionRoutine entered for IRP 0x%p\n", Irp )); }
#if DBG
if( Irp->Type != (CSHORT) IO_TYPE_IRP ) { DbgPrint( "SRV: Irp->Type = %u!\n", Irp->Type ); DbgBreakPoint(); } #endif
// Reset the IRP cancelled bit.
Irp->Cancel = FALSE;
// Call the restart routine associated with the work item.
IF_DEBUG(FSD2) { KdPrint(( "FSD working on work context 0x%p", Context )); } KeRaiseIrql( DISPATCH_LEVEL, &oldIrql ); ((PWORK_CONTEXT)Context)->FsdRestartRoutine( (PWORK_CONTEXT)Context ); KeLowerIrql( oldIrql );
// Return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED so that IoCompleteRequest
// will stop working on the IRP.
} // SrvFsdIoCompletionRoutine
NTSTATUS SrvFsdSendCompletionRoutine ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context )
Routine Description:
This is the TDI send completion routine for the server. It simply calls the restart routine specified for the work item when the send request was started.
!!! This routine does the exact same thing as SrvFsdIoCompletionRoutine. It offers, however, a convienient network debugging routine since it completes only sends.
DeviceObject - Pointer to target device object for the request.
Irp - Pointer to I/O request packet
Context - Caller-specified context parameter associated with IRP. This is actually a pointer to a Work Context block.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - If STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED is returned, I/O completion processing by IoCompleteRequest terminates its operation. Otherwise, IoCompleteRequest continues with I/O completion.
{ KIRQL oldIrql; PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext = (PWORK_CONTEXT)(Context); DeviceObject; // prevent compiler warnings
IF_DEBUG(FSD2) { KdPrint(( "SrvFsdSendCompletionRoutine entered for IRP 0x%p\n", Irp )); }
// Check the status of the send completion.
// Reset the IRP cancelled bit.
Irp->Cancel = FALSE;
// Call the restart routine associated with the work item.
IF_DEBUG(FSD2) { KdPrint(( "FSD working on work context 0x%p", Context )); } KeRaiseIrql( DISPATCH_LEVEL, &oldIrql ); ((PWORK_CONTEXT)Context)->FsdRestartRoutine( (PWORK_CONTEXT)Context ); KeLowerIrql( oldIrql );
// Return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED so that IoCompleteRequest
// will stop working on the IRP.
} // SrvFsdSendCompletionRoutine
NTSTATUS SrvFsdOplockCompletionRoutine ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PVOID Context )
Routine Description:
This is the I/O completion routine oplock requests.
DeviceObject - Pointer to target device object for the request.
Irp - Pointer to I/O request packet
Context - A pointer to the oplock context block.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - If STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED is returned, I/O completion processing by IoCompleteRequest terminates its operation. Otherwise, IoCompleteRequest continues with I/O completion.
{ PRFCB rfcb = Context;
DeviceObject; // prevent compiler warnings
IF_DEBUG(FSD2) { KdPrint(( "SrvFsdOplockCompletionRoutine entered for IRP 0x%p\n", Irp )); }
// Queue the oplock context to the FSP work queue, except in the
// following special case: If a level I oplock request failed, and
// we want to retry for level II, simply set the oplock retry event
// and dismiss IRP processing. This is useful because it eliminates
// a trip to an FSP thread and necessary in order to avoid a
// deadlock where all of the FSP threads are waiting for their
// oplock retry events.
IF_DEBUG(FSD2) { KdPrint(( "FSD working on work context 0x%p", Context )); }
if ( (rfcb->RetryOplockRequest != NULL) && !NT_SUCCESS(Irp->IoStatus.Status) ) {
// Set the event that tells the oplock request routine that it
// is OK to retry the request.
IF_DEBUG(OPLOCK) { KdPrint(( "SrvFsdOplockCompletionRoutine: oplock retry event " "set for RFCB %p\n", rfcb )); }
KeSetEvent( rfcb->RetryOplockRequest, EVENT_INCREMENT, FALSE );
// Insert the RFCB at the tail of the nonblocking work queue.
rfcb->FspRestartRoutine = SrvOplockBreakNotification;
SrvInsertWorkQueueTail( rfcb->Connection->PreferredWorkQueue, (PQUEUEABLE_BLOCK_HEADER)rfcb );
// Return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED so that IoCompleteRequest
// will stop working on the IRP.
} // SrvFsdOplockCompletionRoutine
NTSTATUS SrvFsdTdiConnectHandler( IN PVOID TdiEventContext, IN int RemoteAddressLength, IN PVOID RemoteAddress, IN int UserDataLength, IN PVOID UserData, IN int OptionsLength, IN PVOID Options, OUT CONNECTION_CONTEXT *ConnectionContext, OUT PIRP *AcceptIrp )
Routine Description:
This is the transport connect event handler for the server. It is specified as the connect handler for all endpoints opened by the server. It attempts to dequeue a free connection from a list anchored in the endpoint. If successful, it returns the connection to the transport. Otherwise, the connection is rejected.
TdiEventContext -
RemoteAddressLength -
RemoteAddress -
UserDataLength -
UserData -
OptionsLength -
Options -
ConnectionContext -
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - !!! (apparently ignored by transport driver)
UserDataLength, UserData; // avoid compiler warnings
OptionsLength, Options;
endpoint = (PENDPOINT)TdiEventContext;
IF_DEBUG(FSD2) { KdPrint(( "SrvFsdTdiConnectHandler entered for endpoint 0x%p\n", endpoint )); }
if( SrvCompletedPNPRegistration == FALSE ) { //
// Do not become active on any single transport until all of the
// transports have been registered
// Take a receive work item off the free list.
ALLOCATE_WORK_CONTEXT( queue, &workContext );
if ( workContext == NULL ) {
// We're out of WorkContext structures, and we aren't able to allocate
// any more just now. Let's at least cause a worker thread to allocate some more
// by incrementing the NeedWorkItem counter. This will cause the next
// freed WorkContext structure to get dispatched to SrvServiceWorkItemShortage.
// While SrvServiceWorkItemShortage probably won't find any work to do, it will
// allocate more WorkContext structures if it can. Clients generally retry
// on connection attempts -- perhaps we'll have a free WorkItem structure next time.
InterlockedIncrement( &queue->NeedWorkItem );
// Set it up to refill the connection cache
// We need to do this because previous attempts could have failed due to
// out-of-memory, leaving us in a state where we don't try to refill anymore
if( GET_BLOCK_STATE(endpoint) == BlockStateActive ) { SrvResourceAllocConnection = TRUE; SrvFsdQueueExWorkItem( &SrvResourceAllocThreadWorkItem, &SrvResourceAllocThreadRunning, CriticalWorkQueue ); }
INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_EXPECTED, "SrvFsdTdiConnectHandler: no work item available", NULL, NULL );
KeRaiseIrql( DISPATCH_LEVEL, &oldIrql );
// Take a connection off the endpoint's free connection list.
// *** Note that all of the modifications done to the connection
// block are done with the spin lock held. This ensures that
// closing of the endpoint's connections will work properly
// if it happens simultaneously. Note that we assume that the
// endpoint is active here. When the TdiAccept completes, we
// check the endpoint state.
listEntry = RemoveHeadList( &endpoint->FreeConnectionList );
if ( listEntry == &endpoint->FreeConnectionList ) {
// Unable to get a free connection.
// Dereference the work item manually. We cannot call
// SrvDereferenceWorkItem from here.
RELEASE_DPC_GLOBAL_SPIN_LOCK( Fsd ); KeLowerIrql( oldIrql );
ASSERT( workContext->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount == 1 ); workContext->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount = 0;
IF_DEBUG(TDI) { KdPrint(( "SrvFsdTdiConnectHandler: no connection available\n" )); }
// Set it up to refill the connection cache
// We need to do this because previous attempts could have failed due to
// out-of-memory, leaving us in a state where we don't try to refill anymore
if( GET_BLOCK_STATE(endpoint) == BlockStateActive ) { SrvResourceAllocConnection = TRUE; SrvFsdQueueExWorkItem( &SrvResourceAllocThreadWorkItem, &SrvResourceAllocThreadRunning, CriticalWorkQueue ); }
// Wake up the resource thread to create a new free connection for
// the endpoint.
if ( (endpoint->FreeConnectionCount < SrvFreeConnectionMinimum) && (GET_BLOCK_STATE(endpoint) == BlockStateActive) ) { SrvResourceAllocConnection = TRUE; SrvFsdQueueExWorkItem( &SrvResourceAllocThreadWorkItem, &SrvResourceAllocThreadRunning, CriticalWorkQueue ); }
// Reference the connection twice -- once to account for its being
// "open", and once to account for the Accept request we're about
// to issue.
connection = CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, CONNECTION, EndpointFreeListEntry );
ACQUIRE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock );
#if SRVDBG29
if ( GET_BLOCK_STATE(connection) == BlockStateActive ) { KdPrint(( "SRV: Connection %x is ACTIVE on free connection list!\n", connection )); DbgBreakPoint( ); } if ( connection->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount != 0 ) { KdPrint(( "SRV: Connection %x has nonzero refcnt on free connection list!\n", connection )); DbgBreakPoint( ); } UpdateConnectionHistory( "CONN", endpoint, connection ); #endif
SrvReferenceConnectionLocked( connection ); SrvReferenceConnectionLocked( connection );
// Indicate that we are a VC-oriented connection
connection->DirectHostIpx = FALSE;
// Set the processor affinity
connection->PreferredWorkQueue = queue; connection->CurrentWorkQueue = queue;
InterlockedIncrement( &queue->CurrentClients );
// Get this client onto the best processor
SrvBalanceLoad( connection ); #endif
// Initialize the SMB security signature handling
connection->SmbSecuritySignatureActive = FALSE;
// Put the work item on the in-progress list.
SrvInsertTailList( &connection->InProgressWorkItemList, &workContext->InProgressListEntry ); connection->InProgressWorkContextCount++;
// Set the last used timestamp for this connection
GET_SERVER_TIME( connection->CurrentWorkQueue, &connection->LastRequestTime );
// Mark the connection active.
SET_BLOCK_STATE( connection, BlockStateActive );
// Now we can release the spin lock.
RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock );
// Save the client's address/name in the connection block.
// *** This code only handles NetBIOS names!
address = (PTA_NETBIOS_ADDRESS)RemoteAddress; ASSERT( address->TAAddressCount == 1 ); ASSERT( address->Address[0].AddressType == TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_NETBIOS ); ASSERT( address->Address[0].AddressLength == sizeof(TDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS) ); ASSERT( address->Address[0].Address[0].NetbiosNameType == TDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS_TYPE_UNIQUE );
// Copy the oem name at this time. We convert it to unicode when
// we get to the fsp.
{ ULONG len; PCHAR oemClientName = address->Address[0].Address[0].NetbiosName; ULONG oemClientNameLength = (MIN( RemoteAddressLength, COMPUTER_NAME_LENGTH ));
PCHAR clientMachineName = connection->OemClientMachineName;
RtlCopyMemory( clientMachineName, oemClientName, oemClientNameLength );
clientMachineName[oemClientNameLength] = '\0';
// Determine the number of characters that aren't blanks. This is
// used by the session APIs to simplify their processing.
for ( len = oemClientNameLength; len > 0 && (clientMachineName[len-1] == ' ' || clientMachineName[len-1] == '\0'); len-- ) ;
connection->OemClientMachineNameString.Length = (USHORT)len;
IF_DEBUG(TDI) { KdPrint(( "SrvFsdTdiConnectHandler accepting connection from %z on connection %p\n", (PCSTRING)&connection->OemClientMachineNameString, connection )); }
// Convert the prebuilt TdiReceive request into a TdiAccept request.
workContext->Connection = connection; workContext->Endpoint = endpoint;
(VOID)SrvBuildIoControlRequest( workContext->Irp, // input IRP address
connection->FileObject, // target file object address
workContext, // context
TDI_ACCEPT, // minor function
NULL, // input buffer address
0, // input buffer length
NULL, // output buffer address
0, // output buffer length
NULL, // MDL address
NULL // completion routine
// Make the next stack location current. Normally IoCallDriver would
// do this, but since we're bypassing that, we do it directly.
IoSetNextIrpStackLocation( workContext->Irp );
// Set up the restart routine. This routine will verify that the
// endpoint is active when the TdiAccept completes; if it isn't, the
// connection will be closed at that time.
workContext->FsdRestartRoutine = SrvQueueWorkToFspAtDpcLevel; workContext->FspRestartRoutine = SrvRestartAccept;
// Return the connection context (the connection address) to the
// transport. Return a pointer to the Accept IRP. Indicate that
// the Connect event has been handled.
*ConnectionContext = connection; *AcceptIrp = workContext->Irp;
} // SrvFsdTdiConnectHandler
NTSTATUS SrvFsdTdiDisconnectHandler( IN PVOID TdiEventContext, IN CONNECTION_CONTEXT ConnectionContext, IN int DisconnectDataLength, IN PVOID DisconnectData, IN int DisconnectInformationLength, IN PVOID DisconnectInformation, IN ULONG DisconnectFlags )
Routine Description:
This is the transport disconnect event handler for the server. It is specified as the disconnect handler for all endpoints opened by the server. It attempts to dequeue a preformatted receive item from a list anchored in the device object. If successful, it turns this receive item into a disconnect item and queues it to the FSP work queue. Otherwise, the resource thread is started to format additional work items and service pended (dis)connections.
TransportEndpoint - Pointer to file object for receiving endpoint
ConnectionContext - Value associated with endpoint by owner. For the server, this points to a Connection block maintained in nonpaged pool.
DisconnectIndicators - Set of flags indicating the status of the disconnect
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - !!! (apparently ignored by transport driver)
{ PCONNECTION connection; KIRQL oldIrql;
TdiEventContext, DisconnectDataLength, DisconnectData; DisconnectInformationLength, DisconnectInformation, DisconnectFlags;
if( DisconnectFlags & TDI_DISCONNECT_ABORT ) { SrvAbortiveDisconnects++; }
connection = (PCONNECTION)ConnectionContext;
#if SRVDBG29
UpdateConnectionHistory( "DISC", connection->Endpoint, connection ); #endif
IF_DEBUG(FSD2) { KdPrint(( "SrvFsdTdiDisconnectHandler entered for endpoint 0x%p, connection 0x%p\n", TdiEventContext, connection )); }
IF_DEBUG(TDI) { KdPrint(( "SrvFsdTdiDisconnectHandler received disconnect from %z on connection %p\n", (PCSTRING)&connection->OemClientMachineNameString, connection )); }
// Mark the connection and wake up the resource thread so that it
// can service the pending (dis)connections.
ACQUIRE_GLOBAL_SPIN_LOCK( Fsd, &oldIrql ); ACQUIRE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock );
// If the connection is already closing, don't bother queueing it to
// the disconnect queue.
if ( GET_BLOCK_STATE(connection) != BlockStateActive ) {
RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock ); RELEASE_GLOBAL_SPIN_LOCK( Fsd, oldIrql ); return STATUS_SUCCESS;
if ( connection->DisconnectPending ) {
// Error! Error! Error! This connection is already on
// a queue for processing. Ignore the disconnect request.
RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock ); RELEASE_GLOBAL_SPIN_LOCK( Fsd, oldIrql );
INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, "SrvFsdTdiDisconnectHandler: Received unexpected disconnect" "indication", NULL, NULL );
connection->DisconnectPending = TRUE;
if ( connection->OnNeedResourceQueue ) {
// This connection is waiting for a resource. Take it
// off the need resource queue before putting it on the
// disconnect queue.
// *** Note that the connection has already been referenced to
// account for its being on the need-resource queue, so we
// don't reference it again here.
SrvRemoveEntryList( &SrvNeedResourceQueue, &connection->ListEntry ); connection->OnNeedResourceQueue = FALSE;
DEBUG connection->ReceivePending = FALSE;
} else {
// The connection isn't already on the need-resource queue, so
// we need to reference it before we put it on the disconnect
// queue. This is necessary in order to make the code in
// scavengr.c that removes things from the queue work right.
SrvReferenceConnectionLocked( connection );
connection->DisconnectReason = DisconnectTransportIssuedDisconnect; SrvInsertTailList( &SrvDisconnectQueue, &connection->ListEntry );
RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock );
SrvResourceDisconnectPending = TRUE; SrvFsdQueueExWorkItem( &SrvResourceThreadWorkItem, &SrvResourceThreadRunning, CriticalWorkQueue );
} // SrvFsdTdiDisconnectHandler
BOOLEAN SrvFsdAcceptReceive( PCONNECTION Connection, PBYTE Data, ULONG BytesIndicated, ULONG BytesAvailible ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine allows us to trivially reject a receive if we don't think its valid. This can be expanded later to include maintaining a list of bad IP addresses and other such DoS schemes to help protect us more.
Connection - the connection this was received on
Data - Pointer to the availible data
BytesIndicated - the total size of the receive
Bytes Availible - How much is currently pointed at by the Data pointer.
Return Value:
TRUE - Accept receive, FALSE = reject receive
// Trivially reject certain packets
if( BytesIndicated < sizeof(SMB_HEADER)+sizeof(BYTE) ) { return FALSE; }
if( BytesAvailible > sizeof(SMB_HEADER) ) { if( SmbGetUlong(Data) != SMB_HEADER_PROTOCOL ) { return FALSE; }
if( Connection->SmbDialect == SmbDialectIllegal && pHeader->Command != SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE ) { return FALSE; } else if( Connection->SmbDialect != SmbDialectIllegal && pHeader->Command == SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE ) { return FALSE; }
if( SrvSmbIndexTable[pHeader->Command] == ISrvSmbIllegalCommand ) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; } // SrvFsdAcceptReceive
NTSTATUS SrvFsdTdiReceiveHandler ( IN PVOID TdiEventContext, IN CONNECTION_CONTEXT ConnectionContext, IN ULONG ReceiveFlags, IN ULONG BytesIndicated, IN ULONG BytesAvailable, OUT ULONG *BytesTaken, IN PVOID Tsdu, OUT PIRP *IoRequestPacket )
Routine Description:
This is the transport receive event handler for the server. It is specified as the receive handler for all endpoints opened by the server. It attempts to dequeue a preformatted work item from a list anchored in the device object. If this is successful, it returns the IRP associated with the work item to the transport provider to be used to receive the data. Otherwise, the resource thread is awakened to format additional receive work items and service pended connections.
TransportEndpoint - Pointer to file object for receiving endpoint
ConnectionContext - Value associated with endpoint by owner. For the server, this points to a Connection block maintained in nonpaged pool.
ReceiveIndicators - Set of flags indicating the status of the received message
Tsdu - Pointer to received data.
Irp - Returns a pointer to I/O request packet, if the returned status is STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED. This IRP is made the 'current' Receive for the connection.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - If STATUS_SUCCESS, the receive handler completely processed the request. If STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED, the Irp parameter points to a formatted Receive request to be used to receive the data. If STATUS_DATA_NOT_ACCEPTED, no IRP is returned, but the transport provider should check for previously queued Receive requests.
{ NTSTATUS status; PCONNECTION connection; PWORK_CONTEXT workContext; PIRP irp; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp; PWORK_QUEUE queue; ULONG receiveLength; LONG OplocksInProgress; PMDL mdl; PSMB_HEADER pHeader = (PSMB_HEADER)Tsdu;
KIRQL oldIrql;
TdiEventContext; // prevent compiler warnings
connection = (PCONNECTION)ConnectionContext;
IF_DEBUG(FSD2) { KdPrint(( "SrvFsdTdiReceiveHandler entered for endpoint 0x%p, " "connection 0x%p\n", TdiEventContext, connection )); }
// If the connection is closing, don't bother servicing this
// indication.
if ( GET_BLOCK_STATE(connection) == BlockStateActive ) {
// See if we can trivially reject this receive
if( !SrvFsdAcceptReceive( connection, Tsdu, BytesIndicated, BytesAvailable ) ) { // Mark them as suspect. If a DoS is triggered, they will be nuked first.
connection->IsConnectionSuspect = TRUE; return STATUS_DATA_NOT_ACCEPTED; }
// Set the last used timestamp for this connection
GET_SERVER_TIME( connection->CurrentWorkQueue, &connection->LastRequestTime );
if ( !(ReceiveFlags & TDI_RECEIVE_AT_DISPATCH_LEVEL) ) { KeRaiseIrql( DISPATCH_LEVEL, &oldIrql ); }
// See if it's time to home this connection to another
// processor
if( --(connection->BalanceCount) == 0 ) { SrvBalanceLoad( connection ); } #endif
queue = connection->CurrentWorkQueue;
// We're going to either get a free work item and point it to
// the connection, or put the connection on the need-resource
// queue, so we'll need to reference the connection block.
// *** Note that we are able to access the connection block
// because it's in nonpaged pool. Referencing the
// connection block here accounts for the I/O request we're
// 'starting', and prevents the block from being deleted
// until the FSP processes the completed Receive. To make
// all this work right, the transport provider must
// guarantee that it won't deliver any events after it
// delivers a Disconnect event or completes a client-issued
// Disconnect request.
// *** Note that we don't reference the endpoint file object
// directly. The connection block, which we do reference,
// references an endpoint block, which in turn references
// the file object.
// Try to dequeue a work item from the free list.
// Make sure we're not trying to do too much
// Note the 2x in this calculation. The reason for this is that if you have a fast client and a busy server,
// the client can actually turn around and re-use the MID for an operation while the completion call for this
// operation is still stuck in our queue. This means that it is possible for the client to legally have up to
// 2x MpxCt items in our queue. This is an upper-bound to ensure compatibility. Note that this is only the first
// line of defense against DoS, so it is not too bad to allow this many ops through. If they actually get multiple
// connections going and run us out of resources, we will kick in and start aggressively disconnecting suspicious
// connections.
if( (connection->InProgressWorkContextCount > 2*(SrvMaxMpxCount + MAX_MPX_MARGIN)) && !SrvDisableDoSChecking ) { PSMB_HEADER SmbHeader = (PSMB_HEADER)Tsdu;
// We normally don't overrun the above bounds. If we do, lets validate that we are truly exceeding our
// bounds including oplock breaks. Still no good way to include Mailslot operations and echos, so we have a fudge factor.
// Note that the need to do 2x covers this too.
OplocksInProgress = InterlockedCompareExchange( &connection->OplockBreaksInProgress, 0, 0 );
if( !(connection->InProgressWorkContextCount > 2*(SrvMaxMpxCount + OplocksInProgress + MAX_MPX_MARGIN)) ) { goto abort_dos; }
if( connection->ClientIPAddress == LOOPBACK_IP_ADDRESS ) { // The loopback transport is very bad about getting us send completions in a timely manner. Thus
// we don't enforce this portion of the DoS detection against a loopback connection.
goto abort_dos; }
// We're going to enforce the max number of work-items a single client can claim
INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_EXPECTED, "SrvFsdTdiReceiveHandler: client overruning their WorkItem limit", NULL, NULL );
connection->IsConnectionSuspect = TRUE; RunSuspectConnectionAlgorithm = TRUE; status = STATUS_DATA_NOT_ACCEPTED; } else { abort_dos: ALLOCATE_WORK_CONTEXT( queue, &workContext );
if ( workContext != NULL ) {
// We found a work item to handle this receive. Reference
// the connection. Put the work item on the in-progress
// list. Save the connection and endpoint block addresses
// in the work context block.
ACQUIRE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock ); SrvReferenceConnectionLocked( connection );
SrvInsertTailList( &connection->InProgressWorkItemList, &workContext->InProgressListEntry );
RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock );
// Keep track of the amount of data that was indicated
workContext->BytesAvailable = BytesAvailable;
irp = workContext->Irp;
workContext->Connection = connection; workContext->Endpoint = connection->Endpoint;
if( connection->SmbSecuritySignatureActive && BytesIndicated >= FIELD_OFFSET( SMB_HEADER, Command ) ) {
// Save this security signature index
workContext->SmbSecuritySignatureIndex = connection->SmbSecuritySignatureIndex++;
// And if we don't have a CANCEL smb, save the response
// security signature index. We skip this for CANCEL, because
// CANCEL has no response SMB
if( ((PSMB_HEADER)Tsdu)->Command != SMB_COM_NT_CANCEL ) { workContext->ResponseSmbSecuritySignatureIndex =
connection->SmbSecuritySignatureIndex++; } }
// If the entire SMB has been received, and it is completely
// within the indicated data, copy it directly into the
// buffer, avoiding the overhead of passing an IRP down to
// the transport.
if ( ((ReceiveFlags & TDI_RECEIVE_ENTIRE_MESSAGE) != 0) && (BytesIndicated == BytesAvailable) && BytesAvailable <= workContext->RequestBuffer->BufferLength ) {
TdiCopyLookaheadData( workContext->RequestBuffer->Buffer, Tsdu, BytesIndicated, ReceiveFlags );
IndicationsCopied++; #endif
// Pretend the transport completed an IRP by doing what
// the restart routine, which is known to be
// SrvQueueWorkToFspAtDpcLevel, would do.
irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; irp->IoStatus.Information = BytesIndicated;
irp->Cancel = FALSE;
IF_DEBUG(FSD2) { KdPrint(( "FSD working on work context 0x%p", workContext )); } ASSERT( workContext->FsdRestartRoutine == SrvQueueWorkToFspAtDpcLevel );
// *** THE FOLLOWING IS COPIED FROM SrvQueueWorkToFspAtDpcLevel.
// Increment the processing count.
// Insert the work item at the tail of the nonblocking
// work queue.
SrvInsertWorkQueueTail( workContext->CurrentWorkQueue, (PQUEUEABLE_BLOCK_HEADER)workContext );
// Tell the transport that we copied the data.
*BytesTaken = BytesIndicated; *IoRequestPacket = NULL;
} else {
IndicationsNotCopied++; #endif
*BytesTaken = 0; receiveLength = workContext->RequestBuffer->BufferLength; mdl = workContext->RequestBuffer->Mdl;
// We can't copy the indicated data. Set up the receive
// IRP.
irp->Tail.Overlay.OriginalFileObject = NULL; irp->Tail.Overlay.Thread = queue->IrpThread; DEBUG irp->RequestorMode = KernelMode;
// Get a pointer to the next stack location. This one is used to
// hold the parameters for the device I/O control request.
irpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation( irp );
// Set up the completion routine.
IoSetCompletionRoutine( irp, SrvFsdIoCompletionRoutine, workContext, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE );
irpSp->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL; irpSp->MinorFunction = (UCHAR)TDI_RECEIVE;
// Copy the caller's parameters to the service-specific portion of the
// IRP for those parameters that are the same for all three methods.
parameters = (PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL_RECEIVE)&irpSp->Parameters; parameters->ReceiveLength = receiveLength; parameters->ReceiveFlags = 0;
irp->MdlAddress = mdl; irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = NULL;
// Make the next stack location current. Normally
// IoCallDriver would do this, but since we're bypassing
// that, we do it directly. Load the target device
// object address into the stack location. This
// especially important because the server likes to
// reuse IRPs.
irpSp->Flags = 0; irpSp->DeviceObject = connection->DeviceObject; irpSp->FileObject = connection->FileObject;
IoSetNextIrpStackLocation( irp );
ASSERT( irp->StackCount >= irpSp->DeviceObject->StackSize );
// transport provider will use our IRP to service the
// receive.
*IoRequestPacket = irp;
} else {
// No preformatted work items are available. Mark the
// connection, put it on a queue of connections waiting for
// work items, and wake up the resource thread so that it
// can format some more work items and service pended
// connections.
INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_EXPECTED, "SrvFsdTdiReceiveHandler: no receive work items available", NULL, NULL );
connection->NoResponseSignatureIndex = (((PSMB_HEADER)Tsdu)->Command == SMB_COM_NT_CANCEL);
// Remember the amount of data available, so we can set it
// in the workcontext when we eventually find one to use
connection->BytesAvailable = BytesAvailable;
// If we've been under DOS attacks recently, queue a tear-down
if( SrvDoSWorkItemTearDown > SRV_DOS_TEARDOWN_MIN ) { SrvCheckForAndQueueDoS( queue ); }
(VOID)SrvAddToNeedResourceQueue( connection, ReceivePending, NULL );
if ( !(ReceiveFlags & TDI_RECEIVE_AT_DISPATCH_LEVEL) ) { KeLowerIrql( oldIrql ); }
} else {
// The connection is not active. Ignore this message.
return status;
} // SrvFsdTdiReceiveHandler
VOID SrvPnpBindingHandler( IN TDI_PNP_OPCODE PnPOpcode, IN PUNICODE_STRING DeviceName, IN PWSTR MultiSZBindList ) { KAPC_STATE ApcState; BOOLEAN Attached = FALSE;
switch( PnPOpcode ) { case TDI_PNP_OP_DEL: case TDI_PNP_OP_ADD: case TDI_PNP_OP_UPDATE:
IF_DEBUG( PNP ) { KdPrint(("SRV: SrvPnpBindingHandler( %wZ, %u ) entered\n", DeviceName, PnPOpcode )); }
if( IoGetCurrentProcess() != SrvServerProcess ) { IF_DEBUG( PNP ) { KdPrint(("SRV: attach to system process\n" )); } FsRtlEnterFileSystem(); KeStackAttachProcess( SrvServerProcess, &ApcState ); Attached = TRUE; }
if ((PnPOpcode == TDI_PNP_OP_DEL) || (PnPOpcode == TDI_PNP_OP_ADD)) { SrvXsPnpOperation( DeviceName, (BOOLEAN)(PnPOpcode == TDI_PNP_OP_ADD) ); }
if( Attached == TRUE ) { KeUnstackDetachProcess( &ApcState ); FsRtlExitFileSystem(); }
IF_DEBUG( PNP ) { KdPrint(("SRV: SrvPnpBindingHandler( %p, %u ) returning\n", DeviceName, PnPOpcode )); }
default: break; }
// This routine can not be pageable, since the set power state calls can
// come through with the disk already disabled. We need to make sure that
// no pageable code is invoked. Fortunately, we don't need to do anything
// on a set power state
IF_DEBUG( PNP ) { KdPrint(( "SRV: SrvPnpPowerHandler( %wZ, %u )\n", DeviceName, PnPEvent->NetEvent )); }
switch( PnPEvent->NetEvent ) { case NetEventQueryPower:
if( PnPEvent->BufferLength != sizeof( powerState ) ) { IF_DEBUG( ERRORS ) { KdPrint(( "SRV: NetEventQueryPower BufferLength %u (should be %u)\n", PnPEvent->BufferLength, sizeof( powerState ) )); } break; }
powerState = *(PNET_DEVICE_POWER_STATE)(PnPEvent->Buffer);
// Powering up is always OK!
if( powerState == NetDeviceStateD0 ) { break; }
// Lack of break is intentional
case NetEventQueryRemoveDevice:
// The following code is disabled, because we couldn't come up with a reasonable
// way to present UI to the user on failure. We know this leg of the code is only
// executed when the user specifically wants to standby the system or remove a device.
// The analogy is that of a TV set -- if the user wants to turn off the system, then who
// are we to say "no"?
// If this is really the decision, then IMHO the system shouldn't even ask us. But
// that's a battle long lost.
#if 0
// Run through the endpoints using this device. If any clients are
// connected, refuse the change.
ACQUIRE_LOCK( &SrvEndpointLock );
listEntry = SrvEndpointList.ListHead.Flink;
while( listEntry != &SrvEndpointList.ListHead ) {
PENDPOINT endpoint = CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, ENDPOINT, GlobalEndpointListEntry );
if( GET_BLOCK_STATE( endpoint ) == BlockStateActive && RtlEqualUnicodeString( DeviceName, &endpoint->TransportName, TRUE ) ) {
USHORT index = (USHORT)-1; PCONNECTION connection = WalkConnectionTable( endpoint, &index );
if( connection != NULL ) { IF_DEBUG( PNP ) { KdPrint((" Endpoint %X, Connection %X\n", endpoint, connection )); KdPrint((" SRV rejects power down request!\n" )); } //
// We have found a connected client. Cannot allow powerdown.
SrvDereferenceConnection( connection ); status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; break; } }
listEntry = listEntry->Flink; }
RELEASE_LOCK( &SrvEndpointLock ); #endif
break; }
IF_DEBUG( PNP ) { KdPrint(( " SrvPnpPowerHandler status %X\n", status )); }
return status; }
Routine Description:
This function removes a receive work item from the free queue. It can be called at either Passive or DPC level
Return Value:
PWORK_CONTEXT - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT structure, or NULL if none exists. --*/
{ PSLIST_ENTRY listEntry; PWORK_CONTEXT workContext; ULONG i; KIRQL oldIrql; NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN AllocFailed = FALSE;
ASSERT( queue >= SrvWorkQueues && queue < eSrvWorkQueues );
// Try to get a work context block from the initial work queue first.
// If this fails, try the normal work queue. If this fails, try to allocate
// one. If we still failed, schedule a worker thread to allocate some later.
listEntry = ExInterlockedPopEntrySList( &queue->InitialWorkItemList, &queue->SpinLock );
if ( listEntry == NULL ) {
listEntry = ExInterlockedPopEntrySList( &queue->NormalWorkItemList, &queue->SpinLock );
if( listEntry == NULL ) {
IF_DEBUG( WORKITEMS ) { KdPrint(("No workitems for queue %p\n", (PVOID)(queue-SrvWorkQueues) )); }
Status = SrvAllocateNormalWorkItem( &workContext, queue ); if( workContext != NULL ) { IF_DEBUG( WORKITEMS ) { KdPrint(("SrvFsdGetReceiveWorkItem: new work context %p\n", workContext )); } SrvPrepareReceiveWorkItem( workContext, FALSE ); INITIALIZE_WORK_CONTEXT( queue, workContext ); return workContext; } else { if( Status == STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ) { AllocFailed = TRUE; } }
// Before we steal from another processor, ensure that
// we're setup to replenish this exhausted free list
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK( &queue->SpinLock, &oldIrql ); if( queue->AllocatedWorkItems < queue->MaximumWorkItems && GET_BLOCK_TYPE(&queue->CreateMoreWorkItems) == BlockTypeGarbage ) {
SET_BLOCK_TYPE( &queue->CreateMoreWorkItems, BlockTypeWorkContextSpecial ); queue->CreateMoreWorkItems.FspRestartRoutine = SrvServiceWorkItemShortage; SrvInsertWorkQueueHead( queue, &queue->CreateMoreWorkItems ); } RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK( &queue->SpinLock, oldIrql );
// We couldn't find a work item on our processor's free queue.
// See if we can steal one from another processor
IF_DEBUG( WORKITEMS ) { KdPrint(("Looking for workitems on other processors\n" )); }
// Look around for a workitem we can borrow
for( i = SrvNumberOfProcessors; i > 1; --i ) {
if( ++queue == eSrvWorkQueues ) queue = SrvWorkQueues;
listEntry = ExInterlockedPopEntrySList( &queue->InitialWorkItemList, &queue->SpinLock );
if( listEntry == NULL ) { listEntry = ExInterlockedPopEntrySList( &queue->NormalWorkItemList, &queue->SpinLock ); if( listEntry == NULL ) {
Status = SrvAllocateNormalWorkItem( &workContext, queue );
if( workContext != NULL ) { //
// Got a workItem from another processor's queue!
IF_DEBUG( WORKITEMS ) { KdPrint(("SrvFsdGetReceiveWorkItem: new work context %p\n", workContext )); }
SrvPrepareReceiveWorkItem( workContext, FALSE ); INITIALIZE_WORK_CONTEXT( queue, workContext ); return workContext; } else { if( Status == STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ) { AllocFailed = TRUE; } }
// Make sure this processor knows it is low on workitems
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK( &queue->SpinLock, &oldIrql ); if( queue->AllocatedWorkItems < queue->MaximumWorkItems && GET_BLOCK_TYPE(&queue->CreateMoreWorkItems) == BlockTypeGarbage ) {
SET_BLOCK_TYPE( &queue->CreateMoreWorkItems, BlockTypeWorkContextSpecial );
queue->CreateMoreWorkItems.FspRestartRoutine = SrvServiceWorkItemShortage; SrvInsertWorkQueueHead( queue, &queue->CreateMoreWorkItems ); }
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK( &queue->SpinLock, oldIrql ); continue; } }
// Got a workItem from another processor's queue!
break; } #endif
if( listEntry == NULL ) { //
// We didn't have any free workitems on our queue, and
// we couldn't borrow a workitem from another processor.
// Give up!
IF_DEBUG( WORKITEMS ) { KdPrint(("No workitems anywhere!\n" )); } ++SrvStatistics.WorkItemShortages;
if( !AllocFailed ) { SrvCheckForAndQueueDoS( queue ); }
return NULL; } } }
// We've successfully gotten a free workitem of a processor's queue.
// (it may not be our processor).
IF_DEBUG( WORKITEMS ) { if( queue != PROCESSOR_TO_QUEUE() ) { KdPrint(("\tGot WORK_ITEM from processor %p\n" , (PVOID)(queue - SrvWorkQueues) )); } }
// Decrement the count of free receive work items.
InterlockedDecrement( &queue->FreeWorkItems );
if( queue->FreeWorkItems < queue->MinFreeWorkItems && queue->AllocatedWorkItems < queue->MaximumWorkItems && GET_BLOCK_TYPE(&queue->CreateMoreWorkItems) == BlockTypeGarbage ) {
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK( &queue->SpinLock, &oldIrql );
if( queue->FreeWorkItems < queue->MinFreeWorkItems && queue->AllocatedWorkItems < queue->MaximumWorkItems && GET_BLOCK_TYPE(&queue->CreateMoreWorkItems) == BlockTypeGarbage ) {
// We're running short of free workitems. Queue a request to
// allocate more of them.
SET_BLOCK_TYPE( &queue->CreateMoreWorkItems, BlockTypeWorkContextSpecial );
queue->CreateMoreWorkItems.FspRestartRoutine = SrvServiceWorkItemShortage; SrvInsertWorkQueueHead( queue, &queue->CreateMoreWorkItems ); }
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK( &queue->SpinLock, oldIrql ); }
workContext = CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, WORK_CONTEXT, SingleListEntry ); ASSERT( workContext->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount == 0 ); ASSERT( workContext->CurrentWorkQueue != NULL );
INITIALIZE_WORK_CONTEXT( queue, workContext );
return workContext;
} // SrvFsdGetReceiveWorkItem
VOID SRVFASTCALL SrvFsdRequeueReceiveWorkItem ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext )
Routine Description:
This routine requeues a Receive work item to the queue in the server FSD device object. This routine is called when processing of a receive work item is done.
WorkContext - Supplies a pointer to the work context block associated with the receive buffer and IRP. The following fields must be valid:
Connection TdiRequest Irp RequestBuffer RequestBuffer->BufferLength RequestBuffer->Mdl
Return Value:
{ PCONNECTION connection; PSMB_HEADER header; KIRQL oldIrql; PBUFFER requestBuffer;
IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) KdPrint(( "SrvFsdRequeueReceiveWorkItem entered\n" )); IF_DEBUG(NET2) { KdPrint(( " Work context %p, request buffer %p\n", WorkContext, WorkContext->RequestBuffer )); KdPrint(( " IRP %p, MDL %p\n", WorkContext->Irp, WorkContext->RequestBuffer->Mdl )); }
// Save the connection pointer before reinitializing the work item.
connection = WorkContext->Connection; ASSERT( connection != NULL );
ASSERT( WorkContext->Share == NULL ); ASSERT( WorkContext->Session == NULL ); ASSERT( WorkContext->TreeConnect == NULL ); ASSERT( WorkContext->Rfcb == NULL );
// Reset the IRP cancelled bit, in case it was set during
// operation.
WorkContext->Irp->Cancel = FALSE;
// Set up the restart routine in the work context.
WorkContext->FsdRestartRoutine = SrvQueueWorkToFspAtDpcLevel; WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = SrvRestartReceive;
// Make sure the length specified in the MDL is correct -- it may
// have changed while sending a response to the previous request.
// Call an I/O subsystem routine to build the I/O request packet.
requestBuffer = WorkContext->RequestBuffer; requestBuffer->Mdl->ByteCount = requestBuffer->BufferLength;
// Replace the Response buffer.
WorkContext->ResponseBuffer = requestBuffer;
header = (PSMB_HEADER)requestBuffer->Buffer;
//WorkContext->RequestHeader = header;
ASSERT( WorkContext->RequestHeader == header );
WorkContext->ResponseHeader = header; WorkContext->ResponseParameters = (PVOID)(header + 1); WorkContext->RequestParameters = (PVOID)(header + 1);
// Initialize this to zero so this will not be mistakenly cancelled
// by SrvSmbNtCancel.
SmbPutAlignedUshort( &WorkContext->RequestHeader->Uid, (USHORT)0 );
// Remove the work item from the in-progress list.
KeRaiseIrql( DISPATCH_LEVEL, &oldIrql ); ACQUIRE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock );
SrvRemoveEntryList( &connection->InProgressWorkItemList, &WorkContext->InProgressListEntry ); connection->InProgressWorkContextCount--;
// Attempt to dereference the connection.
if ( --connection->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount == 0 ) {
// The refcount went to zero. We can't handle this with the
// spin lock held. Reset the refcount, then release the lock,
// then check to see whether we can continue here.
// We're in the FSD, so we can't do this here. We need
// to tell our caller this.
RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock );
// orphaned. Send to Boys Town.
DispatchToOrphanage( (PVOID)connection ); connection = NULL;
} else {
UPDATE_REFERENCE_HISTORY( connection, TRUE ); RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock ); }
KeLowerIrql( oldIrql );
// Requeue the work item.
} // SrvFsdRequeueReceiveWorkItem
NTSTATUS SrvFsdRestartSendOplockIItoNone( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext )
Routine Description:
This routine is the send completion routine for oplock breaks from II to None. This is handled differently from other oplock breaks in that we don't queue it to the OplockBreaksInProgressList but increment our count so we will not have raw reads while this is being sent.
This is done in such a manner as to be safe at DPC level.
DeviceObject - Pointer to target device object for the request.
Irp - Pointer to I/O request packet
WorkContext - Caller-specified context parameter associated with IRP. This is actually a pointer to a Work Context block.
Return Value:
{ KIRQL oldIrql; PCONNECTION connection;
IF_DEBUG(OPLOCK) { KdPrint(("SrvFsdRestartSendOplockIItoNone: Oplock send complete.\n")); }
// Check the status of the send completion.
// Reset the IRP cancelled bit.
Irp->Cancel = FALSE;
KeRaiseIrql( DISPATCH_LEVEL, &oldIrql );
// Mark the connection to indicate that we just sent a break II to
// none. If the next SMB received is a raw read, we will return a
// zero-byte send. This is necessary because the client doesn't
// respond to this break, so we don't really know when they've
// received it. But when we receive an SMB, we know that they've
// gotten it. Note that a non-raw SMB could be on its way when we
// send the break, and we'll clear the flag, but since the client
// needs to lock the VC to do the raw read, it must receive the SMB
// response (and hence the oplock break) before it can send the raw
// read. If a raw read crosses with the oplock break, it will be
// rejected because the OplockBreaksInProgress count is nonzero.
connection = WorkContext->Connection; connection->BreakIIToNoneJustSent = TRUE;
ExInterlockedAddUlong( &connection->OplockBreaksInProgress, (ULONG)-1, connection->EndpointSpinLock );
SrvFsdRestartSmbComplete( WorkContext );
KeLowerIrql( oldIrql ); return(STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED);
} // SrvFsdRestartSendOplockIItoNone
VOID SRVFASTCALL SrvFsdRestartSmbComplete ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext )
Routine Description:
This routine is called when all request processing on an SMB is complete, including sending a response, if any. This routine dereferences control blocks and requeues the work item to the receive work item list.
This is done in such a manner as to be safe at DPC level.
WorkContext - Supplies a pointer to the work context block containing information about the SMB.
Return Value:
{ PRFCB rfcb; ULONG oldCount;
ASSERT( KeGetCurrentIrql() == DISPATCH_LEVEL );
IF_DEBUG(FSD2) KdPrint(( "SrvFsdRestartSmbComplete entered\n" ));
// If we may have backlogged oplock breaks to send, do the work
// in the FSP.
if ( WorkContext->OplockOpen ) { goto queueToFsp; }
// Attempt to dereference the file block.
rfcb = WorkContext->Rfcb;
if ( rfcb != NULL ) { oldCount = ExInterlockedAddUlong( &rfcb->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount, (ULONG)-1, &rfcb->Connection->SpinLock );
if ( oldCount == 1 ) { UPDATE_REFERENCE_HISTORY( rfcb, FALSE ); (VOID) ExInterlockedAddUlong( &rfcb->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount, (ULONG) 1, &rfcb->Connection->SpinLock ); goto queueToFsp; }
WorkContext->Rfcb = NULL; }
// If this was a blocking operation, update the blocking i/o count.
if ( WorkContext->BlockingOperation ) { InterlockedDecrement( &SrvBlockingOpsInProgress ); WorkContext->BlockingOperation = FALSE; }
// !!! Need to handle failure of response send -- kill connection?
// Attempt to dereference the work item. This will fail (and
// automatically be queued to the FSP) if it cannot be done from
// within the FSD.
SrvFsdDereferenceWorkItem( WorkContext );
// We were unable to do all the necessary cleanup at DPC level.
// Queue the work item to the FSP.
WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = SrvRestartFsdComplete; SrvQueueWorkToFspAtDpcLevel( WorkContext );
IF_DEBUG(FSD2) KdPrint(( "SrvFsdRestartSmbComplete complete\n" )); return;
} // SrvFsdRestartSmbComplete
NTSTATUS SrvFsdRestartSmbAtSendCompletion ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject OPTIONAL, IN PIRP Irp, IN PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext )
Routine Description:
Send completion routine for all request processing on an SMB is complete, including sending a response, if any. This routine dereferences control blocks and requeues the work item to the receive work item list.
This is done in such a manner as to be safe at DPC level.
DeviceObject - Pointer to target device object for the request.
Irp - Pointer to I/O request packet
WorkContext - Caller-specified context parameter associated with IRP. This is actually a pointer to a Work Context block.
Return Value:
{ PRFCB rfcb; KIRQL oldIrql;
ULONG oldCount;
IF_DEBUG(FSD2)KdPrint(( "SrvFsdRestartSmbComplete entered\n" ));
// Check the status of the send completion.
// Reset the IRP cancelled bit.
Irp->Cancel = FALSE;
// Free any associated buffers
if( Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer != NULL && (Irp->Flags & IRP_DEALLOCATE_BUFFER) ) {
ExFreePool( Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer ); Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = NULL; Irp->Flags &= ~IRP_DEALLOCATE_BUFFER; }
KeRaiseIrql( DISPATCH_LEVEL, &oldIrql );
// If we may have backlogged oplock breaks to send, do the work
// in the FSP.
if ( WorkContext->OplockOpen ) { goto queueToFsp; }
// Attempt to dereference the file block. We can do this without acquiring
// SrvFsdSpinlock around the decrement/increment pair since the ref
// count cannot be zero unless the rfcb is closed and we are the last
// reference to it. None of our code references the rfcb when it has been
// closed.
rfcb = WorkContext->Rfcb;
if ( rfcb != NULL ) { oldCount = ExInterlockedAddUlong( &rfcb->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount, (ULONG)-1, &rfcb->Connection->SpinLock );
if ( oldCount == 1 ) { UPDATE_REFERENCE_HISTORY( rfcb, FALSE ); (VOID) ExInterlockedAddUlong( &rfcb->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount, (ULONG) 1, &rfcb->Connection->SpinLock ); goto queueToFsp; }
WorkContext->Rfcb = NULL; }
// If this was a blocking operation, update the blocking i/o count.
if ( WorkContext->BlockingOperation ) { InterlockedDecrement( &SrvBlockingOpsInProgress ); WorkContext->BlockingOperation = FALSE; }
// !!! Need to handle failure of response send -- kill connection?
// Attempt to dereference the work item. This will fail (and
// automatically be queued to the FSP) if it cannot be done from
// within the FSD.
SrvFsdDereferenceWorkItem( WorkContext );
KeLowerIrql( oldIrql ); return(STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED);
// We were unable to do all the necessary cleanup at DPC level.
// Queue the work item to the FSP.
WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = SrvRestartFsdComplete; SrvQueueWorkToFspAtDpcLevel( WorkContext );
KeLowerIrql( oldIrql ); IF_DEBUG(FSD2) KdPrint(( "SrvFsdRestartSmbComplete complete\n" )); return(STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED);
} // SrvFsdRestartSmbAtSendCompletion
VOID SrvFsdServiceNeedResourceQueue ( IN PWORK_CONTEXT *WorkContext, IN PKIRQL OldIrql )
Routine Description:
This function attempts to service a receive pending by creating a new SMB buffer and passing it on to the transport provider.
*** SrvFsdSpinLock held when called. Held on exit *** *** EndpointSpinLock held when called. Held on exit ***
WorkContext - A pointer to the work context block that will be used to service the connection. If the work context supplied was used, a null will be returned here. *** The workcontext block must be referencing the connection on entry. ***
OldIrql -
Return Value:
TRUE, if there is still work left for this connection. FALSE, otherwise.
{ PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp; PIRP irp; PWORK_CONTEXT workContext = *WorkContext; PCONNECTION connection = workContext->Connection;
IF_DEBUG( OPLOCK ) { KdPrint(("SrvFsdServiceNeedResourceQueue: entered. WorkContext %p , Connection = %p.\n", workContext, connection )); }
// If there are any oplock break sends pending, supply the WCB.
if ( !IsListEmpty( &connection->OplockWorkList ) ) {
PLIST_ENTRY listEntry; PRFCB rfcb;
// Dequeue the oplock context from the list of pending oplock
// sends.
listEntry = RemoveHeadList( &connection->OplockWorkList );
rfcb = CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, RFCB, ListEntry );
#if DBG
rfcb->ListEntry.Flink = rfcb->ListEntry.Blink = NULL; #endif
IF_DEBUG( OPLOCK ) { KdPrint(("SrvFsdServiceNeedResourceQueue: rfcb %p removed from OplockWorkList.\n", rfcb )); }
// The connection spinlock guards the rfcb block header.
ACQUIRE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( &connection->SpinLock);
if ( GET_BLOCK_STATE( rfcb ) != BlockStateActive ) {
// This file is closing, don't bother send the oplock break
// Attempt to dereference the file block.
IF_DEBUG( OPLOCK ) { KdPrint(("SrvFsdServiceNeedResourceQueue: rfcb %p closing.\n", rfcb)); }
connection->OplockBreaksInProgress--; if ( --rfcb->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount == 0 ) {
// Put the work item on the in-progress list.
SrvInsertTailList( &connection->InProgressWorkItemList, &workContext->InProgressListEntry ); connection->InProgressWorkContextCount++;
UPDATE_REFERENCE_HISTORY( rfcb, FALSE ); rfcb->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount++;
RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( &connection->SpinLock); RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock); RELEASE_GLOBAL_SPIN_LOCK( Fsd, *OldIrql );
// Send this to the Fsp
workContext->Rfcb = rfcb; workContext->FspRestartRoutine = SrvRestartFsdComplete; SrvQueueWorkToFsp( workContext ); goto exit_used;
} else {
// Before we get rid of the workcontext block, see
// if we need to do more work for this connection.
if ( !IsListEmpty(&connection->OplockWorkList) || connection->ReceivePending) {
IF_DEBUG( OPLOCK ) { KdPrint(("SrvFsdServiceNeedResourceQueue: Reusing WorkContext block %p.\n", workContext )); }
RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( &connection->SpinLock); goto restart; }
RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( &connection->SpinLock); RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock); RELEASE_GLOBAL_SPIN_LOCK( Fsd, *OldIrql );
IF_DEBUG( OPLOCK ) { KdPrint(("SrvFsdServiceNeedResourceQueue: WorkContext block not used.\n")); }
SrvDereferenceConnection( connection ); workContext->Connection = NULL; workContext->Endpoint = NULL; goto exit_not_used; } }
RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( &connection->SpinLock);
// Put the work item on the in-progress list.
SrvInsertTailList( &connection->InProgressWorkItemList, &workContext->InProgressListEntry ); connection->InProgressWorkContextCount++;
// Copy the oplock work queue RFCB reference to the work
// context block. There is no need to re-reference the RFCB.
RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock); RELEASE_GLOBAL_SPIN_LOCK( Fsd, *OldIrql ); workContext->Rfcb = rfcb;
IF_DEBUG( OPLOCK ) { KdPrint(("SrvFsdServiceNeedResourceQueue: Sending oplock break.\n")); }
SrvRestartOplockBreakSend( workContext );
} else {
IF_DEBUG( OPLOCK ) { KdPrint(("SrvFsdServiceNeedResourceQueue: Have ReceivePending.\n")); }
// Offer the newly free, or newly created, SMB buffer to the
// transport to complete the receive.
// *** Note that the connection has already been referenced in
// SrvFsdTdiReceiveHandler.
connection->ReceivePending = FALSE;
// Check the request security signature, and calculate the response signature
if( connection->SmbSecuritySignatureActive ) {
// Save this security signature index
workContext->SmbSecuritySignatureIndex = connection->SmbSecuritySignatureIndex++;
// Save the response signature index, if we require one
if( connection->NoResponseSignatureIndex == FALSE ) {
workContext->ResponseSmbSecuritySignatureIndex = connection->SmbSecuritySignatureIndex++; } }
// Put the work item on the in-progress list.
SrvInsertTailList( &connection->InProgressWorkItemList, &workContext->InProgressListEntry ); connection->InProgressWorkContextCount++;
// Remember the amount of data that is avilable, in case it
// turns out to be a LargeIndication.
workContext->BytesAvailable = connection->BytesAvailable;
// Finish setting up the IRP. This involves putting the
// file object and device object addresses in the IRP.
RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock); RELEASE_GLOBAL_SPIN_LOCK( Fsd, *OldIrql );
irp = workContext->Irp;
// Build the receive irp
(VOID)SrvBuildIoControlRequest( irp, // input IRP address
NULL, // target file object address
workContext, // context
TDI_RECEIVE, // minor function
NULL, // input buffer address
0, // input buffer length
workContext->RequestBuffer->Buffer, // output buffer address
workContext->RequestBuffer->BufferLength, // output buffer length
workContext->RequestBuffer->Mdl, // MDL address
NULL // completion routine
// Get a pointer to the next stack location. This one is used to
// hold the parameters for the receive request.
irpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation( irp );
irpSp->Flags = 0; irpSp->DeviceObject = connection->DeviceObject; irpSp->FileObject = connection->FileObject;
ASSERT( irp->StackCount >= irpSp->DeviceObject->StackSize );
// Pass the SMB buffer to the driver.
IoCallDriver( irpSp->DeviceObject, irp );
// We made good use of the work context block.
*WorkContext = NULL;
IF_DEBUG( OPLOCK ) { KdPrint(("SrvFsdServiceNeedResourceQueue: WorkContext block used.\n")); }
ACQUIRE_GLOBAL_SPIN_LOCK( Fsd, OldIrql ); ACQUIRE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( connection->EndpointSpinLock); return;
} // SrvFsdServiceNeedResourceQueue
Routine Description:
This function appends a connection to the need resource queue. The connection is marked indicating what resource is needed, and the resource thread is started to do the work.
Connection - The connection that need a resource. Resource - The resource that is needed. Rfcb - A pointer to the RFCB that needs the resource.
Return Value:
{ KIRQL oldIrql;
ACQUIRE_GLOBAL_SPIN_LOCK( Fsd, &oldIrql ); ACQUIRE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( Connection->EndpointSpinLock );
IF_DEBUG( WORKITEMS ) { KdPrint(("SrvAddToNeedResourceQueue entered. connection = %p, type %d\n", Connection, ResourceType)); }
// Check again to see if the connection is closing. If it is,
// don't bother putting it on the need resource queue.
// *** We have to do this while holding the need-resource queue
// spin lock in order to synchronize with
// SrvCloseConnection. We don't want to queue this
// connection after SrvCloseConnection tries to take it off
// the queue.
if ( GET_BLOCK_STATE(Connection) != BlockStateActive || Connection->DisconnectPending ) {
RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( Connection->EndpointSpinLock ); RELEASE_GLOBAL_SPIN_LOCK( Fsd, oldIrql );
IF_DEBUG( WORKITEMS ) { KdPrint(("SrvAddToNeedResourceQueue: connection closing. Not queued\n")); }
return FALSE;
// Mark the connection so that the resource thread will know what to
// do with this connection.
switch ( ResourceType ) {
case ReceivePending:
ASSERT( !Connection->ReceivePending ); Connection->ReceivePending = TRUE; break;
case OplockSendPending:
// Queue the context information to the connection, if necessary.
SrvInsertTailList( &Connection->OplockWorkList, &Rfcb->ListEntry );
// Put the connection on the need-resource queue and increment its
// reference count.
if( Connection->OnNeedResourceQueue == FALSE ) {
Connection->OnNeedResourceQueue = TRUE;
SrvInsertTailList( &SrvNeedResourceQueue, &Connection->ListEntry );
SrvReferenceConnectionLocked( Connection );
IF_DEBUG( WORKITEMS ) { KdPrint(("SrvAddToNeedResourceQueue: connection %p inserted on the queue.\n", Connection)); } }
RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( Connection->EndpointSpinLock );
// Make sure we know that this connection needs a WorkItem
InterlockedIncrement( &Connection->CurrentWorkQueue->NeedWorkItem );
IF_DEBUG( WORKITEMS ) { KdPrint(("SrvAddToNeedResourceQueue complete: NeedWorkItem = %d\n", Connection->CurrentWorkQueue->NeedWorkItem )); }
return TRUE;
} // SrvAddToNeedResourceQueue
VOID SrvCheckForAndQueueDoS( PWORK_QUEUE queue ) { KIRQL oldIrql; LARGE_INTEGER CurrentTime; BOOLEAN LogEvent = FALSE;
if( !SrvDisableDoSChecking && queue->AllocatedWorkItems >= queue->MaximumWorkItems ) { // Potential DoS
SrvDoSDetected = TRUE;
// Make sure we only queue one of these at a time globally
KeQuerySystemTime( &CurrentTime );
if( CurrentTime.QuadPart > SrvDoSLastRan.QuadPart + SRV_DOS_MINIMUM_DOS_WAIT_PERIOD ) { // Setup a refresher/DOS item
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK( &queue->SpinLock, &oldIrql ); ACQUIRE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( &SrvDosSpinLock );
if( GET_BLOCK_TYPE(&SrvDoSWorkItem) == BlockTypeGarbage ) {
SET_BLOCK_TYPE( &SrvDoSWorkItem, BlockTypeWorkContextSpecial );
if( SrvDoSLastRan.QuadPart + SRV_ONE_DAY < CurrentTime.QuadPart ) { // Only log events when there has been no DoS for 24 hours
LogEvent = TRUE; }
SrvDoSLastRan = CurrentTime; SrvDoSWorkItem.FspRestartRoutine = SrvServiceDoSTearDown; SrvDoSWorkItem.CurrentWorkQueue = queue; SrvInsertWorkQueueHead( queue, &SrvDoSWorkItem ); } else { // Some error occurred, leave the DoS for another queue
RELEASE_DPC_SPIN_LOCK( &SrvDosSpinLock ); RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK( &queue->SpinLock, oldIrql ); } else { SRV_DOS_COMPLETE_TEARDOWN(); }
// Log the event if necessary
if( LogEvent ) { SrvLogError( SrvDeviceObject, EVENT_SRV_OUT_OF_WORK_ITEM_DOS, STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 ); } } } }